Credit not showing on account

I purchased US$10.00 in credit several weeks ago. I logged on tonight and my call history and credit balance do not display. I'm new to skype and probably doing something wrong, but I'd appreciate your help. Thank you.

I read in another post that all I needed to do was to make a phone call to update my balance information.  I did that, my balance updated, as did my call history.  All is well.

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    May be while copying the application "My Accounts" is not copied.
    But you can create one by saving the Query.
    Seelct "My Account" in the Find DDLB while in adv search and save the query as "My accounts".
    It will be added to the SHOW DDLB.
    Cheers, Raj

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    I would call my credit card company and dispute the charge, and tell them why.
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    I tested this issue and I can reproduce it in my environment. However, as far as I know, this behavior won't affect the usage of the address book.
    I searched the internal resource but I cannot find a bug report regarding this issue. If you have any suggestion about this issue, you can submit a feedback via:
    Best Regards, 
    Steve Fan
    TechNet Community Support
    It's recommended to download and install
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    Thank you for your reply.
    Juan Carlos

    I would expect the new address to show up in those boxes when you have made a draft, put something in the trash or sent something from the new address.
    With one address those boxes do not show until something is in them.
    Hope that is clear enough.

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        WHERE belnr = doc_no
        and   bukrs = com_code
        AND   gjahr = year.
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        FOR ALL ENTRIES IN it_bkpf
        WHERE docnr = it_bkpf-belnr.
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        READ TABLE it_bsak INTO wa_bsak WITH KEY BELNR = wa_faglflexa-docnr.
        READ TABLE it_ska1 INTO wa_ska1 WITH KEY saknr = wa_faglflexa-racct.
    *    wa_final-dmbtr = wa_bseg-dmbtr.
          IF  wa_faglflexa-bschl = '50' AND wa_faglflexa-drcrk = 'H'. " For Debit  wa_faglflexa-drcrk = 'H' AND
          wa_final-debit = wa_faglflexa-tsl.
          IF   wa_faglflexa-bschl = '25' AND wa_faglflexa-drcrk = 'S'.  " For Credit wa_faglflexa-drcrk = 'S' AND
          wa_final-credit = wa_faglflexa-tsl.
        wa_final-lifnr = wa_bsak-lifnr.
        wa_final-racct = wa_faglflexa-racct.
        wa_final-txt50 = wa_ska1-txt50.
        APPEND wa_final to it_final.
    But debit and credit not coming correctly.  Please help me to solve the issue.
    With regards,

    Hi I don't know why you have not clear wa_final after appending to it_final, so I did bolow change, please check.
    Here while looping  it_faglflexa, all the time it_final gets appended.
    If you won't clear wa_final then entries of previouse entry may get mixed up.
    Please try below code.
    SELECT belnr bukrs gjahr budat INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE it_bkpf FROM bkpf
        WHERE belnr = doc_no
        and   bukrs = com_code
        AND   gjahr = year.
      SELECT docnr racct tsl drcrk bschl INTO CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF TABLE it_faglflexa FROM faglflexa  
        FOR ALL ENTRIES IN it_bkpf
        WHERE docnr = it_bkpf-belnr.
    LOOP AT it_faglflexa INTO wa_faglflexa.
        READ TABLE it_bsak INTO wa_bsak WITH KEY BELNR = wa_faglflexa-docnr.
        READ TABLE it_ska1 INTO wa_ska1 WITH KEY saknr = wa_faglflexa-racct.
    *    wa_final-dmbtr = wa_bseg-dmbtr.
          IF  wa_faglflexa-bschl = '50' AND wa_faglflexa-drcrk = 'H'. " For Debit  wa_faglflexa-drcrk = 'H' AND
          wa_final-debit = wa_faglflexa-tsl.
          IF   wa_faglflexa-bschl = '25' AND wa_faglflexa-drcrk = 'S'.  " For Credit wa_faglflexa-drcrk = 'S' AND
          wa_final-credit = wa_faglflexa-tsl.
        wa_final-lifnr = wa_bsak-lifnr.
        wa_final-racct = wa_faglflexa-racct.
        wa_final-txt50 = wa_ska1-txt50.
        APPEND wa_final to it_final.
       clear wa_final. " added

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    Try signing out then back in to refresh your account info. If the store credits will still not update, best to contact support and have your account checked

  • $10 Rewards Certificate earned & issued yesterday, NOT showing in account today! :(

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    I looked at my My Best Buy account today, and saw that I only had 31 points. Apperantly, yesterday I had been issued my $10 rewards certificate, yet it's NOT showing on my account! Your support team on Twitter said that it should've been there automatically, yet I was told by 3 agents over the phone that I had to wait at least 24 hours or longer for it to show up. I was awarded a tiny customer satisfaction reward (1 point).
    I was going to use the certificate + 2 mostly used gift cards towards a movie that just came out and is now on sale, but now I can't buy it from your store until the certificate is issued.
    Please resolve this matter very soon so I can buy my movie!
    Thank you in advance for your quick reply!

    Hello FS81,
    I hope you have enjoyed your Wednesday so far.
    I 100% agree with you that it should not be that difficult to get a straight answer about the status of your $10 certificate.  As you may read in other threads on the forum, a certificate will usually post immediately; however, there are times where it may take a little longer, but it should not take more than 24 hours.  Please feel free to send me a private message with the information below if you still cannot access your certificate after 24 hours and I will see what I can do to help.  A private message can be sent by clicking on the blue button in my signature labeled "Private Message."
    Phone #
    Email address
    My Best Buy™ ID #
    Thank you for taking the time to post to the forum and for being a My Best Buy™ member.
    Derek|Social Media Specialist | Best Buy® Corporate
     Private Message

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    Hi Sachin
    From what I gather from your Qs, is that the accounting document was NOT created at the time of billing
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    I loaded $25 from a temporary debit card
    That's not possible to do.
    The only way you add an amount to iTunes is to purchase an iTunes gift certificate or an iTunes card and redeem it.
    You can add a debit/credit card to your iTunes account but it is only charged when you actually make a purchase.
    How did you "load" $25 into your iTunes account?

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    I am assuming that this mail is coming into the Mail App, not another third party app, correct?
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