Criteria group for employeeid range

I'm trying to create a criteria group for all our company emplyees that have employeeid  between 1 and 8999 + between 20000 sn 29999.
from what i have mahaged to find it should work with 2 range rules
"employeeid is [1-8999]"
"employeeid is [20000-29999]"
but this criteria does not return any users when i press view memebers.
how should i set the criteria so the users will be included ?

Hi octavmarius.
I would start with creating new attribute in schema. EmployeeId attribute is not Integer attribute, so it accepts more than just number chars.
So create your own UserEmployeeID attribute in schema (Integer); add binding to User, change RCDCs to view this attribute instead of build-in EmployeeId and then you could do the following criteria:
(I've got DeletionStage custom attribute and it is integer, so I can do filters with '>' (more than) and '<' (less than))
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    It's a little late for this post but it is still important to record.
    When you try to create a group in KONK transaction, the system doesn't show the new group.
    This is because there are a inconsistences in the old groups.
    You must execute RSSNR0T1 program to solve the problem.

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    Hi Vijay,
    1. To create a new group "F6" now type the description and the number interval. Now hit enter. New group is created
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    Thanks for reply.
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    We configure the cascading of goals at the criteria group level. There are separate BADIs for team goals and company goal if we want to cascade these goals separately to different criteria group. If we want the goals to be cascaded to a single criteria group, we can use the common BADI.
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    Now, for the MDCs.  When sending a new BP to an MDC, for example an R/3, there must be an external number range setup in the MDS for that MDC and it shouldn't conflict with any number range in that MDC. 
    IMG Activity Master Data Exchange -> Central Settings -> ID Mapping -> Make General Settings for ID Mapping allows you to define which number range you want to use for a specific object type in a specific system (e.g. KNA1 (customer) in system R/3_100). 
    So far this isn't sufficient for you because you have 2 number ranges for MDC1 in your example. 
    In the IMG activity I just mentionned, there is also a possibility to add an additional parameter which allows you to assign a number range for each unique object-type/system/additional parameter combination.  By putting the account group in the additional parameter field, this allows you to assign number ranges per account group.
    What remains to be done is to use this information in the XI Mapping for BP to R/3 Vendor.  The first thing is for the XI Mapping to map the MDS account group to the MDC account group.  Then the XI Mapping must call the MDS to create a new ID-Mapping between the BP and the Vendor.  During this call, the XI Mapping must provide all the usual parameters as well as the account group.  This will ensure that the correct number range will be selected so the correct vendor id will be generated.  This id will then be used in the ID Mapping.
    If you need to create the Vendor for multiple account groups, then you will have to implement special logic to map the MDS account group from the BP to the many MDC account groups needed for the Vendor.
    Hope this helps!

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    Thank you Patti for your response.
    I think we are coming to this from different perspectives. Being so close to development of the current upgrade, I appreciate your insights as to how these controls work. I, on the other hand, am coming from long experience as a photographer and printer, exceeding 50 years at this point. So I have some legacy points of view, which is why I posted.
    I spent this evening looking more closely. Here is a summary.
    I messed with an excellent example for looking at this question, and I found something interesting. You can fix an image which already has clipping far easier with Highlights, but you cannot force an image with white values well below clipping into clipping using Highlights. The reverse is true with White. So, to fix a white clip, use Highlights, to force a white clip, use White.
    Blacks and Shadows are different. You can both force and fix a Black clip with Black, but Shadows, while possible, has much less range. So Shadows are kind of vernier on Blacks. This is different than  Whites.
    I was basing my OP on only fixing clipping points, that is, bringing an image out of clipping, but not forcing into clipping.
    So, indeed, what you and Jeff point out is closer to correct than my initial assertions. Yours are based on a broader range controls than possible in analog days. In naming these controls, one winds up with a foot in both the digital side and the old analog side, which gave rise to the names and the meanings.
    So thanks to both you and Jeff for taking this up. It forced me into looking more closely at my conclusions, and while they weren't wrong outright, they were inadequate to the present state of the technology. Sometimes, experience can actually get in the way!

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