CRM Customer Master Trading Partner

Hi Gurus,
Is there anyone worked with the field "Trading Partner" in CRM before. There is a standard field, but what I'm wondering is how to download the company ID from ERP to CRM for the search help of this field, and will this field in Customer master sync with ERP?
Thanks in advance.
Rgs, Michelle

Enhancement required

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    You know if exits a collective transaction in order to make it instead of used XK03 and XD03?

            For mass update of trading partner VBUND in customer master data  you can process this field in XD99...General Data in Customer Master...KNA1 & for vendor master data mass change XK99...Vendor Master (General Section)...LFA1.. Alternatively you can create LSMW for the same.

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    Thank You,

    can u send the same document to my mail ID. i will ensure the reward points.
    ID : [email protected]

  • Cannot Enter more than 1000 partners in Customer master data(Partner Funct)

    Dear Friends,
    In Customer Master Data  -> Sales Area Data -> Partner Functions-> I can able to enter 1000 partners.
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    Please suggest me how can I able to enter more than 1000 partner in customer master.
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    Thank you

    It is very clear that, unless you change the Data element for KNVP-PARZA, the system will not allow you to maintain morethan 999 partner functions for a cusotmer master.
    This is very exceptional case and I handled the situation in my project with the Duplication of customer master data for Sold to party and maintained the remaining partner functions over there.
    Please check with  your Business/ Architect team whether they allow this. As an alternative, they have to go with duplication of sold to party for the maintanance of additional ship to parties.
    Should go for char length changes for data element KNVP-PARZA (NOT RECOMENDED).
    Hope it helps. Let me know if not.

  • Unable to clear customer due to error: u201CPlease enter valid trading partner:

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    i am getting this error in clearing in customer invoice
    i checked out in customer master trading partner no is there :*****
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    if you need any inputs please do let me know
    Moderator message -personal information removed
    Edited by: Rob Burbank on Sep 9, 2011 9:14 AM

    seems like you have to reverse the document without trading partner and re-post with Trading partner. Then it should work. If this is automatic postings and more often to happen in future think about pre-setting it in GL accoutn if possible or validations/ substiutions.

  • Trading Partner field in control view of Vendor Master

    what is the use of Trading Partner field in control view of Vendor Master.
    In which business scenario it is used.

    I searched the Forum and found many threads on this topic in ERP financial.
    This field is connected to FI.
    Since I was not aware of this so I posted in MM forum after searching in MM forum. I apologize but this happened due to ignorance.
    Below threads will give insight into this
    Re: Use of trading partner field in GL Master, Vendor and Customer Master
    Trading Partner ??
    trading partner
    Thanks to all

  • Customer Master Replication from R3 to CRM

    Hi Experts,
    I am going to replicate Customer master from R3 to CRM system.As we all know ECC or R/3 and CRM customer master data is based on two different data models. So in order to avoid the Errors I would like below clarifications cleared.
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    During the test replication all the customers from R3 got replicated as Sold to party ion CRM in my last attempt.
    I request you to provide me the Mapping concept and as well as the solution to have this replication achieved successfully.Any Document with screen shot would be a great help.

    Hi Friends,
    I am using CRM 2007.
    I also facing same problem. All are my sold to party, ship to party, bill to party and payer are replicated to CRM as sold to party (CRM000) BP role only.
    So, if you find any solution kindly, share.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Chennai - INDIA

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    Dear CRM Experts,
    The scenario is ,Customer Master is created in SAP CRM 6.0 and it flows to ECC 6.0 . After replicating the data to ecc i am manually assinging company code to customer master.Is there any option to map company code to crm customer master level.

    Dear All,
    The above requirement was address by Development.

  • Problem in  creation of Customer Master

    Hi gurus,
    I am facing problem in creation of customer master.
    I have created a account group zz01 copying from 0001.which has internal no. assignement for the customer.
    Now i am trying to create a customer master, at partner functions level under sales area data...  the system is asking for the no. for each partner functions.. when i tried to manually enter, the system is not taking any number nor it is letting me save the data.
    Please help me out in acertaining,  what could be the issue.
    [email protected]

    its due to the number ranges that is specified in the partner determination ... chech what is the number range assigned in the parner determination ,,, so once u check that u have to manually enter the number between that range only .. this should solve ur problem...
    path to check the number range is as below :
    spro-img-logistic generalbusiness partner-customers---define account groups and field selection ---    
    at this point click position button at the bottom and give ur account group .. select ur account group and click detail button .. now inside that u can see the specified number range .. dafault is 08 ( means u can specify between 400000 to 499999)..
    and some times  u may not have defined number range... check urs and create accordingly ... this should solve ur problem...
    rewards if solved ..
      thank you

  • Creation of Customer Master with Sales Data

    Hi Experts,
    I have a requirement in whic i have to Create/Change Customer Master through Custom program.
    The Customer Master details will be stored in file and Retrieved through program with the following Tables to be Updated
    KNA1 - Customer Master
    ADRC - Address
    ADR2 -  Telephone Number
    ADR3 - Fax Number
    ADR6 - E-Mail Addresses
    KNVV - Customer Master Sales Data
    KNVP - Customer Master Partner Functions
    KNVK - Customer Master Contact Partner
    From SDN  i came to know about  CMD_EI_API . Can you please tell me which is the method suitable for Creation/Change of Customer Master with the above details.
    Shrikanth R

    Hi Experts,
    Please help me how to use MAINTAIN_BAPI method in Class CMD_EI_API  in order to create Customer Master.
    Shrikanth R
    Edited by: SHRIKANTH R on Jul 15, 2010 11:59 AM

  • List Customer master Filelds (URGENT)

    Dear All,
    Can you Please provide the list of Customer master fields in one Place.
    Please Do the Needful (IT IS URGENT)

    Do the following.
    Go to SE11 and put below tables one by one
    KNA1                               General Data in Customer Master          
    KNA1VV                             Customer Master View KNA1 KNVV           
    KNAS                               Customer master (VAT registration numbers
    KNAT                               Customer Master Record (Tax Groupings)   
    KNB1                               Customer Master (Company Code)           
    KNB4                               Customer Payment History                 
    KNB4_AEDAT                         BW FI: KNB4 Extraction using AEDAT       
    KNB5                               Customer master (dunning data)           
    KNBK                               Customer Master (Bank Details)           
    KNBW                               Customer master record (withholding tax ty
    KNC1                               Customer master (transaction figures)    
    KNC1_AEDAT                         BW FI: KNC1 Extraction using AEDAT       
    KNC3                               Customer master (special G/L transaction f
    KNC3_AEDAT                         BW FI: KNC3 Extraction usign AEDAT       
    KNEA                               Assign Bank Details and Payment Methods to
    KNEX                               Customer Master: Legal Control - Sanctione
    KNKA                               Customer master credit management: Central
    KNKA_AEDAT                         BW FI: KNKA Extraction using AEDAT       
    KNKK                               Customer master credit management: Control
    KNKKF1                             Credit Management: FI Status Data        
    KNKKF2                             Credit Management: Open Items by Days in A
    KNKKF2                             Credit Management: Open Items by Days in
    KNKK_AEDAT                         BW FI: KNKK Extraction usign AEDAT      
    KNKO                               Assignment of Cost Est. Number to Config.
    KNMT                               Customer-Material Info Record Data Table
    KNMTK                              Customer-Material Info Record Header Tabl
    KNMT_REF                           Test - Search Help for KNMT             
    KNOB                               Assignment of Cost Est. Number to Config.
    KNVA                               Customer Master Loading Points          
    KNVD                               Customer master record sales request form
    KNVH                               Customer Hierarchies                    
    KNVI                               Customer Master Tax Indicator           
    KNVK                               Customer Master Contact Partner         
    KNVL                               Customer Master Licenses                
    KNVP                               Customer Master Partner Functions       
    KNVS                               Customer Master Shipping Data           
    KNVT                               Customer Master Record Texts for Sales  
    KNVV                               Customer Master Sales Data              
    KNZA                               Permitted Alternative Payer             
    You will get all the needed fields.
    Hope this helps. reward if helpful
    kind regards



    KNA1                           General Data in Customer Master
    KNAS                           Customer master (VAT registration numbers
    KNAT                           Customer Master Record (Tax Groupings)
    KNB1                           Customer Master (Company Code)
    KNB4                           Customer Payment History
    KNB5                           Customer master (dunning data)
    KNBK                           Customer Master (Bank Details)
    KNBW                           Customer master record (withholding tax ty
    KNC1                           Customer master (transaction figures)
    KNC3                           Customer master (special G/L transaction f
    KNEA                           Assign Bank Details and Payment Methods to
    KNEX                           Customer Master: Legal Control - Sanctione
    KNKA                           Customer master credit management: Central
    KNKK                           Customer master credit management: Control
    KNKKF1                         Credit Management: FI Status Data
    KNKKF2                         Credit Management: Open Items by Days in A
    KNKO                           Assignment of Cost Est. Number to Config.
    KNMT                           Customer-Material Info Record Data Table
    KNMTK                          Customer-Material Info Record Header Table
    KNOB                           Assignment of Cost Est. Number to Config.
    KNVA                           Customer Master Unloading Points
    KNVD                           Customer master record sales request form
    KNVH                           Customer Hierarchies
    KNVI                           Customer Master Tax Indicator
    KNVK                           Customer Master Contact Partner
    KNVL                           Customer Master Licenses
    KNVP                           Customer Master Partner Functions
    KNVS                           Customer Master Shipping Data
    KNVT                           Customer Master Record Texts for Sales
    KNVV                           Customer Master Sales Data
    KNZA                           Permitted Alternative Payer

  • When am creating customer master in xd01,

    hi shiv
    In partner determination procedure i used account group 0001, in that i included all that partner functions in that account group like sold, ship, bill to ,payer, sales employee (PE).  am working in ecc5.0,  I created   sales employee in vpe1, when am creating customer master all partner functions like sp, sh, bp, py, pe, came when am entering  sales employee number (pe) number system throwing messegae like sales employee has not created.  so please have a look. on that
    give the need ful

    can any one know why it is hapening wih customer master creation

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    I need to replicate the plant number from the ECC Customer Master onto the CRM Customer Master.
    I have referred to note 493947. I executed the CUSTOMER_MAIN adapter object after this note. The SMW01 shows no error, but the relationship as "Vendor" has not got created.
    Please advice.

    Hello Rinkal,
    Object DNL_PLANT generally brings in the plant data to CRM and maps it as BP.
    Is this what you are looking for?
    Thanks and Best Regards,
    Shanthala Kudva.

  • Trading partner in GL, Vendor and Customer master

    This is with reference to the clarification on field Trading partner in GL, vendor and customer master
    We have 10 company codes and are using same COA in all co codes
    We have activated Enterprise Consolidation in system and interunit profit elimination exist in our case.
    Please clarify the following:-
    1) Is there any impact on consolidation module if we did not maintain trading partner in GL master, vendor master & customer master
    Thanks & Regards
    D D Asnora

    It will effect in Interunit eliminations. and all the transaction which occured betweeen inter-units will be effected.
    Hari p

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