CRMD_EMAIL forms usage with the PPF Actions

Hello All,
In the standard SAP PPF help, it is suggested that the email is sent using the smartforms.
I believe I can also use the CRMD_EMAIL forms instead of smartforms to send the email using PPF.
Would appreciate if any one of you out there has worked on the same and can confirm.

Hello All,
This is confirmed that the CRM Forms can be used with PPF actions, however the plain text forms work fine with PPF and the HTML format doesnt...
Any thoughts ??
Please revert.

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    There is one std report MCRX which gives a comparison of quanity in order and actual consumption,
    if it doesnt meet your need, you may have to create a custom report.
    logic can be find the quantites as per BOM for the produced quantities
    issued quantities to the order
    tables you may need are AUFK AUFM
    JEST ( if you want to filter using order status)

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    You cannot have exactly the same name on objects.
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    o work with them properly--it will keep the names
    unique.I understand! But JSF creates its own names which are unique. The following JSF code
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                    <h:inputText value="#{Test.description}"  id="description2"/>
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    hello, gmail should be one of the predefined actions for the mailto-protocol.
    does it shop up when you try the following?:
    go to ''firefox > help > troubleshooting information'', click on ''profile folder/show folder'' and close all firefox windows afterwards. a windows explorer window should open up - in there rename/delete the file named '''mimetypes.rdf''' - it will be regenerated again the next time you launch the browser.

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    Will the user be able to save the form with the data he/she entered?
    That depends upon if the file is specially Reader enabled. For some forms Acrobat Standard or higher is needed to file and save form data.

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    Strange. I do not think we have seen this. When you choose an action for example, you need to drill down to the element that needs the action and then double-click to apply it. Is it what you are doing?

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    you have to create a function that will handle all the event receive from B1
    <i>    Private Sub SBO_Application_ItemEvent(ByVal FormUID As String, ByRef pVal As SAPbouiCOM.ItemEvent, ByRef BubbleEvent As Boolean) Handles SBO_Application.ItemEvent
            If (pVal.FormUid = "YourUIDForm") Then
                If ((pVal.itemUID = "YourItemUID") And _
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            End If
        End Sub</i>
    Off course, you need your variable SBO_Appliation declared as follow :
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    Simple actions just extend org.apache.struts.action.Action.
    Those actions in the org.apache.struts.actions package are utility Actions that provide you with extra functionality.
    The [url]struts api  describes the basics of each one.
    Commoonly used ones that (to me) are of more interest:
    ForwardAction is pretty much just a placeholder that lets you specify a url to forward to when you don't want to write an entire Action.
    Dispatch action (and its siblings LookupDispatchAction, MappingDispatchAction) are most interesting because they let you use the same action for multiple events.
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    Hope this helps some,

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    ok, you're right. But, my problem is a little bit different :
    I would like to replace the "\n" character (new line) by the 2 characters "\n".
    I test this source code :
    String tmp = "First line\nSecond line";
    tmp.replaceAll("\n", "\u005C\u005Cn");
    tmp.replaceAll("\n", "\\n");
    tmp.replaceAll("\n", "\\\\n");
    The 3 results are the same :
    First line
    Second line
    I never have "First line\nSecond line".
    Best regards.
    PS : The objective is to write the string in a SQL request.

  • Convert numeric in words in adobe forms (start with the currency)

    Hi to all,
    Below script i found here for converting numeric into words and its work perfectly. Just I edit in UAE currency.
    It is possible to move the dirhams (currency) in front like. 1,900,000.55 = Dirhams One Million Nine Hundred Thousand and Fifty Five fils Only. (with period)
    or 1,900,085.55 = Dirhams One Million Nine Hundred Thousand Eight Five and Fifty Five fils.
    Previous code was One Million Nine Hundred Thousand Eighty-Five Dirhams and Fifty-Five Fils
    Thanks in advance
    Much Appreciate your advance help
    aTens = [ "Twenty", "Thirty", "Forty", "Fifty", "Sixty", "Seventy", "Eighty", "Ninety"];
    aOnes = [ "Zero", "One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five", "Six", "Seven", "Eight", "Nine",
      "Ten", "Eleven", "Twelve", "Thirteen", "Fourteen", "Fifteen", "Sixteen", "Seventeen", "Eighteen",
      "Nineteen" ];
    function ConvertToHundreds(num)
       var cNum, nNum;
       var cWords = "";
       num %= 1000;
       if (num > 99) {
          /* Hundreds. */
          cNum = String(num);
          nNum = Number(cNum.charAt(0));
          cWords += aOnes[nNum] + " Hundred";
          num %= 100;
          if (num > 0)
             cWords += " and "
       if (num > 19) {
          /* Tens. */
          cNum = String(num);
          nNum = Number(cNum.charAt(0));
          cWords += aTens[nNum - 2];
          num %= 10;
          if (num > 0)
             cWords += "-";
       if (num > 0) {
          /* Ones and teens. */
          nNum = Math.floor(num);
          cWords += aOnes[nNum];
       return cWords;
    function ConvertToWords(num)
       var aUnits = [ "Thousand", "Million", "Billion", "Trillion", "Quadrillion" ];
       var cWords = (num >= 1 && num < 2) ;
       var nRight = Math.floor(num);
       for (var i = 0; nLeft > 0; i++) {
           if (nLeft % 1000 > 0) {
              if (i != 0)
                 cWords = ConvertToHundreds(nLeft) + " " + aUnits[i - 1] + " " + cWords;
                 cWords = ConvertToHundreds(nLeft) + " " + cWords;
           nLeft = Math.floor(nLeft / 1000);
       num = Math.round(num * 100) % 100;
       if (num > 0)
          cWords += ConvertToHundreds(num) + " Fils";
          cWords += "Zero Fils";
       return cWords;

    Hi RK,
    We had a similar requirement and we used Web Dynpro for Java which contained the Interactive Form that would display the personnel area, personnel sub area, etc.
    We developed a custom application in WD Java which would accept entries from the user on each screen after clicking on the Change Personnel area link in the portal. The user would put in the values and when the user would click on the Submit button, an adobe form would be displyed which would show the existing values as well as the values the user newly entered.
    Hope this helps. Do let me know if you need any further inputs.

  • Is there anyone else having a major probblem with excessive data usage with the iPhone 5??

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    Thank you for your response. I do not stream music or videos, I do not
    FaceTime, my apps are not automatically updating when using wifi, I
    manually update them so they do not use cellular date either. Yes I have
    been able to view my data sessions, and honestly its not adding up. This
    morning it said my phone used over 90,000 kilobytes and I do not know how.
    I am positive my wife uses her phone more than I do but yet I am using more
    data.. I've been to the Verizon store and they have not be able to help me
    at all, I really like the coverage I get from Verizon but my confusion on
    why my phone is using so much data may cause me to switch providers and I
    really do not want to, I just really want to get to the bottom of this
    situation. I can't even enjoy my phone because I have cut mainly everything
    off. Location is cut off, I've deleted iTunes off my phone, I got mainly
    all my applications to only be accessed through wife for when I get home. I
    cut off my cellular data as soon as I get home because I am under wife when
    I am home. My wife do not have to do anything of what I've just mentioned
    but yet I am still using more data than she. Is my phone defected,
    something has to be wrong here. Please I will really appreciate it if you
    or anyone can help me figure what is going on. Please, thank you!
    Sent from my iPhone
    On Nov 8, 2013, at 12:55 PM, Verizon Wireless Customer Support <

  • Multiple form parameters with the same name not passed to remote portlet

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    selection is enabled. When my code runs as a remote portlet, the
    following is showing up in the soap monitor when I select multiple
    values and submit the form:
    In this case, I selected beatest1 and beatest2, but only beatest1 comes
    through to the remote portlet. Is this a known bug, and, if so, is
    there a patch or workaround available?
    Thanks in advance,

    If you're not on 8.1.4 move there. 8.1.3 had limitations in the wsrp
    I have an html select box that contains several values, and multiple
    selection is enabled. When my code runs as a remote portlet, the
    following is showing up in the soap monitor when I select multiple
    values and submit the form:
    In this case, I selected beatest1 and beatest2, but only beatest1 comes
    through to the remote portlet. Is this a known bug, and, if so, is
    there a patch or workaround available?
    Thanks in advance,

  • Indesign issues. Impossible to fill a form created by the pen either with color either with an image. The image is there but is invisible. Same problem with the line (impossible to color it or to change the tickness. Is there anything to change in the pre

    I have recently installed Indesign CC (I had the CS 5.5). I have some issues in doing simple things such as fill in a forma created with the pen either with a color either with an image. The image is there but is invisible. same issue when I want to draw a line. Impossible to color the line  and when I increased the thickness, it was creating a sort of wrap around the shape. have you ever encountered this kind of issue ? Thanking the community for his help.

    You will probably get better help in InDesign
    This forum is about the Cloud as a delivery process, not about using individual programs
    If you start at the Forums Index
    You will be able to select a forum for the specific Adobe product(s) you use
    Click the "down arrow" symbol on the right (where it says All communities) to open the drop down list and scroll

  • What is the max clob length for Forms 6i with most recent updates.

    I am trying to determine what the largest clob is that can be handled by Forms 6i with the latest patches installed. I have searched the forum and the help files and have found a bunch of different answers, but nothing useful - nothing current.
    I have a record that has a clob field with 28,213 characters (including spaces) or 9902 characters (without spaces). Saved as a text file, it is 29kb.
    To read and work with the data in Forms, I have to set the DATA: Maximum Length to 110000, almost 3 times the length of the actual data. I can read and edit the field without problems.
    My questions are:
    1. what is the maximum size of data in a clob field that will work with Forms 6i and Oracle 10R2 database (Forms with the most recent update)?
    2. what is the Maximum Length - It certainly doesn't seem to be character. How do I set this - 3x Actual????
    Thanks for the help

    In theory it should be 64k bytes. In practice its often a bit less than that.

  • Having trouble passing form values to a data action in 10G

    I have a view object that queries the hr.departments table. In the app module, I created a custom method to bind a paramter to the query. I am able to make this work only if I manually enter a value for the paramsNames[0] value for the dataaction. When I run it with say the value of 1700, it returns the correct data (I run this by right-click and run on the dataaction that binds the valule).
    What I want to do now is have a form on a jsp that looks like the following:
    &lt;html:form action=""&gt;
    &lt;input type="text" name="locationid"/&gt;
    &lt;input type="submit" value="Submit"/&gt;
    .. pass the "locationid" value to the bindDeptLoc dataction for the binding. I noticed that J-Dev automatically created a default form bean called DataForm. I tried to add a form-property with the name of the form field (locationid), but that didn't work. I then tried to create another form bean called login and added the locationid form property to it and associated the form bean with the dataaction).
    When I run this I get the following error:
    javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Cannot find ActionMappings or ActionFormBeans collection
         at org.apache.struts.taglib.html.FormTag.lookup(
         at org.apache.struts.taglib.html.FormTag.doStartTag(
         at untitled1.jspService(untitled1.jsp:13)
    It won't even load up the jsp form. Any help on this?

    In the paramsNames[0] node instead of your fixed value use param.locationid which is the indicator to use the value from that field in the JSP.

Maybe you are looking for