CrossDomain  loadPolicyFile player 9.0.124"xmlsocket://localhost:843")
this command line worked fine until I upgrade my player to
version 9.0.124
Now it doesn't work at all !!

Thank you but that's OK now.
I just forgot to close the "crossDomain" server socket
connexion on port 843.

Similar Messages

  • GETURL  is not working in flash player

    Dear Friends,
    My swf and my html are in different domain so i got a issue
    in GETURL function , It is not working in flash player
    in IE browser so that i add one parameter like allowScriptAccess
    =always then its working fine.but my question is what will happed
    if they will introduce any new flash version in future please tell
    me what is the permanent solution for this issue.

    There is no way to know what will change in the future. This
    is the solution that works now. It will probably remain in place
    for the reasonable future.

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    I'm not sure why Adobe doen't tell people this. I discovered
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    Apparently, it is not enough to apply a straight upgrade to
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    To understand more about how to unistall your Flash Player
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  • Stompclient is not working for Flash Player 9 (Flash Player 9,0,124,0)

    We are facing issue in STOMP client because of newly
    implemented restriction on flash player.(
    Because of this, Our STOMP client is not able to get messages
    from activemq.
    We have tried to add socket meta files as discussed in others
    article but we were not able to get solutions.
    We have done below stuffs.
    1) Added LoadPolicy code in stompclient for getting
    policyfile from server running on 80 port.
    2) Also set xmlSocket as load policy to get connection from
    stompclient to Activemq.
    1) PolicyFile.xml(loading this also in STOMPClient.swf)
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM
    <!-- Policy file for xmlsocket:// -->
    <!-- This is a master-policy file -->
    <!-- Instead of setting to-ports="*",
    administrators can use ranges and commas -->
    <!-- This will allow access to ports 123, 456, 457, and
    458 -->
    <allow-access-from domain="*" to-ports="*" />
    2) Flash players logs(using debug version of Flash player)
    Error: Request for resource at xmlsocket://
    by requestor from
    is denied due to lack of policy file permissions.
    OK: Root-level SWF loaded:
    OK: Root-level SWF loaded:
    OK: Searching for <allow-access-from> in policy files
    to authorize data loading from resource at
    xmlsocket:// by requestor from
    OK: Policy file accepted:
    Warning: Timeout on xmlsocket:// (at 3
    seconds) while waiting for socket policy file. This should not
    cause any problems, but see
    for an explanation.
    Error: Request for resource at xmlsocket://
    by requestor from
    is denied due to lack of policy file permissions.
    OK: Root-level SWF loaded:
    OK: Root-level SWF loaded:
    OK: Root-level SWF loaded:
    OK: Root-level SWF loaded:
    OK: Root-level SWF loaded:
    OK: Root-level SWF loaded:
    OK: Searching for <allow-access-from> in policy files
    to authorize data loading from resource at
    xmlsocket:// by requestor from
    OK: Policy file accepted:
    OK: Root-level SWF loaded:
    OK: Root-level SWF loaded:
    OK: Searching for <allow-access-from> in policy files
    to authorize data loading from resource at
    xmlsocket:// by requestor from
    OK: Policy file accepted:
    OK: Root-level SWF loaded:
    OK: Root-level SWF loaded:
    OK: Searching for <allow-access-from> in policy files
    to authorize data loading from resource at
    xmlsocket:// by requestor from
    OK: Policy file accepted:
    Warning: Ignoring <site-control> tag in policy file
    This tag is only allowed in master policy files.
    Warning: Domain does not specify a meta-policy.
    Applying default meta-policy 'all'. This configuration is
    deprecated. See
    to fix this problem.
    3) Setting below load policy files in stompclient.mxml
    http://" + server + "/crossdomain.xml");
    http://" + server + "/policyfile.xml");
    flash.system.Security.loadPolicyFile("xmlsocket://" + server
    + ":"+port);
    4) we have also changed crossdomain.xml (this is using Schema
    instead of DTD as <site-control > is not there in DTD)
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <cross-domain-policy xmlns:xsi=""
    <allow-access-from domain="*" />
    I have also did following,
    1) Started activemq on remote machine.
    2) Started jetty on 843 port in the same machine were
    activemq is running.
    3) i put the crossdomain.xml as listed above.
    4) i didnt specified explicity loadPolicyFile().
    Following are the contents of profiling logs:
    OK: Root-level SWF loaded:
    OK: Root-level SWF loaded:
    OK: Searching for <allow-access-from> in policy files
    to authorize data loading from resource at
    xmlsocket:// by requestor from
    Warning: [strict] Ignoring policy file at
    xmlsocket:// due to incorrect syntax. See
    to fix this problem.
    Warning: Timeout on xmlsocket:// (at 3
    seconds) while waiting for socket policy file. This should not
    cause any problems, but see
    for an explanation.
    Error: Request for resource at xmlsocket://
    by requestor from
    is denied due to lack of policy file permissions.
    Thanx in advance

    See this cool mp3 xml player with visualization, playlist and
    skins. Fully customisable. Vector. d/11851

  • Flash Player 9.0.124 Security Killing Me

    Hello all;
    I am not a system admin but I am responsible for moving our
    projects up to the servers and developing. I have recently built a
    rather neat project using the import web service(WSDL) tool from a
    .Net web service project and noticed that it was running fine on my
    local box. I moved it to a dev server and we began to notice that
    certain browsers would display fine and others would not. After an
    entire day, I have finally realized that it was due to the version
    of Flash player that was running in each browser.
    I have read all of the documents that were posted at the head
    of this forum, and think I have done everything correctly. I even
    went back and installed Flash 9.0.124 on both Firefox and IE on my
    local machine hoping that Flex Builder would give me some help in
    why my application was stalling out when it connected to the web
    service site.
    I have added the following to my crossdomain.xml file in the
    web service site:
    Can someone tell me exactly what else I need to do? We are
    running Windows Server 2003 if that helps. Do I need to set up a
    web site on port 843 to do the socket policy thing? We don't have
    any great national secrets or anything, we just need my Flex
    project to connect to a web service and pull back some data.
    The code I included is in a crossdomain.xml file located at
    the root of the web service project, and the same code is in the
    root of my Flex .Net container project, and practically every other
    place I can think to put it.
    Thank you so much! And if you can get me straight by tomorrow
    morning, I'll owe you a case of beer. BTW I even tried doing the
    permitted-cross-domain-policies="all" everywhere and that didnt
    work either.

    I fixed it.
    The key to the universe:
    <allow-http-request-headers-from domain="*"

  • Regarding security update for Flash Player 9 (Flash Player 9,0,124,0)

    We are facing issue in STOMP client because of newly
    implemented restriction on flash player.(
    Because of this, Our STOMP client is not able to get messages
    from activemq.
    We have tried to add socket meta files as discussed in others
    article but we were not able to get solutions.
    We have done below stuffs.
    1) Added LoadPolicy code in stompclient for getting
    policyfile from server running on 80 port.
    2) Also set xmlSocket as load policy to get connection from
    stompclient to Activemq.
    1) PolicyFile.xml(loading this also in STOMPClient.swf)
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM
    <!-- Policy file for xmlsocket:// -->
    <!-- This is a master-policy file -->
    <!-- Instead of setting to-ports="*",
    administrators can use ranges and commas -->
    <!-- This will allow access to ports 123, 456, 457, and
    458 -->
    <allow-access-from domain="*" to-ports="*" />
    2) Flash players logs(using debug version of Flash player)
    Error: Request for resource at xmlsocket://
    by requestor from
    is denied due to lack of policy file permissions.
    OK: Root-level SWF loaded:
    OK: Root-level SWF loaded:
    OK: Searching for <allow-access-from> in policy files
    to authorize data loading from resource at
    xmlsocket:// by requestor from
    OK: Policy file accepted:
    Warning: Timeout on xmlsocket:// (at 3
    seconds) while waiting for socket policy file. This should not
    cause any problems, but see
    for an explanation.
    Error: Request for resource at xmlsocket://
    by requestor from
    is denied due to lack of policy file permissions.
    OK: Root-level SWF loaded:
    OK: Root-level SWF loaded:
    OK: Root-level SWF loaded:
    OK: Root-level SWF loaded:
    OK: Root-level SWF loaded:
    OK: Root-level SWF loaded:
    OK: Searching for <allow-access-from> in policy files
    to authorize data loading from resource at
    xmlsocket:// by requestor from
    OK: Policy file accepted:
    OK: Root-level SWF loaded:
    OK: Root-level SWF loaded:
    OK: Searching for <allow-access-from> in policy files
    to authorize data loading from resource at
    xmlsocket:// by requestor from
    OK: Policy file accepted:
    OK: Root-level SWF loaded:
    OK: Root-level SWF loaded:
    OK: Searching for <allow-access-from> in policy files
    to authorize data loading from resource at
    xmlsocket:// by requestor from
    OK: Policy file accepted:
    Warning: Ignoring <site-control> tag in policy file
    This tag is only allowed in master policy files.
    Warning: Domain does not specify a meta-policy.
    Applying default meta-policy 'all'. This configuration is
    deprecated. See
    to fix this problem.
    OK: Root-level SWF loaded:
    OK: Root-level SWF loaded:
    OK: Searching for <allow-access-from> in policy files
    to authorize data loading from resource at
    xmlsocket:// by requestor from
    Warning: [strict] Ignoring policy file at
    xmlsocket:// due to incorrect syntax. See
    to fix this problem.
    Warning: Timeout on xmlsocket:// (at 3
    seconds) while waiting for socket policy file. This should not
    cause any problems, but see
    for an explanation.
    Error: Request for resource at xmlsocket://
    by requestor from
    is denied due to lack of policy file permissions.
    3) Setting below load policy files in stompclient.mxml
    http://" + server + "/crossdomain.xml");
    http://" + server + "/policyfile.xml");
    flash.system.Security.loadPolicyFile("xmlsocket://" + server
    + ":"+port);
    4) we have also changed crossdomain.xml (this is using Schema
    instead of DTD as <site-control > is not there in DTD)
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <cross-domain-policy xmlns:xsi=""
    <allow-access-from domain="*" />

    You're welcome!
    Flash is still the same CPU hog... Good that there's [ClickToFlash|>!

  • Flash Player 9.0.124 MSI Problems

    I've downloaded the 9.0.124 version of Adobe Flash Player
    (both Active_X & Plugin versions), but am not able to put them
    into a Group Policy Object. When I try to include them in the GPO,
    I receive the message "Add operation failed. Unable to extract
    deployment information from the package. Run validation on the
    package to ensure that the package is correct." I opened the
    package in Orca and ran validation on the package. I received some
    error messages, but when I run validation on the 9.0.115 version
    through Orca, I received the exact same error messages and I have
    successfully pushed out the 9.0.115 version through Group

    Try Flash Player 8.Flash Player 9 can't stop flash animation of elements out of active part of window in Safari.

  • WCS and Flash Player

    I have just installed an update of flashplayer ( and now I have the following in my WCS Homepage:
    I can't see the charts and graphics !!! It comes with the following message: Flash Player or higher is required to view this graphic. Get Latest Flash Player
    Since is higher than I think someone also could have this problem...
    Anyone ? Anyone with a solution ?
    And damn ... I don't have a old flash player version available !!!!
    UPDATE: it's not working in IE 7, but it's working with firefox !!!!

    I have re-installed the old flash, but it won't install the old activeX (gives a message that I should install the latest one)...
    So broken ...
    Anyone with the new version who has no problem with the WCS and IE 7

  • Can not enter characters under Firfox 3.0.1 + Flash Player 9.0.124

    I just updated my Firefox to 3.0.1 and Flash Player's version
    is 9.0 r124.
    When Buzzword is opened, it just can not input anything. To
    delete content
    is OK.
    There is no such problem with IE7 + Flash Player 9.

    I'm sorry to hear the you're experiencing a problem with
    Buzzword and the latest version of Firefox. Unfortunately, I can't
    recreate it here. I'm running Windows XP/SP3 with FF 3.0.1 and FP, and am seeing no problems with typing into dialogs or
    documents. Where are you seeing the input problem? Are you able to
    even Sign In? Can you paste where you can't type?
    If others have installed FF 3.0.1 and can post their
    experience (positive or negative) here, that would be helpful as we
    try to figure out what might be happening.

  • Update Flash Player to Problems

    I uninstalled flash player and then installed new
    version of Flash Player
    I now have 3 places it is installed in compared to the 2 I
    had before.
    It is now located in :
    C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\plugins\NPSWF32.dll
    Before I installed new version of flash player I
    had version and this is where files were located:
    I am not sure what to do with the extra location of the file
    NPSWF32.dll or if it necessary to do anything at all.
    I would appreciate anyone’s input.

    This site will help with more generall information and will
    make a little more sence of your problem.
    Here is what I did. Need to completely uninstall your current
    versions. One way to see where they are all located is to go to and run their software inspector. Use the Scan Online
    then left click on start then check the enable thorough system
    inspection and left click start again. will take about 3-5 minutes
    to run. note all the version of flash player and where they are
    installed. May want to print.
    Get the uninstall_flash_player.exe from this sight
    Use the Windows version if that is what you have and run it.
    I also use Registry Supreme Pro and run their Registry
    cleaner and Software Manager to cleanup any registry keys
    If you do not have that check here To manually uninstall the
    ActiveX control
    Try Secunia again to see if uninstalled.
    If it has been removed then try installing the Flash Player
    9.0.124 from
    I do a clean install using a free program called enditall.

  • Installing Flash Player on Windows 2000

    Thanks to numerous past discussions, methods have been found for installing Flash Player on Windows 2000. See this thread, which explains how to use HxD Hex Editor to make a simple change that will allow installation on Windows 2000:
    The original post goes into fine detail with illustrations. Here's a quick redux:
    - Download the latest Adobe Flash Player (IE or non-IE) for Windows 32-bit systems.
    - Download HxD Hex Editor hereabouts (VirusTotal rates it clean):
    - Unzip and install HxD.
    - Launch HxD and open the Adobe Flash Player Installer, something like:
    - Hit F3 for HxD's search function, and search for SetDllDirectoryW
    - On the right-hand side of the HxD display, change SetDllDirectoryW to GetModuleHandleW
    - SaveAs install_flash_player_32bit_Win2k.exe or similar.
    - Quit HxD and run the modified Flash Player Installer. It should install fine on Win2k.
    This worked for me using Flash Player Installer, both IE and non-IE versions.
    This is a hack and is not officially supported by Adobe.

    I installing the Adobe Flash plugin ONLY by my own hand. Sadly, Adobe did not come up with zip archive with just the plugin dll file, but I install - copy the DLL - and uninstall. Then manually delete the remaining files and just use the DLL or the installer.
    To make the installe work at Win2k, the very same hack is need - hack the Flash Util file the same way, as the dll - change in it the SetDllDirectoryW to GetModuleHandleW and that it is!
    If someone want, there is Flash Util and Adobe Flash as DLL files, hacked with W2k:
    Archive contain Adobe Flash unpacked (ready to copy into Firefox) with their utility files hacked for W2k in these versions: Flash Player, Flash Player, Flash Player, Flash Player, Flash Player, Flash Player, Flash Player, Flash Player 11.3.300.273, Flash Player 11.4.402.287
    Interesting thing. Fullscreen video won't work on YouTube (only white screen, sound go ok) with Firefox v3.0.14 and Adobe Flash higher version that Strange, strange 
    (could be that the Firefox is kinda old, but it is weird that v10.0.32.18 works flawlessly and just v10.1.85.3 not at all in fullscreen... I also use relatively old Forceware drivers v45.28 on crap GF2MX400 card :-) )

  • Update - Firefox Illegal Operation

    My system, Windows XP SP3, IE 7, Firefox 2.0 , Flash Player After a recent Windows update which included SP3 I had
    to install Flash Player latest version for IE7. The normal Flash
    download and install wouldn't work. It caused IE7 to crash
    repeatedly. Followed Adobe's online recommendations - uninstall and
    redownload didn't work. Downgrading IE7 security to medium didn't
    work. The Adobe Flash uninstall tool didn't work. Their final
    online solution (which required several steps) regarding Windows
    registry permissions was successful for IE7in my case: from the
    Adobe technote -
    "Download SubInACL from Microsoft to fix permission issues that
    prevent the Flash Player installation. For instruction on how to
    run SubInACL to fix these permission issues please refer to
    "Download SubInACL from Microsoft to fix permission issues that
    prevent the Flash Player installation" (TechNote fb1634cb)."
    Of course I was using Firefox 2.0 to do this online
    troubleshooting (version info: latest version - Mozilla/5.0
    (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20080404
    Firefox/ Flash had always worked fine in Firefox
    previously for me. Firefox is my preferred (default) browser. I use
    IE7 only for a very few Microsoft and other sites that
    display/download correctly only via IE7 (including Microsft
    Update). Now following the suggested IE7 fix, my Firefox
    Flashplayer plugin is broken.
    When I first opened Firefox after the IE7 fix, any pages with
    Flash reported the missing plugin message. Using the Firefox
    "Install missing plugins" feature tried to install the Flash Player
    Plugin but failed. Visiting the Adobe website and following the
    download and install Flash Player instructions with Firefox seemed
    to work. The Flash plugin reported successful install. Now visiting
    almost any Flash enabled website in Firefox results in this Firefox
    error message -
    "Shockwave flash: The plugin has performed an illegal operation.
    You are strongly advised to restart Firefox"
    Now uninstalling and re-installing Flashplayer are not
    working for Firefox. Searching the forums here doesn't give any
    recent instance of this error message for version (that I
    can find anyway...) that seem pertinent. I need to get Adobe Flash
    Player working with Firefox 2.0 again. Any help appreciated.
    - note - don't use any 3rd party pop-up blockers etc. Do use
    anti-virus AVG 8.0 Free (disabled for installs/uninstalls) with
    their LinkScanner tool disabled. thx - Andy

    Originally posted by:
    Did u download IE8 and just using immulator coz it will have
    thx, no ... just IE7, never downldd or used ie8 ...

  • Click, and nothing happens

    First of all, I'm an Windows Xp user (sp2). I just formatted
    my computer and after I installed flash player, I can't
    click on things (nothing happens when I click on the flash buttons
    on the top part of this website: I
    even upgraded to Internet Explorer 7 but I guess the browser is not
    causing the problem. (I'm pretty sure it's the flash player) So.. I
    was kinda searching on the forums and tech support to find out what
    the problem is, and all i found was click bugs in linux. Are there
    any patches for this? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    I believe I mentioned this site in a response to a bug
    In this situation you'll need to contact the site developer.
    They'll need to test Flash Player against their site code
    to determine the root cause of the problem. They can then open a
    case with us.
    Unfortunately there isn't anything we can do in this
    circumstance for the end user of that site though, sorry. Sometimes
    we can get a clue from the debug logging, but I hit the site and no
    obvious error is thrown..

  • Flash player crash accessing Adobe Media Server website

    Accessing Adobe Flash Media server family website
    today on Internet Explorer 6, Mozilla Firefox 3.5, 3.6 (I tried both)
    I am using Windows XP version 2002 service pack2 and Flash Player 9 r 124
    I upgraded to Flash Player but still the problem persists.
    One more information, I installed Microsoft Silverlight 3 today on my machine before.
    I am not sure this might be a cause, so I uninstalled Silverlight, but the 'media server website' still crashes the browser.
    Quick reply appreciated.
    Ram Manoj Kongara.

    An important update.
    I logged a bug FP-4185 under flash player.
    Here are the concise steps to reproduce the issue.
    Steps to reproduce:
    1. Access the website
    2. When the page is getting loaded and video streaming load animation starts
    3. After 2 seconds the Browser crashes.
    Few things that I did prior to the error occured.
    Updated Mozilla Firefox to 3.6 version.
    Installed Microsoft Silverlight 3.0
    If firefox could be a reason, then browser crashed in IE6 too.
    If installing Silverlight affected the Flash player crash when streaming, I uninstalled Microsoft Silverlight, but the flash player persisted with crashing accessing the website.
    I tried installing Microsoft Silverlight on few machines in a Net Cafe and tried to access the website with flash video streaming, the browser did not crash.
    So there is no reproducible scenario apart from my own Computer.
    The browser crash is reproducible every time on my machine.

  • Cannot associate media file types .swf .flv with Adobe Flash media player

    I have been trying to associate these media types ( .swf .flv ) with Adobe Flash media player (9.0.124 latest from Adobe site) but cannot see the program in the list (looked under Adobe, Flash, Macromedia, Common etc) after loading. I have repeated the process, rebooted, and no luck.
    Any ideas why a new program should not show in the Programs list ? 
    X300 Vista  

    kevpatts wrote:
    Hey sdalek,
    It's actually not all sites. I've found a few that work. I'll have a look for any difference in implementation to try to narrow down the issue.
    Thanks, I'm curious to find out what's different. I've repair disk permissions again using the one in Disk Utility instead of Cocktail with not luck As far as I can tell, all my issues seem to be occurring solely on and is sill happening with Camino, Firefox, Safari, and SWF & FLV Player. I'll keep checking other sites to see if the problem manifests itself elsewhere and I'll post any other changes I make to my system that might appear to help.
    Message was edited by: [email protected]

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