Crystal Report limits

Post Author: re4p3r
CA Forum: General
Hi, i just want to ask if anybody has experiences with the limits of Crystal Report ?Is there anything Crystal Report can't handle?  I hope you can give me some answers Good night...kind regardsre4p3r  

    Keep a couple things in mind when processing that many records.
-Don't use sub reports.  They will slow you down big time. Instead, do everything in the query. Use materialized queries with "With" statements, temporary tables, sub queries, etc.  If you don't understand how to do this, work with your DBA or learn it.
-Don't use the Detail section.  My understanding of the Detail section is that it requires bringing in ALL the records, whereas Grouping can be done on the server.  Make sure you select the proper options in Report Options ("Grouping on Server", etc) and then "group" your way down to the details of your report.
-Use a data warehouse if you have one.
-As for limits in Crystal, I'd like to see nested sub reporting and the ability to dynamically change the properties of a text box, line, etc. through code.
Happy Hunting,
The Panda   
Edited by: pandabear on Jun 17, 2008 7:32 PM

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    If Crystal Reports supports creation of a PDF with PDF Link annotations it will be discussed in the Crystal Reports Support/User documentation. If it is not supported then you'll have to accept the Crystal Reports limitation and continue with the "2-step" shuffle. 
    At its core the issue is with Crystal Reports rather than PDF or Acrobat.
    Be well...

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    I believe there is a limit to the length of string Crystal can work with, although I can't remember what it is off the top of my head, but probably 65534 characters - once upon a time it was 256 characters!
    You could try working around this limitation by creating a few formulas, grabbing, say, the nth 1000 characters and storing it into a variable.
    stringvar part1:=left(YourField, 1000);
    stringvar part2:=mid(YourField, 1001, 2000);
    stringvar part3:=mid(YourField, 2001, 3000);
    Of course, you could wrap that up in a loop to automate it if you'd prefer.
    Then, create a formula for each of the above "part(x)" variable to display the contents:
    //Formula @show_part1
    stringvar part1
    //Formula @show_part2
    stringvar part2
    Finally, drop each of these "show" formulas into a single textbox and hopefully, you should get what you need.
    If not, chop it up in the SQL command/view/whatnot and return it as seperate columns and concat them in a similar textbox fashion?
    Let us know how you get on...

  • Crystal Report File Size Limitation

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    CA Forum: General
    I am running into a file size issue with Crystal Reports. If the report file approaches 80MB then they do not run or display well or at all. Can anyone tell me how best to investigate this problem?

    What version of Cr and .NET?
    Does your printer have limited memory?
    Is it local printer?
    Have you tried installing the latest Drivers for it?
    What Browser are you using and have you tried any other?
    40 pages not much local memory so it shouldn't be a problem.
    Create a new Printer and select File rather than port or LPT as the destination to see if it's a physical printer or network issue.
    Try a different printer altogether also.
    Also refer to Rule of Engagement posting before submitting your question so you provide as much info first.
    Thank you

  • Column limits for Crystal Reports for Eclipse

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    But i removed any one column, it wont make any problem and able to preview. Whenever put more than 18 columns, its throwing issue. Can you please help me to identify the issue.
    Regards, Siby

    Are you talking about the fields coming from the Data Source Explorer?.
    If "Yes" then there is no such limits.
    Are you able to run the report through the eclipse designer?

  • Crystal Reports grouping limits different then tree or tab menu limits...

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    <p>this will work for viewing only in boe or in the crystal reports designer...</p><li>In Enterprise (CMC), navigate to the report you&#39;ve just uploaded </li><li>From the process tab, select &#39;Print Setup&#39; </li><li>In the &#39;Set the report&#39;s page layout&#39; section, select the &#39;Custom Settings&#39; option. </li><li>Choose a Height and Width for the report (for example - 40inches width, 10 inches high). </li><li>Click Update. </li><li>Go to the History tab and Click Run Now (assuming the report you&#39;ve built doesn&#39;t have a massive quantity of data) </li><li>You should now be viewing your report with the screenspace chosen (40 inchs wide) - <em>From the viewer</em>, export the report to RPT and save it to your desktop. </li><li>Open the report in Crystal Reports and you will have the report with custom page settings to work with. </li>

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    Please advice us. We are waiting for the reply to decide to go ahead with Embedded Version or to buy a Crystal Report Server / Enterprise Edition.
    Thanks in advance

    Also, see [Choosing the Right Business Objects SDK for Your Needs|]
    [Choose the Right SDK for the Right Task|]
    [Crystal Reports 2008 Component Engine Scalability|]
    - Ludek

  • Crystal Reports UFL DLL limitation?

    Hello there,
    Is there any kind of limitation on UFL Dlls that are being used on crystal reports? Such as connecting to webservices or using sql connections to reach data from databases or using 3rd party dlls?
    the UFL dll is working fine, once i started debuging it i noticed that i could not call the webservice, not even create an instance of the SoapClient.
    I did test the SoapClient from an Exe and it did work fine, just not inside this dll.
    I did try to add
          <httpWebRequest useUnsafeHeaderParsing = "true" />
    to the app.config but still, no luck.
    Any tips?

    hello there,
    I have tested in 2010 and vb.2010. Both gave me the same problem.
    I did try the dll in 64 and 32 bit. Both seems to have the same issue.
    I don't think that the problem is related with the webservice itself as i also have problems when i use other 3rd party dlls and apparently i can't/not be able to.
    The DLL have been registered by visual studio after compiling (i did try to regasm it manually and did try debug mode too).
    i did attach the dll to a process that will call the crystal reports map and the function that the map prints can't create an instance of the webservice soapclient.

  • Req for Limitations details in Crystal Reports for visual studio

    Post Author: shankarnathan
    CA Forum: Upgrading and Licensing
    We are going to create a thick client windows application&#91;using visual studio .net&#93; which are going to be used by around 20 users in a organisation.For reporting purpose we are planning to use crystal report basic for visual studio and came to know that basic crystal distribution licence is free.Right now we are bothering about the limitations with respect to the basic crystal report version packed with visual studio.
    Can anyone please shed some light regarding all the limitations in using crystal report basic for visual studio of 2003 and 2005.

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    CA Forum: Upgrading and Licensing
    I desperately need this information as well.  I also need to know if the visual studio version has a rtf control that I can merge data values into a text paragraph.  Also, can crystal add controls to a report at run-time based on an object class in a referenced project?

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    Is this a bug with Crystal, or is there some configuration I can change to correct this issue?


  • Limited features for crystal reports in visual studio 2005

    Post Author: jag
    CA Forum: .NET
    Hello All,
    I have problems in finding solution for the following problems in line graph in crystal reports in visual studio 2005.
    1)Cant customize the colour of line in the line graph. (line by series only i wanted not by group)
    2)Cant customize the width of line.
    3)Cant customize the line style display.
    4)Cant customize the trend line or target line.
    Can you please help in resolving these problems....
    Do i get any extended crystal report software for visual studio 2005 to get all features in crystal reports 10 r 11 versions?
    Do you recommend 3dgraphics macros is better and economical to get extended features of crystal reports in visual studio 2005?
    Can anyone please help me..iam in need of these solutions urgently....
    Thanks in advance for your time......cheers

    Post Author: Argan
    CA Forum: .NET
    I am not really familiar with all of the options for charting and what is or isnt in the bundled version.
    You can download the CR XI R2 developer edition eval from the website and see if it gives you the graph options that you want.  If it does then I think you can buy it at an upgrade price since you already have the bundled edition.

  • Crystal Report with Universe instead of Business Views: Any limitations ?

    We were using Crystal Reports on top of Business Views  until now. Due to considerable post-migration work with Crystal Reports on top of Business Views we are thinking of switching to Crystal Reports  on top of Universe.
    Can anybody explain me whether there is any drawback while using *Universe with Crystal Reports* instead of Business Views with Crystal Reports.
    Please consider the following pointswhile giving an evaluation -
       Dynamic parameter
    (ii)  LOV creation and maintainence
    (iii) Maintaining order of parameters
    (iv) Updating Universe/Business View level changes in Report (Verify database)
    (v) Report performance
    Your advice/views is appreciated.

    Here are my views..
    Yes, you can create crystal reports on top of universes. But there is one major drawback using universe. You can connect to only one database at a time. But in Business View you can connect to multiple databases. If you are ok with this, you can absolutely go for universes.
    Dynamic parameter  --- Yes its possible
    (ii) LOV creation and maintainence  --- Whatever the LOVs you  have in universe, you can use the same. And also you can use LOVs created in Business Views  while creating reports on top of universes. Any how please check. not very sure about it.
    (iii) Maintaining order of parameters --- Yes, the order of parameters can be managerd using universe designer itself.
    (iv) Updating Universe/Business View level changes in Report (Verify database) -- No need of updates required to be done in report. There are few changes which can happen for universe. Seemlessly you don't need to do anything to reports. Unless you delete some objects in universe.
    (v) Report performance -- Never checked in this perspective. Performance should be fine.

  • Crystal Report XI: Parameter Field Dynamic Default Values Limitation?

    Post Author: Elie_123
    CA Forum: General
    Hi,Using Crystal Report XI.I have a parameter field with Dynamic values that Queries the company field of an SQL Database.I have around 3500 companies in my DB. But when running my report (Using Crystal), only the first 1300 companies are being displayed in my pick list.I need to see the whole 3500 records. Any idea how to fix that?regards

    Post Author: V361
    CA Forum: General
    Check out this link;jsessionid=2DA9FC849962062053477D134AAAA672?cmd=displayKC&docType=kc&externalId=c2017238&sliceId=&dialogID=5618074&stateId=1%200%205616180

  • Dunning Letter as Crystal Report: What tables? (SAP B1 9.0)

    Dear Experts,
    I am being asked to revise the Dunning Letters for our clients.  The existing PLDs for each Dunning Letter shows most data fields as system variables.  The existing Crystal Report for Dunning Letter 1 is a conversion from the PLD and doesn't show table information for most of the report's main items.  There are tables in the report but they are standard ones (OADM, OADP, OCRD, OHEM, OSLP).  It also includes a "table" called "PLD__ITEMS" which has all the PLD system variables and no B1 table or field/column information.
    As I'm just now starting to work with dunning letters, I see that I can't even run this report in Crystal.  The PLD__Items datasource prompts me for a file path and class name.  Any ideas what one enters here to run the report outside of B1 (from the Crystal report designer)?
    The main focus of my question is: Has anyone created a Crystal Report to replicate the Dunning Letter and if so, what tables are involved and how are they connected?  If I can create a Dunning Letter entirely in Crystal, I can replicate it across all clients and get the correct fields/columns of data the clients want.  The inclusion of the PLD__Items apparently limits my ability to test the results.  I would prefer to avoid the PLD limitations.
    Thanks for any assistance.

    Thank you Nagarajan.  I have a dunning letter created in Crystal Reports for our client.  It is fairly limited in scope, it just has the customer name and address, invoice numbers and dates, amounts due and the text they wanted in it.
    I can import it into B1 9.0 and set it as the default for Dunning Letter #1 and it runs, but unlike other formats where there is a DocEntry and/or ObjectID and a ?DocKey@ or ?ObjectId@ parameter, how do I limit the report to just one customer?  Typical document layouts run for the document that's on the screen.  In the dunning process, the report runs once for every customer when the Dunning Letter Method is set to "One Letter per BP".  I have to limit the report to one customer at a time.  Right now, each dunning letter based on the Crystal report is identical and it contains all the data for every customer.
    So, does anyone have any ideas for what selection criteria needs to be included in the Crystal report to have it select just one customer from the dunning wizard tables?  Thanks.
    Edit: I created a ?WizardID@ parameter and a ?CardCode@ parameter to limit the report to a single dunning wizard event and a single customer.  While it works fine in Crystal itself, it doesn't work in B1 at all.  I had thought that by limiting the report in this way, it would only create dunning letters for a single customer.

  • Fields missing while printing crystal reports !!

    Hello everyone
    I have a crystal report application in VB.NET 2005, which gets the values of a field from the database and supports printing of the report in the following formats
    1. pdf
    2. directly to a printer - printout
    When i export the report using reportdocument to pdf , all the fields are getting printed : Normal - As expected
    But when i print the report directly using PrintToPrinter method,i am not able to print some of the fields. i.e some of the entries are missing in that report printout
    Can someone guess what could be the problem ???
    Are there any limitations / preconfigurations that needs to be done apart from setting page size,margin before using the PrintToPrinter method

    OK, a few incongruencies here:
    I'm using the version of the Crystal Reports that ships along with the Visual Studio.NET 2005.
    - that would make is CR 10.2
    We have also tried applying the latest service packs crxir2_sp4_full_build
    - So SP 4 for CR XI release 2 would not do you much good as per above (if you are indeed using CR 10.2(?))
    - How did you get to the crxir2_sp4_full_build? This is in a gated section of the SAP website. The only publically available SP 4 for CR XI r2 is "incremental... If you did apply crxir2_sp4_full_build, then you are working with CR XI r2 now...
    The behavior is seen in the web application and the behavior is seen both in the dev and deployment system.
    - So this does not work anywhere? If so, why bother going to deployment?
    Also i tried exporting to pdf soon before / after printing. But the fields are present in the pdf and not on the printouts
    - Confirm that you do see the fields on an exported PDF and when you print the PDF you get a blank printout?
    More clarification needed:
    We need to be absolutely clear on what version of Crystal Reports you are using. Open your .NET project, go to your references and look for CrystalDecisions.Crystalreports.Engine.dll. What version is this assembly?
    Also, please answer the rest of the questions above.

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