Cs3 questions re artefact and rendering

Hi everybody
I am still robodog2 !  moved to another computer for internet at least until I get my probs solved on premiere computer...
I thank you all beforehand for any advice and help in this matter...
1) Using Premiere pro cs3
2) On a Dell Inspiron 530 ( oink ).  However, upgraded power supply, cpu, ram, graphics card as follows:
Dell Inspiron 530
Pentium dual core E5300 @ 2.60 Ghz
3 GB Ram
XP service pack 3
Nvidia GeForce 8800 GT graphics card
Driver: Nvidia ver
First Issue: Rendering Video
File size info:
Filesizes...currently 2 files of video on timeline
and 2 soundfiles.
2 Video files on timeline:  filesize:  (1.3 gig) x 2
Sound files totalling 41,000 kb (40 meg).
Here is info from Gspot about one video file on timeline:
Gspot info left screen area:
Gspot info right screen area:
My preferences (edit / pref ):
rendering choices in preferences:
Question: when rendering on timeline does it use these settings in the preferences or is this just for exporting ?
If rendering on the timeline uses these settings then I should be using the DivX 6.8.5 codec , correct ?
These are my settings in Preferences  / General  ....does it look OK ?
you can see some artefact happening above (circled)....that is the NEXT issue....
And below is my Project General Settings:  Does it look OK ?
Thank you for looking at all this....
So I have two problems...
1) current rendering from timeline makes video result look like it is losing a frame here and there....not drastically horrible, but not good either.
2) artefacts, although not as bad as they were with phsX enabled, are still happening a little bit....I would rather not roll back the driver if I can make manual adjustments to some of the nVidia settings instead.  Like, whether the application controls certain aspects or I ask the hardware to handle those actions (basically I think these choices are for 3d gaming and what control the applications have for the settings).
Thank you very much for all you help !

In this case, can you go back to before the DivX encoding? That would be far better than even a good conversion. Once an AV file has been heavily compressed, the quality is gone and gone for good. You can do nothing to ever get it back. Then, if you edit, and Export to any compressed format/CODEC, you loose more quality. No way around that.
With conversion, DivX material can be easily edited, so long as one converts to a non-GOP format, that PrPRo likes, say that DV-AVI Type II. Still, the quality is lost, so going back to a point prior to the DivX compression will benefit you.
A good analogy of DivX quality would be: you have a DOC file, and print it out on your 1200 dpi printer onto good stock. Looks great. This is the original DV-AVI Type II footage from Capture. Now, you FAX this to a friend (this would be something like doing a DVD-Video in MPEG-2 CODEC). Your friend then writes some notes on the FAX, makes a copy of it on the copier machine, and then FAX'es this back to you. The resultant FAX on your end would be the DivX compression. Even with a good OCR program, you will have difficulty getting this back to a form that looks good in digital form. Does this quality loss analogy make sense?
Good luck, and please do not try to edit DivX, or you WILL go crazy. You will never get good, or clean edits. Save DivX only for Export as a highly-compressed delivery format for streaming data.

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    Yes read your manual to understand more but here is a clip:
    Create proxy media: This option creates video and still-image proxy files. Video is transcoded to the Apple ProRes 422 (Proxy) codec format, which provides high-quality files useful for offline editing at the original frame size, frame rate, and aspect ratio. Final Cut Pro creates medium-quality (one-quarter resolution) proxy versions that increase editing performance. Video proxy files take up considerably less disk space, which often means you can work on a portable computer instead of a desktop computer that has significantly more memory and processing power. Still images are transcoded to either JPEG (if the original file doesnʼt have alpha channel information) or PNG files (if the file has alpha channel information). Still-image proxy files facilitate faster processing and rendering when the original image is very large.
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    answers are laced with my experience and therefore my bias.
    1. For the most part the SQL that you write for Access, MS
    SQL or MySQL is going to be the same. I won't make that claim about
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    the SQL in the book different to deal with the back end db.
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    know why that would be. It is MUCH more stable and robust than
    Access for web development. My research showed that you can use
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    Microsoft's first choice.
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    would seem to indicate that you are developing on your production
    server. That's never a good idea. Go local if you can. If you have
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    only moving your code to production when you are happy with it.
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    identical and you may need to change a few references, but it is
    still a better practice than developing on your live site. Some web
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    you could set one up with a duplicate of your site and develop
    4. Let me try to pull your 'rant-let' apart into two issue. I
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    was when Adobe still had not released Flex Builder 2 for the Mac.
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    do. I regularly work with MS SQL and MySQL. (OK, so SQL Enterprise
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    but I only use that at the day job. But even there you can find
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    to MS SQL.) If I'm missing your point on the Mac, please let me
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    the best choice for a web developer. You can have Mac, Windows and
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    have the RAM :-)).
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    attacks. Most languages have developed functions for vetting user
    input variables and best practices for building these things. It is
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    publisher. They didn't want the book to be any longer than the
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    over a decade and I don't know all there is to know about it. It's
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    Ann154 wrote:
    If you are getting charged to use the wifi, then it is possible.  Otherwise no
    Just to elaborate here, Ann154 is referring to access charges for wifi, which is nothing to do with Verizon, so if you are using it in a plane, hotel, an internet cafe etc that charges for Wifi rather than being free .   Verizon does not charge you (or indeed know about!) wifi usage, or any other usage that is not on their cellular network (such as using a foreign SIM for example in global phones)  So these charges, if any, will not show up on the verizon bill app.  Having it in airplane mode prevents all cellular data traffic so you should be fine

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    Is the transaction Key in OMJJ is same as OBYC transaction key?
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    No, they are not the same.  The movement type transaction (OMJJ) links the account key and account modifier to a specific movement types.  Transaction code (OBYC) contains the account assignments for all material document postings, whether they are movement type dependent or not.  Account key BSX is not movement type dependent.  Instead, BSX is dependent on the valuation class of the material, so it won't show in OMJJ.

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    You can have them on at the same time, but they will not be used at the same time for data. The order of preference for data is WiFi > 3G > EDGE > GPRS. You're getting the pop up, most likely, because you have Settings > Wi-Fi > Ask to Join Networks set to ON. You can set that to OFF, and the iPhone will still join known (i.e. previously used) WiFi networks automatically.

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    1) Dashboard prompt usually work with only for columns which are in subject area. In my report I've created some of the columns which are based on other columns. Like I've daysNumber column that is based on two other columns, as it calculates the difference of two dates. When I create dashboard prompt I can't find this column there. I need to make a prompt on this column.
    2)For one of the column I've only two values 1 and 0. When I create prompt for this column, is it possible that in drop down list It shows 'Yes' for 1 and 'No' for 0 and still filter the request??

    Hi Toony,...
    I think there was another way of doing this...
    In the dashboard prompt go to Show option > select SQL Results from dropdown.
    There you need to write your Logical SQL like...
    SELECT CASE WHEN 1=0 THEN PERIODS.YEAR ELSE difference of date functionality END FROM SubjectAreaName
    Here.. Periods.Year is the column which is already exists in repository's presentation layer..
    and difference of date functionality is the code or formula of column which you want to show in drop-down...
    Also write the CASE WHEN 1=0 THEN PERIODS.YEAR ELSE difference of date functionality END code in fx of that prompt.
    I think it helps you in doing this..
    Just check and inform me if it works...
    Thanks & Regards
    Kishore Guggilla
    Edited by: Kishore Guggilla on Oct 31, 2008 9:35 AM

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    - What is the built-in spincount for a native client?
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    3) Is there a similar (to Semaphore appears stuck) error for other semaphores, such as GTT, AOM, etc)?
    - If yes, what is the timeout?

    1) The default SPINCOUNT value is 0 (no spinning) for all platforms that are supported today. (At one time we had a default value of 5000 for Sequent hardware, but it has been many years since we supported that platform.) The SPINCOUNT value that will work best for any application depends on many factors, including the number of CPUs on the machine, the hardware platform, and the indvidual application. SPINCOUNT will only be useful when the machine has more than one CPU.
    2) /Q logs Q_CAT:1447 after 50 unsuccessful attempts to obtain the semaphore when the semaphore has never been released and reobtained by a different process or the same process during that period. The Access Control List code uses the same rule for logging LIBTUX_CAT:1511. If TMSPINCOUNT is set, then the number of unsuccessful attempts to obtain the semaphore is incremented by 1 only after TMSPINCOUNT spins have been done.
    Code for the BB semaphore and the semaphore used by /Domain follows a different rule. This code will log LIBTUX_CAT:5005 or LIBGW_CAT:5010 if a process has to wait for the semaphore for 10 seconds and the semaphore has never been released by the original owner during this time period.
    3) TMSPINCOUNT is used for the BB semapahore, AOM semaphore, ACL semaphore, /Domain semaphore, and /Q semaphore. Locking the GTT uses the same BB semaphore that used to lock other tables in the BB.

  • Some questions on whitespace and &

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    I have some questions on whitespace and & that need you kind help:
    1. Except /n /t /r and space, is there any characters that are whiteSpace characters?
    2. When parsing XML document, when the ignorableWhitespace() method is called? Will it be called from characters() ?
    e.g. Where the white space after <a> is called, and where is the white space between test1 and test 2 indied <b> is called?
       <b>test1 test2</b>
    </a>  3. When the & should be escaped in a well-formed (or validated) XML file by replacing &?
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    Thanks DrClap.
    2. When parsing XML document, when the
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       <b>test1 test2</b></a>The white space between <a> and <b> (including newline) is actually called from characters(), not in ignorableWhitespace(). So does this mean that if validating - white space is always called from ignorableWhitespace(), and if not validating, if it is always called from characters()?
    3. When the & should be escaped in a well-formed(or
    validated) XML file by replacing &? The XML Recommendation says "The ampersand character
    (&) and the left angle bracket (<) may appear
    in their literal form only when used as markup
    delimiters, or within a comment, a processing
    instruction, or a CDATA section. If they are needed
    elsewhere, they must be escaped using either numeric
    character references or the strings "&" and
    "<" respectively."So in this sense, both & in <b>test1 & test2< /b> and <a b="test1 & test2"/> is illegal unless replacing them by & - right? What does the markup delimiters mena in above XML Recommendation ? Example?

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