CS4 Indesign Datei wird beim drucken riesig

ich habe hier ein Problem und weiß nicht woran es liegt. Eine Kollegin aus dem Marketing arbeitet mit CS4.
Die *.indd Datei ist auf dem Fileserver ~41 MB groß
Möchte diese Kollegin jetzt die Datei drucken sehe ich in der Warteschlange, dass sich die Größe der Datei enorm vergrößert, ~330MB
Woran kann das liegen? Hat da jemand eine Idee?
Vielen Dank für HIlfe!

Öhm, naja, Farbraumumrechnung, Schriften ersetzen/ in Konturen wandeln, Rastern und so... Seh da jetzt nix, was jetzt mit ID & Co. zu tun hätte. Das sind alles Dinge im Druckertreieber/ Drucker selsbst und ohen irgendwelche Infos dazu kann da keienr was sinntragendes von sich geben...

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    This is a english forum.
    Ask it in english and someone will help you.
    Else go look in Germany.

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    Dabei konnte ich in der Praxis keine Einschränkungen beim Austausch (hin und her) von überarbeiteten Textinhalten feststellen. 
    Das betätigt die Erfahrung von Horst Stein.
    Horst Stein schrieb:
    In meinem lokalen Netzwerk funktioniert diese Kombination sehr gut. In einem sogenannten Live-edit-Workflow mit gleichzeitigem Arbeiten am gleichen InDesign-Dokument mit InDesign und InCopy sehe ich keine Probleme. Einchecken und Auschecken und Textänderungen sind in Echtzeit. Das ist schon beeindruckend.
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    Die differenzierte Testanordnung (InDesign CS 4 bis CS 5.5 und InCopy CS 5.5 nebst InCopy CS 4) und die Ergebnisse können in InDesign CS 5.0 und InCopy CS 5.5 (HilfDirSelbst.ch – InDesign-Forum)  nachgelesen werden.
    Nach meinen Erfahrungen trifft die Behauptung, InCopy 5.5 und InDesign CS 5 seien grundätzlich inkompatibel, nicht zu.
    Vielleicht habe ich aber bei meinen Tests etwas übersehen.
    Den Remote-Workflow habe ich noch nicht getestet.
    Viele Grüße
    Martin Fischer

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    Hallo Helmut,
    kannst Du PSE überhaupt noch irgendwie starten? Wenn ja, versuche hier zunächst folgendes:
    >Erneut verbinden
    >Alle fehlenden Dateien
    In dem dann vermutlich kommenden Dialog gehst Du mal auf die Suche nach der besagten Datei. Ich sage deshalb "vermutlich" weil da auch eine Meldung kommen kann, die besagt, daß alles in Oednung ist, es also keine Dateien gibt, die es zu verbinden gilt.
    Wenn Du PSE gar nicht mehr starten kannst, dann versucher bitte die besagte Datei auf Explorer Ebene ertmal zu eliminieren, bzw. gründlich vor PSE "zu verstecken". Und dann versuchen PSE nochmal zu starten.
    Dann wieder die oben beschriebene Routine und die besagte Datei erstmal aus dem Katalog löschen (auf PSE Ebene!)um sie dann anschließend korrekt via PSE zu laden, bzw. sie aus ihrem "Versteck" holen.
    Viel Glück und meld Dich noch mal ob es geklappt hat.

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    Offending Command: IWAHVW+Humnst777BT
    Operand Stack:
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    Danke vorab.

    Das deutschsprachige Forum ist hier: http://forums.adobe.com/community/international_forums/deutsche
    Bitte vergessen Sie nicht Ihr OS und Adobe Reader Version anzugeben.

  • Snow Leopard 10.6.2 CS4 InDesign can't open files with a "#" in file path

    Snow Leopard 10.6.2 CS4 InDesign can't open files with a "#" in file path using any of these perfectly normal methods:
    1. double-click file in the Finder (e.g in a Folder on your Mac or on your Mac desktop etc.)
    2. select file and choose "File... Open" command-o in the Finder
    3. drag file to the application icon in the Finder.
    4. Select file in Bridge and double-click, choose File.. Open.. or Drag icon to InDesign icon in dock.
    If you try to open an ID file named with a "#", you will get an error message "Missing required parameter 'from' for event 'open.'"
    This happens to any InDesign file that has a "#" (pound sign, number sign, or hash) in the filename or in the file path (any parent folder).
    To reproduce
    Name an InDesign file Test#.idd Try to open it in the Finder or Bridge (as opposed to the "Open" dilaog of InDeisng itself).
    The file WILL open using File... Open... command-o while in InDesign application.
    Rename the file or folders that have a "#" (shift-3) in the filename.
    Report to Adobe if it bugs you.
    This does not occur in "plain" Leopard 10.5 nor Tiger 10.4
    Untested in Panther or before and
    Untested with CS3 and earlier in Snow Leaopard.
    Anyone have those and want to try this... ?

    In case this really bothers you: we've added a workaround for this into Soxy. If you enable the option, these documents will open fine on double-click.
    You need Soxy 1.0.7 from:
    Go to the 'Soxy' - 'Preferences' - 'Other' dialog window, and enable 'Open InDesign via Script'
    (Irrelevant background info (it's all invisible to the user): the workaround works by special-casing how Soxy opens documents in InDesign: instead of using AppleScript, Soxy will use ExtendScript to instruct InDesign to open the document - which works fine).

  • CS4 InDesign not printing correctly on HP1320 LaserJet for 2-sided booklets

    I'm trying to print chapters in a book, using 2-sided printing from CS4 InDesign (V 6.0.4) to an HP1320 LaserJet printer using an iMac computer. This used to work with CS InDesign (V 3.0.1) using a Dell PC and the same printer. The page prints on both sides, but is limited to 8.5 inches of the 11 in side.  [My pages are 5 1/2 by 8 1/2 with two pages on one side of the page; when finished, the book is 5 1/2" by 8.5".] I've tried lots of combinations of page orientation in both the InDesign File/Print Booklet/Print Settings.../Setup and in the File/Print Booklet/Print Settings.../Printer... but nothing seems to solve this. Any suggestions?  Thanks.

    On 2 Dec 2009, at 17:01, P Spier wrote:
    Can you walk through trhe steps you are using, please?
    You need to be sure the print dialog is set up to print the pages in landscape orientation.
      I'd be happy to try. Here are the steps I take, but you should realize that I've done this so many times over the past several days (up to a couple of weeks) that I try different things each time.
      I've got a couple of book projects that use similar formats. One is a textbook and the second is a daily log I keep (not always "daily"). Both are printed and bound to become books that are on the order of 400 to 500 pages and are 8.5" by 5.5" in size.  So, I have a file I want to print and I want it to come out with side-by-side 5.5 x 8.5" pages (two on each side of an 8 1/2 by 11 inch sheet of paper (i.e., two sided printing).
      In InDesign, I click on File, Print Booklet..., and here is what the window looks like: [see attached file "Screen shot 2009-12-02 at 5.51.44 PM.pgn.]
      To get it to show "Booklet Type: 2-up Saddle Stitch," I had to click on "Print Settings" at the bottom and select "Setup" and then "Orientation: landscape (2nd from the left on the choice of four orientations)."  I also usually go to "Page Setup..." and make sure I chose "Orientation: landscape."
      Then I go to the "Printer..." button at the bottom of the "Print" window and select things so it looks like this:  [see attached file "Screen shot 2009-12-02 at 5.57.44 PM.pgn.]
      To get this, I had to click on the "Layout" option and then "Booklet Printing." That automatically selected "Two-Sided" printing.
      As far as choices go, I think that is it.
      The page that printed most recently with those settings came out with four (not two) pages on each side of the page. Further, the four pages that printed on the back side of the sheet of paper were upside down relative to those on the front side. This may be the result of using "2-up Saddle Stitch" but I'm not sure of that.
      But here is the problem that has really been bugging me: the pages on one side of the paper don't go as far toward the margin as they should. Here is one example of low-res pictures of the front of the page that printed.
      The page shows two full "pages" along the left top and right top, but along the left and right bottom pages, only about half of the pages printed.  The back side of the sheet of paper was similar, with only half of the "pages" showing for two of the four pages on this side.
      So, I hope this is enough information for you. I'd be happy to provide more if needed. And thank you for even attempting to help. I've been struggling with this issue for a couple of weeks (I'm retired, so I sure don't spend full time on it, but I sure have spent hours at it, all to no avail).

  • CS4 Indesign Printing issues

    Hi, We have a new Mac Pro Tower we just purchased with Snow Leopard 10.6.7. We are using Adobe Indesign CS4 Version 6.0.6. I have an Indesign project that I need to print to our Canon ImagePress C1 with a fiery. I go to File>Print, then it shows it's kind of preparing it to be sent to our printer. After about 30 seconds the printer window pops up and it says: spooling for about another 30 seconds and then the printer puts this job on pause. Below is the console logs from this users machine: Where you see "username" I removed the person's name for security.
    06/May/2011:08:32:19 -0700] [Job 66] Wrote 4816 bytes of print data...
    D [06/May/2011:08:32:19 -0700] [Job 66] STATE: +connecting-to-device
    D [06/May/2011:08:32:19 -0700] [Job 66] Looking up ""...
    D [06/May/2011:08:32:19 -0700] [Job 66] Connecting to for printer print
    D [06/May/2011:08:32:19 -0700] [Job 66] Connecting to printer...
    D [06/May/2011:08:32:19 -0700] [Job 66] STATE: -connecting-to-device
    D [06/May/2011:08:32:19 -0700] [Job 66] Connected to printer...
    D [06/May/2011:08:32:19 -0700] [Job 66] Connected to (IPv4) (local port 1022)...
    D [06/May/2011:08:32:19 -0700] [Job 66] prtMarkerSuppliesLevel.1.1 = 4050
    D [06/May/2011:08:32:19 -0700] [Job 66] prtMarkerSuppliesLevel.1.2 = 1275
    D [06/May/2011:08:32:19 -0700] [Job 66] prtMarkerSuppliesLevel.1.3 = 1700
    D [06/May/2011:08:32:19 -0700] [Job 66] prtMarkerSuppliesLevel.1.4 = 1275
    D [06/May/2011:08:32:19 -0700] [Job 66] prtMarkerSuppliesLevel.1.5 = -2
    D [06/May/2011:08:32:19 -0700] [Job 66] ATTR: marker-levels=75,75,100,75,-1
    D [06/May/2011:08:32:19 -0700] [Job 66] lpd_command 02 print
    D [06/May/2011:08:32:19 -0700] [Job 66] Sending command string (7 bytes)...
    D [06/May/2011:08:32:19 -0700] [Job 66] Reading command status...
    D [06/May/2011:08:32:19 -0700] [Job 66] lpd_command returning 0
    D [06/May/2011:08:32:19 -0700] [Job 66] Control file is:
    D [06/May/2011:08:32:19 -0700] [Job 66] H"Username"
    D [06/May/2011:08:32:19 -0700] [Job 66] P"Username"
    D [06/May/2011:08:32:19 -0700] [Job 66] J2011_Holiday_Layout.indd
    D [06/May/2011:08:32:19 -0700] [Job 66] ldfA517username.cor
    D [06/May/2011:08:32:19 -0700] [Job 66] UdfA517username.cor
    D [06/May/2011:08:32:19 -0700] [Job 66] N2011_Holiday_Layout.indd
    D [06/May/2011:08:32:19 -0700] [Job 66] lpd_command 02 139 cfA517username.cor
    D [06/May/2011:08:32:19 -0700] [Job 66] Sending command string (27 bytes)...
    D [06/May/2011:08:32:19 -0700] [Job 66] Reading command status...
    D [06/May/2011:08:32:19 -0700] [Job 66] lpd_command returning 0
    D [06/May/2011:08:32:19 -0700] [Job 66] Sending control file (139 bytes)
    D [06/May/2011:08:32:19 -0700] [Job 66] Control file sent successfully
    D [06/May/2011:08:32:19 -0700] [Job 66] lpd_command 03 4583404072 dfA517username.cor
    D [06/May/2011:08:32:19 -0700] [Job 66] Sending command string (34 bytes)...
    D [06/May/2011:08:32:19 -0700] [Job 66] Reading command status...
    D [06/May/2011:08:32:19 -0700] [Job 66] lpd_command returning -1
    D [06/May/2011:08:32:19 -0700] [Job 66] Backend returned status 1 (failed)
    D [06/May/2011:08:32:19 -0700] [Job 66] Printer stopped due to backend errors; please consult the error_log file for details.
    D [06/May/2011:08:32:19 -0700] [Job 66] End of messages
    D [06/May/2011:08:32:19 -0700] [Job 66] printer-state=5(stopped)
    D [06/May/2011:08:32:19 -0700] [Job 66] printer-state-message="/usr/libexec/cups/backend/lpd failed"
    D [06/May/2011:08:32:19 -0700] [Job 66] printer-state-reasons=paused
    This canon printer has worked seamlessly when we had Leopard 10.5 using CS4. It's only been since we received the new Mac Pro Tower. The Canon printer has a Fiery attached and we use the latest driver for that Fiery. All the images in this file are .tiff's. The user does have Pre-Flight on and the Print Preset: Custom, Printer: Canon Color Printer, PPD: Canon iPR Server T1 Ver.1.0. I set up the printer in the Print & Fax Dialog using the IP address, with LPD Protocol, Queue name blank (as we never had to really use one in the past). and Print Using the iPR Server T1 driver. Rebooted the Mac, ran disk utility from the CD. I have been working on this issue for a couple of days now and found many troubleshooting tips on the internet but none have worked. Is there something in the new OS X Snow Leopard that is not working with CS4 Indesign now? Any suggestions would be very helpful. Thank you!

    What fonts are you using? Are they PS Type1 by any chance? The update to 10.6.7 has introduced some problems with the older Type 1 fonts. Do a Google search for Mac 10.6.7, Type 1 font problem to see some discussions.

  • CS4 InDesign Server hangs

    I've ran into a problem where the my CS4 InDesign Server hangs. 
    I'm adding pages dynamically using the JAVA API.  Basically I go through all the content, check to see if I've reached the ParagraphStyle that indicates the "end" of the document.  If not, I add a page, flow the content into a text frame on that page & check if I've reached the end.  If not I add another page.  And so on until I finally reach the end. But it ends up hanging while attempting to do this.  What's odd, it works the first 5-10 times, but it takes longer and longer each time it adds a page until around the 10th page or so, it completely stops.  I'm using the "duplicate(OptLocationOptionsEnum arg0, OptVariableType arg1)" method on the com.adobe.ids.layout.Page object.
    Any ideas?  I can provide sample code if it would help.

    Hi Chandi,
          If Microsoft fix is not working or it is too old to apply then go for manual process i.e.;
          In the Microsoft KB article follow this :-
         Services that use the local system account to log on to a Windows Server 2003-based computer start if the Allow service to interact with desktop
         option is turned on. To turn this option on, follow these steps:
    In the Services tool, click the service that you want to start, and then click Properties.
    Right-click the Log On tab, and then click to select the Allow service to interact with desktop check box.
    Click OK to exit the Properties dialog box.
       This will solve your problem.
       Akansh Upadhyaya,
       System Engineer,
       (Windows + Unix.)

  • CS4 InDesign fails to install

    Last night I downloaded the file ADBESTDSCS4_LS1.dmg and used Easy Install; however CS4 InDesign failed to install.  I've called tech support, but the person I spoke with told me to read several articles about troubleshooting an installation using disks.  She was absolutely no help. Would someone tell me how to install InDesign CS4?
    My operating system is Mac OSX 10.5.8.  I received no error messages.  I was upgrading from CS2 InDesign. The Easy Install just didn't install InDesign.

    You can try to use the CS4 Cleanscript to see if that helps. You can also fix permissions and make sure you are installing as an administrator.

  • (german) InDesign stürzt beim Start ab :/

    Hey Leute,
    habe mir vor ein paar Monaten die CS6 - Design & Web Premium geholt.
    Funktioniert auch alles super. Bis auf InDesign. Das stürzt leider beim Start immer ab.
    Es lässt sich auch nicht starten beim erneut öffnen ...
    hab schon mit deinstallieren versucht aber immer das gleiche
    kann mir irgendjemand helfen?
    oder hat jemand ne Telefon Helpline von Adobe? Existirt sowas überhaupt? suche mich hier langsam verrückt.
    Vielen Dank

    Am 21.11.2014 um 15:53 schrieb Doc Maik <[email protected]>:
    (german) InDesign stürzt beim Start ab :/
    created by Doc Maik <https://forums.adobe.com/people/Doc+Maik> in InDesign - View the full discussion <https://forums.adobe.com/message/6950877#6950877>
    Es gibt auch ein deutsches Forum. Nur mal so...
    Das Wichtigste fehlt irgendwie: welche MacOS-Version?
    Und natürlich hat Adobe auch eine kostenlose Hotline, die man mit Google eigentlich findet: Impressum | Adobe Deutschland <http://www.adobe.com/de/company/impressum.html>
    If the reply above answers your question, please take a moment to mark this answer as correct by visiting: https://forums.adobe.com/message/6950877#6950877 and clicking ‘Correct’ below the answer
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