CS5.5 installer fails in Mavericks.

I have replaced an old Mac running Snow Leopard with a new Mac running 10.9.1. The CS5.5 installer insists I close Safari (which is not running, nor is any other browser) before it will proceed. How can I install CS5.5 on my Mavericks machine?

alch07 wrote:
How can I get my software onto my computer?
Check the requirements and supported OS versions for CS5. Ask Google for "indesign cs5 fails to initialise".

Similar Messages

  • Illustrator CS5 Update "installation failed" error

    Hello folks!
    I need your help.
    I am getting an "installation failed" on the AI CS5 15.02 Update. When I run the Adobe Support Advisor, it says: "The module found no issues to report for the selected log file."
    Is anyone experiencing this?
    Any suggestions?
    I am using Mac OSX 10.6.6.

    Thanks Mylenium.  Here is my Log file.
    Visit http://www.adobe.com/go/loganalyzer/ for more information
    START - Installer Session
    RIBS version:
    OSX version: 10.6.6 
    ::START TIMER:: [Total Timer]
    CHECK: Single instance running
    CHECK : Credentials
    Load Deployment File
    deploymentFile option not given
    Create Required Folders
    Assuming install mode
    Looking up install source path
    Sync Media DB ...
    ::START TIMER:: [Sync Media DB]
    Pre check media db sync
    End of Pre check media db sync. Exit code: 0
    :: END TIMER :: [Sync Media DB] took 177 miliseconds (0.177 seconds)
    Ready to initialize session to start with ...
    ::START TIMER:: [CreatePayloadSession]
    -------------------- BEGIN - Updating Media Sources - BEGIN --------------------
    Updated source path: /Users/billhdz/Library/Caches/Adobe/AAMUpdater/AdobeIllustratorCS5-15.0/15.0.2/AdobeIllus tratorCS5
    Updating media info for: {AD7623FD-F90A-4181-A37C-63342ACC3FA7}
    Ignoring original data since install source is local
      Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: AdobeIllustratorCS5
      Path: /Users/billhdz/Library/Caches/Adobe/AAMUpdater/AdobeIllustratorCS5-15.0/15.0.2/AdobeIllus tratorCS5/payloads/AdobeIllustrator15-mul-231210154506/AdobeIllustrator15-mul-231210154506 .dmg
    --------------------  END  - Updating Media Sources -  END  --------------------
    Supported RIBS version range: [,]
    ----------------- CreatePayloadSession: machine is x86 ---------------
    [       0] Tue Mar 15 14:47:14 2011  INFO
    ______ Verify Dependency Subscribers ______
    [       0] Tue Mar 15 14:47:19 2011  INFO
    Overwrite property "extensionsOnly" to: 1
    Overwrite property "mode" to: silent
    Overwrite property "patchesOnly" to: 1
    Overwrite property "workflow" to: updater
    Found payload actions:
    Deciding what installer mode to use...
    BEGIN Setting requested payload actions
    Value returned on lookup of payload: {AD7623FD-F90A-4181-A37C-63342ACC3FA7} Adobe Illustrator CS5_15.0.2_AdobeIllustrator15-mul is: false
    Action string for  {AD7623FD-F90A-4181-A37C-63342ACC3FA7} Adobe Illustrator CS5_15.0.2_AdobeIllustrator15-mul  is install
    END Setting requested payload actions
    Collected advanced path check information for INSTALLDIR
    INSTALLDIR is a well-formed path
    INSTALLDIR is not the root path
    INSTALLDIR is on a local volume
    INSTALLDIR is on a writable volume
    INSTALLDIR is not on a case sensitive volume
    INSTALLDIR passed path basic path validation: /Applications
    ::START TIMER:: [System check :{AD7623FD-F90A-4181-A37C-63342ACC3FA7}]
    In InstallPreSystemCheckProc
    Custom action return code: 0
    :: END TIMER :: [System check :{AD7623FD-F90A-4181-A37C-63342ACC3FA7}] took 3 miliseconds (0.003 seconds)
    Payloads passed preflight validation.
    Call PreSession Custom Hook
    ::START TIMER:: [Pre session :{AD7623FD-F90A-4181-A37C-63342ACC3FA7}]
    In InstallSessionOpenProc
    Custom action return code: 0
    :: END TIMER :: [Pre session :{AD7623FD-F90A-4181-A37C-63342ACC3FA7}] took 0 miliseconds (0 seconds)
    Calling the custom action code for pre-install for payload {AD7623FD-F90A-4181-A37C-63342ACC3FA7}
    ::START TIMER:: [Pre payload :{AD7623FD-F90A-4181-A37C-63342ACC3FA7}]
    In PrePayloadInstallProc
    AIPFIX: Begin Hook
    AIPFIX: Begin Checking File State
    AIPFIX: Extracting Installdir
    AIPFIX: Checking File
    /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5/Plug-ins.localized/Extensions.localized/ArtStyle.aip/Contents/MacOS/ArtStyle
    AIPFIX: File Exists
    AIPFIX: Begin MD5 Calculation
    AIPFIX: Running command
    AIPFIX: End MD5 Calculation
    AIPFIX: File did not match
    AIPFIX: Checking File
    /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5/Plug-ins.localized/Extensions.localized/CharParaStyles.aip/Contents/MacOS/CharParaSty les
    AIPFIX: File Exists
    AIPFIX: Begin MD5 Calculation
    AIPFIX: Running command
    AIPFIX: End MD5 Calculation
    AIPFIX: File did not match
    AIPFIX: Checking File
    /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5/Plug-ins.localized/Extensions.localized/Layers Panel.aip/Contents/MacOS/Layers
    AIPFIX: File Exists
    AIPFIX: Begin MD5 Calculation
    AIPFIX: Running command
    [       0] Tue Mar 15 14:47:20 2011  INFO
    AIPFIX: End MD5 Calculation
    AIPFIX: File did not match
    AIPFIX: Checking File
    /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5/Plug-ins.localized/Illustrator Formats.localized/SVG File Format.aip/Contents/MacOS/SVG Format
    AIPFIX: File Exists
    AIPFIX: Begin MD5 Calculation
    AIPFIX: Running command
    AIPFIX: End MD5 Calculation
    AIPFIX: File did not match
    AIPFIX: Checking File
    /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5/Adobe Illustrator.app/Contents/Frameworks/AdobeSVGExport.framework/Versions/A/AdobeSVGExport
    AIPFIX: File Exists
    AIPFIX: Begin MD5 Calculation
    AIPFIX: Running command
    AIPFIX: End MD5 Calculation
    AIPFIX: File did not match
    AIPFIX: End Checking File State
    AIPFIX: End Hook
    Custom action return code: 0
    :: END TIMER :: [Pre payload :{AD7623FD-F90A-4181-A37C-63342ACC3FA7}] took 332 miliseconds (0.332 seconds)
    ::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{AD7623FD-F90A-4181-A37C-63342ACC3FA7}]
    [       1] Tue Mar 15 14:47:20 2011  INFO
    Installer Operation: PayloadInstaller
    Request to install payload
    [       1] Tue Mar 15 14:47:21 2011  INFO
    CustomizedPatch property not found in database
    Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdir8QEJnRKe/Install.db
    [       1] Tue Mar 15 14:47:22 2011 ERROR
    15 Unable to locate file to patch at "/Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5/Adobe Illustrator.app/Required/Plug-ins/Rasterize.aip/Contents/Resources/de.lproj/InfoPlist.str ings"
    15 Command ARKPatchCommand failed.
    [       1] Tue Mar 15 14:47:22 2011  INFO
    Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdir8QEJnRKe/Install.db
    [       1] Tue Mar 15 14:47:22 2011 ERROR
    15 Unable to delete file at "/Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5/Adobe Illustrator.app/Required/Plug-ins/Rasterize.aip/Contents/Resources/de.lproj/InfoPlist.str ings"
    15 Error rolling back command ARKPatchCommand
    [       0] Tue Mar 15 14:47:23 2011  INFO
    *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 2 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*
    :: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{AD7623FD-F90A-4181-A37C-63342ACC3FA7}] took 3039 miliseconds (3.039 seconds) DTR = 3.94867 KBPS (0.00385612 MBPS)
    User specified overrideFile:
    Calling the ROLLBACK custom action code for pre-install for payload {AD7623FD-F90A-4181-A37C-63342ACC3FA7} Adobe Illustrator CS5_15.0.2_AdobeIllustrator15-mul
    ::START TIMER:: [Pre payload :{AD7623FD-F90A-4181-A37C-63342ACC3FA7}]
    In PrePayloadInstallProc
    AIPFIX: Begin Hook
    AIPFIX: Begin Checking File State
    AIPFIX: Extracting Installdir
    AIPFIX: Checking File
    /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5/Plug-ins.localized/Extensions.localized/ArtStyle.aip/Contents/MacOS/ArtStyle
    AIPFIX: File Exists
    AIPFIX: Begin MD5 Calculation
    AIPFIX: Running command
    AIPFIX: End MD5 Calculation
    AIPFIX: File did not match
    AIPFIX: Checking File
    /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5/Plug-ins.localized/Extensions.localized/CharParaStyles.aip/Contents/MacOS/CharParaSty les
    AIPFIX: File Exists
    AIPFIX: Begin MD5 Calculation
    AIPFIX: Running command
    AIPFIX: End MD5 Calculation
    AIPFIX: File did not match
    AIPFIX: Checking File
    /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5/Plug-ins.localized/Extensions.localized/Layers Panel.aip/Contents/MacOS/Layers
    AIPFIX: File Exists
    AIPFIX: Begin MD5 Calculation
    AIPFIX: Running command
    AIPFIX: End MD5 Calculation
    AIPFIX: File did not match
    AIPFIX: Checking File
    /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5/Plug-ins.localized/Illustrator Formats.localized/SVG File Format.aip/Contents/MacOS/SVG Format
    AIPFIX: File Exists
    AIPFIX: Begin MD5 Calculation
    AIPFIX: Running command
    AIPFIX: End MD5 Calculation
    AIPFIX: File did not match
    AIPFIX: Checking File
    /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5/Adobe Illustrator.app/Contents/Frameworks/AdobeSVGExport.framework/Versions/A/AdobeSVGExport
    AIPFIX: File Exists
    AIPFIX: Begin MD5 Calculation
    AIPFIX: Running command
    AIPFIX: End MD5 Calculation
    AIPFIX: File did not match
    AIPFIX: End Checking File State
    AIPFIX: End Hook
    Custom action return code: 0
    :: END TIMER :: [Pre payload :{AD7623FD-F90A-4181-A37C-63342ACC3FA7}] took 335 miliseconds (0.335 seconds) DTR = 11.9403 KBPS (0.0116604 MBPS)
    No operation.  We're done:
    Updating driver data - Action: Remove driver entry
    Updating driver data successful. Driver entry was removed. ARP estimated size 0KB
    [       0] Tue Mar 15 14:47:25 2011  INFO
    Total components installed: 0
    Total components repaired: 0
    Total components removed: 0
    [       0] Tue Mar 15 14:47:25 2011 ERROR
    The following payload errors were found during install:
    - Adobe Illustrator CS5_15.0.2_AdobeIllustrator15-mul: Install failed
    [       0] Tue Mar 15 14:47:25 2011  INFO
    Call PostSession Custom Hook
    ::START TIMER:: [Post session :{AD7623FD-F90A-4181-A37C-63342ACC3FA7}]
    In InstallSessionCloseProc
    Custom action return code: 0
    :: END TIMER :: [Post session :{AD7623FD-F90A-4181-A37C-63342ACC3FA7}] took 0 miliseconds (0 seconds)
    :: END TIMER :: [Total Timer] took 20362 miliseconds (20.362 seconds) DTR = 1.768 KBPS (0.00172656 MBPS)
    -------------------------------------- Summary --------------------------------------
    - 0 fatal error(s), 6 error(s), 0 warning(s)
    ERROR: 15 Unable to locate file to patch at "/Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5/Adobe Illustrator.app/Required/Plug-ins/Rasterize.aip/Contents/Resources/de.lproj/InfoPlist.str ings"
    ERROR: 15 Command ARKPatchCommand failed.
    ERROR: 15 Unable to delete file at "/Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5/Adobe Illustrator.app/Required/Plug-ins/Rasterize.aip/Contents/Resources/de.lproj/InfoPlist.str ings"
    ERROR: 15 Error rolling back command ARKPatchCommand
    ERROR: The following payload errors were found during install:
    ERROR:  - Adobe Illustrator CS5_15.0.2_AdobeIllustrator15-mul: Install failed
    Search the same string above to find when the error occured.
    Exit Code: 7 - Unable to complete Silent workflow
    END - Installer Session
    Visit http://www.adobe.com/go/loganalyzer/ for more information
    START - Installer Session
    RIBS version:
    OSX version: 10.6.6 
    ::START TIMER:: [Total Timer]
    CHECK: Single instance running
    CHECK : Credentials
    Load Deployment File
    deploymentFile option not given
    Create Required Folders
    Assuming install mode
    Looking up install source path
    Sync Media DB ...
    ::START TIMER:: [Sync Media DB]
    Pre check media db sync
    End of Pre check media db sync. Exit code: 0
    :: END TIMER :: [Sync Media DB] took 959 miliseconds (0.959 seconds)
    Ready to initialize session to start with ...
    ::START TIMER:: [CreatePayloadSession]
    -------------------- BEGIN - Updating Media Sources - BEGIN --------------------
    Updated source path: /Users/billhdz/Library/Caches/Adobe/AAMUpdater/AdobeIllustratorCS5-15.0/15.0.2/AdobeIllus tratorCS5
    Updating media info for: {AD7623FD-F90A-4181-A37C-63342ACC3FA7}
    Ignoring original data since install source is local
      Type: 0, Volume Order: 1, Media Name: AdobeIllustratorCS5
      Path: /Users/billhdz/Library/Caches/Adobe/AAMUpdater/AdobeIllustratorCS5-15.0/15.0.2/AdobeIllus tratorCS5/payloads/AdobeIllustrator15-mul-231210154506/AdobeIllustrator15-mul-231210154506 .dmg
    --------------------  END  - Updating Media Sources -  END  --------------------
    Supported RIBS version range: [,]
    ----------------- CreatePayloadSession: machine is x86 ---------------
    [       0] Tue Mar 15 15:01:55 2011  INFO
    ______ Verify Dependency Subscribers ______
    [       0] Tue Mar 15 15:02:02 2011  INFO
    Overwrite property "extensionsOnly" to: 1
    Overwrite property "mode" to: silent
    Overwrite property "patchesOnly" to: 1
    Overwrite property "workflow" to: updater
    Found payload actions:
    Deciding what installer mode to use...
    [       0] Tue Mar 15 15:02:03 2011  INFO
    BEGIN Setting requested payload actions
    Value returned on lookup of payload: {AD7623FD-F90A-4181-A37C-63342ACC3FA7} Adobe Illustrator CS5_15.0.2_AdobeIllustrator15-mul is: false
    Action string for  {AD7623FD-F90A-4181-A37C-63342ACC3FA7} Adobe Illustrator CS5_15.0.2_AdobeIllustrator15-mul  is install
    END Setting requested payload actions
    Collected advanced path check information for INSTALLDIR
    INSTALLDIR is a well-formed path
    INSTALLDIR is not the root path
    INSTALLDIR is on a local volume
    INSTALLDIR is on a writable volume
    INSTALLDIR is not on a case sensitive volume
    INSTALLDIR passed path basic path validation: /Applications
    ::START TIMER:: [System check :{AD7623FD-F90A-4181-A37C-63342ACC3FA7}]
    In InstallPreSystemCheckProc
    Custom action return code: 0
    :: END TIMER :: [System check :{AD7623FD-F90A-4181-A37C-63342ACC3FA7}] took 44 miliseconds (0.044 seconds)
    Payloads passed preflight validation.
    Call PreSession Custom Hook
    ::START TIMER:: [Pre session :{AD7623FD-F90A-4181-A37C-63342ACC3FA7}]
    In InstallSessionOpenProc
    Custom action return code: 0
    :: END TIMER :: [Pre session :{AD7623FD-F90A-4181-A37C-63342ACC3FA7}] took 0 miliseconds (0 seconds)
    Calling the custom action code for pre-install for payload {AD7623FD-F90A-4181-A37C-63342ACC3FA7}
    ::START TIMER:: [Pre payload :{AD7623FD-F90A-4181-A37C-63342ACC3FA7}]
    In PrePayloadInstallProc
    AIPFIX: Begin Hook
    AIPFIX: Begin Checking File State
    AIPFIX: Extracting Installdir
    AIPFIX: Checking File
    /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5/Plug-ins.localized/Extensions.localized/ArtStyle.aip/Contents/MacOS/ArtStyle
    AIPFIX: File Exists
    AIPFIX: Begin MD5 Calculation
    AIPFIX: Running command
    AIPFIX: End MD5 Calculation
    AIPFIX: File did not match
    AIPFIX: Checking File
    /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5/Plug-ins.localized/Extensions.localized/CharParaStyles.aip/Contents/MacOS/CharParaSty les
    AIPFIX: File Exists
    AIPFIX: Begin MD5 Calculation
    AIPFIX: Running command
    AIPFIX: End MD5 Calculation
    AIPFIX: File did not match
    AIPFIX: Checking File
    /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5/Plug-ins.localized/Extensions.localized/Layers Panel.aip/Contents/MacOS/Layers
    AIPFIX: File Exists
    AIPFIX: Begin MD5 Calculation
    AIPFIX: Running command
    AIPFIX: End MD5 Calculation
    AIPFIX: File did not match
    AIPFIX: Checking File
    /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5/Plug-ins.localized/Illustrator Formats.localized/SVG File Format.aip/Contents/MacOS/SVG Format
    AIPFIX: File Exists
    AIPFIX: Begin MD5 Calculation
    AIPFIX: Running command
    AIPFIX: End MD5 Calculation
    AIPFIX: File did not match
    AIPFIX: Checking File
    /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5/Adobe Illustrator.app/Contents/Frameworks/AdobeSVGExport.framework/Versions/A/AdobeSVGExport
    AIPFIX: File Exists
    AIPFIX: Begin MD5 Calculation
    AIPFIX: Running command
    AIPFIX: End MD5 Calculation
    AIPFIX: File did not match
    AIPFIX: End Checking File State
    AIPFIX: End Hook
    Custom action return code: 0
    :: END TIMER :: [Pre payload :{AD7623FD-F90A-4181-A37C-63342ACC3FA7}] took 395 miliseconds (0.395 seconds) DTR = 10.1266 KBPS (0.00988924 MBPS)
    ::START TIMER:: [Payload Operation :{AD7623FD-F90A-4181-A37C-63342ACC3FA7}]
    [       1] Tue Mar 15 15:02:03 2011  INFO
    Installer Operation: PayloadInstaller
    Request to install payload
    [       1] Tue Mar 15 15:02:05 2011  INFO
    CustomizedPatch property not found in database
    Beginning installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdir4LwLrwFg/Install.db
    [       1] Tue Mar 15 15:02:06 2011 ERROR
    15 Unable to locate file to patch at "/Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5/Adobe Illustrator.app/Required/Plug-ins/Rasterize.aip/Contents/Resources/de.lproj/InfoPlist.str ings"
    15 Command ARKPatchCommand failed.
    [       1] Tue Mar 15 15:02:06 2011  INFO
    Completing installation for payload at /private/tmp/.tempdir4LwLrwFg/Install.db
    [       1] Tue Mar 15 15:02:06 2011 ERROR
    15 Unable to delete file at "/Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5/Adobe Illustrator.app/Required/Plug-ins/Rasterize.aip/Contents/Resources/de.lproj/InfoPlist.str ings"
    15 Error rolling back command ARKPatchCommand
    [       0] Tue Mar 15 15:02:06 2011  INFO
    *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Operation complete. Setting status: 2 =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*
    :: END TIMER :: [Payload Operation :{AD7623FD-F90A-4181-A37C-63342ACC3FA7}] took 3027 miliseconds (3.027 seconds) DTR = 2.64288 KBPS (0.00258094 MBPS)
    [       0] Tue Mar 15 15:02:07 2011  INFO
    User specified overrideFile:
    Calling the ROLLBACK custom action code for pre-install for payload {AD7623FD-F90A-4181-A37C-63342ACC3FA7} Adobe Illustrator CS5_15.0.2_AdobeIllustrator15-mul
    ::START TIMER:: [Pre payload :{AD7623FD-F90A-4181-A37C-63342ACC3FA7}]
    In PrePayloadInstallProc
    AIPFIX: Begin Hook
    AIPFIX: Begin Checking File State
    AIPFIX: Extracting Installdir
    AIPFIX: Checking File
    /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5/Plug-ins.localized/Extensions.localized/ArtStyle.aip/Contents/MacOS/ArtStyle
    AIPFIX: File Exists
    AIPFIX: Begin MD5 Calculation
    AIPFIX: Running command
    AIPFIX: End MD5 Calculation
    AIPFIX: File did not match
    AIPFIX: Checking File
    /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5/Plug-ins.localized/Extensions.localized/CharParaStyles.aip/Contents/MacOS/CharParaSty les
    AIPFIX: File Exists
    AIPFIX: Begin MD5 Calculation
    AIPFIX: Running command
    AIPFIX: End MD5 Calculation
    AIPFIX: File did not match
    AIPFIX: Checking File
    /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5/Plug-ins.localized/Extensions.localized/Layers Panel.aip/Contents/MacOS/Layers
    AIPFIX: File Exists
    AIPFIX: Begin MD5 Calculation
    AIPFIX: Running command
    AIPFIX: End MD5 Calculation
    AIPFIX: File did not match
    AIPFIX: Checking File
    /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5/Plug-ins.localized/Illustrator Formats.localized/SVG File Format.aip/Contents/MacOS/SVG Format
    AIPFIX: File Exists
    AIPFIX: Begin MD5 Calculation
    AIPFIX: Running command
    AIPFIX: End MD5 Calculation
    AIPFIX: File did not match
    AIPFIX: Checking File
    /Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5/Adobe Illustrator.app/Contents/Frameworks/AdobeSVGExport.framework/Versions/A/AdobeSVGExport
    AIPFIX: File Exists
    AIPFIX: Begin MD5 Calculation
    AIPFIX: Running command
    AIPFIX: End MD5 Calculation
    AIPFIX: File did not match
    AIPFIX: End Checking File State
    AIPFIX: End Hook
    Custom action return code: 0
    :: END TIMER :: [Pre payload :{AD7623FD-F90A-4181-A37C-63342ACC3FA7}] took 332 miliseconds (0.332 seconds) DTR = 12.0482 KBPS (0.0117658 MBPS)
    [       0] Tue Mar 15 15:02:08 2011  INFO
    No operation.  We're done:
    Updating driver data - Action: Remove driver entry
    Updating driver data successful. Driver entry was removed. ARP estimated size 0KB
    [       0] Tue Mar 15 15:02:10 2011  INFO
    Total components installed: 0
    Total components repaired: 0
    Total components removed: 0
    [       0] Tue Mar 15 15:02:10 2011 ERROR
    The following payload errors were found during install:
    - Adobe Illustrator CS5_15.0.2_AdobeIllustrator15-mul: Install failed
    [       0] Tue Mar 15 15:02:10 2011  INFO
    Call PostSession Custom Hook
    ::START TIMER:: [Post session :{AD7623FD-F90A-4181-A37C-63342ACC3FA7}]
    In InstallSessionCloseProc
    Custom action return code: 0
    :: END TIMER :: [Post session :{AD7623FD-F90A-4181-A37C-63342ACC3FA7}] took 0 miliseconds (0 seconds)
    :: END TIMER :: [Total Timer] took 30749 miliseconds (30.749 seconds) DTR = 1.17077 KBPS (0.00114333 MBPS)
    -------------------------------------- Summary --------------------------------------
    - 0 fatal error(s), 6 error(s), 0 warning(s)
    ERROR: 15 Unable to locate file to patch at "/Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5/Adobe Illustrator.app/Required/Plug-ins/Rasterize.aip/Contents/Resources/de.lproj/InfoPlist.str ings"
    ERROR: 15 Command ARKPatchCommand failed.
    ERROR: 15 Unable to delete file at "/Applications/Adobe Illustrator CS5/Adobe Illustrator.app/Required/Plug-ins/Rasterize.aip/Contents/Resources/de.lproj/InfoPlist.str ings"
    ERROR: 15 Error rolling back command ARKPatchCommand
    ERROR: The following payload errors were found during install:
    ERROR:  - Adobe Illustrator CS5_15.0.2_AdobeIllustrator15-mul: Install failed
    Search the same string above to find when the error occured.
    Exit Code: 7 - Unable to complete Silent workflow
    END - Installer Session

  • [CS5.5] Installer failed to initialize. Please download Adobe Support Advisor to detect the problem.

    I get the error when I reinstalled CS5.5. It shows "the installer failed to initialize".
    Then I downloaded Adobe Support Advisor but that didn't say anything was wrong.
    Also, I used Adobe Creative Suite Cleaner Tool to clear all the services installed.
    What should I do?
    Token number for support case:

    Help got the same error on windows 8 brand new laptop and i need this software for work
    1/8/2013 17:46:30 [INFO] BS-ASUInstaller - Build Version -
    1/8/2013 17:46:30 [INFO] BS-ASUInstaller - Logging Level verbosity Set  to 4
    1/8/2013 17:46:30 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\AdobeApplicationManager\AAMSetup\resources\setup.xml
    1/8/2013 17:46:30 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    1/8/2013 17:46:30 [INFO] BS-ASUInstaller - Found 3 packages in setup manifest
    1/8/2013 17:46:30 [INFO] BS-ASUInstaller - BEGIN pim_getInstallStatusAtPath...
    1/8/2013 17:46:30 [INFO] BS-ASUInstaller - PIM CF PATH :C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\OOBE\PDApp\
    1/8/2013 17:46:30 [INFO] PIM - trying to createOrUpdatePIMDbSchema.
    1/8/2013 17:46:30 [INFO] PIM - Current db schema version on machine 1.
    1/8/2013 17:46:30 [INFO] PIM - Current db schema version to install 1.
    1/8/2013 17:46:30 [INFO] PIM - PIM DB Schema is up to date. Current schema version is 1.
    1/8/2013 17:46:30 [INFO] PIM - PIM Database is Up To Date.
    1/8/2013 17:46:30 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\AdobeApplicationManager\AAMSetup\packages\core\PDApp.pimx
    1/8/2013 17:46:30 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    1/8/2013 17:46:30 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\AdobeApplicationManager\AAMSetup\packages\UWA\UWA.pimx
    1/8/2013 17:46:30 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    1/8/2013 17:46:30 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\AdobeApplicationManager\AAMSetup\packages\DWA\DWA.pimx
    1/8/2013 17:46:30 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    1/8/2013 17:46:30 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\AdobeApplicationManager\AAMSetup\packages\LWA\LWA.pimx
    1/8/2013 17:46:30 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    1/8/2013 17:46:30 [INFO] BS-ASUInstaller - END pim_needsInstallRepairOrUpgradeAtPath...
    1/8/2013 17:46:30 [INFO] PIM - PIMSqlite closeDB status 0
    1/8/2013 17:46:30 [INFO] BS-ASUInstaller - Success in check install status, status is at path :C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\OOBE\PDApp\
    1/8/2013 17:46:30 [INFO] BS-ASUInstaller - Latest Version of Adobe Application Manager is present on the machine, no need to install
    1/8/2013 22:08:51 [INFO] Setup - Build Version -
    1/8/2013 22:08:51 [INFO] Setup - Logging Level verbosity Set  to 4
    1/8/2013 22:08:51 [INFO] Setup - Start Adobe Setup
    1/8/2013 22:08:51 [INFO] Setup - TimeLog: Bootstrapper Start
    1/8/2013 22:08:51 [INFO] Setup - TimeLog: Start initial checks
    1/8/2013 22:08:53 [INFO] Setup - Dictionary Path: D:\Adobe CS5_5\resources\Dictionary\en_US\stringTable.zdct
    1/8/2013 22:08:53 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:D:\Adobe CS5_5\resources\setup.xml
    1/8/2013 22:08:53 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    1/8/2013 22:08:53 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    1/8/2013 22:08:53 [INFO] Setup - Found 3 packages in setup manifest
    1/8/2013 22:08:55 [INFO] PIM - Build Version -
    1/8/2013 22:08:55 [INFO] PIM - Logging Level verbosity Set  to 4
    1/8/2013 22:08:56 [INFO] Utilities - Folder does not exist
    1/8/2013 22:08:56 [INFO] PIM - Build Version -
    1/8/2013 22:08:56 [INFO] PIM - Logging Level verbosity Set  to 4
    1/8/2013 22:08:56 [INFO] PIM - CREATE PIM Instance ...
    1/8/2013 22:08:56 [INFO] Utilities - File does not exist
    1/8/2013 22:08:56 [INFO] Utilities - File does not exist
    1/8/2013 22:08:56 [INFO] PIM - trying to createOrUpdatePIMDbSchema.
    1/8/2013 22:08:58 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS Created Tables.
    1/8/2013 22:08:58 [INFO] PIM - PIM Database is Up To Date.
    1/8/2013 22:08:58 [INFO] PIM - Updater Inventory location:D:\Adobe CS5_5\resources\updaterinventory.dll
    1/8/2013 22:08:58 [INFO] PIM - trying to createOrUpdatePIMDbSchema.
    1/8/2013 22:08:58 [INFO] PIM - Current db schema version on machine 1.
    1/8/2013 22:08:58 [INFO] PIM - Current db schema version to install 1.
    1/8/2013 22:08:58 [INFO] PIM - PIM DB Schema is up to date. Current schema version is 1.
    1/8/2013 22:08:58 [INFO] PIM - PIM Database is Up To Date.
    1/8/2013 22:08:58 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\core\PDApp.pimx
    1/8/2013 22:08:59 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    1/8/2013 22:08:59 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    1/8/2013 22:08:59 [ERROR] PIM - getInstalledPackageSize: Package folder does not exist on the system.
    1/8/2013 22:08:59 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Package id E09D47A9-4501-43C1-A50B-E264DB5E498D is a old Package, new is installed on the system. Size required: 0
    1/8/2013 22:08:59 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\UWA\UWA.pimx
    1/8/2013 22:08:59 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    1/8/2013 22:08:59 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    1/8/2013 22:08:59 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Package id CC1D48BA-E659-42D4-9511-F208F19C3EDC is a old Package, new is installed on the system. Size required: 10166919
    1/8/2013 22:08:59 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\DWA\DWA.pimx
    1/8/2013 22:08:59 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    1/8/2013 22:08:59 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    1/8/2013 22:08:59 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Package id 4F576A64-1680-4E79-B4A2-CFAC1A841C06 is a old Package, new is installed on the system. Size required: 4753339
    1/8/2013 22:08:59 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\LWA\LWA.pimx
    1/8/2013 22:08:59 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    1/8/2013 22:08:59 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    1/8/2013 22:08:59 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Package id D2E20EE6-5E36-40A4-8CB2-EC0C2E0B6912 is a old Package, new is installed on the system. Size required: 11019801
    1/8/2013 22:09:00 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Extra Package id 54FD72DC-72EC-4CDC-8828-F07C4E9E6FA2 found in ACF. Size required: 3259607
    1/8/2013 22:09:00 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Extra Package id 6D2A548B-C50D-46BA-B83E-C8199C6A9406 found in ACF. Size required: 27251758
    1/8/2013 22:09:00 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Extra Package id FAFC744B-DDFB-4097-A41D-7E9539FEBAF9 found in ACF. Size required: 13472807
    1/8/2013 22:09:00 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Extra Package id F0158AAB-0779-4B40-A07D-3F2A21D47E74 found in ACF. Size required: 6728883
    1/8/2013 22:09:00 [INFO] PIM - pim_haveEnoughDiskSpaceToInstallPackages reqSize ... 84318425
    1/8/2013 22:09:00 [INFO] Setup - TimeLog: End initial checks
    1/8/2013 22:09:00 [INFO] Setup - TimeLog: Begin Installing
    1/8/2013 22:09:00 [INFO] Setup - Start Installing core package - D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\core\PDApp.pimx
    1/8/2013 22:09:00 [INFO] PIM - START installPackage at file D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\core\PDApp.pimx
    1/8/2013 22:09:00 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\core\PDApp.pimx
    1/8/2013 22:09:00 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    1/8/2013 22:09:00 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    1/8/2013 22:09:00 [ERROR] PIM - Package folder does not exist on the system.
    1/8/2013 22:09:00 [INFO] Setup - Finished Installing core package - D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\core\PDApp.pimx, Return status: -1
    1/8/2013 22:09:00 [FATAL] Setup - Error installing D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\core\PDApp.pimx package.
    Return Value of pim_installPackage = -1
    1/8/2013 22:09:00 [INFO] Setup - TimeLog: End Installing. Now launching PDApp
    1/8/2013 22:11:38 [INFO] PIM - PIMSqlite closeDB status 0
    1/8/2013 22:11:38 [INFO] PIM - PIMSqlite closeDB status 0
    1/8/2013 22:11:38 [INFO] PIM - FREE PIM Instance ...
    1/8/2013 22:11:38 [INFO] Setup - cleanUSF: Deleting Path C:\Users\Samantha\AppData\Local\Adobe\OOBE\PDApp
    1/8/2013 22:11:38 [INFO] Setup - Setting current directory to C:\Users\Samantha\AppData\Local\Adobe\OOBE
    1/8/2013 22:11:38 [ERROR] Setup - Error in deleting folder C:\Users\Samantha\AppData\Local\Adobe\OOBE. Error Code:145
    1/8/2013 22:11:38 [ERROR] Setup - Error in deleting folder C:\Users\Samantha\AppData\Local\Adobe. Error Code:145
    1/8/2013 22:11:38 [INFO] Setup - End Adobe Setup. Exit code: 1
    1/8/2013 22:11:38 [INFO] Setup - Build Version -
    1/8/2013 22:11:38 [INFO] Setup - Logging Level verbosity Set  to 4
    1/8/2013 22:11:38 [INFO] Setup - Start Adobe Setup
    1/8/2013 22:11:38 [INFO] Setup - TimeLog: Bootstrapper Start
    1/8/2013 22:11:38 [INFO] Setup - TimeLog: Start initial checks
    1/8/2013 22:11:39 [INFO] Setup - Dictionary Path: D:\Adobe CS5_5\resources\Dictionary\en_US\stringTable.zdct
    1/8/2013 22:11:39 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:D:\Adobe CS5_5\resources\setup.xml
    1/8/2013 22:11:39 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    1/8/2013 22:11:39 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    1/8/2013 22:11:39 [INFO] Setup - Found 3 packages in setup manifest
    1/8/2013 22:11:39 [INFO] PIM - Build Version -
    1/8/2013 22:11:39 [INFO] PIM - Logging Level verbosity Set  to 4
    1/8/2013 22:11:39 [INFO] Utilities - Folder does not exist
    1/8/2013 22:11:39 [INFO] PIM - Build Version -
    1/8/2013 22:11:39 [INFO] PIM - Logging Level verbosity Set  to 4
    1/8/2013 22:11:39 [INFO] PIM - CREATE PIM Instance ...
    1/8/2013 22:11:39 [INFO] Utilities - File does not exist
    1/8/2013 22:11:39 [INFO] Utilities - File does not exist
    1/8/2013 22:11:39 [INFO] PIM - trying to createOrUpdatePIMDbSchema.
    1/8/2013 22:11:39 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS Created Tables.
    1/8/2013 22:11:39 [INFO] PIM - PIM Database is Up To Date.
    1/8/2013 22:11:39 [INFO] PIM - Updater Inventory location:D:\Adobe CS5_5\resources\updaterinventory.dll
    1/8/2013 22:11:39 [INFO] PIM - trying to createOrUpdatePIMDbSchema.
    1/8/2013 22:11:39 [INFO] PIM - Current db schema version on machine 1.
    1/8/2013 22:11:39 [INFO] PIM - Current db schema version to install 1.
    1/8/2013 22:11:39 [INFO] PIM - PIM DB Schema is up to date. Current schema version is 1.
    1/8/2013 22:11:39 [INFO] PIM - PIM Database is Up To Date.
    1/8/2013 22:11:39 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\core\PDApp.pimx
    1/8/2013 22:11:39 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    1/8/2013 22:11:39 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    1/8/2013 22:11:39 [ERROR] PIM - getInstalledPackageSize: Package folder does not exist on the system.
    1/8/2013 22:11:39 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Package id E09D47A9-4501-43C1-A50B-E264DB5E498D is a old Package, new is installed on the system. Size required: 0
    1/8/2013 22:11:39 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\UWA\UWA.pimx
    1/8/2013 22:11:39 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    1/8/2013 22:11:39 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    1/8/2013 22:11:39 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Package id CC1D48BA-E659-42D4-9511-F208F19C3EDC is a old Package, new is installed on the system. Size required: 10166919
    1/8/2013 22:11:39 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\DWA\DWA.pimx
    1/8/2013 22:11:39 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    1/8/2013 22:11:39 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    1/8/2013 22:11:39 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Package id 4F576A64-1680-4E79-B4A2-CFAC1A841C06 is a old Package, new is installed on the system. Size required: 4753339
    1/8/2013 22:11:39 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\LWA\LWA.pimx
    1/8/2013 22:11:39 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    1/8/2013 22:11:39 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    1/8/2013 22:11:39 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Package id D2E20EE6-5E36-40A4-8CB2-EC0C2E0B6912 is a old Package, new is installed on the system. Size required: 11019801
    1/8/2013 22:11:39 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Extra Package id 54FD72DC-72EC-4CDC-8828-F07C4E9E6FA2 found in ACF. Size required: 3259607
    1/8/2013 22:11:39 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Extra Package id 6D2A548B-C50D-46BA-B83E-C8199C6A9406 found in ACF. Size required: 27251758
    1/8/2013 22:11:39 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Extra Package id FAFC744B-DDFB-4097-A41D-7E9539FEBAF9 found in ACF. Size required: 13472807
    1/8/2013 22:11:39 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Extra Package id F0158AAB-0779-4B40-A07D-3F2A21D47E74 found in ACF. Size required: 6728883
    1/8/2013 22:11:39 [INFO] PIM - pim_haveEnoughDiskSpaceToInstallPackages reqSize ... 84318425
    1/8/2013 22:11:39 [INFO] Setup - TimeLog: End initial checks
    1/8/2013 22:11:39 [INFO] Setup - TimeLog: Begin Installing
    1/8/2013 22:11:39 [INFO] Setup - Start Installing core package - D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\core\PDApp.pimx
    1/8/2013 22:11:39 [INFO] PIM - START installPackage at file D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\core\PDApp.pimx
    1/8/2013 22:11:39 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\core\PDApp.pimx
    1/8/2013 22:11:39 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    1/8/2013 22:11:39 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    1/8/2013 22:11:39 [ERROR] PIM - Package folder does not exist on the system.
    1/8/2013 22:11:39 [INFO] Setup - Finished Installing core package - D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\core\PDApp.pimx, Return status: -1
    1/8/2013 22:11:39 [FATAL] Setup - Error installing D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\core\PDApp.pimx package.
    Return Value of pim_installPackage = -1
    1/8/2013 22:11:39 [INFO] Setup - TimeLog: End Installing. Now launching PDApp
    1/8/2013 22:11:45 [INFO] PIM - PIMSqlite closeDB status 0
    1/8/2013 22:11:45 [INFO] PIM - PIMSqlite closeDB status 0
    1/8/2013 22:11:45 [INFO] PIM - FREE PIM Instance ...
    1/8/2013 22:11:45 [INFO] Setup - cleanUSF: Deleting Path C:\Users\Samantha\AppData\Local\Adobe\OOBE\PDApp
    1/8/2013 22:11:45 [INFO] Setup - Setting current directory to C:\Users\Samantha\AppData\Local\Adobe\OOBE
    1/8/2013 22:11:45 [ERROR] Setup - Error in deleting folder C:\Users\Samantha\AppData\Local\Adobe\OOBE. Error Code:145
    1/8/2013 22:11:45 [ERROR] Setup - Error in deleting folder C:\Users\Samantha\AppData\Local\Adobe. Error Code:145
    1/8/2013 22:11:45 [INFO] Setup - End Adobe Setup. Exit code: 1
    1/8/2013 22:12:48 [INFO] Setup - Build Version -
    1/8/2013 22:12:48 [INFO] Setup - Logging Level verbosity Set  to 4
    1/8/2013 22:12:48 [INFO] Setup - Start Adobe Setup
    1/8/2013 22:12:48 [INFO] Setup - TimeLog: Bootstrapper Start
    1/8/2013 22:12:48 [INFO] Setup - TimeLog: Start initial checks
    1/8/2013 22:12:49 [INFO] Setup - Dictionary Path: D:\Adobe CS5_5\resources\Dictionary\en_US\stringTable.zdct
    1/8/2013 22:12:49 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:D:\Adobe CS5_5\resources\setup.xml
    1/8/2013 22:12:49 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    1/8/2013 22:12:49 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    1/8/2013 22:12:49 [INFO] Setup - Found 3 packages in setup manifest
    1/8/2013 22:12:50 [INFO] PIM - Build Version -
    1/8/2013 22:12:50 [INFO] PIM - Logging Level verbosity Set  to 4
    1/8/2013 22:12:50 [INFO] Utilities - Folder does not exist
    1/8/2013 22:12:50 [INFO] PIM - Build Version -
    1/8/2013 22:12:50 [INFO] PIM - Logging Level verbosity Set  to 4
    1/8/2013 22:12:50 [INFO] PIM - CREATE PIM Instance ...
    1/8/2013 22:12:50 [INFO] Utilities - File does not exist
    1/8/2013 22:12:50 [INFO] Utilities - File does not exist
    1/8/2013 22:12:50 [INFO] PIM - trying to createOrUpdatePIMDbSchema.
    1/8/2013 22:12:50 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS Created Tables.
    1/8/2013 22:12:50 [INFO] PIM - PIM Database is Up To Date.
    1/8/2013 22:12:50 [INFO] PIM - Updater Inventory location:D:\Adobe CS5_5\resources\updaterinventory.dll
    1/8/2013 22:12:50 [INFO] PIM - trying to createOrUpdatePIMDbSchema.
    1/8/2013 22:12:50 [INFO] PIM - Current db schema version on machine 1.
    1/8/2013 22:12:50 [INFO] PIM - Current db schema version to install 1.
    1/8/2013 22:12:50 [INFO] PIM - PIM DB Schema is up to date. Current schema version is 1.
    1/8/2013 22:12:50 [INFO] PIM - PIM Database is Up To Date.
    1/8/2013 22:12:50 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\core\PDApp.pimx
    1/8/2013 22:12:50 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    1/8/2013 22:12:50 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    1/8/2013 22:12:50 [ERROR] PIM - getInstalledPackageSize: Package folder does not exist on the system.
    1/8/2013 22:12:50 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Package id E09D47A9-4501-43C1-A50B-E264DB5E498D is a old Package, new is installed on the system. Size required: 0
    1/8/2013 22:12:50 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\UWA\UWA.pimx
    1/8/2013 22:12:50 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    1/8/2013 22:12:50 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    1/8/2013 22:12:50 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Package id CC1D48BA-E659-42D4-9511-F208F19C3EDC is a old Package, new is installed on the system. Size required: 10166919
    1/8/2013 22:12:50 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\DWA\DWA.pimx
    1/8/2013 22:12:50 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    1/8/2013 22:12:50 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    1/8/2013 22:12:50 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Package id 4F576A64-1680-4E79-B4A2-CFAC1A841C06 is a old Package, new is installed on the system. Size required: 4753339
    1/8/2013 22:12:50 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\LWA\LWA.pimx
    1/8/2013 22:12:50 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    1/8/2013 22:12:50 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    1/8/2013 22:12:50 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Package id D2E20EE6-5E36-40A4-8CB2-EC0C2E0B6912 is a old Package, new is installed on the system. Size required: 11019801
    1/8/2013 22:12:50 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Extra Package id 54FD72DC-72EC-4CDC-8828-F07C4E9E6FA2 found in ACF. Size required: 3259607
    1/8/2013 22:12:50 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Extra Package id 6D2A548B-C50D-46BA-B83E-C8199C6A9406 found in ACF. Size required: 27251758
    1/8/2013 22:12:50 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Extra Package id FAFC744B-DDFB-4097-A41D-7E9539FEBAF9 found in ACF. Size required: 13472807
    1/8/2013 22:12:50 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Extra Package id F0158AAB-0779-4B40-A07D-3F2A21D47E74 found in ACF. Size required: 6728883
    1/8/2013 22:12:50 [INFO] PIM - pim_haveEnoughDiskSpaceToInstallPackages reqSize ... 84318425
    1/8/2013 22:12:50 [INFO] Setup - TimeLog: End initial checks
    1/8/2013 22:12:50 [INFO] Setup - TimeLog: Begin Installing
    1/8/2013 22:12:50 [INFO] Setup - Start Installing core package - D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\core\PDApp.pimx
    1/8/2013 22:12:50 [INFO] PIM - START installPackage at file D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\core\PDApp.pimx
    1/8/2013 22:12:50 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\core\PDApp.pimx
    1/8/2013 22:12:50 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    1/8/2013 22:12:50 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    1/8/2013 22:12:50 [ERROR] PIM - Package folder does not exist on the system.
    1/8/2013 22:12:50 [INFO] Setup - Finished Installing core package - D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\core\PDApp.pimx, Return status: -1
    1/8/2013 22:12:50 [FATAL] Setup - Error installing D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\core\PDApp.pimx package.
    Return Value of pim_installPackage = -1
    1/8/2013 22:12:50 [INFO] Setup - TimeLog: End Installing. Now launching PDApp
    1/8/2013 22:13:51 [INFO] PIM - PIMSqlite closeDB status 0
    1/8/2013 22:13:51 [INFO] PIM - PIMSqlite closeDB status 0
    1/8/2013 22:13:51 [INFO] PIM - FREE PIM Instance ...
    1/8/2013 22:13:51 [INFO] Setup - cleanUSF: Deleting Path C:\Users\Samantha\AppData\Local\Adobe\OOBE\PDApp
    1/8/2013 22:13:51 [INFO] Setup - Setting current directory to C:\Users\Samantha\AppData\Local\Adobe\OOBE
    1/8/2013 22:13:51 [ERROR] Setup - Error in deleting folder C:\Users\Samantha\AppData\Local\Adobe\OOBE. Error Code:145
    1/8/2013 22:13:51 [ERROR] Setup - Error in deleting folder C:\Users\Samantha\AppData\Local\Adobe. Error Code:145
    1/8/2013 22:13:51 [INFO] Setup - End Adobe Setup. Exit code: 1
    1/8/2013 22:15:58 [INFO] Setup - Build Version -
    1/8/2013 22:15:58 [INFO] Setup - Logging Level verbosity Set  to 4
    1/8/2013 22:15:58 [INFO] Setup - Start Adobe Setup
    1/8/2013 22:15:58 [INFO] Setup - TimeLog: Bootstrapper Start
    1/8/2013 22:15:58 [INFO] Setup - TimeLog: Start initial checks
    1/8/2013 22:15:59 [INFO] Setup - Dictionary Path: D:\Adobe CS5_5\resources\Dictionary\en_US\stringTable.zdct
    1/8/2013 22:15:59 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:D:\Adobe CS5_5\resources\setup.xml
    1/8/2013 22:15:59 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    1/8/2013 22:15:59 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    1/8/2013 22:15:59 [INFO] Setup - Found 3 packages in setup manifest
    1/8/2013 22:15:59 [WARN] Setup - Reboot is pending from earlier installation.
    1/8/2013 22:15:59 [INFO] PIM - Build Version -
    1/8/2013 22:15:59 [INFO] PIM - Logging Level verbosity Set  to 4
    1/8/2013 22:15:59 [INFO] Utilities - Folder does not exist
    1/8/2013 22:15:59 [INFO] PIM - Build Version -
    1/8/2013 22:15:59 [INFO] PIM - Logging Level verbosity Set  to 4
    1/8/2013 22:15:59 [INFO] PIM - CREATE PIM Instance ...
    1/8/2013 22:15:59 [INFO] Utilities - File does not exist
    1/8/2013 22:15:59 [INFO] Utilities - File does not exist
    1/8/2013 22:15:59 [INFO] PIM - trying to createOrUpdatePIMDbSchema.
    1/8/2013 22:15:59 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS Created Tables.
    1/8/2013 22:15:59 [INFO] PIM - PIM Database is Up To Date.
    1/8/2013 22:15:59 [INFO] PIM - Updater Inventory location:D:\Adobe CS5_5\resources\updaterinventory.dll
    1/8/2013 22:15:59 [INFO] PIM - trying to createOrUpdatePIMDbSchema.
    1/8/2013 22:15:59 [INFO] PIM - Current db schema version on machine 1.
    1/8/2013 22:15:59 [INFO] PIM - Current db schema version to install 1.
    1/8/2013 22:15:59 [INFO] PIM - PIM DB Schema is up to date. Current schema version is 1.
    1/8/2013 22:15:59 [INFO] PIM - PIM Database is Up To Date.
    1/8/2013 22:15:59 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\core\PDApp.pimx
    1/8/2013 22:15:59 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    1/8/2013 22:15:59 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    1/8/2013 22:15:59 [ERROR] PIM - getInstalledPackageSize: Package folder does not exist on the system.
    1/8/2013 22:15:59 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Package id E09D47A9-4501-43C1-A50B-E264DB5E498D is a old Package, new is installed on the system. Size required: 0
    1/8/2013 22:15:59 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\UWA\UWA.pimx
    1/8/2013 22:15:59 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    1/8/2013 22:15:59 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    1/8/2013 22:15:59 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Package id CC1D48BA-E659-42D4-9511-F208F19C3EDC is a old Package, new is installed on the system. Size required: 10166919
    1/8/2013 22:15:59 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\DWA\DWA.pimx
    1/8/2013 22:15:59 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    1/8/2013 22:15:59 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    1/8/2013 22:15:59 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Package id 4F576A64-1680-4E79-B4A2-CFAC1A841C06 is a old Package, new is installed on the system. Size required: 4753339
    1/8/2013 22:15:59 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\LWA\LWA.pimx
    1/8/2013 22:15:59 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    1/8/2013 22:15:59 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    1/8/2013 22:15:59 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Package id D2E20EE6-5E36-40A4-8CB2-EC0C2E0B6912 is a old Package, new is installed on the system. Size required: 11019801
    1/8/2013 22:15:59 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Extra Package id 54FD72DC-72EC-4CDC-8828-F07C4E9E6FA2 found in ACF. Size required: 3259607
    1/8/2013 22:15:59 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Extra Package id 6D2A548B-C50D-46BA-B83E-C8199C6A9406 found in ACF. Size required: 27251758
    1/8/2013 22:15:59 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Extra Package id FAFC744B-DDFB-4097-A41D-7E9539FEBAF9 found in ACF. Size required: 13472807
    1/8/2013 22:15:59 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Extra Package id F0158AAB-0779-4B40-A07D-3F2A21D47E74 found in ACF. Size required: 6728883
    1/8/2013 22:15:59 [INFO] PIM - pim_haveEnoughDiskSpaceToInstallPackages reqSize ... 84318425
    1/8/2013 22:15:59 [INFO] Setup - TimeLog: End initial checks
    1/8/2013 22:16:01 [INFO] Setup - TimeLog: Begin Installing
    1/8/2013 22:16:01 [INFO] Setup - Start Installing core package - D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\core\PDApp.pimx
    1/8/2013 22:16:01 [INFO] PIM - START installPackage at file D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\core\PDApp.pimx
    1/8/2013 22:16:01 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\core\PDApp.pimx
    1/8/2013 22:16:01 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    1/8/2013 22:16:01 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    1/8/2013 22:16:01 [ERROR] PIM - Package folder does not exist on the system.
    1/8/2013 22:16:01 [INFO] Setup - Finished Installing core package - D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\core\PDApp.pimx, Return status: -1
    1/8/2013 22:16:01 [FATAL] Setup - Error installing D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\core\PDApp.pimx package.
    Return Value of pim_installPackage = -1
    1/8/2013 22:16:01 [INFO] Setup - TimeLog: End Installing. Now launching PDApp
    1/8/2013 22:16:05 [INFO] PIM - PIMSqlite closeDB status 0
    1/8/2013 22:16:05 [INFO] PIM - PIMSqlite closeDB status 0
    1/8/2013 22:16:05 [INFO] PIM - FREE PIM Instance ...
    1/8/2013 22:16:05 [INFO] Setup - cleanUSF: Deleting Path C:\Users\Samantha\AppData\Local\Adobe\OOBE\PDApp
    1/8/2013 22:16:05 [INFO] Setup - Setting current directory to C:\Users\Samantha\AppData\Local\Adobe\OOBE
    1/8/2013 22:16:05 [ERROR] Setup - Error in deleting folder C:\Users\Samantha\AppData\Local\Adobe\OOBE. Error Code:145
    1/8/2013 22:16:05 [ERROR] Setup - Error in deleting folder C:\Users\Samantha\AppData\Local\Adobe. Error Code:145
    1/8/2013 22:16:05 [INFO] Setup - End Adobe Setup. Exit code: 1
    1/8/2013 22:20:57 [INFO] Setup - Build Version -
    1/8/2013 22:20:57 [INFO] Setup - Logging Level verbosity Set  to 4
    1/8/2013 22:20:57 [INFO] Setup - Start Adobe Setup
    1/8/2013 22:20:57 [INFO] Setup - TimeLog: Bootstrapper Start
    1/8/2013 22:20:57 [INFO] Setup - TimeLog: Start initial checks
    1/8/2013 22:20:58 [INFO] Setup - Dictionary Path: D:\Adobe CS5_5\resources\Dictionary\en_US\stringTable.zdct
    1/8/2013 22:20:58 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:D:\Adobe CS5_5\resources\setup.xml
    1/8/2013 22:20:59 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    1/8/2013 22:20:59 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    1/8/2013 22:20:59 [INFO] Setup - Found 3 packages in setup manifest
    1/8/2013 22:21:00 [INFO] PIM - Build Version -
    1/8/2013 22:21:00 [INFO] PIM - Logging Level verbosity Set  to 4
    1/8/2013 22:21:00 [INFO] Utilities - Folder does not exist
    1/8/2013 22:21:00 [INFO] PIM - Build Version -
    1/8/2013 22:21:00 [INFO] PIM - Logging Level verbosity Set  to 4
    1/8/2013 22:21:00 [INFO] PIM - CREATE PIM Instance ...
    1/8/2013 22:21:00 [INFO] Utilities - File does not exist
    1/8/2013 22:21:00 [INFO] Utilities - File does not exist
    1/8/2013 22:21:01 [INFO] PIM - trying to createOrUpdatePIMDbSchema.
    1/8/2013 22:21:01 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS Created Tables.
    1/8/2013 22:21:01 [INFO] PIM - PIM Database is Up To Date.
    1/8/2013 22:21:01 [INFO] PIM - Updater Inventory location:D:\Adobe CS5_5\resources\updaterinventory.dll
    1/8/2013 22:21:03 [INFO] PIM - trying to createOrUpdatePIMDbSchema.
    1/8/2013 22:21:03 [INFO] PIM - Current db schema version on machine 1.
    1/8/2013 22:21:03 [INFO] PIM - Current db schema version to install 1.
    1/8/2013 22:21:03 [INFO] PIM - PIM DB Schema is up to date. Current schema version is 1.
    1/8/2013 22:21:03 [INFO] PIM - PIM Database is Up To Date.
    1/8/2013 22:21:03 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\core\PDApp.pimx
    1/8/2013 22:21:03 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    1/8/2013 22:21:03 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    1/8/2013 22:21:03 [ERROR] PIM - getInstalledPackageSize: Package folder does not exist on the system.
    1/8/2013 22:21:03 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Package id E09D47A9-4501-43C1-A50B-E264DB5E498D is a old Package, new is installed on the system. Size required: 0
    1/8/2013 22:21:03 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\UWA\UWA.pimx
    1/8/2013 22:21:03 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    1/8/2013 22:21:03 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    1/8/2013 22:21:03 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Package id CC1D48BA-E659-42D4-9511-F208F19C3EDC is a old Package, new is installed on the system. Size required: 10166919
    1/8/2013 22:21:03 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\DWA\DWA.pimx
    1/8/2013 22:21:03 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    1/8/2013 22:21:03 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    1/8/2013 22:21:03 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Package id 4F576A64-1680-4E79-B4A2-CFAC1A841C06 is a old Package, new is installed on the system. Size required: 4753339
    1/8/2013 22:21:03 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\LWA\LWA.pimx
    1/8/2013 22:21:03 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    1/8/2013 22:21:03 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    1/8/2013 22:21:04 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Package id D2E20EE6-5E36-40A4-8CB2-EC0C2E0B6912 is a old Package, new is installed on the system. Size required: 11019801
    1/8/2013 22:21:04 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Extra Package id 54FD72DC-72EC-4CDC-8828-F07C4E9E6FA2 found in ACF. Size required: 3259607
    1/8/2013 22:21:04 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Extra Package id 6D2A548B-C50D-46BA-B83E-C8199C6A9406 found in ACF. Size required: 27251758
    1/8/2013 22:21:04 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Extra Package id FAFC744B-DDFB-4097-A41D-7E9539FEBAF9 found in ACF. Size required: 13472807
    1/8/2013 22:21:04 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Extra Package id F0158AAB-0779-4B40-A07D-3F2A21D47E74 found in ACF. Size required: 6728883
    1/8/2013 22:21:04 [INFO] PIM - pim_haveEnoughDiskSpaceToInstallPackages reqSize ... 84318425
    1/8/2013 22:21:04 [INFO] Setup - TimeLog: End initial checks
    1/8/2013 22:21:04 [INFO] Setup - TimeLog: Begin Installing
    1/8/2013 22:21:04 [INFO] Setup - Start Installing core package - D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\core\PDApp.pimx
    1/8/2013 22:21:04 [INFO] PIM - START installPackage at file D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\core\PDApp.pimx
    1/8/2013 22:21:04 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\core\PDApp.pimx
    1/8/2013 22:21:04 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    1/8/2013 22:21:04 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    1/8/2013 22:21:04 [ERROR] PIM - Package folder does not exist on the system.
    1/8/2013 22:21:04 [INFO] Setup - Finished Installing core package - D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\core\PDApp.pimx, Return status: -1
    1/8/2013 22:21:04 [FATAL] Setup - Error installing D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\core\PDApp.pimx package.
    Return Value of pim_installPackage = -1
    1/8/2013 22:21:04 [INFO] Setup - TimeLog: End Installing. Now launching PDApp
    1/8/2013 22:21:28 [INFO] PIM - PIMSqlite closeDB status 0
    1/8/2013 22:21:28 [INFO] PIM - PIMSqlite closeDB status 0
    1/8/2013 22:21:28 [INFO] PIM - FREE PIM Instance ...
    1/8/2013 22:21:28 [INFO] Setup - cleanUSF: Deleting Path C:\Users\Samantha\AppData\Local\Adobe\OOBE\PDApp
    1/8/2013 22:21:28 [INFO] Setup - Setting current directory to C:\Users\Samantha\AppData\Local\Adobe\OOBE
    1/8/2013 22:21:28 [ERROR] Setup - Error in deleting folder C:\Users\Samantha\AppData\Local\Adobe\OOBE. Error Code:145
    1/8/2013 22:21:28 [ERROR] Setup - Error in deleting folder C:\Users\Samantha\AppData\Local\Adobe. Error Code:145
    1/8/2013 22:21:28 [INFO] Setup - End Adobe Setup. Exit code: 1
    1/8/2013 22:22:01 [INFO] Setup - Build Version -
    1/8/2013 22:22:01 [INFO] Setup - Logging Level verbosity Set  to 4
    1/8/2013 22:22:01 [INFO] Setup - Start Adobe Setup
    1/8/2013 22:22:01 [INFO] Setup - TimeLog: Bootstrapper Start
    1/8/2013 22:22:01 [INFO] Setup - TimeLog: Start initial checks
    1/8/2013 22:22:02 [INFO] Setup - Dictionary Path: D:\Adobe CS5_5\resources\Dictionary\en_US\stringTable.zdct
    1/8/2013 22:22:02 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:D:\Adobe CS5_5\resources\setup.xml
    1/8/2013 22:22:02 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    1/8/2013 22:22:02 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    1/8/2013 22:22:02 [INFO] Setup - Found 3 packages in setup manifest
    1/8/2013 22:22:02 [INFO] PIM - Build Version -
    1/8/2013 22:22:02 [INFO] PIM - Logging Level verbosity Set  to 4
    1/8/2013 22:22:02 [INFO] Utilities - Folder does not exist
    1/8/2013 22:22:02 [INFO] PIM - Build Version -
    1/8/2013 22:22:02 [INFO] PIM - Logging Level verbosity Set  to 4
    1/8/2013 22:22:02 [INFO] PIM - CREATE PIM Instance ...
    1/8/2013 22:22:02 [INFO] Utilities - File does not exist
    1/8/2013 22:22:02 [INFO] Utilities - File does not exist
    1/8/2013 22:22:02 [INFO] PIM - trying to createOrUpdatePIMDbSchema.
    1/8/2013 22:22:02 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS Created Tables.
    1/8/2013 22:22:02 [INFO] PIM - PIM Database is Up To Date.
    1/8/2013 22:22:02 [INFO] PIM - Updater Inventory location:D:\Adobe CS5_5\resources\updaterinventory.dll
    1/8/2013 22:22:02 [INFO] PIM - trying to createOrUpdatePIMDbSchema.
    1/8/2013 22:22:02 [INFO] PIM - Current db schema version on machine 1.
    1/8/2013 22:22:02 [INFO] PIM - Current db schema version to install 1.
    1/8/2013 22:22:02 [INFO] PIM - PIM DB Schema is up to date. Current schema version is 1.
    1/8/2013 22:22:02 [INFO] PIM - PIM Database is Up To Date.
    1/8/2013 22:22:02 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\core\PDApp.pimx
    1/8/2013 22:22:02 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    1/8/2013 22:22:02 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    1/8/2013 22:22:02 [ERROR] PIM - getInstalledPackageSize: Package folder does not exist on the system.
    1/8/2013 22:22:02 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Package id E09D47A9-4501-43C1-A50B-E264DB5E498D is a old Package, new is installed on the system. Size required: 0
    1/8/2013 22:22:02 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\UWA\UWA.pimx
    1/8/2013 22:22:02 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    1/8/2013 22:22:02 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    1/8/2013 22:22:02 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Package id CC1D48BA-E659-42D4-9511-F208F19C3EDC is a old Package, new is installed on the system. Size required: 10166919
    1/8/2013 22:22:02 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\DWA\DWA.pimx
    1/8/2013 22:22:02 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    1/8/2013 22:22:02 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    1/8/2013 22:22:02 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Package id 4F576A64-1680-4E79-B4A2-CFAC1A841C06 is a old Package, new is installed on the system. Size required: 4753339
    1/8/2013 22:22:02 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\LWA\LWA.pimx
    1/8/2013 22:22:02 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    1/8/2013 22:22:02 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    1/8/2013 22:22:02 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Package id D2E20EE6-5E36-40A4-8CB2-EC0C2E0B6912 is a old Package, new is installed on the system. Size required: 11019801
    1/8/2013 22:22:02 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Extra Package id 54FD72DC-72EC-4CDC-8828-F07C4E9E6FA2 found in ACF. Size required: 3259607
    1/8/2013 22:22:02 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Extra Package id 6D2A548B-C50D-46BA-B83E-C8199C6A9406 found in ACF. Size required: 27251758
    1/8/2013 22:22:02 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Extra Package id FAFC744B-DDFB-4097-A41D-7E9539FEBAF9 found in ACF. Size required: 13472807
    1/8/2013 22:22:02 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Extra Package id F0158AAB-0779-4B40-A07D-3F2A21D47E74 found in ACF. Size required: 6728883
    1/8/2013 22:22:02 [INFO] PIM - pim_haveEnoughDiskSpaceToInstallPackages reqSize ... 84318425
    1/8/2013 22:22:02 [INFO] Setup - TimeLog: End initial checks
    1/8/2013 22:22:02 [INFO] Setup - TimeLog: Begin Installing
    1/8/2013 22:22:02 [INFO] Setup - Start Installing core package - D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\core\PDApp.pimx
    1/8/2013 22:22:02 [INFO] PIM - START installPackage at file D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\core\PDApp.pimx
    1/8/2013 22:22:02 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\core\PDApp.pimx
    1/8/2013 22:22:02 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    1/8/2013 22:22:02 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    1/8/2013 22:22:02 [ERROR] PIM - Package folder does not exist on the system.
    1/8/2013 22:22:02 [INFO] Setup - Finished Installing core package - D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\core\PDApp.pimx, Return status: -1
    1/8/2013 22:22:02 [FATAL] Setup - Error installing D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\core\PDApp.pimx package.
    Return Value of pim_installPackage = -1
    1/8/2013 22:22:02 [INFO] Setup - TimeLog: End Installing. Now launching PDApp
    1/8/2013 22:25:07 [INFO] PIM - PIMSqlite closeDB status 0
    1/8/2013 22:25:07 [INFO] PIM - PIMSqlite closeDB status 0
    1/8/2013 22:25:07 [INFO] PIM - FREE PIM Instance ...
    1/8/2013 22:25:07 [INFO] Setup - cleanUSF: Deleting Path C:\Users\Samantha\AppData\Local\Adobe\OOBE\PDApp
    1/8/2013 22:25:07 [INFO] Setup - Setting current directory to C:\Users\Samantha\AppData\Local\Adobe\OOBE
    1/8/2013 22:25:07 [ERROR] Setup - Error in deleting folder C:\Users\Samantha\AppData\Local\Adobe\OOBE. Error Code:145
    1/8/2013 22:25:07 [ERROR] Setup - Error in deleting folder C:\Users\Samantha\AppData\Local\Adobe. Error Code:145
    1/8/2013 22:25:07 [INFO] Setup - End Adobe Setup. Exit code: 1
    1/8/2013 22:27:39 [INFO] Setup - Build Version -
    1/8/2013 22:27:39 [INFO] Setup - Logging Level verbosity Set  to 4
    1/8/2013 22:27:39 [INFO] Setup - Start Adobe Setup
    1/8/2013 22:27:39 [INFO] Setup - TimeLog: Bootstrapper Start
    1/8/2013 22:27:39 [INFO] Setup - TimeLog: Start initial checks
    1/8/2013 22:27:39 [INFO] Setup - Dictionary Path: D:\Adobe CS5_5\resources\Dictionary\en_US\stringTable.zdct
    1/8/2013 22:27:39 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:D:\Adobe CS5_5\resources\setup.xml
    1/8/2013 22:27:39 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    1/8/2013 22:27:39 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    1/8/2013 22:27:39 [INFO] Setup - Found 3 packages in setup manifest
    1/8/2013 22:27:39 [INFO] PIM - Build Version -
    1/8/2013 22:27:39 [INFO] PIM - Logging Level verbosity Set  to 4
    1/8/2013 22:27:39 [INFO] Utilities - Folder does not exist
    1/8/2013 22:27:39 [INFO] PIM - Build Version -
    1/8/2013 22:27:39 [INFO] PIM - Logging Level verbosity Set  to 4
    1/8/2013 22:27:39 [INFO] PIM - CREATE PIM Instance ...
    1/8/2013 22:27:39 [INFO] Utilities - File does not exist
    1/8/2013 22:27:39 [INFO] Utilities - File does not exist
    1/8/2013 22:27:39 [INFO] PIM - trying to createOrUpdatePIMDbSchema.
    1/8/2013 22:27:40 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS Created Tables.
    1/8/2013 22:27:40 [INFO] PIM - PIM Database is Up To Date.
    1/8/2013 22:27:40 [INFO] PIM - Updater Inventory location:D:\Adobe CS5_5\resources\updaterinventory.dll
    1/8/2013 22:27:40 [INFO] PIM - trying to createOrUpdatePIMDbSchema.
    1/8/2013 22:27:40 [INFO] PIM - Current db schema version on machine 1.
    1/8/2013 22:27:40 [INFO] PIM - Current db schema version to install 1.
    1/8/2013 22:27:40 [INFO] PIM - PIM DB Schema is up to date. Current schema version is 1.
    1/8/2013 22:27:40 [INFO] PIM - PIM Database is Up To Date.
    1/8/2013 22:27:40 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\core\PDApp.pimx
    1/8/2013 22:27:40 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    1/8/2013 22:27:40 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    1/8/2013 22:27:40 [ERROR] PIM - getInstalledPackageSize: Package folder does not exist on the system.
    1/8/2013 22:27:40 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Package id E09D47A9-4501-43C1-A50B-E264DB5E498D is a old Package, new is installed on the system. Size required: 0
    1/8/2013 22:27:40 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\UWA\UWA.pimx
    1/8/2013 22:27:40 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    1/8/2013 22:27:40 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    1/8/2013 22:27:40 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Package id CC1D48BA-E659-42D4-9511-F208F19C3EDC is a old Package, new is installed on the system. Size required: 10166919
    1/8/2013 22:27:40 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\DWA\DWA.pimx
    1/8/2013 22:27:40 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    1/8/2013 22:27:40 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    1/8/2013 22:27:40 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Package id 4F576A64-1680-4E79-B4A2-CFAC1A841C06 is a old Package, new is installed on the system. Size required: 4753339
    1/8/2013 22:27:40 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\LWA\LWA.pimx
    1/8/2013 22:27:40 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    1/8/2013 22:27:40 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    1/8/2013 22:27:40 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Package id D2E20EE6-5E36-40A4-8CB2-EC0C2E0B6912 is a old Package, new is installed on the system. Size required: 11019801
    1/8/2013 22:27:40 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Extra Package id 54FD72DC-72EC-4CDC-8828-F07C4E9E6FA2 found in ACF. Size required: 3259607
    1/8/2013 22:27:40 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Extra Package id 6D2A548B-C50D-46BA-B83E-C8199C6A9406 found in ACF. Size required: 27251758
    1/8/2013 22:27:40 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Extra Package id FAFC744B-DDFB-4097-A41D-7E9539FEBAF9 found in ACF. Size required: 13472807
    1/8/2013 22:27:40 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Extra Package id F0158AAB-0779-4B40-A07D-3F2A21D47E74 found in ACF. Size required: 6728883
    1/8/2013 22:27:40 [INFO] PIM - pim_haveEnoughDiskSpaceToInstallPackages reqSize ... 84318425
    1/8/2013 22:27:40 [INFO] Setup - TimeLog: End initial checks
    1/8/2013 22:27:40 [INFO] Setup - TimeLog: Begin Installing
    1/8/2013 22:27:40 [INFO] Setup - Start Installing core package - D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\core\PDApp.pimx
    1/8/2013 22:27:40 [INFO] PIM - START installPackage at file D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\core\PDApp.pimx
    1/8/2013 22:27:40 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\core\PDApp.pimx
    1/8/2013 22:27:40 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    1/8/2013 22:27:40 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    1/8/2013 22:27:40 [ERROR] PIM - Package folder does not exist on the system.
    1/8/2013 22:27:40 [INFO] Setup - Finished Installing core package - D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\core\PDApp.pimx, Return status: -1
    1/8/2013 22:27:40 [FATAL] Setup - Error installing D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\core\PDApp.pimx package.
    Return Value of pim_installPackage = -1
    1/8/2013 22:27:40 [INFO] Setup - TimeLog: End Installing. Now launching PDApp
    1/8/2013 22:27:43 [INFO] PIM - PIMSqlite closeDB status 0
    1/8/2013 22:27:43 [INFO] PIM - PIMSqlite closeDB status 0
    1/8/2013 22:27:43 [INFO] PIM - FREE PIM Instance ...
    1/8/2013 22:27:43 [INFO] Setup - cleanUSF: Deleting Path C:\Users\Samantha\AppData\Local\Adobe\OOBE\PDApp
    1/8/2013 22:27:43 [INFO] Setup - Setting current directory to C:\Users\Samantha\AppData\Local\Adobe\OOBE
    1/8/2013 22:27:43 [ERROR] Setup - Error in deleting folder C:\Users\Samantha\AppData\Local\Adobe\OOBE. Error Code:145
    1/8/2013 22:27:43 [ERROR] Setup - Error in deleting folder C:\Users\Samantha\AppData\Local\Adobe. Error Code:145
    1/8/2013 22:27:43 [INFO] Setup - End Adobe Setup. Exit code: 1
    1/8/2013 22:30:52 [INFO] Setup - Build Version -
    1/8/2013 22:30:52 [INFO] Setup - Logging Level verbosity Set  to 4
    1/8/2013 22:30:52 [INFO] Setup - Start Adobe Setup
    1/8/2013 22:30:52 [INFO] Setup - TimeLog: Bootstrapper Start
    1/8/2013 22:30:52 [INFO] Setup - TimeLog: Start initial checks
    1/8/2013 22:30:52 [INFO] Setup - Dictionary Path: D:\Adobe CS5_5\resources\Dictionary\en_US\stringTable.zdct
    1/8/2013 22:30:52 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:D:\Adobe CS5_5\resources\setup.xml
    1/8/2013 22:30:52 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    1/8/2013 22:30:52 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    1/8/2013 22:30:52 [INFO] Setup - Found 3 packages in setup manifest
    1/8/2013 22:30:53 [INFO] PIM - Build Version -
    1/8/2013 22:30:53 [INFO] PIM - Logging Level verbosity Set  to 4
    1/8/2013 22:30:53 [INFO] Utilities - Folder does not exist
    1/8/2013 22:30:53 [INFO] PIM - Build Version -
    1/8/2013 22:30:53 [INFO] PIM - Logging Level verbosity Set  to 4
    1/8/2013 22:30:53 [INFO] PIM - CREATE PIM Instance ...
    1/8/2013 22:30:53 [INFO] Utilities - File does not exist
    1/8/2013 22:30:53 [INFO] Utilities - File does not exist
    1/8/2013 22:30:53 [INFO] PIM - trying to createOrUpdatePIMDbSchema.
    1/8/2013 22:30:53 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS Created Tables.
    1/8/2013 22:30:53 [INFO] PIM - PIM Database is Up To Date.
    1/8/2013 22:30:53 [INFO] PIM - Updater Inventory location:D:\Adobe CS5_5\resources\updaterinventory.dll
    1/8/2013 22:30:53 [INFO] PIM - trying to createOrUpdatePIMDbSchema.
    1/8/2013 22:30:53 [INFO] PIM - Current db schema version on machine 1.
    1/8/2013 22:30:53 [INFO] PIM - Current db schema version to install 1.
    1/8/2013 22:30:53 [INFO] PIM - PIM DB Schema is up to date. Current schema version is 1.
    1/8/2013 22:30:53 [INFO] PIM - PIM Database is Up To Date.
    1/8/2013 22:30:53 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\core\PDApp.pimx
    1/8/2013 22:30:53 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    1/8/2013 22:30:53 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    1/8/2013 22:30:53 [ERROR] PIM - getInstalledPackageSize: Package folder does not exist on the system.
    1/8/2013 22:30:53 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Package id E09D47A9-4501-43C1-A50B-E264DB5E498D is a old Package, new is installed on the system. Size required: 0
    1/8/2013 22:30:53 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\UWA\UWA.pimx
    1/8/2013 22:30:53 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    1/8/2013 22:30:53 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    1/8/2013 22:30:53 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Package id CC1D48BA-E659-42D4-9511-F208F19C3EDC is a old Package, new is installed on the system. Size required: 10166919
    1/8/2013 22:30:53 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\DWA\DWA.pimx
    1/8/2013 22:30:53 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    1/8/2013 22:30:53 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    1/8/2013 22:30:53 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Package id 4F576A64-1680-4E79-B4A2-CFAC1A841C06 is a old Package, new is installed on the system. Size required: 4753339
    1/8/2013 22:30:53 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\LWA\LWA.pimx
    1/8/2013 22:30:53 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    1/8/2013 22:30:53 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    1/8/2013 22:30:53 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Package id D2E20EE6-5E36-40A4-8CB2-EC0C2E0B6912 is a old Package, new is installed on the system. Size required: 11019801
    1/8/2013 22:30:53 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Extra Package id 54FD72DC-72EC-4CDC-8828-F07C4E9E6FA2 found in ACF. Size required: 3259607
    1/8/2013 22:30:53 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Extra Package id 6D2A548B-C50D-46BA-B83E-C8199C6A9406 found in ACF. Size required: 27251758
    1/8/2013 22:30:53 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Extra Package id FAFC744B-DDFB-4097-A41D-7E9539FEBAF9 found in ACF. Size required: 13472807
    1/8/2013 22:30:53 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Extra Package id F0158AAB-0779-4B40-A07D-3F2A21D47E74 found in ACF. Size required: 6728883
    1/8/2013 22:30:53 [INFO] PIM - pim_haveEnoughDiskSpaceToInstallPackages reqSize ... 84318425
    1/8/2013 22:30:53 [INFO] Setup - TimeLog: End initial checks
    1/8/2013 22:30:53 [INFO] Setup - TimeLog: Begin Installing
    1/8/2013 22:30:53 [INFO] Setup - Start Installing core package - D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\core\PDApp.pimx
    1/8/2013 22:30:53 [INFO] PIM - START installPackage at file D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\core\PDApp.pimx
    1/8/2013 22:30:53 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\core\PDApp.pimx
    1/8/2013 22:30:53 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    1/8/2013 22:30:53 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    1/8/2013 22:30:53 [ERROR] PIM - Package folder does not exist on the system.
    1/8/2013 22:30:53 [INFO] Setup - Finished Installing core package - D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\core\PDApp.pimx, Return status: -1
    1/8/2013 22:30:53 [FATAL] Setup - Error installing D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\core\PDApp.pimx package.
    Return Value of pim_installPackage = -1
    1/8/2013 22:30:53 [INFO] Setup - TimeLog: End Installing. Now launching PDApp
    1/8/2013 22:30:55 [INFO] PIM - PIMSqlite closeDB status 0
    1/8/2013 22:30:55 [INFO] PIM - PIMSqlite closeDB status 0
    1/8/2013 22:30:55 [INFO] PIM - FREE PIM Instance ...
    1/8/2013 22:30:55 [INFO] Setup - cleanUSF: Deleting Path C:\Users\Samantha\AppData\Local\Adobe\OOBE\PDApp
    1/8/2013 22:30:55 [INFO] Setup - Setting current directory to C:\Users\Samantha\AppData\Local\Adobe\OOBE
    1/8/2013 22:30:55 [ERROR] Setup - Error in deleting folder C:\Users\Samantha\AppData\Local\Adobe\OOBE. Error Code:145
    1/8/2013 22:30:55 [ERROR] Setup - Error in deleting folder C:\Users\Samantha\AppData\Local\Adobe. Error Code:145
    1/8/2013 22:30:55 [INFO] Setup - End Adobe Setup. Exit code: 1
    1/8/2013 23:59:25 [INFO] Setup - Build Version -
    1/8/2013 23:59:25 [INFO] Setup - Logging Level verbosity Set  to 4
    1/8/2013 23:59:25 [INFO] Setup - Start Adobe Setup
    1/8/2013 23:59:25 [INFO] Setup - TimeLog: Bootstrapper Start
    1/8/2013 23:59:25 [INFO] Setup - TimeLog: Start initial checks
    1/8/2013 23:59:25 [INFO] Setup - Dictionary Path: C:\Users\Samantha\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EX53.912\Adobe CS5_5\resources\Dictionary\en_US\stringTable.zdct
    1/8/2013 23:59:25 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:C:\Users\Samantha\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EX53.912\Adobe CS5_5\resources\setup.xml
    1/8/2013 23:59:25 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    1/8/2013 23:59:25 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    1/8/2013 23:59:25 [INFO] Setup - Found 3 packages in setup manifest
    1/8/2013 23:59:28 [INFO] PIM - Build Version -
    1/8/2013 23:59:28 [INFO] PIM - Logging Level verbosity Set  to 4
    1/8/2013 23:59:28 [INFO] Utilities - Folder does not exist
    1/8/2013 23:59:28 [INFO] PIM - Build Version -
    1/8/2013 23:59:28 [INFO] PIM - Logging Level verbosity Set  to 4
    1/8/2013 23:59:28 [INFO] PIM - CREATE PIM Instance ...
    1/8/2013 23:59:28 [INFO] Utilities - File does not exist
    1/8/2013 23:59:28 [INFO] Utilities - File does not exist
    1/8/2013 23:59:28 [INFO] PIM - trying to createOrUpdatePIMDbSchema.
    1/8/2013 23:59:29 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS Created Tables.
    1/8/2013 23:59:29 [INFO] PIM - PIM Database is Up To Date.
    1/8/2013 23:59:29 [INFO] PIM - Updater Inventory location:C:\Users\Samantha\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EX53.912\Adobe CS5_5\resources\updaterinventory.dll
    1/8/2013 23:59:29 [INFO] PIM - trying to createOrUpdatePIMDbSchema.
    1/8/2013 23:59:29 [INFO] PIM - Current db schema version on machine 1.
    1/8/2013 23:59:29 [INFO] PIM - Current db schema version to install 1.
    1/8/2013 23:59:29 [INFO] PIM - PIM DB Schema is up to date. Current schema version is 1.
    1/8/2013 23:59:29 [INFO] PIM - PIM Database is Up To Date.
    1/8/2013 23:59:29 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:C:\Users\Samantha\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EX53.912\Adobe CS5_5\packages\core\PDApp.pimx
    1/8/2013 23:59:29 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    1/8/2013 23:59:29 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    1/8/2013 23:59:29 [ERROR] PIM - getInstalledPackageSize: Package folder does not exist on the system.
    1/8/2013 23:59:29 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Package id E09D47A9-4501-43C1-A50B-E264DB5E498D is a old Package, new is installed on the system. Size required: 0
    1/8/2013 23:59:29 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:C:\Users\Samantha\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EX53.912\Adobe CS5_5\packages\UWA\UWA.pimx
    1/8/2013 23:59:29 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    1/8/2013 23:59:29 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    1/8/2013 23:59:29 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Package id CC1D48BA-E659-42D4-9511-F208F19C3EDC is a old Package, new is installed on the system. Size required: 10166919
    1/8/2013 23:59:29 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:C:\Users\Samantha\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EX53.912\Adobe CS5_5\packages\DWA\DWA.pimx
    1/8/2013 23:59:29 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    1/8/2013 23:59:29 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    1/8/2013 23:59:29 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Package id 4F576A64-1680-4E79-B4A2-CFAC1A841C06 is a old Package, new is installed on the system. Size required: 4753339
    1/8/2013 23:59:29 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:C:\Users\Samantha\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EX53.912\Adobe CS5_5\packages\LWA\LWA.pimx
    1/8/2013 23:59:29 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    1/8/2013 23:59:29 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    1/8/2013 23:59:30 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Package id D2E20EE6-5E36-40A4-8CB2-EC0C2E0B6912 is a old Package, new is installed on the system. Size required: 11019801
    1/8/2013 23:59:30 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Extra Package id 54FD72DC-72EC-4CDC-8828-F07C4E9E6FA2 found in ACF. Size required: 3259607
    1/8/2013 23:59:30 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Extra Package id 6D2A548B-C50D-46BA-B83E-C8199C6A9406 found in ACF. Size required: 27251758
    1/8/2013 23:59:30 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Extra Package id FAFC744B-DDFB-4097-A41D-7E9539FEBAF9 found in ACF. Size required: 13472807
    1/8/2013 23:59:30 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Extra Package id F0158AAB-0779-4B40-A07D-3F2A21D47E74 found in ACF. Size required: 6728883
    1/8/2013 23:59:30 [INFO] PIM - pim_haveEnoughDiskSpaceToInstallPackages reqSize ... 84318425
    1/8/2013 23:59:31 [INFO] Setup - TimeLog: End initial checks
    1/8/2013 23:59:31 [INFO] Setup - TimeLog: Begin Installing
    1/8/2013 23:59:31 [INFO] Setup - Start Installing core package - C:\Users\Samantha\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EX53.912\Adobe CS5_5\packages\core\PDApp.pimx
    1/8/2013 23:59:31 [INFO] PIM - START installPackage at file C:\Users\Samantha\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EX53.912\Adobe CS5_5\packages\core\PDApp.pimx
    1/8/2013 23:59:31 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:C:\Users\Samantha\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EX53.912\Adobe CS5_5\packages\core\PDApp.pimx
    1/8/2013 23:59:31 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    1/8/2013 23:59:31 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    1/8/2013 23:59:31 [ERROR] PIM - Package folder does not exist on the system.
    1/8/2013 23:59:31 [INFO] Setup - Finished Installing core package - C:\Users\Samantha\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EX53.912\Adobe CS5_5\packages\core\PDApp.pimx, Return status: -1
    1/8/2013 23:59:31 [FATAL] Setup - Error installing C:\Users\Samantha\AppData\Local\Temp\Rar$EX53.912\Adobe CS5_5\packages\core\PDApp.pimx package.
    Return Value of pim_installPackage = -1
    1/8/2013 23:59:31 [INFO] Setup - TimeLog: End Installing. Now launching PDApp
    1/8/2013 23:59:35 [INFO] PIM - PIMSqlite closeDB status 0
    1/8/2013 23:59:35 [INFO] PIM - PIMSqlite closeDB status 0
    1/8/2013 23:59:35 [INFO] PIM - FREE PIM Instance ...
    1/8/2013 23:59:35 [INFO] Setup - cleanUSF: Deleting Path C:\Users\Samantha\AppData\Local\Adobe\OOBE\PDApp
    1/8/2013 23:59:35 [INFO] Setup - Setting current directory to C:\Users\Samantha\AppData\Local\Adobe\OOBE
    1/8/2013 23:59:35 [ERROR] Setup - Error in deleting folder C:\Users\Samantha\AppData\Local\Adobe\OOBE. Error Code:145
    1/8/2013 23:59:35 [ERROR] Setup - Error in deleting folder C:\Users\Samantha\AppData\Local\Adobe. Error Code:145
    1/8/2013 23:59:35 [INFO] Setup - End Adobe Setup. Exit code: 1
    1/9/2013 06:39:28 [INFO] Setup - Build Version -
    1/9/2013 06:39:28 [INFO] Setup - Logging Level verbosity Set  to 4
    1/9/2013 06:39:28 [INFO] Setup - Start Adobe Setup
    1/9/2013 06:39:28 [INFO] Setup - TimeLog: Bootstrapper Start
    1/9/2013 06:39:28 [INFO] Setup - TimeLog: Start initial checks
    1/9/2013 06:39:29 [INFO] Setup - Dictionary Path: D:\Adobe CS5_5\resources\Dictionary\en_US\stringTable.zdct
    1/9/2013 06:39:30 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:D:\Adobe CS5_5\resources\setup.xml
    1/9/2013 06:39:30 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    1/9/2013 06:39:30 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    1/9/2013 06:39:30 [INFO] Setup - Found 3 packages in setup manifest
    1/9/2013 06:39:41 [INFO] PIM - Build Version -
    1/9/2013 06:39:41 [INFO] PIM - Logging Level verbosity Set  to 4
    1/9/2013 06:39:41 [INFO] Utilities - Folder does not exist
    1/9/2013 06:39:41 [INFO] PIM - Build Version -
    1/9/2013 06:39:41 [INFO] PIM - Logging Level verbosity Set  to 4
    1/9/2013 06:39:41 [INFO] PIM - CREATE PIM Instance ...
    1/9/2013 06:39:41 [INFO] Utilities - File does not exist
    1/9/2013 06:39:41 [INFO] Utilities - File does not exist
    1/9/2013 06:39:42 [INFO] PIM - trying to createOrUpdatePIMDbSchema.
    1/9/2013 06:39:43 [INFO] PIM - SUCCESS Created Tables.
    1/9/2013 06:39:43 [INFO] PIM - PIM Database is Up To Date.
    1/9/2013 06:39:43 [INFO] PIM - Updater Inventory location:D:\Adobe CS5_5\resources\updaterinventory.dll
    1/9/2013 06:39:44 [INFO] PIM - trying to createOrUpdatePIMDbSchema.
    1/9/2013 06:39:44 [INFO] PIM - Current db schema version on machine 1.
    1/9/2013 06:39:44 [INFO] PIM - Current db schema version to install 1.
    1/9/2013 06:39:44 [INFO] PIM - PIM DB Schema is up to date. Current schema version is 1.
    1/9/2013 06:39:44 [INFO] PIM - PIM Database is Up To Date.
    1/9/2013 06:39:44 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\core\PDApp.pimx
    1/9/2013 06:39:44 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    1/9/2013 06:39:44 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    1/9/2013 06:39:44 [ERROR] PIM - getInstalledPackageSize: Package folder does not exist on the system.
    1/9/2013 06:39:44 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Package id E09D47A9-4501-43C1-A50B-E264DB5E498D is a old Package, new is installed on the system. Size required: 0
    1/9/2013 06:39:44 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\UWA\UWA.pimx
    1/9/2013 06:39:44 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    1/9/2013 06:39:44 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    1/9/2013 06:39:44 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Package id CC1D48BA-E659-42D4-9511-F208F19C3EDC is a old Package, new is installed on the system. Size required: 10166919
    1/9/2013 06:39:44 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\DWA\DWA.pimx
    1/9/2013 06:39:44 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    1/9/2013 06:39:44 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    1/9/2013 06:39:44 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Package id 4F576A64-1680-4E79-B4A2-CFAC1A841C06 is a old Package, new is installed on the system. Size required: 4753339
    1/9/2013 06:39:44 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\LWA\LWA.pimx
    1/9/2013 06:39:44 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    1/9/2013 06:39:44 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    1/9/2013 06:39:45 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Package id D2E20EE6-5E36-40A4-8CB2-EC0C2E0B6912 is a old Package, new is installed on the system. Size required: 11019801
    1/9/2013 06:39:45 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Extra Package id 54FD72DC-72EC-4CDC-8828-F07C4E9E6FA2 found in ACF. Size required: 3259607
    1/9/2013 06:39:45 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Extra Package id 6D2A548B-C50D-46BA-B83E-C8199C6A9406 found in ACF. Size required: 27251758
    1/9/2013 06:39:46 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Extra Package id FAFC744B-DDFB-4097-A41D-7E9539FEBAF9 found in ACF. Size required: 13472807
    1/9/2013 06:39:46 [INFO] PIM - PackageCheck: Extra Package id F0158AAB-0779-4B40-A07D-3F2A21D47E74 found in ACF. Size required: 6728883
    1/9/2013 06:39:46 [INFO] PIM - pim_haveEnoughDiskSpaceToInstallPackages reqSize ... 84318425
    1/9/2013 06:39:46 [INFO] Setup - TimeLog: End initial checks
    1/9/2013 06:39:46 [INFO] Setup - TimeLog: Begin Installing
    1/9/2013 06:39:46 [INFO] Setup - Start Installing core package - D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\core\PDApp.pimx
    1/9/2013 06:39:46 [INFO] PIM - START installPackage at file D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\core\PDApp.pimx
    1/9/2013 06:39:46 [INFO] PIM - Trying to access xml at path:D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\core\PDApp.pimx
    1/9/2013 06:39:46 [INFO] PIM - XML is valid
    1/9/2013 06:39:46 [WARN] PIM - Failed to find Node
    1/9/2013 06:39:46 [ERROR] PIM - Package folder does not exist on the system.
    1/9/2013 06:39:46 [INFO] Setup - Finished Installing core package - D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\core\PDApp.pimx, Return status: -1
    1/9/2013 06:39:46 [FATAL] Setup - Error installing D:\Adobe CS5_5\packages\core\PDApp.pimx package.
    Return Value of pim_installPackage = -1
    1/9/2013 06:39:46 [INFO] Setup - TimeLog: End Installing. Now launching PDApp
    1/9/2013 06:40:30 [INFO] PIM - PIMSqlite closeDB status 0
    1/9/2013 06:40:30 [INFO] PIM - PIMSqlite closeDB status 0
    1/9/2013 06:40:30 [INFO] PIM - FREE PIM Instance ...
    1/9/2013 06:40:30 [INFO] Setup - cleanUSF: Deleting Path C:\Users\Samantha\AppData\Local\Adobe\OOBE\PDApp
    1/9/2013 06:40:30 [INFO] Setup - Setting current directory to C:\Users\Samantha\AppData\Local\Adobe\OOBE
    1/9/2013 06:40:30 [ERROR] Setup - Error in deleting folder C:\Users\Samantha\AppData\Local\Adobe\OOBE. Error Code:145
    1/9/2013 06:40:30 [ERROR] Setup - Error in deleting folder C:\Users\Samantha\AppData\Local\Adobe. Error Code:145
    1/9/2013 06:40:30 [INFO] Setup - End Adobe Setup. Exit code: 1
    1/9/2013 06:50:30 [INFO] Setup - Build Version -
    1/9/2013 06:50:30 [INFO] Setup - Logging Level verbosity Set  to 4
    1/9/2013 06:

  • CS5 says Installer failed to initialize on OSX 10.10.2

    View image: Screen Shot 2015 03 31 at 1 15 57 PM

    start at the top and work your way down applying applicable fixes until your problem is resolved.
    if cc (win):  https://helpx.adobe.com/creative-cloud/kb/creative-cloud-desktop-application-failed.html
    if, your error is:
    "Installer failed to initialize. File not found." or "Installer failed to initialize. This could be due to missing files."
    first, rename OOBE Folder to OOBE.old.
    to find OOBE:
    64 bit win OS: Program Files x86\Common Files\Adobe\OOBE
    32 bit win OS: Program Files \Common Files\Adobe\OOBE
    mac os: HD>library>application support>adobe>caps
    mac os: USER>library>application support>adobe>OOB
    if that fails or isn't the exact error you see, uninstall, clean (http://www.adobe.com/support/contact/cscleanertool.html) and reinstall.
    if you're using a dvd to install:
    copy the disc contents to a desktop directory and install from that directory.
    if you're using a mac:
    1. Try to Create a new user account in Mac with Administrator Priviledges.
    2. Login to the New user, Navigate to Mac HD> Application> Utilities> Adobe Installer folder, Locate products like Adobe Reader, Adobe Flash, Adobe Air and un-install them
    3. Navigate to User Library> Application Support> Adobe and move Adobe to Trash.
    4. Navigate to Mac HD> Library> Application Support> Adobe and move Adobe to Trash.
    5. Start the installation again.
    if everything applicable above fails, check your installation logs:

  • Flash professional CS5.5 installation failed

    I tried installing CS5.5 on Windows 7 and it fails. The following error appears in the log:
    ERROR: Error 1722.There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected. Contact your support personnel or package vendor. Action NewCustomAction1, location: C:\Users\dror\AppData\Local\Temp\InstallPlugin.exe, command: -install plugin -msi
    Any ideas what I should do?

    There is a newer version of FLash player on your system and/or Internet Explorer 11 or something like that and the installer is unable to determine the version of the Flash Player Active X control. Refer to this:
    Fix site display problems with Compatibility View - Microsoft Windows Help
    Also naturalyl uninstall Flash Player before attempting another install.

  • Encore CS5.5 installation fails

    I've been trying to reinstall the adobe premiere family cs5.5 from my retail dvd, after many attempts the software will not install. I managed to install premiere pro cs5.5 without including encore in the installation process.
    The error I receive is [Error DW050]
    Are there any patch fixes to this problem?

    Serial number and activation chat support (non-CC) is the only  help link I have

  • Installer failed to initialize / cpsid_83578r3 / CS5 on OSX Mavericks

    I own Adobe CS5 PRODUCTION PREMIUM and have successfully used it for a number of years on my Mac OS X computer. Recently I could not get After Effects to open so I uninstalled it, intending to reinstall it. I have recently installed the new Mac OS X "Mavericks" on my computer. Right now, I cannot get the disc installer to work--I get an error saying, "Installer failed to initialize. Please download Adobe Support Advisor to detect the problem." which I did:
    cpsid_83578r3: Error, "Validate license at Pre-chrome" when installing - Creative Suite 5
    Click here for details and corrective actions related to this issue.
    I have searched Adobe forums for solutions. However, I have found no solutions. I REALLY need this software to work for my new job. What do I need to do to get AE to install from my CS5 Production Premium discs? I can still use other CS5 programs, but not AE...please help!

    Jneigh there is no need to post your token number as the service which allows us to collect the installation logs is no longer available.
    Did you complete the steps in the referenced document at Install log error "Validate license at Pre-Chrome time" - http://helpx.adobe.com/creative-suite/kb/install-log-error-validate-license.html?

  • Reinstalling CS5.5 Master Collection, Installation Failed

    I'm running
    Mac OSX Mavericks (10.9.3)
    Macbook Pro late 2012
    Hi! I just yesterday reinstalled my computer's OS and restored files via backup, only to realize none of my applications survived the transition. Most of them are back now, with the exception of CS5.5 Master Collection. I was able to download the product and locate my serial number on my account, and thought all was well.
    Not quite. Installation fails about 10 seconds in, with message to restart and try again. Restarting doesn't help.
    I looked in the install logs and pulled out the following warning and error messages:
    -------------------------------------- Summary --------------------------------------
    - 0 fatal error(s), 2 error(s), 18 warning(s)
    WARNING: DS013: Payload {298CF0B0-8B47-46DF-B726-8E4BFAD5432E} AdobeHelp is already installed and the session payload {0175676F-8C92-49F2-9131-D0D6AD654B41} AdobeHelp has no upgrade/conflict relationship with it.
    WARNING: DS013: Payload {A8798E04-96FF-4564-9157-0D4C89CB794C} DynamiclinkSupport is already installed and the session payload {1A1E5FF9-D0FD-42A3-8E18-E5E7E95E1AB4} DynamiclinkSupport has no upgrade/conflict relationship with it.
    WARNING: DS013: Payload {66173EC7-974E-4652-9468-4A93D2481BF0} CSXS Story Extension is already installed and the session payload {3450d4c5-a82b-4428-a512-842ee1555a14} CSXS Story Extension has no upgrade/conflict relationship with it.
    WARNING: DS013: Payload {78A53622-CDBA-49D1-A3D0-D563FB398D0C} AdobeColorCommonSetRGB is already installed and the session payload {45063C56-A2A2-4FD1-A56A-A964723EEE1E} AdobeColorCommonSetRGB has no upgrade/conflict relationship with it.
    WARNING: DS013: Payload {39CB2E53-5326-4939-8B5A-0402C6EFBFE3} AdobeColorCommonSetCMYK is already installed and the session payload {54D89F03-8EED-4FF9-BCDF-3B2E11D448A6} AdobeColorCommonSetCMYK has no upgrade/conflict relationship with it.
    WARNING: DS013: Payload {84901376-1C55-4BD3-AD2C-F9BDB4449DAC} PDF Settings CS5 is already installed and the session payload {8B4C951B-F853-4B05-B892-9D5B3CD8AC98} PDF Settings CS5 has no upgrade/conflict relationship with it.
    WARNING: DS013: Payload {E0B99C3F-C478-4DCA-A975-89DE639217C4} Digital Publishing is already installed and the session payload {99BDA97A-4AA8-11E0-9E8D-32B2F9D7AC32} Digital Publishing has no upgrade/conflict relationship with it.
    WARNING: DS013: Payload {F8918124-1CFB-4AB9-9BC2-39B961DBBBEE} Pixel Bender Toolkit is already installed and the session payload {9FBC5BF9-5019-49D6-A1B3-6BB0E2A1FA54} Pixel Bender Toolkit has no upgrade/conflict relationship with it.
    WARNING: DS013: Payload {925ED7E4-E1B6-4544-8141-1C98A18D2E2E} AdobeOutputModule is already installed and the session payload {AC003BC0-704F-4F02-A72E-AC8B7044DE24} AdobeOutputModule has no upgrade/conflict relationship with it.
    ERROR: DS013: Verifying payload integrity : Failed with code 1
    WARNING: DW016: NOTE: Cannot set action to the payload {A2502D10-2D75-4620-8A8B-73F39D5C1243} PDF Settings CS5 as it is already upgraded by the payload {84901376-1C55-4BD3-AD2C-F9BDB4449DAC} PDF Settings CS5
    WARNING: DW017: PayloadPolicyNode.SetAction: IN payload {8B4C951B-F853-4B05-B892-9D5B3CD8AC98} PDF Settings CS5 is required by {A516708E-EC03-40F5-B82E-0851A44B3780} Adobe Illustrator CS5.1 but isn't free. Reason: Language not supported
    WARNING: DW016: NOTE: Cannot set action to the payload {A2502D10-2D75-4620-8A8B-73F39D5C1243} PDF Settings CS5 as it is already upgraded by the payload {84901376-1C55-4BD3-AD2C-F9BDB4449DAC} PDF Settings CS5
    WARNING: DW017: PayloadPolicyNode.SetAction: IN payload {8B4C951B-F853-4B05-B892-9D5B3CD8AC98} PDF Settings CS5 is required by {08EF22BC-43B2-4B4E-BA12-52B18F418F38} Adobe Photoshop CS5.1 Core but isn't free. Reason: Language not supported
    WARNING: DW016: NOTE: Cannot set action to the payload {A2502D10-2D75-4620-8A8B-73F39D5C1243} PDF Settings CS5 as it is already upgraded by the payload {84901376-1C55-4BD3-AD2C-F9BDB4449DAC} PDF Settings CS5
    WARNING: DW017: PayloadPolicyNode.SetAction: IN payload {8B4C951B-F853-4B05-B892-9D5B3CD8AC98} PDF Settings CS5 is required by {A516708E-EC03-40F5-B82E-0851A44B3780} Adobe Illustrator CS5.1 but isn't free. Reason: Language not supported
    WARNING: DW044: Error setting action for {D97AF04B-B70A-4862-BC25-31E6D9C4A529} Adobe Flash CS5.5
    WARNING: DW044: Error setting action for {0CCF0458-5171-11E0-BC45-DC59E3AB3DC5} Adobe InDesign CS5.5 Application Base Files
    WARNING: DW044: Some payload actions specified in the deployment file could not be applied.
    ERROR: DW044: Payload actions could not be set. Search the log for "BEGIN Setting requested payload actions" for details.
    Please search the above error/warning string(s) to find when the error occurred.
    These errors resulted in installer Exit Code mentioned below.
    Exit Code: 7 - Unable to complete Silent workflow.
    END - Installer Session
    I kind of really need my software back soon for a school project with a rapidly approaching deadline, so any help in figuring out exactly what's wrong and why it won't install would be appreciated!

    Use Adobe Cleaner tool ( Use the CC Cleaner Tool to solve installation problems | CC, CS3-CS6 ) to remove any / all remnants of the software.
    > Enable the hidden Admin Account on Windows 7 ( Ref :  http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/enable-the-hidden-administrator-account-on-wi ndows-vista/ )
    > Disable all Non-Microsoft Startup Services. (Ref : http://helpx.adobe.com/x-productkb/global/disable-startup-items-services-windows.html )
    > Disable all the Antivirus softwares like CA, Norton,Mc Afee etc. temporarily from the computer.
    Reboot and try installing in the new enabled Admin user account and check.

  • My CS3 installation failed on my new iMac with Mavericks. Why?

    Anybody have an answer for why the CS3 installation failed on my new iMac with Mavericks? I bought CS3 for my old MacPro which recently died. I still have the installation CD, with serial number and PN number. Help!

    check your installation logs, Troubleshoot with install logs | CS5, CS5.5, CS6, CC

  • CS5.5 Design Premium: installer failed to initialize

    Ok, I'm having this problem.  This started because I had to perform a system restore.  I ended having to go back so far with the system restore that all of my Adobe Products(among others) no longer appeared to be installed. 
    So I downloaded Adobe CS5.5 Design premium from a link mentioned elsewhere in the discussions.  Everything extracts fine, but when I execute the installer it always prompts "installer failed to initialize".  I have downloaded the Adobe support advisor.  It shows multiple:
    cpsid_82829s1: "A restart is pending," bootstrapper error has occurred.
    Click here for details and corrective actions related to this issue.
    I have clicked the links(http://helpx.adobe.com/creative-suite/kb/troubleshoot-error-messages-bootstrapper-cs5.html)  below and followed the instructions.  There is no "InProgress" Entry in the registry in the locations provided.   I have also ran the "Adobe CS5 Cleaner Tool " Multiple times and have removed ALL.   I have deleted every directory on this computer that says Adobe.   
    This is a clients computer and we REALLY don't want to wipe and reload(Money/time and all that).  Can anyone help me with this error?

    System restore is a first resort for most people when there is a problem in Windows.  Obviously it wasn't a hit in this situation.  I know a wipe and reload would fix it.  If you read my post you'd see I'm trying to avoid that.  If you have any information that can help me there I would love to know it. 

  • CS5.5 Master installation fails

    Hi, I've tried to install CS5.5 master LS4 (french) and it fails (only photoshop and indesign are installed):
    Exit Code: 6
    -------------------------------------- Summary --------------------------------------
    - 17 fatal error(s), 52 error(s), 33 warning(s)
    ----------- Payload: {D1B83970-7269-48BE-8B0E-5120D9327E52} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1 -----------
    FATAL: DS003: Cannot extract 'C:\Users\Public\Desktop\CS55Master\Adobe CS5_5\payloads\AdobeAPE3.101-mul\Assets1_1.zip' to 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\Installers\adobeTemp\{D1B83970-7269-48BE-8B0E-5120D9327E52}'. Error: Error 0
    ----------- Payload: {A189C479-C7CD-4E08-8CCF-D999B68C0C71} Camera Profiles Installer_6.3_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All -----------
    FATAL: DS003: Cannot extract 'C:\Users\Public\Desktop\CS55Master\Adobe CS5_5\payloads\AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All-181110111754\Assets1_1.zip' to 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\Installers\adobeTemp\{A189C479-C7CD-4E08-8CCF-D999B68C0C71}'. Error: Error 0
    ----------- Payload: {CFA46C39-C539-4BE9-9364-495003C714AD} Adobe SwitchBoard 2.0 -----------
    WARNING: DF029: ARKServiceControl::StartService: Service not started/stopped SwitchBoard. Current State: 0 Exit Code: 0 Service Specific Exit Code: 0(Seq 1)
    ----------- Payload: {71BC8278-815D-4F8C-8FA5-C6F782C73892} Adobe CSXS Infrastructure CS5.5 -----------
    WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    ----------- Payload: {4058E728-84D8-45CE-8E2D-5F35BD6659A1} Adobe Extension Manager CS5.5 -----------
    FATAL: DS003: Cannot extract 'C:\Users\Public\Desktop\CS55Master\Adobe CS5_5\payloads\AdobeExtensionManager5.5All\Assets1_1.zip' to 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\Installers\adobeTemp\{4058E728-84D8-45CE-8E2D-5F35BD6659A1}'. Error: Error 0
    ----------- Payload: {CE75F5DB-8CA3-4E84-A30E-AF9160006105} Adobe Player for Embedding x64 3.1 -----------
    FATAL: DS003: Cannot extract 'C:\Users\Public\Desktop\CS55Master\Adobe CS5_5\payloads\AdobeAPE3.101_x64-mul\Assets1_1.zip' to 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\Installers\adobeTemp\{CE75F5DB-8CA3-4E84-A30E-AF9160006105}'. Error: Error 0
    ----------- Payload: {E5F5A323-E3CA-4710-ABBB-2C0C25516F89} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.2 -----------
    FATAL: DS003: Cannot extract 'C:\Users\Public\Desktop\CS55Master\Adobe CS5_5\payloads\AdobeAPE3.2-mul\Assets1_1.zip' to 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\Installers\adobeTemp\{E5F5A323-E3CA-4710-ABBB-2C0C25516F89}'. Error: Error 0
    WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    ----------- Payload: {49E6D00F-3456-11E0-AE83-842B2B67A8CC} Adobe Device Central CS5.5 -----------
    FATAL: DS003: Cannot extract 'C:\Users\Public\Desktop\CS55Master\Adobe CS5_5\payloads\AdobeDeviceCentral3.5-all\Assets1_1.zip' to 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\Installers\adobeTemp\{49E6D00F-3456-11E0-AE83-842B2B67A8CC}'. Error: Error 0
    WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    ----------- Payload: {EE85C227-0148-4825-B659-6A1E142571EE} Adobe Bridge CS5.1 -----------
    FATAL: DS003: Cannot extract 'C:\Users\Public\Desktop\CS55Master\Adobe CS5_5\payloads\AdobeBridge4.1-mul\Assets1_1.zip' to 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\Installers\adobeTemp\{EE85C227-0148-4825-B659-6A1E142571EE}'. Error: Error 0
    ----------- Payload: {7202D4A7-F7E6-4e7a-B77D-7B1C4E8B5CA6} Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX -----------
    ERROR: Error 1722.There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected. Contact your support personnel or package vendor. Action NewCustomAction1, location: C:\Users\GESTIO~1\AppData\Local\Temp\InstallAX.exe, command: -install activex -msi
    ERROR: Install MSI payload failed with error: 1603 - Erreur irrécupérable lors de l’installation.
    MSI Error message: Error 1722.There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected. Contact your support personnel or package vendor. Action NewCustomAction1, location: C:\Users\GESTIO~1\AppData\Local\Temp\InstallAX.exe, command: -install activex -msi
    ----------- Payload: {11C0657F-2BD4-4CBC-87F3-9455DC91886E} Recommended Common Fonts Installation x64 -----------
    WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    ----------- Payload: {067E43CD-3E9C-44BA-89FA-EDE7461BC22B} AIR for Apple iOS support (FB) -----------
    WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    ----------- Payload: {F37EA9EC-638F-4E61-BED4-BDB10461D73B} Adobe Dreamweaver Widget Browser -----------
    WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    ----------- Payload: {89823DB1-05CA-1016-BA4A-BE6A29E42461} Adobe InDesign CS5.5 Icon Handler -----------
    WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    ----------- Payload: {301D39AF-43B1-445B-88CF-D78584200322} Adobe WinSoft Linguistics Plugin CS5.5 -----------
    WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    ----------- Payload: {07C64F28-6F4E-1014-A82C-D40EE8D79912} Digital Publishing -----------
    FATAL: DS003: Cannot extract 'C:\Users\Public\Desktop\CS55Master\Adobe CS5_5\payloads\AdobeDigitalPublishing-mul\Assets1_1.zip' to 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\Installers\adobeTemp\{07C64F28-6F4E-1014-A82C-D40EE8D79912}'. Error: Error 0
    WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    ----------- Payload: {47CE893F-A0FF-4094-AA16-5209AEA7C7E0} Firefox Plugin CS5.1 -----------
    FATAL: DS003: Cannot extract 'C:\Users\Public\Desktop\CS55Master\Adobe CS5_5\payloads\AdobeContribute6.1-FFPlugin\Assets1_1.zip' to 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\Installers\adobeTemp\{47CE893F-A0FF-4094-AA16-5209AEA7C7E0}'. Error: Error 0
    ----------- Payload: {208DE3D5-541C-41B0-8595-7A608A6E4306} IE Plugin CS5.1 -----------
    FATAL: DS003: Cannot extract 'C:\Users\Public\Desktop\CS55Master\Adobe CS5_5\payloads\AdobeContribute6.1-IEPlugin\Assets1_1.zip' to 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\Installers\adobeTemp\{208DE3D5-541C-41B0-8595-7A608A6E4306}'. Error: Error 0
    ----------- Payload: {4A4F91EA-5951-4C5C-B911-027D802817EB} Office Plugin CS5.1 -----------
    FATAL: DS003: Cannot extract 'C:\Users\Public\Desktop\CS55Master\Adobe CS5_5\payloads\AdobeContribute6.1-OfficePlugin\Assets1_1.zip' to 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\Installers\adobeTemp\{4A4F91EA-5951-4C5C-B911-027D802817EB}'. Error: Error 0
    ----------- Payload: {D5B1535A-FDFC-4B40-B2E2-21DA83D9CB57} Adobe Audition -----------
    FATAL: DS003: Cannot extract 'C:\Users\Public\Desktop\CS55Master\Adobe CS5_5\payloads\AdobeAudition4All\Assets1_1.zip' to 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\Installers\adobeTemp\{D5B1535A-FDFC-4B40-B2E2-21DA83D9CB57}'. Error: Error 0
    WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    ----------- Payload: {650C9D09-D5BD-4532-8BEE-01DBC1DF5537} Adobe Flash Builder 4.5 -----------
    FATAL: DS003: Cannot extract 'C:\Users\Public\Desktop\CS55Master\Adobe CS5_5\payloads\AdobeFlashBuilder-mul\Assets1_1.zip' to 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\Installers\adobeTemp\{650C9D09-D5BD-4532-8BEE-01DBC1DF5537}'. Error: Error 0
    ----------- Payload: {D57FC112-312E-4D70-860F-2DB8FB6858F0} CS5.5 Master Collection -----------
    WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    ----------- Payload: {0215A652-E081-4B09-9333-DC85AAB67FFA} Adobe Dreamweaver CS5.5 -----------
    FATAL: DS003: Cannot extract 'C:\Users\Public\Desktop\CS55Master\Adobe CS5_5\payloads\AdobeDreamweaver11.5-mul\Assets1_1.zip' to 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\Installers\adobeTemp\{0215A652-E081-4B09-9333-DC85AAB67FFA}'. Error: Error 0
    WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    ----------- Payload: {DD309051-FACF-4A5E-87F1-C57154BB3DE8} Adobe Contribute CS5.1 -----------
    FATAL: DS003: Cannot extract 'C:\Users\Public\Desktop\CS55Master\Adobe CS5_5\payloads\AdobeContribute6.1-mul\Assets1_1.zip' to 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\Installers\adobeTemp\{DD309051-FACF-4A5E-87F1-C57154BB3DE8}'. Error: Error 0
    WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    ----------- Payload: {FB720658-01F4-4002-BB69-49E66CD82E30} Adobe Encore CS5.1 -----------
    FATAL: DS003: Cannot extract 'C:\Users\Public\Desktop\CS55Master\Adobe CS5_5\payloads\AdobeEncore5.1AllTrial\Assets1_1.zip' to 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\Installers\adobeTemp\{FB720658-01F4-4002-BB69-49E66CD82E30}'. Error: Error 0
    WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    ----------- Payload: {23767F5D-A80C-4264-B8EA-ED4085FC332A} Adobe Illustrator CS5.1 -----------
    FATAL: DS003: Cannot extract 'C:\Users\Public\Desktop\CS55Master\Adobe CS5_5\payloads\AdobeIllustrator15_1-mul\Assets1_1.zip' to 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\Installers\adobeTemp\{23767F5D-A80C-4264-B8EA-ED4085FC332A}'. Error: Error 0
    WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    ----------- Payload: {1EF9FEC2-3EAD-4BC5-AF93-DAE033CACE94} Adobe Photoshop CS5.1 French Language Pack_x64_AdobePhotoshop12-fr_FR_x64 -----------
    WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    ERROR: DW050: The following payload errors were found during install:
    ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe ExtendScript Toolkit CS5.5: Install failed
    ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Dreamweaver CS5.5: Failed due to Language Pack installation failure
    ERROR: DW050:  - Digital Publishing: Failed due to Language Pack installation failure
    ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.5 Support: Install failed
    ERROR: DW050:  - IE Plugin CS5.1: Install failed
    ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Illustrator CS5.1: Failed due to Language Pack installation failure
    ERROR: DW050:  - Pixel Bender Toolkit: Install failed
    ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Audition_AdobeAudition4fr_FRLanguagePack: Install failed
    ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Flash CS5.5_AdobeMobileExtension_Flash11.5-fr_FR: Install failed
    ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Extension Manager CS5.5: Install failed
    ERROR: DW050:  - Firefox Plugin CS5.1: Install failed
    ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Device Central CS5.5: Failed due to Language Pack installation failure
    ERROR: DW050:  - Office Plugin CS5.1: Install failed
    ERROR: DW050:  - AdobeMotionPicture CS5.5: Install failed
    ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe After Effects CS5.5_AdobeAfterEffects10.5fr_FRLanguagePack: Install failed
    ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Dreamweaver CS5.5_AdobeDreamweaver11.5fr_FRLanguagePack: Install failed
    ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe OnLocation CS5.1: Failed due to Language Pack installation failure
    ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Flash Builder 4.5: Install failed
    ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Digital Publishing Application Language Files_AdobeDigitalPublishingAppLang-fr_FR: Install failed
    ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Flash Fonts1: Install failed
    ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe After Effects CS5.5 Support: Install failed
    ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe OnLocation CS5.1 Third Party Content Wrapper: Install failed
    ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Encore CS5.1_AdobeEncore5.1fr_FRLanguagePack: Install failed
    ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Fireworks CS5.1: Failed due to Language Pack installation failure
    ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Story: Install failed
    ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Device Central CS5.5_DeviceCentral3.5LP-fr_FR: Install failed
    ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Illustrator CS5.1_AdobeIllustrator15_1fr_FRLanguagePack: Install failed
    ERROR: DW050:  - Camera Profiles Installer_6.3_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All: Install failed
    ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Contribute CS5.1_AdobeContribute6.1fr_FRLanguagePack: Install failed
    ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.5_AdobePremierePro5.5fr_FRLanguagePack: Install failed
    ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe After Effects CS5.5 Presets: Install failed
    ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe After Effects CS5.5 Third Party Content Wrapper: Install failed
    ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe OnLocation CS5.1_AdobeOnLocation5.1fr_FRLanguagePack: Install failed
    ERROR: DW050:  - AdobeColorVideoProfilesAE CS5.5: Install failed
    ERROR: DW050:  - AmericanEnglishSpeechAnalysisModels: Install failed
    ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.5: Failed due to Language Pack installation failure
    ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Player for Embedding x64 3.1: Install failed
    ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Fireworks CS5.1_AdobeFireworks11.1.0fr_FRLanguagePack: Install failed
    ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1: Install failed
    ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Audition: Failed due to Language Pack installation failure
    ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Flash Catalyst CS5.5: Install failed
    ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Flash CS5.5: Failed due to Language Pack installation failure
    ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Contribute CS5.1: Failed due to Language Pack installation failure
    ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Flash CS5.5_AdobeFlash11.5-fr_FRLanguagePack: Install failed
    ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Flash CS5.5_AdobeMobileExtension_Flash11.5-mul: Install failed
    ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Player for Embedding 3.2: Install failed
    ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe After Effects CS5.5: Failed due to Language Pack installation failure
    ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Bridge CS5.1: Install failed
    ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Encore CS5.1: Failed due to Language Pack installation failure
    I've used the adobe cs5 cleaner, I run the install in administrator, firewall and antivirus are both off, etc
    FATAL: DS003: Cannot extract 'C:\Users\Public\Desktop\CS55Master\Adobe CS5_5\payloads\AdobeAPE3.101-mul\Assets1_1.zip'...
    The size of the "Assets1_1.zip" file is 0kb... Downloaded 2 times from the direct link (http://trials2.adobe.com/AdobeProducts/STAM/CS5_5/win32/MasterCollection_CS5_5_LS4.7z) and 1 from the adobe downloader, and always the same errors...
    Are the files corrupted in the adobe database itself? Is it possible to download only the corrupted files, or I have to download the full pack again?

    Stills fails:
    Exit Code: 7
    -------------------------------------- Summary --------------------------------------
    - 1 fatal error(s), 2 error(s), 3 warning(s)
    WARNING: DW031: Payload:{61A3D10A-AA4D-4E4C-B9DB-6A08D318EA41} Photoshop Camera Raw (64 bit) has been updated and has been selected for repair. The patch {32841ECE-EC28-42CD-A4DD-6CE832A7EA8D} Photoshop Camera Raw (64 bit)_6.3_AdobeCameraRaw6.0All-x64 will be uninstalled now.
    WARNING: DW031: Payload:{2EBE92C3-F9D8-48B5-A32B-04FA5D1709FA} Adobe XMP Panels CS5 has been updated and has been selected for repair. The patch {42774483-D33C-46F7-8B20-FD0B1A3DAC25} Adobe XMP Panels CS5_3.1_AdobeXMPPanelsAll will be uninstalled now.
    WARNING: DW031: Payload:{37AB3C65-E02C-4DCF-B0E0-4C2E253D8FA3} Photoshop Camera Raw has been updated and has been selected for repair. The patch {FD58D99B-9927-4226-8E00-959A4F76BD89} Photoshop Camera Raw_6.3_AdobeCameraRaw6.0All will be uninstalled now.
    ERROR: DW020: Found payload conflicts and errors:
    ERROR: DW020:  - Adobe InDesign CS5.5 Application Base Files depends on Digital Publishing to be installed.
    FATAL: DW020: Conflicts were found in the selected payloads. Halting installation.
    As digital publishing won't install, is there an exe to install it directly (without cs)?

  • Anyone know this error message:  Adobe Illustrator CS5 15.0.1 Update   Installation failed. Error Co

    Very new and very green to illustrator.
    Have used only once or twice since i bought it.
    Unfortunately when i need to use it now - it crashes
    upon starting up.
    I received the following error message:
    Adobe Illustrator CS5 15.0.1 Update
      Installation failed. Error Code: U44M2P7
    Haven't a clue what to do!
    Any help and direction would be most appreciated.

    Updates can fail due to any number of system issue. They are more prone to failing if you alter the application in any way. On the Macintosh, popular applications such as Monoligual will remove application package contents and therefore cause updates to fail.
    The easiest solution is to uninstall Illustrator CS5 using the uninstaller and then reinstall Illustrator CS5, then immediatlly run the 15.0.1 update.

  • Just got a Nikon D610 and CS5 for Mac can't open the images -- message says installed version of camera raw doesn't support the camera.  Downloaded the Raw 6.2 update for Mac, but installation failed. Now what?

    just got a Nikon D610 and CS5 for Mac can't open the images -- message says installed version of camera raw doesn't support the camera.  Downloaded the Raw 6.2 update for Mac, but installation failed. Now what?

    The D610 didn't get out-of-the-box RAW support until Photoshop CC.
    You can either upgrade to CC or use the DNG Converter to convert and open your DNGs in CS5.

  • CS5 Master Collection error: Installer failed to initialize, help?

    When I first opened the CS5 installer, it worked perfectly, except my computer crash halfway through the installation. Now whenever I try to install an application, when I open the Adobe Installer, once it finishes Initializing the installer, I immediately get the "Installer failed to initialize" message. How do I fix this?

    Run the Creative Suite Cleaner Tool and clean out the temporary files created during install in your temp directory. Additioanlly, check your task manager and terminate any rampant instances of setup.exe and msiexec.exe that may stil lbe running.

  • Getting an "installer failed to initialize" error when installing CS5 from CD

    Getting an "installer failed to initialize" error when installing CS5 from CD
    Mac OS X Version 10.7.5

    Try using the Adobe Creative Suite Cleaner Tool
    helps resolve installation problems for CS3 thru CS6 and for Creative Cloud
    If you continue to have problems getting the CD installation to work you can download the trial version of the software thru the page linked below and then use your current serial number to activate it.
    Be sure to follow the steps outlined in the Note: Very Important Instructions section on the download pages at this site or else the download will not work properly.

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