Cs5 convert to shape

I am having a little trouble.  I have a few lines of multi-color text on one layer. When I convert the text to shape, everything changes to one color.  Is there anyway to avoid this?  I usually use illustrator for type of thing, but it is not my file.

Converting the text to a shape layer means that the fill is replaced with a solid color fill.
You could separate the pieces into different layers with different fills if you want.

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    u can directly draw in  a Sprite or add the Shpe as child of a Sprite,like this
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    var btn:Sprite=new Sprite();

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    Depending on your needs, an alternative solution could be to use a program like inDesign that can do inline graphics. Inline graphics are image objects that you can place at the insertion point of the text tool while typing text and they will flow with the text like when you place images here in the messages of this forum or word processors like Microsoft Word but inDesign has the capabilities to have text on paths, shapes, etc with all bells and whistles of a layout program.

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    Yes, going to EPUB and then Kindle seems to be the best route.
    A few suggestions.
    1.       Upgrade to CS6. EPUB capabilities have been dramatically improved.
    2.       Buy some good books EPUB. I suggest these two Liz Castro’s books for a start: http://amzn.to/LI9Q5b and  http://amzn.to/LIa38o
    3.       Visit Liz’s blog: http://www.pigsgourdsandwikis.com/
    4.       Check out Ann Marie Concepcion’s excellent Lynda.com titles. This link will get you a one week trial: http://bit.ly/fcGpiI
    Finally, you need to get at least a beginner’s grasp of HTML and CSS. Without that, quite frankly, you’re screwed.

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    I am using the first option while converting from flash to flex. Its easy and it saves lots of memory.

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    The most reasonable solution I've found to is to purchase an inexpensive utility which can control appication opens common file types in the application you like:
    Soxy | Rorohiko Workflow Resources
    From the web page:
    "Soxy automatically determines the type of each file you open and then directs it to the most appropriate application.
    "There’s a problem when a computer has multiple versions of applications installed (like Adobe® InDesign®, QuarkXPress®, Adobe Illustrator®, Adobe Photoshop®, etc…). Opening a file will often cause the wrong application version to launch."
    I don't work from them, I'm just a happy customer.

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    You could try to save the file as pdf if you want to take the whole content as one from AI and open the same in Photoshop.
    Or save the file as Photoshop and while making the files make sure you put the content in different layers while creating in Ai and then save as PSD (Photoshop Document)
    While save make sure you have write layers option selected when you save as PSD in advance options

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    Converted back to CS4 for now.

    The After Effects CS5 (10.0.1) update is available:
    This update should address this issue. After you've installed the update, please let us know whether it works for you.
    If you have any problems with the update, or if you have bugs to report after you've installed the update, please let us know through the usual channels:

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    hope can explain my problem.

    OK, we might be getting there. I'm guessing you want to remove the outline of a Type layer from  rectangular Shape.  Is that right?
    Create your rectangular shape.
    Create your Type layer
    Align the two layers.
    Convert the Type layer into a Shape layer.
    You'll have something like this:
    Select the two Shape layers and merge them (Ctrl e or Cmd e)
    Which will give you a single shape layer but this in the paths panel
    Use the Direct Selection tool (white arrow) to drag across and select the type oultine
    Now select the Pen tool, and in the Options bar click on Path Operations drop down, and select 'Subtract front shape'
    Which should leave you this (Note I have turn off the background layer for the sake of clarity)
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    it seems to me that it's a bad idea to completely override a user's colour plate simply because of similar naming. If it's not a bug, it should at least warn you very obviously that your spot colours are being overridden by an end user. At the very least, it should be flagged by Preflighting. When you work with templates that are coming from other users or companies like this, it's not clear what's been converted, since you can have something marked as a spot but not be a pantone. You're assuming that the user has controlled every stage of a document workflow, which often isn't the case.
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    Same computer?
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    Can I see what fonts were changed? 
    Message was edited by: Hardrockchina
    One thing. I do believe that windows was changed from XP to Windows 7.  But I thought I had reinstalled all the same fonts.    Can I see what the original fonts were in the old CS 5 project? 

    I believe that was the OPs line of thinking here.  His question is, how can he find out what font it used to be?  I believe the only way to find out what font is used is to open the project and look, but that font would have to be installed for that to work.  If it isn't, and you don't remember, you're hosed.

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    Has anyone experienced this problem?
    Thank you in advance.

    I have each element on their own layer.  That is how I was able to bring it into AE easily with seperate layers.  I will go back and recreate the vector pieces in AI.  I can then bring it back into AE and just replace what I am using with the new version. Love the replace option in AE
    I have another question but will make a new thread about it..
    Any other ideas are helpful but I think I might just go back and try to make vector shapes again.  If that does not work I will change up my game plan in AE.

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    However I have one issue which I cannot find any solution to from any online source (I've used every combination of frame/shape/corner & much more with cs5).
    This image is a custom rectangle I have created a hundred times before on CS3. Previously if I wanted to create this shape, with its nice smooth curves on each corner I would start by creating a rectangle, convert the shape to a rounded rectangle and then add two extra points on the top and left edge, before moving the top right corner point in. The new points would also contain this inbuild corner and it would sit very easily and nicely. Holding down shift would maintain the shapes right-angle integrety and all would be well with the world.
    However, with CS5, I get this monstrosity!
    As soon as I add extra points to the shape, the corner points split from into two,  and the curve I want to end up with has become fixed in the 'reverse' position (meaning a whole lot of potential messing with angles is potentially required), but even worse it has also lost the knowledge that the whole shape is meant to be curved, as my new points now don't want to behave like the rest.
    This was once a  simple task for me which I required regularly for laying out brochure spreads, but which now seems impossible to my admittedly non-expert eye. I feel sure that there must be a way around it but I cannot find it anywhere - all the demo's want to do is helpfully show me how you can now adjust one corner, whilst leaving the others in tact. That's a great feature, but as its limited to a 4 sided shape, what do you do if you have 6 sides as above, and want to maintain smooth edges throughout?
    Any help in solving this would be gratefully appreciated.

    I'm happy to adjust any workflow to make this work, but that doesn't work unfortunately.
    When you move the corner into the middle of the shape the shape changes from a rectangle to a triangle like shape (depending how far you move it), because there are no additional points to hold the remainder of the two sides in shape.
    Doing exactly what you said creates these... left is a shape, right is a frame.
    Going to corner options doesn't do anything at that point, it won't curve and even if it did it still wouldn't be the shape I'm after.

  • HELP! Need help with converting text to shape.

    Each time I hit "Convert to shape" I get paths all over the text character. (See image below)
    Rather than a bounding box I can transform. (see below)
    It's almost as if the text is being converted to a work path even though I'm selecting "convert to shape". Not sure what's "off" or "wrong" but hopefully someone out there can point me in the right direction.

    Really? Wow. No wonder.
    Ok, here's the thing. I'm watching a YouTube video on making bracket frames and the direction is to do what I've been attempting. Should have known better. Check out the video, link below, at about the 2min mark through 2:48ish. Can you let me know if this is accurate instruction?
    If you have time of course! Thank You Thank You Thank You!!
    Photoshop - Bracket Frames - YouTube

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