CS5 & CR2

I'm currently running the 30-day trial of CS5 Extended 64-bit, on a Windows 7 PC with 8GB of memory.  In two days, I'll receive a copy of CS5 (not extended), so in effect, I just about own it.
Before purchasing CS5 and CS3, I read a lot about folks having problems opening their RAW files or not being able to display them as thumbnails when preparing to open one of them.  I read about possible fixes and the need to have the most up to date version of the Camera Raw software.
While running the CS5 software, I've noticed that if I intend to open a CR2 image taken from my Canon 5D Mark II, the popup that would display the thumbnail images of JPG images, does not display the CR2 images.  All that is seen is a generic icon with the image number.
I've checked the Camera Raw plugin and it has a version number of  Although this isn't enough of a malfunction to stop me from upgrading to CS5, it seems a shame that the highest level of the CS Family can't display these CR2 images and every other image program that I have, including free ones such as FastStone Image viewer, can display them.
So the question is, can this be corrected?

Adobe does not provide a Canon .CR2 raw file codec that will allow you to display thumbnails of your images in Explorer (and the Adobe File - Open dialog is an Explorer derivative I think).
Normally one might expect the camera maker to provide such codecs, but in this case Canon still seems oblivious to 64 bit computing.  They do offer a 32 bit codec (entitled "Canon RAW Codec 1.7.0"), but it won't work on Windows 7 x64.
These pages can be useful to learn more about the issue:
You CAN get a codec to do the job.  At one time it was free, but now I see they're charging $9.99 for the package:
That's the software I use on Windows 7 x64, and it works great with Canon .CR2 files.

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    Camera Raw plug-in | Supported cameras
    Camera Raw-compatible Adobe applications
    You need to upgrade to CS6 and ACR 7.1 at least....

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    CR2 files from which Canon camera?
    Supported cameras are listed here
    Camera Raw plug-in | Supported cameras

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    Thanks to all.

    mybrotherbob wrote:
    try using Adobe DNG converter to convert them to a supported format…
    That's silly.     The Adobe DNG Converter and ACR are always released in tandem and the same camera models are supported in each respective version.
    If that camera is not yet supported in any version of ACR, it wll not be supported in any version of the DNG Converter either.
    Wo Tai Lao Le

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    Product updates
    good luck!

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    You may need to update Camera Raw to version 6.1RC (RC = Release Candidate or advanced beta).
    ACR 6, which ships with CS5, was frozen a long time ago, before ACR 5.7 shipped, and it does not support some cameras supported by ARC 5.7 in CS4.  I don't know if this applies to your camera model or not.
    For more info:
    You might need to purge the cache after updating to Camera Raw 6.1 and relaunching Photoshop and Bridge.

  • I can't open my CR2 files in Photoshop CS5

    I have a Canon and this silly CR2 is really confusing me! Going from an Olympus to this is a TOTALLY different ballpark.
    For those of you to roll your eyes-I have looked through other discussions about this and I can't figure the problem out myself. So please help me if you will! I have checked the Camera RAW setting and I'm certain it's correct. Maybe I'm just missing something else?! Please help! I don't want to convert them all to TIFFs.....

    I thought I looked at the list yesterday and it had mine listed. I have a Canon 70D.
    Yes, it's listed and was first supported by Adobe Camera Raw (ACR) 8.2.
    Now do the second step by seeing which version of ACR is compatible with which version of Photoshop.
    You'll see that Photoshop CS5 is only compatible with ACR 6.0 through 6.7. In other words CS5 will never be able to open Raw files from the 70D (released July 2013) - or any other brand new camera whether Canon or Nikon.
    So you need CS6 or Photoshop CC to open Raw files from the 70D. Or from any other brand new Canon or Nikon.
    This is not a Canon problem. It's a CS5 is out of of date problem and would apply regardless of camera manufacturer. If cameras saved in DNG format, you could still use CS5.
    DNG?! Is that similar to RAW?
    Raw files are proprietary and are specific to camera makes and models.
    DNGs conform to open standards. Adobe created the DNG format to avoid the very problem you're facing now. However the camera manufacturers prefer to stick to their proprietary Raw formats thus forcing Adobe and its customers into this never ending update and upgrade cycle with Camera Raw.

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    If you have CS2 the latest version should be ACR 3.7.
    ACR 4.x is only for CS3. If you download the 3.7 ACR and install it correctly ( be sure to follow the instructions precisely!) you should be OK.

  • Can't open CR2 files in CS5

    What do I need to download to pen Canon CR2 files in CS5?

    without know what camera you're using, I would say that you need to download the Adobe DNG converter 8.8 is the current one. That will create dng files that can be opened in CS5.

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    Hi. Because the forum you originally posted in is for beginners trying to learn the basics of Photoshop, I'm moving your question to the Photoshop General Discussion forum.

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    My reply was fully  in keeping with your insolent second post:
    Kid Calamina wrote:
    Really, no suggestions?
    BOILERPLATE TEXT extracted from the FAQ:
    Do not be abusive or aggressive in your tone
    An aggressive, demanding, accusatory or abusive sounding post will often evoke an aggressive or abusive and unhelpful reply.
    Remember, you are not addressing Adobe here in the user forums.  You are requesting help from volunteers users just like you who give their time free of charge. No one has any obligation to answer your questions.
    If you don't like any given post you are entitled to your money back: $0.00.
    There's absolutely no reason with I should go out of my way to phrase my reply otherwise when two keystrokes produced my lengthy post and produced 100% pertinent results.
    I forgot to preface my post with this request:  Due to the current unavailability of clairvoyants and mind-readers in the forum, we respectfully request you supply sensible, complete details.
    Of course if you were at least 8th-grade literate you would not have had to ask in the first place, as you could have read the Adobe website.  I didn't take the "Kid" part of your ID seriously.  Now I do.
    I'm out of here.

  • How do i open CR2 files with photoshop cs5?

    Adobe camera raw will not open CR2 files in photoshop. How do i open these files? i have tried updating camera raw witht he last 8 updates but it still will not open. Camera raw shows a pop up box saying the file is not supported.

    mushybutt wrote:
    I believe the proglem is with in Adobe CS5 and something just isnt working correctly and that maybe why it cant read or do anything with RAW files. I also noticed that Adobe's site says that it supports canon 70D CS2 files. my camera files are CR2, im not sure if maybe that might have something to do with my issue.
    Nothing to do with anything being faulty in CS5.
    The reason has already been given by tpolakov above: The 70D was first supported in Camera Raw 8.2 which is only compatible with CS6 and later. CS5 is not compatible with Camera Raw 8.2 so CS5 cannot read Raw files from the 70D. That's all there is to it.
    mushybutt wrote:
    Thanks Tomsm13, I actually tried to convert the files to DNG but that doesnt work either. I used the latest compatable Adobe DNG converter and i get a message that it can not find any camera RAW files to convert.
    You select a folder containing CR2 files, not a CR2 file.
    See Camera Raw: How to use Adobe DNG Converter - YouTube
    From 1.40 onwards.

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    Any help is appreciated.

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    Hi there
    Thank you for your questions.
    I am using Mavericks.
    Camera is a Canon 6D.
    Camera Raw is According to Adobe my camera should be recognised by this.
    This is the message I get when I try to open a CR2 file.
    Could not complete your request because the file appears to be from a camera model which is not supported by the installed version of Camera Raw. Please visit the Camera Raw help documentation for additional information.
    Yes, all Readable Documents is selected in the first drop-down menu. Bottom drop-down menu is Camera Raw.
    In Bridge the CR2 files appear as white rectangles instead of images.
    I realise that I can convert my CR2 files to DNG but from what I have read on Adobe information I understand that this is not a requirment as Camera Raw should work without having to convert every image to DNG first - or am I completely misunderstanding this?

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    Frau S aus B wrote:
    I use Bridge CS5 with camera raw 6.7.1 in combibnation with a canon 6D and a canon 5D Mark2. The raw files from the 5D are shown in bridge, the raw files from the 6D are not. There is just an icon. The camera raw add-on is the latest usable update for Windows, the canon 6d is listed as compatible. Has anyone an idea what to do?
    The Canon 6D id NOT supported by ACR 6.7.1. It was supported for the very first time in ACR 7.3 whch requires CS6 to run.
    Therefore you will never be able to open raw CR2 files from the 6D directly in CS5.
    If you do not plan on upgrading, you can download the free, stand-alone Adobe DNG Converter 8.3 (always use the latest version, it's not tied to your version of Photoshop at all), install it like any other application and then run it on each batch of CR2 files to convert them to raw DNG files that you can then open in your version of Photoshop and ACR.

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