CS6 Applications Manager, and Edge

I've got CS6 Master Collection, and when I tried using the Application Manager to download & install Edge Animate, the download worked, but then it stalled with the message "Waiting to Install ..."  My evaluation copy of Edge timed out, and I was looking forward to starting with the real product.
Using W8.

Can you please try manually uninstalling the trial version of Edge before reattempting top install?

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    Don't worry about activation unless you are installing on a new and different machine. Simply reinstall in order. It should all work.
    Then install any updates. Product updates
    After that, let me know how it went and if there are any further questions.

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    Hi Richei Creative,
    These would be my suggestions:
    Create a new user account with administrative rights, log out of your current account and into that one, launch Adobe Application Manager and attempt the Photoshop update again.
    Instructions if you need them  - http://support.apple.com/kb/PH11468
    If this fails, uninstall Photoshop (Applications > Utilities > Adobe Installers) and reinstall Photoshop then from Adobe Application Manager the attempt the Photoshop update again, also from the newly created user account.
    Hope these help,

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    The email ID here in forum has one CC registered to it which has expired, there is no other CC, of you trying to launch the CC with this Email ID then it will ask for serial number.
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  • Application Manager and previously installed Apps

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    2. Is there a way to check for updates via the Application Manager rather than from individual apps?

    I've had this issue several times since the release of CS6 (on both windows 7 and windows 8, x64).  It appears to be a 'not new' problem, and (I would think) must have been long ago entered into Adobe's defect/bug tracking systems.  Having to reinstall applications that are already installed, activated, and updated is a real time-waster . . .time we don't have to waste.  My last reset and clean reinstall of CS6 Master Collection (on a clean install of Windows) was about a month ago, and all was fine until yesterday.
    Yesterday, Adobe Application Manager updated itself and now displays 'install' next to the following installed apps:
    Photoshop CS6
    Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 Family
    Flash Professional CS6
    Illustrator CS6
    Flash Builder
    Acrobat X Pro
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    Edge Animate preview
    Touch App Plugins
    All other installed Adobe apps are correctly reflected.
    Note that this is CS6 Master Collection, not the cloud version.
    Control Panel (Programs and Features) shows the following items as installed:
    Adobe Acrobat X Pro
    Adobe Air
    Adobe Creative Suite CS6 Master Collection
    Adobe Encore CS6 Library
    Adobe Help Manager
    Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 Functional Content
    Adobe Widget Browser
    Adobe Content Viewer
    I am currently running on Windows 8 x64; but, as previously stated, experienced the same behavior multiple times on Windows 7 x64.
    Attention from the Develpment/Deployment/ALM teams to resolve these issues in the Adobe Application Manager would be greatly appreciated.
    - Ray

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    - Chuck Crabtree

    Unfortunately it lookslike AAMEE deployments are blocked on iOS due to an AIR installation issue We've opened a bug on our end to try and work around that installation issue. It's too late for it to make it into the v23 release, but we'll look at it for v24.
    Thanks for bringing this to our attention,

  • Installer, application manager and camera raw plug in issues

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    Can someone tell me if application manager is just relevant for cloud based products or is it required for desktop versions as well? Could creative cloud be interferring with my desktop version? Where can I find the application manager files? If I uninstall CS6 will I have the same problem with application manager not working in future? I do not really want to use a cloud based version (CS6) and don't want to keep unnecessary programs on my laptop.I signed up to Creative Cloud when both desktop and cloud versions were supported and may not continue when my subscription expires.
    To fix this problem without CS6 do I need to reinstall CS5.5? (To do this I will have to reinstall CS4 as it was an upgrade version). Would just reinstalling CS4 fix the problem? Can I just reinstall the application manager part of either of these or is there a simpler solution?
    Thanks in advance as I am not super tecchie and am running out of ideas.

    I have Creative Suite 5.5 Master Collection but have only installed Photoshop and Bridge ( this includes files associated with that install). Since installing that I have also installed Photoshop 6 (with Bridge etc).
    The issue I had in Photoshop 5.5 was I was unable to read files from Canon EOS 5D Mark 2. I was trying to install the camera raw plug in 6.7.1 to fix this. I got a message saying that the application manager was damaged and to download it again. I downloaded the application manager file (adobe application manager 8) but couldn't install it. I got an "installer failed to initilize" message.
    So I downloaded CS6 to see if that would fix the application manager issue. I have now been able to install the camera raw plug 6.7.1  and this is now working in CS5.5. So the initial problem is fixed for now but what I want to know is -
    - Is the Application Manager associated with the version or does it stand alone as a separate file?
    - If I now uninstall Photoshop 6 will the Application Manager uninstall also, or will it continue to work in 5.5?
    - What is the best way to uninstall version 6 - should I do this through Application Manager not Windows Control Panel? I cannot see where to do this.
    The Adobe site says to start AAM by :
    Choose Help > Updates in a Creative Suite 5 product.
    Double-click PDApp.exe in the following locations:  Windows 64 bit: \Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\OOBE\PDApp\core\
    If I chose Help in Photoshop 5.5 - the update option is greyed out and not available.
    If I follow the second option I get the Creative Cloud Application Manager (version 9) offering me updates for version Photoshop 6 only.
    How can I find out if I have a working Application manager for 5.5?
    What is the best way to uninstall version 6?
    You are right I have found folders / files which need to be cleaned up from CS4 eg: plug ins and a lot of empty folders. What is the best way to clean up these - can I just delete them in Windows Explorer?
    Sorry this is long - I am learning as I go

  • Problem updating cs6 "application manager is already running..." ?

    Hi everybody
    When im trying to update CS6 the application manager app don doit and give this message: "adobe application manager is already running, please close other instances before applying updates."
    There is not other instances of the application manager running? how could this error be fixed?
    thanks for your help

    Yes, of course, I have checked and there is only one instance of the Adobe Application Manager.
    The 2 updates are:
    Photoshop 13.1.2 for Creative Cloud
    Adobe Bridge CS6 5.0.2 Update
    This problem originally started before Christmas with the Photoshop update.  When the Bridge update became available this month, it also had the same issue.
    Up until the Photoshop update problem, other updates worked fine.

  • Re: Application Manager and previously installed Apps

    I'm having the same issue.
    I had downloaded trial versions of Photoshop CS6, Dreamweaver CS6, and Fireworks CS6. I then purchased the Creative Suite Design & Web Premium Hardcopy (CD). I uninstalled all of my Adobe programs before following the installation from the disc. However, my Adobe Application Manager shows that only Dreamweaver, InDesign and Fireworks are installed. The others are prompted for Download. I am currently using Photoshop, Illustrator and Acrobat Pro without any problems, nor am I prompted in those programs for updates.
    I'm currently running Windows 7, Service Pack 2.
    p.s. I've had problems in the past with the Application Manager giving me errors. The only way I've been able to fix this is to run the Setup.exe file and reinstall the Application Manager each time I want to open it. I've also had issues with Adobe Reader X and Acrobat Pro X not opening at all. This was fixed temporarily by deleting the cache.db file in the Common Files folder (under Program Files).

    What version of the Adobe Application Manager are you using?  Do you have a 64-bit version of Windows 7 or 32-bit?

  • Mac Photoshop CS6 Application Manager

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    Please download a new copy of Adobe Application Manager from
    I've insalled the Application Manager but I keep getting the same message when I try to open CS6. Has this problem been resolved. Can anyone provide any additional information or help either get CS6 to open or uninstall, since I can't even uninstall without the Application Manager working?
    Thank you for any help!

    It's ba-a-a-ck
    There's definitely some sort of nasty interaction between the CS6 beta and my system.
    Since AAM is involved in things like uninstall for some products I had to manually remove every file related to any Adobe product on my system. I then reinstalled all my released products and everything was fine.
    Foolishly I decided to give the Pshop CS6 beta another try. Same result.
    This is a troubling interaction. Can someone from Adobe comment? Is it something Adobe is aware of and working to fix? Is there an easier way to remedy the problem than wholesale deletion of files followed by reinstallation?
    Or should those of us who have experienced the issue expect the same problem when CS6 is released?

  • CS6 Application manager prompted for an update.

    I started the update but it went into an endless loop. Ended up restarting the Win 7 pc. Now the icon shows as Creative Cloud not Application Manager. We did not subscribe to CC. Programs seem to be working albeit the printing seems to be slow. How do I get back to the old icon? Do I really need to get back to the old icon?

    In your last email you said that we should remove the Creative software, did you mean Creative Cloud, CS6 or both?
    I deleted the Creative Cloud program that I found. CS6 Standard is also listed and so far I have not tried to remove it. I am hesitant to remove it and re-install, concerned that a setting will be missed or some old files will be hard to find.
    At this point the user is able to get into and use all his CS6 programs, the program Application Manager is missing but he tells me that he never used it and really does not know what it did. Is there a way to just install Application manager?
    Anyway, if we have to re-install we will but I just really want to be sure that it is necessary.

  • Application Manager and the wanted language interface

    I am a very oldtimer with Adobe and Photoshop. I was brought up in the States and Worked for US Corp's. Before CS6 I always installed an English Interface. Now, Adobe application Mgr is in French eventhough I requested and insisted in using the US connections from start! How can I get a US version running? The CS6 is in French and only offers one interface in the pulldown menus (preferences). My Lightroom is in English and I want everything in English.Thanks PdeRumine

    Which operating system are you using?  Also you can check the language selection in the Adobe Application Manager.  If you click on your name and go to Preferences there will be an option to choose your language there.
    This may not resolve your issue though which is why I need to know which operating system you are using before giving any additional instructions.

  • Adobe Application Manager and Photoshop Elements 11 Update stopped working

    and then I tried to find a adobe application manager om Adobes download site, but I got Creative Cloud. And I can't see, what I can use this for, as I have purchased a DVD with Adobe Photoshop Elements 11 and Adobe Premiere Elements 11.
    Anybody knows how to get the Adobe Application Manager alone?
    I use my products on a win 8 computer


  • Problems with TCS3, Adobe Application Manager, and Acrobat X

    I have to deploy Technical Communications Suite 3 to a group of 20 people with a volume license key.  In order to avoid giving 20 people in the company a volume key, I'm using the Adobe Application Manager to build a distributable silent installer for this delivery.  The problem is that when you use the Adobe Application  Manager to create the build, Adobe Acrobat Professional X (which is part of the package) is not an installable option, nor is it actually installed as seen in the attached screenshot
    However, if I just launch the installer by double-clicking Set-up.exe from the downloaded media directory, I do get the option to add Acrobat X.
    Finally, if I drill into the installation media folder, "...\Adobe Technical Communication Suite 3\payloads\AcrobatProfessional10.0-EFG" there is a .msi which is for Acrobat X, but when launched, the product key I was provided for Technical Communications Suite 3 does not work.  The key works just fine to install the entire suite, but not Acrobat X by itself.
    Has anyone else had any luck creating a silent install for TCS3?  I called support and reproduced the problem for them, but they had no answer.
    Just for the record, I have found this exact same behavior with all the Adobe Suites which are supposed to get Acrobat.

    This is true that Adobe Application Manager Enterprise Edition currently does not support silently deploying Acrobat alongwith TCS3. However, you do not need a separate license key for Acrobat.
    Pls follow the below mentioned steps to silently install TCS 3 with Acrobat:
    1) Uninstall TCS3 (including Acrobat) from your machine, if already present. Make sure all products are uninstalled succesfully.
    2) Create a serialized package for TCS 3 using the AAMEE tool
    3) Run the silent installation command for TCS3
    4) Goto the Exceptions folder inside the TCS 3 package and open ExceptionInfo.txt. This has information of all the products that this package will not install. Look for the command to install Acrobat X Pro. For your reference, I am mentioning it here,
    5) Install Acrobat silently using this command
    6) Launch any product installed through TCS ( FrameMaker or RoboHelp) and verify that its activated (Help->Deactivate menu should be enabled)
    7) Now launch Acrobat. You will see that Acrobat automatically picks up TCS 3 license present in the machine and gets serialized. You do not need any other serial number.
    Hope that helps,
    FrameMaker Engineering Team

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