CS6: Deactivate erased copy?

I got a problem installing CS 6 Design Standard.
I installed CS6 on two (Windows) devices. Now i reset one device (format HDD, installing new OS) without deactivating the installed CS6. When I try to install CS6 now again, it fails on checking for software originality. It says it is no Adobe original software and does not appear to be licenced. I shall announce software piratery (???) or contact the support which failed until now.
I first chatted, but got forwarded to the phone support. There it is said that no phone support on CS6 is available. On trying three times to call CC support (in the hope that they can help me too), the phone was answered and the guy on the phone had supposedly reset my activation. But installation fails anyway (same error as before).
How can I install my software?!?
Best regards

Chris_123 from your description it appears you have an upgrade license for Creative Suite 6.  You can find serial numbers for all of your registered software titles at http://www.adobe.com/.  For more information on how to locate your previous qualifying version serial number please see Find your serial number quickly - http://helpx.adobe.com/x-productkb/global/find-serial-number.html.

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    Noel Carboni wrote:
    Sounds VERY much like a scam to me.  Rkelly0137 is exactly right, a Photoshop license is a license to use for ONE PERSON.  Counterfeiting and scams are common with software this expensive.
    If the price seems too good to be true, it probably is.  There are no deep discounts on Photoshop.
    Regarding your specific question, if indeed it IS an illegitimate sale, it's likely that Adobe will themselves ultimately blacklist the serial number.  They actually do that.
    Personally, I'd deactivate it and seek a refund ASAP, but the decision is up to you.
    Consider subscribing to the Creative Cloud for $9.99/month, which will get you a current version of Photoshop and the peace of mind knowing you're legitimately licensed.
    Creative Cloud free trial & plans : Adobe Creative Cloud
    What Noel and rkelley said.
    I'd have to say, though: The price on the Creative Cloud Photography sub is an absolute steal. $120/year (paid up front or in installments per month) for any and all updates and new features for both Photoshop and Lightroom? Yes, please.  xD

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    You need to contact support directly for activation/deactivation and other installation issues. It’s usually possible to start a live chat, if an Adobe agent is free, and often to get the problem fixed right away. You will need your serial number.
    To get help now click here for product support

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    I would try another one with each of these documents.
    Create a new document with 2 pages.
    Name the master pages so, that their names are not conflicting with neither of these 2 document’s masters.
    Delete every style in that empty document, also any swatch
    No drag the pages of the first document into such an empty document.
    Do the same step 1 to 4 with the second document in a NEW empty document.
    Now you have 2 new documents. Take care that no conflicting master names appear.
    In each of these documents create in each style panel a folder and drag all used styles in that folder.
    Save both documents
    Try again to insert the pages of both documents.
    Otherwise, it this does not work out, could you send me via private message the files or a link. I would check it with a Debugging Version of InDesign (InDesign DEV) I can use to find errors.

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    There shouldn't be any difference if it's just layer via copy in the same document.
    What operating system are you using?
    Is photoshop cs6 up to date?
    (Help>Updates from within photoshop cs6)
    Could you post a screenshot(s) showing the difference and your layers panel?

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    Has anyone else run into this? Any ideas? Thanks!
    Chris Roueche / Em Software, Inc.

    Hi Xiaoyi,
    Some of Em's plug-ins use the InDesign SDK call IDBaseResourceShell::GetPathToPluginResourcesDirectory() to find pieces of themselves within the plug-in's bundle. For example, Em's DocsFlow plug-in uses this call to locate its "Versions/A/backflow" folder. Normally, this API returns "Versions/A/Resources", but in CS6/10.7 this InDesign API is returning "Resources", which causes DocsFlow to fail.
    We can work around this particular limitation. However, this behavior hints that there's a more pervasive problem that may end up snagging every CS6 plug-in in 10.7. It shows that InDesign is finding and using resources and, potentially, a binary that are copies, copies that are not known by either the plug-in or Extension Manager (they're not in the .zxp's manifest). As Chris Ryland mentioned, when the plug-in is eventually updated, these copies of files run the risk of becoming stale... unless they happen to be replaced by the same 10.7 bug that put them there. And as you noted above, Xiaoyi, this 10.7 bug is flakey: sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesn't. So for updates to *always* work, consistently, Extension Manager would need to first remove the bundle before installing the updated bundle.
    Hope that makes sense.
    Of course, it'd probably be better if Extension Manager could work around the problem and install them properly to begin with. :-)
    Thanks for continuing to look into this!

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    The project I am exporting is a full lenght film, and I cannot use the OSX finder to manually create a managed project due to its complexity.
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    -Premiere CS6 is running on a 12cores Mac Pro, 64Gb Ram with 6TB internal raid
    -The external hard drive I am copying the managed project into is a 2TB Glyph e-Sata hard drive (currently showing signs of writing data)
    -The size of the managed project (including 3 sequences) is about 500GB
    -I choosed the option to collect files and Copy to New Location (Glyph Drive)
    -The footage is a mixed timeline of 4K Red and 5K Epic r3d files
    I already tried to abort the process and start ober again, several times but I always end up looking at the Project manager copying files without advancing.
    Any idea?
    I have a flight in 8h and I cannot leave without this project.

    Not all media types can be trimmed.  In this case, Adobe cant write to the proprietary RED codec.  (You notice there's no RED export options.)

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    I donu2019t think so thatu2019s a great idea to remove the copy of OR to OR.
    Because we require that stuff.
    But if you still want to remove it then there is two option.
    Go to VTAA and select your OR to OR copy control.
    And then press delete button or press Shift+F2.
    Then one pop up will come over there select delete all entries.
    Just do this and save the setting. Then you wont be able to copy from OR.
    Other thing you can do is just select OR to OR combination in VTAA.
    Go to detail of the header data and remove the data transfer routine and copying requirement.
    Save the setting then also it will stop copy from OR.

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    You have 2 activations and that answers all your questions. You can use it on 2 systems, as long as it isn't at the same time and since activation is mandatory, Adobe knows on what systems they are.

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