CTD Exam Preparation

Hi folks,
I'm kind a new here. I'm planning to take the CTD exam in couple weeks / by next month (around early Dec). I have few questions and I really need input / suggestion from whoever have already taken the test.
Currently I'm reviewing all the materials from Test Stand 1 Course Manual and just focusing in Developer Material (not touching any Architect course / NI Test Stand 2). I have taken both trainings and been using Test Stand around 11 months so far. Also, I'm taking advantage practice from http://forums.ni.com/t5/NI-TestStand/CTD-and-CTA-Practice-Exams/m-p/2540340/highlight/true#M41883, CTD practice exam posted by jiggawax.
1) Somehow I feel I need study more but I don't have any materials. Does anybody can refer me with something ? I feel something missing
2) How hard is the test ? Is it suffice just by reviewing Test Stand 1 Course manual and taking practice from jiggawax ?
3) I did training for LabView Core 1,2 and CVI / Lab Windows Core 1 and 2. Should I do quick review for all of them ? It's still big dilemma for me. My point is I just want to be ready for the test.
Finally, I would really apperciate all kind of help on my exam preparation. Getting nervous and excited

You'll find on the CTD that they combine between 2 to 5 topics into one question.  My CTD practice is simply one topic per question.  So basically take the practice exam I created and multiply by 4.... haha.
I agree with you, and yours I believe it's pool question (around 256) and the lesson numbering is given. What you mentioned is kinda suprised me. They will combine 2-5 topics in one question then it means in 1 question it can be from Lesson 1 combined with lesson 3 and so on ? Yes this is exactly what I'm saying. How can they make it into one question.
"When overriding the SequenceFilePostStepFailure in a client sequence file, a LabVIEW step is changing the report options to not not be an XML report.  What step type should be used for this kind of activity?"
Hmmm...guessing; probably configure your Result Processing???? But you're asking step type; it could be Action, Statement , Tests or Property Loader ?? I was just showing you an example of how they would combine multiple topics into one question.  I'm not sure my question here even really makes sense.
They do use a lot of double negatives on the exam.  So the question will have a NOT or Don't in it and the correct answer will have a NOT or Don't in it.
I'm kinda confuse with this statement. Would you please give me an example ? Which of the following is not true:
a. There is not a SequentialModel.seq file that ships with TestStand
In the question and answer there is a not.  So instead of focusing on TestStand the test taker tends to focus on trying to figure out the wording.
Anyhow, like Riccardo said.  Study the manual and understand how it is all linked together.  Understanding an isolated topic is not enough.
How about from NI White paper ? Should I study it from there as well ? This would not hurt.  I recommend it.

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    Hi I am planning to take the CTD exam. I have few questions and I would greatly appreciate any comments or recommenda
    I have gone through the TestStand 1 course manual and started to work on Advanced architecture series
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    3) I know LabVIEW but I am not familiar with CVI or other languages. Do I need to take a look at the Adapter configuration for all the adapters?
    4) There is a TestStand Pallete in LabVIEW. Could you please let me know if I need to learn how to use the blocks to pass CTD? 
    Also I would really appercaite any other help on this exam. 
    Go to Solution.

    1) Do I need to go through the TestStand 2 course manual and Advanced architecture series for CTD? No.  The exam is for TS I
    2) How the questions are look like? I know there is no sample exam but do I need to memorize all the definitions or ..
    Are the questions like the ones after the end of each chapter in TestStand 1 course manual?  Multiple Choice.  Yes you need to memorize names and definitions.  They are like the ones in the chapter.
    3) I know LabVIEW but I am not familiar with CVI or other languages. Do I need to take a look at the Adapter configuration for all the adapters? Yes.  If it's in the manual it can be on the exam.
    4) There is a TestStand Pallete in LabVIEW. Could you please let me know if I need to learn how to use the blocks to pass CTD? No.  That is more for the CTA.
    Check this out: http://forums.ni.com/t5/NI-TestStand/Sample-Application/m-p/2394366#M40647
    CTA, CLA
    ~Will work for kudos and/or BBQ~

  • CTD Exam

    Hello Everybody,
    I am appearing for CTD (Certified TestStand Developer)  very soon, please share your views which help me for the preparation.
    CLA 2014
    CCVID 2014

    You'll find on the CTD that they combine between 2 to 5 topics into one question.  My CTD practice is simply one topic per question.  So basically take the practice exam I created and multiply by 4.... haha.
    I agree with you, and yours I believe it's pool question (around 256) and the lesson numbering is given. What you mentioned is kinda suprised me. They will combine 2-5 topics in one question then it means in 1 question it can be from Lesson 1 combined with lesson 3 and so on ? Yes this is exactly what I'm saying. How can they make it into one question.
    "When overriding the SequenceFilePostStepFailure in a client sequence file, a LabVIEW step is changing the report options to not not be an XML report.  What step type should be used for this kind of activity?"
    Hmmm...guessing; probably configure your Result Processing???? But you're asking step type; it could be Action, Statement , Tests or Property Loader ?? I was just showing you an example of how they would combine multiple topics into one question.  I'm not sure my question here even really makes sense.
    They do use a lot of double negatives on the exam.  So the question will have a NOT or Don't in it and the correct answer will have a NOT or Don't in it.
    I'm kinda confuse with this statement. Would you please give me an example ? Which of the following is not true:
    a. There is not a SequentialModel.seq file that ships with TestStand
    In the question and answer there is a not.  So instead of focusing on TestStand the test taker tends to focus on trying to figure out the wording.
    Anyhow, like Riccardo said.  Study the manual and understand how it is all linked together.  Understanding an isolated topic is not enough.
    How about from NI White paper ? Should I study it from there as well ? This would not hurt.  I recommend it.
    CTA, CLA
    ~Will work for kudos and/or BBQ~

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    The following book is for 1z0-131/1z0-132 but is still probablly useful. However it is difficult and expensive to get hold of and any second hand editions may be without the cdrom:
    Oracle Certified Professional: Building Internet Applications I & II Exam Guide: ISBN: 9780072193336
    I believe the current oracle recommended training course is :
    Oracle Forms Developer 10g: Build Internet Applications
    I had a quick glance and could not seem to see a self study kit for this course.
    Checking out the examination objectives is of course useful, and the contents of the recommended training course is also worth a look.
    Hope this helps.

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    You can find information on Oracle certifications here.
    You should also post certification questions in the {forum:id=459} forum.

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    Any information / lead will be highly appreciated.

    Hi Jignya Joshi,
    As per your recent post, you have completed your EC Certification (C_THR81_1405).
    Could you please provide how to prepare for exam and how is the exam for you?
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  • Scja exam preparation 1.0 beta

    I have done course in Java and Advance Java. I am planning to give SCJA
    beta 1.0.
    I have to give it before 15 July. I do not know what to refer. Please
    provide me guidance.
    Please suggest me books, sites, Links, documents any source of
    Please reply as soon as possible.
    Please gentlemen I rely on you heavily.
    I am unable to find more info. if you know any resource or anyone who can give me info pls. tell me.
    Objectives of exam are
    Section 1: Fundamental Object-Oriented Concepts
    � 1.1 Describe, compare, and contrast primitives (integer, floating
    point, boolean, and character), enumeration types, and objects.
    � 1.2Describe, compare, and contrast concrete classes, abstract classes,
    and interfaces, and how inheritance applies to them.
    � 1.3 Describe, compare, and contrast class compositions, and
    associations (including multiplicity: (one-to-one, one-to-many, and
    many-to-many), and association navigation.
    � 1.4 Describe information hiding (using private attributes and
    methods), encapsulation, and exposing object functionality using public
    methods; and describe the JavaBeans conventions for setter and getter
    � 1.5 Describe polymorphism as it applies to classes and interfaces, and
    describe and apply the "program to an interface" principle.
    Section 2: UML Representation of Object-Oriented Concepts
    � 2.1 Recognize the UML representation of classes, (including attributes
    and operations, abstract classes, and interfaces), the UML
    representation of inheritance (both implementation and interface), and
    the UML representation of class member visibility modifiers (-/private
    and +/public).
    � 2.2 Recognize the UML representation of class associations,
    compositions, association multiplicity indicators, and association
    navigation indicators.
    Section 3: Java Implementation of Object-Oriented Concepts Notes: code
    examples may use the 'new' operator.
    � 3.1 Develop code that uses primitives, enumeration types, and object
    references, and recognize literals of these types.
    � 3.2 Develop code that declares concrete classes, abstract classes, and
    interfaces, code that supports implementation and interface inheritance,
    code that declares instance attributes and methods, and code that uses
    the Java access modifiers: private and public.
    � 3.3 Develop code that implements simple class associations, code that
    implements multiplicity using arrays, and recognize code that implements
    compositions as opposed to simple associations, and code that correctly
    implements association navigation.
    � 3.4 Develop code that uses polymorphism for both classes and
    interfaces, and recognize code that uses the "program to an interface"
    Section 4: Algorithm Design and Implementation
    � 4.1 Describe, compare, and contrast these three fundamental types of
    statements: assignment, conditional, and iteration, and given a
    description of an algorithm, select the appropriate type of statement to
    design the algorithm.
    � 4.2 Given an algorithm as pseudo-code, determine the correct scope for
    a variable used in the algorithm, and develop code to declare variables
    in any of the following scopes: instance variable, method parameter, and
    local variable.
    � 4.3 Given an algorithm as pseudo-code, develop method code that
    implements the algorithm using conditional statements (if and switch),
    iteration statements (for, for-each, while, and do-while), assignment
    statements, and break and continue statements to control the flow within
    switch and iteration statements.
    � 4.4 Given an algorithm with multiple inputs and an output, develop
    method code that implements the algorithm using method parameters, a
    return type, and the return statement, and recognize the effects when
    object references and primitives are passed into methods that modify
    � 4.5 Given an algorithm as pseudo-code, develop code that correctly
    applies the appropriate operators including assignment operators
    (limited to: =, +=, -=), arithmetic operators (limited to: +, -, *, /,
    %, ++, --), relational operators (limited to: <, <=, >, >=, ==, !=),
    logical operators (limited to: !, &&, ||) to produce a desired result.
    Also, write code that determines the equality of two objects or two
    � 4.6 Develop code that uses the concatenation operator (+), and the
    following methods from class String: charAt, indexOf, trim, substring,
    replace, length, startsWith, and endsWith.

    Section 5: Java Development Fundamentals
    � 5.1 Describe the purpose of packages in the Java language, and
    recognize the proper use of import and package statements.
    � 5.2 Demonstrate the proper use of the "javac" command (including the
    command-line options: -d and -classpath), and demonstrate the proper use
    of the "java" command (including the command-line options: -classpath,
    -D and -version).
    � 5.3 Describe the purpose and types of classes for the following Java
    packages: java.awt, javax.swing, java.io, java.net, java.util.

    Section 6: Java Platforms and Integration Technologies
    � 6.1 Distinguish the basic characteristics of the three Java platforms:
    J2SE, J2ME, and J2EE, and given a high-level architectural goal, select
    the appropriate Java platform or platforms.
    � 6.2 Describe at a high level the benefits and basic characteristics of
    RMI and threading.
    � 6.3 Describe at a high level the benefits and basic characteristics of
    JDBC, SQL, and RDBMS technologies.
    � 6.4 Describe at a high level the benefits and basic characteristics of
    JNDI, messaging, and JMS technologies.

    Section 7: Client Technologies
    � 7.1 Describe at a high level the basic characteristics, benefits and
    drawbacks of creating thin-clients using HTML and JavaScript and the
    related deployment issues and solutions.
    � 7.2 Describe at a high level the basic characteristics, benefits,
    drawbacks, and deployment issues related to creating clients using J2ME
    � 7.3 Describe at a high level the basic characteristics, benefits,
    drawbacks, and deployment issues related to creating fat-clients using
    � 7.4 Describe at a high level the basic characteristics, benefits,
    drawbacks, and deployment issues related to creating fat-clients using

    Section 8: Server Technologies
    � 8.1 Describe at a high level the basic characteristics of: EJB,
    servlets, JSP, JMS, JNDI, SMTP, JAX-RPC, Web Services (including SOAP,
    UDDI, WSDL, and XML), and JavaMail.
    � 8.2 Describe at a high level the basic characteristics of servlet and
    JSP support for HTML thin-clients.
    � 8.3 Describe at a high level the use and basic characteristics of EJB
    session, entity and message-driven beans.
    � 8.4 Describe at a high level the fundamental benefits and drawbacks of
    using J2EE server-side technologies, and describe and compare the basic
    characteristics of the web-tier, business-tier, and EIS tier.

    I have done course in Java and Advance Java. I am planning to give SCJA
    beta 1.0.
    I have to give it before 15 July. I do not know what to refer. Please
    provide me guidance.
    Please suggest me books, sites, Links, documents any source of
    Please reply as soon as possible.
    Please gentlemen I rely on you heavily.
    I am unable to find more info. if you know any resource or anyone who can give me info pls. tell me.
    Objectives of exam are
    Section 1: Fundamental Object-Oriented Concepts
    � 1.1 Describe, compare, and contrast primitives (integer, floating
    point, boolean, and character), enumeration types, and objects.
    � 1.2Describe, compare, and contrast concrete classes, abstract classes,
    and interfaces, and how inheritance applies to them.
    � 1.3 Describe, compare, and contrast class compositions, and
    associations (including multiplicity: (one-to-one, one-to-many, and
    many-to-many), and association navigation.
    � 1.4 Describe information hiding (using private attributes and
    methods), encapsulation, and exposing object functionality using public
    methods; and describe the JavaBeans conventions for setter and getter
    � 1.5 Describe polymorphism as it applies to classes and interfaces, and
    describe and apply the "program to an interface" principle.
    Section 2: UML Representation of Object-Oriented Concepts
    � 2.1 Recognize the UML representation of classes, (including attributes
    and operations, abstract classes, and interfaces), the UML
    representation of inheritance (both implementation and interface), and
    the UML representation of class member visibility modifiers (-/private
    and +/public).
    � 2.2 Recognize the UML representation of class associations,
    compositions, association multiplicity indicators, and association
    navigation indicators.
    Section 3: Java Implementation of Object-Oriented Concepts Notes: code
    examples may use the 'new' operator.
    � 3.1 Develop code that uses primitives, enumeration types, and object
    references, and recognize literals of these types.
    � 3.2 Develop code that declares concrete classes, abstract classes, and
    interfaces, code that supports implementation and interface inheritance,
    code that declares instance attributes and methods, and code that uses
    the Java access modifiers: private and public.
    � 3.3 Develop code that implements simple class associations, code that
    implements multiplicity using arrays, and recognize code that implements
    compositions as opposed to simple associations, and code that correctly
    implements association navigation.
    � 3.4 Develop code that uses polymorphism for both classes and
    interfaces, and recognize code that uses the "program to an interface"
    Section 4: Algorithm Design and Implementation
    � 4.1 Describe, compare, and contrast these three fundamental types of
    statements: assignment, conditional, and iteration, and given a
    description of an algorithm, select the appropriate type of statement to
    design the algorithm.
    � 4.2 Given an algorithm as pseudo-code, determine the correct scope for
    a variable used in the algorithm, and develop code to declare variables
    in any of the following scopes: instance variable, method parameter, and
    local variable.
    � 4.3 Given an algorithm as pseudo-code, develop method code that
    implements the algorithm using conditional statements (if and switch),
    iteration statements (for, for-each, while, and do-while), assignment
    statements, and break and continue statements to control the flow within
    switch and iteration statements.
    � 4.4 Given an algorithm with multiple inputs and an output, develop
    method code that implements the algorithm using method parameters, a
    return type, and the return statement, and recognize the effects when
    object references and primitives are passed into methods that modify
    � 4.5 Given an algorithm as pseudo-code, develop code that correctly
    applies the appropriate operators including assignment operators
    (limited to: =, +=, -=), arithmetic operators (limited to: +, -, *, /,
    %, ++, --), relational operators (limited to: <, <=, >, >=, ==, !=),
    logical operators (limited to: !, &&, ||) to produce a desired result.
    Also, write code that determines the equality of two objects or two
    � 4.6 Develop code that uses the concatenation operator (+), and the
    following methods from class String: charAt, indexOf, trim, substring,
    replace, length, startsWith, and endsWith.

    Section 5: Java Development Fundamentals
    � 5.1 Describe the purpose of packages in the Java language, and
    recognize the proper use of import and package statements.
    � 5.2 Demonstrate the proper use of the "javac" command (including the
    command-line options: -d and -classpath), and demonstrate the proper use
    of the "java" command (including the command-line options: -classpath,
    -D and -version).
    � 5.3 Describe the purpose and types of classes for the following Java
    packages: java.awt, javax.swing, java.io, java.net, java.util.

    Section 6: Java Platforms and Integration Technologies
    � 6.1 Distinguish the basic characteristics of the three Java platforms:
    J2SE, J2ME, and J2EE, and given a high-level architectural goal, select
    the appropriate Java platform or platforms.
    � 6.2 Describe at a high level the benefits and basic characteristics of
    RMI and threading.
    � 6.3 Describe at a high level the benefits and basic characteristics of
    JDBC, SQL, and RDBMS technologies.
    � 6.4 Describe at a high level the benefits and basic characteristics of
    JNDI, messaging, and JMS technologies.

    Section 7: Client Technologies
    � 7.1 Describe at a high level the basic characteristics, benefits and
    drawbacks of creating thin-clients using HTML and JavaScript and the
    related deployment issues and solutions.
    � 7.2 Describe at a high level the basic characteristics, benefits,
    drawbacks, and deployment issues related to creating clients using J2ME
    � 7.3 Describe at a high level the basic characteristics, benefits,
    drawbacks, and deployment issues related to creating fat-clients using
    � 7.4 Describe at a high level the basic characteristics, benefits,
    drawbacks, and deployment issues related to creating fat-clients using

    Section 8: Server Technologies
    � 8.1 Describe at a high level the basic characteristics of: EJB,
    servlets, JSP, JMS, JNDI, SMTP, JAX-RPC, Web Services (including SOAP,
    UDDI, WSDL, and XML), and JavaMail.
    � 8.2 Describe at a high level the basic characteristics of servlet and
    JSP support for HTML thin-clients.
    � 8.3 Describe at a high level the use and basic characteristics of EJB
    session, entity and message-driven beans.
    � 8.4 Describe at a high level the fundamental benefits and drawbacks of
    using J2EE server-side technologies, and describe and compare the basic
    characteristics of the web-tier, business-tier, and EIS tier.

  • SAP-NetWeaver/Enterprise Portals Practice exams preparations

    Hi all
      I am going to attend SAP-NetWeaver certification this month end , Is there any website where mock test questions are reposited ?
    Or anybody has a big heart who can share his/her materials(soft/hard copies ) with me ? 

    Hi Vikram,
    Did you have any answer to your questions sofar....

  • CTD and CTA Practice Exams

    CTD (Certified TestStand Developer):
    CTA (Certified TestStand Architect:

    Thank you so much for this.
    I was kinda surprised NI didnt provide an example CTD exam.

  • CTD Examination experience sharing....

    Hi all,
    I am posting this thread for different purpose. Aim of it is to get example questions,Important links,test formats related to CTD Test.It is not for to get any practice exams .I knew about CTD preparation guide.
    For me more important are your valuable experience and suggestions related to CTD.
    For this I am requesting  to all big guns to share their experiences, who had already appeared for the NI CTD test.
    I would like to know..
    1>Your expectation from the test.
    2>Do's N Don't`during examination.
    3>Problem faced .
    4>Formula of success
    5>Important area to prepare  
    Share your own experience,help me and other also..... 
    Vaibhav Kanchan
    Sr. Engineer
    NI Certified LabVIEW Developer(CLD)
    NI Certified TestStand Developer(CTD}

    I recently passed the CTD exam and here's how I prepared (I am going to be careful not to say anything about the actual test)...
    I read through the entire TestStand1 course book and a few select chapters from the TestStand2 course book.  If you don't have these books you can either take the classes or talk with your local NI rep about acquiring them.  This reviews many of the topics listed on the preparation guide but to cover my bases I also refreshed on some TestStand functionality by going through several of the example sequences provided with TestStand.  The TestStand manual is also a very valuable resource.  
    All of this reading helps but nothing can substitute experience using TestStand.  If you are experienced with TestStand you might be able to fill in the blanks by reading about the stuff you are not familiar with but if you haven't your probably going to have a hard time.
    Hope that helps and good luck!

  • Suggestion for a new OCA / OCE exam

    I have noticed that there are a lot of candidates who learn for an exam. There seems to be a lot of incentive to studying for the exam and "learning" the material.
    However, there are also a lot of candidates who do not understand the 'certification', 'learning', 'followup' processes. It also seems that if there is no reward, such as a certificate, skills and processes are overlooked or misunderstood.
    I suggest an OCA (or perhaps an OCE) level exam that tests the candidate for "How to find information on Education.oracle.com, Certification.oracle.com, Certview.oracle.com, Tahiti.oracle.com, OTN.oracle.com"; "What happens after you write the exam and how long do I have to wait"; "Why I should have only one testing ID"; "What is a FAQ"; "Ability to use internet search engines and how to formulate questions"; "Why do forum administrators bother with Forum Stickies", and the like.
    While somewhat tongue-in-cheek (or at least cheeky), I encourage thinking about this. We are churning out people who supposedly are professionals, and yet some have no idea what that 'professional' icon means or where to find out more information about it.

    Well not an OCA or an OCE certificate but perhaps an OCS, and that could be useful for partners as well. The problem is if offered online it would be abused.
    I get concerned when a candidate newly registered for OTN has just passed the high stakes exam for an OCA wonders where their certificate is. It is a concern they don't seem to have researched the certification process much. The lack of familiarity with the certification process seems slightly concerning ... and there is probably a lack of familiarity with the Oracle websites as well, which is not what one would expect from a certified person.
    The new OTN registration isn't a definite indicator of a problem here, but it is a strong indicator there may be something unsatisfactory.
    Indeed the absolute worse case is an SQL exam online by proxy taker followed by braindump use or a proxy take of the high stakes exams.
    In practice I would suspect that an unbalanced delivery of the WDP training or third party training or university training may be a culprit. (and I may be wrong here). (Note there seems to be an increasing tendency for some universities to focus on education by certification study ... ).
    I really think it would be useful if a candidate was required to register with Oracle (by means of an SSO/OTN account) before being able to book a certification examination rather than being simply able to goto Pearson VUE/Prometric (This is the case with a lot of other Testing programmes, and was the case with Sun until recently). IMHO This would encourage a good 'first contact' with Oracle and would encourage the following benefits:
    - A relationship with Oracle would be established sooner during the exam preparation process.
    - There would be an opportunity to point the candidate at useful processes, authorized learning methods and resources via email.
    - An earlier point in the learning process to discourage bad learning technique
    - The sales people would love the opportunity to sell oracle training.
    I think there is an argument for requiring OTN registration at least a month before a certification exam can be booked ... exceptions being if an Oracle University Course has been attended. However the logistics would probably fail on this and it could hurt people who have just left an employment.
    Edited by: bigdelboy on 07-Apr-2010 00:57 PS: - Hans - You also didnt great job with one of the sticky announcements. I really think however now that Prometric / Pearson Transition has happened and merge with Sun is stable all the sticky posts should be reviewed and rolled into one entitled something eyecatching like only silly people should not read this FAQ first

  • 1z0-053 - Doubtful question/answer in Transcender preparation kit

    I purchased the exam preparation  kit and I'm confused about a correct answer.
    It's in regard to the Flashback Database procedure, it states that we must use STARTUP MOUNT EXCLUSIVE rather thant STARTUP MOUNT.
    Going into 11gR2 documentation, it's never stated to do STARTUP MOUNT EXCLUSIVE, but simply STARTUP MOUNT.
    Link: Performing Flashback and Database Point-in-Time Recovery
    Here is the  screenshot of the exam question and correct answer.
    I read at some places that the STARTUP MOUNT EXCLUSIVE is deprecated and the simple STARTUP MOUNT is the way to go unless explicitly stated.
    Is my answer is OK? Is the suggested answer OK?
    If both valid and I see this kind of dualities in the official exam, should I prefer the simple STARTUP MOUNT rather than the EXCLUSIVE way?

    The documentation beats third-party materials every time -- even Kaplan materials, which are generally quite good.
    You are extremely unlikely to find an ambivalent question like this in an exam that has been around as long as 1Z0-053.  In beta exams or tests that have recently come out of beta perhaps.  Ones that have been in place for years should have resolved any such problems.

  • ORACLE Certification Exam

    Hello Guys
    I am planning to undergo ORACLE 11 g Certification Exam 1Z0-051, 1Z0-052 & 1Z0-053. Recently  Oracle have launched new version of ORACLE DATABASE i.e.  ORACLE 12 c
    What is the difference between ORACLE 11 g & ORACLE 12 c in terms of technology,career and certification exam. If I need to become or choose career path in ORACLE DATABASE(DBA) which Exam I need to select. I think I have sufficient theoretical knowledge of ORACLE DATABASE but I want improve my practical skills & knowledge in short I need hands on ORACLE DB. 
    Where can I get the study material containing HANDS ON and Assignment  so that  I can improve my practical skills  and knowledge of ORACLE DATABASE by practising them.
    Please help me.

    summee wrote:
    Hello Guys
    I am planning to undergo ORACLE 11 g Certification Exam 1Z0-051, 1Z0-052 & 1Z0-053. Recently  Oracle have launched new version of ORACLE DATABASE i.e.  ORACLE 12 c
    What is the difference between ORACLE 11 g & ORACLE 12 c in terms of technology,career and certification exam. If I need to become or choose career path in ORACLE DATABASE(DBA) which Exam I need to select. I think I have sufficient theoretical knowledge of ORACLE DATABASE but I want improve my practical skills & knowledge in short I need hands on ORACLE DB.
    Where can I get the study material containing HANDS ON and Assignment  so that  I can improve my practical skills  and knowledge of ORACLE DATABASE by practising them.
    Please help me.
    Well, putting it politely, you should defer the certification for a while as I don't think it's going to help you much at the moment.
    For the difference between 11g and 12c, read this book.
    If you want to choose a career path of DBA, what you need to do is to understand the oracle database. 12c is a very recent release and just 2 days ago, in a group of about 600 people at a conference, not a single one mentioned that they are having it in their production systems. That is to be expected too as testing and validations of the new releases take time. 11g, on the other hand is available from a long time. So if it is me, I would start from 11g. For improving your skills, download oracle databas from http://otn.oracle.com and install it and play with it.
    Study material is only available for those who pay and attend the courses from either Oracle University or from approved partners. Sharing of it is strictly not allowed. Buy a market exam preparation guide if you are not willing to attend a course yet but just so you know, to earn OCP, you would need to attend one course at least from either OU or from its partner.

  • Dates for "Oracle Database 11g: Performance Tuning" exam

    Today Oracle posted info about the new Oracle Database 11g Performance Tuning exam needed for the new expert certification:
    It says that pre-registration for the beta exam starts today, however, it does not say when the beta phase starts and ends. Does anyone know?

    Hello Hussein
    Yes true, I remember it for the OCE and Linux exams they rescheduled the end date several times. As far as I know it is related to the number of participants and the given feedback.
    I've also participated to several other exams, and I must admit that it is a long and hard process to get through. When I got the feedback 10 weeks after the beta period closure, I had to review nearly all the topics to get the exams passed the second time. But this it is a cheap and good exam preparation.
    What about you Hussein? Do you think that's trivial?

  • Beta Testing Continues for "Oracle Database 11g: Performance Tuning" Exam

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    Hello Hussein
    Yes true, I remember it for the OCE and Linux exams they rescheduled the end date several times. As far as I know it is related to the number of participants and the given feedback.
    I've also participated to several other exams, and I must admit that it is a long and hard process to get through. When I got the feedback 10 weeks after the beta period closure, I had to review nearly all the topics to get the exams passed the second time. But this it is a cheap and good exam preparation.
    What about you Hussein? Do you think that's trivial?

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