CUA - moving to new installation

I have a question about moving the cua to a new system. Today the cua is on on a SolMan 3.1 and I have instaled new SolMan 4.0 - NetWeaver 7.0. Do I have to upgrade the old CUA before moving?
Roald Henning Hansen

Wait until you get to New Zealand and buy one from there. Or have someone order it online from the New Zealand Apple Online Store and have it waiting for you.

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    I use Retrospect to backup 10.4.6. I only use the Mac for Logic Audio - and I've got 20GB of files on a new installation.
    This seems a bit high?
    Is there a way to cut down the total size of the files by 5GB - or some significant amount?

    Hi Les,
    Is you HD partitioned? If so, then non-Apple apps could be moved to the other partition. For example, I have Quicken and M$ Office on the 2nd non OS Partition. If Upgrades or ??? ask you where to put them then the other partition is safe. Apple apps should stay in the OS part or they won't upgrade properly.
    Putting them on a bootable FW HD may be possible but I have no exprience w that.

  • Tmxgta, a new installer including the guide in ncurses

    tmxgta, a new installer made for comfortably reading instructions alongside your terminal.
    The included guide covers the complete archwiki page "Beginners' Guide/Installation".
    Everything is written in bash, and is licensed under GNU Free Documentation License.
    Instead of showing a wall-of-text information is split up into sections. Read helpful information about your setup like partition layout and mountpoints. There is no need to switch virtual consoles and remember long commands. This is achieved by splitting up a virtual console into two windows using tmux. If you are familiar with tiling window managers you will feel right at home.
    * non-destructive, does not overwrite anything
    * complete content of Beginners' Guide/Installation
    * dialog for displaying text
    * progressbar
    * load keymap from menu
    * colorful markup of commands
    * reflector for sorting mirrors with one keypress
    * shows network interface names
    * shows partition layout and mountpoints
    * list of timezones and keymaps
    * guide for UEFI autodetection of kernels
    * ~2000 lines for scrolling saved in terminal
    * all archiso features
    More screenshots
    Download the latest iso release from Sourceforge: … rce=navbar
    tmxgta.iso is now working on x86_64 and i686 architecture.
    The image can be burned to a CD, mounted as an ISO file, or be directly written to a USB stick using a utility like `dd`.
    See the following links. … ion_medium … tion_Media
    Keyboard shortcuts:
    There are only two keyboard shortcuts you need to know:
    control-a + control-a : switches from the terminal to the guide and back
    control-a : go to copy mode for scrolling up and down with the arrowkeys
                or pageup / pagedown
    Run tmxgta:
    There are two possibilities to run tmxgta, it is recommended to download the .iso file.
    Or get the script on github.
    Known limitations: Looks bad on very small screens as in 600x800 pixels. The script is set to run only if 120 columns or more are available. Check 'tput cols' in the kernel console.
    Thanks for reading and testing. Please submit bugs and your ideas on github or in this thread.
    Last edited by teateawhy (2013-06-01 13:48:08)

    The new iso 06-01 is released, including updates from the beginner's guide. There is now a menu to select from various options for wireless network configuration. ( wifi-menu, netctl-profiles, netctl-auto). Also you can use the mouse for copy-pasting commands (with gpm), if you have a usb-mouse.
    HalosGhost wrote:I have to say, you should really throw a PKGBUILD together for this.
    I don't think a PKGBUILD is all that useful, because this is about arch installation, whereas the aur is primarily used after installation. That said, if somebody wants to create a PKGBUILD, you are welcome.
    mhertz wrote:Well, the standard iso dosen't have a problem either with you opening a new vt and firering up elinks on the arch wiki
    Still, it's nice imho to have tmux available in the iso, which I also myself add to my own archiso-made rescue/install iso's... That and vim of course...
    Only works with internet connection. With tmxgta it is no problem to read how to use netctl etc. without having internet connection.
    I plan adding vim, if it does not take much space.
    HalosGhost wrote:Obviously, this is just my opinion (and I have no idea what the Arch devs would think about this), but this may actually be a viable candidate to become a default installer.
    I think it is a good idea to keep both iso seperate for the moment, so i have more room for changes.
    fakedrake wrote:How far/realistic is the possibility of some of these features moving to the mainline iso?
    I want to second tomk, please make a very specific bug report, or just use tmxgta instead.
    Thank you for your ideas so far.

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    and the one in the DR site is a new installation of SQL 2012.
    Do you think there could be a different behaver that is related to type of installation?
    Does it make scenes to reinstall the SQL in the primary site as new installation rather than upgrade?

    Adding to Shanky response, do the DR SQL Server instances were configured the same (about parallelism, memory, tempdb,
    Hope this helps.
    Alberto Morillo

  • Pacman issues for new installation

    Hi Folks,
    New to Arch. Core x64 iso. Carried out the installation okay using the Beginners guide wiki.
    Having trouble with pacman to the point it is driving me bananas. This is the Post installation part of the beginners guide we are talking about, so there is no GUI involved.
    Network is fine. Unchecked mirrors in the mirrorlist near to my location. Run the following without any errors.
    # pacman Syy
    So chosen mirrors are okay so now we go on to update the system.
    I ran # pacman -Syu
    upgraded pacman on the first run as expected, and was asked to run pacman-key --init. Run up against the message...
    Not enough random bytes available. Please do some other work to give the OS a chance to collect more entropy.
    System hung there. Had to force reboot (Ctl Alt Del).
    After a reboot, tried running pacman -Syu again. This time it pulled a lot of upgrades. I continued with the proposed up grades only for each to fail with a generated key failed message.
    Went over to windows and a VM, and went through the installation there to see if I could get a fix.
    This time system is 32 bit 686. went through same procedure. got to the same point with the same error message.
    Googled and found this post...
    There are a number of proposed solutions. None of which seemed to apply to GUI less new installation.
    While system was hung looking for more entropy, I started entering numerous Ctl^X inputs at the keyboard. After a while it completed. I ran pacman-key --init again and and it seemed to complete okay. No errors any way.
    So I then issued the command pacman -Syu again.
    This time it downloaded a s*** load of updates, Checked the downloads, cant remember the exact details. Then came up with the message no packages were installed due to files being duplicate or conflicting.
    There were numerous updates. How can I do the first time update. Help required. Remember no GUI.

    Sorry for the delay in replying.
    Okay, I moved to tmp and renamed
    run the updates, there were errors, but since I was on a non GUI console, couldnot scroll back to see what messages the errors produced. There was a kernel upgrade in the package list. On reboot, system couldnot find the filesystem or kernel or boot partition. System is now goosed.
    Reading more from wiki and threads posted here. I decided I needed the latest snapshot. Also read somewhere that the best idea was to do a network install.
    so I started again with a new network install. Went okay or so I thought. Remember I am in the installation here. Downloaded the packages for just a basic core set up.
    When the installation began installing the packages, the PgP signature problem raised it's head again. Now this is the installation procedure here over the network with the latest snapshot...
    All I ahve done is let the installer run, selecting source, set location and time, prepared the hard disk. I choose grub, configured the network okay. The installation process then downloaded the core files but installation failed.
    Messages...immediately after download.
    Checking package integrity
    Warning: Public keyring not found; have you run pacman-key --init
    Error: linux-api-headers key F999...blah..blah unknown
    Error: key F999...blah..blah could not be looked up remotely.
    All other packages have similar errors, the procedure finishes with the following...
    Error failed to commit transaction (invalid or corrupt package (PGP Signature))
    Package installation failed.
    What is going on? This is the installation process, no way to access the filesystem as yet, not that I know of anyway.
    Other people installing Arch over the network must be experiencing the same problem.
    Does Arch actually work
    Running install on VMWare on Windows.

  • I have itunes directory on an external hard drive and want to direct a new installation of itunes on windows 8 to use it. I tried holding down ctrl and clicking itunes and after many tries got it to work one time. When I went back in later it had reverted

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    This is sometimes caused by a problem with the iTunesPrefs.xml file, normally found at C:\Users\<User>\AppData\Local\Apple Computer\iTunes\iTunesPrefs.xml. Try dragging this to the desktop and trying again.
    Alternatively the problem may be that you have McAfee AV and it is preventing iTunes from updating the same file and thus causing the problem. See Why does iTunes delete my itunesprefs.xml? for details.

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    See below -- the way I asked the question the first time may not be clear. This post was a goof but I can't figure out how to delete it

  • How do I import an iPhoto Library  (V.7.1.5) created on my old MacBook (10. 6.8) into my new Macbook pro (10.9.1) running iPhoto 9.5.1? I tried copying onto memory stick and moving to new mac, but new iPhoto doesn't recognise the library.

    How do I import an iPhoto Library  (V.7.1.5) created on my old MacBook (10. 6.8) into my new Macbook pro (10.9.1) running iPhoto 9.5.1? I tried copying onto memory stick and moving to new mac, but new iPhoto doesn't recognise the library.

    So what exactly did you copy over? If it's a 12 gig iPhoto Library then it sounds like the files are there. Perhaps the copy went wrong along the way.
    Option 1
    Back Up and try rebuild the library: hold down the command and option (or alt) keys while launching iPhoto. Use the resulting dialogue to rebuild. Choose to Repair Database. If that doesn't help, then try again, this time using Rebuild Database.
    If that fails:
    Option 2
    Download iPhoto Library Manager and use its rebuild function. (In early versions of Library Manager it's the File -> Rebuild command. In later versions it's under the Library menu.)
    This will create an entirely new library. It will then copy (or try to) your photos and all the associated metadata and versions to this new Library, and arrange it as close as it can to what you had in the damaged Library. It does this based on information it finds in the iPhoto sharing mechanism - but that means that things not shared won't be there, so no slideshows, books or calendars, for instance - but it should get all your events, albums and keywords, faces and places back.
    Because this process creates an entirely new library and leaves your old one untouched, it is non-destructive, and if you're not happy with the results you can simply return to your old one.  

  • Network card not found after new installation [SOLVED]

    I broke my filesystem on my Asus UL80V series laptop in trying to solve problems related to the latest glibc update, so decided to do a clean re-install. I had an installation disk at hand: 2009.08 with kernel (which is supposed to have the module for my ath9k network device). However after a successful installation (including all the files from base-dev), my network device is not recognised:
    dhcpcd: eth0: interface not found or invalid
    although network connectivity (wired and wireless) worked perfectly before the installation attempt.
    This happened yesterday (17th) and I have been scouring the web since trying to find out what the cause of this problem is, without luck.
    I also burned a new installation CD with the latest stable version, but no luck there, either! Got a message at the beginning informing me that the install requires 64 Mb memory, although my laptop has 4 Gb.
    I should say, the device is there and working:
    lspci | grep Net
    02:00.0 Network controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) (rev 01)
    I also did
    modprobe ath9k
    just to make sure. No luck.
    Any help will be appreciated.
    Last edited by thea (2012-07-23 23:59:16)

    Argh, ip may not be around in the 2009 image really ;-) .. Use "ifconfig" instead..
    But: I meanwhile cross-checked your ath9k: … h9k_driver
    and it does not sound encouraging for the kernel you have there.
    The image is far too old anyway, if you ask me (would be a darn hazzle to get that uptodate I am sure). Pity you get that memory error with the 2011 one. Maybe check forums on that. Sounds very strange, I am not aware of any post I read.
    If you can burn another CD, you can try the recent ISOs as well:
    Beware that the ones from July dont have the AIF setup anymore.

  • My Firefox is not working. (All I get is a blank white screen with the Fireox logo). If I have to reinstall firefox 3.66, how can I transfer my old profile to the new installation?

    My Firefox is not working (All I get is a blank white screen with the firefox logo. If I have to reinstall Firefox 3.66, how can I transfer my old profile to the new installation?
    == This happened ==
    Every time Firefox opened

    David.  Thank you very much.   The problem was not with the canvas but rather the Viewer.  But the solution was the same.  Somehow, the Viewer window was re-set to Alpha.  I changed it back to RGB.... and the picture is back.   These issues are often very simple.... but they can drive you bats if you don't know the answer.   Very grateful.  Tim

  • Booting issue on a new installation on Acer Aspire 4752 laptop.

    Hi All,
         I have done a new installation of OS on a Acer laptop stated above.  However, due to some reason, during the booting up process, it will always stuck at screen right before it enter into the logon screen. I will have to press
    Enter in order to move it, as if there is a "press Enter to continue...".
         After this "enter" key, everything else works normally.  However, this is pretty annoying and I could not sent this laptop back to my enduser because of this trivial issue.
         Some other information as below:
    This is a new OS and no other apps is installed.  Though now it is patched (with Microsoft patches).  But it happens since the first boot after install.
    In according to Device Manager, all drivers are in place. No exclamation mark and error.
    Event Viewer shows no error for the boot up.
    Safemode (command prompt) shows that it is stuck at loading "classpnp.sys".
         My questions:
    It will be good if there is already a resolution. :)
    How to diagnose, or identify which apps actually waiting for that "enter" to move on?

    For the boot issue, first I suggest you use startup repair if you have an installation disk, check if it can detect and fix some certain problems.
    Or run sfc/scannow  in command prompt in recovery console, check if it can make any difference.
    If doesn’t work, then try “Enable boot logging”, then check the log called ntbtlog.txt, usually located in system drive\Windows.
    Advanced startup options (including safe mode)
    You can also share a screen image with us about the “stuck” screen.
    TechNet Community Support

  • Headphones not working after a complete new installation

    Hello, After wiping the harddisk of my laptop and  a new installation of Windows 7 every thing works fine, except the headphones. I tried installing new driver, but the ones from windows update are not working and on the official hp driver site there are no drivers for audio. How can I fix this?

    Hi, Can you see the headphone under Playback devices (Right click speaker icon at the bottom right) ? You may need to install driver for it.  Firstly enable it, Windows 7 will search the right driver for you. Also find few steps given below might help you.

  • ITunes error message during new installation of 10.5

    I keep getting the following error message durning a new installation of iTunes 10.5.
    An error occurred while attempting to create the directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\iTunes.Resources\es.lproj\PurchasedPlacard.nib
    The system the installation is occuring on is:
    HP Pavilion DV6-3150
    Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 64-bit
    Intel i5 2.53 GHz, 4 Gig RAM
    Norton Security Suite
    I did a Virus sweep after the error message and no messages came up.  Attempted a second install with the antivirus was disabled during the install and recieved the same error message.
    Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
    Michael G.

    I did have image of both Tiger and Snow Leopard OS on my external hdd. I do use this images at my work to install fresh OS on new HDD. it's works fine and there is no issue with it. I tried same images on my macbook but none works and this error appear and same with Snow Leopard Disc installation.

  • Premiere elements 12, new installation, serial no. accepted, installation completed and new started, but does not run. I get following msg-box: "LoadLibrary failed with error 126: Das angegebene Modul wurde nicht gefunden."

    premiere elements 12, new installation, serial no. accepted, installation completed and new started, but does not run. I get following msg-box: "LoadLibrary failed with error 126: Das angegebene Modul wurde nicht gefunden."   Installation in German Language on WIN7 professional 64bit, Samsung SSD. What can I do to run that program?

    Jurgen Freund
    Premiere Elements 12 on Window 7 64 bit. What video card/graphics card does your computer use - AMD Radeon?
    I have found this YouTube video on the subject of Error 126 with details for resolving the problem.
    How to fix the ERROR 126 when you open OpenGL programs - YouTube
    The link was contributed in an old 2013 thread here by the ID danneomarre (see post 6 of the following thread)
    LoadLibrary failed with error 126: cant find the required
    Please let us know if that worked for you.
    Thank you.
    Add On...When all is OK and working, please update 12 to 12.1 Update using an opened project's Help Menu/Update.

  • Can't Scan after new installation

    A bit of background;
    Dell laptop
    Windows 8.1 64bit
    HP Officejet 6500 e709n
    I finally managed to install the full set of printer drivers (HP Solution Center) on this new laptop ....which btw took hours of research,  just to learn that I can't scan. 
    I get the an HP popup message saying ERROR Imaging Device Not Found along with a number of steps to reolve the issue....and yes I followed most of the steps listed below except for the unistall/reinstall since this is a new installation. 

    Hello G4ME,
    Welcome to the HP Forums!
    I understand you're receiving a message indicating "Imaging Device Not Found" using the Officejet 6500 e709n. I will do my best to assist you!
    How is this printer connected? Wireless or USB?
    Follow this entire HP document on 'The HP imaging device was not found on the network' Message Displays on the Computer (Windows). Please post your results, as I will be looking forward to hearing from you. Have a great night!
    I worked on behalf of HP.

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