CUCM BE 6K 9.1 Licensing

I installed BE 6K 9.1 publisher and subscriber recently.
(after installation both servers showing the warning message which says that its running on demo mode)
Last week i added the license to ELM and the warning message on publisher node is gone but the warning message on subscriber is still there
Attached files are the screenshots of both publisher and subscriber.
i also attached the product instance of ELM in which i added primary nodes of CUCM and unity connection, its not allowing me to add subscriber node.
Thank You..

You should only have the publisher added to ELM so that is working as expected.  The error message on the subscriber looks to be a possible dbreplication issue.
What does "utils dbreplication runtimestate" look like on the publisher?

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    I am running CUCM 8.0.3. 
    We just updated part of our network and changed the DNS server. 
    I need/want to verify if I need to rehost my license key. My belief is “NO”…
    From what I’ve read, when you change DNS, it changes the calculated value of the license  MAC, and thus you need to get it rehosted.
    BUT… If DNS is not configured, and I’m not adding a new DNS into CUCM either, do I still need to get my license rehosted?
    My understanding, is that since DNS is not configured and thus not changing, the calculated value of the MAC stays the same, and there is NO need to change out, or rehost, our license.
    Attached is a image of “Show network eth0” from my CUCM showing DNS is not configured currently.
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    Thanks in advance for any insight...

    Hi Chris
    Adding the DNS will lead to changing in your licensing MAC since the value is changed from null to something else.
    The licensing MAC is only valid if you are using a virtual environment, such as a UCS box and Exsi host on top of that . If you are using physical environment such MCS server then Licenses are bound to physical MAC and you can change the DNS without any worry for re hosting the licenses.
    You can run
    Show hardware
    to check if you are using MCS or UCS box.
    Aditya Gupta

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    The Licence Unit Report shows 150 Units Authorized and 26 in use for the Phone License Feature -  Status shows Demo. It also shows 3 Units Authorized and 1 in use for the CCM Node License Feature - Status also shows "Demo".  The Software License Version has no SW Version info and its status shows "MISSING".
    We would sure like to be comfortable with the process before diving in head first.
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    Hi Brian,
    It looks like you may be hitting this bug;
    CSCtr77210 - Feature demo-license is removed after minor upgrade to 8.6
    ✓Save To My Bug Watch
    Symptom:When doing a minor upgrade to CUCM 8.6 the demo license still works, however the feature demo-license does not work anymore. It shows as "Missing".
    Conditions:Minor upgrade to CUCM 8.6
    Request new demo licenses
    First Found in:
    Last Modified:
    Apr 02,2012
    Known Affected Versions:
    Fixed in:
    Cisco Unified Communications Manager (CallManager)
    4 - minor
    "Everything is broken" - Bob Dylan

  • CUCM Licensing/ordering and demo licenses

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    Also, does CUCM come with a demo license which I can use for my lab without ordering any additional licenses??
    What are my options?
    I alos tried to search the part/product numbers for CUCM ordering but was not able to find them on Cisco site. I am interested in buying CUCM 7.x.
    Thank you.

    Hi there,
    The Part# you would be looking for is;
    SW Unified CM 7.1 Appliance, 100 DLUs, Lab System Only
    This comes with licensing for 2 Nodes, Software (DVD's) and 100 DLU's which
    is good for approx. 20 phones I believe the End of Sale for this is June of this year.
    "Everything is broken" - Bob Dylan

  • Access Denied: CUCM Licensing Bulk Capabilities Assignment for CUPS

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    Access to the requested resource has been denied.
    The attempted action was a violation of security protocols and will not be allowed. Please try another action.
    I noticed that the Bulk Assignment button is crossed out with a red sign.
    I can assign CUP/CUPS by clicking on the users individually.
    Any ideas why this might be happenning?

    While Bulk Assignment doesn't work in the GUI, it is still possible to do Capabilities Assignment in CUCM 8.5 using the Bulk Administration Tool.  Format the comma-separated file according to the instructions in the View Sample File link in Bulk Administration -> CUPS -> Update CUPS/CUPC Users:
    User ID,Enable CUP,Enable CUPC
    |____|  | |
       |    |  |
       |    |  |
       |    |  |
       |    |  |
       |    | Enable CUPC (1 char, mandatory)
       |    |
       |     Enable CUP (1 char, mandatory)
       User ID ( 1 to 128 characters,  mandatory)
    Upload the file in Bulk Administration -> Upload/Download files as a CUP Users target and Update CUP Users transaction type, then apply the file in the CUPS user update page where you got the sample file.

  • CUCM 6.x, Licensing Warning Message

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    {Note: Cisco Unified Communications Manager service should be restarted after uploading software version license file}
    You know, colleagues, I always upload license file without any subsequent restart of CM service.
    I mean NODE, SW_FEATURE, PHONE UNITs are applied instantly just after they are added to CUCM.
    So what does this warning is talking about ?

    Hi Tobivan,
    You are probably seeing this recent note:
    From the CUCM Documentation Updates;
    Uploading a License File
    The Uploading a License File section of the Cisco Unified Communications Manager Administration Guide does not instruct administrators to restart the Cisco CallManager service after uploading the license file. Administrators must restart the service for the license changes to take effect.
    Hope this helps!

  • License Issue from MCS 6.1.3 to UCS 9.0

    Hello all,
    We are upgarding CUCM from 6.1.3 MCS to 9.1 UCS. Our plan is to jump from 6.1.3 to 6.1.5 to 9.1.
    We took backup of 6.1.3 MCS via Disaster Backup Recovery & restore it at UCS after new installation of 6.1.3.
    We contacted cisco licensing team to issue us temporaray license for 6.1.3 for UCS so that we can proceed to upgrade process. Cisco issued us license but we are not able to install it successfully. Its giving attached mac-address mismatch error.
    We contacted back to license team again & they confirmed there is no issue in license file, its some thing with the system.
    Can any one advise what could be wrong with system. I am sending the output from system, screen shot of error & license file.
    Please advise.
    admin:show status
    Host Name    : MOSD-PUB
    Date         : Sun Oct 20, 2013 10:45:15
    Time Zone    : Asia/Bahrain
    Locale       : en_US.UTF-8
    Product Ver  :
    Platform Ver :
    10:45:16  up 6 days, 22:41,  2 users,  load average: 0.05, 0.02, 0.00
    CPU Idle:                          %  System:  00.00%    User:   00.00%
      IOWAIT:  00.00%     IRQ:  00.00%    Soft:  00.00%   Intr/sec: 107.00
    Memory Total:        6154152K
            Free:        1160032K
            Used:        4994120K
          Cached:        3307852K
          Shared:              0K
         Buffers:         109412K
                            Total             Free            Used
    Disk/active         20303712K        8864384K       11233056K (56%)
    Disk/inactive       20303744K       19239544K          32828K (1%)
    Disk/logging        70643356K       50605548K       16449292K (25%)
    admin:show network eth0 detail
    Ethernet 0
    DHCP         : disabled            Status     : up
    IP Address   :         IP Mask    :
    Link Detected: yes                Mode       : Auto disabled, full, 100 Mbits/s
    Duplicate IP : no
    Queue Length : 1000               MTU        : 1500
    MAC Address  : 00:0c:29:6b:f8:ec
    RX stats:
      bytes   :      9299290   packets :       102331   errors :            0
      dropped :            0   overrun  :            0   mcast  :            0
    TX stats:
      bytes   :     36462086   packets :       386068   errors :            0
      dropped :            0   carrier :            0   colsns :            0
    Not configured.
    Gateway      : on Ethernet 0
    admin:show hardware
    HW  Platform       : VMware Virtual Machine (Unsupported Platform)
    Processors        : 2
    Type              : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2609 0 @ 2.40GHz
    CPU Speed         : 2400
    Memory            : 6144 MBytes
    Object ID         :
    OS Version        : UCOS
    Serial Number     : VMware-56 4d aa 54 3b ee 93 c2-c4 91 ac eb be 6b f8 ec
    RAID Version      :
    Firmware version not known
    BIOS Information  :
    Vendor: Phoenix Technologies LTD
    Version: 6.00
    Release Date: 09/21/2011
    RAID Details      :
    RAID not  configured

    Hi Anis
    Can you take a look on the below document , please?.
    1) Perform a DRS backup of the entire cluster
    2) Install refresh upgrade Cisco Options Package (COP) file
    3) Upgrade to Release 9.1(1)
    4) Perform a DRS backup of the entire cluster
    5) Create new virtual machines with Release 9.0 OVAs
    6) Install Release 9.1(1) using the same hostnames and IP addresses as the physical cluster
    7) Restore DRS backup on the entire cluster
    8) Verify database replication and consistency
    9) Migrate previous licenses into Enterprise License Manager
    Thank you
    please rate all useful information

  • CUCM 8.6 upgrade to 9.1(2)

    Hello all,
    I've done some 8.5 upgrades to 9.1 so I'm quite familiar with the refresh upgrade process and the additional server downtime vs. say and 8 to 8.5.
    On reading the upgrade guide for CUCM 9.1(1), I stumbled across this line on page 5 -
    "You cannot install upgrade software on your node while the system continues to operate."
    In the past when doing an Linux to Linux upgrade without a refresh required this certainly wasn't the case. You can't make changes and EM should be turned off but the upgrade was always going on in the background and a switch version was run when complete.
    Has this changed?
    Can someone chime in who has done a 8.6 to 9.1(x) upgrade on this?
    I've got a really tight outage/downtime window to get a cluster upgraded and with 2 servers still on MCS, I don't think I can do it if I can't get a change freeze in place and get the Pub upgraded without taking it down. Having to start and finish the Pub, subs and the physicals in the window might not be possible even with a parallel upgrade.

    Hi Jon,
    +5 to my friend Aman for his good notes here :)
    This has NOT is the note from the upgrade guide;
    Linux to Linux (L2) upgrade
    There is very little server downtime during an L2 upgrade.
    An L2 upgrade is accomplished by installing the new software release in the inactive
    partition while the node continues to run and operate on the existing software
    in the active partition.
    The software releases are switched on reboot. The reboot can be either automatic,
    after the new software release is installed, or initiated manually at a later time through
    an administrator command. Some examples of an L2 upgrade are upgrades from
    Release 6.1(3) to 7.1(5), from 7.1(2) to 8.0(3), or from 8.6(1) to 9.1(1).

  • Ideas on adding licenses to a 8.X Communications Manager cluster before upgrade to v10.

    Hi, hope is all well. This is something I started working with my global Cisco reseller but it takes sometime I wanted to make sure I see different options if possible to present. My company has deployments of collaboration products mainly on v8.x (all three main 8.0.2, 8.5.1 and 8.6.2) going to v10 during this year. Some already run on UCS but some are on MCS and will be late in migration. For those late, there are some growth need in end user/phone deployment but since v8 is end of sale, my provider may not be able to sell licenses.
    If this is true, they might offer to buy v10 licenses with software subscription just like new deployment, which is not too bad at all since we will use this added amount on future v10 upgrade, but has anyone ever did that? I am afraid we use v10 PAK (if possible) to generate v8 license file, will render it not upgradable later. Reasoning is, let's say there is 1000 licenses on v8 with UCSS and we buy 15 v10 licenses downgraded to v8. Once we processo v8 to v10 upgrade on PUT, Cisco might see only 1000 original v8 liceses to provide upgrade instead of 1015.
    Does it make sense or am I missing something here? Thank you very much for any suggestions.

    UCSS and CUCM 8.X licenses have both been EoL. Even the existing UCSS+ ESW has been converted to SWSS.
    Ref: CUCM 8.X Device and Licenses EoL notification
    Customers may be able to continue to purchase Cisco Unified Communications Manager Version 8.x Phone Units and Device License Units the Cisco Certified Refurbished Equipment program. Refurbished units may be available in limited supply for sale in certain countries on a first-come, first-served basis until the Last Date of Support has been reached. For information about the Cisco Certified Refurbished Equipment program, go to:
    Product Migration Options
    Customers are encouraged to migrate to the Cisco Unified Communications Manager v 9.2 or later.
    Ref: UCSS EoL
    Please rate all helpful posts

  • CUCM 7.1 migrating to BE6000

    I have a customer that is moving from their UCM 7.1 to a BE6K.  The have ucss/esw and I cannot figure out how to migrate their current licenses on UCM.  They are getting new hardware, so it is not a upgrade to the existing servers.  Also is there a way to migrate the data from the current system into BE6K or would it be better to build it and export/import the information.

    We're about to refresh the BE6000 ordering guide, which includes the following on this subject.
    Links for your convenience:
    Hope that helps,

  • ELM 9.x to PLM 10.5 License Concern

    Hi All,
    I would like to ask if any concern if I upgrade from the standalone ELM 9.x to PLM 10.5, I would need to rehost again the License?
    The UCSS must be valid as well?
    As I planned to upgrade my Call Manager and Unity from 9.x to 10.5.
    Thanks in advance.

    I'm not completely versed in PLM/ELM as I just got my hands on 10.5 and was previously on 8.x with some 9.x platforms but from what I read the licenses should be fine.  The link here shows that they are PLM supports both 9.x and 10.x so that also points in the direction that it shouldn't be an issue and that the licensing remains the same.
    Here is another forum post about this issue that shows the process:

  • CCM 7.0 license

    Dear Sir/madam
    I want to know does LIC-CM-DL-100= works with cisco call manager 7.0?
    or should I order L-CM7.0-7835= ?
    thank you

    Hi Amir,
    L-CM7.0-7835= is for the server/node for an MCS7835 Server with CUCM 7.x
    Server/Node License SKU's for Cisco Unified Communications Manager
    LIC-CM7.0-7835= xxxx (where xxxx=number of Seats/Users) - License CM 7.0 7835 Appliance,
    The second license part# is for Device License Units (DLU's) for IP Phones;
    Device License Units (DLUs) are required for each device provisioned in Cisco Unified
    Communications Manager. Each provisioned device consumes some number of DLUs from the
    total licensed in Cisco Unified Communications Manager, based on the type of device and whether
    it is an Adjunct Device or not.
    After determining how many devices will be provisioned in your system, see the table below to
    identify how many DLU's are required.
    Each DLU SKU ordered can result in a separate Product Authorization Key (PAK), so try to
    minimize what you order. E.g. if you need 100 DLU's, order the single 100-pack SKU instead of
    10x 10-packs, so you get one PAK instead of 10 PAK's.
    Device Type - Cost in DLUs
    Cisco VGC Phone (Voice Gateway Controlled, e.g. behind VG248)
    Cisco VGC Virtual Phone (Voice Gateway Controlled, e.g. behind VG248)
    Analog Phone
    CTI Port
    0 -DLU's
    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7902
    Cisco Unified Mobile Communicator
    Cisco Unified Presence user
    1 -DLU's
    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7905, 7906G, 7910, _12_S, 12 SP, 12 SP Plus, 30 SP Plus
    ATA 186, 3911
    Cisco Unified Mobility user (hardphone + mobile device)
    H.323 Client
    2 -DLU's
    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7911G, 7912, 7937
    Cisco IP Communicator
    Cisco Unified Personal Communicator
    3 -DLU's
    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7920, 7921, 7925, 7931G
    Cisco Unifed Mobility user (MobileConnect only - no hardphone)
    4 -DLU's
    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7935, 7936 3
    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7940, 7941, 7941G-GE, 7942G, 7945G, 7960, 7961, 7961GGE,
    7962G, 7965G
    4 -DLU's
    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7970, 7971, 7975G 5
    Cisco Unified IP Phone 7985
    TelePresence endpoints: CTS 1000, CTS 3000
    IP-STE (Secure Terminal Equipment) Endpoint
    6 -DLU's
    Third-party SIP Device (Basic) 3
    Third-party SIP Device (Advanced) 6
    Third-party Dual-mode Mobile Device 6
    Other Phone 5 -DLU's
    LIC-CM-DL-10 Unified CM Device License- 10 units
    LIC-CM-DL-100= Unified CM Device License - 100 units
    LIC-CM-DL-500= Unified CM Device License - 500 units
    LIC-CM-DL-1000= Unified CM Device License - 1,000 units
    LIC-CM-DL-5000= Unified CM Device License - 5,000 units
    Hope this helps!

  • Licensing and Chat for CUPS

    Hi Team
    How to know how many licenses you have in total in CUPS? know how many licenses are being used and thus know how many you have available
    Is there a tool or you can configure the Personal Communicator to operate only for chat?
    Thank you

    Hi Java
    Then you should not configure a Cisco Unified Client Service Framework for users, now I have it set so if I delete the CSF to certain users, these users will only have chat functionality?
    In the licensing reports on CUCM, I see that the licenses are already used and no more licenses available, this also applies to the CUP, right?
    Thank you

  • License for IP Communicator

    Hi All
    For CUCM 9.X which license I will need for IP Communicator?

    Hello Asif,
    In CUCM 9.x, User Based Licenses are used, compared to the previous  version of CUCM where it used Device License Units based on phone  models, etc.
    Please rate all useful post.

  • CUCM 8.6 and CCX 8.5 Agent Multi Line Historical Reporting

    Got 2 Agents who have the same DN but in different partitions. Historical Reporting is showing Agent #2 calls against Agent#1. How do I prevent this?
    Agent #1
    Line 1: 1000 in Manchester (IPCC Extn)
    Line 2: 1100 in Manchester (private line)
    Agent #2
    Line 1: 1200 in Edinburgh (private line)
    Line 2: 1000 in Edinburgh (IPCC Extn)
    When running HR reports, calls made by Agent #2 Line 2 are showing against Agent#1 in Agent Detail Reports.
    How do I prevent this? (without renumbering).

    Hi Jon,
    +5 to my friend Aman for his good notes here :)
    This has NOT is the note from the upgrade guide;
    Linux to Linux (L2) upgrade
    There is very little server downtime during an L2 upgrade.
    An L2 upgrade is accomplished by installing the new software release in the inactive
    partition while the node continues to run and operate on the existing software
    in the active partition.
    The software releases are switched on reboot. The reboot can be either automatic,
    after the new software release is installed, or initiated manually at a later time through
    an administrator command. Some examples of an L2 upgrade are upgrades from
    Release 6.1(3) to 7.1(5), from 7.1(2) to 8.0(3), or from 8.6(1) to 9.1(1).

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