Custom asset-management system provider

I've implemented kAMSPBoss, IAMServiceProvider. I can find in the debugging output that the plugins are properly called and initialized, but after the CanService and Init the plugin is not called anymore and the checkin and checkout functions are not available anymore.
Any ideas?

Hi Jon,
The amsp architecture and how to use it is pretty well documented in the porting-guide.pdf, pages 39-43. It should get you started.

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    There are literally hundreds of Digital Asset Management systems out there as numerous vendors from a wide range of backgrounds (software vendors, printers, design agencies, video producers etc) all think they have some insight that makes them uniquely qualified for this field.  This makes it a bit tricky to recommend a specific option as a lot depends on what kind of asset you're needing to manage.  You need to do an assessment of:
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    If you're interested in information about Digital Asset Management, check our our site: for some reports and articles that are relatively spin-free (disclaimer: we're consultants so we can't claim total impartiality).  We're also the original developers of an open source .NET based DAM: FocusOPEN Digital Asset Manager.  If .NET doesn't appeal then seems to have a good run down of the major options that don't cost anything to get going.
    Good luck
    Ralph Windsor

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    There are literally hundreds of Digital Asset Management systems out there as numerous vendors from a wide range of backgrounds (software vendors, printers, design agencies, video producers etc) all think they have some insight that makes them uniquely qualified for this field.  This makes it a bit tricky to recommend a specific option as a lot depends on what kind of asset you're needing to manage.  You need to do an assessment of:
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    If you're interested in information about Digital Asset Management, check our our site: for some reports and articles that are relatively spin-free (disclaimer: we're consultants so we can't claim total impartiality).  We're also the original developers of an open source .NET based DAM: FocusOPEN Digital Asset Manager.  If .NET doesn't appeal then seems to have a good run down of the major options that don't cost anything to get going.
    Good luck
    Ralph Windsor

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    Cannot remember if Extensis portfolio did, or if you needed to save with pdf compatible on. You can download the trial here:
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    The Files page at and the Creative Cloud Files folder on your computer(s) are both empty.
    There are items in the Archive at From the Archive you can Permanently Delete or Restore items.
    If you move or delete items from the Creative Cloud Files folder on your computer they go into the Archive. (Think of the Trash on Mac OS X or the Recycle Bin on Windows.)

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    Dear Harshini,
    I dont know if in solution manager additonally a authorization is needed maybe you can ask one colleague by open a ticket under component SV-SMG* . For Service Marketplace your user id must have the authorization object" create sap customer message".
    Best wishes,
    Dragana Manojlovic
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    SAP Österreich GmbH | Lassallestrasse 7b | A-1021 Vienna | Austria

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    Maybe Final Cut Server?
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    Wet Lens wrote:
    I am an underwater videographer ..
    .. with an excellent nic!
    .. looking for a solution to be able to store, tag and retrieve video files that integrates with Final Cut so I don't need to input data more than once. Any ideas?
    no pun intended:

  • How do I completely enable a new custom asset in Correspondence Management?

    I'm trying to add a new custom asset to the Correspondence Management Solution Accelerator, and have it behave like all other assets in the system (ie searchable, updateable etc).  I'm almost there, but there's obviously something I'm missing, and I was hoping someone here might have done this before, or have a link to some documentation regarding the matter that I may have missed.  The asset I'm trying finish creating is for a LiveCycle user in a specific domain.  This is what I've done so far...
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    After running the Bootstrap process, I can log into the Manage Templates application, select Data Dictionaries from the 'View' dropdown, and view/edit the MyUser data dictionary properties with no problems.  So I'm happy that the asset has successfully been registered with the application.
    Where I'm stuck is choosing the MyUser asset from the drop down, and searching the system for assets of that type.  I can choose the MyUser asset type from the 'view' drop down, but the search result returns an empty array.
    From digging into the existing Manage Templates code, I've created the following classes:
    public interface IMyUserService extends IEventDispatcher -  containing the following function definitions:
              function getMyUser(id:String):IAsyncToken;
              function getAllMyUsers(param1:Query=null):IAsyncToken;
    public class MyUserSeviceProvider extends ServiceProvider - containing a getter/setter for MyUserServiceDelegate
    public class MyUserServiceDelegate extends ServiceDelegate implements IMyUserService - containing the functions defined in IMyUserService, as well as creating the RemoteObject to perform the actions.
    The MyUserServiceDelegate constructor is:
         public function MyUserServiceDelegate ()
                _service = new RemoteObject("");
                _service.showBusyCursor = true;
    This is the code for the function in getAllMyUsers in MyUserServiceDelegate:
         public function getAllMyUsers(param1:Query = null):IAsyncToken
                var operationToken:AsyncToken = this._service.getAllMyUsers(param1);
                var token:IccToken = new IccToken(this.className + ".getAllMyUsers");
                return token;
    I've also made changes to the following config files to register the RemoteObject destination specified in the MyUserServiceDelegate constructor:
         <bean name="/service/UserService" class="org.springframework.remoting.httpinvoker.HttpInvokerServiceExporter">
            <property name="service" ref="" />
            <property name="serviceInterface" value="" />
         <destination id=""/>
         <flex:remoting-destination ref="" />
    Above my Java class definition of I have the following line:
    My problem is that when I choose the MyUser asset from the drop down, no search results are returned (an empty array is returned).  I have logging code in the getAllMyUsers function in the, as well as logging in the class (not shown in the above code snippets) and neither of them fire when selecting the MyUser asset from the drop down.  So neither of the classes are being called on the search.  If I force a search via the following line:
    the logging in both the Flex and Java classes works (and the java class returns the results as expected).  So I'm happy that these functions, as well as the linking between the Flex and the Java side is working correctly.
    The step that I can't seem to work out is having the selection of the asset in the drop down call the desired function automagically.  I've been digging into the SearchManager, the ServiceLocator and heaps of other classes, but I'm falling deeper and deeper into the rabbit hole...
    Can anyone shed some light on what they think might be needed to make the final link here?  I've been digging and digging into the code for days now and my brain hurts!!
    Any advice appreciated!!

    Hi Saket,
    By 'not really complete' I'm assuming (hoping) that some work has been done on this already.  Our project requires the use of custom assets, so it's very important that we get this functionality running as soon as possible.
    Any help, unsupported or otherwise, would be great.  Feel free to email me any details if you'd prefer not to post anything public on the boards.

  • Managed system configuration step 8: No Admin User Id provided for TS SID

    Hello experts,
    I face the following problem in step 8 of managed system configuration (Configure automatically, SolMan 7.1 SPS 3):
    All Activities fail (except Activate services) with the following Details message:
    No Admin User Id provided for TS <SID> (ABAP)
    Any hint?
    Thanks and best regards, Basti

    Hi Sunny,
    I don't find anything where I can provide the user information. It just uses the actual user (SOLMAN_ADMIN). Can you tell me where to provide the user for this step?
    Managed system configuration -> step 8 Configure automatically -> SSO Setup
    Thank you, Basti

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