Custom Dictionary & Upgrades

I am hoping someone can assist me before my IT staff stress me out! They are preparing a new computer for me which has CS4 installed. I currently work with CS2. I need to save my custom dictionary file and my workspace preferences (although this one is far less important to me) so that they don't have to be recreated on the new machine.
Can anyone help me with this? I searched the knowledge base with no luck.

You won't be able to use the CS2 workspaces, so don't stress about those.
Dave Saunders wrote a pair of scripts for exporting and importing user dictionaries. I can't find the link at the moment, but there's a good chance he'll see this and respond.

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    The custom dictionary is in a .tlx file should I think is held in your ApplicationData/Help directory against each userid on the PC. I don't suppose you made a copy of this before upgrading to RH8 as it may have been overriddden. You can add personal dictionaries via the Tools > Spelling Options menu item if you have.

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    It sounds like you have "upgraded" to Pages 5 which is having a lot of problems.
    Pages '09 should still be in your Applications/iWork folder, use that instead.

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    Custom dictionaries must be created with a 3rd party program provided by Proximity (
    The spelling support files are installed in this directory for all users (this is only the default)
    C:\Program Files\Adobe\<product>\Resource\Linguistics\Providers\Proximity
    File types include:
    ENV - eg: grmphon.env - the phonetic rule file for the spelling dictionary language. There is one of these “ENV” file for each language.
    CLX - eg: grm32.clx - a language related part of spelling dictionary. There is one of these “CLX” file for each language.
    LEX - eg: grm104.lex - an actual spelling dictionary. There may be several dictionaries for a given language, for example, grm104.lex, grm10401.lex.
    So the answer is:
    Create a custom dictionary with Proximity and use the Wizard or some other method to deploy the files in the correct location.

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    Edited by: user11049393 on Jul 12, 2012 11:07 AM

    Hi Sachin:
    Actually, after my message yesterday, I managed to find the document, buried in with the OPPM technical docs. Looks identical to the OPPM v.8 version. Thanx for your help.
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    Any info on this issue? Thanx in advance.

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    Yes. I had tried adding it via Preferences > Dictionary, but the same problem occurs (InDesign quits).
    And there is no other formatting or characters in the txt file. It purely contains words separated by a hard return.

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    Custom dictionaries must be created with a 3rd party program provided by Proximity (
    The spelling support files are installed in this directory for all users (this is only the default)
    C:\Program Files\Adobe\<product>\Resource\Linguistics\Providers\Proximity
    File types include:
    ENV - eg: grmphon.env - the phonetic rule file for the spelling dictionary language. There is one of these “ENV” file for each language.
    CLX - eg: grm32.clx - a language related part of spelling dictionary. There is one of these “CLX” file for each language.
    LEX - eg: grm104.lex - an actual spelling dictionary. There may be several dictionaries for a given language, for example, grm104.lex, grm10401.lex.
    So the answer is:
    Create a custom dictionary with Proximity and use the Wizard or some other method to deploy the files in the correct location.

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    Guys and gals, yes, it's as I suspected. When I swapped the SIMs the problem disappeared and I could delete old workouts normally.
    So I have a reason to believe this is a small but potentially* critical bug with the Nike+ application on the iPhone. Why *the custom workouts are bound to the SIM used when creating them* is beyond my understanding, nevertheless, I hope for a future bug fix from Apple.
    *what happens if you lose or disable your unique SIM?

  • E72 - deleting words from the custom dictionary

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    However I noticed that there are words being added (by my keyboard mistakes) that DO NOT APPEAR in the custom dictionary.
    For example I managed to add to my dictionary (by typing There. and it added com ... like **bleep**?) and now every time I type there I get suggested.
    is there any other way to blast the custom dictionary?
    I can only say that the E72 is a love HATE relationship

    Hi Pellicle, 
    We're sorry to hear about your problems with the software, but keep in mind that the custom dictionary is, like adrianhughes mentioned, a beta labs software and not a finished product.  It is mentioned on the project page that it may have some minor issues on Nokia E72. 
    The project status is archived, which means that it was not released officially and the development has likely stopped, so reporting a bug or making a suggestion may not help in this case.  Please check the project FAQ page for more info on likely problems, especially questions 8 (I deleted a word but it is still being used for prediction) and 3 (Why do I get an option to select a language?). 
    If the FAQ suggestions do not help you to solve the problem, try to do a hard reset by dialling *#7370# followed by the security code 12345 (unless you've changed it). Please remember to backup your phone first using Nokia Suite though, as it will remove all data on your phone.
    Let us know if this helps,
    If you find this post helpful, a click upon the white star at bottom would always be appreciated.
    If it also solves your problem, clicking ACCEPT AS SOLUTION below it will benefit other users!

  • Adding Custom Dictionary using Javascript

    Hi All,
    We have created a javascript to spellcheck the PDF using the inbuilt dictionary.
    Now we got a request to add a custom Medical dictionary to Adobe Acrobat.
    Is that possible to add a custom dictionary to Adobe Acrobat using Javascript.
    I have gone through the "Javascript for Adobe API Reference.pdf".
    But there is no reference for adding a full set of dictionary to it.
    spell.customDictionaryCreate("javascript", "en", true);
    function GetJSTerms(bm, nLevel) { var newWord =;
    var ckWord = spell.checkWord( newWord[0] );
    if ( ckWord != null ) { var cWord = spell.addWord( newWord[0], "JavaScript");
    if ( cWord ) console.println( newWord[0] );
    } if (bm.children != null) for (var i = 0; i < bm.children.length; i++) GetJSTerms(bm.children[i], nLevel + 1);
    } console.println("\nAdding New words to the \"JavaScript\" " + "dictionary:");
    var re = /^\w+/; GetJSTerms(this.bookmarkRoot, 0);
    Would this task is achievable through javascript, please advice.

    Thank for the response. We have a medical dictionary with us. Which contains all the words, how do I add the full dictionary with the addWord functionality. Is there is any option to load the dictionary file through scripting. Shaji

  • How do I Edit the Custom Dictionary?

    I am using Firefox 4.0 and I was wondering how i can delete misspelled words from my custom dictionary. I have found how to do it on old versions of Firefox, but they do not work on the new version. I am using windows 7.

    That should work the same with Firefox 4. You need to open the file [ persdict.dat] in a text editor and remove the lines with those words.
    Help > Troubleshooting Information > Profile Directory: Open Containing Folder
    * [[Using the spell checker]]

  • Add custom dictionary files

    I am trying to add custom dictionary files to our office installation on a TS server.
    its 2012 R2 server running office 365 32bit.
    i have a script that adds the paths to the custom dictionaries to the registry.
    the script adds 2 entries for each dictionary
    "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\Proofing Tools\1.0\Custom
    the name and the value is the path
    and then "name_state" with a hex value of 01 00 00
    this worked on 2010 but isnt working with my current setup.
    the dictionaries work if manually added through word.
    though if done this way 4 reg keys are created
    with name_roamed and name_external.
    the name also contains the username.domain if created in word.
    in the script the name is just a number,  "10" for example.
    any ideas on how to deploy custom dictionary files into office 365 on server 2012?

    see this link for related info

  • Way to import custom dictionary from word?

    I have an extensive custom dictionary that I would like to import into pages. Any suggestions.

    Pages will save a custom spelling dictionary in Users > your name > Library > Spelling . If the Spelling folder doesn't exist Pages will create one when you Learn a word. You can open this custom file in TextEdit. You can add word to the list. I believe the list have to be alphabetical sorted.
    I don't know how the corresponding Word Spelling document looks like. It might have extra data that needs to be deleted first.
    On Leopard there was a small free app one could use for editing the Spelling document. I don't remember the name of it. It is bound to be in these discussions but maybe some 2 years ago.

Maybe you are looking for