Custom field type - get column name in code

I have a custom field type. In the code, I would like to get the column name that the user input. For example, user creates a new column called "Customer" with my custom field type. How can I get the name "Customer" that the user has
just input?

1) Is it possible to map datatypes? i.e.
java.util.Date to the sql timestampThe deploytool creates the mapping based on its introspection of your bean. If your bean is coded to 1.1 then it will create the mapping based on your public field types. If coded to 2.0 then it will be based on your abstract accessors (which should conform to JavaBean conventions). Also, it is better to use java.sql.Timestamp to map to SQL timestamps since most DBEs typically store such data in nanosecond precision which java.util.Date is not equipped to handle. :)
2) Is it possible to map entity bean names and cmp
fields to the exact database tables and column names?Yes. After you assemble your bean in the wizard, return to the 'Entity' tab and click on 'Deployment Settings' (the SDK deploytool exemplifies the distinction between Application Assembler and Deployer roles... ;). In the resulting dialog you can: specify the datasource for your bean ('Database Settings...'); edit the EJB QL for your finder/select methods ('Edit...') if not done so during assembly; and generate ('Generate Default SQL...') and edit the SQL for your particular resource. Letting the tool generate the ("default") SQL is not really very useful if your database schema is already created but it may help save some typing ':) To edit the SQL click on the method for which to edit and you can then edit (for it) in the 'SQL Query:' TextArea.
So far I have seen no evidence of either.I hope this helps.
Many thanks,
Tony "Vee Schade" Cook
PS... I know this is only meant for development
testing but these features are fairly standard on theActually, that's the RI's secondary purpose; its primary purpose is to provide a reference for spec implementors to compare their product(s) against. ;)
main appservers out there and I wouldn't have thought
it is too difficult to implement in the reference
implementation. And, indeed, so it is implemented...

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    public class CustomAutoComplete : SPFieldLookup
    public CustomAutoComplete(SPFieldCollection fields, string fieldName)
    : base(fields, fieldName)
    public CustomAutoComplete(SPFieldCollection fields, string typeName, string displayName)
    : base(fields, typeName, displayName)
    public override BaseFieldControl FieldRenderingControl
    BaseFieldControl fieldControl = new AutoComplete();
    fieldControl.FieldName = this.InternalName;
    return fieldControl;
    After creating the item of Lookup field, it gives me as following
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    public override string JSLink
    if (CurrentControlMode == SPControlMode.Invalid || CurrentControlMode == SPControlMode.Display)
    return "clienttemplates.js";
    return base.JSLink;
    base.JSLink = value;
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    here is the sample code i use.
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    It would be nice if some could help me .
    ResultSet ColumnData = meta.getColumns(null, null, "TBLACCOUNT", null);
                   System.out.println( "ColumnData:" +ColumnData);
                   if (ColumnData!= null) {
                        System.out.println("ColumnData not null");
                        ResultSetMetaData rsmd = ColumnData.getMetaData();
                        int columnCount = rsmd.getColumnCount();
                        String columnName = rsmd.getColumnName(1);
                        String columnType = rsmd.getColumnTypeName(1);
                        System.out.println("columnCount is " +columnCount);
                        System.out.println("The name of the first column is: " +columnName);
                        System.out.println("The data type of the first column is: " +columnType);

    You're here in a JDBC forum, not a SQL forum. I suggest you to start learning SQL and come back once you have JDBC issues.
    Here is a list of links to all SQL tutorials available on the Internet.

  • Getting column names from cursor

    Hi all
    I have procedure which produces list of applied for jobs web page(using htp. package)
    I got result in cursor, but have to provide dinamic sort, based on colimn pressed
    procedure my_application_list
    (pi_resume_num     in varchar2 default null
    ,pi_sort_col     in varchar2 default null
    ,pi_page_no     in varchar2 default null
    ,pi_action     in varchar2 default null
    ,pi_msg          in varchar2 default null
    CURSOR cur_job IS
         SELECT      jtl.JOB_TITLE
         FROM job_tl jtl, applied_for_job a, gateway gt
         WHERE a.job_seeker_id=app.job_Seeker
         AND a.job_id=jtl.job_id
         AND a.lang=jtl.lang
         AND a.gateway=gt.gateway
         AND jtl.lang=(SELECT substr(MIN(lt.order_list||jtl0.lang),2) lang
                   FROM      job_tl jtl0
                        ,language_tl lt
                   WHERE jtl0.job_id = a.job_id
                   AND jtl0.lang=lt.lang
                   AND lt.gui_lang=app.language)
         ORDER BY pi_sort_col
    rest of code
    The columns displayed in web page are Job_title, Company_name and Applied_date
    This page is displyed well, bu without column nmes at the top. I am trying to get column names from cursor in order to have ORDER BY <pi_sort_col>
    can someone help how i can get those column names:Job_title, Company_name and Applied_date
    User will be able to click on column and sort
    Thank in advance .I appreciate any help

    Hi Francisco
    Here is my code
    CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY cc_web_application_list
    col_name_t col_name_list;
    col_order_t col_order_list;
    procedure my_application_list
         (pi_resume_num     in varchar2 default null
         ,pi_sort_col     in varchar2 default null
         ,pi_page_no     in varchar2 default null
         ,pi_action     in varchar2 default null
         ,pi_msg          in varchar2 default null
    l_my_page_no      PLS_INTEGER :=     TO_NUMBER(nvl(pi_page_no,1));
    l_js_name          gam_user.username%TYPE;
    l_js_first_name          gam_user.first_name%TYPE;
    l_cnt                PLS_INTEGER := 0;
    l_scr_lines      PLS_INTEGER := 0;
    l_curline           PLS_INTEGER;
    l_jobs_applied           PLS_INTEGER;
    l_total_rec      PLS_INTEGER;
    l_total_pages      PLS_INTEGER;
    l_pos               PLS_INTEGER;
    l_first               PLS_INTEGER :=0;
    last                PLS_INTEGER :=0;
    l_lines           PLS_INTEGER := 10;
    col_name      VARCHAR2(100) := col_name_t(3) ;
    col_order           VARCHAR2(30) := 'DESC';
    str                VARCHAR2(2000);
    display           display_rec;
    page_number          page_table_type;
    CURSOR cur_job IS
         SELECT      jtl.JOB_TITLE job_title
              ,jtl.COMPANY_NAME company_name
              ,a.APPLY_DATE apply_date
         FROM job_tl jtl, applied_for_job a, gateway gt
         WHERE a.job_seeker_id=app.job_Seeker
         AND a.job_id=jtl.job_id
         AND a.lang=jtl.lang
         AND a.gateway=gt.gateway
         ORDER BY a.apply_date;
    This decode is a problem
                   ,col_name_t(1), jtl.job_title
                   ,col_name_t(2), jtl.company_name
                   ,col_name_t(3), TO_CHAR(a.apply_date, 'YYYYMMDDhh24miss')
                   ) ASC
                   ,col_name_t(1), jtl.job_title
                   ,col_name_t(2), jtl.company_name
                   ,col_name_t(3), TO_CHAR(a.apply_date, 'YYYYMMDDhh24miss')
                   ) DESC
    r               rec_one;
    SELECT username,first_name
    INTO l_js_name,l_js_first_name
    FROM gam_user
    WHERE user_id = App.job_seeker;
    'Personal Job List'
         ,'##first_name##',l_js_first_name),'N' ,TRUE ,'Pxx');
    ----- get numer of records returned by query
    INTO l_total_rec
    FROM     job_tl jtl,applied_for_job a
         ,gateway gt
    WHERE a.job_id = jtl.job_id
    AND     a.job_seeker_id     = App.job_seeker
    AND     a.gateway     = gt.gateway ;
    ------get number of pages
    l_total_pages:=CEIL (l_total_rec/l_lines);
    l_jobs_applied := 0;
    col_name := pi_sort_col;
    col_order := pi_sort_col;
    --get first positions
    l_first := (nvl(l_my_page_no,1) - 1) * l_lines + 1;
    FOR rec IN cur_job LOOP
         l_cnt := l_cnt + 1;
         EXIT WHEN l_cnt > l_first + l_lines - 1;
         IF l_cnt >= l_first THEN
              l_scr_lines := l_scr_lines + 1;      
              r(l_scr_lines) := rec;          --assign counter from loop to r index
              IF rec.apply_date IS NOT NULL THEN
              l_jobs_applied := l_jobs_applied + 1;
              END IF;
         END IF;
    htp.p('<FORM ACTION="'||App.gateway||'8.my_application_list" METHOD="post">');
    htp.p('<table align="center">');
    IF r.COUNT = 0 THEN
    END IF;
    --table_heading(col_name ,col_order );
    htp.p('<table align=center>');
    htp.p('<tr align="center"><td>');
    FOR i IN 1..l_total_pages LOOP
         page_number(i) := i;
         IF page_number(i) = l_total_pages THEN
         Web_Pkg_Elements.doc_val_small(page_number(i)||' |'||'</A>');     
         END IF;
    htp.p('<table align=center>');
    FOR l_curline IN 1..l_scr_lines LOOP
         display(1) := NVL(r(l_curline).job_title, '<br>');
         display(2) := NVL(r(l_curline).company_name, '<br>');
         display(3) := NVL(Cc_Pkg_Nls.date2char(r(l_curline).apply_date, App.date_format), '<br>');
         IF MOD(l_curline, 2) = 0 THEN     
         END IF;
         htp.p('     <td>');
         htp.p('     </td>');
    htp.p('<TABLE width="88%" BORDER="0" CELLPADDING="0" CELLSPACING="0"
    htp.p('<tr valign=bottom>');
    htp.p('<TD colspan=2 align=right>');
    IF l_my_page_no > 1 THEN
         htp.p('<P>'||'<IMG SRC="'||App.image||'prev.gif" ALT="'
         ||'"'     ||' HEIGHT=20 BORDER=0 ALIGN=bottom '
    END IF;
    IF l_my_page_no < CEIL (l_total_rec/l_lines) THEN
         htp.p(' <a href="'||$$(App.gateway||'8.my_application_list?'
         ||'&pi_msg=&pi_page_no='||TO_CHAR(l_my_page_no + 1)
         ||">'||'<IMG SRC="'||App.image||'next.gif" ALT="'
         ||'"' ||' HEIGHT=20 BORDER=0 ALIGN=bottom '
    END IF;
    htp.p('     </TABLE>');
    htp.formHidden('pi_sort_col', pi_sort_col);
    htp.formHidden('pi_page_no', pi_page_no);
    END my_application_list;
    END ; --cc_pkg_application_list

  • Why do I get a class conflict between the Prepare and the Get Column with the SQL Toolkit compatibility vis from the Database Connectivity Toolkit?

    I have done extensive programming with the SQL Toolkit with LabVIEW versions through 6.1. My customer now wants to upgrade to Windows 7, so I am trying to upgrade to LabVIEW 2009 (my latest purchased version) using the Database Connectivity Toolkit, and the SQL Toolkit Compatibility vis. Everything seemed to be going okay with the higher level SQL operations, but I ran into trouble with the Get Column 
    The pictures below show the problem. The original SQL Toolkit connected the Prepare with the Get Column with a cluster of two references, one for connection, and one for sql. The new compatibility vis have a class conflict in the wire because the Prepare contains a cluster with connection, and command references, but the Get Column expects a cluster with connection and recordset references. 
    How do I resolve this conflict?
    Thank You.

    I've never worked with the old version of the toolkit, so I don't know how it did things, but looking inside the SQL prep VI, it only generates a command, and the the column name VI wants a recordset. I'm not super familiar with all the internals of ADO, but my understanding is that is standard - you only have the columns after you execute the command and get the recordset back. What you can apparently do here is insert the Execute Prepared SQL VI in the middle and that will return what you need.
    I'm not sure why it worked before. Maybe the execute was hidden inside the prep VI or maybe you can get the column names out of the command object before execution. In general, I would recommend considering switching to the newer VIs.
    Try to take over the world!

  • Unable to locate the xml-definition for FieldName with FieldId '1f8a351c-965d-4927-9c22-8772b7089f55' when trying to activate feature with references a custom field type

    I´ve a solution which contains a custom field type (found somewhere on the net, the custom field type maps a choice field to managed metadata). There is a second solution which contains site column and site content type definitions using the custom field
    type definition from field type solution.
    On my developement environment, there is no problem with this two solutions. When field type solution is deployed, i can deploy the content type solution and activate the feature and everything is fine.
    However if i give the two solutions to our adminstrator to deploy them into our staging environment, content type feature activation fails. Deploying the field type solution makes no problems. The field type is then available and i can manually creates
    columns with this new field type. However activating the content type solution fails with the error shown in the title of this message. The FieldID from the message is not part of my content type project. Searching the net doens´t show any results for that
    id. So i think it´s not some of the standard field id´s from sharepoint.
    Can anyone help?

     Stack Trace
    Unable to locate the xml-definition for FieldName with FieldId '1f8a351c-965d-4927-9c22-8772b7089f55', exception: Microsoft.SharePoint.SPException: Catastrophic failure (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8000FFFF (E_UNEXPECTED)) ---> System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x8000FFFF): Catastrophic failure (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8000FFFF (E_UNEXPECTED))
    at Microsoft.SharePoint.Library.SPRequestInternalClass.GetGlobalContentTypeXml(String bstrUrl, Int32 type, UInt32 lcid, Object varIdBytes)
    at Microsoft.SharePoint.Library.SPRequest.GetGlobalContentTypeXml(String bstrUrl, Int32 type, UInt32 lcid, Object varIdBytes) -
    -- End of inner exception stack trace ---
    at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPGlobal.HandleComException(COMException comEx)
    at Microsoft.SharePoint.Library.SPRequest.GetGlobalContentTypeXml(String bstrUrl, Int32 type, UInt32 lcid, Object varIdBytes)
    at Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFieldCollection.FetchFieldsFromWeb()

  • How to use get column in SQL toolkit 2.0?

    Due to the vi "get column" paremeters,no table name has connected to the vi. So, I want to ask how to use this vi for gain one column name of a table. Maybe there are some other ways to solve column name getting.

    Error 4101 Description:
    Execute SQL - The connection, statement, or query handle you provided is not valid.
    I don't just used the toolkit in a while,now, I am developing a irrigation system. For the table field names defined by users,column names must be known before any select operations. Do you have any other good idea about drawing out the columnname parameters?
    As you know, a valid DSN and table have been also available. The database I used is Access. The bad thing to me is that there is no any text information gotten. And I think, it may be some problems in connection way which I don't find out.
    Really appreciated by your reply.
    Could you give me some example in the aspect?
    Thank you again.

  • How to get column names for a specific view in the scheme?

    how to get column names for a specific view in the scheme?
    Don't have DD on the wall anymore....

    or this?
    SQL> select text from ALL_VIEWS
      2  where VIEW_NAME
      3  ='EMP_VIEW';
    SELECT empno,ename FROM EMP
    WHERE empno=10

  • Getting column names using EJB3.0

    Could someone help me how to get column names in EJB3.0.
    I am having reference to folloiwng ejb.
    @Table(name = "users")
    @org.hibernate.annotations.Entity(dynamicInsert = true, dynamicUpdate = true)
    @SequenceGenerator(name = "users", sequenceName = "users")
    public class User {
    private Long userId;
    private String username;
    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO, generator = "users_seq")
    @Column(name = "user_id")
    public Long getUserId() {
    return userId;
    public void setUserId(Long userId) {
    this.userId = userId;
    @Column(name = "username")
    public String getUsername() {
    return username;
    public void setUsername(String username) {
    this.username = username;
    Thanks in advance

    You shouldn't be getting column names from EJBs.
    You need to know the object, the schema, and how to map one to the other.
    So you should look at the SQL table "users" and map this object to it.

  • Custom field type vs user controls

    I saw one example for creating page layouts. In that they are adding the controls to page layout using custom fields . we can use user controls for same right ? when we need custom field types and when we need user controls. 

    You can use user controls in pagelayouts, but they won't store/retrieve the information from the underlying metadata like the field controls will.
    Paul Stork SharePoint Server MVP
    Principal Architect: Blue Chip Consulting Group
    Twitter: Follow @pstork
    Please remember to mark your question as "answered" if this solves your problem.

  • Uniquifyforuser failed to get unique name size, code 1355

    Just installed v11.1.1.1 on Windows XP SP2.
    When I launch Excel, I get:
    uniquifyforuser failed to get unique name size, code 1355
    When I launch Visual Explorer, I get the same thing.
    Any clues?

    What should the ARBORPATH be? I am getting the same message, and the excel add in continues to fail. I know it is registered, but are the files in the wrong location? Where should the files be installed or copied?
    My workstation arborpath is labeled: C:\Hyperion\products\Essbase\EssbaseClient
    The .dll files are in the following location: C:\Hyperion\products\Essbase\EssbaseClient\api\redist
    Should the workstation arborpath point to the api\redist ?
    thank you in advance.
    Edited by: user1733663 on May 7, 2009 7:25 AM
    Upon further investigation, the Oracle Essbase Release indicates the "known problem" and fixes it with this release.
    Edited by: user1733663 on May 8, 2009 8:28 AM

  • Getting column names for a particular Table from Connection object.

    Can any one suggests me a way to get column names from a particular table of a database from the java.sql.Connection object. ?
    Thanks in advance.

    Connection connection;
    DatabaseMetaData metadata = connection.getMetaData();
      String[] names = {"TABLE"};
      ResultSet tables = metadata.getTables(null,"%", "%", names);
      while ( {
      String tableName = tables.getString("TABLE_NAME");
       ResultSet columns = metadata.getColumns(null, "%", tableName, "%");
    while ( {
      String columnName = columns.getString("COLUMN_NAME");

  • Jakata POI excel: get column name

    Hi All
    Is there a way I can get column name where a particular cell is: (In excel spreadsheet)
    Ex: If I have column number 2: I should get "C" ( given col numbers are 0 based).
    Please let me know.

    It's not as easy as it might seem, since the letter sequence system is not compatible with common numeric sequence system.
    See here:
    [Java, POI - Converting number to Excel columns letter names|]

  • Custom fields not getting updated in Mass Maintenance-MM17

    I have created a custom field in MARC table and the data is getting updated to the MARC table through MM01/MM02 but it is not getting updated by MM17.  I have checked the notes 44410, 576160, 414020 and 116311.  I have done the following changes as per the sap notes.
    1. Created a custom segment ZE1MARCM by copying the standard segment E1MARCM and added the custom field in that  
    2. I have extended the IDOC 'MATMAS03' and added the custom segment ZE1MARCM to E1MARAM.
    3. Created a new entry in we82 and provided the extension type 'ZMATMAS03' and release '701'.
    4. Adjusted the partner profile in we20 for matmas with port and providing the extension idoc type.
    5. Added the custom field in the table MASSFLDLST.
    6. Implemented the code in BADI 'MG_MASS_NEWSEG' and exits 'EXIT_SAPLMV01_002' , 'EXIT_SAPLMV02_002' as per the 
        sap notes.
    The custom field is not getting updated through mass maintenance.  Please let me know if i have missed anything?

    I had this same question several years ago. Please check my answer at Initialize MARC Custom Fields Using MM17 Does Not Work

  • Custom fields with the same name in Project Online

    Today I discovered something interesting when creating custom fields in Project Online.
    I usually create a certain set of custom fields that are useful to have on both the project and the task level. An example of these is Reportable, which I use to determine which tasks to roll up into reports and also which projects overall to report on.
    So I created a project level custom field called Reportable. No problem.
    I then created a custom field on the task level called Reportable. And the computer said no!
    I then learned that although you could do this in Project Server 2013, you can't in Project Online. You can't have duplicate custom field names, even if they are of different types.
    This has led me to use a naming standard, such as Reportable Task and Reportable Project. But I really don't like that as codes are for computers, not us humans. So I hope this changes in the future, but for now you just need to think about how you approach
    the fields.
    Good luck!
    Ryan Darby
    National Manager PMO

    Hi Ryan,
    I would follow Ben on this..
    Just made a test on a Project 2013 instance on-premise and I cannot create a task ECF and a project ECF with the same name. The same test on a Online instance returns the same result: the ECF names must be unique whatever the entity is.
    Waiting for Ben's confirmation.
    Hope this helps,
    Guillaume Rouyre, MBA, MVP, P-Seller |

Maybe you are looking for