Custom rule unexpected behaviour ("check comments demo")

The standard "check comments demo" of DM3, via Tools > Design Rules > Custom rules.
That rule fires on all tables. The warning is a bit unusual. It's the name of the rule, but I have been expecting one of the ruleMessage-s that are programmed in the code...
See the screen [|]
Can you help me fix that?
Edited by: T. on May 30, 2011 7:55 AM

I see you have copied text from library and put it as script. Script and library are used/evaluated in different way - function has return statement, last expression is taken as return value for script.
In your case - you just need to invoke the function defined (you have definition, no usage):

Similar Messages

  • Migration of Fxcop Custom Rules to Visuatl Studio 2012

    I have an existing custom rule which was written in visual studio 2008 using fxocp SDK 1.35 and Microsoft.CCI 1.35. Now i am migrating it to latest version of Fxcop 11.0 and Microsoft .cci 11.0 using Vistual Studio 2012.
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    //using Microsoft.FxCop.Sdk.Introspection;
    //using Microsoft.Cci;
    using Microsoft.FxCop.Sdk;
    using System.Collections;
    using System.IO;
    namespace LDOFxCopCustomRules.Rules.Design
    class DisposableObjectsShouldBeDisposed : BaseDesignRules
    string sFileName = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["FolderForOutput"] + "\\" + @"DisposableObjectsShouldBeDisposed.Xls";
    bool bDisplayErrors = String.IsNullOrEmpty(System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["FolderForOutput"]);
    //string sExceptionLogFileName = @"D:\RTE.txt";
    static string sLockString = "Lock";
    string sFormat = "{0}\t{1}\t{2}\t{3}\n";
    string sAssemblyName;
    string sClassName;
    string sLineNumber;
    // Fields
    private Hashtable m_fieldsOwnedByType;
    private Hashtable m_fieldsWithDispose;
    private Method m_method;
    // Methods
    public DisposableObjectsShouldBeDisposed()
    : base("DisposableObjectsShouldBeDisposed")
    this.m_fieldsWithDispose = new Hashtable();
    this.m_fieldsOwnedByType = new Hashtable();
    if (!bDisplayErrors && !File.Exists(sFileName))
    if (!bShowInAllReport)
    lock (sLockString)
    File.WriteAllText(sFileName, string.Format(sFormat, "Assembly", "Class", "Method (fully qualified name)", "Line number"));
    public override ProblemCollection Check(Member member)
    string sTemp = member.FullName;
    bool bFinally = false;
    bool bDataReader = false;
    bool bDisposedCalled = false;
    int nDataReaderCount = 0;
    Local oCheckLocal;
    Method oMethod = null;
    int nCurrent = 0;
    InstructionList oList = null;
    this.m_method = RuleUtilities.GetMethod(member);
    if (this.m_method == null)
    return null;
    //if (!this.m_method.DeclaringType.IsAssignableTo(SystemTypes.IDisposable))
    // return null;
    //if (RuleUtilities.ExtendsControl(this.m_method.DeclaringType))
    // return null;
    //if (!RuleUtilities.IsDisposeBool(this.m_method) && (!RuleUtilities.IsDisposeMethod(this.m_method) || HasDisposeBoolMethod(this.m_method.DeclaringType)))
    // return null;
    if (this.m_method.DeclaringType.IsAssignableTo(SystemTypes.IDisposable))
    if (RuleUtilities.ExtendsControl(this.m_method.DeclaringType))
    return null;
    if (!RuleUtilities.IsDisposeBool(this.m_method) && (!RuleUtilities.IsDisposeMethod(this.m_method) || HasDisposeBoolMethod(this.m_method.DeclaringType)))
    return null;
    sClassName = m_method.DeclaringType.Name.Name;
    sAssemblyName = m_method.DeclaringType.DeclaringModule.ContainingAssembly.ModuleName;
    MemberList members = this.m_method.DeclaringType.Members;
    for (int i = 0; i < members.Length; i++)
    switch (members[i].NodeType)
    case NodeType.Field:
    Field field = members[i] as Field;
    if (!field.IsStatic && field.Type.IsAssignableTo(SystemTypes.IDisposable))
    this.m_fieldsWithDispose[field] = null;
    case NodeType.InstanceInitializer:
    case NodeType.Method:
    this.VisitMethod(members[i] as Method);
    new DisposeVisitor(this.m_fieldsWithDispose).Visit(this.m_method);
    if (this.m_fieldsWithDispose.Count > 0)
    foreach (Field field2 in this.m_fieldsWithDispose.Keys)
    if (this.m_fieldsOwnedByType.Contains(field2))
    string str = RuleUtilities.Format(this.m_method.DeclaringType);
    string str2 = RuleUtilities.Format(field2.Type);
    sLineNumber = field2.SourceContext.StartLine.ToString();
    Problem item = new Problem(base.GetResolution(new string[] { str, field2.Name.Name, str2 }), field2.Name.Name);
    if (bDisplayErrors)
    if (bShowInAllReport)
    lock (LockClass.objLockAllReport)
    File.AppendAllText(sSingleReportName, string.Format(sSingleReportFormat, sAssemblyName, sClassName, m_method.FullName, sLineNumber, "DisposableObjectsShouldBeDisposed"));
    lock (sLockString)
    File.AppendAllText(sFileName, string.Format(sFormat, sAssemblyName, sClassName, m_method.FullName, sLineNumber));
    if (member.NodeType == NodeType.Method)
    oMethod = member as Method;
    // The below block is to identify if any of the method's class is implemented from the interface IDataReader.
    // If that is the case, the method will be skipped and next method will be picked.
    // Ideally, this should be changed to scanning each class, skipping if it has implemented IDataReader and then
    // scan the methods for proper usage of IDataReader. But due to time constraints, this change is not done
    TypeNode typ = oMethod.DeclaringType;
    InterfaceList intList = typ.Interfaces; // get the list of interfaces of the class and check for IDataReader
    foreach (Interface intf in intList)
    if (intf.FullName.Contains("IDataReader"))
    return null;
    // Start the actual logic
    if (oMethod != null)
    oList = oMethod.Instructions;
    Instruction oInstruction;
    for (nCurrent = 0; nCurrent < oList.Length; nCurrent++)
    oInstruction = oList[nCurrent];
    if (oInstruction.OpCode == OpCode._Locals)
    LocalList oLocalList = oInstruction.Value as LocalList;
    int nCount = oLocalList.Length;
    for (int nIdx = 0; nIdx < nCount; nIdx++)
    if (oLocalList[nIdx].Type.Name.Name == "IDataReader")
    bDataReader = true;
    if (nDataReaderCount > 0)
    if (oInstruction.OpCode == OpCode._Finally)
    bFinally = true;
    if (bFinally)
    if (oInstruction.OpCode == OpCode.Callvirt)
    oCheckLocal = oList[nCurrent - 1].Value as Local;
    if (oCheckLocal != null && oCheckLocal.Type != null && oCheckLocal.Name != null && oCheckLocal.Type.Name.Name != null && oCheckLocal.Type.Name.Name == "IDataReader")
    bDisposedCalled = true;
    // Microsoft.FxCop.Sdk.Problem oProblem = new Microsoft.FxCop.Sdk.Problem(base.GetResolution(sTemp1), oMethod.Name.Name);
    if (bDataReader && !bDisposedCalled)
    sClassName = oMethod.DeclaringType.Name.Name;
    sAssemblyName = oMethod.DeclaringType.DeclaringModule.ContainingAssembly.ModuleName;
    sLineNumber = nCurrent > 0 && nCurrent < oList.Length? oList[0].SourceContext.StartLine.ToString().Trim() : string.Empty;
    if (bDisplayErrors)
    Microsoft.FxCop.Sdk.Problem oProblem = new Microsoft.FxCop.Sdk.Problem(base.GetResolution(sTemp), sClassName);
    if (bShowInAllReport)
    lock (LockClass.objLockAllReport)
    File.AppendAllText(sSingleReportName, string.Format(sSingleReportFormat, sAssemblyName, sClassName, m_method.FullName, sLineNumber, "DisposableObjectsShouldBeDisposed"));
    lock (sLockString)
    File.AppendAllText(sFileName, string.Format(sFormat, sAssemblyName, sClassName, oMethod.FullName, sLineNumber));
    return base.Problems;
    private static bool HasDisposeBoolMethod(TypeNode type)
    MemberList members = type.Members;
    int num = 0;
    int length = members.Length;
    while (num < length)
    Method method = members[num] as Method;
    if ((method != null) && RuleUtilities.IsDisposeBool(method))
    return true;
    return false;
    public override Statement VisitAssignmentStatement(AssignmentStatement assignment)
    MemberBinding target = assignment.Target as MemberBinding;
    if (target != null)
    Field boundMember = target.BoundMember as Field;
    if (((boundMember != null) && (boundMember.DeclaringType == this.m_method.DeclaringType)) && (assignment.Source is Construct))
    this.m_fieldsOwnedByType[boundMember] = null;
    return base.VisitAssignmentStatement(assignment);
    // Properties
    public override TargetVisibilities TargetVisibility
    return TargetVisibilities.All;
    // Nested Types
    private class DisposeVisitor : StandardVisitor
    // Fields
    private Hashtable m_fieldsWithDispose;
    private Method m_method;
    private Hashtable m_recursionCache = new Hashtable();
    private Hashtable m_variableToFieldMap = new Hashtable();
    // Methods
    internal DisposeVisitor(Hashtable fieldsWithDispose)
    this.m_fieldsWithDispose = fieldsWithDispose;
    public override Statement VisitAssignmentStatement(AssignmentStatement assignment)
    Local target = assignment.Target as Local;
    if (target != null)
    MemberBinding source = assignment.Source as MemberBinding;
    if (source != null)
    Field boundMember = source.BoundMember as Field;
    if ((boundMember != null) && (boundMember.DeclaringType == this.m_method.DeclaringType))
    this.m_variableToFieldMap[target] = boundMember;
    return base.VisitAssignmentStatement(assignment);
    public override Method VisitMethod(Method method)
    this.m_method = method;
    return base.VisitMethod(method);
    public override Expression VisitMethodCall(MethodCall call)
    MemberBinding callee = call.Callee as MemberBinding;
    if (callee != null)
    Method boundMember = callee.BoundMember as Method;
    if (boundMember == null)
    return base.VisitMethodCall(call);
    MemberBinding targetObject = callee.TargetObject as MemberBinding;
    Field key = null;
    if (targetObject == null)
    Local local = callee.TargetObject as Local;
    if (local != null)
    key = this.m_variableToFieldMap[local] as Field;
    key = targetObject.BoundMember as Field;
    if (((key != null) && this.m_fieldsWithDispose.ContainsKey(key)) && (((boundMember.Name.Name == "Dispose") || (boundMember.Name.Name == "Close")) || ((boundMember.Name.Name == "Clear") && boundMember.DeclaringType.IsAssignableTo(FrameworkTypes.HashAlgorithm))))
    else if ((boundMember.DeclaringType == this.m_method.DeclaringType) && !this.m_recursionCache.Contains(boundMember))
    this.m_recursionCache[boundMember] = null;
    return base.VisitMethodCall(call);
    Below errors are raised. Please let me know the solution
    1. Error 2 Inconsistent accessibility: base class 'Microsoft.FxCop.Sdk.StandardVisitor' is less accessible than class 'LDOFxCopCustomRules.Rules.Design.DisposableObjectsShouldBeDisposed.DisposeVisitor' D:\LDOFxCopCustomRules\DisposableObjectsShouldBeDisposed.cs 287 23 LDOFxCopCustomRules
    Error 3 'Microsoft.FxCop.Sdk.StandardVisitor' is inaccessible due to its protection level D:\LDOFxCopCustomRules\DisposableObjectsShouldBeDisposed.cs 287 40 LDOFxCopCustomRules
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    //using Microsoft.FxCop.Sdk.Introspection;
    //using Microsoft.Cci;
    using Microsoft.FxCop.Sdk;
    using System.Collections;
    using System.IO;
    namespace LDOFxCopCustomRules.Rules.Design
    class AvoidUnusedParameters : BaseDesignRules
    string sFileName = System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["FolderForOutput"] + "\\" + @"AvoidUnusedParameters.Xls";
    bool bDisplayErrors = String.IsNullOrEmpty(System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["FolderForOutput"]);
    //string sExceptionLogFileName = @"D:\RTE.txt";
    static string sLockString = "Lock";
    string sFormat = "{0}\t{1}\t{2}\t{3}\n";
    string sAssemblyName;
    string sClassName;
    string sLineNumber;
    private Hashtable m_parameterUsage;
    public AvoidUnusedParameters()
    : base("AvoidUnusedParameters")
    this.m_parameterUsage = new Hashtable();
    if (!bDisplayErrors && !File.Exists(sFileName))
    if (!bShowInAllReport)
    lock (sLockString)
    File.WriteAllText(sFileName, string.Format(sFormat, "Assembly", "Class", "Method (fully qualified name)", "Line number"));
    public override ProblemCollection Check(Member member)
    Method method = member as Method;
    if (!ShouldAnalyze(method))
    return null;
    if (CallGraph.FunctionPointersFor(method).Length > 0)
    return null;
    if (method.DeclaringType.IsAssignableTo(SystemTypes.Delegate))
    return null;
    if (RuleUtilities.IsEventHandling(method))
    return null;
    if (RuleUtilities.IsVisualBasicModule(method.DeclaringType.DeclaringModule) && (method.Name.Name == "Dispose__Instance__"))
    return null;
    if (RuleUtilities.HasCustomAttribute(method, SystemTypes.ConditionalAttribute))
    return null;
    for (int i = 0; i < method.Instructions.Length; i++)
    switch (method.Instructions[i].OpCode)
    case OpCode.Ldarg_0:
    case OpCode.Ldarg_1:
    case OpCode.Ldarg_2:
    case OpCode.Ldarg_3:
    case OpCode.Ldarg_S:
    case OpCode.Ldarga_S:
    case OpCode.Ldarg:
    case OpCode.Ldarga:
    Parameter parameter = method.Instructions[i].Value as Parameter;
    this.m_parameterUsage[parameter] = null;
    sClassName = method.DeclaringType.Name.Name;
    sAssemblyName = method.DeclaringType.DeclaringModule.ContainingAssembly.ModuleName;
    sLineNumber = method.SourceContext.StartLine.ToString();
    for (int j = 0; j < method.Parameters.Length; j++)
    Parameter key = method.Parameters[j];
    if (!this.m_parameterUsage.ContainsKey(key))
    FixCategories breaking = FixCategories.Breaking;
    if (!method.IsVisibleOutsideAssembly)
    breaking = FixCategories.NonBreaking;
    string str = RuleUtilities.Format(method);
    string name = method.Parameters[j].Name.Name;
    Problem item = new Problem(base.GetResolution(new string[] { name, str }), name);
    item.FixCategory = breaking;
    if (bDisplayErrors)
    if (bShowInAllReport)
    lock (LockClass.objLockAllReport)
    File.AppendAllText(sSingleReportName, string.Format(sSingleReportFormat, sAssemblyName, sClassName, method.FullName, sLineNumber, "AvoidUnusedParameters"));
    lock (sLockString)
    File.AppendAllText(sFileName, string.Format(sFormat, sAssemblyName, sClassName, method.FullName, sLineNumber));
    return base.Problems;
    private static bool IsVSUnitTestInitializer(Method method)
    if ((method.IsStatic && (method.ReturnType == SystemTypes.Void)) && ((method.Parameters.Length == 1) && (method.Parameters[0].Type.Name.Name == "TestContext")))
    for (int i = 0; i < method.Attributes.Length; i++)
    AttributeNode node = method.Attributes[i];
    if ((node.Type.Name.Name == "AssemblyInitializeAttribute") || (node.Type.Name.Name == "ClassInitializeAttribute"))
    return true;
    return false;
    private static bool ShouldAnalyze(Method method)
    if (method == null)
    return false;
    if ((method.Parameters.Length == 0) && method.IsStatic)
    return false;
    if (method.IsVirtual)
    return false;
    if (method.IsExtern)
    return false;
    if (method.IsAbstract)
    return false;
    if (RuleUtilities.IsFinalizer(method))
    return false;
    if (method.Name.Name == "__ENCUpdateHandlers")
    return false;
    Module declaringModule = method.DeclaringType.DeclaringModule;
    if (method.Name.Name.StartsWith("__", StringComparison.Ordinal) && RuleUtilities.IsAspAssembly(declaringModule))
    return false;
    if (RuleUtilities.IsISerializableConstructor(method))
    return false;
    if (IsVSUnitTestInitializer(method))
    return false;
    if (RuleUtilities.MethodOrItsTypeMarkedWithGeneratedCode(method))
    return false;
    return true;
    // Properties
    public override TargetVisibilities TargetVisibility
    return TargetVisibilities.All;
    Below Errors are raised
    Error 8 The name 'SystemTypes' does not exist in the current context D:\AvoidUnusedParameters.cs 53 49 LDOFxCopCustomRules
    Error 9 'Microsoft.FxCop.Sdk.RuleUtilities' does not contain a definition for 'IsVisualBasicModule' D:\AvoidUnusedParameters.cs 61 27 LDOFxCopCustomRules
    Error 11 'Microsoft.FxCop.Sdk.BaseIntrospectionRule.FixCategories' is a 'property' but is used like a 'type' D:\AvoidUnusedParameters.cs 98 17 LDOFxCopCustomRules
    Error 12 The best overloaded method match for 'Microsoft.FxCop.Sdk.RuleUtilities.Format(Microsoft.FxCop.Sdk.AttributeNode)' has some invalid arguments D:\AvoidUnusedParameters.cs 103 30 LDOFxCopCustomRules
    Error 13 Argument 1: cannot convert from 'Microsoft.FxCop.Sdk.Method' to 'Microsoft.FxCop.Sdk.AttributeNode' D:\AvoidUnusedParameters.cs 103 51 LDOFxCopCustomRules
    Error 14 The name 'SystemTypes' does not exist in the current context D:\AvoidUnusedParameters.cs 136 55 LDOFxCopCustomRules
    Error 16 The type or namespace name 'Module' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) D:\LDOFxCopCustomRules\AvoidUnusedParameters.cs 180 9 LDOFxCopCustomRules
    Error 17 'Microsoft.FxCop.Sdk.RuleUtilities' does not contain a definition for 'IsAspAssembly' D:\AvoidUnusedParameters.cs 181 90 LDOFxCopCustomRules
    Error 18 'Microsoft.FxCop.Sdk.RuleUtilities' does not contain a definition for 'MethodOrItsTypeMarkedWithGeneratedCode' D:\AvoidUnusedParameters.cs 193 27 LDOFxCopCustomRules

    Hi sathishkumarV,
    I am trying to involve someone familiar with this topic to further look at this issue. There might
    be some time delay. Appreciate your patience.
    Best Regards,
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Rule based GATP Check

    Hello experts,
    Our team has configured rule based gatp check parameters and maintained condition technique, relevant rules with product substitution, location substitution, profile parameters and rule determination.
    We are having four condition tables i.e. most specific to most generic and condition records are maintained for all the key combinations, whereas system is picking up the record, which is most generic.
    Please let me know how the system picks up the condition record in rule based atp check.
    Thanks and Regards,
    Sai Dacha

    Hi Anupam,
    Please find the comments.
    Can you also check your check instruction and see if it has
    --> "Activate RBA" and "Start immediately" check box checked for the check mode you guys are using and business event A
    Both the check boxes are checked for the relevant combination.
    If you have this setting then I would like you to check in master data where you have created Integrated Rules:
    I've maintained only one rule, which is in valid periods.
    Make sure you have maintained integrated rules correctly and assigned the correct location determination procedure.
    Checked both Production Substitution and Location determination procedures and their assignments.
    --> Very basic point but no harm in checking, sometimes we miss very basic things: Do you have all the locations in APO and also products at those location which you want to populate in the sales order.
    All the combinations of products and locations are in APO.
    Sai Dacha

  • Rule based ATP check

    We are implementening rule based ATP check for Sales order scnerio. Our Business process is
    1.Customer will cretate order for product P1 & Location L1.
    If stock is available, system will confirm the order else it should search for alternate product & location in following swquence
    2. Product P2, Location L1
    3. Product P1, Location L2
    4. Product P2, Location L2
    We have maintained all the configuration as per SAP bulding block for Rule based ATP check in SAP & APO server.
    Problem : If stock for requested Product location is not available, syetem does not propose the stock of alternate product & location as maintained in rule sequence. It gives error as :
    "No product found" "Internal error: Item /000000"
    Would appreciate if anyone can share information on fixing ths issue?
    With Regards
    Mangesh A. Kulkarni

    We have resolved the issue at our end..
    It was due to activation of unwanted exit in APO..
    Mangesh A. Kulkarni

  • SAP Personas: An unexpected behaviour has been detected and you have been disconnected – please log in again.

    Hallo everyone,
    We are installing Personas and facing several challenges.
    Personas 2 SP02 was installed according to instructions of Note '1848339 - Installation and Upgrade note for Personas' and configured according to the Config Guide v1.3 (rel. May 2014). The referenced notes were also applied as well as the 'How to config - FAQ' blog by Sushant.
    We are able to log on and execute transactions and perform activities successfully (e.g. SE80, SPRO, KB15, etc.).
    When trying to copy a screen the following error appears: 'An unexpected behaviour has been detected and you have been disconnected - please log in again.'
    Thereafter one can simply continue executing transactions without having to log in again.
    Please see the download of the error attached as per blog: SAP Screen Personas Support Tips – client side logging
    The HAR is unfortunately too large to attach. Are there any alternatives?
    Thank you in advance for you assistance!
    Kind regards,
    Message was edited by: Daniel K

    I have never worked on SAP PERSONA but you can try below things
    1)try to use different user or J2ee_admin since it might be same user multiple session case
    2) Try with different browser since plugins can behave unexpectedly
    3)Make entry in host file also
    4) check dev_icm logs
    5) check on ABAP side for dumps in ST22
    Warm Regards,

  • Udev problems still - 060-3 won't process my custom rules

    Following the problems with 060-1, I went back to 058-4 - everything was fine, as expected. When I saw 060-2 and then 060-3 in current, I figured I'd give it another shot. It looked fine initially i.e. it didn't break my network. However, none of my custom rules for USB devices are working under 060-3.
    So I'm back to 058-4 - and everything's fine again.

    i have two rules files in /etc/udev/rules.d :
    all my usb stick rules are in my perso files.
    even if the pero file should be treated first, my usb sticks and ipod were not detected and treated according to my perso rules.
    I had to comment out most of the scsi rules in 10-udev.rules for it to work:
    # scsi block devices
    #BUS="scsi", KERNEL="sd[a-z]", PROGRAM="/etc/udev/scripts/ %k %b %n", SYMLINK="%c{1} %c{2}"
    #BUS="scsi", KERNEL="sd[a-z][0-9]*", PROGRAM="/etc/udev/scripts/ %k %b %n", SYMLINK="%c{1} %c{2}"
    #BUS="scsi", KERNEL="sd[a-i][a-z]", PROGRAM="/etc/udev/scripts/ %k %b %n", SYMLINK="%c{1} %c{2}"
    #BUS="scsi", KERNEL="sd[a-i][a-z][0-9]*", PROGRAM="/etc/udev/scripts/ %k %b %n", SYMLINK="%c{1} %c{2}"
    #BUS="scsi", KERNEL="s[grt][0-9]*", PROGRAM="/etc/udev/scripts/ %k %b %n", SYMLINK="%c{1} %c{2}"
    #BUS="scsi", KERNEL="scd[0-9]*", PROGRAM="/etc/udev/scripts/ %k %b %n", SYMLINK="%c{1} %c{2}"
    #BUS="scsi", KERNEL="st[0-9]*", PROGRAM="/etc/udev/scripts/ %k %b %n", SYMLINK="%c{1} %c{2}"
    #BUS="scsi", KERNEL="nst[0-9]*", PROGRAM="/etc/udev/scripts/ %k %b %n", SYMLINK="%c{1} %c{2}"
    only after that my usb sticks were detected and processed by udev with my own rules.
    I just installed ARCH for the first time a few days ago so i don't know if this problem was due to the new udev version or not.
    hope this helps

  • Security rule whether be checked when journal import

    Hi All,
    Thanks for your attention, I have got an issue about security rule.
    When I used gl_interface to import journals into EBS system, I think the security rules will not be checked, it only check cross-validation, but I found sometimes security rule is checked for some responsibilities when journal import, why this happened, and is there any profile or setup to control it?
    Thanks for your help.
    Best Regards

    Hi Spark,
    It looks like Journal Import doesn't check for Security rules, but it checks for cross validation rules upon dynamic insertion. Sorry for the misled earlier. You can check the metalink note, Journal Import - FAQ [ID 107059.1]. Here are the comments for the note,
    A04. Does the Journal Import process check for Cross-Validation or Security
    Rules violations?
    Journal Import does not check security rules. Transactions that come
    from Oracle subledgers (AR, AP, etc.) already have the CCID (Code
    Combination ID) in the GL_INTERFACE table. These have been validated
    in the feeder system.
    You can also populate the accounting segments directly into the
    gl_interface table and let Journal Import populate the
    code_combination_id. If dynamic insertion is enabled, and this is a
    new combination, then the import program will check for cross
    validation rule violations.

  • Custom Rule - Problem in passin values From Rule Container to WF Container?

    Hi Guys,
    I am having hard time passing values back from my custom rule. I have created a custom rule to determine the agents in PFAC which takes in the Person number as import element of container. It determines the Manager as agent and I am passing Managers Person Number back to workflow. If he dont approve the Request then it will be passed to his boss. In this case I will pass this imported Mangers Person number back to rule so that his boss will be determined as agent. I  have created ZRULE function module. I am passing value back from Rule container to Workflow Container using following code.
    swc_set_element ac_container 'SUPERPERNR'  lf_super_pernr.
    I have created a element SUPERPERNR on rule container and workflow container as well .The problem is in the Rule container I am not able to create SUPERPERNR as export parameter. The tick mark is grayed out and there is no option for setting it as export.
    My question is do I have create a Export element on Rule container or Not? If i just write the code
    ( swc_set_element ac_container 'SUPERPERNR'  lf_super_pernr ) will it set the value in WF container? In my case it is not setting. I have to bind the values from rule container to WF container and if My rule container element is not allowing me to click the tick mark as export how can i pass value of of rule container back to WF Container?
    Please help me guys.

    Hi Manish,
         Same scenario I have developed in my system. This all steps I did in my system.
    1) Created a Z function module which takes import parameter (Parameter name = 'EMP') in the
        format 'US100123'.
    2) This in turn fetches back the supevisor or boss as an export parameter (Parameter name = 'BOSS') in
         the format 'US100245'.
    3) This function module is attached to a BUS object(SWO1).
    4) While attaching this function module to BUS object you need not do any manual coding it is done
    5) Implement, release and generate this BUS object.
    6) Create a new variable in your workflow (Parameter name = 'ZSUPERVISOR') for storing the value
        which is returned by the Z method.
    7) Create a new task.
    8) Put in your BUS object name, then your Z method name, select background processing checkbox.
    9) Press save, it will ask for transfer of missing elements, select yes.
    10) Then you will see a green button below your Z method name click on it.
    11) Top portion contains your Z method variables, below to it you have the import parameter window in
          this window you should have &EMP& -> &EMP&., below to import parameter window you have
          export parameter window in this window you should have &BOSS& <- &BOSS&. (This is method
    12) Now click on enter button then click on back button it will generate the task binding automatically
         just press yes.
    13) Now click on binding exist button.
    14) Here you have the Workflow container variables as well as the system container variables.
    15) In the import parameter window left portion is for your workflow variables and right portion is for your 
          method variables. In my case i had sent workflow initiator and fetched his supervisor. The Import
          parameter binding was &WF_INTIATOR& -> &EMP&. and the export parameter binding part was
          &ZSUPERVISOR& <- &BOSS&.
    16) Save the task and run the workflow.
    Vaibhav Patil.

  • InfoPath form load rule is not checking all the rows in form library

    We have a form library named "HR Annual Review". In the InfoPath form we have two buttons "Save" and "Submit". User is allowed to Save multiple times and only once using Submit button. The file name of form library "HR
    Annual Review" will be stored in the format “<username>+<mm>+<dd>+<yy>.xml”. Say for example, an user named Mike Walt submitted a form then the file name will be as “MikeWalt012314.xml”. If the same user (Mike Walt)
    submits the form and tries to open the form for subsequent edit, then we need to show a view which has an error info saying “The Appraisal is already submitted for the current appraisal cycle”.
    Solution we tried:
    To achieve the above requirement, we tried using InfoPath Form Load and add a rule to check whether the combination of current user name and the year already exists in the filename column of the form library. But the rule we applied is not checking all the
    rows in the form library. The rule is always checking the first row of the form library.
    What we need:
    We need the validation using InfoPath rule or some other way/solution to check whether the combination of current login username and current year file already exists in the form library.
    Thanks in advance.
    Srivignesh J

    Hi Srivignesh,
    Submit button Uses the Main Data connection to submit the data to the list. This is what you are using and naming the file in the format. You can create secondary data submit that will update the exiting item in the list. With this, you don't have to create
    any rules to check all the rows which is also not possible in OOB InfoPath.
    Once you have the two data connection, hide the toolbar from the form and display these two on the button. For The Submit button, apply the rule to hide the button if created by is not empty. For Save button, apply the rule to hide the button if Created
    By is empty. This way, when a new form is created, you will see the Submit button, and when the user have to update the form, they will see Save button. Hope it help.s
    Regards, Kapil ***Please mark answer as Helpful or Answered after consideration***

  • Unexpected behaviour upon pressing the 'Enter' key on dialog screen

    I have two dialog screens that exhibit unexpected behaviour when i pressed the 'Enter' key.
    Screen 1: When I pressed the 'Enter' key, the focus shifted to another input field and the content of the previous input field is cleared. The thing is, I did not have any codes in PAI for 'Enter'. Why is this happening?
    Screen 2: On load, some of the fields on this screen will be disabled. However, when I pressed the 'Enter' key, all the disabled fields become enabled. Again, I did not have any codes that handle the 'Enter' key in PAI. Why is this happening?
    Any help is appreciated.

    Hi Atish.
    Yes, I have used CHAIN... END CHAIN.
    I thought that CHAIN... END CHAIN allows my input fields to be re-activated after an error message is displayed.
    How would CHAIN... END CHAIN cause the unexpected behaviour?

  • Junk Mail: applying custom rules disables junk database

    Using default settings my junk mail filter works most of the time. But there are several persistent streams of spam that never get recognized as junk, and custom rules would identify them easily. But everytime I try, suddenly all the other junk that was being flagged comes through to my in box. I've selected "Trust junk mail headers in messages" and "Filter junk mail before applying my rules" but it has no effect.
    Also, the minute I add custom rules, "Erase Junk Mail" greys out and cannot be selected anymore. I have to first send my junk box to trash, then erase my trash.
    I've read the help files and they don't address this at all. (Same problem in 10.6)

    Don't have 3.0 on my computer but go to the Mail menu and choose Preferences.
    The click on Junk Mail then on Advanced and see what color is chosen in the setting and the conditions under which it is set.

  • Error in Custom Rule EVALUATE_AGENT_VIA_RULE

    I am working on a workflow and have created a custom rule for a workflow. When I simulate this rule, it returns 1 users but when workflow is triggered, Possible agents and Actual agents are blank.
    i am getting error in Rule EVALUATE_AGENT_VIA_RULE
    Resolution of rule AC95000017 for task TS00008267: no agent found
    Workflow WS95000137 no. 000000424779 activity 0000000044 role 'AC95000017'
    No agent found.
    Could someone please explain if I have missed anything while defining.

    Document Number and Document Type are the input paramers for my custom Rule ,
    When documents changes Based on condition(RA orVA) Only my workflow needs to be trigger. for that i have provided the condition in Basic data tab of my workflow. after that if it is a RA send a mail vendor (one activity step and i have used this step as Background) then it should go for PR USER  for Approval( for that i have created one Custom Rule and  mentioned in user decision tab).
    I have passed binding form workflow to Rule  Document Number , and Document Type.
    Swhactor table i am using in rule.. am geting the correct USER here when i simulte(test this RULE).
    What is the relation from event contaner to workflow container here?

  • Rule based ATP check with SOA

    We wish to implement ATP check using Ent Services.
    Environment : SAP ECC 6.o with Enhancement Package 3/ SCM 5.0
    Ent service used: /SAPAPO/SDM_PARCRTRC :  ProductAvailabilityRequirementCreateRequestConfirmation
    We were able to carry out Product check using the service. However we are unable to carry out rule based ATP check using the same service.
    We have carried out the entire configuration as per SAP's building block configuration guide for Global ATP & SAP Note 1127895.
    For RBA <Rule based ATP check>, we are getting the results as expected when we create Sales order from SAP R/3 (Transaction VA01), however ATP simulation in APO & Ent service does not give the results as expected. When we carry out ATP simulation in APO / Ent service, results are same as Product check & not as RBA i.e. they respect only requested Product location stock & does not propose alternate Product or Location in case of shortages
    Plz share the experience to fix the issue
    Mangesh A. Kulkarni

    Hi mangesh
    Check this links , not very sure , but may help you...
    Re: ATP confirmation in CRM

  • Custom Rules upload in 5.3

    I have a proof of concept project for GRC 5.3 implementation and  have configured the GRC RAR as per the config Guide and the Rule upload was done accordingly. In the configrued system, I am seeing the GLOBAL Rule set and all the rules generated against it.
    The real problem started when I started to load the custom Rule Files (BP,Functions.txt etc etc ) for all the custom rules we plan to use. I tried to load the  custom Files from CONFIGURATION tab -> RULE UPLOAD.
    - I am seeing some error messages and now I dont know if I have damaged the existing rules and need to fix the Global itself ?
    - How do I bring in the customized Text Files for Rules ?
    Business process ID: AP00 cannot be deleted because a Function ID exists
    Business process ID: BS00  cannot be deleted because a Risk ID exists
    Business process ID: CA00  cannot be deleted because a Risk ID exists
    Business process ID: CR00 cannot be deleted because a Function ID exists
    Business process ID: EC00 cannot be deleted because a Function ID exists
    Business process ID: FI00  cannot be deleted because a Risk ID exists
    Business process ID: HR00  cannot be deleted because a Risk ID exists
    Business process ID: MM00  cannot be deleted because a Risk ID exists
    Business process ID: PM00  cannot be deleted because a Risk ID exists
    Business process ID: PR00  cannot be deleted because a Risk ID exists
    Business process ID: SD00  cannot be deleted because a Risk ID exists
    Business process ID: SR00 cannot be deleted because a Function ID exists
    Business process upload not complete due to above errors

    Hello Alpesh,
    So if I am understanding it right, I should manually create a new Rulesset from the Rule Architect tab and for the decription call it custom
    and then start uploading the Rules against it .
    I will try it now and see if I can upload it without any errors or warning.

  • Custom Rule - Count of Event ID

    I have a custom rule in SCOM 2012 for event ID 4648 in the security log. This will only alert when parameter 6 equals a specific user id. That works fine.
    But, I want to get a count of how many times event id 4646 appears in the log for this user. How do I do that?
    Thank you in advance.

    Adding more info:
    How an Alert is Produced
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