Custom URI scheme

Is it possible to use a custom URI scheme in java generally and within xml in particural? For example, I want reference a DTD from an xml as "cumstomscheme:dtd1", and I want to provide CustomeschemeURLConnection class. Is it possible to do that and to associate any URL starting with customscheme: with my CustomschemeURLConnection class, so a parser will use it to retrive DTD?

Is it possible to use a custom URI scheme in java
generally and within xml in particural? For example, I
want reference a DTD from an xml as
"cumstomscheme:dtd1", and I want to provide
CustomeschemeURLConnection class. Is it possible to do
that and to associate any URL starting with
customscheme: with my CustomschemeURLConnection class,
so a parser will use it to retrive DTD? Leave the DTD combined with the XML.
parser.parse(uri.toString(), handler);

Similar Messages

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    I am using stageWebView for showing webpage in my mobile app but don't know how to move back to my app once it gets loaded. In application descriptor file, I had already registered custom uri scheme (myapp://) for IOS devices and from the loaded page inside stageWebView, I was trying to call following URL myapp://webcam. But nothing had happened. It neither called LOCATION_CHANGE event of StageWebView not called INVOKE_EVENT of nativeapplication.
    How can I fix this issue?
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Ashutosh,
    yea it gets launched correctly from safari. But my problem is with the link(which is using custom uri scheme e.g myapp://backtoapp) in the loaded page inside StageWebView. It is not allowing app to moveback to app from StageWebView. Moreover these two event listeners INVOKE_EVENT(native application) and LOCATION_CHANGE(stagewebview) are not responding. Dont know what should I do in order to move back to app area(mainView.mxml) from StageWebView(native browser).

  • WCF Custom - Solicit response port - System.ArgumentException: The provided URI scheme 'https' is invalid; expected 'http',

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    However, I need to point it to a Https location.
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    Error Description: System.ArgumentException: The provided URI scheme 'https' is invalid; expected 'http'.
    Parameter name: via
    Any help is appreciated.

    The error logs do not give any other information.
    Also, security is TransportCredentialOnly, with Basic - Client Credential Type.
    Hi Sharmishtha,
    TransportCredentialOnly mode
    does not provide message integrity and confidentiality. It provides HTTP-based client authentication. You need to use either of the below security mode :
    Please mark as answer or vote as helpful if my reply does

  • Adobe air 3.2.0 android - custom uri issue

    Custom URIs are no longer registered/handled by the adobe air wrapper on android devices.
    Tested on evo4g with android 2.3.5  and galaxy tab with android 3.2.
    How to reproduce:
    create your apk with adt having these settings in your application.xml / android / manifestAdditions / manifest / application:
    <activity android:name="helpNav">
        <action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
        <category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
        <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
        <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
        <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
        <data android:mimeType="application/pdf" />
        <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
        <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
        <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
        <data android:scheme="http" android:host="" android:path="/something" />
    How to test:
    Open the browser and navigate to and click any of the given links. Your air application will not be presented as an intent provider.
    More traces captured with DDMS:
    04-02 19:47:06.602: I/ActivityManager(128): Starting activity: Intent { act=android.intent.action.VIEW cat=[android.intent.category.BROWSABLE] dat= cmp=android/ } from pid 10018
    Simple schemes like <data android:scheme="myscheme" /> dont work anymore either.
    Any advice greately appreciated.
    Kind regards.

    I have narrowed down the bug to this node:
    <application android:hardwareAccelerated="true"/>
    Once this setting is added to application.xml / application / android / manifestAdditions / manifest none of the intent filters are working.
    Full application.xml pasted at (see line 30).
    Sample APK uploaded at:
    How to replicate:
    - install the provided apk, open Browser and type in helloworld:
    Expected result: Application should be launched
    Actual result: intent provider not found so the search intent kicks in.

  • Need help in  URI scheme is not ¨file¨  error in uploading .PDF file

    I am getting the URI scheme is not file error when I am uploadin a .PDF file
    I am using the following piece of code
    String lPathPrefix = "gopher:// Step Folders/BPS_Files/Outlooksoft CPM/01 - Production Environment/01 - Documentation Library/01 - Documents/Daily_Checks/";String lPath = (lPathPrefix + doccolvalue).replace(" ", "%20");
    URI lURI = new URI(lPath);String lPathPrefix = "file:// Step Folders/BPS_Files/Outlooksoft CPM/01 - Production Environment/01 - Documentation Library/01 - Documents/Daily_Checks/";
    String lPath = (lPathPrefix + doccolvalue).replace(" ", "%20");
    URI lURI = new URI(lPath);
    Can anyone please help me in solving this problem
    I will be very much greatful to you,

    Did you get to resolve this error? We are also getting the same error and not able to figure out.
    Edited by: Joe A on Nov 10, 2008 5:09 PM

  • ORABPEL-05215 URI scheme is not "file". - Not able to deploy BPEL process

    We are trying to deploy the Oracle Siebel PIP integration pack for Siebel OD. The SOA environment is clustered with a proxy and https enabled.
    While deploying a BPEL process, we are getting the following error. Not able to figure out whats going wrong. Any help on this will be appreciated.
    [deployProcess] Deploying process C:\Temp\10232008\CRMIntegSEBLODLeadConvertAsync\output\bpel_CRMIntegSEBLODLeadConvertAsync_1.0.jar
    C:\Temp\10232008\CRMIntegSEBLODLeadConvertAsync\build.xml:79: A problem occured while connecting to server "" using port "11545": bpel_CRMIntegSEBLODLeadConvertAsync_1.0.jar failed to deploy. Exception message is: ORABPEL-05215
    Error while loading process.
    The process domain encountered the following errors while loading the process "CRMIntegSEBLODLeadConvertAsync" (revision "1.0"): URI scheme is not "file".
    If you have installed a patch to the server, please check that the bpelcClasspath domain property includes the patch classes.
    at com.collaxa.cube.engine.deployment.CubeProcessHolder.bind(
    at com.collaxa.cube.engine.deployment.DeploymentManager.deployProcess(
    at com.collaxa.cube.engine.deployment.DeploymentManager.deploySuitcase(
    at com.collaxa.cube.ejb.impl.BPELDomainManagerBean.deploySuitcase(
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.joinpoint.EJBJoinPointImpl.invoke(
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.InvocationContextImpl.proceed(
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.system.DMSInterceptor.invoke(
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.InvocationContextImpl.proceed(
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.system.JAASInterceptor$
    at com.evermind.server.ThreadState.runAs(
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.system.JAASInterceptor.invoke(
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.InvocationContextImpl.proceed(
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.system.TxRequiredInterceptor.invoke(
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.InvocationContextImpl.proceed(
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.system.DMSInterceptor.invoke(
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.InvocationContextImpl.proceed(
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.InvocationContextPool.invoke(
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.StatelessSessionEJBObject.OC4J_invokeMethod(
    at DomainManagerBean_RemoteProxy_4bin6i8.deploySuitcase(Unknown Source)
    at deployHttpClientProcess.jspService(
    at com.orionserver.http.OrionHttpJspPage.service(
    at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspPageTable.service(
    at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.internalService(
    at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.service(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at com.evermind.server.http.ResourceFilterChain.doFilter(
    at Method)
    at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(
    at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(
    at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.doProcessRequest(
    at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest(
    at com.evermind.util.ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor$
    Any body else is facing similar issue?

    We are trying to deploy the Oracle Siebel PIP integration pack for Siebel OD. The SOA environment is clustered with a proxy and https enabled.
    While deploying a BPEL process, we are getting the following error. Not able to figure out whats going wrong. Any help on this will be appreciated.
    [deployProcess] Deploying process C:\Temp\10232008\CRMIntegSEBLODLeadConvertAsync\output\bpel_CRMIntegSEBLODLeadConvertAsync_1.0.jar
    C:\Temp\10232008\CRMIntegSEBLODLeadConvertAsync\build.xml:79: A problem occured while connecting to server "" using port "11545": bpel_CRMIntegSEBLODLeadConvertAsync_1.0.jar failed to deploy. Exception message is: ORABPEL-05215
    Error while loading process.
    The process domain encountered the following errors while loading the process "CRMIntegSEBLODLeadConvertAsync" (revision "1.0"): URI scheme is not "file".
    If you have installed a patch to the server, please check that the bpelcClasspath domain property includes the patch classes.
    at com.collaxa.cube.engine.deployment.CubeProcessHolder.bind(
    at com.collaxa.cube.engine.deployment.DeploymentManager.deployProcess(
    at com.collaxa.cube.engine.deployment.DeploymentManager.deploySuitcase(
    at com.collaxa.cube.ejb.impl.BPELDomainManagerBean.deploySuitcase(
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.joinpoint.EJBJoinPointImpl.invoke(
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.InvocationContextImpl.proceed(
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.system.DMSInterceptor.invoke(
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.InvocationContextImpl.proceed(
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.system.JAASInterceptor$
    at com.evermind.server.ThreadState.runAs(
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.system.JAASInterceptor.invoke(
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.InvocationContextImpl.proceed(
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.system.TxRequiredInterceptor.invoke(
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.InvocationContextImpl.proceed(
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.system.DMSInterceptor.invoke(
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.InvocationContextImpl.proceed(
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.InvocationContextPool.invoke(
    at com.evermind.server.ejb.StatelessSessionEJBObject.OC4J_invokeMethod(
    at DomainManagerBean_RemoteProxy_4bin6i8.deploySuitcase(Unknown Source)
    at deployHttpClientProcess.jspService(
    at com.orionserver.http.OrionHttpJspPage.service(
    at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspPageTable.service(
    at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.internalService(
    at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.service(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at com.evermind.server.http.ResourceFilterChain.doFilter(
    at Method)
    at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(
    at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(
    at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.doProcessRequest(
    at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest(
    at com.evermind.util.ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor$
    Any body else is facing similar issue?

  • Is the username field required in the URI Scheme?

    The URL scheme does seem to work now just like RDP files but it does not work if I leave the username field blank.  I can enter the domain in username field but cannot get a "\" included.  I would ideally like it to be blank. Also, SSO
    does not work.

    Thank you for posting in Windows Server Forum.
    Enabling a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) scheme gives IT professionals and developers a way to integrate features of the Remote Desktop clients across platforms and enriches the user experience by allowing: 
    1. Third-party applications to launch Microsoft Remote Desktop and start remote sessions with predefined settings (provided as part of the URI string.)
    2. End users to start remote connections using pre-configured URLs.
    More information.
    Remote Desktop Client URI Scheme Support
    Hope it helps!
    Dharmesh Solanki

  • Apex Custom Authentication Schema Page Sentry Error

    I am using Application Express 4.0.0. I am struggling with a strange problem while trying to implement custom authentication schema.
    I declare a page sentry function 'page_sentry' which returns TRUE or FALSE based on certain conditions. My page_sentry is as follows:
    l_username VARCHAR2(512);
    l_session_id NUMBER;
    RETURN false;
    END IF;
    l_session_id := wwv_flow_custom_auth_std.get_session_id_from_cookie;
    -- check application session cookie.
    IF wwv_flow_custom_auth_std.is_session_valid THEN
    apex_application.g_instance := l_session_id;
    l_username := wwv_flow_custom_auth_std.get_username;
    p_user => l_username, p_session_id => l_session_id);
    RETURN true;
    --redirect to login page using OWA_UTIL.REDIRECT_URL
    END IF;
    RETURN false;
    END page_sentry;
    And Cookie Name : _AUTH
    At first, It always returned FALSE. I wasn't getting any error. However, even after forcibly returning TRUE from the page_sentry function the redirect was still not happening. I tried to look into what cookies were being set for the same and I found this:
    Name:     ApexLibErrorStack1
    Content:     page%3D1%3Cbr%20%2F%3EERR-1201%20session%20ID%20not%20set%20on%20custom%20authentication
    I couldn't find any relevant help for this. Worst of it is I cannot set any cookie from the page_sentry function at all. Please help!

    Hi all.
    Can someone please help me out with the above issue. I am not sure if things are wrong at my end or is this an apex bug.
    The source of my problem perhaps lies in the manner in which I have configured my Oracle HTTP Server. When I disable port HTTP server on port 80 and run apex without it on default port 8080, the custom authentication schema cookie gets set.
    Executing the following with Oracle HTTP Server:
    HTTP_COOKIE = ApexLibErrorStack1=page%3D1%3Cbr%20%2F%3EERR-1201%20session%20ID%20not%20set%20on%20custom%20authentication.; ORA_WWV_R1=%23ALL; ORA_WWV_R2=%23ALL; ORA_WWV_R3=%23ALL
    And without HTTP Server:
    HTTP_COOKIE = WWV_CUSTOM-F_1420403886791332_100=9625AAC49B9951D8;......
    Did I miss something in my HTTP server configuration ?
    Edited by: pc on Jan 2, 2012 3:15 AM

  • PDF Portfolio -- custom color scheme

    Acrobat 9: Is it possible to save a custom color scheme to use with multiple portfolios?

    Hi Hema
    They should be located here:
    C:\Program Files\Business Objects\Xcelsius\assets\themes\custom
    C:\Documents and Settings\<User Name>\Application Data\XcelsiuscustomThemes
    Edited by: Charles Davies on Oct 5, 2009 5:11 PM

  • Restful Web Services - First Party Authentication with custom authentication schemes

    I've successfully enabled security using first party authentication on our Restful web services however these only work with the built in Apex accounts and not other authentication schemes.
    Ideally I'd like to authenticate against LDAP, however when I enable this authentication scheme the restful services don't work as they only support the Apex accounts. 
    Has anyone implemented LDAP authentication for Apex restful web services, either directly or using Glassfish ? Does anyone know if support for custom authentication schemes on the feature roadmap for a future Listener release ?
    I attempted to configure the glassfish application against LDAP but am still working on it.. glassfish never challenged the client to authenticate (it's only to be for the web service endpoints and nothing else), so any pointers on how to set that up for Apex would be appreciated.

    Hi Gemma,
    unfortunately at the moment you are caught between a rock and a hard place:
    - As you point out there is no way in APEX for a user to self-register themselves, short of developing your own table to store users and configuring APEX custom auth to authenticate against that table
    - Listener can only authenticate against the the APEX user repository, it cannot integrate with custom APEX authentication.
    There may be other options though, by leveraging the authentication capabilities in the JRE and/or WebLogic/GlassFish application servers. We're interested in addressing this use case, so if you wish to investigate further please send me an email ( colm <dot> divilly <at> oracle <dot> com).
    Colm Divilly

  • Error while Importing customer repository schema

    Hi All,
    I want to import a customer repository schema into vendor repository so that i can have multiple main tables.
    I exported the customer repository schema and tried to import it in Vendor repository.
    In the pop up that apperas when we click the Import repository schema and select the file from the source location i selected the below options
    1. for all the modify operations i selected the operation as "Reject "
    2. For all the delete operations i selected the operation as "Reject"
    3. for all the add operations i selected the Operation as "ADD"
    for Vendors table(main) the operation was to delete for which i selected the reject operation and for customers table(main) i selected the add operation.
    Now when select ok the system throws the below error
    "One or more selection Items require that you select additional Items. would you like to see the report".
    On clicking yes to see the report i get the below message
    *Transport operation failed:
    Dependency check failure.  A reference to object of type: MatchingStrategy named: Customers:MDM_CUSTOMERS cannot be resolved because the object is not being added.*
    Can anyone please help me in understanding where i am going wrong?

    Hi Sharma,
    I am quite sure that this problem is related to MDM Strategy only.If you delete your strategy and try u will be able to do so:
    Please check you strategy or check may be in strategy u have some lookup field and corresponding lookup table is not transported.
    See the error says:
    Dependency check failure. A reference to object of type: MatchingStrategy named: Customers:MDM_CUSTOMERS cannot be resolved because the object is not being added
    Neethu Joy

  • Can iBooks Author handle custom URL schemes?

    I have a native application that displays radiology images. I'd love to have iBooks be able to click on a link that had a custom URL scheme and launch my application. This way you could (for example) have a textbook for different procedures or findings and be able to display the type of study that would result from the procedure.
    When I enter URL with a custom URL scheme iBooks Author prepends a 'http:" to the URL. Is there any way around this?
    I've tried editing an exported iBooks file manually (e.g. in emacs) but the modified ibook doesn't seem to be imported.

    Yes.  I'd love to know the same thing for similar reasons.

  • Custom Color Scheme in Xcelsius

    Hi all,
    I want to create custom Color Scheme in Xcelsius. I have referred the following blog
    That blog has XML files .I downloaded that XML and put in the following folder.
    C:\Program Files\Business Objects\Xcelsius\assets\themes\custom 
    But that Color Scheme is not displaying in Xcelsius.
    If I put XML file in the following folder (C:\Program Files\Business Objects\Xcelsius\assets\themes\built-in ) I can use that color Scheme.
    What may be the problem?
    Help me in this regard.
    Thanks &Regards                           
    Hemalatha J

    Hi Hema
    They should be located here:
    C:\Program Files\Business Objects\Xcelsius\assets\themes\custom
    C:\Documents and Settings\<User Name>\Application Data\XcelsiuscustomThemes
    Edited by: Charles Davies on Oct 5, 2009 5:11 PM

  • Custom color scheme xml not getting used

    I have a custom color scheme. I used the advanced settings.
    Some of the color scheme settings are getting picked up but I don't think any of the advanced ones are.
    The advanced settings ARE getting written to the color scheme's xml document (XcelsiuscustomThemes/mySchemeName.xml
    )... so that's good. Here's an example:
    Is there someplace I need to point to the XcelsiuscustomThemes/mySchemeName.xml ?  So that those styles get used ?
    Incidentally, If I edit the programfiles(x86)/.../themes/DefaultMapping.xml document   --  then any changes are reflected... so it seems like I just need to be able to tell xcelsius to use the  XcelsiuscustomThemes/mySchemeName.xml    instead of   the DefaultMapping.xml

    Hi Hema
    They should be located here:
    C:\Program Files\Business Objects\Xcelsius\assets\themes\custom
    C:\Documents and Settings\<User Name>\Application Data\XcelsiuscustomThemes
    Edited by: Charles Davies on Oct 5, 2009 5:11 PM

  • Oracle_Id APPS or CUSTOM data schema...???

    I have a question about the Metalink Note: 70276.1.
    At point 5 , it is written the following:
    "It is recommended that you use the STANDARD datagroup and pair the custom schema with APPS or you can add a new data group. This depends upon your own requirements."
    I'm going to create a custom application and following the EBS directives , i'll create the tables,seqs,indexes to the CUSTOM schema whereas the views,packages,procs,funcs,synonyms to the APPS schema.
    According to the above Note , what may be the differences between selecting CUSTOM as ORACLE_ID and APPS...and which changes to the app architecture - regarding the db schema of both CUSTOM,APPS schema - should be done (if any...)???
    Many thanks ,

    The standard way is to use apps as an Oracle ID when adding a custom schema to a data group. The custom application will use this Oracle ID (i.e. apps) to connect to the tables in the database. By default, apps user has select any table privilege and that is why is recommended to use the apps account. Adding a new data group requires giving more privileges to you custom user to allow access to tables in other schemas.
    In addition, I would suggest you refer to this note since you are on 11i.
    Note: 176852.1 - Integrating Custom Applications with Oracle Applications Release 11i

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