Customer Master Process Chain

Hi All,
I am designing a process chain to load my Customer Master Data. I am planning to design as:
Cust. Attr(D) -> Cust. Text(D) -> Cust. Comp code attr(D) -> Cust. CompCode Text(F) - Cust. Sales Attr(D) -> Cust. Sales Text(F).
My questions are:
1. Will this chain takes time becoz of the full loads for Cust. Company code and sales view texts?
2. Do I need to use seperate attr. change run processes for customer, cust. compc view and sales view or 1 for all is enough?
3. Do we need to do the full loads for the texts daily or is it enough to do them periodically?
4. Is there any other better way to design it?
Any inputs will be highly appreciated!!!

1..records for these text loads..may not be high in number..shouldnt take much time..
2..use just 1 attr/change run the variant of the change run process remember to specify these 3 MD infoobjects..
3...this answer depends on whether texts change with regular daily..usually texts dont change so regularly..usually placed as weekly loads..
4..maybe this design is better..?
start variant
Cust. Attr(D) --> Cust. Comp code attr(D) ->  - Cust. Sales Attr(D)
(3 in parallel..)
Cust. Text(D)Cust. CompCode Text(F)Cust. Sales Text(F).
(3 in parallel..connect respective attr load to its text GREEN arrow)
attr/change run..(connect GREEN arrows from the 3 text the change run process)..

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    Error : Uncaught_exception.
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    You might have missed some parameters in the FILE transaction.
    Check the below links so that u may get idea wht u missed out.
    Re: Can any one tell me how to write open hubs to application server?
    This might not be an security or authorization issue if u did not face such issue earlier. if so check with BASIS and add security roles to the generic user.

  • Process Chains

    Hi everybody,
    I have some problems with process chains.
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    (Job Log)
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    Version 'M' of chain ASCC_PRICE_PC was saved without checking
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    Step 001 started (program RSPROCESS, variant &0000000098907, user ID BW_BATCH)
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    Version 'A' of chain ASCC_PRICE_PC was saved without checking
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    Job BI_PROCESS_ABAP could not be activated (return code 7)
    Job finished
    The lokal process chain doesn't even start a single process. And as a matter of fact the master process chain is also stopped.
    If I start the lokal process chain manually it works as usual and even on the next day it works like it should.
    In most cases a few days later the same error occurs again.
    Would be great if someone could help me!!!!

    From the error message it is clear that u hadnt checked the PC before activating and saving.
    U must do the checking of PC by clicking the check view iocn after that only u r supposed to activate and then schedule..
    when ever ur triggering manully i think ur giving the some periodic values thats why its running for some time.

  • Do we need to create process chain explicitly nor system generates process

    Hi all,
    Do we need to create process chain explicity in bpc netweaver nor the system generates it internally when we run data managment packages

    When you install BPC, there is a set of delivered process chains which are installed as well.  You create the data manager packages from the BPC Excel clicent based on these process chains.  You can of create custom BPC process chains in NetWeaver and create packages from those as well(for example via a How-To guide).   So to answer your question, no, you do not have to create the "standard" process chains, and they are not generated by the system either, they are delivered as part of the BPC installation.
    Rich Heilman

  • Generic Process-Chain to load many individual files - How?

    Hello All,
    There is a requirement to extract 5 csv files to a single ODS every week.
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    Current loading practice is to employ 5 process-chains, one for each file. The Process-Chains are very similar except that each calls a different InfoPackage which points to a specific file.
    I would like to be able to perform the load with only 1 process-chain.
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    So, does anyone have any suggestions how to achieve the objective preferably without using OS-level scripting?
    Many thanks,

    There is no simple way to achieve this. You can create a master process chain that has the 5 parallel file CSV load including the DTPs and upstream data loads. You can specify the next steps start irrespective of error (versus only if successful which is default ) inside the process chain. Upon successful data load, delete the CSV file so anytime the PC is run again, its not available. You can create an OS command prompt in side the PC at the end to achieve it.
    So only the file that needs be extracted is available, eg: if csv1 needs be loaded to DSO1, the csv2-csv5 that load to (DSO2-5 or can be the same DSO) will not be available. So the process step1 will be successful, while  the remaining will error, however given that the PC will complete since the next steps aren't dependent on success/failure of each extract.
    If you have external job scheduling agent like Maestro, is to schedule the individual PC (5 pcs as they exist today, each run by the Maestro scheduler) load from there.
    Alternately, if the data is getting loaded from a flat file generated from R/3 or other SAP system, you can trigger the event from RFC which will start the respective process chain.
    Hope it helps.

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    Thanks much in advance
    Edited by: Gangaraju Eegu on Dec 10, 2008 3:03 PM

    Please check in execution selection any periodic job is running twice, so remove there.Double click on first node i.e. start and > Chamge Selections> Periodic Values.
    Find any event is triggering twice in a day?. and tehn cancle it.

  • Master Data process Chains

    Hi All,
    I have activated all the required Master Data Datasources in R/3 in which some are delta enabled like Customer and Material(along with Sales and Comp. Code views), some are not delta enabled like Sales Org, Sales Grp etc...and some are text fields like Customer Grp 1-5, Material Grps 1-5 distribution channnel text etc.
    Now, I have to create process chains to regularise the loads for this data once we go live.
    But, I am not sure, how many process chains do I need to create?
    Should I include all the delta enabled ones in one chain and the others in another chain?
    Do we need to load the non-delta(i.e full loads) ones also daily?
    How about the Text datasources like Cust Grps1-5?

    I have struggled with some of those same questions, and finally ended up deciding simplicity was important.
    My Daily Master Data loads go like this -
    -- MetaChain - ZMD_D_METACHAIN - contains 3 subchains, one each for attributes, hierarchies, and texts.
      Attributes - ZMD_D_ATTRS ( I don't distinguidh between Full and Delta).  I have them all in one chain.  I originally thought about having different chains, and decided to have them all in one chain - 6 different threads, all in one PC.  This makes it easy to move different loads around if some MD takes longer to load - goal is to have all 6 threads run approx the same amount of time. These 10 threads flow into a Change Run.  In the Meta Chain, I have the ZMD_D_ATTRS local chain send out a positive or negative completion e-mail. 
    I have a few subchains in this one, e.g.  I load 0Fund, and then have 4 loads that populate Z attributes of the Fund MD. In this case, I use put these loads in a subchain - first the 0Fund load, followed by the various load of Z attributes.  This way I'm sure everything loads in the correct order - not having two concurrent loads to the same MD tha tmight cuase a lock issue.  It also helps document the relationships. 
    Hierarchies - ZMD_D_HIERS.  Don't have a lot of them, but I found it cleaner to separate the mfrom the Attrs.
    Texts - ZMD_D_TEXTS. I have about 10 threads that each load about 12 texts.
    Some have argued to load Texts after Transactions, but it our case, none of these load all that long so I didn't pursue that.  I also have a sepate PC to my MD problem children - 0HRP0SITION and 0PERSON whihc seem to have errors on a semi regular basis.  Having them in a separate PC - not in the Daily MD MetaChain -  means my Daily MD MetaChain rarely has an error and makes it easy to monitor. If its red, I know I have a problem (also received a msg from the PC telling me that), where as if I had a load that frequently failed mixed in, I would have to always check to see if the failure was the Problem Child, or a MD object that doesn't normally cause a problem.
    Hope this helps.  Wish SAP really provide more guidance on PCs.  Ought to have a contest on SDN - Most Creative PCs......

  • How to configure CVC automation process using SNP master data and BI customer master data

    Hi Gurus,
    How to configure CVC automation in MPOS structure technically, using SNP master data in CVC creation such as Product and location details
    and in parallel extract date from ECC to BI customer master data in DP. Where-in a APO BI cube should have only new combinations which are to be validated with ECC and existing combinations in the MPOS structure before creation of CVC in different regions of MPOS.
    Second the automation should also check certain validations of product, location and are part of SNP-ECC master data and are these new combinations.
    Could someone guide us in this process.

    The short answer is to move the data into infoproviders or flat files for all of the 'characteristic-type' source data; and then copy CVCs from the infoproviders into the Planning area, probably using one or more Process Chains (program /SAPAPO/TS_PLOB_MAINTAIN).
    The long answer is that this is not a trivial undertaking; this could end up being a pretty involved solution.  If you do not have enough BW/DP expertise available locally to create this solution for you, then I recommend you consider engaging external resources to assist you.  I personally wouldn't even consider starting to work on such a solution without first knowing a lot more about the detailed business requirements, and about any existing solutions that may already in place.  An SCN forum is not really suitable for such an answer.  In my opinion, the BBP doc alone would be 20+ pages, assuming no enhancements..
    Best Regards,

  • Master data Process chain running long time

    Dear SDN Team,
    PC Process Chain: General Master Data - time running is about 4.5 hours . how we can improve running time.
    There are 15-25 info objects are loading from this process chain.
    any steps to improve the performace
    thanks and kind regards,
    Lakshman Kumar G

    Go to the function module RSD_IOBJ_GET to find the object name of the dimension. Go to SE37 & proceed as follows.
      I_IOBJNM = 'Info Object Name'
      I_OBJVERS = 'A'
    and then Execute the FM.
    Double click on the "'E_S_VIOBJ'" and find the number in the field 'u201ENUMBRANR‟'
    and add  BIM to the number taken  from NUMBRANR.
    Goto SNRO T-Code and enter BIM+the number and edit.
    From Edit--> Set up Buffering --> Main memory, select the buffering check box and enter approx 500.
    This needs to be done for all the master and your dataload performance would improve.

  • How to delete master data in bi 7? through process chain

    Hi all,
    I can see millons of records for master data is getting loaded daily. Can anyone pls advise me how to delete the master data through the process chain?

    If Cube/DSO then we can choose the option Delete the Contente of the DataTarget in Process Type in PC. But for Mater data you can see any FM is available and keep that FM in Program and Insert that Program in PC's
    See the above TWO FMs in SE37 and if it is working then keep in in one simple program and then call that Propgram in Process Chain
    Edited by: Surendra Reddy on Jun 30, 2010 7:19 AM

  • Error in Process Chain while loading Master data text?

    Hello All
    Having a Process chain and having 5 infopackages(Master data Attri & text)with FULL LOAD with an processing options as PSA and Infobject.In this one of the infopackage failed and the status is in red colour,and when I right clicked there is no <b>repeat</b> option?Now <b>how to run this process</b>?
    Heard that v can restart the process in debug screen?can anyone let me know how to do this?
    Many Thanks

    Hi dear,
    you don't find the repeat option because this is a full load...I think you can easily restart the entire PC (or loading directly the failed infopackage from RSA1), because full loads for master data don't cause any data duplication !
    Hope it helps!

  • Issue while loading Master Data through Process Chain in Production

    Hi All,
    We are getting an error in Process chain while loading Master Data
    Non-updated Idocs found in Source System
    IDocs were found in the ALE inbox for Source System that are not updated.
    Processing is overdue.
    Error correction:
    Attempt to process the IDocs manually. You can process the IDocs manually using the Wizard or by selecting the IDocs with incorrect status and processing them manually.
    I had checked the PSA also but I could not find any record and the strange thing is, Job itself is not getting scheduled. Can any one help me out in order to resolve this issue.

    This problem is not related to Process chain..
    u can try this..
    In RSMO, select the particular load you want to monitor.
    In the menu bar, Environment >>> Transact. RFC >>> Select whichever is required, BW or Source System.
    In the next screen you can select the Execute button and the IDOCS will be displayed.
    Check Note 561880 - Requests hang because IDocs are not processed.
    Transact RFC - status running Yellow for long time (Transact RFC will be enabled in Status tab in RSMO).
    Step 1: Goto Details, Status get the IDoc number,and go to BD87 in R/3,place the cursor in the RED IDoc entroes in tRFC
    queue thats under outbound processing and click on display the IDOC which is on the menu bar.
    Step 2: In the next screen click on Display tRFC calls (will take you to SM58 particular TRFC call)
    place the cursor on the particular Transaction ID and go to EDIT in the menu bar --> press 'Execute LUW'
    (Display tRFC calls (will take you to SM58 particular TRFC call) ---> select the TrasnID ---> EDIT ---> Execute LUW)
    Rather than going to SM58 and executing LUW directly it is safer to go through BD87 giving the IDOC name as it will take you
    to the particular TRFC request for that Idoc.
    Go into the JOB Overview of the Load there you should be able to find the Data Package ID.
    (For this in RSMO Screen> Environment> there is a option for Job overview.)
    This Data Package TID is Transaction ID in SM58.
    SM58 > Give * / user name or background (Aleremote) user name and execute.It will show you all the pending TRFC with
    Transaction ID.
    In the Status Text column you can see two status
    Transation Recorded and Transaction Executing
    Don't disturb, if the status is second one Transaction Executing. If the status is first one (Transation Recorded) manually
    execute the "Execute LUWs"
    Directly go to SM58 > Give * / user name or background (Aleremote) user name and execute. It will show TRFCs to be executed
    for that user. Find the particular TRFC (SM37 > Req name > TID from data packet with sysfail).select the TrasnID (SM58) --->
    EDIT ---> Execute LUW
    (from JituK)
    Hope it helps

  • How to find unassigned master data text objects in process chain in bi

    Please let me know how to find the unassigned master data text objects in process chain.

    actually if u want to find that , is ur Unassigned Infoobject in present in process chain or not, , that u can find out just by right
    click on your DTP (master data Txt datasource--> Master data text ), if this is present in Process chain, then on ryt click, the process chain option will be active. by clicking over that u can find the name in which this exists.

  • To find only master data process chains and its infopacakges!!!!

    I have a task to remove the setting in the scheduler of directly assigning to data targets instead of  PSA and then to data targets of the whole system!!!
    i should not touch though the transactional info packages settings!!
    these infopackages must exist in process chains -
    how to go about this??

    If I have understand your point, then you want to change the setting of the infopackages that includes in the Process chain pertaining to the master date.
    Then you can change the settings directly in the processing tab.
    Or if you don't want to change the settings of the IP s that are in the Process chain,then go to RSA1 >> Select those IP s >> rigt click and copy it.Then you can change the settings there.
    You can run each IP manually.Or if you want the same chain just with the changed settings,then copy the chain and put this new IP in place of the old one and schedule the chain.
    If your doubts are cleared then kindly assign me some points.

  • Process Chain Master Data Failed.Showing Entire chain has status R

    Everyday SDMasterChain is running successfully.
    Today one of the localChain or subchain  has failed.
    I have noticed that it has failed because last delta for one infoPackage has not yet completed and chain showing status "Entire chain now has status 'R'"
    Can anybody resolve the issue?
    Below is te log for the error.
    Job started
    Step 001 started (program RSPROCESS, variant &0000000113991, user ID ALEREMOTE)
    Last delta upload not yet completed. Cancel
    Data saved successfully
    Start InfoPackage ZPAK_3VB5JI5I0N6QJ7RFSFU7Z3PF2
    Last delta upload not yet completed. Cancel
    Last delta upload not yet completed. Cancel
    InfoPackage ZPAK_3VB5JI5I0N6QJ7RFSFU7Z3PF2 created request
    Request REQU_449HFL0OFD22BSU2GX1X2MJJJ could not be generated with InfoPackage REQU_449HFL0OFD22BSU2GX1X2MJJJ without errors
    Last delta upload not yet completed. Cancel
    Error After Starting InfoPackage ZPAK_3VB5JI5I0N6QJ7RFSFU7Z3PF2 in Process Chain
    Entire chain now has status 'R'
    Process Attribute Change Run, variant Compounding Object has status Undefined (instance )
    Process Save Hierarchy, variant Generated from LOADING ZPAK_3VBSFASA7NWCNP1JX9WXI5 has status Undefined (instance )
    Process Execute InfoPackage, variant 0CUST_SALES_ATTR - Full has status Undefined (instance )
    Process Execute InfoPackage, variant 0CUST_SALES_TEXT has status Undefined (instance )
    Process Execute InfoPackage, variant 0CUST_SALES_TID_LKDH_HIER has status Undefined (instance )
    Process Execute InfoPackage, variant ZMAT_SALET - TEXT has status Undefined (instance )
    Process Start Process, variant Bekaert Master Data Loads - Start Variant has status Undefined (instance 449HEDPDI8N6AP5XKDUODJS6N)
    Process Execute InfoPackage, variant Load from 0MAT_SALES_ATTR into ZMAT_SALE has status Undefined (instance REQU_449HB4K9K3W7GPJEF52YM83N3)
    Process Execute InfoPackage, variant Load from 0MAT_SALES_TEXT into ZMAT_SALE has status Undefined (instance REQU_449HJOO6322QV09OL73P18ODR)
    Process Execute InfoPackage, variant ZMAT_SALEM -  ATTR - FULL has status Undefined (instance REQU_449HEJW4S44QAUTY9LQKH4QY7)
    Process Execute InfoPackage, variant Delta load from 0MAT_PLANT_ATTR into 0MAT_PLANT has status Undefined (instance REQU_449HFL0OFD22BSU2GX1X2MJJJ)
    Termination of chain has been reported to meta chain 449CKM1O64AHRLQJLNZ2GBWQ7
    Message sent successfully
    Job finished

    There are times when Master Data load compel us to do Re-Init. I guess you need a Re-Init.
    Check theses links:
    1: Re: Update mode R is not supported by the extraction API
    2: pl help me with repeat delta for text info object
    Happy Tony

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