Customer support phone not working nor is live chat

Comcast support down. No phone service but have cable internet. Can't get thru on phones or on live chat

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    Hello Folks
    I am totally frustrated with activity going on Oracle University.
    I finished my OCP on Dec 11 It is been more than 48 hours I got my result
    but my certification logo is not visible in the certview.
    I tried calling this india customer support number that is been listed in the oracle website
    1800 010 34 775 - the call is not connecting i have no clue how to contact them
    I tired also creating a ticket so far no response
    Could anyone let me know is there any other number to contact india Oracle support

    2638616 wrote:
    Hello Folks
    I am totally frustrated with activity going on Oracle University.
    I finished my OCP on Dec 11 It is been more than 48 hours I got my result
    but my certification logo is not visible in the certview.
    I tried calling this india customer support number that is been listed in the oracle website
    1800 010 34 775 - the call is not connecting i have no clue how to contact them
    I tired also creating a ticket so far no response
    Could anyone let me know is there any other number to contact india Oracle support
    It is so frustrating for anyone trying to help you when people give some facts and not others!  Specific exams taken and confirming you can see the results in certview might help identify any certification pre-requisite misunderstandings.
    I finished my OCP on Dec 11 It is been more than 48 hours I got my result
    - I assume this means your exam taken on 11th december is showing result passed in certview
    but my certification logo is not visible in the certview.
    - I assume this means the certification you expect to achieve is not showing in certview
    ====>>> From this information the most likely cause is that who have not satisified all the certification pre-requisites and some are missing from the oracle certification database/certview (e.g. a training requirement perhaps).
    I tried also creating a ticket so far no response
    - I don't have a date for this; but it can be 2-5 working days to get a response.  Unfortunately patience is required.
    Phone support for certifications does not happen.  It is all by support tickets from

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    i have i phone 5 but wake up button not work efficiently. i live in turkey but i bought in UAE. i want to learn guarantee condition.

    The warranty would only be valid in the UAE. You'd need to take it back there.

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                                                                                          Thanks to all apple team for your wonderful service,

    Welcome to the user to User Technical Support Forum provided by Apple.
    For your issue... See here...
    Contacting Apple World Wide for Support and Service
    Apple Warranty  >
    iPhone Warranty  >  The warranty is only valid in the country of original purchase... Except for EU Countries...

  • Phone not working after update volume. Battery life resets on own

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    Very sad customer

    Hello 2canoes and welcome to the BlackBerry Support Community Forums.
    Sorry to hear you're experiencing issues with your device after updating your software.
    It's recommended you contact your mobile service provider for investigation on this matter and to open a support ticket with BlackBerry technical support.
    Come follow your BlackBerry Technical Team on twitter! @BlackBerryHelp
    Be sure to click Kudos! for those who have helped you.Click Solution? for posts that have solved your issue(s)!

  • Customer Support does not exist at Adobe

    UK customer support does not exists in the UK for Adobe.
    I have been calling for 4 days. Yesterday I waiting with music on the Customer Support line for 1hr 20mins with music.
    I have called the sales line 4 times and can get through within 2 rings. Adobe this is terrible.
    I then log a call online and I just have pending - waiting verification. I have now also tried the online support "chat" only to get a message that it is not available. Come on Adobe this is awful, it 10:30 on a Friday - why no support al all.

    Your situation was the same as mine. I think it is very cool that Adobe allow us 'switchers' (PC to MAC) to get a new license key. It does after all teat us with respect as customer and provide some brand loyalty. However. The problem is that the process and support for doing so it just awful. Terribly awful.
    In my case, and I recommend to you, phone the freephone sales line number and ask to be put through to support. That way it costs Adobe for the time you are waiting on hold. In my case this was several calls waiting for about an hour+ each time. I was prepared ultimately to wait, but not to pay for Adobe help desk disaster. So there is a tip: Freephone sales line for any connection with Adobe.
    Next tip download the 'Certificate of destruction form' and log an online support call and post the completed for in there, signed by you. This is will save you a bit of time. Next you have to phone support, but then you have to call customer service again. So there are several steps you have to go through.
    This all took me weeks and tons of calls so hopefully I will reduce the number of calls you have to make with this tip?
    Next tip. Watch out for the support folk cancelling your on-line support request. I had to repeatedly open calls and they cancelled them!
    Next problem I had was Adobe agreed that I would just pay for postage of the new CD kit, but instead the charges my credit card for the full product including postage. I complained to my credit card company and they raised objection to Adobe. I was refunded the product cost, but of course they cancelled my card and I had to wait for a new one. Tip here is to use a card that is not critical to you life in the real world, because like me you might have to cancel your credit card as a result of dealing with Adobe. Nice one.
    Why oh why as an online company do Adobe allow us to download the software and provide a key - all done over the wires. Having CD kits delivered is not environmental good and its a waste of time and effort. This is something of 10 years ago. This whole process must have cost Adobe more than the product was worth! The process had so many touch points in their organisation, this inefficiency must be very/very expensive for them. (and a waste of time for me)
    We'll I might one day buy an Adobe product again, but I will first see if a competitive product will suit me better before I do.
    I do think their products are cool, but they could be much more successful if they asked me into their office to tell them what and how to fix their customer interactions. I would happily contribute.

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    Dear sir
    I bought my iPhone 4 from Apple store in Charlotte N/C about 2years ago without contract.
    Now I tried to upgrade it to iOS 7.0.4.but after that my phone not work with last sim card.
    And invalid sim I bought it without contract but it seems to be lock in my country
    Please tell me whats the matter?
    My phone serial no  86034HTCA4T
    Modem firmware  04.12.09

    Without contract is not the same as unlocked. The update to iOS 7 relocked
    the iPhone to the wireless carrier to which it was originally locked. You must
    contact that wireless carrier to see if they offer unlocking and if you qualify.
    If you used jailbreak or other hack to unlock the iPhone initially, the method
    used may prevent a legitimate unlock from succeeding and may render your
    iPhone unuseable.

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    To add further info: iPhone 5s and using CDMA mobile service. I either get no sim card or no service.

  • Phone not working after OS update, phone not working after OS update

    phone not working after OS update, phone not working after OS update

    I do have a questiion.  I started the most recent iOS update on my iPhone last night and before it was ever completed a message appeared on my screen.  It is a pic of the docking/charging cord with an arrow pointing to an iTunes logo...HELP!!!!!  I have tried holding down the home key and power button several times and the same message continues to appear. 

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    I need help!! I drop my iphone4s in the toilet and its been in rice since Saturday and it wont turn on. I plugged it in and it got really hot. Is my phone not working at all no more.

    1lozano1 wrote:
    I need help!! I drop my iphone4s in the toilet and its been in rice since Saturday
    Should have waited at least 4 more days.
    See this -> Apple Service Answer Center - iPhone
    Out-of-Warranty Service
    If you own an iPhone that is ineligible for warranty service but is eligible for Out-of-Warranty (OOW) Service, Apple will service your iPhone for the Out-of-Warranty Service fee listed below.
    iPhone model
    Out-of-Warranty Service
    iPhone 5s, iPhone 5c,
    iPhone 5
    iPhone 4s
    iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS,
    iPhone 3G, Original iPhone
    A $6.95 shipping fee will be added if service is arranged through Apple and requires shipping. All fees are in U.S. dollars and are subject to local tax. When setting up out-of-warranty service, Apple will request credit card pre-authorization for the maximum service fee listed above.  This amount will be deducted from your credit limit. The final service fee we charge will be determined during testing and may be less than the service fee listed above.Certain damage is ineligible for out-of-warranty service, including catastrophic damage, such as the device separating into multiple pieces, and inoperability caused by unauthorized modifications. However, an iPhone that has failed due to contact with liquid may be eligible for out-of-warranty service.Apple reserves the right to determine whether or not your iPhone is eligible for Out-of-Warranty service. iPhones that are repaired or replaced have a 90-day limited hardware warranty or assume the remainder of your standard warranty or AppleCare product coverage, whichever is longer. Please see Apple's Repair Terms And Conditions for further details.

  • Ukelele generated custom keyboard layouts not working in Lion?

    I asked this question in the stackexchange site a few days ago.  Nothing I've tried has worked so far, except for creating a new account.  Because a fresh account works, it's got to be something with my preferences, right? -layouts-not-working-in-lion
    Here's the question from above:
    I created a custom keyboard layout with Ukelele ( in Snow Leopard (idea is to generate scandinavian letters with Alt-key, otherwise have a pretty much standard U.S. layout). After the upgrade, the old installed (to ~/Library/Keyboard Layouts) layout wasn't working.
    Ukelele seems to work OK in Lion, but whether I put the generated keylayout in a bundle or single file, or save it "/Library/Keyboard Layouts" or "~/Library/Keyboard Layouts" doesn't seem to matter.
    @Sergio, I cannot choose the layout in Input Sources. One keylayout file I tried:
    [EDIT: Removed unrelated stuff]
    UPDATE 2011/08/15:
    Copied your keylayout (it naturally ended up in my Junk folder):
    midgard (01:55) >ls -l ~/Library/Keyboard\ Layouts/MongolianQWERTY.keylayout-rw-r--r--@ 1 sjl  staff  44536 Mar 13  2008 /Users/sjl/Library/Keyboard Layouts/MongolianQWERTY.keylayout
    Logged out, logged in, isn't showing in Input sources (I'm looking very closely between "Maori" and "Myanmar - QWERTY").
    I've also uninstalled bunch of software and plugins giving suspicious messages to system.log, but hasn't helped.
    UPDATE 2011/08/16:
    I created a test account, and lo, the layout works perfectly for it. Also the bug in preferences doesn't show for that account. When trying this on my own account, there are no errors in Console logs with the suggested keywords (I can't seem to locate console.log file, though).
    UPDATE 2011/08/16 later:
    Nuking Library/Caches (and relogging) didn't help.
    UPDATE 2011/08/17:
    I did
    % find Library -name "*.plist" -exec mv {} {}.renamed \;
    and restarted, but it didn't help. I restored the situation with
    % for file in `find Library -name "*.plist.renamed"`; \  do mv "$file" "${file//.renamed/}"; done
    addendum: I also went through all the .plist files with plutil -s as described in .html. There was some brokennes, but in very unrelated applications.

    I think I love you.
    That absolutely did it! Thanks so much!
    If you'll answer with the same link in the stackexchange site, I'll mark the answer as correct, so you'll get the rep there.

  • Find my phone not working

    Find my phone not working - Location services on, feature is turned on in Icloud, everything is on for this to work, wifi on too, why isnt it locating my device? Can anyone help?  It is showing offline, even though phone is not.  Please help, thanks in advance bella

    Try turning it off, then back on in Settings on your phone.

  • HP Support Assistant not work

    Hp Support Assistant not work. Do not detect Product Name, Serial Number or Product Number. My notebook is TM2-1070us.

    Uninstall HP support assistant from Control Panel. After uninstallation completes, make sure you restart the computer. Do not avoid restarting the computer at any cost.
    Once restarted, download and install the updated HP support assistant from below link
    //Click on Kudos and Accept as Solution if my reply was helpful and answered your question//
    I am an HP employee!!

  • Safari 5.1 customized keyboard shortcut not working

    I've just updated safari on snow leopard and my customized keyboard shortcut: go to next/previous panel (ctrl -> and ctrl <-) don't work anymore even if i set them in my system preferences

    I'm also experiencing issues with custom keyboard shortcuts not working after the update to Safari 5.1. I had no problems with the previous version of Safari.... I wish I had not updated.

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