Customising the button widget

I would like to include the navigation options on all my slides to give the user control of the presentation, from reading other posts, the best way to do this seems to be to include the button widget on the master slide. I have looked at inserting this but is there a way to make this just an image of an arrow rather than a text box?

The button widget is a static widget. If you have access to a Flash Developer, it could be customized, the source file is available with Captivate. Because it is a static widget you can use it on the master slide, which is not the case for interactive objects (like buttons or click boxes or interactive widgets). And it has the look of a real button, there are different states when hovering over it etc. But it is indeed a Text Button. A more simple solution would be to delete the text and put an image of an arrow on top of the widget, but its color will not change with the state.
I blogged about this widget:
Using the button widget

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    Hi everyone!
    I want to use Captivate 5's 'button' widget, but wanted to change the design of the buttons. The source file I found was located at: Adobe Captivate 5/Gallery/Widgets/Source/ButtonsWidget/Button.fla
    The problem is, when I try to publish this source, I get an error that says "/Applications/Adobe Captivate 5/Gallery/Widgets/Source/ButtonsWidget/comp/transformTool/, Line 1314    Warning: 3553: Function value used where type Boolean was expected.  Possibly the parentheses () are missing after this function reference."
    What does this mean? Does anyone know how to publish this widget correctly? Please help!
    Best regards,

    If you are on Windows you can just create a message in Outlook Express, then save it as a .eml file. This is just a plain text file in MIME format. (You can probably do the same from most simple email client apps... except Outlook).
    To load this in to a Javamail object, you will still need a Session (which in-turn means you need an SMTP Server, although the server just has to be a valid IP belonging to a computer which is network accessible). I typically use the com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPMessage for simple SMTPMessage operations. You can load this from you .eml file like this:
    FileInputStream fileSource = new FileInputStream(yourEMLFile);
    Session session = Session.getInstance(null, null);
    SMTPMessage message = new SMTPMessage(session, fileSource);Or if you want to use the javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage class just use this instead. It has the same session/stream constructor

  • Adding an image to the Static Button Widget

    Hi all
    I managed to convince my client to let me do my own navigation instead of using the by default navigation bar and its limitations. I finally will be able to do branching and customised feedback on several slides! Great. BUT. There is a but. I need to make the new buttons look like the current ones: Pause/Play, previous, next, TOC and Exit.
    I was happy to discover that I could use a static button widget on my master to deal with my previous and next buttons for all my standard slides. But when I try to add an image of my button the way I want it to look, it looks like that:
    If I resize the button the picture remains at the same size:
    I don't get the Image feature here at all and I wonder if it's possible to customise the button with our own pictures...
    Any success anybody?

    Alright thanks for your suggestions. Yes I am publishing to a slightly different location and I pasted the picture at the root of the published folder. The pic is found but it appears tiny:
    It should replace the button by default but it is added to the button actually, by its side.

  • Adding full screen code into Captivate 5's basic Button Widget

    Hi everyone!
    I was able to create a full screen button in Flash that works with Captivate 5 projects, however, I want to be able to active the full screen feature for every button created using the basic 'button' widget that comes with the Captivate program.  I am not a AS3 programmer so I think my issue is that I am confused as  to where to place the full screen code into the existing 'button widget'  code. Below is the code ...
    Thanks in advance!!
    button_name.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fullScreen_action);
    function fullScreen_action(event:MouseEvent):void {
    //..........................Template for Static Widget(AS3)....................
    //flash construct to use external interface : This is needed to use flash functionality for communication between two swfs
    import flash.external.ExternalInterface;
    import fl.controls.ComboBox;
    var widgetMode:String = '';
    var widgetParam:String = '';
    var varHand:Object = null;
    var movieHandle:Object = null;
    XML.prettyIndent = 0;
    XML.prettyPrinting = false;
    XML.ignoreWhitespace = true;
    var checkUpdatedXML = false;
    var playedByButton = false;
    var pauseFrame = 0;
    var addednoskipframe = false
    var myXML:XML;
    var myData:String = '<element1><textProperties><font face="Trebuchet MS" style="" size="12"/><textDecoration bold="true" underline="false" italic="false"/><color textColor="0x000000" highlightRequired="false" highlightColor="0xffffff"/></textProperties><captions style="BUTTON_1" themeLabel="0" backColor="0xffffcc" eventAssign="" eventParam="" txtXPos="9" txtYPos="4" imgXPos="190" imgYPos="40" a="1" b="0" c="0" d="1" tx="0" ty="0" bgSelected="false" borderColor="0xff9933" borderSelected="false" containerXPos="" containerYPos=""><text visible="true" width="42" height="20" a="1" b="0" c="0" d="1" tx="18" ty="4">Button</text><image visible="false" width="22" height="18" a="1" b="0" c="0" d="1" tx="NaN" ty="NaN"></image></captions></element1>';
    var xmlConfig:String = '<configs><styles label="Ivory" movieclip="BUTTON_1" backColor=""/><styles label="Frosted" movieclip="BUTTON_8" backColor=""/><styles label="Grey Space" movieclip="BUTTON_9" backColor=""/><styles label="Honey Comb" movieclip="BUTTON_10" backColor=""/><styles label="Mountain Blue" movieclip="BUTTON_11" backColor=""/><styles label="Aero" movieclip="BUTTON_12" backColor=""/><styles label="Gradient" movieclip="BUTTON_13" backColor=""/><styles label="Vivid 1" movieclip="BUTTON_14" backColor=""/><styles label="Vivid 2" movieclip="BUTTON_15" backColor=""/><styles label="Aqua" movieclip="BUTTON_16" backColor=""/><styles label="Glitter" movieclip="BUTTON_17" backColor=""/></configs>';
    //var xmlConfig:String = '<configs><styles label="Button 1" movieclip="BUTTON_1" backColor=""/><styles label="Button 2" movieclip="BUTTON_2" backColor=""/><styles label="Button 1" movieclip="BUTTON_1" backColor=""/><styles label="Button 2" movieclip="BUTTON_2" backColor=""/><styles label="Button 3" movieclip="BUTTON_3" backColor=""/><styles label="Button 4" movieclip="BUTTON_4" backColor=""/></configs>';
    var myConfig:XML = new XML(xmlConfig);
    var myWM = "";
    var mc:MovieClip;
    CaptionMc.visible = false;
    textFormatterMc.visible = false;
    //update ();
    var objName;
    function fnHandleButtonEvent (evt:MouseEvent)
        if (varHand != null)
            switch (Number(myXML.captions.@eventAssign))
                case 1 :
                    varHand.rdcmndResume = 1;
                case 2 :
                    varHand.rdcmndPrevious = 1;
                case 3 :
                    varHand.rdcmndNextSlide = 1;
                case 4 :
                    varHand.cpCmndGotoSlide = varHand.cpInfoLastVisitedSlide;
                    varHand.rdcmndResume = 1;
                case 5 :
                    if(varHand.rdinfoCurrentSlide != (Number(myXML.captions.@eventParam) - 1)){
                        varHand.cpCmndGotoSlide = Number(myXML.captions.@eventParam) - 1;
                        varHand.rdcmndResume = 1;
                case 6 :
                    navigateToURL (new URLRequest(myXML.captions.@eventParam), "_blank");
                case 7 :
                    navigateToURL (new URLRequest("mailto:"+myXML.captions.@eventParam), "_blank");
            playedByButton = true;
    function update ()
        myXML = new XML(myData);
        if (myWM == "Edit")
            textFormatterMc.setData (myXML.textProperties);//strCaptivateXML:String
            textFormatterMc.init ();
            CaptionMc.setData (myXML.captions, textFormatterMc);
            CaptionMc.setConfig (myConfig.styles);
            CaptionMc.init ();
            CaptionMc.visible = true;
            textFormatterMc.visible = true;
            var arr = [textFormatterMc.sizeSelectorMc];
            CaptionMc.visible = false;
            textFormatterMc.visible = false;
            if(mc != null){
                mc = new MovieClip();
                addChild (mc);
            var xmlRef = myXML.captions;
            var textMatrix:Matrix = new Matrix(xmlRef.text.@a, xmlRef.text.@b, xmlRef.text.@c, xmlRef.text.@d, xmlRef.text.@tx, xmlRef.text.@ty)
            var txt:TextField = new TextField();
            objName = txt;
   = "txt";
            txt.mouseEnabled = false;
            txt.selectable = false;
            txt.multiline = true;
            txt.wordWrap = true;
            mc.addChild (txt);
            txt.text = xmlRef.text;
            txt.mouseEnabled = false;
            txt.width = Number(xmlRef.text.@width);
            txt.height = Number(xmlRef.text.@height);
            //txt.x = Number(xmlRef.text.@tx);
            //txt.y = Number(xmlRef.text.@ty);
            txt.transform.matrix = textMatrix;
            var txtProp = myXML.textProperties;
            var tf = new TextFormat(txtProp.font. @ face,txtProp.font. @ size,txtProp.color. @ textColor,getBool(txtProp.textDecoration. @ bold),getBool(txtProp.textDecoration. @ italic),getBool(txtProp.textDecoration. @ underline));
            txt.setTextFormat (tf);
            if (txtProp.color. @ highlightRequired == "true")
                txt.background = true;
                txt.backgroundColor = uint(txtProp.color. @ highlightColor);
            txt.visible = getBool(xmlRef.text. @visible)
            var mcCaption = new MovieClip();
            var mcCaptionMatrix = new Matrix(xmlRef.@a, xmlRef.@b, xmlRef.@c, xmlRef.@d, xmlRef.@tx, xmlRef.@ty);
            var ClassName:Class = getDefinitionByName(xmlRef.@style) as Class;
            var objHolder = new ClassName();
            objHolder.buttonMode = true;
            objHolder.addEventListener (MouseEvent.CLICK, fnHandleButtonEvent);
            mcCaption.addChild (objHolder);
            objHolder.transform.matrix = mcCaptionMatrix;
            if (SimpleButton(objHolder.getChildByName("btn")) != null && xmlRef.@bgSelected == "true")
                var tempColorStr = [email protected]();
                if (tempColorStr.length > 0)
                    var objColorTransform = new ColorTransform();
                    objColorTransform.color = uint(tempColorStr);
                    SimpleButton(objHolder.getChildByName("btn")).transform.colorTransform = objColorTransform;
            if (MovieClip(objHolder.getChildByName("mcBorder")) != null && xmlRef.@borderSelected == "true")
                var borderColorStr = [email protected]();
                if (borderColorStr.length > 0)
                    var borderColorTransform = new ColorTransform();
                    borderColorTransform.color = uint(borderColorStr);
                    MovieClip(objHolder.getChildByName("mcBorder")).transform.colorTransform = borderColorTransform;
            mcCaption.addChild (objHolder);
            mc.addChildAt (mcCaption, 0);
            var mcIconMatrix = new Matrix(xmlRef.image.@a, xmlRef.image.@b, xmlRef.image.@c, xmlRef.image.@d, xmlRef.image.@tx, xmlRef.image.@ty)
            var mcIcon = new Loader();//IconMovie();
            mcIcon.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener (Event.COMPLETE, imageLoaded);
            if (xmlRef.image != ""){
                mcIcon.load (new URLRequest(String(xmlRef.image)));
   = "mcIcon";
            mcIcon.transform.matrix = mcIconMatrix;
            mcIcon.visible = getBool(xmlRef.image. @visible)
            mc.addChild (mcIcon);
    var cursor;
    var otherCursor;
    var downState = false;
    function initCursor(arr:Array){
        cursor = new Cursor();
        cursor.mouseEnabled = false
        cursor.visible = false;
        otherCursor = new StretchCursor();
        otherCursor.mouseEnabled = false
        otherCursor.visible = false;
        for(var i=0 ; i< arr.length; i++){
            arr[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, showCursor)
            arr[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, hideCursor)
            arr[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, showOtherCursor)
            arr[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, hideOtherCursor)
        this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, hideOtherCursor);
        this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, hideOtherCursor);
    function showCursor(e:MouseEvent){
        var txt = MovieClip(;
        if(!downState && txt.type == "dynamic"){
            cursor.visible = true;
    function hideCursor(e:MouseEvent){
            cursor.visible = false;
    function showOtherCursor(e:MouseEvent){
        var txt = MovieClip(e.currentTarget).sizeTxt;
        if(txt.type == "dynamic"){
            downState = true
            otherCursor.visible = true;
    function hideOtherCursor(e:MouseEvent){
        downState = false;
        otherCursor.visible = false;;
    function removeAllChildren(mcRef:MovieClip){
        for(var i=(mcRef.numChildren-1); i>=0; i--){
    function imageLoaded (e:Event)
        var mc =;
        mc.width = Number(myXML.captions.image. @ width);
        mc.height = Number(myXML.captions.image. @ height);
    function getBool (str:String):Boolean
        var ret:Boolean;
        if (str == "true")
            ret = true;
            ret = false;
        return ret;
    function getModifiedXML ():String
        return myXML.toString();
    //to register enter frame function
    this.addEventListener (Event.ENTER_FRAME,onEnterEveryFrame);
    //Captivate App will not recognize a Static Widget unless this function is implemented and returns true
    function isStatic ():Boolean
        return true;//denotes that this is indeed a Captivate Interactive Learning Object
    //a object needs to be created and values filled in . This is taken by captivate and stored as //xml string. This is the mean to pass values between captivate and widget swf.
    function getInspectorParameters ():Object
        //set the data in _parameters fields. This is called by captivate to get the values of widget swf
        var _parameters: Object = new Object();
        _parameters.dataXML = getModifiedXML();
        return _parameters;
    // whenever widget is inserted the widget swf is passed on the parameters stored inside captivate so that it is drawn in updated stage.
    function setInspectorParameters (inParam:Object):void
        //Dev//on Double click //edit window
        myData = inParam.dataXML;
        myWM = widgetMode;
        update ();
    //is called whenever widget needs to be drawn as per the changed
    //parameters like OK to widget dialog and stage swf is updated with the current values.
    function setParameters (inParam:Object):void
        if (inParam.dataXML != null)
            //redraw the widget as parameters has changed
            //dev//OK button
            myData = inParam.dataXML;
            myWM = widgetMode;
            update ();
    //this function is called to set the variable on player
    function cpSetValue (variable:String, val):void
        if (variable == 'movieHandle')
            movieHandle = val;
            varHand = movieHandle.getMovieProps().variablesHandle;
            //using varHand the variables can be accessed for eg. varHand.rdcmndPause = 1;
        if (variable == 'widgetMode')
            widgetMode = val;
            //dev//set mode
    function getEditModeWidth ( ):int
        return 411;// return required width of widget properties dialog here
    function getEditModeHeight ( ):int
        return 480;// return required height of widget properties dialog here
    //Register all the functions with ExternalInterface
    if (ExternalInterface.available == true)
        ExternalInterface.addCallback ("isStatic",isStatic);
        ExternalInterface.addCallback ("getInspectorParameters",getInspectorParameters);
        ExternalInterface.addCallback ("setInspectorParameters",setInspectorParameters);
        ExternalInterface.addCallback ("setParameters",setParameters);
        ExternalInterface.addCallback ("cpSetValue", cpSetValue);
        ExternalInterface.addCallback ( "getEditModeWidth", getEditModeWidth);
        ExternalInterface.addCallback ( "getEditModeHeight", getEditModeHeight);
    //take care of optimised drawing inside this function. Check the widgetMode , widgetParams  and draw accordingly
    function onEnterEveryFrame (aevent:Event):void
        var wm:String = widgetMode;//this variable will be provided by Captivate App or Captivate Movie
        if (wm == null)
            wm = widgetMode;
        if (wm == null)
            wm = 'Stage';
            this.removeEventListener (Event.ENTER_FRAME,onEnterEveryFrame);
        else if (wm == 'Edit')
            //Property inspection inside Captivate app
            myWM = wm;
            update ();
            this.removeEventListener (Event.ENTER_FRAME,onEnterEveryFrame);
        else if (wm == 'Preview')
            //The code here is used for previewing the widget in the preview window of widget panel
            myWM = wm;
            update ();
            this.removeEventListener (Event.ENTER_FRAME,onEnterEveryFrame);
            //On stage scrubbing/live preview inside Captivate app (OR) at runtime inside Captivate movie.
                if (movieHandle != null)
                    widgetParam = movieHandle.widgetParams();
                if (widgetParam != "")
                    var myXml:XML = new XML(widgetParam);
                    myData = == "dataXML").string;
                    wm = "Runtime";
                    myWM = wm;
                    update ();
                    checkUpdatedXML = true
            if (movieHandle != null)
                if (movieHandle.isWidgetEnabled() == true)
                    if(addednoskipframe == false)
                        var slidestart = movieHandle.getSlideProps().startFrame;
                        var slideend = movieHandle.getSlideProps().endFrame;
                        pauseFrame = Math.ceil((slidestart  + slideend)/2);
                        var SlidePauseFrame = pauseFrame - slidestart + 1;
                        addednoskipframe = true;
                    if(movieHandle.isWidgetEnabled()  && varHand.rdinfoCurrentFrame == pauseFrame && playedByButton == false)
                        varHand.rdcmndPause = 1;
                        this.removeEventListener (Event.ENTER_FRAME,onEnterEveryFrame);
    stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;
    stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;

    Hi again,
    I just added a virtual keyboard widget, so that you can enter text even in Fullscreen Mode

  • CP5 Button WIdget FILE Open problems

    I'm running CP5.  I want to have a button that exists on ALL slides, so I used the button widget.  I want it to open a file when clicked.  I keep getttnig "file does not exist errors".  Now I know the file exists because to test, I also put a regular button on slide 1 and had it open the same file, so the file is there and can be opened.  All other aspects of the button widget seem to work (open URL, go to next, etc), but I can't get the file open to work.  What am I missing here?

    Are you pointing to another CP-file? You have to point to the cptx-file, not to the published SWF.

  • Button widget - add javascript?

    I would like to add a Close button to my master slide that executes javascript: window.close().
    Is there a way to do that with the button widget?

    That option is not listed in the dropdown for this widget.
    Interactive objects cannot currently be added to Captivate master slides.  So you cannot do this with a normal button or click box either.
    There is a Close button that can be added to the playback bar, but whether or not it will close your window depends on a number of factors.

  • Button widget pauses audio

    Using Captivate 5, I inserted the Button.SWF widget. The button has the action "Open URL or file." The slide has audio on it. If I play the slide within Captivate, using the play button on the timeline, the audio plays perfectly. However, when previewing the slide, the audio comes to an abrupt stop soon after the button appears.
    I don't see a Pause After setting for the button widget, either in the Widget Properties or in the Properties panel.
    If it would help anyone to take a look at the slide, let me know by private message and I'll provide a link. Thanks in advance for any assistance you can provide.

    Hi Jay,
    Are you talking about the Buttons widget or the Flash button? If it is the first, which is a static widget, in CP5.0 it has a pausing point that you cannot change (about at 10 secs if I remember well). Captivate 5.5 ships with a static button widget that has no pausing point, and the team created also one that pauses at half its duration.
    But what you describe seems to be something else, because you say that audio stops immediately when the button appears? And you want this button to be there, to open an URL when user clicks?
    What do you mean by 'play the slide within Captivate'? Is that F3 which is not a real preview because no SWF is created? And the other preview is one of the other options?

  • Button Widget stops audio

    I'm using the button widget in Captivate 5, which is great. Except that it causes the slide audio to stop about 6.5 seconds into a slide - as though the slide becomes Inactive. I can't find a way to change this. Does anyone have a suggestion?

    Hi Lieve,
    Regarding your first concerns : For the static button widget we didn't want to make it to pause the slide at any time. This would behave just like any other static captivate object though we could have actions associated with it which would get triggered on clicking this. However you could enter a feature request whereby this widget pause time could be set as a parameter(in the Widget Properties dialog) which would make it pause at that time for user to click.This would be helpful when this widget is inserted on Question slides. Pausing at 6.5 secs is a bit misleading so this property was removed from the Widget.
    Regarding the second concern : The second widget is just the interactive version of the same static widget which would have the additional 2 properties :
    1.Pause for user interactions
    2.We would get the success/failure/hint captions accordingly when clicked inside/outside the button widget.
    However since we have actions which could be set from the widget properties dialog itself , we need to set it there in order for the appropriate action to get triggered.
    These widgets have been created so that the user can place buttons with different themes/colors/look and feel in his/her project as per their requirements.
    Thanks and regards,
    Sudeshna Sarkar

  • Button widget 'back' bug

    I am pretty new to captivate (using 5) so am not sure if this is a bug or if there is something else I need to add to my slides,
    I have used the button widget to create forward and back buttons on my master slide to give the user control of the presentation. On the first time through the presentation the forward button works fine with the slides not advancing until this has been pressed but if I use the back button at any point in the presentation it then plays at the original speed runnign through all of the slides.
    Once the user has returned to check something or re-read something on the previous slide I would like this to pause until the click the next slide button again.
    The end presentation is part of a course and overall there will be a few hundred slides so I am trying to avoid having to add something individually onto each slide - unless there is a quick way to do this?

    Not sure if I understand the issue, have been using the button widget on master slides.
    A quick way to have a normal button on all slides (or multiple buttons): put them on one slide, and do all the configuration, then copy them, select all the other slides in the filmstrip and paste. They will all have the same functionality and be in the same position.
    Another idea: there is also a PerpetualButton widget: put it on the first slide and set its timing for the rest of the project. But of course, you have to like that button or to adapt it in Flash.

  • Customising Question Buttons

    I need your help!
    I've created a question slide (short entry) and I'd like to
    customise the button that is generated.
    My options are either:
    - Specifiy a saved image for the button, or
    - Make the button transparent (sits over the button image in
    the background)
    Is this possible? If so, HOW????
    Any help would be greatly appreciated. :)

    OK, I've sort of figured this one out for myself -but there are potential issues.
    In the onClick options for the built-in 'Update' button (top or bottom) I typed the following:
    The parent page seems to refresh at the correct time - i.e., after the commit has taken place within this update event. However, I'm not sure if this is just random luck. For some reason I cannot place the do_event call before any of the other function calls otherwise I get a javascript error!! Is this a bug?
    Can anyone confirm my fear that the parent page refresh will not always accur after the commit of the form has completed, or suggest a workaround to the positioning of the function calls within this code segment?

  • Audigy 2 ZS Video Editor - customise the rm-1500 remot

    I have the RM-500 remote working with the audigy 2 zs video editor box.
    I realise that I can customise the functions of the remote to a degree using the creative 'Remote Control & OSD Settings' software, but is there a way I can completely customise the button functions to run my own commands / programs?
    There is a freeware thing called IntelliRemote which is designed to do just this, but unfortunately it only works with the internal audigy 5.5" blanking plate remote sensors - not ones connected through USB like the video editor box.
    Is there any way to completely customise the rm-500 functions without using the creative software?

    Anyone know whether this is possible?
    I'd love to be able to re-write the functionality of the supplied remote control.
    Any chance of you guys at Creative releasing a small app which anyone could use to trigger a custom command on any remote control action?

  • Customising the IR remote

    I discovered, purely by accident, that the remote for my MacBook Pro worked with Aperture.
    Is there a way (and I can't even find anything in the manual about the remote at all) to customise what you can do with the remote?
    Ideally, I want to be able to use the left and right arrows to move through the photos, and the up and down to rate up/down.
    Although it would be nice to be able to customise the buttons in the same way as you can with the keyboard. (Although that's more of a feature request than a support question!)

    I have the option to pair.
    Do a backup. Boot to the Recovery Volume (command - R on a restart or hold down the option/alt key during a restart and select Recovery Volume). Run Disk Utility Verify/Repair and Repair Permissions until you get no errors. Then re-install the OS.
    OS X Recovery
    OS X Recovery (2)

  • Facebook like button is not working, I have used the muse widget and created code from facebook. Does anyone know how to get this to work?

    Facebook like button is not working, I have used the muse widget and created code from facebook. Does anyone know how to get this to work?

    Hi connally25,
    Below is a link to a video tutorial on how to add a Facebook Log button, please check if you have followed the same steps to add the video.
    If you have followed the steps correctly and the button still does not work; here is a link to a forum thread which might help solving the issue:
    Facebook Follow Widget not working

  • How to Use an Image to Customize the Static Button Widget

    Can I just get someone to help me figure out how to use an image to customize the static button widget, please?
    I have tried using several different types of images, but none of them seem to actually change the appearance of the button.
    Captivate 5.5

    I tried to use the tools within the widget itself - it offers you the opportunity to use an image (see screenshot below).
    I also opened it in Flash and tried to replace the images for one of the button styles there w/ my own, but in re-publishing the SWF from there I broke the widget.  When I attempted to use the edited widget, there were no customization controls available after I inserted it (see screenshot two below).

  • Can i create a button that links to the slideshow widget

    I am creating a portfolio site for a class. It is a one page site, One of my sections is going to be my "work" section. I want to categorize my work, So I have made buttons that pertain to each category of work. Is there anyway that I can link this to the slideshow widget. When one of the category buttons is clicked I want the slideshow widget to pop up. Is this possible? I can not find a tutorial and I am very new to Muse. Thank you!

    You can't directly associate a button with a slideshow. However, you can embed slideshow in a tooptip target and add the button to the tooltip trigger as mentioned in this post : Re: How do i create a button which will show new content on same page?

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