Customization Wizard X bug ???

Hi all, I'm testing Adobe Customization Wizard X before deploy, I open the .msi, make some customization (silent install, suppress eula, disable updates and remove desktop shortcut). Then I generate the .mst and save the package.
When I test it on a client computer (running msiexec.exe /i c:\temp\AcroRead.msi /t c:\temp\Test.mst /qb+) the package installs correctly, but:
- desktop shortcut is present
- eula accept is requested the first time the reader starts
- automatic updates are enabled.
as if the .mst generated by the customization wizard is not compatible, because I can see it is totally ignored.
Is there someone experiencing the same issue?
thanks in advance.

/t Applies transform to advertised package - you need to use TRANSFORMS=[path to transform]

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    I have custiomized the Adobe Reader msi to disable any updating feature available . This is the same as the previous versions which have worked faultlessly. This time when i have deployed it does install on the windows machine but still prompts beside the clock with an icon and message saying would you like to install the update? if i click it it then fails as its already installed. i do not want any user to see this message especaily when that version is already running on the machine! Please see below for further informaiton, Appriciate any help resolving this issue.
    Server software:
    Operating system: Windows server 2008 R2
    Client software:
    Operating system: windows 7 64 x pro
    Service Packs: SP1
    Adobe product: Adobe reader
    Are the system requirements met? yes
    Problem details:
    Type of problem: update icon and message still showing at clock even when disabled by customized GPO.
    Error message (if any): no erro just popping up!
    Logged on as administrator or user? both but deployed via GPO deployment
    Can you reproduce the problem when you test the problem on the server? yes i can repude on several PC's
    Deployment details
    If you are having deployment problems, also record the following:
    Base version
    Any patching/chaining?,,, gpo deployed each version now on
    Using MSI or EXE? MSI with MST file (MSI from andmerged with Patch
    Using the Customization Wizard? YES
    Deployment method (AIP, GPO, SCCM, ARD?) GPO
    Installing over other products? YES previous versions of adobe reader
    Did you attempt to install any third-party scripts or application  programming interfaces (APIs) with Acrobat during deployment? If so,  does the problem reside with these elements? (To find out, create a test  package containing only Acrobat.) no
    How did you create the package? customisation wizard Adobe 11.
    Does the problem occur when you install the application from a DVD?  If so, does the problem occur when you copy the contents of the DVD to a  local or network drive? n/a

    Some feedback in SR 3-6322025251 ...
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  • Acrobat 9 Customization Wizard - Force Installed Language

    I'm using Adobe Acrobat 9 Customization Wizard to generate an .MST file to install Adobe Acrobat Pro 9 silently. I've selected in the wizard to install the product in French language. But when the product is installed, it's in English. The users have to manually change the setting in the Preference menu to get the French language.
    Is that a "known" bug ? Is there a workaround for it ?
    Alex Nguyen

    first of all make sure the msi you create is indeed an English French and German installer and not just an English one.
    Easiest way to check is to see the Acrobat setup file directory which should included 1031.mst 1033 and 1036 mst files as well as the Acrobat msi file.
    The option you are referring to in the customization wizard only refers to the language during the installation, not the (UI) language of the installed application.
    One way of installing the French version would be to use a command line pointing to the customized mst as well as the required language mst file:
    msiexec /i AcroPro.msi TRANSFORMS="1036.mst;custom.mst" /qb (or /qn or whatever you like)
    this will result in a french installation of Acrobat.

  • Advanced Search (Ctrl+Shift+F) broken with Protected View = All Files Adobe Customization Wizard XI

    I've updated Adobe Reader to version 11.0.09 and it was discovered that the Advanced Search (Ctrl+Shift+F) reports back errors on all words searched inside PDF document/
    1. Use Adobe Customization Wizard XI
    2. Create a MST file for the Base Adobe Reader 11.0.0 MSI (AdbeRdr11000_en_US.msi)
    3. Under Security -> Protected View -> (Set to ALL FILES)
    4. Save MST file
    5. Install Adobe Reader XI using created MST File and then Install AdbeRdrUpd11009.msp
    6. Open any PDF document and search for words using advanced search: (Ctrl+Shift+F) All searches return errors unable to display search.
    The error can be reproduced and only occurs on Adobe Reader 11.0.09. None of the previous patches of Adobe had this issue.
    The fix actually requires to remove and re-install Adobe Reader but with Protected View=OFF
    Please can you confirm bug and report any solution or workaround so that Advanced Search works with Reader 11.0.09?

    Hi vmartin01,
    I tried to check at my end and it works fine at my end.
    Ajlan Huda.

  • Adobe Customization Wizard X

    When I open the AcroRead.msi (v10) package with Customization Wizard 10, the installation option has "Remove previous version of Acrobat" enabled and (but not Remove Previous version of Reader), and the Shortcuts still refer to v9.
    How do I change the defaults to customize Reader X instead of Acrobat 10?

    I haven't had a chance to see if there are Wizard bugs for this feature, but here's a tip that will make it not matter: Because the trust framework has been evolving so rapidly, the feature in the latest version of Reader is more rich than the Wizard is able to configure. What I would do is configure an installed version of the product via the UI and then use the Wizard's Registry drag and drop feature to set up the installer the way you want. So:
    Go to Prefs > Security (Enhanced).
    Set all your privileged locations, enable enhanced security, decide whether to trust Win OS (IE) trust zones, etc. Note that most IT folks already manage site trust via IE, so one checkbox may get you what you need.
    Open the Wizard and go to the Registry feature.
    Drag the registry folder called cTrustManager to the target computer.
    Now you've copied your settings to the installer.
    BTW, 10.1.2 is going out in a few days and contains many improvements you may want. For example, trusting Win OS sites now only includes "Trusted Sites." With 10.1.2, it also includes "Local Intranet" zones. There are many other improvements as well.
    Next week new versions of these docs will go out:
    Preference Reference: A dictionary of 450 configurable preferences contained in the AIM AIR app.
    Application Security Guide: details about each security feature with a change history.
    Admin Guide.
    Get them all here (after Tuesday):

  • Customization Wizard Issues

    We have an issue with Adobe Reader when we use the Customization Wizard 9 to create our transforms for deployment. After creating the transforms and install Reader none of the MS Office Application embedding works. We cannot insert an Adobe PDF nor can we open a PDF in any MS Office 2007 Application.  It gives me an error telling me that the application is not installed.
    If I install without using the Customization Wizard these features work just fine. I have done a registry comparison between the two installs and the differences are significant after weeding out my customs. I inserted the missing registry keys into the transform (primarily AcroExch entries) and the issue is still there. I suspect that there are also files missing from this install as well.
    I can work around the need of the Customization Wizard but have several changes such as disabling updates that I would like to incorporate into the install package.
    Please help!
    Thanks in advance  
    Corey Owen

    You need to provide more deployment details such: ]
    Any chaining you might be using.
    Deployment method (AIP?)
    Installing over other products?
    There was a bug in 9.3.4 that was about linking to Office docs, but I don't think that's your problem. See the release notes.
    You can of course customize the install via registry keys or installer tables (not recommended) manually. For a Preference Reference (db of registry keys), get AIM from See also the admin guide.

  • Customization Wizard 9 and Reader 9.2: not saving trusted hosts

    I', using "Adobe Customization Wizard 9" and "Adobe Reader 9.2".  As  part of the Enhanced Security Settings , I want to define two trusted hosts.  ie: .  The problem is that the Wizard is not saving the trusted hosts that I enter.  I generate the MST file and perform a test installation with the .msi calling the .mst file.  All the other customizations I have made using the Customization Wizard 9 tool are there EXCEPT the settings I designated for the trusted hosts. The entries are blank.
    Is this a known bug with the Customization Wizard 9 or am I doing something wrong?
    TIA !

    I came across your post because I am looking for an answer to the same corruption. Installation completes, but installed configuration does not match my settings. I have similar but separate packages hosted on 2 different servers from which I pushed installation to 2 different LANs. All evidence so far is that all installations are corrupt, all of which defeats the purpose of using the Adobe Customization Wizard.
    I suspect I will have to revisit all systems.
    I have no answers to offer, but will monitor this site in case you do get good advice to fix.

  • Issues with setting "Maked Reader the default PDF viewer" with Adobe Customization Wizard XI

    I am using the Adobe Customization Wizard XI. I have set the following options in the Adobe Customization Wizard.
    Personalization Options
    Enabled the checkbox for Suppress display of End User License Agreement (EULA)
    Installation Options
    Selected the radio button for Make Reader the default PDF viewer
    Run Installation: selected radio button Silently(No Interface)
    Enhanced Security Settings - Clicked drop down and set value to Disable
    Online Services and Features
    Checked Disable product updates
    Checkd In Adobe Reader, disable Help > Purchase Adobe Acrobat
    Checked Disable Product Improvement Program
    Checked Disable Viewing of PDF with Ads for Adobe PDF
    Checked Disable all Adobe online services based workflows and entry points.
    I have tried to deploy the MSI with MST via GPO and Command Line with no luck.  Every time i deploy via below methods, the same result occurs, all of the options are set correctly except the "Make Reader the default PDF viewer".  I know how to manually set this option via Windows or Adobe interfaces but i am looking to roll this out to the masses and would not want a bunch of service desk calls because a user clicks on an Adobe PDF file and it is not opening in Adobe Reader.
    Create New Package Use AcroRead.msi
    Choose Advanced
    Deployment Options - Click Uninstall this application when it falls out of the scope of management.
    Modifications - Select Transform file located in the folder of MSI
    Command Line.
    Tried these options to try and apply "Make Reader the default PDF viewer"
    msiexec /i  "<path>\AcroRead.msi" TRANSFORMS="<path>\TransformFile.mst"
    msiexec /i  "<path>\AcroRead.msi" TRANSFORMS="<path>\TransformFile.mst" /qn
    msiexec /i "<path>\AcroRead.msi" IW_DEFAULT_VERB=Read
    msiexec /i  "<path>\AcroRead.msi" TRANSFORMS="<path>\TransformFile.mst" IW_DEFAULT_VERB=Read /qn
    Anyone know how to make this setting work with the Transform file, i sure would appreciate assistance on this issue.

    Instead of saving as a PDF thru Work do a Print ➙ PDF ➙ Save as PDF and it will be saved the first time with the Preview icon.

  • Display PDF in browser not working with Customization Wizard

    I used the Customization Wizard to generate a transform. One of the settings I specified was to display the PDF in the browser. The checkbox is checked, both in the Customization Wizard Console and in Acrobat's Preferences dialog after the installation completes on a clean workstation. Yet, the PDFs all display in a separately launched Acrobat session. They continue to do so until the user brings up the Preferences dialog, clears the checkbox and then rechecks it. When that is done, the installer dialog runs briefly (like something else is getting installed) and then Acrobat behaves as desired.
    Any help would be appreciated!

    One workaround for getting Dreamweaver to work with Firefox 3.6 is Automator. I was reading a mozilla users thread  about this; mozilla considers the new way better (no spaces or special  characters in path names). I tried this, but still had problems. But, the following Automator app does works for me.
    First,  if you haven't already, set the default broswer in Safari's preferences  to Firefox.
    Open  Automator and set up the following workflow:
    Get Specified Finder  Items - add the DW doc you want to preview in Firefox.
    Display  Webpages - this opens Safari (or the default broswer set  in Safari's prefences).
    Save the workflow as an application (ex:
    Add the new app to the DW browser list.
    The path  (Get Specified Finder Items) needs to be edited for each page you want to  preview. I suppose you could create an Automator app for each page and  add them to the browser list, but I prefer to just edit the Automator  app for each page. Just reopen the app in Automator and add a new path to  Get Specified Finder Items.
    The poster who gave me this tip said on his 10.6 machine that step one will  work just by itself and that step two will work just by  itself. Neither one of the one step solutions worked for me (10.5), but the two step Automator app above does.

  • Adobe Customization Wizard X issue PDF icon and disable display in browser after installation

    I have used the Adobe Customization Wizard X wizard to setup a .MTS files for the custom install. When this is installed using SCCM 2012 with command (msiexec /q /i "\\Server\Share\AcroRead.msi" TRANSFORMS="\\Server\Share\AcroRead.mst") this all works fine but all PDFs on the machine that gets this deployment (Windows 7 x64 or Windows XP x86) the icons for the .pdf don't show the Adobe icon they show the generic Windows icon when the program is not assigned but still work to launch Adobe reader. I have tried to unistall and reinstall but still the same resaults. If I install the .msi with no .mst the icon shows up just fine. So it has to be something with when you use the customization wizard or the .mst. I have also tried assigning .PDF to another program and the icon changes to that program and assign it back and no icon. Also if I set Display PDF in browser = Disabled this setting does not stick. I have just installed via Adobe not using SCCM via command line I get the same resaults.
    I have only selected these customizations:
         Installation Options:
    Silently (No interface)
    Suppress reboot
    No desktop Icon
    Suppress display of End User License Agreement (EULA)
         Online Features
    Disable all updates
    Disable Help > Purchases Adobe Acrobat
    Disable Product Improvement Program
    Display PDF in browser = Disabled
    Disabled  All access

    Hi Ben,
    Here's what I am trying to accomplish I had Acrobat Standard v10.1.4 scripted so I can deploy it to a Citrix Server (XENAPP6) via SCCM 2007 I have at least 50 licenses of Acrobat Standard deployed to 50 users. All of our Citrix Servers have Adobe Reader v10.* installed as our default pdf viewer. There are other apps that are deployed to this Citrix Server and I wanted to make sure that pdf files open on Adobe Reader instead of Acrobat Standard.
    I had to change the installer tables directly so I don't have to get it re-scripted to use this command line. Is it a best practice not to change the isntaller table?
    msiexec /i "\\source\Acrobat10\AcroStan.msi" transforms="\\source\Acrobat10\AcroStan.mst" LEAVE_PDFOWNERSHIP=”YES” /qb /norestart
    Thanks a lot for your help I'm looking forward to hear from you.

  • Adobe Customization Wizard X doesn't set Adobe Reader X to be default when customizing Acrobat X

    I've recently started working with Adobe Customization Wizard X.
    I've got Adobe Reader X customized and it's already installed all computers. Now, I'm working on customizing Adobe Acrobat X. During the customization, I only have the following 2 options:
    1. Installer will decide which product will be the default
    2. Make Acrobat the default PDF viewer
    Choosing the 1st option, makes Acrobat as the default PDF viewer. In other words, I don't get an option to keep Adobe Reader X as the default on the existing computer.
    Found a blog in Adobe site which suggests running Adobe Reader installation again after Acrobat is installed. Although it works, it just isn't a good solution (my opinion). machine.html
    Can you advise what're the registry setting that I can set during the Acrobat X customization so that it doesn't become the default PDF viewer.
    Message was edited by: Parvez Akkas
    Included the hyperlink to the blog that was mentioned

    Hi Ben,
    Here's what I am trying to accomplish I had Acrobat Standard v10.1.4 scripted so I can deploy it to a Citrix Server (XENAPP6) via SCCM 2007 I have at least 50 licenses of Acrobat Standard deployed to 50 users. All of our Citrix Servers have Adobe Reader v10.* installed as our default pdf viewer. There are other apps that are deployed to this Citrix Server and I wanted to make sure that pdf files open on Adobe Reader instead of Acrobat Standard.
    I had to change the installer tables directly so I don't have to get it re-scripted to use this command line. Is it a best practice not to change the isntaller table?
    msiexec /i "\\source\Acrobat10\AcroStan.msi" transforms="\\source\Acrobat10\AcroStan.mst" LEAVE_PDFOWNERSHIP=”YES” /qb /norestart
    Thanks a lot for your help I'm looking forward to hear from you.

  • Problem removing old versions with customization wizard 8

    I'm trying to deploy Acrobat Reader 8 to our XP Professional desktops via Active Directory software installation (Windows Server 2003 domain)
    I have obtained the MSI release of Reader 8, customised it using Adobe Customization Wizard 8, and deployed it through AD as per the Adobe documentation. This works as expected for new machines without a previous release of Reader installed.
    However for desktops that have Reader 6 or 7 installed, we end up with two versions installed side by side (visible in Add/Remove Programs). Reader 8 works fine at this point. Removing the older version causes the PDF file association that Reader 8 created to be broken, also the Internet Explorer browser plugin is broken. Reader 8 has to be reinstalled manually to fix this issue.
    I have read that Reader automatically removes old versions of itself when you install a new version. Additionally, when customising the MSI, "Remove previous version of Reader" is greyed out. However it appears that the installer is not removing old versions.
    Any ideas as to a solution?
    Thanks a lot
    Tom Fanning

    I have the same problem and i have wasted like 50 hours on this s**t. I'm trying to deploy reader 8 on our 1800 XP workstations with SMS 2003.
    The cutomization tool is totally useless. The only way i have came up with is to create a script wich checks if earlier versions of Adobe reader is installed by looking if the installation folders exists (for example c:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 7.0\Reader ).
    If the installation folders exists, the script would run the uninstallatoin string of the reader using its Windows installer product code, like this:
    MsiExec.exe /x /qn {AC76BA86-7AD7-1035-7B44-A70000000000}
    Now, the problem with the script is that we have several versions of reader 6 and 7 including 3 different languages. The script or the .BAT file would be quite complicated and the testing is allmost impossible.
    I think that it would be much more easier to create a script that deletes all the shotcuts for Adobe reader and then installs a Freeware product for openig PDF files.
    In my opinion, adobe products are a nightmare for IT admins and their support system is even worse than Microsofts.

  • Invalid Serial Number when using Customization Wizard to install Acrobat 8

    Hello. I'm trying to install Adobe Acrobat 8 Professional using the Customization Wizard to create a transform. The serial number is for the volume license product, and I put this number in the space provided in the Wizard. Whenever I remotely deploy the msi file and the user opens the program, I get the following error: "You have entered an invalid serial number. Please reinstall Adobe Acrobat 8 Professional and enter in a valid serial number when asked." The program then closes. This does not happen when I install from the CD.
    Each of the workstations is a Gateway E-4500S running Windows XP SP2. Adobe Acrobat 7 Professional is uninstalled prior to installation of Acrobat 8, and Acrobat 8 exists alongside Adobe Reader 8.1.1. No other Adobe products are installed apart from Flash Player.
    The following are the contents of the setup.ini file:
    RequireOS=Windows 2000;Windows XP
    CmdLine=/sall /rs
    1033=English (United States)
    1031=German (Germany)
    1036=French (France)
    [Windows 2000]
    [Windows XP]
    [MSI Updater]
    I've tried editing the setup.ini file to indicate the full path to the mst file, to no avail. Pretty much at the end of my rope right now. Any suggestions? I'll be happy to provide further information.

    Chris Benton - 4:40am Jan 29, 08 PST (#2 of 2)
    Correct. The CD installation goes without a hitch. I'm using Attachmate WinInstall to try to deploy the software remotely. It worked fine for Adobe Reader 8.1.1, but it's been a bear for Acrobat 8. I'd be okay with a straight CD installation if it didn't involve fifty machines.

  • Adobe Customization Wizard XI: setup.ini was not found (while saving the MSI)

    I have downloaded the Adobe Customization Wizard XI and the Adobe Reader XI .msi file. I am only attempting the customize three options of this application. When I try to save the .msi file I get an error "setup.ini was not found".
    I have placed the .msi file in a folder on the desktop. Additionally, I have tried using 7-Zip to extract the .msi in an effort to find the setup.ini file.
    Where is this file located? What is the solution?
    Any help is much appreciated.

    Just install Adobe Reader on a machine.  Then you will get the flat files in a folder location that has the Setup.ini file.  It will be something like this depending on your OS:
    Windows 7 64-bit Example Location

  • Adobe Customization Wizard: "remove previous versions" greyed out?

    I am preparing an MST, with the Adobe Customization Wizard,  to customize Adobe Reader 9.5.0 setup, and I see the "remove previous versions" checkboxes are both greyed out.
    Reader's is blank while Acrobat's is checked - nevertheless, installing over a previous Reader, it correclty replaces it. But what about Acrobat?
    Can't I install Reader 9.5.0 on a computer where, i.e., Acrobat Pro 9.4.0 is installed, without removing it?

    After testing some more, I can see that the greyed-out options are not taken in account at all. Even installing on a computer where the Pro is, it is not removed. I guess these options are only available for Acrobat, then, and not for the Reader.

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