Cutting Two Camera Shoot

A dance performance was shot by two separate cameras, and I want to lock them together after finding the same frame.  Then I want to remove the inferior audio of the two, and the cut back and forth between them.  I am brand-spanking new to Premiere Pro CS6 -- have only watched a few tutorials (none of which addressed my needs), but I have some experience with MS Moviemaker (yeah, go ahead and groan -- I have, too...).  I know this hardly counts, but back in my younger days I wanted to go into post-production, and did some apprentice editing in NYC on old, manual Moviola and Steenbeck editing machines -- handling real 35 mm film!  I'm offering that tidbit as background so you don't think I'm just playing entirely, here.  I would like very much to take some courses, and become very swift at editing in Premiere Pro, so that perhaps my youthful dreams can be quasi-realized, after all!  Thanks for any help, especially if it's speedy!  Gigi
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This sounds great, Richard, and I'm going to try it as soon as possible (I'm upset that I can't, right now!).  Only one question: Are the video tracks locked together, so that when I cut a clip away, the same frames are still in the right place -- in other words, still together?  You see, since I haven't actually done any of this, I don't know what happens...  I'm afraid of something separating them (like the cut-away part not remaining an empty spot, but video moving into it to fill the void).  And since I've only worked with real film, my understanding of editing is that you cut both rolls of film, so that you would also trim the pieces from Video 1 where you are using Video 2.  And does the finished, edited film/video show up on the Master track?  I guess I had more than one question.
But I'm very grateful for what you've told me -- it sounds simpler and easier to accomplish than I thought!

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    Martin Crawley1 wrote:
    ... Is replacing the video with footage from the second tape whilst keeping the original audio track uninterrupted straight forward?
    only way to acomplish your task with iM ...
    but.. I assume, you stumble soon into sync problems.. due to lack of two video timelines, it is very hard to find the right 'in' in your 2nd video ..
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    You want to do a multicam.
    It is extremely well suited for this.
    Since you don't seem to be aware of this, I recommend that you follow some good tutorials on this.
    To get you started, take a look at a few videos explaining how this works; then you may want to read a bit on the manual of the software.
    You may want to start with episode of 153, which explains how to put together a multicam clip:
    Then follow the next episode, about cutting.

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    A big challenge in perspective. As you noted from your previous experience, it's very important to keep all cameras rolling along the race. If you can use a sort of clapper board signal (like a air horn shot, the start signal or a camera flash) it will be easier to synch all your material. This point can be anywhere in the clip as it is present in all clips.
    Pay attention that camcorders supplied by "girls" must record in a compatible format for FCE. And use 16 bit audio for all.
    Your analog Hi8 must be a problem but you can use a DV camcorder with analog in converter to output signal through firewire. To avoid pitfall, try to use 5 DV camcorders from start.
    Once material captured into FCE, open each long clip in viewer and find the synch point (air horn or flash or anything else recorded on each camera). Put a marker exactly at this point. Repeat for each clips.
    Put each clip on a video track in timeline and synch the markers. From this point it's better to use one audio (the better one- you can even record the audio with a digital audio recorder), so mute the other audio tracks.
    Use one video track as your camera A roll, put it on V1 and lock this track.
    All other clip (camera B rools) must be keep in synch,. To monitor all your 5 angles, scale all clips to a 20% scale (in motion tab) and position them in mosaïc in canvas.
    You can now play the timeline and use razor blade to cut angles. Delete unwanted portions (you will be able to use those portions later with the roll tool). This is a tedious and long work, but be patient.
    Once all the material will be cut, reset the scale to 100% for each clips on V1-2-3-4-5.
    You will get many angle from A and B rolls with a main audio. You can mix different parts from audio as audio related to V2-3-4-5 are available but muted in timeline.
    Piero, a fellow contributor on this forum, has designed a custom plugin to use 4 clips in multicamera mode, but as you use 5 cameras I think it's better to scale clip by hand.
    If you can, try a test shots with 3 camera before the "J" day...
    Michel Boissonneault

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    You definitely made the right choice with the H4n - it's what I use.  Pair it up with a Rode NT4 stereo mic and you get 4 tracks of sonic perfection.
    If recording in a church, be careful of natural reverberation.  Place mics close to the sources and you get a nice balance of ambience and dry source sound.
    In terms of syncing visually, again be prepared for the large reverberant ambience of a church because if you are using a visual cue to line up both cameras the attack portion of the your visual cue (a clap for example) can get swamped in reverb.  What I tend to do is walk in front the site of both cameras whilst they're running and snap a clothes peg together.  This gives a quick click and allows me to line up multi cameraS.
    Good luck

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    Canon supports two camera attachment for tethering.
    Nikon does not.
    Tethered camera support in Lightroom
    Notes on Nikon cameras
    For all Nikon cameras:
    If you trigger the shutter with the tether bar capture button, the image must finish downloading before another photo can be captured. Triggering a capture with the shutter release button on the camera does not have this limitation.
    Images do not save to the compact flash card. They are only downloaded to the computer.
    Only one Nikon camera can be attached at a time.

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    If you read the "Apple Pro Training Sereis; Final Cut Pro 5" book, it's very easy. You can sync the clips manually by setting In or Out points, specifying TC, or using one of the two Aux TC fields. Since this is the first, and most basic step in doing Multiclip editing, I'd suggest you get the book, or read the appropriate section of the User Manual. I don't think anyone wants to post a full "how to" article in a forum.
    It can be done, you're clips have to all have been recorded with synced TC, or they simply won't sync up in any NLE. Read the book. Cause even if I did have the time to explain FCP's Multiclip editing in this forum, you'd still have questions that are in the book.
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    Or, is there a better way to approach this project?
    Thanks much for your advice.

    You're assuming the the two will sync up, which they might. You didn't say how you're making the live recording in FCE, but mostly likely it's going to be in 44.1. You'll need to convert that to 48K.
    The best approach, if possible, is to take the sound recording and feed it to the two cameras so they can record it directly as they shoot the picture. If that's not possible and you have to make a separate recording I'd connect up the sound to the camera tracks.
    Lay the camera A video and audio in the timeline. Turn on the audio waveforms. Put the separate audio into the timeline underneath. Sync up the audio and video. Delete the camera audio and link the separate audio to the camera A video. Drag that back to the browser and make it a master clip. Repeat the process for camera B.

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    I was wondering if there was an easy way to line up the clips and cut back and forth between the two angles. I also have iMovie HD 6 available.

    bp1002 wrote:
    .. (why does the single guy always get stuck shooting these romantic things )
    advice from the divorced guy, who always get stuck shooting these romantic things:
    give (m)any of the present teenagers (a) small digital still-cam(s) and give advice 'as much and as close as you can get'; they shouldn't care for detail, perspective.. SHOOT! (e.g. never use the viewfinder, hold camera 'on the long arm'). faces, faces, faces..
    before edit, view the 4321 stills in iPhoto and create an album of the top50 pics... perhaps, prep them: b/w, add a white border, place them on some grey-linen background =can all be done in Keynote .. see example#2 on my iDVD modding site .. in case, you don't own Photoshop/Pixelmator etc.
    esp. when using 1 camcorder only, you will LOVE to intercut stills.. that adds 'drama' - paced video, calm (Ken Burns) stills, or +vice versa+ fast edited still impressions, and slow-mo, classic music video..

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    Yes - but not as easy as in FinalCut Pro (old one e.g. 6) where there is a multicamera function.
    If FCE - I do
    • Put Camera one on Video Track one in TimeLine
    • Put Camera two on Video Track two
    • Select track one clip
    - by double click it and then in Viewer turn on Image + Wireframe and
    - resize it to 50% and
    - move it to a corner e.g. top left one.
    • Same with track two - but up to the right
    • Now move one track so that it synchronize with the other one. You can use the audio Wave-form to do this - I use a flash-light from a Camera to get one white frame on both cameras to set them exactly right.
    • Now by changing the transparency of the track two (pen tool and set to show transp.-line) one can select what Camera to view.
    • When all's done - Just scale back and center picture
    And Done
    Yours Bengt W

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    If you want to use FCPs multiclip feature, both videos will have to be in the same format.
    You can downconvert the HDV to DV on import, or upconvert the DV after import. Which way you want to go depends on your delivery format. If you're delivering on web or dvd, I'd go the downconvert route. Your DV footage will suffer greatly by upconverting to HDV, which is needless if you're delivering in SD.

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    What version of Premiere Elements are you using and on what computer operating system is it running?
    Typically, select the clip,
    as you hold down the Alt key of the computer main keyboard, tap the left or right arrow key once. Each tap = 1 frame nudge.
    as you hold down the Shift+Alt keys of the computer main keyboard, tap the left or right arrow key once. Each tap = 5 frames nudge.
    If you are working with audio editing, consider Edit Menu/Project Settings/General with Audio Display Format = Milliseconds.
    Please let us know if any of the above worked for you.
    Thank you.

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    The reality is that there is no break in footage in the sense that this footage was recorded as a real-time 30 minute presentation, but because timecode is being jammed, and because the tape was being recorded in non-drop frame, Final Cut cannot capture this footage in its entirety.
    My only thought would be to capture through S-video out and place the footage on a timeline, and force the sequence timecode with the appropriate timecode.
    Has anyone run into this issue before and know a better solution? Or if the above solution will work?

    Update: Rather than S-Video, we're setting the FCP capture setting to non-controllable device. That will give it higher quality, and so far, that is capturing just fine without the breaks.

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    Scroll down to find a whole series on color correction. andrew-devis/

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