We are getting "CX_HRPA_INVALID_INFOTYPE_DB" dump error while using PA20/PA30 for IT0006 of an employee who is working australia but whose permanent address is of thailand.
Any idea what could be the issue?
Its kind of urgent so please reply if you have any clue abt it?

Hi Jignya,
this may help you
try running the below program in test mode for one EE & then check what is then out put result
RPUFIXDS - Repairing Data Sharing Inconsistencies
RPUPAV00 - Regeneration of Additional ITs for Views

Similar Messages

  • Disable Delete Button for infotype 2001 subtype 0025

    I want to Disable Delete Button for infotype 2001 subtype 0025 only in PA30/61.
    Is there any EXIT available

    Try it .
    Somebody already given this type of answers.
    Pls first use Search then post.
    Well FYI,
    <b>There is a standard User Exit for PA30 / 40 for PBO and PAI events.
    ZXPADU01 for PBO and
    ZXPADU02 for PAI events.
    By writing proper code in here for the IT2001, you can write your rules.
    PBAS0001 ( PA: Pers.Admin./Recruitment: Default values and checks ),</b>
    Manoj Shakya.

  • Posting HR Text for Infotype 2004

    Hello Friends,
    I am using RP-EXP-C1-TX to write text for Infotype 2004(Availability) and then updating it using below Routine:
    IF sy-subrc = 0.
    PERFORM prepare_update(sapfp50p) USING 'V'.
    My issue is that the text is getting updated properly but it is quite intermittent, meaning it posts sometimes and sometimes not. When I run it in debugging mode and execute each statement in PREPARE_UPDATE, it updates the text properly. But when I run it all at once, it updates at its own mood. I assume there is no issue with the code as it creates text many a times.
    I have given a WAIT of 3 seconds also after the PREPARE_UPDATE call which has already made it very slow. The fact that through PA61 everything gets updated pretty quickly,  makes me worry even more.
    Please let me know what should I do or if I am missing something somewhere. Or this can be a system/Database issue? I am afraid if I move this to Production assuming that it is a system issue and it does not work there either.
    Any help would be appreciated and rewarded.

    Resolved myself

  • Error : 'No object identification permitted for infotype 0582, subtype LTA'

    Hi Experts,
                   While executing the program 'HINUINFO_UPDATE'
    i am getting an error 'No object identification permitted for infotype 0582, subtype LTA'.
                   After the approval for LTA claim  is done in ESS i have executed the program 'HINUINFO_UPDATE' to update he infotypes 15 and 582. Infotype 15 is getting created but while creating the infotype 582 system gives the above error message.
                 In the detailed error log system gives the following message.
                    "You attempted to access a data record with the object identification 1. However, according to the Customizing settings, object identifications cannot be used for subtype LTA of infotype 0582".
            Can anybody please assist me how to solve this problem. Helpful answers will be rewarded.
    Thanks and Best Regards,

    Hi ,
    Did any one find solution for this ? Please reply how to fix this issue.

  • Error in BDC for Infotype 0589

    Hi friends,
                     I have developed a BDC program for Infotype 0589.  After executing the program to upload data from file, I am getting error message: Field Q0589-ANZHL(7) input value is longer than screen field
    Here I am adding my  Sample code also.
    REPORT  ZTEST_0589.
      p_file TYPE rlgrap-filename.         " Accepts File Name
    *" Type declarations...................................................
    TYPES :
      BEGIN OF type_s_it0589,
        pernr   TYPE rp50g-pernr,          " Personnel Number
        inftyp  TYPE rp50g-choic,          " Infotype
        begda   TYPE p0589-begda,          " Begin Date
        endda   TYPE p0589-endda,          " End Date                                   
        lga01   TYPE q0589-lgart,           
        betrg01 TYPE q0589-betrg,         
        anzhl01 TYPE q0589-anzhl,         
        lga02   TYPE q0589-lgart,           
        betrg02 TYPE q0589-betrg,         
        anzhl02 TYPE q0589-anzhl,         
        lga03   TYPE q0589-lgart,           
        betrg03 TYPE q0589-betrg,         
        anzhl03 TYPE q0589-anzhl,         
        lga04   TYPE q0589-lgart,           
        betrg04 TYPE q0589-betrg,         
        anzhl04 TYPE q0589-anzhl,         
        lga05   TYPE q0589-lgart,           
        betrg05 TYPE q0589-betrg,         
        anzhl05 TYPE q0589-anzhl,        
        lga06   TYPE q0589-lgart,           
        betrg06 TYPE q0589-betrg,         
        anzhl06 TYPE q0589-anzhl,         
        lga07   TYPE q0589-lgart,           
        betrg07 TYPE q0589-betrg,         
        anzhl07 TYPE q0589-anzhl,         
        lga08   TYPE q0589-lgart,           
        betrg08 TYPE q0589-betrg,         
        anzhl08 TYPE q0589-anzhl,          
      END OF type_s_it0589.
    Work variables                                                   
      w_file      TYPE string,             " File Name
      w_betrg(50) TYPE c,                  " Proposed Contribution
      w_anzhl(50) TYPE c,                  " Actual Contribution
      w_count(2)  TYPE n,                  " Counter
      w_year(4)   TYPE n,                  " Year
      w_month(2)  TYPE n,                  " Month
      w_day(2)    TYPE n,                  " Day
      w_date(10)  TYPE c,                  " Date
      w_wage(50)   TYPE c,                  " wage
      w_waget(50)   TYPE c,                 " wage type
      w_curr(12)  TYPE c,                  " Currency
      w_tabrows LIKE sy-srows VALUE 7,     " Table Control rows
      w_update TYPE i,                     " Number of Updated Records
      w_failed TYPE i,                     " Number of Failed Records
      w_0589_lines TYPE i,                 " Number of Records in File
      w_text TYPE string.                  " CheckBox for considering
    " Actual Contributions
    Structure to hold File Data                                         *
    DATA :
      fs_it0589 TYPE type_s_it0589.
    Structure to hold Batch input: New table field structure            *
    DATA :
    fs_bdcdata TYPE bdcdata.
    Structure to hold Messages in the SAP System                        *
    DATA :
      fs_messages TYPE bdcmsgcoll.
    Structure to hold Personnel Number, Message Type & Message Text     *
      BEGIN OF fs_log,
        pernr   TYPE rp50g-pernr,
        msgtxt(200) TYPE c,
        msgtyp TYPE c,
      END OF fs_log.
    Structure to hold Parameter string for runtime of CALL TRANSACTION  *
    DATA :
      fs_opt TYPE ctu_params.
    Internal Table to hold File Data                                    *
    DATA :
      t_it0589 LIKE
            OF fs_it0589.
    Internal Table to hold Batch input: New table field structure       *
    DATA :
      t_bdcdata TYPE
             OF bdcdata.
    Internal Table to hold Messages in the SAP System                   *
      t_messages TYPE TABLE OF bdcmsgcoll.
    Internal Table to hold Personnel Number, Message Type & Message Text*
       t_log LIKE
          OF fs_log.
    FORM validate .
      IF p_file IS INITIAL.
        MESSAGE e005(zvalid).
      ENDIF.                               " IF P_FILE IS INITIAL.
      MOVE p_file TO w_file.
          filename                = w_file
          filetype                = 'ASC'
          has_field_separator     = 'X'
          dat_mode                = 'X'
          data_tab                = t_it0589
          file_open_error         = 1
          file_read_error         = 2
          no_batch                = 3
          gui_refuse_filetransfer = 4
          invalid_type            = 5
          no_authority            = 6
          unknown_error           = 7
          bad_data_format         = 8
          header_not_allowed      = 9
          separator_not_allowed   = 10
          header_too_long         = 11
          unknown_dp_error        = 12
          access_denied           = 13
          dp_out_of_memory        = 14
          disk_full               = 15
          dp_timeout              = 16
          OTHERS                  = 17.
      IF sy-subrc NE 0.
        MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
           WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
      IF t_it0589 IS INITIAL.
        MESSAGE e006(zvalid).
      ENDIF.                               " IF T_IT0589 IS INITIAL
    ENDFORM.                               " FORM VALIDATE
    FORM f4_help .
          file_name = p_file.
    ENDFORM.                               " FORM F4_HELP
    *&      Form  FILL_BDCDATA
    FORM fill_bdcdata .
      DESCRIBE TABLE t_it0589 LINES w_0589_lines.
      LOOP AT t_it0589 INTO fs_it0589.
        REFRESH t_bdcdata.
        REFRESH t_messages.
        PERFORM bdc_dynpro USING 'SAPMP50A' '1000'.
        PERFORM bdc_field USING 'RP50G-PERNR'
        w_year = fs_it0589-begda+0(4).
        w_month = fs_it0589-begda+4(2).
        w_day = fs_it0589-begda+6(2).
        CONCATENATE w_day w_month w_year INTO w_date
                                 SEPARATED BY '.'.
        PERFORM bdc_field USING 'RP50G-BEGDA'
        w_year = fs_it0589-endda+0(4).
        w_month = fs_it0589-endda+4(2).
        w_day = fs_it0589-endda+6(2).
        CONCATENATE w_day w_month w_year INTO w_date
                                 SEPARATED BY '.'.
        PERFORM bdc_field USING 'RP50G-ENDDA'
        PERFORM bdc_field USING 'RP50G-CHOIC'
        PERFORM bdc_field USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
        PERFORM bdc_dynpro USING 'SAPMP50A' '1000'.
        PERFORM bdc_field USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
        PERFORM bdc_dynpro USING 'MP058900' '2000'.
    1st Row...............................................................
        ADD 1 TO w_count.
        MOVE fs_it0589-lga01 TO w_wage.
        PERFORM bdc_field USING 'Q0589-LGART(01)'
        MOVE fs_it0589-betrg01 TO w_curr.
        PERFORM bdc_field USING 'Q0589-BETRG(01)'
        MOVE fs_it0589-anzhl01 TO w_curr.
        PERFORM bdc_field USING 'Q0589-ANZHL(01)'
    2nd Row...............................................................
    3rd Row...............................................................
    4th Row...............................................................
    5th Row...............................................................
    6th Row...............................................................
        ADD 1 TO w_count.
        IF w_count > w_tabrows .
          w_count = 1.
          PERFORM bdc_field USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
                                  'P+' .
          PERFORM bdc_dynpro USING 'MP058900' '2000'.
        ENDIF.                             " IF W_COUNT > W_TABROWS
        MOVE fs_it0589-lga06 TO w_curr.
        CONCATENATE 'Q0589-LGART(' w_count ')' INTO w_wage.
        PERFORM bdc_field USING w_wage
        MOVE fs_it0589-betrg06 TO w_curr.
        CONCATENATE 'Q0589-BETRG(' w_count ')' INTO w_betrg.
        PERFORM bdc_field USING w_betrg
        MOVE fs_it0589-anzhl06 TO w_curr.
        CONCATENATE 'Q0589-ANZHL(' w_count ')' INTO w_anzhl.
        PERFORM bdc_field USING w_anzhl
    7th Row...............................................................
        ADD 1 TO w_count.
        IF w_count > w_tabrows .
          w_count = 1.
          PERFORM bdc_field USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
                                  'P+' .
          PERFORM bdc_dynpro USING 'MP058900' '2000'.
        ENDIF.                             " IF W_COUNT > W_TABROWS
        MOVE fs_it0589-lga07 TO w_curr.
        CONCATENATE 'Q0589-LGART(' w_count ')' INTO w_wage.
        PERFORM bdc_field USING w_wage
        MOVE fs_it0589-betrg07 TO w_curr.
        CONCATENATE 'Q0589-BETRG(' w_count ')' INTO w_betrg.
        PERFORM bdc_field USING w_betrg
        MOVE fs_it0589-anzhl07 TO w_curr.
        CONCATENATE 'Q0589-ANZHL(' w_count ')' INTO w_anzhl.
        PERFORM bdc_field USING w_anzhl
    *- -- Same upto 15 rows.......
        PERFORM bdc_field       USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
        PERFORM bdc_dynpro USING 'MP058900' '2000'.
        PERFORM bdc_field  USING 'BDC_OKCODE'
        w_count = 0.
        CALL TRANSACTION 'PA30'  USING t_bdcdata
                               OPTIONS FROM fs_opt
                              MESSAGES INTO t_messages.
        LOOP AT t_messages INTO fs_messages.
              id        = fs_messages-msgid
              lang      = sy-langu
              no        = fs_messages-msgnr
              v1        = fs_messages-msgv1
              v2        = fs_messages-msgv2
              v3        = fs_messages-msgv3
              v4        = fs_messages-msgv4
              msg       = fs_log-msgtxt
              not_found = 1
              OTHERS    = 2.
          IF sy-subrc NE 0.
            MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
                  WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
          ENDIF.                           " IF SY-SUBRC NE 0
          MOVE fs_it0589-pernr TO fs_log-pernr.
          MOVE fs_messages-msgtyp TO fs_log-msgtyp.
          APPEND fs_log TO t_log.
          CLEAR fs_log.
          IF fs_messages-msgtyp EQ 'S'
         AND fs_messages-msgnr  EQ '102'.
            ADD 1 TO w_update.
          ELSEIF fs_messages-msgtyp EQ 'S'
             AND fs_messages-msgnr  EQ '015'
              OR fs_messages-msgtyp EQ 'E'.
            ADD 1 TO w_failed.
          ENDIF.                           " IF FS_MESSAGES-MSGTYP EQ 'S'
        ENDLOOP.                           " LOOP AT T_MESSAGES
      ENDLOOP.                             " LOOP AT T_IT0585
      WRITE :/ 'Number of Records Fetched from file'(001),
             50   w_0589_lines COLOR 1,
             / 'Number of Records Updated into the database'(002),
             50    w_update COLOR 1,
             / 'Number of Records Failed to update into database'(003),
             50   w_failed COLOR 6 .
      SKIP 3.
      WRITE :/ 'Detailed Log.....'(004).
      SKIP 1.
      LOOP AT t_log INTO fs_log.
        AT NEW pernr.
          WRITE :/  fs_log-pernr COLOR 1.
        ENDAT.                             " AT NEW PERNR
        IF fs_log-msgtyp = 'E'.
          WRITE :15  fs_log-msgtxt COLOR 6 INVERSE ON.
          WRITE :15  fs_log-msgtxt.
        ENDIF.                             " IF FS_LOG-MSGTYP = 'E'
      ENDLOOP.                             " LOOP AT T_LOG INTO FS_LOG
    ENDFORM.                               " FORM FILL_BDCDATA
    *&      Form  BDC_DYNPRO
    This subroutine starts new screen                                    *
    There are no interface parameters to be passed to this subroutine.  *
    FORM bdc_dynpro USING program dynpro.
      CLEAR fs_bdcdata.
      fs_bdcdata-program  = program.
      fs_bdcdata-dynpro   = dynpro.
      fs_bdcdata-dynbegin = 'X'.
      APPEND fs_bdcdata TO t_bdcdata.
    ENDFORM.                               " FORM BDC_DYNPRO
    *&      Form  BDC_FIELD
    This subroutine inserts field                                        *
    There are no interface parameters to be passed to this subroutine.  *
    FORM bdc_field USING fnam fval.
      CLEAR fs_bdcdata.
      fs_bdcdata-fnam = fnam.
      fs_bdcdata-fval = fval.
      APPEND fs_bdcdata TO t_bdcdata.
    ENDFORM.                               " FORM BDC_FIELD
    Ziad khan

    Hi Amit,
               Thaks for reply. Amit, I am new to ABAP-HR so i dont know how to use FM "HR_MAINTAIN_MASTERDATA".
    Can u please explain in detail.

  • Creating subtype for Infotype.

    Hi ,
    I have created a customInfotype following the steps below:
    1) Go to Transaction PM01.
    2) Enter the custom Infotype number which you want to create (Should be a 4 digit number, start with 9).
    3) Select the 'Employee Infotype' radio button.
    4) Select the 'PS Structure Infotype'.
    5) Click on Create... A separate table maintenance window appears...
    6) Create a PS structure with all the fields you want on the Infotype
    7) Save and Activate the PS structure
    8) Go back to the initial screen of PM01.
    9) Click on 'All' push button. It takes a few moments.
    10) Click on 'Technical Characteristics'. Infotype list screen appears
    11) Click on 'Change'(pencil) button
    12) Select your Infotype and click on 'Detail' (magnifying glass) button
    13) Give 'T591A' as subtype table
    14) Give 'T591S' as subtype txt tab
    15) Give your subtype field as subtype field
    16) Save and come back to PM01 initial screen
    17) Click on 'Infotype Characteristics' ... Infotype list screen appears
    18) Click on 'Change' (pencil) button
    19) Click on 'New Entries'
    20) Enter your Infotype number and short text
    21) Here we have to set different Infotype Characteristics as per the requirement. (Better open another session with some standard Infotype's infotype characteristics screen and use as the reference to fill yours)
    22) Save your entries.
    23) Now the Infotype is created and ready to use.
    24) If you want to change the layout of the Infotype as per your requirement...
    25) In the PM01 initial screen...Select 'Screen' radio button and give 2000 as the screen name, then click on edit.
    26) In the next screen.. Select 'Layout Editor' and click 'Change'.
    27) Screen default layout you can design/modify the screen..change the attributes of the fields..etc.
    28) Save and activate. (Don't forget to 'Activate at every level)
    In thread Infotype the following method is given to create subtype for Infotype.
    <b>Subtype Creation :</b>
    Transaction PM01 Goto Subtype Characteristics. Click on Append and then subtype. Enter the name and description of subtype on screen.
    Then goto technical Characteristics and maintain the details of subtype there. I.e name of subtype i.e. component name defined in PSnnnn. Subtype table is T591A.
    Subty.text tab is T591S and time const tab is T591A.
    But I am having no option to create subtype from PM01.
    Please guide on this.
    Message was edited by:
            Ananya Mukherjee

       What you are trying to do is to modify a Standard ( delivered by SAP ) object. This would obviously not be allowed all that easily. You will have to contact SAP and obtain what is known as an access key. You would then be able to modify the object. This stipulation makes it explicit that SAP is not responsible for any problems that you may encounter by changing the standard functionality.
    There is, however, an exception to this. We have something called user-exits in sAP. These are the places in the code where SAP has given the customer an option to include some custom functionality within the standard functionality. That is because SAP thinks that these are the points where customer-specific functionality is most likely.
    Hope you can now see the point. If you want to modify PM01, you have to either search if an appropriate user-exit is available, or you have to contact SAP to obtain the access key.
    <b>Reward points</b>

  • Creation of subtype for Infotype 128

    Hi All
    What is the IMG path for  creation of subtype for Infotype 128?

    Hi Ritu,
    Goto SM31 -> V_T591A : Infotype : 0128.

  • Change Logs for Infotypes !!

    How do i activate Logs for an Org Infotype ? Can I do this for Custom Infotype too ?
    Thanks in Advance !!

    Hi Naveen,
    Please refer the following steps in SPRO
    Position Budgeting and Control ->Automatic Commitment/Budget Creation ->Basic Settings ->Activate Recording of Financing Relevant Infotype Changes ->Define Relevant Object Types for Change Log
    Here, you can define the object types for which you want to monitor the changes
    Position Budgeting and Control ->Automatic Commitment/Budget Creation ->Basic Settings ->Activate Recording of Financing Relevant Infotype Changes ->Define Infotypes Relevant for Change Log
    Here, you can define the infotypes that you want to monitor.
    Finally, make sure the change log is activated at the below step
    Position Budgeting and Control ->Automatic Commitment/Budget Creation ->Basic Settings ->Activate Recording of Financing Relevant Infotype Changes ->Activate Change Log for Infotypes
    I hope this helps you.

  • How to define default subtypes for Infotype 0105 on entry

      I have spend an entire day trying to look into PA configuration to determin how to make specific Subtype of the 0105 Communication Infotype automatically appear when an HR person is entering in a new employee.
    Currently we have the 0001, 0010, and ADP subtypes automatically appear in the Communication Infotype screen when the person is entering in a new employee.  I was asked to create three new Subtypes for Infortype 0105 and have these new subtypes automatically appear on the data entry screen for Infotype 0105.
    I can not find anywhere in configuration how to do this.  I ahve burnt an entire day searching configuration and have about had it with this garbage.
    Can someone please point me to specific spot in configuration where these subtypes of and Infotype can be identified as default data entry screens.
    I would greatly appreciate any help ... since I am not a HR Configurator ... just a plain old ABAP'er who has lost our configurators.

    Hi Scott,
    To create subtypes follow:
    Tcode: SPRO
    Path: Personnel Management>Personnel Administration>Communication>Create Communication Types
    Half the job is done. Then include those subtypes in your hiring action. To do so:
    Tcode: SPRO
    Path: Personnel Management>Personnel Administration>Customizing Procedures>Actions>Define infogroups>Info group
    Select your hiring infogroup and create new entries with operation INS for 105 and the three subtypes.
    You are all set!

  • HR ABAP How to Write BDC For Infotype 0586

    Hi Experts
    Can Any One tell me how to write BDC for Infotype 0586  and also 585.
    If we enter into the maintaining Screen, the lines in the Screen will dynamically changing depending on the values.
    When I am doing recording , If I press page down after entering values in top lines, the lines are changing and the records are not updating Correctly.
    I need to write BDC to Create Change.
    Can any one please help me in this regard?
    Thanks in Advance.

  • How to validate the Male or Female in for infotype 002 in LSMW at FieldMapp

    Dear freinds,
               Small problem in LSMW for infotype 0002.
    Whiel recording for infotype 002  ihae done for an employee based on FeMale(GESC2) , no when i uploading data i am having for male (GESC1) can i toggle in my
    Field mapping please can any body tell me
    My field mapping presenlty have is :
    __BEGIN_OF_RECORD__ Before Using Conversion Rules
                        Rule :   Default Settings
                        Code:    ZPA30_002 = INIT_ZPA30_002.
    TABNAME                      Table Name
                        Rule :   Default Settings
                        Code:    ZPA30_002-TABNAME = 'ZPA30_002'.
    TCODE                        Transaction Code
                        Rule :   Default Settings
                        Code:    ZPA30_002-TCODE = 'PA30'.
    PERNR                        Personnel Number
                        Source:  ZP0002_STRUC-PERNR (Personnel number)
                        Rule :   Transfer (MOVE)
                        Code:    ZPA30_002-PERNR = ZP0002_STRUC-PERNR.
    TIMR6                        Time period indicator: Period
                        Rule :   Constant
                        Code:    ZPA30_002-TIMR6 = 'X'.
    CHOIC                        Infotype selection for HR master data maintenance
                        Rule :   Constant
                        Code:    ZPA30_002-CHOIC = '0002'.
    BEGDA                        Start Date
                        Source:  ZP0002_STRUC-BEGDA (Start Date)
                        Rule :   Transfer (MOVE)
                        Code:    * Date Value as DDMMYYYY
                                 ZPA30_002-BEGDA0(2) = ZP0002_STRUC-BEGDA6.
                                 ZPA30_002-BEGDA2(2) = ZP0002_STRUC-BEGDA4.
    ENDDA                        End Date
                        Source:  ZP0002_STRUC-ENDDA (End Date)
                        Rule :   Transfer (MOVE)
                        Code:    * Date Value as DDMMYYYY
                                 ZPA30_002-ENDDA0(2) = ZP0002_STRUC-ENDDA6.
                                 ZPA30_002-ENDDA2(2) = ZP0002_STRUC-ENDDA4.
                                 ZPA30_002-ENDDA+4(4) = ZP0002_STRUC-ENDDA.
    ANREX                        Form of address text
                        Source:  ZP0002_STRUC-ANREX (Title)
                        Rule :   Transfer (MOVE)
                        Code:    ZPA30_002-ANREX = ZP0002_STRUC-ANREX.
    NACHN                        Last Name
                        Source:  ZP0002_STRUC-NACHN (Last Name)
                        Rule :   Transfer (MOVE)
                        Code:    ZPA30_002-NACHN = ZP0002_STRUC-NACHN.
    VORNA                        First Name
                        Source:  ZP0002_STRUC-VORNA (First Name)
                        Rule :   Transfer (MOVE)
                        Code:    ZPA30_002-VORNA = ZP0002_STRUC-VORNA.
    GESC2                        Gender key  -
    > how can i put MAle condition
                        Source:  ZP0002_STRUC-GESC2 (Female)
                        Rule :   Transfer (MOVE)
                        Code:    ZPA30_002-GESC2 = ZP0002_STRUC-GESC2.
    GBDAT                        Date of Birth
                        Source:  ZP0002_STRUC-GBDAT (Date of birth)
                        Rule :   Transfer (MOVE)
                        Code:    * Date Value as DDMMYYYY
                                 ZPA30_002-GBDAT0(2) = ZP0002_STRUC-GBDAT6.
                                 ZPA30_002-GBDAT2(2) = ZP0002_STRUC-GBDAT4.
                                 ZPA30_002-GBDAT+4(4) = ZP0002_STRUC-GBDAT.
    GBLND                        Country of Birth
                        Source:  ZP0002_STRUC-GBLND (Country of Birth)
                        Rule :   Transfer (MOVE)
                        Code:    * Leave date value in internal format (YYYYMMDD)
                                 ZPA30_002-GBLND = ZP0002_STRUC-GBLND.
    Caution: Source field is longer than target field
                         Code:    ZPA30_002-NATI2 = ZP0002_STRUC-NATI2.
    FATXT                        Marital Status
                         Source:  ZP0002_STRUC-FATXT (Marital Status)
                         Rule :   Transfer (MOVE)
                         Code:    ZPA30_002-FATXT = ZP0002_STRUC-FATXT.
    Note : however my SourceField if i click i can see both GESC1 & GESC2.
    Please help me in this regard

    Male or female in 0002 is determined the field ANRED. (Mr. Ms.) based on this only the GESCH(Gender key is determined).
    So if a employee is a male fill ANRED with 1 else with 2.

  • How to validate the Male or Female for infotype 002 in LSMW at FieldMapping

    Dear freinds,
               Small problem in LSMW for infotype 0002.
    Whiel recording for infotype 002  ihae done for an employee based on FeMale(GESC2) , no when i uploading data i am having for male (GESC1) can i toggle in my
    Field mapping please can any body tell me
    My field mapping presenlty have is :
    __BEGIN_OF_RECORD__ Before Using Conversion Rules
                        Rule :   Default Settings
                        Code:    ZPA30_002 = INIT_ZPA30_002.
    TABNAME                      Table Name
                        Rule :   Default Settings
                        Code:    ZPA30_002-TABNAME = 'ZPA30_002'.
    TCODE                        Transaction Code
                        Rule :   Default Settings
                        Code:    ZPA30_002-TCODE = 'PA30'.
    PERNR                        Personnel Number
                        Source:  ZP0002_STRUC-PERNR (Personnel number)
                        Rule :   Transfer (MOVE)
                        Code:    ZPA30_002-PERNR = ZP0002_STRUC-PERNR.
    TIMR6                        Time period indicator: Period
                        Rule :   Constant
                        Code:    ZPA30_002-TIMR6 = 'X'.
    CHOIC                        Infotype selection for HR master data maintenance
                        Rule :   Constant
                        Code:    ZPA30_002-CHOIC = '0002'.
    BEGDA                        Start Date
                        Source:  ZP0002_STRUC-BEGDA (Start Date)
                        Rule :   Transfer (MOVE)
                        Code:    * Date Value as DDMMYYYY
                                 ZPA30_002-BEGDA0(2) = ZP0002_STRUC-BEGDA6.
                                 ZPA30_002-BEGDA2(2) = ZP0002_STRUC-BEGDA4.
    ENDDA                        End Date
                        Source:  ZP0002_STRUC-ENDDA (End Date)
                        Rule :   Transfer (MOVE)
                        Code:    * Date Value as DDMMYYYY
                                 ZPA30_002-ENDDA0(2) = ZP0002_STRUC-ENDDA6.
                                 ZPA30_002-ENDDA2(2) = ZP0002_STRUC-ENDDA4.
                                 ZPA30_002-ENDDA+4(4) = ZP0002_STRUC-ENDDA.
    ANREX                        Form of address text
                        Source:  ZP0002_STRUC-ANREX (Title)
                        Rule :   Transfer (MOVE)
                        Code:    ZPA30_002-ANREX = ZP0002_STRUC-ANREX.
    NACHN                        Last Name
                        Source:  ZP0002_STRUC-NACHN (Last Name)
                        Rule :   Transfer (MOVE)
                        Code:    ZPA30_002-NACHN = ZP0002_STRUC-NACHN.
    VORNA                        First Name
                        Source:  ZP0002_STRUC-VORNA (First Name)
                        Rule :   Transfer (MOVE)
                        Code:    ZPA30_002-VORNA = ZP0002_STRUC-VORNA.
    GESC2                        Gender key  -
    > how can i put MAle condition
                        Source:  ZP0002_STRUC-GESC2 (Female)
                        Rule :   Transfer (MOVE)
                        Code:    ZPA30_002-GESC2 = ZP0002_STRUC-GESC2.
    GBDAT                        Date of Birth
                        Source:  ZP0002_STRUC-GBDAT (Date of birth)
                        Rule :   Transfer (MOVE)
                        Code:    * Date Value as DDMMYYYY
                                 ZPA30_002-GBDAT0(2) = ZP0002_STRUC-GBDAT6.
                                 ZPA30_002-GBDAT2(2) = ZP0002_STRUC-GBDAT4.
                                 ZPA30_002-GBDAT+4(4) = ZP0002_STRUC-GBDAT.
    GBLND                        Country of Birth
                        Source:  ZP0002_STRUC-GBLND (Country of Birth)
                        Rule :   Transfer (MOVE)
                        Code:    * Leave date value in internal format (YYYYMMDD)
                                 ZPA30_002-GBLND = ZP0002_STRUC-GBLND.
    Caution: Source field is longer than target field
                         Code:    ZPA30_002-NATI2 = ZP0002_STRUC-NATI2.
    FATXT                        Marital Status
                         Source:  ZP0002_STRUC-FATXT (Marital Status)
                         Rule :   Transfer (MOVE)
                         Code:    ZPA30_002-FATXT = ZP0002_STRUC-FATXT.
    Note : however my SourceField if i click i can see both GESC1 & GESC2.
    Please can any one let me know .

    Male or female in 0002 is determined the field ANRED. (Mr. Ms.) based on this only the GESCH(Gender key is determined).
    So if a employee is a male fill ANRED with 1 else with 2.

  • INSERT is not working for infotype 584.

    Hi Everyone,
    I am using the  'HR_INFOTYPE_OPERATION' function module to update the database for infotype 584. When i use 'INS' (insert operation the FM is going for a dump.
    Please help me out.
          INFTY                  = '0584'
          NUMBER                 = wa_p0584-pernr
        SUBTYPE                 = ''
        OBJECTID                = ''
      LOCKINDICATOR          =
       VALIDITYEND            = wa_p0584-begda
       VALIDITYBEGIN          = wa_p0584-endda
      RECORDNUMBER           =
          RECORD               = wa_p0584
          OPERATION            = 'INS'
      TCLAS                  = 'A'
      DIALOG_MODE            = '1'
      NOCOMMIT               =
      VIEW_IDENTIFIER        =
      SECONDARY_RECORD       =
         RETURN                  = ret
      KEY                    =
    Edited by: M.Prashanthi on Nov 10, 2011 11:03 AM

    - Did you lock the personal number records before calling (try BAPI_EMPLOYEE_ENQUEUE)
    - Did you analyze the dump, what was the error message, etc. (too many errors are possible from overlap of intervals with another record to wrong values in call...)
    - look at [Note 1381529 - Inconsistency while updating IT0584 without standard Tcodes|]
    - usually in those case the programmer check setting dialog mode to '2'

  • Configuration steps for Infotype 0315

    Hi ,
    My client need to maintain Time sheet data for there employees.for that they need to maintain Infotye 0315.
    Pls let me know what is infotype 0315  (Detailed description) & what are the configuration steps for infotype 0315.How to configure that Infotype .What are the pre-requsite steps to configure infotype 0315.Kindly
    let me know
    << Moderator message - Everyone's problem is important. But the answers in the forum are provided by volunteers. Please do not ask for help quickly. >>
    Edited by: Rob Burbank on Jan 17, 2011 4:22 PM

    Dear SC,
    Infotype 0315 is to make default values in terms of cost center , profile...etc...which will be picked up when you enter time data in can make the infotype called included in infogroup and get it filled at the time of performing initial action......
    Configuration steps are for the CATS profile and other things not for infotype 0315...

  • Problem using function module for infotype 21

    im uploading the infotype 21 (family details) through function module hr_infotype_operations. i found that infotype 0106 (family/related person)
    is a secondary infotype and that a record is created for 0106 ,everytime you create a record in 21. so i upload the family data of an employee using the function module for infotype 21 initially. and then fetch the same record from the table pa0106 and modify the same record with other information.
    for example : u have the address details of a dependent(father subtype 11) in infotype 21. this address data is stored in the table pa0106 .  im not able to modify the record for infotype 0106 using the function module 0106.
    i would like to know the reason for the same. Is it because that infotype 0106 is a secondary infotype and u cannot modify the record using the fn module..?/

    Hi Sir,
    I am also facing the same issue...i need to update dependents Information  Date Of Birth n Perid(Which is stored in IT0106) IT 0021..
    Kindly correct my code....
    I am using the following code for this...
    data: w_return type  bapireturn1.
    data: p0021_struc TYPE p0021,
          p0106_struc TYPE p0106,
          p_pskey   TYPE pskey.
    get pernr.
    p0021_struc = p0021.
    p0021_struc-favor = 'Gaurav'.
    p0021_struc-fgbdt = '05/10/1955'.
    Move p0021_struc-favor to p0021-favor.
      p0106_struc = p0106.
      p0106_struc-stras = '2235 BOmbay Road'.
      p0106_struc-perid = '123456789'.
      MOVE p0106_struc-stras to p0106-stras.
    Enqueue personnel number
      call function 'BAPI_EMPLOYEE_ENQUEUE'
          number = pernr-pernr
          return = w_return.
          infty            = p_pskey-infty
          number           = p_pskey-pernr
          subtype          = p_pskey-subty
          objectid         = p_pskey-objps
          lockindicator    = p_pskey-sprps
          validityend      = p0021-endda         " '99991231'
          validitybegin    = p0021-begda
          record           = p0021_struc
          operation        = 'mod'
          tclas            = 'A'
          dialog_mode      = '2'
         nocommit         = p_test
          VIEW_IDENTIFIER  = '07'              "p0003-viekn
          secondary_record = p0106_struc
          return           = w_return
         key              = familykey
          OTHERS           = 0.
    Enqueue personnel number
      call function 'BAPI_EMPLOYEE_DEQUEUE'
          number = pernr-pernr
          return = w_return.

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