D2K Report Error

hi gurus,
I am getting these error messages when trying to call a report from form executable file :
REP-0110: Unable to open file.
REP-1070: Error while opening or saving a document.
REP-0110: Unable to open file.
Is there any online reference for report messages like ora messages.
thank you,

Hello Ragavendra,
Please post ur request in subsequent folders (Developer Suite\forms)....
Reasons can be, file missing, wrong pointer to report file.
Check *.rep location which was called from your forms. Place your report file in respective folder and invoke the files..
Online help is bundled within the REPORTS.

Similar Messages

  • D2k reports error

    i am using 10g reports the error is
    while am pressing run web layout error is "not to relocate the browser" 404 data not found ;
    i am thinking that i am want to set the path in browser but i don't no how to set the path in that browser.
    can u please tell me how to do?

    Hello Ragavendra,
    Please post ur request in subsequent folders (Developer Suite\forms)....
    Reasons can be, file missing, wrong pointer to report file.
    Check *.rep location which was called from your forms. Place your report file in respective folder and invoke the files..
    Online help is bundled within the REPORTS.

  • IF Condition in a PL/SQL Script give a report error.

    Hello, I’m German and I hope you can unterstand my Question.
    First, I work with the HTML DB Version and the Oracle Version
    I create a SQL Report, where a PL/SQL Script return the SQL Statement for the Report. This is my source-code, I have short it...:
    sql_str varchar(2000);
    sql_str_select varchar(1000) :=' select dim_sparte …... ';
    sql_str_from varchar(1000) := ' from faktentabelle,dim_sparte ';
    sql_str_where varchar(1000):= ' where … and faktentabelle.zeit_id = :POPUP_ZEIT ';
    sql_str_groupby varchar(1000):= ' group by dim_sparte.name, faktentabelle.zeit_id ';
    If ( (V('POPUP_NETZGEBIET') is not NULL) and (V('POPUP_NETZGEBIET') <>
    'Alle Netzgebiete')) THEN
    sql_str_select := sql_str_select || ' ,dim_organisationseinheit.netzgebiet_name ';
    sql_str_from := sql_str_from || ' , dim_organisationseinheit ';
    sql_str_where := sql_str_where || ' and faktentabelle ... and
    dim_organisationseinheit.netzgebiet_name = :POPUP_NETZGEBIET';
    sql_str_groupby := sql_str_groupby || ' , dim_orga .... ';
    End IF;
    sql_str:= sql_str_select || sql_str_from || sql_str_where || sql_str_groupby;
    Return sql_str;
    This Script include a IF-THEN condition. The Condition is true and the sql-String-Variables are updatet.
    I can get the string with htp.print() and the Statement is OK.
    The report get a Error “report error: ORA-1403: no data found”. If I copy the printet sql String in a new Report Region with SQL String, the Report is OK. When I write IF(true) instead of IF( Condition) the Report is OK, too.
    I try ist with Varibalen V(‘name‘) and with :name. It’s always the same problem. I can’t use IF-THEN-Else Conditions in a Script.
    Please help me and say me what is the problem???

    Hi Simona,
    In the sql region below the region source see that you have " Use Generic Column Names (parse query at runtime only)" check and not " Use Query-Specific Column Names and Validate Query".
    This error you usually get when you have a mismatch in your report heading.
    [email protected]

  • History report error: | An Exceptional Error occurred. Application exiting. Check the log file for error 5022

    Hi all
    I've got a error msg when try to generate a report using Cisco history report tool:
    Error | An Exceptional Error occurred. Application exiting.  Check the log file for error 5022
    It only happens when choose report template: ICD_Contact_Service_Queue_Activity_by_CSQ_en_us.
    User tried samething on other PC, it working fine.
    only on user' own PC and only choose this report, error appears.
    user runing windows 7 and do not have crystal report installed
    tried reinstalled the software, doesn't work.
    also tried this: (https://cisco-support.hosted.jivesoftware.com/thread/2041254) - doesn't work
    then tried https://supportforums.cisco.com/docs/DOC-6209  - doesn't work
    attached the log file.

    wenqianyu wrote:From the log file:Looks like you get a Login Window.Error message showed up after username/password be enteredThere is an error in the log: Error happened in comparing UCCX version and HRC versionYou may need to do a clean uninstall, download the Historical report from the server, and install it again on the PC.Does this only happen to one PC or to every PC with this application?Wenqian 
    I have completely uninstalled the HRC, and download from server install again -- still doesn't work with exactly same error.
    this matter only happens on this PC, when user try same thing on other PC, it works.
    so i think it not relate to server or account.

  • Report error: ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string b

    I have a form which uses a customer form/report, drop downs etc..
    the debug shows it running this statement
    ...Execute Statement: begin begin SELECT distinct initcap(RTRIM (LTRIM (e.surname, ' *0123456789-/:.?,'), ' *0123456789-/:.?,') || ', ' || RTRIM (LTRIM (e.first_name, ' *0123456789-/:.?,'), ' *0123456789-/:.?,' )) empname, e.ID bulk collect into wwv_flow_utilities.g_display,wwv_flow_utilities.g_value FROM dms.dms_employees@dmsprd e, dms.dms_employee_contracts@dmsprd ec WHERE e.ID = ec.emp_id and e.surname like '%%' AND :p75_date BETWEEN ec.start_date AND NVL (ec.end_date, :p75_date) AND e.brh_id = 3654 ORDER BY 1; end; end;
    Then says
    "report error: ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small"
    Any Ideas?

    Denes Kubicek wrote:
    A select list is limited in size. I am not sure what the limit is but that is definitelly the case.The maximum size for the HTML generated for a select list is 32K.
    86 options sounds on the low side to be hitting that limit, but there are other concerns to this as well. Scrolling through hundreds/thousands of options in a select list is a pain for users, and huge select lists produce bloated pages that impact load times and network bandwidth. That list of around 200 countries you find on many sites is about the sensible maximum length for a select list.
    You should use popups.Indeed.

  • Report error:ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character to number

    The oracle application express environment is created by installing the HTTP Server on the windows server and the application express 3.2.1 components on the oracle database on UNIX. The installation is successfully and have not seen any issues during the installation. After completing all the steps, when tried to login and click the application builder or workspace components, I see the error message
    report error:ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character to number.
    This error message is seen on most of the pages when trying to accessed and not able to understand the reasons behind it. Its a brand new environment setup and not even presented to developers to test it.
    Below error message is always seen when trying to access most of the components like application builder, schema comparison and some other tabs. Please advice
    report error:
    ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character to number conversion error
    Edited by: user589320 on Jun 9, 2011 5:17 PM

    I think its better you use APEX 4.x version ratherthan using old version.
    You will get more features and some bug fixes and also it's easy for you to get some help when you need.
    * If this answer is helpfull or correct then please mark it and grant the points.

  • Report error:ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string bu

    We face the above error in HTMLDB (APEX) application Ver 3.1.0. This occurs when we try to display more number of rows/records in drop-down list (LOV in tabular forms). We are able to display 200 records in LOV. When the list of records exceeds 230, we face the below error
    report error:ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string buffer too small
    the values listed in LOV are from tables (one of the columns in table)
    Could anyone give us a solution?

    As you are using a tabular form, you could actually do the following:
    1 - In the tabular form column's attributes, set the following:
    Display as: Select List (query based on LOV)
    Display extra values: Yes
    List of values definition: SELECT null d, null r FROM DUAL
    2 - Add a new page item and set it to generate your select list
    3 - Create an HTML region with no template and use the following for its source:
    &lt;script type="text/javascript"&gt;
    function loadList(c, l)
    var s = document.getElementsByName(c);
    var lItem = document.getElementById(l);
    var lLength = lItem.options.length;
    var k;
    var j;
    var x = lItem.innerHTML;
    var v;
    var o;
    var z;
    for (k = 0; k &lt; s.length; k++)
    z = s[k];
    v = z.value;
    z.options.length = 0;
    for (j = 0; j &lt; lLength; j++)
    o = new Option()
    o.value = lItem[j].value;
    o.text = lItem[j].text;
    z.options[j] = o;
    z.value = v;
    if (z.selectedIndex == -1)
    z.selectedIndex = 0;
    loadList("f05", "P1_MGR");
    (Change "f05" and "P1_MGR" as appropriate to your column and your new page item respectively)
    Now, when you load the page, the select list contains a null entry plus the entry already on the database. The javascript kicks in automatically, loops through every entry in the "f05" column, copies the existing value, replaces the select list with the new page item version and sets its value to the copied value.
    Your new page item could be in a DIV tag that has a style of "display:none" to hide it from view.

  • Report error: ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: NULL index table k

    Hi everybody,
    I have two Distinct Databases on two distinct servers. (Oracle Ent. Release on AIX 5.3). After I install the latest patch last week, One of the APEX installation has some problems on Home>Application Builder Page. The error message is very random and
    report error:
    ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: NULL index table key value.
    When i change the view (details to icons), everything goes to normal. This error message is reflected some of the pages (report region) of some of my applications randomly. When it appears in a report region, i deselect the order method of the region, the result is normal.
    But the other APEX application on the other instance has no problem. It is a bug? or Should i re-install the APEX instance?
    Thank you for your interest?
    Gökhan ÇATALKAYA

    No, but we have a reproducible test case now so we're working on it. See ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: NULL index table key value

  • PL/SQL function body returning SQL - report error:ORA-01403: no data found

    I am working on Application Express, and 11G database.
    I have a problem with classic report area of type - PL/SQL function body returning SQL query. Query works if I define region area as - Use Generic Column Names (parse query at runtime only), and does not when I define it - Use Query-Specific Column Names and Validate Query.
    I am getting error:
    report error:ORA-01403: no data found
    This is my query that is returned from function, and displayed with htp.p, and it works ok and returns data in SQL Developer and SQL Workshop (in Apex).
    /* select 1 from dual */ SELECT SIFPRO, NAZIV, VODITELJ, DATPZA,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2010/46',BRDJEL,null)) as "2010/46" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2010/49',BRDJEL,null)) as "2010/49" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2010/50',BRDJEL,null)) as "2010/50" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2010/51',BRDJEL,null)) as "2010/51" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2010/52',BRDJEL,null)) as "2010/52" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2011/01',BRDJEL,null)) as "2011/01" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2011/02',BRDJEL,null)) as "2011/02" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2011/03',BRDJEL,null)) as "2011/03" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2011/04',BRDJEL,null)) as "2011/04" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2011/05',BRDJEL,null)) as "2011/05" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2011/06',BRDJEL,null)) as "2011/06" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2011/07',BRDJEL,null)) as "2011/07" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2011/08',BRDJEL,null)) as "2011/08" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2011/09',BRDJEL,null)) as "2011/09" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2011/10',BRDJEL,null)) as "2011/10" FROM (SELECT * FROM PMV_PLAN_TVRTKA) GROUP BY SIFPRO, NAZIV, VODITELJ, DATPZA ORDER BY SIFPRO, NAZIV, VODITELJ, DATPZA
    As you can see, I even tried with workaround that I found on the previous post on the forum, and that is to put /* select 1 from dual */ to start query.
    Any help would be appriciated.

    /* select 1 from dual */ SELECT SIFPRO, NAZIV, VODITELJ, DATPZA,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2010/46',BRDJEL,null)) as "2010/46" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2010/49',BRDJEL,null)) as "2010/49" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2010/50',BRDJEL,null)) as "2010/50" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2010/51',BRDJEL,null)) as "2010/51" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2010/52',BRDJEL,null)) as "2010/52" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2011/01',BRDJEL,null)) as "2011/01" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2011/02',BRDJEL,null)) as "2011/02" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2011/03',BRDJEL,null)) as "2011/03" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2011/04',BRDJEL,null)) as "2011/04" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2011/05',BRDJEL,null)) as "2011/05" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2011/06',BRDJEL,null)) as "2011/06" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2011/07',BRDJEL,null)) as "2011/07" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2011/08',BRDJEL,null)) as "2011/08" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2011/09',BRDJEL,null)) as "2011/09" ,SUM(DECODE(TJEDAN,'2011/10',BRDJEL,null)) as "2011/10" FROM (SELECT * FROM PMV_PLAN_TVRTKA) GROUP BY SIFPRO, NAZIV, VODITELJ, DATPZA ORDER BY SIFPRO, NAZIV, VODITELJ, DATPZA

  • Invoce Aging Report - Error

    Hi Team,
    I'm trying to run Invoice Aging report. When I'm running this it's erroring out. Here I'm posting log file
    Receivables: Version : 12.0.0
    Copyright (c) 1979, 1999, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
    XXRAXINV_SEL_SE module: XXXXX Invoice Print Selected Invoices OBA
    Current system time is 20-JUL-2012 11:05:28
    | Starting concurrent program execution...
    Forcing NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS to: '.,' for XDO processing
    APPLLCSP Environment Variable set to :
    Current NLS_LANG and NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS Environment Variables are :
    Enter Password:
    MSG-00100: DEBUG: AfterPForm_Trigger +
    MSG-00100: DEBUG: Multi Org established.
    MSG-00100: DEBUG: AfterParam_Procs.Get_Country_Details
    MSG-00100: DEBUG: AfterParam_Procs.Switch_On_Debug
    MSG-00100: DEBUG: AfterParam_Procs.Get_Trx_Number_Low
    MSG-00100: DEBUG: AfterParam_Procs.Get_Trx_Number_High
    MSG-00100: DEBUG: AfterParam_Procs.Get_Tax_Option
    MSG-00103: lp_trx_date_clause = and a.trx_date = a.trx_date
    MSG-00100: DEBUG: BeforeReport_Trigger.Build_Where_Clause
    MSG-00100: DEBUG: P_Choice: SEL
    MSG-00100: DEBUG: Choice is other than ADJ, setting ORDER BY.
    MSG-00100: DEBUG: AfterPForm_Trigger -
    MSG-00100: DEBUG: BeforeReport_Trigger +
    MSG-00100: DEBUG: BeforeReport_Procs.Populate_Printing_Option
    MSG-00100: DEBUG: BeforeReport_Procs.Populate_Tax_Printing_Option
    MSG-00100: DEBUG: BeforeReport_Trigger.Get_Message_Details
    MSG-00100: DEBUG: BeforeReport_Trigger.Get_Org_Profile.
    MSG-00100: DEBUG: Organization Id: 86
    MSG-00100: DEBUG: BeforeReport_Trigger -
    MSG-05000: DEBUG: Trx No... 10040
    MSG-43749: There is no remit to address defined for country IT and state .
    REP-1419: '': PL/SQL program aborted.
    REP-0069: Internal error
    REP-57054: In-process job terminated:Terminated with error:
    REP-1419: MSG-00100: DEBUG: BeforeReport_Trigger +
    MSG-00100: DEBUG: BeforeReport_Procs.Populate_Printing_Option
    MSG-00100: DEBUG: BeforeReport_Procs.Populate_Tax_Printing_Option
    MSG-00100: DEBUG: BeforeReport_Trigger.Get_Message_Details
    MSG-00100: DEBUG: BeforeReport_Trigger.Get_Org_Profile.
    MSG-00100: DEBUG: Organization Id: 86
    MSG-00100: DEBUG: BeforeReport_Trigger -
    MSG-05000: DEBUG: Trx No... 10040
    Report Builder: Release - Production on Fri Jul 20 11:05:30 2012
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    Start of log messages from FND_FILE
    End of log messages from FND_FILE
    Program exited with status 1
    Application: 12.1.3(OBA)
    OS: Linux 5 - 64 bit
    Please do the needful.
    Edited by: user11157039 on Jul 20, 2012 12:47 PM

    MSG-43749: There is no remit to address defined for country IT and state .Troubleshooting Remit To Address in Oracle Receivables [ID 1101855.1]
    Transactions Workbench: Field Defaulting Logic [ID 1413565.1]
    REP-0069: Internal errorARXAGE Aging 4 Bucket Report Errors REP-0069 Internal Error [ID 1321276.1]
    Invoice Aging Report Errors With Rep-1419 Rep-57054 Rep-0069 [ID 1340456.1]
    'Aging - 7 Buckets Report' ARXAGSW Fails with ORA-01722 [ID 1061714.1]
    R12: Some Payables Reports Not Working. Same Errors In Log File: REP-1419, REP-0069, REP-57054 [ID 818320.1]

  • No data found report error

    when i create a report based on a region source query, it displays fine. However the report attributes are weird just displaying column1, column2 and so on as the column details.
    When i change the report back to Use Query-Specific Column Names and Validate Query instead of Use Generic Column Names (parse query at runtime only), the report breaks. The error message report error:
    ORA-01403: no data found is displayed.
    Why is that when i know the report ran successfully with the same query

    It's a sql query i use to build the report. I dont know about session states. Here is the source. It searches data across multiple columns using a search textbox that works. The query worked well before the change.
    SELECT Issues.Issue_ID, Issues.Title, Issues.Initial_Issue_Description Description, staff.Developer_name Staff_Assigned, Priority_Codes.Priority_Code, Status_Codes.Status_Code,
    Systems.SYSTEM, Modules.Module_Name, Sub_Modules.Sub_Module_Name , Issues.Application_Version,
    Issues.Date_Logged, Issues.Created_By, Issues.Target_Date, Issues.Tar_Number, Issues.Last_Updated_By, Issues.Last_Updated_Date,
    Issues_Responses.Issue_Detail, Issues_Responses.Issue_Detail_Author
    USD_ISSUE_RESPONSES Issues_Responses,
    USD_ISSUE_ASSIGN Issues_Assign,
    USD_STATUS_CODES Status_Codes,
    USD_PRIORITY_CODES Priority_Codes,
    USD_SYSTEMS Systems,
    USD_MODULES Modules,
    USD_SUB_MODULES Sub_Modules,
    USD_STAFF Staff
    WHERE Issues_assign.Staff_id = Staff.Staff_ID (+)
    AND issues.priority_code_Id= priority_codes.priority_Code_id (+)
    AND issues.Status_Code_id = status_codes.Status_code_id (+)
    AND issues.instance_ID = dbinstances.INSTANCE_ID (+)
    AND issues.system_ID = systems.system_id (+)
    AND issues.module_id = modules.module_id (+)
    AND issues.sub_module_Id = sub_modules.sub_module_id (+)
    AND Issues.Issue_ID = Issues_Responses.Issue_id (+)
    AND issues.issue_id = issues_assign.issue_id (+)
    order by title;;

  • Unable to load report error

    This started with an asp.net application which I have been maintaining for several years, on an XP 32-bits box. Alas, the box died, and I have acquired a new Development machine, now with Windows 7/64-bits. I have installed Visual Studio 2010 and Crystal reports (13.0.,9), including runtime for 32 and 64 bits.
    I got the "unable to load report" error, and I think I have tried everything I could find on the web related to solving this issue.
    Finally I got Down to creating a new dummy asp.net application with a dummy report just displying the text TEST. This report Works fine when run from within VS, but if I deploy it to the web server on the Development machine I also get the unable to load report failure.
    I believe this is a configuration issue. The application has run fine for years, I just can't get it to Work on the new development machine.
    Please help

    Make sure that process has read / write rights to the %TEMP% folder. Process Monitor may help.
    - Ludek
    Senior Support Engineer AGS Product Support, Global Support Center Canada
    Follow us on Twitter

  • SCCM 2012 R2 reporting error: "The DefaultValue expression for the report parameter 'UserTokenSIDs' contains an error: A specified logon session does not exist. It may already have been terminated. (rsRuntimeErrorInExpression)"

    I have two SCCM environments under same active directory domain and one service account have been used for SCCM configurations on both the environments (QA and PRODUCTION). I am facing similar error as mentioned above while trying to fetch reports on
    PRODUCTION site, but the QA site is working fine, though same service account have been used for configuring both. While looking at the reportserverservice_<date> log on my Production DB server i see the following error
    "processing!ReportServer_0-3!2124!01/02/2015-09:09:30:: e ERROR: Throwing Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportProcessing.ProcessingAbortedException: , Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportProcessing.ProcessingAbortedException: An error has occurred during
    report processing. ---> Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportProcessing.ReportProcessingException: Cannot read the next data row for the dataset DataSet1. ---> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value 'Override
    Default' to data type int."
    My DB and SCCM primary site are different and the reorting services point is installed on remote DB server. Please help me resolving the issue.
    Troubleshooting performed:
    1.Disabled the registry key 'EnableRbacReporting' from HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SMS\SRSRP to 0 and then restarted SSRS service and the reporting worked for some minutes after that the registry key reverted back to 1 automatically and
    reporting started throwing errors again.
    2. Checked with the permissions on DB whether or not 'sysadmin' role is assigned to the SCCM service account.
    3. re-registered the SQL management Provider WMI class.
    mofcomp.exe “C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Shared\sqlmgmproviderxpsp2up.mof”

    Hi All,
    Finally found exact solution to the reporting error.
    Error: while launching SCCM reports (both from Console and web based) an unexpected error occured with error message as "The DefaultValue expression for the report parameter ‘UserTokenSIDs’ contains an error: A specified logon session does not exist.
    It may already have been terminated. (rsRuntimeErrorInExpression)"
    Solution: This is password replication issue for the domain account used to configure reporting services point in SCCM. If your SQL SSRS reporting services instance and databse runs with local default account whereas the reporting services point on SCCM
    primary site is configured with domain account, (As in My case) you need to perform the following in order to get rid of the error.
    Launch 'Reporting Services Configuration Manager' from the SQL SSRS box(either Local or Remote), Connect to Report Server Instance->Go to 'Execution Account' tab->Specify the 'Execution Account' as domain account and password which is used to configure
    Reporting Services Point in SCCM Primary Site, and then click apply.
    Now Lauch the report either way (Web based or from Console), the error will disappear and all your default reports will execute perfectly as before.

  • Crystal report error on Target Machine

    We have to provide application exe to our clients. The application is developed in Visual Studio.Net 2010 and by using SAP crystal report CRforVS_13_0. Client must be able to fire reports on their target machine on which the Dot Net framework and u201CCRforVS_redist_install_64bit_13_0_1u201C run time utility is installed. But it gives a crystal report error on the target machine.
    Our development and target machines have Win 7 Professional, 64-bit OS installed.
    Kindly provide us with an appropriate run time version for target machine in order to fire reports or any other solution in order to make our project work on target machine.

    Thanks a lot Don for your valuable suggestions.
    We have already taken care of the points which you mentioned in your reply on development side. Also, we have downloaded crystal report from the link which you posted but on DEPLOYMENT side we are unable to run reports from our application.
    It gives the notification when we try to install crystal report on a target machine as "You must have visual studio 2010 installed in order to install the crystal report".
    The DEPLOYMENT problem we are facing is in RUNTIME environment on TARGET machine.  Our TRAGET machine has properly installed Win 7 Professional 64 bit,  .NET Framework Ver 4 and CRforVS_redist_install_64bit_13_0_1 . We also have properly installed application on this machine. We got no errors while installing any of the above. The problem starts when we fire a report on target machine from the application.
    We get the error as "The type initializer for 'CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument' threw an exception"
    So, we are looking for an appropriate RUN TIME version of Crystal Report which can be installed on the target machine to fire reports (where visual studio 2010 is not installed).
    Please help suggest an exact version to download for target machine and the steps if it has a specific procedure.
    Thank you!

  • QuickTime 'Don't Send' report Error

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    Is this happening when your trying to open a particular file type with QT? And you then get a microsoft message that a problem occurred and you can submit to microsoft or not send? Or is this happening while just trying to open QT player on it's own without attempting to open a file?

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