Damage caused by AT&T installing cable line in my front yard

I am out of town and just received video from my neighbors showing huge equipment parked in my front yard on top of my sprinkler system heads, shrubs, mulch, etc. My front yard is destroyed. My neighbors asked who the workers were and they responded that they work for AT &T and were installing a cable line thru my yard and down the street. I am not a customer of this internet provider and am outraged to not have been given any prior notice that this was taking place. I understand that utility companies have the right of way to certain easements. However, they must repair any damage they cause. I need a contact name and number in Columbia, South Carolina to discuss repairing the significant damage caused by AT&T. If someone from AT&T is monitoring this blog please reply to my message. Thank you

Hello, !
Thanks for posting. I'm sorry to hear about this! We would appreciate the opportunity to look into this, so click here to send us a private message with your contact information, the best time to reach you, and a brief summary of the issue.
You can expect a reply within two business days, so keep an eye on the little blue envelope icon in the top right corner of your screen. In the meantime, feel free to message me with any other questions or concerns.

Similar Messages

  • Damage from AT&T installing cable line in my yard

    I am out of town and just received video from my neighbors showing huge equipment parked in my front yard on top of my sprinkler system heads, shrubs, mulch, etc. My front yard is destroyed. My neighbors asked who the workers were and they responded that they work for AT &T and were installing a cable line. I am not a customer of this internet provider and am outraged to not have been given any prior notice that this was taking place. I understand that utility companies have the right of way to certain easements. However, they must repair any damage they cause. I need a contact in Columbia, SC to discuss repairing the significant damage caused by AT&T

    Mcleorl wrote:
    I am out of town and just received video from my neighbors showing huge equipment parked in my front yard on top of my sprinkler system heads, shrubs, mulch, etc. My front yard is destroyed. My neighbors asked who the workers were and they responded that they work for AT &T and were installing a cable line. I am not a customer of this internet provider and am outraged to not have been given any prior notice that this was taking place. I understand that utility companies have the right of way to certain easements. However, they must repair any damage they cause. I need a contact in Columbia, SC to discuss repairing the significant damage caused by AT&T
    That is not necessarily true if the damage structures were located in an easement.  Also, no prior notice is needed for a utility company to perform work in an easement, and a homeowner cannot block access to an easement.
    You can send a PM to AT&T Customer Care and someone will contact you about this issue.

  • Libgnome do not install (gconfpkg line 18 error)

    hi guys..
    the problem is simple but DRAMATIC :-)
    simple try this on my Arch64:
    pacman -Sy libgnome
    Pacchetti (3): gconf-2.26.0-2 gnome-vfs-2.24.1-2 libgnome-2.26.0-2
    Dimensione totale dei pacchetti da scaricare: 4,32 MB
    Dimensione totale dei pacchetti da installare: 19,54 MB
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    :: Download dei pacchetti da extra...
    gconf-2.26.0-2-x86_64 1839,6K 294,0K/s 00:00:06 [#####################] 100%
    gnome-vfs-2.24.1-2-... 1250,8K 217,7K/s 00:00:06 [#####################] 100%
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    controllo dell'integrità dei pacchetti in corso...
    (3/3) controllo dei conflitti in corso [#####################] 100%
    (1/3) installazione in corso di gconf [#####################] 100%
    (2/3) installazione in corso di gnome-vfs [#####################] 100%
    (3/3) installazione in corso di libgnome [#####################] 100%
    usr/sbin/gconfpkg: line 18: 4485 Segmentation fault GCONF_CONFIG_SOURCE=`/usr/bin/gconftool-2 --get-default-source` /usr/bin/gconftool-2 --makefile-install-rule /usr/share/gconf/schemas/${pkgname}.schemas > /dev/null
    errore: L'esecuzione dello scriptlet non è riuscita correttamente
    the problem persist in every CASE and if i try to do this:
    pacman -Rc gconf
    controllo delle dipendenze in corso...
    Da rimuovere (3): libgnome-2.26.0-2 gnome-vfs-2.24.1-2 gconf-2.26.0-2
    Dimensione totale dei pacchetti da rimuovere: 19,54 MB
    Vuoi rimuovere questi pacchetti? [S/n] s
    usr/sbin/gconfpkg: line 18: 4557 Segmentation fault GCONF_CONFIG_SOURCE=`/usr/bin/gconftool-2 --get-default-source` /usr/bin/gconftool-2 --makefile-install-rule /usr/share/gconf/schemas/${pkgname}.schemas > /dev/null
    errore: L'esecuzione dello scriptlet non è riuscita correttamente
    (1/3) rimozione in corso di libgnome [#####################] 100%
    (2/3) rimozione in corso di gnome-vfs [#####################] 100%
    (3/3) rimozione in corso di gconf [#####################] 100%
    the results of this DAMN thing is: "GNOME DO NOT START ANY MORE..."
    someone can help me????
    these error appens during last pacman system update..
    pacman -S libgnome
    cause an error during install
    if i try to clean all:
    pacman -Rc libgnome
    pacman -Rc gconf
    pacman -Scc
    pacman -S libgnome
    the error appears again:
    (3/3) installazione in corso di libgnome [#####################] 100%
    usr/sbin/gconfpkg: line 18: 4485 Segmentation fault GCONF_CONFIG_SOURCE=`/usr/bin/gconftool-2 --get-default-source` /usr/bin/gconftool-2 --makefile-install-rule /usr/share/gconf/schemas/${pkgname}.schemas > /dev/null
    errore: L'esecuzione dello scriptlet non è riuscita correttamente
    i hope someone can help me ...
    thx in advance.
    a poor italian newbie.
    Last edited by magiusche (2009-04-05 00:09:41)

    Hello, i still have problem with that one. Bug has 'closed' status on http://bugs.archlinux.org/task/14107
    I did change my locale var to pl_PL.utf8 AND run that script to rebulid gconf database, but after pacman -S gnome gnome-extra i still get several segmentation fault errors. I switched to kde for now, but i still want to use some gnome apps, or login into gnome session.
    here's my rc.conf

  • What are Apple doing to compensate for the damage caused by the iPhone 4 bumper?

    I have noticed damage caused by the bumper.
    It is NOT foreign object but caused by the hard plastic on the inside of the bumper
    (plese do not come out with rubbish like steel is harder than plastic) I am not stupid and I know that the damage matches the pattern of the bumper skeleton.
    What I want to know is when are Apple going to deal with this and replace my phone?
    I dare not go to the so called Genius bar in Milton Keynes as they have adopted a Dixons style "fob off" attitude and I will become rather angry with them.

    Re: What are Apple doing to compensate for the damage caused by the iPhone 4 bumper? 
    15-Jun-2011 15:15 (in response to sfrommilton keynes)
    o Steel is harder than plastic, so the bumper has not caused the damage.
      - You call it rubbish
      - The world calls it physics
    You are totally wrong.  Please go back to School.
    o You can deny physics
      - but that will not change reality.
    You can go to School but that wont change reality.
    o Your description of your Genius bar is incomprehensible
      - I recommend you go to the Genius bar leaving the chip on your shoulder at home and tactfully explain what you think is your issue.
    I recomend you find a day job ans stop TROLLING peoples threads.
      - I've never had them fail me or be the least bit confrontational.
      - But if you act like a jerk then I couldn't predict what would happen
    Yeah because you were there.  Are you having some kind of relationship with the company?  I think you sleep with an Apple under your pillow.
    Finally I am a consumer who has paid for a product that is not living up to expectations.  The plastic skelton is hard and abrasive (I know what that means as I went to School) Abrasion's are marking the product. 
    This is not the only time this has been reported and as such I have no issue with particles entering the bumber.  This has happened from the start (when I used Apples stupid bumber case)
    Please don't patronise or TROLL others threads.
    <Edited by Host>

  • When I tried to open PS CC2014, it flashed a bit then quit, same with DW and INDD ... I also got this error message: Adobe creative cloud is needed to resolve this problem. However, it is missing or damaged. Please download and install a new copy of the C

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    Allisonf55952352 have you utilized the steps listed in Error: "Failed to install" | Creative Cloud Desktop to resolve the current error?  If not do you have any questions regarding the steps listed with the document?

  • Apple says 'damage caused by misuse'. Now what?

    Hi there,
    Ipod 5th Gen was in my pocket through the day. Went to use it and found the video not working. Screen all garbled = no video, no menu, etc. Apple returned it with a photocopy of a doc saying "caused by accident, misuse or misapplication" and referring me to the web site again. No other explaination or service alternatives.
    a) How can it be "accident or misuse"? It was in my pocket.
    b) What do I do now?... Buy a new one and only expect 7 months before it breaks?! I fell for that once already. I thought I'd bought a reliable product from a reliable company.
    Assistance appreciated.
    Ipod 5th Gen Windows XP
      Windows XP  

    Re: What are Apple doing to compensate for the damage caused by the iPhone 4 bumper? 
    15-Jun-2011 15:15 (in response to sfrommilton keynes)
    o Steel is harder than plastic, so the bumper has not caused the damage.
      - You call it rubbish
      - The world calls it physics
    You are totally wrong.  Please go back to School.
    o You can deny physics
      - but that will not change reality.
    You can go to School but that wont change reality.
    o Your description of your Genius bar is incomprehensible
      - I recommend you go to the Genius bar leaving the chip on your shoulder at home and tactfully explain what you think is your issue.
    I recomend you find a day job ans stop TROLLING peoples threads.
      - I've never had them fail me or be the least bit confrontational.
      - But if you act like a jerk then I couldn't predict what would happen
    Yeah because you were there.  Are you having some kind of relationship with the company?  I think you sleep with an Apple under your pillow.
    Finally I am a consumer who has paid for a product that is not living up to expectations.  The plastic skelton is hard and abrasive (I know what that means as I went to School) Abrasion's are marking the product. 
    This is not the only time this has been reported and as such I have no issue with particles entering the bumber.  This has happened from the start (when I used Apples stupid bumber case)
    Please don't patronise or TROLL others threads.
    <Edited by Host>

  • I am moving and she has a tc and I do can I hook mine up to the same cable line

    I am moving into my friends apt and she has a TC hooked up her cable but I have one too that I want to use and tore my info on. Can it be done that two tc share one cable line?

    You can connect your TC to your friend's TC using an Ethernet cable and share the same Internet connection from the cable service.
    Do you plan to configure your TC to provide another wireless network for your use only?
    Or, do you plan to use your TC for backups only and use the existing wireless network at the apartment?

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    iCloud version provided by Apple updater is damaged or just won't install. Is the version I have properly working and syncing with all my devices?

    Try quitting Pages on the iPad, restart the iPad -  and then see if the app works OK.
    To quit Pages - Go to the home screen first by tapping the home button. Quit/close open apps by double tapping the home button and the task bar will appear with all of you recent/open apps displayed at the bottom. Tap and hold down on any app icon until it begins to wiggle. Tap the minus sign in the upper left corner to close the apps. Restart the iPad. Restart the iPad by holding down on the sleep button until the red slider appears and then slide to shut off. To power up hold the sleep button until the Apple logo appears and let go of the button.

  • Bt unable to install telephone line in Central eas...

    I placed an order to have broadband installed on the 26th of July. We live in a new building which was completed in April this year, in E1 central East London. Well, after all this time internet has not been installed, and it is getting delayed, month after month, now for the 15th of October.
    The new excuse is that Bt needs to install the line and need to do some work in the street. This work needs to be done now, not 4 or 5 months ago when it should have been done.
    The funny thing is that we have two elevators which, if they are not connected to any emergency telephone line, is against the law. We are going to start conversations with the Tower Hamlets council to raise a case about it.
    I already received the router and the you view device which are happily stored and with no use. The important thing is that BT, of course, took the money for the line rental that I am not using and that is not even installed!
    Thanks Bt, good work, looking forward to have telephone line one day and switch to a different, real provider.

    BT do not provide or maintain the external network. This is done by Openreach who work for all service providers. BT do not get any special treatment.
    You would get the same result with another service provider.
    See http://www.expect.openreach.co.uk/
    There are some useful help pages here, for BT Broadband customers only, on my personal website.
    BT Broadband customers - help with broadband, WiFi, networking, e-mail and phones.

  • Problem with installing new line card 7600-SSC-400

    Hi all,
    I have a trouble when trying to install new line card 7600-SSC-400 on Cisco 6509. Here was the message displays on the screen after I finished installing the line card : "%C6KPWR-SP-4-UNSUPPORTED: unsupported module in slot 7, power not allowed: The image for the card is not bundled in image." I tried to install this line card on another slot, but it doesn't work. The attched item is logfile which I saved in the installing session. I don't know what I hvae to do now, please help me to resolve this problem !
    Thanks so much,

    Hi Hieu,
    You might want to run the following to see more detail of the error:
    show diagnostic result module all detail
    And I would also suggest that you reseat the 7600-SSC-400 line card firmly back to the switch, and check the status again.
    If it's still showing the error, maybe you can try seating the module on a different slot, and check if you have the same issue.
    If the issue still persist after reseating and testing it on different slot, then it might be a hardware issue, and you might want to open a TAC case to further investigate it.
    Hope that helps.

  • Dedicated line vs. shared (cable) line and downloa...

    I am moving to an urban neighborhood that has no fiberoptic cable. My local Verizon high-speed Internet sales representative tells me that the best he can offer me is a dedicated line (copper) with a guaranteed download speed of just over 3Mbps and a guaranteed upload speed of 1Mbps. He insists that, because the speed on a dedicated line does not fluctuate with usage the way a cable line does, I will have no trouble with Skype video calling for my business despite Skype's published minimum requirement for HD video calling being higher: 1.2Mbps download/upload speed (1.5 recommended). He says that Skype's recommendations are for shared lines on which the speed fluctuates. Is he mistaken?

    If you can't get fiber optic in your area I would recommend Cable over ADSL.  ADSL providers can't give you the upload/download speeds that Cable/Fiber can.  Years ago I actually got off DSL once my supposedly non-shared connection was getting overloaded at the local DSLAM during prime time hours and beyond (6pm - 1am) so in my experience I had "sharing' issues on my "dedicated" line.   With all shared connections it's going to depend on your area.  I personally would go the Cable route first, get the higher bandwidth and see how things work for you.  I would recommend DSL only if Cable could not provide you with consistent speeds or stability in your area.  One exception to that would be if  VDSL was offered in your area for a decent rate but you have to be very close to the main hub.  If you are using Cable for business it might be worth it to inquire about the advantages of Cable for business rather than for home.  They may have a higher guaranteed uptime (lower downtime or repair turnaround time)  or other dedicated options to ensure your business doesn't suffer from outages should they accur.

  • How to get rid of the reference lines on the front panel

    I forgot how I created a couple of horizontal and vertical reference lines on the front panel. It looks like the origin lines on the front panel. When I move my program to another monitor with different resolution, all the layout is messed up because of the reference lines can not change with the resolution. Did anybody meet this before? How to get rid of them?
    Attached are the 2 creen shot of front panels.
    Thanks in advanced.
    Go to Solution.
    front panel.png ‏63 KB
    front panel2.png ‏42 KB

    You will have to click on the top menu and choose options see below
    when you do this window will pop up and you scroll down until you get to the front panel options. See below
    Johnson Controls
    Holland Michigan

  • Problems re-installing after on-line updates cause version change from install CD

    I'm running AcroPro 6 updated to 7.1 through on-line updates, on laptop and was on desktop. The laptop runs just fine with no issues, and Acrobat 6 does everything that I need done, so I don't have any desire to upgrade to the latest and greatest. Problems with Acrobat on the desktop caused me to uninstall it, and I couldn't reinstall it.
    Now, using the laptop in conjunction with the desktop isn't the most convenient because I'm creating documents on the desktop, and then have to port them to the laptop, do whatever is needed there in Acrobat, and then port back. Usually all that I need to do is to assemble a pdf from separate pages, insert or remove pages from a pdf, or to apply security. Nothing particulary fancy.
    Acrobat on the desktop worked fine for many years, but at some point reported an issue finding the printer, and refused to print anything. After trying everything I could think of as a possible solution I, perhaps foolishly, uninstalled Acrobat with the intention of reinstalling it and having the problem resolved. On attempting to reinstall, starting from the original Acrobat 6 CD, the installer reported that a later version of the software was installed, and exited. It would seem that simply uninstalling Acrobat leaves sufficient references in registry or other places for the last update applied to be determined during installation.
    There seem to be two possible options so that I can avoid the, to me, unneccesary expense of upgrading to the latest version of Acrobat.
    Locate and remove the source of the data that the Acrbat 6 installer is reading and which causes the installer to exit, or
    Slipstream the updates (to 7.1) into the Acrobat 6 installation files, so that the version I would be attempting to install is the same as the verion that I uninstalled.
    I tried scanning registry to find all references to Acrobat and or Acrobat 6, but I'm not certain this is the best way. Missing one might be critical, and removing them might just cause worse problems.
    I tried slipstreaming the Acrobat 6 installer, but it fails using the msiexec /a switch, as it appears that Acrobat 6 wasn't designed to work with an administrative install point, according to the pop-up dialogue box.
    My problem is that while I just want to reinstall Acrobat 6, update to 7.1, and go on happily, I can't see how to do this. Can anyone advise if there is a solution other than upgrading?
    Thanks in advance for you thoughts, all will be appreciated!

    Thanks John, Bill and Graffiti for your interest!
    The original install, many years ago, was of an education version from a local college. As updates became available thorough the update manager, they were installed. As stated above, it updated though 6.0 to 6.6, and then on to 7, eventually to 7.1! I can only repeat what happened, but not explain it. I thought nothing of it at the time, as it was all being managed by the update manager. I agree that this last seems to be more an upgrade than an update, but... what can I say? What happened is what happened, and it happened as I described it.
    But not's get hung up on the history! Now that I seem to have solved the original issue of not getting past the message that 'a more functional version has been detected', how does one solve the 'invalid serial number' issue that occurs when attempting to reinstall 6.0? Delete the Acrobat registry keys from HKLM and HKCU, and possibly anywhere else? The former didn't work yet, so, where else? Maybe there is an 'update' folder hanging around somewhere with a registry reference that needs to be deactivated?  Something like {AC76BA86-0000-0000-7AC5-6028747ADE00}?
    Any further thoughts? And thanks for the input, it really is appreciated!

  • Connectivity issues caused by coax, will Verizon install ethernet line to the second floor?

     Lately i've been having connectivity issues(bad lag, pages stop loading) and the problem appears to be the coax line that is running between my ONT(in the garage) and office(two floors up) .  How do i know it's the coax? Well, when the router is in the office and  I ping yahoo.com, i get an average of 120ms, ~10% packet loss. Then I moved the actiontec router to a 3 foot cable directly attached to my ONT and I get 20ms, zero packet loss. Unless im missing something it seems like there is a problem with the lines in my house and their ability to do internet over coax. My FIOS TV service works fine. I have tested all my other coax lines and they all have the same issue except for the one in the living room, however i cant use that line because wireless doesn't reach the office. So the only solution im seeing is to run an ethernet line from the ONT directly to the office. The distance is at most 75ft so signaling should not be an issue. Will Verizon install the ethernet line for me or will I have to do it myself? I feel like im not getting proper service and Verizon should be responsible for fixing it. If anyone here has other suggestions to remedy my problem please let me know. Thx guys!

    I can't answer the question about Verizon running Cat5 for you.  I'm sure someone else here will have that answer.  But some thoughts about the problem you're seeing.
    Is the coax from the garage to your office reasonably new and in good shape?
    Have you tried changing the connectors at both ends?
    How are splitters configured?  I would think you should have the router on one 3.5 dB leg of the first splitter and the rest of the house off any other splits.  And a splitter could be bad.  You could try getting a coax "barrel" from Radio Shack and, as a test, bypassing any splitter in between the ONT and the router in your office.
    Is the run from the garage to the router about the same as the run to the living room?  I'm wondering if the router itself might be defective and require more signal than it should. 
    FWIW, it sounds like I have a similar setup to yours and it just works.  I know some prefer Cat5 ONT-router for various reason but I like the Verizon default configuration for it's simplicity and for the fact that Verizon will support it if support is needed.   I wonder what tech support would say about your situation if you could get past tier 1 script reading. 
    Good luck.
    The more I think about it the more I suspect a splitter is your problem.  I say that because if I understand you correctly, you get the same results at the end of every piece of coax except in the living room.  Right?  That leads me to think the connection to the ONT is getting screwed up somewhere that it's being split.  FWIW.
    edit & P.P.S.
    This is the "barrel" I had in mind to bypass any splitters for troubleshooting purposes:

  • Lenovo refused fixing a damage caused by their previous repairing

    One year ago, our Lenovo laptop ThinkPad T61 got a replacement of cooling fan at IBM-Lenovo by warranty (laptop was sent to them). Now laptop stopped working (not turning on at all). The warranty is over, so we consulted the local repair company. It occurs that the cover of cooling fan was not installed last time so that the fan eventually cut the wires.
    I contacted IBM-Lenovo by phone (1-800-426-7378). I said that IBM-Lenovo should be responsible for the current damage of laptop as it happened because of the service obtained in IBM-Lenovo. From my as loyal customer point of view, such responsibility should be taken regardless of the time when the service was obtained if it resulted in eventual damage. It also should be taken regardless of current warranty status.
    However, for all my arguments I received only one answer: "As your warranty expired, you must pay for repair regardless of what caused the damage." I consider such response of IBM-Lenovo representative as inappropriate to the status of the company that intend to keep loyal customers.
    What my next steps should be? BBB claim submission?

    rc1ph, welcome to the forum,
    sorry to hear that your T61 isn't working, would it be possible to post a link to a photo of exactly what you have described and maybe be a little more specific as to which wires were allegedly cut as a result of the repair.
    I'll be honest and say that I have replaced plenty of fans in different ThinkPad units and am having difficulty understanding exactly what has happened here.
    Thanks in advance
    Andy  ______________________________________
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