DAO No match problem

Hi, I have a main form with a button to open a second form to add details etc. The Second form opens to display member details which works fine when there is a record already (in the second form) but I am having a problem with it opening up for the initial
entry. It is trying to match the memberID's but of course if I haven't yet added one there is no match. I have the code I have done below and am wondering if anyone can help me with some code to add in when there is no match? i.e. first record
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("select * from tblMemberDetail where MemberIDS = " & Forms!frmMemberform!MemberID & ";")
With rs
   Me.txtMemberIDS = !MemberIDS
   Me.txtMemberNo = !MemberNo
   Me.txtChristianNm = !ChristianNm
   Me.txtSurname = !Surname
   Me.txtDOB = !DOB
   Me.txtAddr = !Addr
   Me.cboSurb = !Surb
   Me.txtCity = !City
   Me.txtPhone = !Phone
   Me.txtFax = !Fax
   Me.txtMobile = !Mobile
   Me.txtNotes = !Notes
   Me.cboStatus = !Status
End With
Set rs = Nothing
End Sub

This doesn't make a lot of sense.  As you are grabbing a MemberID from the first form there must exist a row in whatever table models the Members entity type.  This does not appear to be the tblMemberDetail table however, as that appears to have
a key named MemberIDS.  The implication therefore is that two tables are modelling the same entity type.
This would be a valid scenario if the first table were modelling a wider population of type People say, of which the Members entity type is a sub-type, but the fact that the key of the first table is MemberID suggests that this is not the case, and it is modelling
the same entity type.  Even if it were the case that a type/sub-type scenario is being modelled, most, if not all, of the the tblMemberDetail columns which you list would be attributes of the (super) type as these would be attributes common to all sub-types,
not of the specific sub-type, so should not be represented by columns in tblMemberDetail  at all, which, in addition to the foreign key referencing the first table (which would also be its primary key of course), but only by columns in the first table.
If you are modelling a single entity type Members, which seems to be the case, and you wish to  enter basic details in one form, e.g. their membership number and/or first and last names,  and then additional details in another unbound form then you
should have a single table which contains all the columns which represent attributes of members.  Having entered a row in the first form with these details you can then open the second unbound form in the way you are doing, and establish a recordset object
based on the same table, restricted on the MemberID from the first form.  Ensure that the first form's current record is first saved by setting its Dirty property to False if it's a bound form, or inserting or updating a row in the table with an SQL statement,
or by means of some DAO code, if it's an unbound form.  You can then be assured that the recordset you establish in your code in the second form's module will not be empty.  Having entered values into the unbound controls in the second form you will
then need to insert these into the relevant row in the table by executing an SQL INSERT INTO statement, or by means of some DAO code.
I would comment, however, that such an approach does prejudice the integrity of the database in that it forces you to allow Nulls in all columns in the table bar those inserted via the first form.
One other point to which I'd draw your attention is that your table is currently not normalized to Third Normal Form (3NF) as City is transitively dependant on the key via Surb, which I assume to represent a suburb.  This leaves it open to the risk of
update anomalies.  The table should be decomposed by the creation of a Suburbs table which includes a foreign key referencing the primary key CityID of a Cities table (not the city name as these can legitimately be duplicated, so are unsuitable as a key). 
If necessary, for each city which does not have suburbs there should be a row in Suburbs with a value N/A or similar in a non-key Suburb column.   Your referencing table will now contain a SuburbID or similar foreign key and no City column. 
This is a very common situation in international databases for instance, where it is necessary to map a city to a country via internal regions such as states or counties, where very small countries do not have any regional structure.
Ken Sheridan, Stafford, England

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    Hi there,
    Try downloading and running the print and scan doctor located here:
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    Best of Luck!
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        count = count + 1
        oLog.WriteLine "-----------------------------------"
        oLog.WriteLine Now()
        oLog.WriteLine "Provider instance " & count &  " : " & objItem.Machine
        oLog.WriteLine "NamespacePath : " & objItem.NamespacePath     
        oLog.WriteLine ""
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    when configuring DNS suffixes via GPO and not manually setting the GUI to match).
    Josh Gerner
    Cornell University.

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    Josh Gerner

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    Thanks,for any advice.

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    Problem is when I have in xslt file template defined with (match="*") it does not work. Transformation does not throw any exceptions; it just does not match nodes very well.
    Next XML schema can be used as test. So, if you transform this file(schema below) using e.g. XML Spy it will work fine, but if you transform it using JAVA it does not match all nodes. Any suggestions are welcome. Is it problem with XPath standard and XALAN implementation or what???
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <xs:schema targetNamespace="http://www.openapplications.org/oagis/CoreComponents/1.90/Types" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:cct="http://www.openapplications.org/oagis/CoreComponents/1.90/Types" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified">
         <xs:simpleType name="Simple">
              <xs:restriction base="xs:integer"/>
         <xs:complexType name="AmountType">
                   <xs:extension base="cct:Simple">
                        <xs:attribute name="currencyID" type="xs:integer" use="required"/>
                        <xs:attribute name="codeListVersionID" type="xs:float" use="optional"/>

    Found a solution for my problem. Now it works!
      DATA: wa_transformation TYPE y0dpl_structures.
      DATA: obj_import TYPE abap_trans_srcbind_tab,
            wa_import TYPE abap_trans_srcbind.
      DATA: obj_data TYPE REF TO data.
      DATA: wa_return TYPE bapiret2.
    * Get transformation data
      INTO wa_transformation
      FROM y0dpl_structures
      WHERE filetype = i_file_type.
      IF sy-subrc IS INITIAL.
    * Create table with internal structure
        CREATE DATA e_data TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF (wa_transformation-structure_name).
        ASSIGN i_data->* TO <data>.
        wa_import-name = 'IMPORT'.
        GET REFERENCE OF <data> INTO wa_import-value.
        APPEND wa_import TO obj_import.
    * Call transformation
        CALL TRANSFORMATION (wa_transformation-transformation)
        SOURCE (obj_import)
        RESULT export_data = e_data.
        MOVE:  'Y0_DPL' TO wa_return-id,
               'E'      TO wa_return-type,
               '108'    TO wa_return-number.
        APPEND wa_return TO e_return.
        CLEAR: wa_return.

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    uxChris wrote:
    I just want to know if anybody knows what the problem is.. I just want to use iTunes Match on my iOS devices. If it doesn't work I will not use iTunes Match anymore..
    Cause you data got corrupted during either upload, matching process or download. Most likely first two, since you already tried to download to ipad as well.  Decision to use or not use match is up to you.
    Good bye.

  • ITunes Match problem with Mastered for iTunes tracks

    My question is, has anyone solved the problem I'm describing here?
    My wife bought an album (David Bowie, The Next Day, it's great), as a Mastered for iTunes album, under her Apple ID. I copied the album to my computer using Home Sharing. My computer is authorized with both of our Apple IDs.
    I have iTunes Match activated on my Apple ID. This album uploaded - didn't match - to iTunes. I assume that this is because Apple is trying to keep people from getting the Mastered for iTunes version of things and refuses to match that version if it's not already associated with the Apple ID. This seems silly, but so be it.
    Now I try to listen on an iOS device and see more strange behavior:
    - The uploaded tracks stream fine, but
    - They will not download. No matter what network I'm on, no matter the time of day, there's always an error in downloading them.
    I'd be interested to know if anyone has any insight into what's going on; how to get around it; or just if you've seen the same.

    Scott Shuchart wrote:
    So I infer that - to keep the "no free upgrades to Mastered for iTunes" policy with the technical limitation that iTunes cannot perfectly match to the same master - it has a policy not to match to Mastered for iTunes unless the track was purchased with the right Apple ID. This seems like a silly but obvious solution to those two constraints. No?
    No, there is no such policy. I know this because I was recently able to get Eric Clapton's new album Old Sock matched to the Mastered for iTunes version. All the downloaded tracks have the logo on them. Same goes for the matched AC/DC tracks I have downoaded. All are Mastered for iTunes. These are my rips from CD which were matched.
    This is completely different from if someone has an album that was previously bought from the iTunes Store, such as Elton John's Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, which then gets re-released in a remastered version (Mastered for ITunes). Of course we don't get a free upgrade to that version. We have to buy it if we want it. It is just as if you bought the album on CD, then a remastered version is released. You have to buy the CD again.
    As you are talking about an iTunes Store purchase, of course you can't re-rip it, since it was never ripped from CD in the first place. But you might want to read the iTS TOS which can be read here: http://www.apple.com/legal/itunes/us/terms.html
    But, to get back to the original question, this does seem to be an issue with this particular album for whatever reason.

  • Pattern Matching problems

    Hi people,
    I'm having a slight problem with pattern matching. What I need to do is find if my pattern is a given string an return the end index.
    Here's my string:
    <TD>Some text</TD>
    I need to find everything between the 2 anchor tags. (In this case "Some text"). The query string parameters are the only thing that can change.
    Here's what I've tried:
    Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("<a href=\"/cgi-bin/dir/program.cgi?PARAM1=[0-9]&PARAM2=[0-9]*\"onmouseover=\"window.status='';return true;\">");
    Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(myString);
    if ( matcher.find() ) {
       System.out.println(myString.substring(matcher.end(), myString.toLowerCase().indexOf("</a>",matcher.end())));               
    }Of course I've tried a lot of other things. I've also googled to try to find some examples but to no avail.
    Thanks for any help.

    Just change your Patterne. It will work. The '?' character is being considered as a pattern matching character, while you want it as it is. Use \\ before '?' character.
    Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("<a href=\"/cgi-bin/dir/program.cgi\\?PARAM1=[0-9]&PARAM2=[0-9]*\"onmouseover=\"window.status='';return true;\">");
    Hope it helps.

  • Colour matching problems photoshop to windows picture viewer.

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    Im using an EIZO CG222W and Photoshop CS2, colour balanced with an Eye-One Display.
    The prints returns from photographic labs match what is displayed in photoshop perfectly though obviously not in windows.
    I know windows is not colour balanced but I thought there would be little difference as we are also using another EIZO monitor and a IIYAMA monitor and these have no problems switching between photoshop and windows though they are both also colour balanced with the eye-one.
    This applies to ALL windows applications... all colours in Internet explorer etc are over saturated as well.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    I did think of that as the reason, although I was a bit confused as like i said, we are also using another EIZO monitor which has a perfect balance between photoshop and windows yet I've checked all the setting between the two monitors which are the same.
    It's an older eizo so it may just be this new one has a wider gamut.
    Thanks for your help. I'll look into sRGB restrictions on windows and see if that works.

  • Newbie - Maybe a Font Match Problem?

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    It´s me again...sending an image to explain the problem better.
    The report´s font is Helvetica Neue (a postcript type) however the Character right shows me Helvetica T1 (true type, i guess) and inside a brackets like the found is not active. I dunno why, because i did deactivate ALL Helvetica fonts and only activate the Postcript they sent me. It is like the report does not find the right font....is it? or InDesign replace it for a similar match. I have to use the same font because other collegues are using the postscript font as well.
    Maybe is something quite easy to solve. I wouldn´t like to change one by one.
    Thanks and cheers,

    [OT] = OpenType
    [TT] = TrueType
    [T1] = Type 1/Postscript
    The font it is looking for is your Postscript Helvetica Neue Font Family, using a font face named 55 Roman.
    Verify you have the correct font family and font face active.
    Does the font show up as missing (yellow triangle) in the Find Fonts dialog? That should be an easy way to correct it throughout the document.

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    Sure would appreciate some advice and input..

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  • Itunes match problem after update

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    Hey guys have finnally found a fix! (uploads really slowly though) have a look at this forum: https://discussions.apple.com/thread/4220354?start=60&tstart=0 (look at the image of "Beavis" post). I did exactly what "Phil" said in the forum "
    I think I found a solution.  The problem seems to be the upload speed and your ISP.  I tested this by using my LTE connection instead and iTunes Match worked no problem.
    So I found a free throttling app called Entonnoir and throttled all the ports that iTunes uses to a maximum of 100KB/s.
    I ran iTunes Match and it's now working...slow, but working.
    You can get the app from here...  http://tools.chocoflop.com/entonnoir_en.html
    Here are the ports to throttle...
    TCP 5223
    TCP 80
    TCP 443
    TCP 3689
    TCP 8000-8999
    TCP 42000-42999"

  • Matching Problem?

    Here is my problem:
    I have a first play that I created in FCP and it consists of a video that dissolves to a psd file of the Main menu. Then the end action of the first play is the same psd file. Why is there a shift in contrast and color when it goes from the first play to the main menu? I posted something in the past and the person said it was just the way it is. I don't believe this. I did the exact same thing in Premiere and Encore and there is no shift. I need to finish this project today, but the client doesn't like the shift. What can I do? I don't want to make the menus video because you loose quality on the logos and graphics. Any suggestions?
    Thank you very much for your help,
    John Schenkel

    DVDSP must encode all assets to MPEG2 including .mov and .psd's. Sometimes it handles these different file types differently. To avoid this, I encode all assets to MPEG2 prior to importing to DVDSP. If I need a still for a menu, I usually grab a frame from the encoded MPEG2 so that I know it will match.
    Another option is making your first play a menu including the entire intro movie and have it still at the end and set the loop point to the end also. That way DVDSP uses the same asset for the movie and the menu without worry of color shift.

Maybe you are looking for

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