DAQmx vis missing

I have installed DAQmx9.9.0 and cannot find the DAQmx vis neither in Labview or in instr.lib
In Max,
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What version of LabVIEW?  Did you install DAQmx AFTER installing LabVIEW?
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Similar Messages

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    I installed v 7.0, and then tried to run an example DAQmx VI from the developer zone. However, the VI can not start because a lot of DAQmx VIs seem to be missing. Doing a search on my Labview 7.0 directory, I do not find any VIs starting with DAQmx*.vi.
    Furthermore, choosing Functions|input, I do not see the DAQ assistant (I think that is what it is supposed to be called?)
    p.s. I am using the Prof devel system version/

    You have to download the DAQmx from http://digital.ni.com/softlib.nsf/websearch/BEC182021CEB566C86256EEE00696562?opendocument&node=132060_US

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    plz help..
    Go to Solution.

    Note: This assumes that you have an actual control on the VI. If you have a
    block diagram constant, then that won't actually work. In this case to get the actual text you need to pick from list of text items. To further complicate things, the actual values that are generated are not sequential. You can use either a case structure or a 2-step lookup.
    Example_VI.png ‏7 KB

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    I am fairly new with the LabView programming language.  I have a few training books that I have been reading, and I have been following online tutorials and reading the forums.  However, I have come to a problem where I don’t see a clear solution.  I am using LabView 2009 (9.0f3) and DAQmx VIs.
    I am using a NI 9172 chassis PLC, with two 9201 AI cards, 9217 AI RTD card, 9472 DO card, 9263 AO card, and two 9237 AI Bridge cards.
    I am reading eight analog inputs with the 9201 cards, two analog RTD inputs with the 9217 card, three digital outputs with the 9472 card, three analog outputs with the 9263, and eight analog inputs with the 9237 cards.
    I wrote a simple program to test one digital output task, two of the analog output tasks, and a single analog input task.  I put all of them in the same while loop, and it worked perfectly.  However, when I add analog input tasks to the same loop, I get an error 200022.    So I tested each sensor individually by changing the channel before each run.  I searched error 200022 and found that this is because I cannot start another analog input task until the previous one ends.  With this said, I don’t know how to acquire an analog voltage in the same task as an analog RTD voltage.  Both inputs take different constants in the start task DAQmx icon.
    Attached is my test program.  It is titled “Test All”. This is the program I used to test the various sensors.  I tested the input sensors one at a time, and it worked fine.  A few tasks are written just to test functionality, and will be added to later.  The data is only displayed on the screen.  I will add triggers and data write to disk functions later.  This program works now, but if I add more analog inputs, it will generate the 200022 error.
    Can someone show me how to correctly write the code for multiple inputs and outputs using DAQmx?  All training materials and tutorials I can find all show a single input or single output, not multiples of each.  Thanks for looking.
    TestAll-NI.vi ‏32 KB

    Hi RandyC,
    The Knowledge Base article Using Different Types of DAQmx Global Channels in the Same Task goes into a little more depth of what Bryan is talking about, and it also includes some example code to help show what to do.
    Hope that helps,

  • Can read TEDS in MAX but not with DAQmx VIs

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    Any ideas what's going on?
    Using LV2012 and MAX 5.3.1 running on Windows 7 32 bit.
    Build Daq Task Snippet.png ‏58 KB

    Nope.  That's a delete from array, length 1, index 3.
    In any case, I eliminated that block since the string array wired to the for loop controls how many devices the VI attempts to configure.  Same result, verified it was trying to configure ai2.  Here's the updated snippet:
    Build Daq Task Snippet v2.png ‏54 KB

  • DAQmx VIs Timeout Problems

    I am trying to acquire 9 frequency input chanels thorugh PXI-6624 card.
    I have 9 independent loops for 9 frequency counter chanels. I am able to read all the frequencies above 10Hz properly.
    Now the problem is,
    Sometimes there will be no pulses, and the Counter Input DAQmx VI will wait for timeout.( I have given the timeout of 1 sec). During this time my CPU consumption goes very high and I am not able to read any of the analog inputs too.
    and say if similar condition happens to all the 9 frequency input channels then my software hangs.
    I have tried using wait mode method but i wasnt able to read any frequency with it.
    I have also read it that, when "Counter Input DAQmx VI is in timeout mode at that time we cannot make any other DAQmx VIs call". Please refer this link http://zone.ni.com/devzone/cda/tut/p/id/3166

    What version of LabVIEW?  Did you install DAQmx AFTER installing LabVIEW?
    There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions
    Unofficial Forum Rules and Guidelines

  • Why don't DIAdem VIs and DAQmx VIs install when upgrading?

    Hi all,
    I'm on my third upgrade of the Developer Suite with DIAdem.  Every time I install a new version, I have to manually reinstall both the DIAdem connectivity VIs and the DAQmx VI library.  Am I missing a step in the install?  This is tripling the amount of time it takes to upgrade and introduces more opportunities for me to mess something up...overall not fun.

    What do you mean by manually reinstall?  So for me here is how it works.
    New developer suite DVD packs come in for 2014.  Put in DVD 1, pick my products to be installed which include LabVIEW, DIAdem, TestStand etc.
    The install goes and installs all the products I picked, then at the end it asks for device drivers to install.  DAQmx is picked by default so I tell it to install and it finishes.
    At the end of this I have the newest LabVIEW, with the newest drivers.  The only interaction I have is at the start saying what products to install, and at the end saying what drivers to install.  Sure this could be more stream lined to ask about drivers up front but overall the process works.  It knows it needs to install LabVIEW before the other tools so it does.  And it knows it needs to install drivers after LabVIEW so it does.  If you are installing things one at a time, and in your own order I could see where problems could happen.
    EDIT:  Oh and I forgot the other interaction for swapping DVDs mid install.  But what I do is merge all DVDs into a single folder on the network so it doesn't prompt for DVD swapping.
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    If 10 out of 10 experts in any field say something is bad, you should probably take their opinion seriously.

  • VISA missing state change on window resize

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    ed from viMoveIn16 indicate that the response has been received? Has anyone experienced a problem similar to this before?

    The address space being read is the A16_SPACE. In all of my testing, the failure occurs at a specific location in the code. There are 3 memory reads and 2 of them appear to work correctly. However, the 3rd will catch the resize each time it occurs. All 3 memory reads will work correctly if no resize is encountered. Still looking for the remaining requested data.

  • No daqmx vis in measurement i/o in Labview 8.5 after install

    Labview 7.1 also resides and can them. How to fix for 8.5? Running NiDaq 8.7.1 Tried copying Daqmx folder from vi.lib under program files\7.1 to 8.5  Tried same for Nidaq Mx.mnu under menus\default. Also for folder daqmx under menus folder. Any ideas?
    Go to Solution.

    When you installed LabVIEW 8.5, did you then run the NI-DAQmx installer?  In order to get DAQmx support for a newly installed version of LabVIEW, you'll need to run the installer again so that the installer can add support.
    Seth B.
    Staff Test Engineer | National Instruments
    Certified LabVIEW Developer
    Certified TestStand Developer
    “Engineers like to solve problems. If there are no problems handily available, they will create their own problems.”- Scott Adams

  • Vision and Motion VIs missing

    I have installed (in order):
    -LabVIEW 2013 PDS 64 bit
    -Vision Development Module 2011 64 bit
    -LabVIEW 2011 PDS
    The Vision and Motion palette is visible in both 2011 and 2013. But in 2013 the palatte is empty.
    Could i get this to work?
    Go to Solution.

    Hi Marvin,
    in your case the first picture applies: LabVIEW vs. VISION!
    And it clearly shows: you can use any VISION version starting from VISION2011 with LabVIEW2011.
    But to use LabVIEW2013 you need to install VISION2013 (or more recent).
    Best regards,
    CLAD, using 2009SP1 + LV2011SP1 + LV2014SP1 on WinXP+Win7+cRIO
    Kudos are welcome

  • New Hardware / DAQmx Install, LabView 7.1 Now Missing DAQmx VI's?

    Hello -
    I've been running Labview 7.1 and some applications we've built with it for some time now.  Due to an old DAQ board failure, we had to upgrade.  Upon receiving the new (PCI-6225M) DAQ board, we had to update DAQmx (to 8.9.5) in order for this new board to be supported.
    In doing so, it appears that the DAQmx VI's I had for Labview 7.1 were actually removed from the system.  When I try to load my 7.1 applications, I get errors saying that it can't find various DAQmx VI's (like the DAQmx Create Task and Read VI's).  Since it allows me to browse for them, I browse to the directory structures that *do* have them now (intended for LV 8.2+, which we don't have).  If I select these VI's they seem to be found okay, but then I get an error for each VI saying that it's only for a newer version of LabView, not v7.1.
    So what gives?  What can I do?  Why on earth would a newer DAQmx installer actually go in and remove already existing files from my previous install that previously worked fine?  I am not impressed.  What should have been a simple board upgrade now appears to be setting us back some significant time.

    Hi Dennis,
    I also have common issue.  I am using labview 7.1 with DAQmx version 8.8.  Recently, I just bought the cDAQ-9178, which requires me to upgrade my DAQmx to version 9.4.  After installation completed, I discovered all my DAQmx missing.  My question is:
    1. Do you have any patch to let me stay @ LV version 7.1 with the new DAQmx 9.5 without missing DAQmx vis?  I need the new DAQmx to be able to connect with cDAQ-9178.
    Thanks you for your time, Dylan

  • Missing DAQmx Create Task.vi among others

    Hi all,
    I'm trying to run a .vi made in Labview 8.5 using Labview 2012. I have the most recent version of DAQmx (9.5) installed, but it's unable to find the file DAQmx Create Task.vi, and if I chose to ignore it about 6 other files pop up that it is also unable to find. I have uninstalled and installed DAQmx on both my computer and two other computers running Labview 2009 to try and get this to work, but nothing seems to be solving the problem. Any ideas what might be going wrong here?

    Are you trying to open the VIs using 8.5 or 2012?  Are the DAQmx VIs in the palette?
    There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions
    Unofficial Forum Rules and Guidelines

  • Data collection was switched from an AI Config task writing to an hsdl file to synchronized DAQmx tasks logging to TDMS files. Why are different readings produced for the same test?

    A software application was developed to collect and process readings from capacitance sensors and a tachometer in a running spin rig. The sensors were connected to an Aerogate Model HP-04 H1 Band Preamp connected to an NI PXI-6115. The sensors were read using AI Config and AI Start VIs. The data was saved to a file using hsdlConfig and hsdlFileWriter VIs. In order to add the capability of collecting synchronized data from two Eddy Current Position sensors in addition to the existing sensors, which will be connected to a BNC-2144 connected to an NI PXI-4495, the AI and HSDL VIs were replaced with DAQmx VIs logging to TDMS. When running identical tests, the new file format (TDMS) produces reads that are higher and inconsistent with the readings from the older file format (HSDL).
    The main VIs are SpinLab 2.4 and SpinLab 3.8 in folders "SpinLab old format" and "Spinlab 3.8" respectfully. SpinLab 3.8 requires the Sound and Vibration suite to run correctly, but it is used after the part that is causing the problem. The problem is occuring during data collection in the Logger segment of code or during processing in the Reader/Converter segment of code. I could send the readings from the identical tests if they would be helpful, but the data takes up approximately 500 MB.
    SpinLab 3.8.zip ‏1509 KB
    SpinLab 2.4.zip ‏3753 KB
    SpinLab Screenshots.doc ‏795 KB

    First of all, how different is the data?  You say that the reads are higher and inconsistent.  How much higher?  Is every point inconsistent, or is it just parts of your file?  If it's just in parts of the file, does there seem to be a consistent pattern as to when the data is different?
    Secondly, here are a couple things to try:
    Currently, you are not calling DAQmx Stop Task outside of the loop; you're just calling DAQmx Clear Task.  This means that if there were any errors that occured in the logging thread, you might not be getting them (as DAQmx Clear Task clears outstanding errors within the task).  Add a DAQmx Stop Task before DAQmx Clear Task to make sure that you're not missing an error.
    Try "Log and Read" mode.  "Log and Read" is probably going to be fast enough for your application (as it's pretty fast), so you might just try it and see if you get any different result.  All that you would need to do is change the enum to "Log and Read", then add a DAQmx Read in the loop (you can just use Raw format since you don't care about the output).  I'd recommend that you read in even multiples of the sector size (normally 512) for optimal performance.  For example, your rate is 1MHz, perhaps read in sizes of 122880 samples per channel (something like 1/8 of the buffer size rounded down to the nearest multiple of 4096).  Note: This is a troubleshooting step to try and narrow down the problem.
    Finally, how confident are you in the results from the previous HSDL test?  Which readings make more sense?  I look forward to hearing more detail about how the data is inconsistent (all data, how different, any patterns).  As well, I'll be looking forward to hearing the result of test #2 above.
    Andy McRorie
    NI R&D

  • Cannot find daqmx control task.vi after upgrading computer, OS and LabVIEW

    I have recently upgraded both my computer, OS and my LabVIEW version and I am having some issues.
    My old system was:
    LabVIEW 8.6 Professional Development System running on Windows XP SP3 (Dell Desktop computer)
    My new system is:
    LabVIEW 2014 SP1 Professional Development System running on Windows 8.1 Pro (MS Surface Pro computer)
    I did a clean install of the LV 2014 which went smoothly. I then copied my old projects from the old machine to the new.
    The simpler projects load without problem.
    Some of the bigger project begin loading but hang on "Find the VI Named "DAQmx Control Task.vi" which does not seems to exist on the new computer.
    There are several other DAQmx VIs that the project loader wants and do not appear to exist on the computer also.
    I'm guess this could be because of the new OS, new LabView version, or because the new PC is a "tablet", or some combination of those?
    Any ideas?

    Hi bob,
    when the old PC could load these VIs without complaining abut missing DAQmx functions it had DAQmx installed. Point.
    Start the DeviceDriver DVD and install DAQmx.
    Hint: Whenever you want to replicate your LabVIEW installation on a different computer you should check the "Software" section in MAX. It will list all needed parts/toolkits/drivers you have installed!

  • DAQmx Run Time 5 + LV Application Support

    I want to use the DAQmx RT 5 installer for a smaller foot print install.
    The only other thing I need is support for LV 8.x
    But I don't want to go to a bigger run time install if I can help it.
    Is there any installer available that installs all the LabVIEW VIs needed for DAQmx?
    If I had this, I can keep the size down on my installer.
    I tried moving files manually but it didn't work, I am guessing that it registers it somewhere? 
    Is there an installer avialable or does anyone have a work around?
    Certified LabVIEW Architect * LabVIEW Champion

    Thanks guys for your posts, however I think you have misinterpreted my original post, so I will try again: 
    Obivously I need the LabVIEW run time installed. But I am talking DAQmx - when you install DAQmx you need to install the main "Run Time", but you also need to install the VIs that you use in your application otherwise it will be broken. When you create an exe these are not included in the build. There are in VI.lib, but they are not in the LabVIEW 8.x Run Time they are in the DAQmx Run Time. I am trying to use the smallest Run Time possible to minimise it's footprint. However, you have to go to the big one to install ADE support. If I could use DAQmx RT 5 + get my hands on a seperate ADE installer for LabVIEW (I imagine this would not be large in size) it would be SWEET!
    I am pretty sure the ADE DAQmx VIs get installed here - C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 8.6\vi.lib\DAQmx and that location is used for the Run Time as well. I am at work but I have been playing around at home so I can't check right now. I tried to copy and paste them, or include them in my installer, it does not work (I am thinking something is registered when using the NI installer or I am missing something)
    E.g. The Run Time 5 does not include the following: 
    NI LabVIEW SignalExpress
    Application development environment (ADE) support for LabVIEW, LabWindows/CVI, and Measurement Studio
    The DAQ Assistant
    NI-DAQmx documentation
    LabVIEW Real-Time support
    Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX)
    Not having ADE support for LabVIEW means that your exe will be broken. I don't need all the other stuff just whatever is in DAQmx RT5 and ADE support!
    I am looking for a small install (from NI?) that could do this. Is this available?
    Message Edited by jg-code on 07-01-2009 08:45 PM
    Certified LabVIEW Architect * LabVIEW Champion

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