DAQmxBase DSSetHandl​eSize

I use MAC OS X (10.4 tiger) and installed now LabView 7.1. I additionaly installed lvtigertools. In LabView 7.1 I have now daqmxbase examples, i.e. Cont Acq&Graph Voltage-Int Clk.vi et al.
These vi examples are compiled without any errors. But when I start the vi I always get the error message:
Couldn't find LabVIEW bundle; function=DSSetHandleSize".
Something must be wrong now in my LabView? Was lvtigertools the bad thing?
Who has a similar problem?
Who can give me a hint to solve the problem?
Rudolf Lehn

Hello Mr.Lehn,
I have read also your another massage and I know you are using USB-6008.
Which version of Mac OS X 10.4 is installed?
Which versions of DAQmx Base are you linking?
I would recommend you to install the DAQmx 1.5 B driver from this page:
Please let me know if the reinstallation from driver did not help.
Best regards

Similar Messages

  • Ubuntu上でDAQmxBaseのlsdaqが認識しない

    USB-6501をDAQmxBase 3.4.0で使用しています。
    サポート外なのは承知していますが、ubuntu 9.04, kernel 2.6.28-19-genericで動作させようとしています。
    Data read: 0xB770C2A0
    Windows-PCにWindows版DAQmxBase 3.4.0をinstallしてみると、正常にポートのデータが読め、
    ubuntuのlsusb -vでは、
    Bus 004 Device 004: ID 3923:718a National Instruments Corp.
    Device Descriptor:
      bLength                18
      bDescriptorType         1
      bcdUSB               2.00
      bDeviceClass            0 (Defined at Interface level)
      bDeviceSubClass         0
      bDeviceProtocol         0
      bMaxPacketSize0        64
      idVendor           0x3923 National Instruments Corp.
      idProduct          0x718a
      bcdDevice            1.02
      iManufacturer           1 National Instruments
      iProduct                2 NI USB-6501
      iSerial                 3 01526318
      bNumConfigurations      1
      Configuration Descriptor:
        bLength                 9
        bDescriptorType         2
        wTotalLength           32
        bNumInterfaces          1
        bConfigurationValue     1
        iConfiguration          0
        bmAttributes         0x80
          (Bus Powered)
        MaxPower              500mA
        Interface Descriptor:
          bLength                 9
          bDescriptorType         4
          bInterfaceNumber        0
          bAlternateSetting       0
          bNumEndpoints           2
          bInterfaceClass         0 (Defined at Interface level)
          bInterfaceSubClass      0
          bInterfaceProtocol      0
          iInterface              0
          Endpoint Descriptor:
            bLength                 7
            bDescriptorType         5
            bEndpointAddress     0x81  EP 1 IN
            bmAttributes            2
              Transfer Type            Bulk
              Synch Type               None
              Usage Type               Data
            wMaxPacketSize     0x0040  1x 64 bytes
            bInterval               5
          Endpoint Descriptor:
            bLength                 7
            bDescriptorType         5
            bEndpointAddress     0x01  EP 1 OUT
            bmAttributes            2
              Transfer Type            Bulk
              Synch Type               None
              Usage Type               Data
            wMaxPacketSize     0x0040  1x 64 bytes
            bInterval               5
    can't get device qualifier: Value too large for defined data type
    can't get debug descriptor: Value too large for defined data type
    Device Status:     0x0000
      (Bus Powered)
    lsdaq、FWUpdate では何も出てきません。

    kondara 様
    既にご存知とのことですが Ubuntu は弊社のドライバでは正式サポートされておらず、こちらから解決策等はご案内致しかねます。
    私から提案できることとしましては、一度下記の Linux ユーザコミュニティに投稿されてはいかがでしょうか。
    日本ナショナルインスツルメンツ株式会社 技術部 巳波裕介
    Yusuke Minami, Applications Engineering, National Instruments Japan
    技術サポートウェブページ: http://www.ni.com/support/ja
    お問い合わせフリーダイヤル: 0120-527196

  • DAQmxbase with pci 6220

    I have developed C code to sample a USB-9215A using nidaqmxbase on windows xp. Installing only nidaqmxbase (not nidaqmx) the code ran well. Now on the same machine I have installed a PCI-6220 card and am trying to reuse the same code (for both devices  Dev1, Dev2). After trying many different strategies it is not working and the USB device no longer works either. Sequence of events:
    1) There did not appear to be a driver for the 6220 using nidaqmxbase
    2) So removed nidaqmxbase and installed nidaqmx (940f1) , the device is now found (Usb on Dev1 and PCI on Dev2)
    3) Tried to compile the code but it appears  nidaqmxbase is not a subset of nidaqmx as indicated in the documentation (e.g. calls to "DAQmxBase****" functions are not found when linking against NIDAQmx.lib) and code will not compile
    4) So reinstalled nidaqmxbase (345) over the top of nidaqmx, code now compiles (linking against nidaqmxbase.lib) but will not run (for either USB or PCI)
    5) Error is DAQmxBase Error: 2288296
    6) The devices do not appear to be available to nidaqmxbase e.g. program "lsdaq" does not show devices
    So the question is do I need to ditch the nidaqmxbase software and re-write it using nidaqmx functions or can nidaqmxbase be made to work with the pci-6220 (my preference)

    Solution found
    It seems that 6220 is not supported in nidaqmxbase, so removed all ni software and installed nidaqmx only
    Then the code can easily be ported by changing all DAQmxBase**** function calls to DAQmx***** function calls

  • I am trying to use both DaqMx and DaqMxBase on the same (Windows) PC

    Context: I am seeking to build and test the EPICS driver for "National Instruments - Various DAQ cards" - see http://www.aps.anl.gov/epics/modules/manufacturer.php for Windows.
    This depends on NiDaqMxBase because it is built for Linux.
    Consequently, I have installed DaqMxBase 3.7 on my (Window 7 /x64) PC, which already held DaqMx 9.7.5.
    I cannot get DaqMxBase to recognise my pci-6601 counter/timer card.
    It it recognised by DaqMx.
    Should this card be recognised by DaqMxBase on Windows?
    Is it OK to have both driver versions installed on the same PC?

    Hey Peter,
    The USB-6008/9 has it's own article on this that I will link rather than typing it, it shows which operating systems support which drivers. Base and mx are both supported in some instances.
    Interestingly, in this case, Linux seems to only be supported by the Base driver.
    Justin, Applications Engineer

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    i need that version NI-DAQmxbase driver which supports linux kernel 3.2.0

  • DAQmxBase for Mac OS X: where's the support for all DIO ports?

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    There are no current plans to add support for the extended digital on the NI 6025E.  The architecture is unique to that board and the newer M Series boards now have an extended number of digital lines. Another option is to use an E series board and the PCI-DIO-96 which is also supported in NI-DAQmx Base.
    With that said, we continually add features based on customer requests.  Do you have a lot of these systems?  Do other people out there want the extended digital on the 6025E supported?

  • Daqmxbase 3.2 vi examples

    I've installed NIKAL19.iso, NI-VISA-4.5.iso, nidaqmxbase-3.2.0.iso and finally LabVIEW8.6.1 in that order on Scientific Linux 5.2 which is essentially RHEL5.  Once I put the PCI controller in the correct slot and boot the machine with the PXI crate on, well, I'm floored to find out that
    # lsdaq
    Detecting National Instruments DAQ Devices
    Found the following DAQ Devices:
    NI 6221:     "Dev1"    (PXI15::15::INSTR)
    Which is exactly what I wanted.  The next step seems to be to figure out how to use this device.  Best way is through examples, right?  They aren't there.  Oh sure, I have C API examples for daqmxbase, but nothing in LabVIEW examples or nidaqmxbase/examples.  Can't find anything to download on ni.com.  So, where are they?

    Run the DAQmx Base INSTALL script again. Since LabVIEW 8.6 was installed after Base, the script didn't know that you wanted any LV examples ;-)
    Joe Friedchicken
    NI VirtualBench Application Software
    Get with your fellow hardware users :: [ NI's VirtualBench User Group ]
    Get with your fellow OS users :: [ NI's Linux User Group ] [ NI's OS X User Group ]
    Get with your fellow developers :: [ NI's DAQmx Base User Group ] [ NI's DDK User Group ]
    Senior Software Engineer :: Multifunction Instruments Applications Group
    Software Engineer :: Measurements RLP Group (until Mar 2014)
    Applications Engineer :: High Speed Product Group (until Sep 2008)

  • We want to replace DAQmxSetTimingAttribute() with its equivalent in DAQmxBase

    We want to replace DAQmxSetTimingAttribute(taskHandle, DAQmx_SampTimingType, DAQmx_Val_OnDemand) with the equivalent in DAQmxBase.
    We are running our app in continuous mode and need to change mode to single scan mode. We have used DAQmxSetTimingAttribute with "DAQmx_Val_OnDemand" in the past but we now must use the "Base" library which does not contain the expected replacement: DAQmxBaseSetTimingAttribute()
    We also tried several of your example files which used DAQmxBaseCfgImplicitTiming (ctr/buffPeriodFinite, ctr/genDigPulseTrainCont-DigStart) and got similar error messages:
    "Error: Value passed to the Task/Channels In control is invalid"
    This error occurred on the PC and Mac.
    We are using the USB-9215.
    Do you have any suggestions to at least get your examples working?

    You should just be able to set up a finite acquisition for the number of points you need.  In most cases with NI-DAQmx Base, an acquisition is hardware timed and either finite or continuous.  Just use DAQmxBaseCfgSampClkTiming with sampleMode set to DAQmx_Val_FiniteSamps. This same method would work with NI-DAQmx as well.
    int32 DAQmxCfgSampClkTiming (TaskHandle taskHandle, const char source[ ], float64 rate, int32 activeEdge, int32 sampleMode, uInt64 sampsPerChanToAcquire);
    Message Edited by Malcolm on 11-09-2005 09:20 PM

  • Interface via DAQmxBase to USB6501 daq

    I have a USB6501 which is a 24 line digital I/O. I have no problem
    using it using the the standard "DAQmx" functions. However as I need to
    use the device in Linux (redhat enterprise WS3, which is suported), The
    only vi package available for labview 7.1 Linux is the "DAQmxBase
    version 1.5". This installs fine and the command "lsdaq" gives a
    listing of my device "Dev1". However when I attempt to run either my
    own or one of the examples, it says "Error-200170 occured at physical
    channel specified does not exist on this device"
    Something similiar happens when I use the DAQmxBase in windows. Any help would be great.

    Hello BJ_phy,
    There is a firmware "switch" necessary to move the device from NI-DAQmx to NI-DAQmx Base and vice versa.  Check out this KB:  Using the USB-6008/9 and USB-6501 with NI-DAQmx or NI-DAQmx Base.  That should do the trick, re-post if this does not solve your problem. 
    -Alan A.

  • Use of Position property breaks code ONLY in combination with DAQmxBase VIs

    In my application for an PDA (Windows mobile 5.0) I set some Double-Indicator-Controls visible and arrange them on the screen depending on the state of some checkboxes.
    That works fine. But when I place one of the DAQmxBase VIs in my block diagramm, the application crashes when the programm tries to use a Position property of an indicator.
    The DAQmxBase VI is never called it is only inside the block diagramm!

    It is by design that groups are collapsed when entering or leaving inline edit mode on a custom list that uses group by, inline editing, and has groups collapsed by default.
    There is no hotfix currently,
    our product group is aware of the issue and they are currently investigating the issue.
    The current workarounds for this issue are 1) to have groups expanded by default, or 2) to re-expand the
    group each time the inline
    editing mode is changed.
    Xue-mei Chang
    TechNet Community Support

  • NI DAQmxBase OpenSUSE Dynmaic Load of libnidaqmxbase.so not Working Correctly

    I am trying to use NI DAQmxBase 14.0 on OpenSUSE 13.1 via a C++ class that dynamically loads the shared library (libnidaqmxbase.so) at runtime and maps the various calls that I need including CreateAIVoltageChannel, The reason for doing this is that sometime the code will run on a machine with the drivers and libraries installed and sometimes not.
    When I test this with a machine that has the drivers installed but no NI card in I get random results depending on how the program is linked.The program is a simple console app that calls getDevSerialNum on device names.
    If the program is linked with the shared library (using -lnidaqmxbase) then the program runs successfully. If the program is linked without the shared library (no other code changes) the program runs but does not correctly return the device serial call (it should return an error but does not).
    My assumption is that there is some special initialisation code that should be called to correctly initialise the library. Any ideas?

    SimonSparkes wrote:
    I am trying to use NI DAQmxBase 14.0 on OpenSUSE 13.1 via a C++ class that dynamically loads the shared library (libnidaqmxbase.so) at runtime and maps the various calls that I need including CreateAIVoltageChannel, The reason for doing this is that sometime the code will run on a machine with the drivers and libraries installed and sometimes not.
    When I test this with a machine that has the drivers installed but no NI card in I get random results depending on how the program is linked. The program is a simple console app that calls getDevSerialNum on device names.
    If the program is linked with the shared library (using -lnidaqmxbase) then the program runs successfully. If the program is linked without the shared library (no other code changes) the program runs but does not correctly return the device serial call (it should return an error but does not).
    My assumption is that there is some special initialisation code that should be called to correctly initialise the library. Any ideas?
    Hi Simon,
    This is a known bug in the LabVIEW 2012 Run-Time Engine, upon which the DAQmx Base 14.0 C API is built.
    If you add LD_DEBUG=all to your environment before running your executable, you'll see why. In short, the LabVIEW Run-Time Engine's shared objects don't fully advertise all of their dependencies, which causes ld to fail finding all of the symbols.
    The workaround is to create an intermediate wrapper library that uses -lnidaqmsbase when built and only using dlopen to load it on systems that have the driver installed.
    My team has been working on a fix with LabVIEW, and if you're interested in joining the DAQmx Base 2015 Beta Program, please send me a direct message with your email address.

  • Linux app builder hangs with daqmxbase 1.5.0-f2

    Having a problem building apps on linux using daqmxbase 1.5.
    Test machines are:
    A fresh installation of Suse 9.2 (kernel 2.6.8) on a Dell SC420 to which I added Labview 7.1, Appbuilder and daqmxbase 1.5.0-f2. Building our app fails on the "Copying files to application" part - the progress bar hangs at about 40% complete. The Labview windows become unresponsive, disk i/o stops and the process has to be killed.
    I tried building some of the NI examples to pin down a possible issue with our vi but the same thing seems to happen with any example that has a daq component.
    Normalize Waveform example - builds and runs fine
    Signal generation and processing example - builds and runs fine
    Our app - hangs
    USB-6008/9 Interactive Control Panel - hangs
    Count digital events buffered continuous ext clk example - hangs
    In case there was an issue with Suse or 2.6.8 I tried a fresh install of Redhat 9 (2.4.20) on a different box, added labview, appbuilder, daqmxbase 1.5 and the same thing happens - the builder hangs.
    Figuring that the builder might need some hardware in order to build an app properly I also gave it a shot with a USB 6009 plugged in - same result.
    Being new to labview I'm unsure whether there are any specific log files I can provide that will help track down this problem - /var/log/messages has nothing.
    Any ideas?

    I've tried different kernels (the machines are P4 w/HT so the installer defauls to an smp kernel). Currently running linux 2.6.8-24.10-default #1 Wed Dec 22 11:54:27 UTC 2004 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux. I've tried various other smp and non-smp kernels.
    I've uninstalled and reinstalled Labview, app builder and daqmxbase in various sequences. I've even reinstalled the entire Suse 9.2 OS and played with various grub and BIOS options. I've tried with the vanilla OS install and after applying the available patches through YaST.
    I should point out that the app runs fine in Labview itself and compiles without errors on Windows.
    There were no errors reported when installing Labview or daqmxbase and nothing in the system log.
    I'm at a complete loss. The app builder fails every time, on different boxes, and it 100% reproducable.
    I guess I'll give Mandriva 10 a try. In the meantime.... help! Message Edited by PaulSmith on 06-17-2005 11:52 AM
    Message Edited by PaulSmith on 06-17-2005 11:52 AM

  • USU 6009 counter error: DAQmxBase Error -200428

    I want to use USB 6009  as an edge counter. I got this ouput :
    create task
    start task
    DAQmxBase Error -200428: Value passed to the Task/Channels In control is invalid.
    with following code:
     // Channel parameters
       const char  counter[] = "Dev3/ctr0";
       // Read parameters
       uInt32 readArray[1];
       uInt32 arraySizeInSamps=1;
       uInt32 initialCount=0;
       int32 numSampsPerChan=1;
       int32 sampsPerChanRead;
       float64 timeout=100;
       DAQmxErrChk (DAQmxBaseCreateTask ("", &taskHandle));
       printf("create task\n");
       DAQmxErrChk (DAQmxBaseCreateCICountEdgesChan (taskHandle, counter, NULL, DAQmx_Val_Falling, initialCount, DAQmx_Val_CountUp));
       // Start Task (configure port)
       DAQmxErrChk (DAQmxBaseStartTask (taskHandle));
       printf("start task\n");
       DAQmxErrChk (DAQmxBaseReadCounterU32 (taskHandle, numSampsPerChan, timeout, readArray, arraySizeInSamps, &sampsPerChanRead, NULL));
       printf("Data read: 0x%X\n",readArray[0]);
    Please help

    Hello nguyendyhung,
    Thank you for posting to the discussion forum. Here is a KnowledgeBase that explains this error.
    NI-DAQmx Base Error -200428
    This document is going to reference LabVIEW, but the theory is still going to be applicable with your code. You can get this error message if the task is not configured correctly.
    Also take a look at some of the shipping examples that come with DAQmx Base. You can find them in the following folder:
    C:\Program Files\National Instruments\NI-DAQmx Base\Examples
    Please take a look at these resources and let us know it resolves your issue.
      Sandra T.
    Applications Engineer | National Instruments

  • Daqmxbase on TPC 2006

    I am developing an application on NI TPC 2006 (win CE.NET 4.2 V1.32-EN) connected with NI USB 6009 using LabVIEW PDA 8.2.1 module and Daqmxbase 2.2.
    The program works well, but TCP 2006 discards Daqmxbase installation on every reboot cycle.
    Somebody knows how to install these drivers on the TPC 2006 permanently ?

    Hi, I try to design a program using a TCP 2006 with Windows CE 4.20 connected with a NI USB-6009 in LabVIEW 8.5 selecting the TPC module, I have installed DAQmx Base 3.1 to.
    As a start I was trying to creat 2 simple vi's to read/write to a Digital I/O and I recieve the following error:
        write cannot be performed because this version of DAQmx Write does not match the type of channels in the task
        for the read is simmilar......
    If I connect the USB-6009 with a PC, I can run simmilar programs.
    Could somebody help me? Thanks!
    ps. I attached the vi's
    read1.vi ‏17 KB
    write1.vi ‏17 KB

  • Building applicatio​n exe USB-9215 DAQmxBase LabView7.1 errors

    I’ve been building DAQ applications using the NI 4-channel USB 9215 module. It has a sampling rate of 20ks/sec and with four channels the maximum I can sample per channel is 5000s/sec.
    It works with no problems at this rate and lower rates, however when I compile an application and run it, I get the following message:
    Onboard device memory overflow. Because of system and/or bus bandwith limitations, the driver could not read data from the device fast enough to keep up with the device throughput. Error code: -200361
    This message appears irrespective of the sampling rate, even down to 1s/sec !!. I’m using Labview 7.1 with the ‘DAQmx Base Read.vi’ in a while loop. The PC spec is very high and no other applications are running. The PC has 4 USB ports; only two are in use, one for a mouse, the other for the 9215.
    Any ideas would be welcome
    Thanks in advance

    Hi there,
    What operating system are you running on and what service pack version?
    It seems that there have been occurences of errors similar to this (with other USB devices 9201/9221) reported on machines with Windows XP service pack 1. In particular the version of the Windows file usbehci.sys, as reported in the following knowledge base article.
    If this applies to your situation, I would suggest upgrading the service pack as recommended in the knowledge base article and see if this helps.
    NIUK & Ireland

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