Data and Query filter Issues in WEBI?

I m facing two major problems in WEBI.
1. When i execute a WEBI report it is showing that WEBi can bring only 30000 records and not more than that. is there any way i can allow more than 30000 records in a WEBI output?
2. I have some BEx query variables and i used then in my WEBI report. all the variables are optional variables. when i want to edit the report to bring some extra fields into table, variables are pop-up is coming up. i dont know why the variables pop-up is coming for editing ? is there any way to remove this?
Please help me this is very high priority issues and it is effecting my development.

1. Where do you see the limitation is 30000 records? I've ran Webi reports with millions of records...
2. Optional variables in BEx will come up and make it possible to make a selection if you so wishes when you refresh the report data. When you add new fields to the report data, your report is refreshing since you are changing the report context. This shouldn't be a big deal cause you just simply click Run.

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    Hi Ajay,
                  Delivery date means its the original date on which the delivery should be done.Actual goods Issue date is the date on which goods to be delivered according to the purchase order.There can be delay in the delivery so we maintain 2 objects.
    Yes delivery date can be greater than Goods Issue date.
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    For those who might come across this note, the design issue was solved by incorporating Rule Groups.
    Need to have 2 different Date references for 0calday, based on the key figures. For example for Sales key figure date it would reference to Actual GI Date. But, for Intake key figure I needed the date reference to be Planned GI date.
    Solution-- applied to the transfer rules of the desired cube:
    1. In the starndard rule group delete the transfer rule for the appropriate key figures. in this case (sales key figure)
    2. In the same rule group map all time characteristics from the cube to Planned GI date from DSO
    3. Create a new rule group in the transfer rule between the DSO and the Info Cube
    4. In the new rule group, create a new rule for the appropriate key figure i.e. sales
    5. In the new rule group, Map the date/week/month/fiscal period to Actual GI date
    6. save/activate
    This solution eliminates the need for changing the data model, which makes everything almost transparent to the report users.
    Hope this helps someone.
    Edited by: Babak Shafiei on Dec 12, 2008 5:23 PM
    Edited by: Babak Shafiei on Dec 12, 2008 5:24 PM

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    Hi Ajay
      Check the "Limit size of result set"  property of your universe,
      1. Launch Universe Designer & open/import your universe.
      2. Go to File --> Parameters
      3. Select "controls" tab, Under "Query Limits", select/deselect the options based on your requirements
      4. Export it to repository.
    Note: Here you can "Limit size of result set", By default it is set to 5000 rows.
    Hope this may be the cause

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    Sorry, I didn't get your question,,,
    You'll have to create three formula variables based on your validfrom, validto and CRSD.
    The vars have to be replacement path, characteristic = validfrom (resp validto, CSRD), type number.
    Then create three CKF = to each of your formula variable. Their property time of calculation" (>>enhance) should be "before aggregation".
    Drag these CKF in your query.
    Now I am not sure: either you have to create two separate conditions:
    or one condition with both filters.
    You'll have to try that.
    hope that's clear, otherwise revert,

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    Hi and Welcome to the Community!
    I can't find any public articles that seem to be on point to your situation...but you can search and perhaps have better results:​/
    It may be that, rather than trying to change your current Desktop Software configuration, you might be better off starting over cleanly. To do so, I suggest this thread:​tware-for-PC/Cleanly-quot-Starting-Over-quot-with-​...
    It starts with a process for cleanly starting over, and there is some discussion, and there is also a post (15) with links to older Desktop Software versions, if those are needed. Note that this is not, by any means, guaranteed to work...but it has worked for many to resolve issues they are having.
    Good luck!
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
    If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the button inside of their post. Please click here and read, along with the threads to which it links, for helpful information to guide you as you proceed. I always recommend that you treat your BlackBerry like any other computing device, including using a regular backup here for an article with instructions.
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    The rows of the DateTime control will be changed according to the days of the current month and the previous month.
    If this is not what you really mean, I suggest you provide more details about it.
    Best regards
    Patrick Liang
    TechNet Community Support

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    AHS wrote:
    I am working on Oracle database 9i.
    I have t to insert date columns of creation_date and last_update_date from table Y to another table X in a character format YYYYMMDD. I did that with the following:
    My first question is how can I change the format again to oracle date when I read from table X?
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      rows exist in both table but the last update_date in table Y is greater than the last_update_date in table Z  . How can I achieve this?
    thank you
    If you want to show the current date in 'YYYYMMDD' format without '/' characters, then use 'YYYYMMDD' format without '/' characters:
    There's no need for REPLACE.
    Justin is right (as usual).  Keep date information in DATE columns.  If you need to display a DATE in a particular format, use TO_CHAR when displaying it (or use "ALTER SESSION SET NLS_DATE_FORMAT" to change the default display format for all DATEs).
    For your second question, start a second thread.
    Whenever you have  question, post a little sample data (CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements, relevant columns only) for all the tables involved, and the results you want from that data.
    In the case of a DML operation (such as UPDATE) the sample data should show what the tables are like before the DML, and the results will be the contents of the changed table(s) after the DML.
    Explain, using specific examples, how you get those results from that data.
    Always say what version of Oracle you're using (e.g.
    See the forum FAQ:
    The second problem sounds like a job for the analytic MAX function.

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    I updated Power query earlier this week, so it should be the latest version. When I created the sample file now the problem appears, so if it is a bug it has not been solved.
    You find the sample file on the link below. 4 sheets with some info on the problem, the data, the query result and one sheet with the data and query result as pictures as it shows in my version of Excel, I guess it will look somewhat different when you open
    the file due to local date/time settings.
    Appreciate feedback on what you find!

  • Filter characteristics in webi or bex?

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    Is it supposed to be more efficient to put the filter in the BEx Query instead of the WebI query?
    Thanks for your insights!

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    I need to write a query where I filter on certain data being present, but in the same time other data from the same table being not present.
    For example:
    Type 1
    Type 1
    Type 2
    Type 2
    Type 1
    JoiningTable (many to many)
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    So far I've been only able to do that by using subqueries and I think there should be an easier way to do that.
    Here is what I have:
    Select * From MyTable, Procedures, JoiningTable Where JOINING_CONDITIONS AND Type = 1 AND NAME_SOME_COLUMN NOT IN (SELECT NAME_SOME_COLUMN FROM ... WHERE Type = 2 and inner.Name = outer.Name)
    Hope you understand my meta code. I have Oracle 9 db.
    Thanks a lot!

    Welcome to the forum!
    Whenever you have a question, it helps if you post a specific example. Include CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements for a little sample data, and also post the results you want from that data.
    if you can use commonly available tables (like those in the scott or hr schemas) to illustrate your proble, then you don't have to post the sample data; just the results.
    For example, I think you're asking something like this:
    "How can I find information about people in the sciott.emp table who are in a department that has at least one CLERK ( that is, a row with job='CLERK') but no SALESMAN? That is, I want these results:
    One way is to use CASE expressions instead of WHERE clauses to test for the criteria, then using the reults of the CASE expressions in the WHERE clause.
    For example:
    WITH     got_cnts     AS
         SELECT     ename,     deptno,     job
         ,     COUNT ( CASE
                             WHEN  job = 'CLERK'
                       THEN  1
                    ) OVER (PARTITION BY deptno)     AS clerk_cnt
         ,     COUNT ( CASE
                             WHEN  job = 'SALESMAN'
                       THEN  1
                    )     OVER (PARTITION BY deptno)     AS salesman_cnt
         FROM     scott.emp
    SELECT     ename,     deptno,     job
    FROM     got_cnts
    WHERE     clerk_cnt     > 0
    AND     salesman_cnt     = 0
    ;The problem here is that you can't always tell, by looking at any one row, if it should be included or not; in this case, you need to know something about the department as a whole. Analytic functions can look at the department as a whole, but analytic functions are computed after the WHERE clause is applied, so to use the results of the analytic functions in a WHERE clause, we need to do the analytics first, in a sub-query, and the WHERE clause later.
    Sometimes (as in the example above) analytic functions are useful; other times, aggregate functions are more appropriate, depending on the exact requirements.
    Edited by: Frank Kulash on Apr 12, 2010 9:00 AM

  • Dimension in WebI query filter needs to show Key and Description

    We have two requirements that we can't get them done:
    1. We are building webi report based on Bex universes and we need to show the key and description of an object in the query filter of the report. Does this have to be set in the Bex variable or in the universe?
    2. filter the LOV related to a specific dimension that is used in the query filter as prompt. The idea is to show a filtered list in the promp LOV of the dimension used in the query filter of the report. Does this have to be set in the Bex query or in the universe? If it is in the Bex Query, where exactly?
    Our system is the following:
    - BOE XI 3.1 SP2
    - SAP NW 4.0
    I await your answers. Thanks in advance.

    1. We are building webi report based on Bex universes and we need to show the key and description of an object in the query filter of the report. Does this have to be set in the Bex variable or in the universe?
    >> you can easily achieve that by creating a variable in the BEX query - that will return as a LoV with key and description assuming you have key and description in BW for the InfoObject.
    2. filter the LOV related to a specific dimension that is used in the query filter as prompt. The idea is to show a filtered list in the promp LOV of the dimension used in the query filter of the report. Does this have to be set in the Bex query or in the universe? If it is in the Bex Query, where exactly?
    >> so like filter Country = US in the filter and then prompt only for customers in the US ? if so that is not possible right now.

  • Date format issue in Web Analysis...

    I am creating a report by connecting to a couple of relational tables. I'm using SQL Spreadsheet and SQL Subscription objects. I'm creating a Date filter using SQL Subscription object (list box) using the data source created by the SQL Spreadsheet. My database default date format is 'DD-MON-YYYY'. But in the list box it shows as 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SI". When this value is selected, I get a "Literal mismatch error" since it doesn't match with the value stored in the database.
    Why the format in WA is showing in this format even though it is fetchting it from my database in which the format is 'DD-MON-YYYY'. Is this related to WA date format settings? I cannot find anywhere in WA studio where I can set date formats. Is this something to be set in the server or file?
    PS: I tried to work around this by storing the date value as character in the database but then I am not able to sort them ascending or descending order.I also tried creating the web analysis relational database connection which creates a virtual cube. But even there when I build the report using Data Source Navigator, it is showing date in 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SI'.

    Let me provide you the details of the report.
    A concurrent program has been created with executable as XDODTEXE (XML publisher report).
    In the data definition, we have embed one query which fetches transaction date and due date from some tables based on some conditions.
    Now, we have to show these date columns in report output which will be in EXCEL format.
    We want these date outputs to be printed in dd/mm/yyyy format. That is the reason we had given-
    TO_CHAR(TO_DATE (SUBSTR(transaction_date,1,10), 'DD/MON/RRRR'),'DD/MM/RRRR') in the SQL query.
    Problem in output is- In date columns, data after 12th is fine i.e. in format dd/mm/yyyy, it is printing properly.
    But before 12th, it is printing in format mm/dd/yyyy as mentioned below-
    01/10/2012--wrong format, it should be 10/01/2012
    01/11/2012--wrong format, it should be 11/01/2012
    01/12/2012--wrong format, it should be 12/01/2012
    13/01/2012--correct format (dd/mm/yyyy)
    14/01/2012--correct format (dd/mm/yyyy)
    How can i send you the attachment, is there any way/any email id?

  • How can I use a variable in webi query filter

    I created a webi report using the fiscal year/month(period) field as a filter to show a window of 18 periods.  The report works just as requested using a between filter on fiscal period with prompts for both the start and ending periods.  Now I'd like to calculate the start period based on what was entered in the prompt for the ending period (e.g. enter 201106 for the TO prompt on the between statement and have the FROM statement filled in as 201001.)  I can create variables in the report to display both the user response to the ending period prompt and the calculated starting period, but I cannot figure out how to incorporate that calculated starting date into the FROM side of the between query filter.
    Any suggestions? 
    Sorry I got my froms and to's mixed up in the first draft. Edited by: Doug Roswold on Mar 4, 2011 6:27 PM

    Let me understand what you want to do.  You don't want to use two prompts, just one, insn't it?
    I mean, instead of:
    Filter area:
    Date between "From prompt" to "To Prompt"
    You want something like:.
    Filter area:
    Date between Variable  to "To Prompt"
    if I'm not wrong that's not possible to achieve in Webi Query  Panel.
    Can you modify your universe? The only way to achieve it is modifying your universe, creating your formula in the universe and assigning it to an object, so you can use this new object in your filter area like this:
    Date between MyUniverseObject  to "To Prompt"
    Edited by: PadawanGirl on Mar 4, 2011 8:15 PM

  • Strange issues in WebI report on standard Universe on top of BW Query

    We have a BW query with a standard Universe on top of it (generated automatically via the connection in universe designer).
    However, very strange things happen when playing with the data in WebI.
    There are some characteristics and just one key figure (which is just 'number of records').
    - key figures just disappear when adding characteristics
    - the wrong assignment is made from the infoobject to a dimension in webi when combining several characteristics in the WebI report (for example the 'customer' field holds the 'date' and the 'date' field is empty.
    I think it has something to do with BO that starts from the text of an infoobject instead of from the key.
    Also I constantly have to refresh the data when adding fields to the report.
    Did anybody have similar issues? How did you solve them?
    I also tried 'restructuring' the universe by deleting everything that's less relevant for the report, and taking the longest available text as dimension with key of the info object as detail and this seemed to work a lot better. However we shouldn't have to restructure a universe that's generated from a query?

    We had a the same thing.  Assuming it is the same cause, it is a known issue.  SAP had us install two Notes on BW and the problem disappeared..  Evidently it has to do with an MDX generation problem.  See response below and do some investigation.
    This is a known issue.
    Here are the notes that fix this issue. The second note has two composite notes in it that will need to be applied as well if they still have problems after they install the first two.
    There are some items that are broken in SP6. You'll notice that SAP note 1404328 is already in SP6. You'll still need to install it again along with the second SAP note 1420169
    Please install both of these and try your work flow again. If it's still not working, then you'll need to go through the composite notes in the second SAP note 1420169.

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