Data centric check-in

We've had a number of posts here about various issues folks have encountered when trying to use the new data centric features in FB4.  I hope we've been able to help work through most of them!  I'd like to ask, though, about some general thoughts on this set of features.  For those of you who have tried to connect to PHP or ColdFusion or other services, have you been generally successful?  Do you find these features helpful?  If you've worked with Flex in the past, do you find this approach an improvement?  If this is your first time trying Flex, do you find this workflow helpful?  And in general, do you feel that you would be able to build your real-world projects with FB4?  Any other feedback or suggestions for us?

Tim, here is a bit of feedback about DCD
data management only supporting int as returntype for method createItem ( signature in the docs is createItem(item:myDatatype):int ) seems a bit limitative. We should be able to return the PK datatype or eventually the bean itself. When we are configuring data management the first thing we pick is the primary key so the wizard should be able to validate if the returntype for createItem match de PK. UpdateItem is also problematic, we are assuming that the bean is saved as is, but if we want to update some additional fields server-side, we have to implement some kind of push so the client is updated. The update signature should be updateItem((item: myDatatype):myDatatype or updateItem((item: myDatatype):*
Really don't like the way the services are generated inline and with the endpoint hardcoded. In the past, no endpoint was necessary, even less a full hardcoded one. Since we point it to the services-config, why is there a need to write it in the code? Removing it from the services generated we are still able to run it successfully.
Pagination should support a single count method for multiple paged queries as I explained in another thread. A ER has been made
Lazy-loaded related objects should be supported, the basic support lazy-loading just for the first level (object itself) is quite limitative because complex objects (with many associations ) will take a lot of time to load every single related object. For small projects it can ok, but not for medium / large ones.
The invocation process to service call should be based on events like the rest of the frameworks, flex included, like that we would be able to easily replace the generated code with our own implementation.
Forms generation is quite useful, just think it should be more advanced like enabling formatting and validation process.

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    Hi Dre01,
    According to your description, you want to check the report data quality. Right?
    In Reporting Services, the only way to check the report data is viewing the report. So for your requirement, if you want to make this data processing automatically. We suggest to create subscription, it will process the data automatically based
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    Best Regards,
    Simon Hou

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    check all the condition in UDF and based on the condition result raise an alert.
    follow below steps:
    Michal Krawczyk
    The specified item was not found.
    Configuration steps are: go to transaction ALRTCATDEF
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    Hi Mayank,
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    productService.serviceControl.autoCommit = false;
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            <valueObjects:BAA_SBJ id="bAA_SBJ"/>
            <s:CallResponder id="getSBJsResult"/>
                fault=" + '\n' + event.fault.faultDetail)"
    When I try to run the project, I get the following error:
    Error: Cannot assign operations into an RPC Service (autoCommit)
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    but it makes no difference.
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    Thanks for your kind help in this matter.

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    Hi Akshay,
    Trying to pass data from check FM to workflow container is the wrong approach to use.  The purpose of a check FM is ONLY to see if the workflow should be started by the event or not.  You cannot and should not even attempt to change the event container in a check FM.
    What you need to do is to take a step back and think about your options:
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    c) Other standard data in the event container such as the calling program id, the date/time - any of that info can be passed to your workflow container and then used to derive further info from there.
    3. If the data you are trying to pass is only available in the standard calling application, then you need to find another way to raise the event or raise a custom event.  E.g. in a user exit or BADI.
    4. And one final option of last resort - create your own RECEIVER function module - this does allow you to fill the workflow container during the event linkage.  But I would still consider this a "last resort" option.
    Message was edited by: Jocelyn Dart

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    Tim, here is a bit of feedback about DCD
    data management only supporting int as returntype for method createItem ( signature in the docs is createItem(item:myDatatype):int ) seems a bit limitative. We should be able to return the PK datatype or eventually the bean itself. When we are configuring data management the first thing we pick is the primary key so the wizard should be able to validate if the returntype for createItem match de PK. UpdateItem is also problematic, we are assuming that the bean is saved as is, but if we want to update some additional fields server-side, we have to implement some kind of push so the client is updated. The update signature should be updateItem((item: myDatatype):myDatatype or updateItem((item: myDatatype):*
    Really don't like the way the services are generated inline and with the endpoint hardcoded. In the past, no endpoint was necessary, even less a full hardcoded one. Since we point it to the services-config, why is there a need to write it in the code? Removing it from the services generated we are still able to run it successfully.
    Pagination should support a single count method for multiple paged queries as I explained in another thread. A ER has been made
    Lazy-loaded related objects should be supported, the basic support lazy-loading just for the first level (object itself) is quite limitative because complex objects (with many associations ) will take a lot of time to load every single related object. For small projects it can ok, but not for medium / large ones.
    The invocation process to service call should be based on events like the rest of the frameworks, flex included, like that we would be able to easily replace the generated code with our own implementation.
    Forms generation is quite useful, just think it should be more advanced like enabling formatting and validation process.

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    When saving a sales order in VA01, I get the following message: "No control data for checking group 04 and checking rule A"
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    Check this thread
    [Re: Process Order Material availability check error|Re: Process Order Material availability check error;
    G. Lakshmipathi

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    System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException: Invalid text value. A text field contains invalid data. Check the value and try again  
    at Microsoft.SharePoint.Library.SPRequestInternalClass.AddOrUpdateItem(String bstrUrl, String bstrListName, Boolean bAdd, Boolean bSystemUpdate, Boolean bPreserveItemVersion, Boolean bUpdateNoVersion, Int32& plID, String& pbstrGuid, Guid pbstrNewDocId,
    Boolean bHasNewDocId, String bstrVersion, Object& pvarAttachmentNames, Object& pvarAttachmentContents, Object& pvarProperties, Boolean bCheckOut, Boolean bCheckin, Boolean bMigration, Boolean bPublish, String bstrFileName, ISP2DSafeArrayWriter
    pListDataValidationCallback, ISP2DSafeArrayWriter pRestrictInsertCallback, ISP2DSafeArrayWriter pUniqueFieldCallback)   
    at Microsoft.SharePoint.Library.SPRequest.AddOrUpdateItem(String bstrUrl, String bstrListName, Boolean bAdd, Boolean bSystemUpdate, Boolean bPreserveItemVersion, Boolean bUpdateNoVersion, Int32& plID, String& pbstrGuid, Guid pbstrNewDocId, Boolean
    bHasNewDocId, String bstrVersion, Object& pvarAttachmentNames, Object& pvarAttachmentContents, Object& pvarProperties, Boolean bCheckOut, Boolean bCheckin, Boolean bMigration, Boolean bPublish, String bstrFileName, ISP2DSafeArrayWriter pListDataValidationCallback,
    ISP2DSafeArrayWriter pRestrictInsertCallback, ISP2DSafeArrayWriter pUniqueFieldCallback)
    I have 3 front end servers(fx wfe1, wfe2, wfe3).  And here is the twist.
    If I access the library directly through wfe1 and wfe2, I get the error. If I access the library via wfe3 if works just fine.
    So because of this, I think it is safe to assume that is has nothing to do with the character limit of 255. Nor does it have anything to do with the field type, since it is already set to mulitible lines of text.
    So. Any ideas?

    Check if there is any change in web.config of these servers
    To work around this issue, limit the length of the personal message in the invitation to 256 characters or less.
    This is a known issue. Microsoft is working to resolve this issue.
    To solve the problem you may have to change the field's parent type to "note". To do that you have to open your fldtypes... file under Templates/xml and change the line to:
    "<Field Name="ParentType">Note</Field>" from "<Field Name="ParentType">Text</Field>"
    You might also have to add a sql type if your text needs to be longer than 255 characters
    <Field Name=”SQLType”>ntext</Field>
    and inherit from SPFieldMultiLineText instead of SPFieldText
    If this helped you resolve your issue, please mark it Answered

  • Outlook 2010 stuck on Data File Check in Progress

    First off, I'm using Exchange 2007 and the user has Outlook 2010 installed on a Windows 7 32 bit machine. When the user opens outlook, the Data File Check in Progress gears show up in the bottom toolbar, and Outlook becomes unstable and eventually unresponsive.
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    the .ost fine so I'm not worried about a corrupted profile. I've tried running Outlook in safe mode, removing and readding the mail profile, manually replacing the ost with the file from the other machine, even removing office 2010 and reinstalling but nothing
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    for any help.
    EDIT: I ended up removing the user's account from windows and added them again and it worked fine. Something in the user's account must have been messing it up.

    Did you try deleting the outlook folder from C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Outlook or delete all the files within that directory? and start outlook so it redownload the data from exchange?
    When recreating the new profile make sure you dont enable cache mode and see if outlook opens fine when working online with exchange.

  • I am in data-centric hell and want out

    I am trying to learn how to work with the new FB 4 data-centric features. So, I have a s:List using TileLayout, I call my ColdFusion service and the product list gets populated. So far so good.
    Now, because it’s a big list, I want to filter the data by categories listed in a ComboBox (in Flex 3 projects I have created, my data provider for the list was an ArrayCollection which I could apply filters to, no problems). My question:
    What do I filter? When I use the data-centric thing, I can’t figure out exactly what the data provider for the list is, so I can filter that. In fact, ‘dataProvider’ is nowhere to be seen in the generated code. When I trace(myList.dataProvider), it comes up as ‘mx.collections::AsyncListView no list’. I am completely lost here.
    Any ideas? If anyone knows of a tutorial that covers something similar, I would love to know about it – I have not been able to find one.
    Best regards,

    Hey David,
    I have been playing with this DCD for days because I wanted to use it in an actual little project for one of my sites. I learned one thing: the lastResult can be different, depending on what component one is binding to. In the examples you provided, you were using a DataGrid, which ends up with an ArrayCollection as the dataProvider; I have been using a List, whose dataProvider is some ******* thing I could not figure out – for example, I was never able to make it show up in the debugger.
    I looked at Tour de Flex, which was updated just a few days ago. The RemoteObject examples I found there use plain old mx:RemoteObject to access data; I did not see any using a DCD-generated service. That makes me wonder why, if this DCD is so great, it is not being used in the latest showcase.
    I recreated the same little project, this time using s:RemoteObject to create a service that can be called from any component – that took me less than an hour; so far, it’s being called from 2 different components, each one calling one of the two methods the CFC defines so far. Everything works just as well, maybe faster than in the original project, and I am able to use the debugger to see what is going on.
    Now, instead of 5 huge value object AS files, I have two much smaller ones. The new debug SWF is 109 KB, the first one 138 KB – that’s 26% bigger.
    So, since I am not into masochism, I will be completing the project using my service. Right now, from my point of view, DCD is OK for prototyping/preliminary testing; it’s fun and very dazzling, but useless.
    Thank you for all the help; if you learn of any good stuff about DCD, please post again and let us know.
    Best regards,

  • Difference between Data-centric and Document-centric use

    Can someone suggest what exactly is the difference between Data-centric and Document-centric use and examples if any.
    Thanks in advance.

    Maybe it helps if you look at it this way...
    Document centric: document centric use of xml data is data that you always use in its complete form. If you want to use the data, then you always will retrieve it as one entity or you save it as one entity. You are not interested in the xml data / information inside this "package" / document, you are only interested in its total form. Lets say, you have an invoice which can be printed on one sheet of paper. This paper that contains you data, will always be treated in a document driven way, that is, in its total representation: information containted on a sheet of paper (document).
    Data centric. data centric use of xml, is usage of data were the main interest point is focused on only pieces of the total set of xml data within a document. So instead of being interested in the whole invoice, you only are interested in information like "amount of money to be payed" or "invoicenumber".
    Handling of XML data comes with (hidden) costs. Knowing how your data will be used, has to be used, is one of the first steps in designing you environment (and will have an big impact if you choose poorly). For instance, if you know that your data will always be handled (and must be stored) in a document driven way, then it will make sense to store it based on CLOB based XMLType storage. This will garantee best performance retrieval for your xml document. If you now that your xml data has to be stored so that it can be handled in a data centric way, then Object Relational XMLType storage. If conditions are setup properly data retrieval, inserts and updates will be more cost efficient then when based on CLOB XMLType storage.
    There are more differences and "cost markers" when or when not to use CLOB, OR or for instance Binary XML. The first two chapters of the XMLDB Developers Guide for Oracle 11g will give you a good head start making some of those decisions. Be also aware that you probably will have to make compromises. The current state of XML, for example, doesn't have the final solution yet for a uniform storage method.
    Message was edited by:
    Marco Gralike

  • CUCM Telephony Data Synchronization Check Fails in UCCX 10.6

    Hello Experts,
    We are running CUCM 10.5 and UCCX 10.6 (recently upgraded). When I try to do a data sync check (or data resync), it fails with error messaged attached.  Do you have any ideas how to resolve this issue?
    Any help will be truly appreciated.
    Randy C.

    Hello Sivanesan,
    Thank you for taking the time to respond.
    With the help of TAC, it turns out that the problem was caused by an expired certificate in CUCM. Here's what we had to do:
    1. CUCM OS Admin-->Security-->Certificate Management
    2. Click the tomcat.pem file, and then click Regenerate.
    3. After the successful regeneration of the tomcat.pem file, download the same.
    4. Go back to the Certificate Management page.
    5. Find all the existing tomcat-trust file entries. Click the file name of the certificate
    or CTL, and then click Delete.
    6. Upload the downloaded tomcat.pem file with the caption tomcat-trust.
    The new Tomcat certificate will not take effect until the Tomcat service is restarted.
    -  "utils restart Cisco Tomcat" on CUCM
    -  "utils restart Cisco Tomcat" on UCCX
    This resolved the issue. I'll just put this in the community so that someone may find this helpful.
    Thanks again for quickly responding to my post. Appreciate your time and help.
    -Randy C.

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