Date from Day number and year

Dear experts,
i have day number and year ,i wanted to identify the date
ex: day number=203 year=2009
please advice the best possible way to acheive this.

Given that the OP said his fields were VARCHAR2, and his sample data showed leading zeroes, your original solution will work as posted. If the data had been numeric, another solution would be to just reverse the order of the components.
  2     SELECT 2009 yr, 203 day_no FROM dual union all
  3     SELECT 2006, 201 FROM dual union all
  4     SELECT 1999,  99 FROM dual union all
  5     SELECT 2000, 001 FROM dual union all
  6     SELECT 1945, 100 FROM dual union all
  7     SELECT 1921, 101 FROM dual)
  8  SELECT TO_DATE(yr||day_no, 'yyyyddd') dt FROM t;
11-APR-1921It is the way that format masks are applied that causes his. With your mask and numeric iinput, it is taking the first 3 digits as the day number, in your example 902, then the remainder of them as the year, in your example 9. Obviously, the number of days in a year is never more than 366.
By reversing the mask, the first 4 digits are taken as the year, and the remainder are taken as the day number.

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    the input year is 2006,
    then the week number is 30
    the result should be july 23 2006...
    please help.. Thanks!

    play a little with the Calendar class. You might need some setters and maybe the add method to scroll to the previous Sunday.

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    Hi Christopher,
    The WEEKDAY function allows specifying either Sunday or Monday as the first day of the week:
    The WEEKDAY function returns a number that is the day of the week for a given date. WEEKDAY(date, first-day)
      date:  The date the function should use. date is a date/time value. The time portion is ignored by this function.
      first-day: An optional value that specifies how days are numbered.
    Sunday is 1 (1 or omitted):  Sunday is the first day (day 1) of the week and Saturday is day 7.
    Monday is 1 (2):  Monday is the first day (day 1) of the week and Sunday is day 7. Monday is 0 (3):  Monday is the first day (day 0) of the week and Sunday is day 6.
    But I think you are referring to the first day of the 'workweek', for which I do not see a means of defining a custom value.
    Since you want to 'insert categories', though, you could easily define your own, using WEEKDAY(date) or WEEKDAY(date,1), plus an IF statement to return the category label appropriate to the day. Here's one for a Sunday to Thursday work week. Dates are in column A, the formula is in whichever column you want as the Category column. For the example, I've placed it in column B.
    B2, and filled down: =IF(WEEKDAY(A)<6,"Work","Off")
    The top table shows the weekday numbers returned for each day of the week for each of the three permitted values for the optional second argument. The bottom table shows the results from the formula above, used to define a category label for each date:
    A10 was left blank intentionally, to determine if the lack of data resulted in an error. The Warning message, flagged by the blue 'warning' triangle, is "The formula uses a number in place of a date." The 'date' assigned to this numerical value of zero was a Friday, but I'm not certain when. Probably best to avoid extra rows with no date shown.

  • Getting Day, month and year from Date object

    hello everybody,
    Date mydate = Resultset.getDate(indexField);
    Now i would like to get day, month and year from mydate.
    In another words, i'm looking for something equivalent to
    mydate.getDay() as this method is deprecated.
    Can somebody help me out please?
    Thank you in advance,

    Here is a sample class that demonstrates two ways in which to do this.import java.util.*;
    import java.text.*;
    public class DateSplitter {
       public static void main(String args[]) {
          /* even though your date is from a result set,
             pretend the following date is your date that
             you are using. The try catch block is used
             because I hand-crafted my date using
             SimpleDateFormat.  Substitute your date.*/
          Date yourDate = null;
          try {
             SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy");
             yourDate = formatter.parse("05/06/2000");
          } catch (ParseException e) { }
          //the following gets the current date
          Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
          //use the calendar object to set it to your date
          //note months start at zero
          int month = c.get(Calendar.MONTH);
          int year = c.get(Calendar.YEAR);
          int dayOfMonth = c.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);
          System.out.println("Calendar Month: "+month);
          System.out.println("Calendar Day: "+dayOfMonth);
          System.out.println("Calendar Year: "+year);
          /* Simple date format can also be used to strip them
             out of your date object.  When you use it, notice that
             months start at 1.  Also, it returns string values.  If
             you need integer values, you will have to use
             Integer.parseInt() as I did below.  If you are
             only concerned about the string values, just remove
             the Integer.parseInt part. */
          DateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("M");
          month = Integer.parseInt(formatter.format(yourDate));
          System.out.println("SDF Month: "+ month);
          formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("d");
          dayOfMonth = Integer.parseInt(formatter.format(yourDate));
          System.out.println("SDF Day: "+ dayOfMonth);
          formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy");
          year = Integer.parseInt(formatter.format(yourDate));
          System.out.println("SDF Year: "+ year);
       }//end main
    }//end DateSplitter classtajenkins

  • Retrieving data from an ArrayList and presenting them in a JSP

    Dear Fellow Java Developers:
    I am developing a catalogue site that would give the user the option of viewing items on a JSP page. The thing is, a user may request to view a certain item of which there are several varieties, for example "shirts". There may be 20 different varieties, and the catalogue page would present the 20 different shirts on the page. However, I want to give the user the option of either viewing all the shirts on a single page, or view a certain number at a time, and view the other shirts on a second or third JSP page.
    See the following link as an example:|21472|9&tid=&c=&sc=&cm_cg=&lp=n2f
    I am able to retrieve the data from the database, and present all of them on a JSP, however I am not sure how to implement the functionality so that they can be viewed a certain number at a time. So if I want to present say 12 items on a page and the database resultset brings back 30 items, I should be able to present the first 12 items on page1, the next 12 items on page2, and the remaining 6 items on page3. How would I do this? Below is my scriplet code that I use to retrieve information from the ArrayList that I retrieve from my database and present them in their entirety on a single JSP page:
    <%String product=request.getParameter("item");
    ArrayList list=aBean.getCatalogueData(product);
    int j=0, n=2;
    for(Iterator i=list.iterator(); i.hasNext(); j++){
    Integer id=(Integer);
    String name=(String);
    String productURL=(String);
    out.print("a bunch of html with the above variables embedded inside")
    where aBean is an instace of a JavaBean that retrieves the data from the Database.
    I have two ideas, because each iteration of the for loop represents one row from the database, I was thinking of introducing another int variable k that would be used to count all the iterations in the for loop, thus knowing the exact number. Once we had that value, we would then be able to determine if it was greater than or less than or equal to the maximum number of items we wanted to present on the JSP page( in this case 12). Once we had that value would then pass that value along to the next page and the for loop in each subsequent JSP page would continue from where the previous JSP page left off. The other option, would be to create a new ArrayList for each JSP page, where each JSP page would have an ArrayList that held all the items that it would present and that was it. Which approach is best? And more importantly, how would I implement it?
    Just wondering.
    Thanks in advance to all that reply.

    -You said to pass two parameters in the request,
    "start", and "count". The initial values for "start"
    would be zero, and the inital value for "count" would
    be the number of rows in the resultSet from the
    database, correct?Correct.
    -I am a little fuzzy about the following block of code
    you gave:
    //Set start and count for next page
    start += count; // If less than count left in array, send the number left to next next page
    count = ((start*3)+(count*3) < list.size()) ? (count) : ((list.size() - (start*3))/3)
    Could you explain the above block of code a little
    further please?Okay, first, I was using the ternary operators (boolean) ? val_if_true : val_if_false;
    This works like an if() else ; statement, where the expression before the ? represents the condition of the if statement, the result of the expression directly after the ? is returned if the condition is true, and the expression after the : is returned if the condition is false. These two statments below, one using the ternary ? : operators, and the other an if/else, do the same thing:
    count = ((start*3)+(count*3) < list.size()) ? (count) : ((list.size() - (start*3))/3);
    if ((start*3)+(count*3) < list.size()) count = count;
    else count = ((list.size() - (start*3))/3);Now, why all the multiplying by 3s? Because you store three values in your list for each product, 1) the product ID, 2) the product Name, and 3) the product URL. So to look at the third item, we need to be looking at the 9th,10th, and 11th values in the list.
    So I want to avoid an ArrayIndexOutOfBounds error from occuring if I try to access the List by an index greater than the size of the list. Since I am working with product numbers, and not the number of items stored in the list, I need to multiply by three, both the start and count, to make sure their sum does not exceed the value stored in the list. I test this with ((start*3)+(count*3) < list.size()) ?. It could have been done like: ((start + count) * 3 < list.size()) ?.
    So if this is true, the next page can begin looking through the list at the correct start position and find the number of items we want to display without overstepping the end of the list. So we can leave count the way it is.
    If this is false, then we want to change count so we will only traverse the number of products that are left in the list. To do this, we subtract where the next page is going to start looking in the list (start*3) from the total size of the list, and devide that by 3, to get the number of products left (which will be less then count. To do this, I used: ((list.size() - (start*3))/3), but I could have used: ((list.size()/3) - start).
    Does this explain it enough? I don't think I used the best math in the original post, and the line might be better written as:
    count = ((size + count)*3 < list.size()) ? (count) : ((list.size()/3) - start);All this math would be unnecessary if you made a ProductBean that stored the three values in it.
    - You have the following code snippet:
    //Get the string to display this same JSP, but with new start and count
    String nextDisplayURL = encodeRedirectURL("thispage.jsp?start=" + start + "&count=" + count + "&item=" + product);
    <a href="<%=nextDisplayURL%>">Next Page</a>
    How would you do a previous page URL? Also, I need to
    place the "previous", "next" and the different page
    number values at the top of the JSP page, as in the
    following url:|21472
    How do I do this? I figure this might be a problem
    since I am processing the code in the middle of the
    page, and then I need to have these variables right at
    the top. Any suggestions?One way is to make new variable names, 'nextStart', 'previousStart', 'nextCount', 'previousCount'.
    Calculate these at the top, based on start and count, but leave the ints you use for start and count unchanged. You may want to store the count in the session rather than pass it along, if this is the case. Then you just worry about the start, or page number (start would be (page number - 1) * count. This would be better because the count for the last page will be less than the count on other pages, If we put the count in session we will remember that for previous pages...
    I think with the details I provided in this and previous post, you should be able to write the necessary code.
    Thanks once again for all of your help, I really do
    appreciate the time and effort.
    Take care.

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    How do i write in labview codes?

    LabVIEW includes a number of examples that demonstrate how to acquire analog input data and write it to disk. Dependent upon the type of file you would like to use, I would suggest that you examine one of the following examples:
    Cont Acq to File (binary).vi
    Cont Acq to File (scaled).vi
    Cont Acq to Spreadsheet
    With regards to writing each channel's data to a separate file, you will need to use the Index Array function to generate two 1-D arrays, each containing data for one channel. These arrays can then be written to separate files using two Write File functions.
    Good luck with your application.
    Spencer S.

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    the form code is
    function merge_header3 return varchar2 is
    procedure download_file (i_pbat integer) is
      dir varchar2(80);
      file_name1 varchar2(80);
      file_name2 varchar2(80);
      appl_code varchar2(80);
      fil1 client_text_io.file_type;
      fil2 client_text_io.file_type;
      dat varchar2(1000);
      DATA VARCHAR2(1000);
      bvspro varchar2(100);
      ssch   varchar2(100);
      bvspro_total number(20,2);
      ssch_total   number(20,2);
      grand_total  number(20,2);
      cnt    integer;
      cursor pbat is
           select *
           from sms_payment_batches
           where id = i_pbat
      cursor pay  (pb_id integer) is
           select *
           from sms_payment_vw
           where pbat_id = pb_id
           order by subsidy ASC,programme,beneficiary_name
      cursor cgref (low varchar2) is
           select *
           from cg_ref_codes
           where rv_domain ='SMS'
           and rv_low_value = low
      success boolean;     
           appl_code := sms_global.ref_code('SMS','APP_CODE','SMS',0);
        dir       := sms_global.ref_code('SMS','PAY_DIR','c:\sms\batch_payments',0);
             success := webutil_file.create_directory(dir);
         if webutil_file.file_is_directory(dir) then
    --         message ('directory exists');
    --                  message ('create directory ');
             success := webutil_file.create_directory(dir);
    --         if success then        message ('directory exists');    end if;
        end if;     
        for c_pbat in pbat loop
             file_name1 := dir ||'\' || appl_code||c_pbat.batch_number||'-'||to_char(c_pbat.batch_dt,'yyyymmdd')||'pay.txt';
             file_name2 := dir ||'\' || appl_code||c_pbat.batch_number||'-'||to_char(c_pbat.batch_dt,'yyyymmdd')||'merge.txt';
    --message('create files ');
    --         fil1  := client_text_io.fopen (file_name1,'W');
    --         fil2  := client_text_io.fopen (file_name2,'W');
        fil1  := client_text_io.fopen (file_name1,'W','');
        fil2  := client_text_io.fopen (file_name2,'W','');
                   dat :=                       'FROM ACCOUNT NUMBER'
                                                                ||'~'||'FROM ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION'
                                                                ||'~'||'MY STATEMENT DESCRIPTION'
                                                                ||'~'||'BENEFICIARY ACCOUNT NUMBER'
                                                                ||'~'||'BENEFICIARY SUB ACCOUNT NUMBER'        
                                                                ||'~'||'BENEFICIARY BRANCH CODE'
                                                                ||'~'||'BENEFICIARY NAME'
                                                                ||'~'||'BENEFICIARY STATEMENT DESCRIPTION'
             --     client_text_io.put_line(fil1,dat);
             bvspro:= null;
             ssch  := null;
             cnt := 0;     
             dat := '~'||lpad('~',16,'~');
             for c_pay in pay( loop
    --message('cpay loop ' || cnt);              
               if bvspro is null then
                     dat := lpad('~',16,'~');
                     dat := utility.put_field(1,c_pay.programme,dat,'~');     
               dat := utility.put_field(1,c_pay.subsidy,dat,'~');
               dat := merge_header3;
                     bvspro := c_pay.programme;
                     ssch := c_pay.subsidy;
                     grand_total := 0;
                     bvspro_total := 0;
                     ssch_total := 0;
               end if;
               if bvspro <> c_pay.programme then
                     dat := lpad('~',16,'~');
                     dat := utility.put_field(5,ssch_total,dat,'~');
                     dat := lpad('~',16,'~');
                     dat := utility.put_field(5,bvspro_total,dat,'~');
               dat := utility.put_field(1,'Total:' || bvspro,dat,'~');
                     dat := lpad('~',16,'~');
                     dat := utility.put_field(1,c_pay.programme,dat,'~');     
                     bvspro := c_pay.programme;
               dat := utility.put_field(1,c_pay.subsidy,dat,'~');
               dat := merge_header3;
                     bvspro := c_pay.programme;
                     ssch := c_pay.subsidy;
                     bvspro_total := 0;
                     ssch_total := 0;
                     cnt :=0;
             end if;                           
               if ssch <> c_pay.subsidy then
                     dat := lpad('~',16,'~');
                     dat := utility.put_field(5,ssch_total,dat,'~');
                     dat := lpad('~',16,'~');
               dat := utility.put_field(1,c_pay.subsidy,dat,'~');
               dat := merge_header3;
                     ssch := c_pay.subsidy;
                     ssch_total := 0;
                     cnt :=0;
             end if;                           
            bvspro_total := bvspro_total + c_pay.amount;
            ssch_total   := ssch_total   + c_pay.amount;              
                  grand_total  := grand_total  + c_pay.amount;              
            cnt := cnt +1;
    --message('bfore write file 2 ' );              
                            ||'~'|| c_pay.beneficiary_name
                                                                ||'~'||c_pay.BENEFICIARY_ACCOUNT_NUMBER ||''            
                                                                ||'~'||c_pay.BRANCH_CODE             ||''           
                                                                ||'~'|| c_pay.BENEFICIARY_STATEMENT_DESC            
                                                                ||'~'|| c_pay.AMOUNT                                
                            ||'~'|| c_pay.address_line1
                            ||'~'|| c_pay.address_line2
                                                    ||'~'|| c_pay.postal_code
                                                    ||'~'|| TO_CHAR(c_pay.deposit_date,'DD-Mon-YYYY')
                                                    ||'~'|| c_pay.month
                                                    ||'~'|| c_pay.bank_branch
                                                    ||'~'|| c_pay.account_type
                                                    ||'~'|| c_pay.subsidy
                                                    ||'~'|| c_pay.programme)
                  DATA :=                                  c_pay.FROM_ACCOUNT_NUMBER                   
            DATA := REPLACE(DATA, ',' , ' ' );
            DATA := REPLACE(DATA, '~' , ',' );
    --message (cnt ||' ' || data);       
    --message('bfore write file 1 ' );              
                  client_text_io.put_line(fil1, data);
             end loop;
    --message ('end of write');         
                 dat := lpad('~',16,'~');
                 dat := utility.put_field(6,ssch_total,dat,'~');
                 dat := lpad('~',16,'~');
           dat := utility.put_field(1,'Total:' || bvspro,dat,'~');
                 dat := utility.put_field(5,bvspro_total,dat,'~');
              dat := lpad('~',16,'~');
           dat := utility.put_field(1,'Grand Total:' ,dat,'~');
                 dat := utility.put_field(5,grand_total,dat,'~');
             -- close file
    for i in 1..50 loop  
           if substr(i,-1) = 0 then
                 message ('flush ' || i);
           end if;                 
                  client_text_io.put_line(fil1, lpad(' ',2000));
                  client_text_io.put_line(fil2, lpad(' ',2000));
                  client_text_io.put_line(fil1, lpad(' ',2000));
                  client_text_io.put_line(fil2, lpad(' ',2000));
    end loop;
        end loop;
             when others then
                  message(sqlcode ||' ' ||sqlerrm);
       end download_file;    i try this but this code onlydownload image not data from database tables
        public void downloadImage(FacesContext facesContext, OutputStream outputStream)
            BindingContainer bindings = BindingContext.getCurrent().getCurrentBindingsEntry();
            // get an ADF attributevalue from the ADF page definitions
            AttributeBinding attr = (AttributeBinding) bindings.getControlBinding("DocumentImage");
            if (attr == null)
            // the value is a BlobDomain data type
            BlobDomain blob = (BlobDomain) attr.getInputValue();
            {   // copy the data from the BlobDomain to the output stream
                IOUtils.copy(blob.getInputStream(), outputStream);
                // cloase the blob to release the recources
                // flush the output stream
            catch (IOException e)
                // handle errors
                FacesMessage msg = new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, e.getMessage(), "");
                FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, msg);

    You should ask your forum in the ADF-forum.

  • Change date format to Quarter and year. Example: Q1 2009

    Hi all,
    Anyone who knows how to display the date as quarter and year instead of day, month and year?
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    We are using CRM 2007.
    Thanks in advance.


  • Hi, extract data from xml file and insert into another exiting xml file

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    1st xml file which has two lines(text1.xml)
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
    <xs:PrintDataRequest xmlns:xs=""
    xsi:schemaLocation=" file:ANIDWS.xsd">
    xsi:schemaLocation=" file:ANIDWS.xsd">
    These two lines has to be inserted in the existing another xml(text 2.xml) file(at line 3 and 4)

    Jadz_Core wrote:
    RandomAccessFile? If you know where you want to insert it.Are you sure about this? If using this, the receiving file would have to have bytes inserted that exactly match the number of bytes replaced. I'm thinking that you'll likely have to stream through the second XML with a SAX parser and copy information (or insert new information) as you stream with an XML writer of some sort.

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    but it returns only 8 results from RSS. i want to get all results of search and display it in my SharePoint search results page. 
    any pointers will be helpful. 

    According to your post, my understanding is that you wanted to search result to get data from bing search and displayed it in sharepoint page.
    To display more items, you can modify the item number when you add
    New Query Rule.
    To get all results, I recommend to use the “Show More”
    link in the result page.
    You can enter the URL when you add New Query Rule:
    "More" link goes to the following URL:{searchterms}
    Here is a great blog for your reference:
    Best Regards,
    Linda Li
    Linda Li
    TechNet Community Support

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    [email protected],

    If you want someone to do your work, please have the courtesy to provide payment.

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    Go to Solution.

    Hello Ryan,
    Lookout gets a Modbus over Ethernet signal which originates as a 4-20mA input to a Moxa Ethernet I/O Module (E1240) in the field.  In Lookout I created a ModbusEthernet Driver and a tag which scales 0 - 65534 RAW to 0-10 Eng.  [0 - 10 is inches of rain]  Also, another piece of information is that after the rain gauge maxes out at 10 inches it will zero out and start over.
    I though the accumulator was time based and took a sample over a specific time period, for instance, one sample every 30 seconds then accumulate.  If this is so then if I have 5 inches of rain and then it stopped raining, then 30 seconds latter it would sample, it would see 5 inches and add that to be 10 inches when actually it had only rained 5 inches. 
    I really need some help with this process,
    David Lopez
    City of Corpus Christi

  • How to extract data from generic view and function module

    hi experts,
    can anybody give me the steps to extract data from generic view and  functon modules.
    thanks and regards
    Hope it Helps

  • Help combining output data from an HP4140B and a LakeShore 330

    First of all, I would like to apologize if this question has already been answered in the forums, but I haven't been able to find anything for this particular situation... I am using LabView v.8.6 so as to conduct TSC (thermally stimulated current) measurements, by controlling a Lake Shore Cryotronics 330 (Lake Shore Model 330 Autotuning Temperature Controller) and a HP4140B pA meter. I am taking as a starting point the VIs available in the driver libraries ( and, respectively), and I would like to merge both programs ("Lake Shore Cryotronics Controller" and "HP4140B Example (current vs. voltage).vi") into a single program that can simultaneously record both the current values (at a fixed voltage) from the HP4140B and the temperature as it is changed in the 76K to 300K range (with the Lakeshore 330).
    The problem lies in the fact that I don't know how to make compatible the numeric output "Sample sensor data" of the Lakeshore with the numeric array (which does not have a defined size) named "current/cap" of the HP4140B in aforementioned programs. What I am trying to do is to: (1) save the data to a file (I have attempted using "Write to measurement file" Express block, which I am not sure of whether it's the best option or not); and (2) plot current vs. temperature (not current vs. time and temperature vs. time separately).
    Any help with these issues would be most appreciated, since I'm stuck on my research because I can't record any data! This really goes right over my head...
    PS: I enclose the file that I have been working on, but perhaps it's better to work from scratch (I'm still a newbie and I may have made errors!)
    Go to Solution.
    Attachments: ‏69 KB

    Thank you for your response and sorry for having taken a while to reply, but the equipment is shared with other groups and I haven't had access to it in a while.
    I have managed to get the program running using LabVIEW 7.1 (I don't know why, but the HP4140B drivers don't seem to be compatible with LabVIEW 8.6) and using the "HP4140B Read Single" example (and not "HP4140B Read Wave", as I had tried before) so as to get a double instead of an array, avoiding synchronization problems when merging data from the HP4140B and the LakeSHore 330. Then I have used a do-while loop to get "continuous sampling" of the waveform. Nonetheless, because of having chosen this approach, now I can only use a fixed voltage, which would be of for a TSC measurement, except for the fact that I need to increase the voltage in small steps so as to avoid damaging the sample. I am using another do-while loop so as to keep increasing the voltage gradually (and also be able to update the LakeShore 330 parameters), and once the desired voltage is achieved, I press a "stop" button, allowing the program to flow into the next stage and take the measurements... I am aware that it's not an elegant solution, so if you can come up any ideas for an improved version, it would be most appreciated!
    Attachments: ‏267 KB

  • HT1554 Apparently, I don't know my " keychain" password. And I'm in the middle of setting up my new Mac mini. I transferred data from my MacBook and what I thought was the password isn't working! Help!!

    Apparently, I don't know my " keychain" password. And I'm in the middle of setting up my new Mac mini. I transferred data from my MacBook and what I thought was the password isn't working! Help!!

    See if this helps...
    Mac OS X 10.4 Help, I forgot a password in my Keychain
    Mac OS X 10.4: Keychain Access asks for keychain "login" after changing login password...
    Resetting your keychain in Mac OS X...
    If Keychain First Aid finds an issue that it cannot repair, or if you do not know your keychain password, you may need to reset your keychain.

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