Date that defines credit management

How is the date configured that affects credit management? I notice that the material avaialability date is being used to determine the credit date on our system. If an order is entered for the end of the month, but the material availability date is today, it will put the order on hold today, not in the future. That doesn't seem to make sense as I would only want to consider order for credit determination when the customer wants the order. The transportation time doesn' t come into play.
Is this because the material availability date affects production so if order is not credit approved, then the production facility won't actually make it until it is approved?

Per SAP OSS Note 379007 - Dynamic credit check - point 2, yes you are correct. It is based on material availability date. The note reads as below;
    2. Update of the open sales order values:
              Update of the open sales order values:The basis for the determination of the correct time interval is the material availability date of the schedule line (VBEP-MBDAT).
That doesn't seem to make sense as I would only want to consider order for credit determination when the customer wants the order.
Per standard business process, this is correct. When a quantity is confirmed at schedule line level, that will not be allocated to other order/delivery/customer. This means, the quantity is blocked for the customer. Imagine, in a business if thousands of quantity is confirmed, then equivalent value is also blocked for the business. If the customer does not want immediately, then the sales order can be put with a reason for rejection and when required, the business can remove the reason for rejection.

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    For example: Does customer have a Qualified Audit Report?
    If YES = +10 points added to score
    If NO = 0 points added to score
    I was able to add an additional data point and the case folder was assigned to an analyst, however when opening the case folder to input the missing data, the additional datapoint was not included in the case folder. Does anyone know what I may have missed in the setup?
    Data Point was defined as follows and added to a checklist called TEST.
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    Category: (none)
    Parent: (none)
    Application: Receivables
    Scoreable: Y
    Enabled: Y
    PL/SQL Package: (none)
    Function: (none)
    Thanks in advance.
    Edited by: sphelps on Sep 22, 2011 8:29 AM

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  • Not able to see specific tags for FSCM Credit Management on BP master data screen

    Hi All,
    I have already set up Collections & Dispute Management,
    I am now on my way to start FSCM Credit Management setting up. I have already created the BP role (UKM000) and assigned it for direction customer to BP, but I am not able to see any specific tag on BP Master data related to Credit management, (just as I can see "Collections profile" tag, in reference to Coll. Mngmt).
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    ....Or what else?
    I will reward with points if someone can provide me any hint about this issue.
    Thanks a lot.

    Hi Pallavi,
    Many thanks for your quick response. However, I have not succeeded in seeing that tab.
    Let me tell you, I may be confused by a document I downloaded from internet about the BP master data views (as for the FSCM Credit Management role, of course) . Please find below the commented tag. It is an imaged I copy to you from that document I told you, for you to see which tag I am talking about:
    I don´t know the content of that tab...but I would like to see it in know..
    Now, I checked you last answer and I saw that everything was already set by factory, please find below:
    BUS4 view:
    BUS5 view:
    However, I´m still not able to see the tab I told you at the beginning (first image). Am I confused about something here? Many thanks for your patience (these things happens when you set FSCM Credit Management for the first time).
    Is that tag accesible?
    Many thanks!

  • Credit management urgent

    Dear sap gurus,
    after  implementing credit management in middle or not from beginning and if you want to have the history a particular customer updated in LIS or if we want to know about his credit exposure.
    What should be done.Kindly help me.

    How To Do Configuration For Credit Management
    Credit and risk management takes place in the credit control area. According to your corporate requirements, you can implement credit management that is centralized, decentralized, or somewhere in between.
    An organizational unit that represents the area where customer credit is awarded and monitored. This organizational unit can either be a single or several company codes, if credit control is performed across several company codes. One credit control area contains credit control information for each customer.
    For example, if your credit management is centralized, you can define one credit control area for all of your company codes.
    If, on the other hand, your credit policy requires decentralized credit management, you can define credit control areas for each company code or each group of company codes.
    Credit limits and credit exposure are managed at both credit control area and customer level. You set up credit control areas and other data related to credit management in Customizing for Financial Accounting. The implementation guide is under Enterprise Structure -> Definition or Assignment -> Financial Accounting and then Maintain credit control area. You assign customers to specific credit control areas and specify the appropriate credit limits in the customer master record.
    Settings for determining the credit control area of a document. The settings of items 1 - 4 are taken into account according to their priority. The credit control area found is stored in field VBAK-KKBER.
    1. Transaction OB38
    Check which credit control area is assigned to the company code.
    Company code:
    Credit control area:
    2. Transaction OVFL
    Check which credit control area is assigned to the sales area.
    Sales area:
    Credit control area:
    3. Transaction XD02 or VD02
    Check which credit control area is assigned to the payer.
    Credit control area:
    4. Transaction SE37
    Is user exit EXIT_SAPV45K_001 being used?
    5. Transaction OBZK
    For the settings under items 2 - 4, field "All company codes" must be marked in Transaction
    OB45, or the credit control area must be entered under the relevant company code in table
    T001CM of the credit control areas allowed.
    Company code:
    Credit control areas allowed:
    6. Settings for the credit checks
    7. Transaction OVAK
    Which settings do exist for the sales document type used?
    Sales document:
    Check credit:
    Credit group:
    8. Transaction OVAD
    Which settings do exist for the delivery type used?
    Delivery type:
    Credit group for delivery:
    Credit group for goods issue:
    9. Transaction OB01
    Credit management/Change risk category
    Definition of the risk category for each credit control area. This risk category can be
    assigned to a credit account by using Transaction FD32.
    10. Transaction OVA8
    Here, the individual credit checks for key fields
    o credit control area
    o risk category
    o credit group are set. Take these key fields from the above settings and go to the detail
    screen. In particular, check whether fields "Reaction" and "Status/block" are set
    correctly. To carry out follow-up actions in case of a credit block, the credit check
    status must be set (field "Status/block").
    11. Transaction FD32
    Credit master data for the payer of the relevant document.
    Credit account:
    Credit limit:
    Risk category:
    12. Settings for updating the credit values Update of the credit values is required for the limit
    check (static or dynamic credit limit check).
    13. Transaction OVA7
    Update of the credit value is active for the corresponding item type if the check box is marked. This field corresponds to
    field "Active receivable" in Transaction VOV7.
    Item type:
    Active receivable:
    14. Transaction V/08, Pricing
    In the pricing procedure used for pricing, subtotal "A" must be entered in a line for
    determining the credit value (mark the pricing procedure and doubleclick on "Control").
    Usually, the net value plus taxes is used. This way the system is determined to use this
    subtotal for credit pricing. The credit price is stored in field VBAP-CMPRE and used for
    update and credit check.
    You can find the used pricing procedure of the order under "Item -> Condition -> Analysis".
    Pricing procedure:
    Line with subtotal = 'A':
    15. Transaction OB45
    Which update group (field "Update") do you use in the relevant credit control area? The
    default setting is "12". If you use another update group, check whether this is fine with
    you. If you open an OSS message, please tell us the alternative update group.
    Credit control area:
    16. Transaction OMO1
    Which kind of update did you choose for structure S066?
    In any case, "Synchronous update (1)" has to be chosen as the kind of update.
    All other settings will lead to errors.
    Difference Between Simple and Automatic Credit Check Types
    In automatic check, difference between static and dynamic checks.
    It Considers the Doc.Value + Open Items.
    Doc.Value : Sales Order Has been saved but not delivered
    Open Item : Sales Order has been saved , Delivered, Billed & Transfered to FI, but not received the payment from the customer.
    Eg: Customer Credit Limit is Rs.1,00,000/-
    Suppose Doc.Value + Open Item Value is Rs.1,10,000/-
    Here credit limit exceeds then system reacts.
    Options : A) Warning Message
    B) Error Message (Sales Order won't be saved)
    C) Error Message with Delivery Block
    AUTOMATIC CREDIT CHECK : Give extra credit facilities to the particular customer.
    STATIC CREDIT LIMIT DETERMINATION :Checking Group + Risk Catageory + Credit Control Area.
    A) Credit Checking Groups : Types of Checking Groups.
    01) Sales
    02) Deliveries
    03) Goods Issue
    At all the above 3 levels orders can be blocked.
    B) Risk Catageory : Based on the risk catageories company decide how much credit has to give to the customer.
    MEDIUM RISK(0003) : Average Credit
    Static Credit Check it checks all these doc value & check with the credit limit
    1) Open Doc.Value / Sales Order Value : Which is save but not delievered
    2) Open Delivery Doc.Value : Which is delivered but not billed
    3) Open Billing Doc.Value : Which is billed but not posted to FI
    4) Open Item : Which is transfered to FI but not received from the customer.
    2) Open Delivery
    3) Open Billing
    4) Open Items
    5) Horizon Period = Eg.3Months
    Here the System will not consider the above 1,2,3& 4 values for the lost 3 months
    Then assign the Sales Doc & Del Documents.
    Sales Doc.Type(OR) + credit Check(0) + Credit Group (01)
    Credit Limit Check for Delivery Type : Del.Type (LF) + Del Credit
    Group (02) + Goods Issue Credit Group (03)
    Set Up for Credit Card Payment Processing
    Given below is the set up for credit card payment processing:
    Set Up Credit Control Areas:
    Define Credit Control Area
    Transaction: OB45
    Tables: T014
    Action: Define a credit control area and its associated currency. The Update Group should be u201800012u2019. This entry is required so the sales order will calculate the value to authorize
    Assign Company Code to Credit Control Area
    Transaction: OB38
    Tables: T001
    Action: Assign a default credit control area for each company code
    Define Permitted Credit Control Area for a Company
    Tables: T001CM
    Action: For each company code enter every credit control area that can be used
    Identify Credit Price
    Transaction: V/08
    Tables: T683S
    Action: Towards the end of the pricing procedure, after all pricing and tax determination, create a subtotal line to store the value of the price plus any sales tax. Make the following entries:
    Sub to: u201CAu201D
    Reqt: u201C2u201D
    AltCTy: u201C4u201D
    Automatic Credit Checking
    Transaction: OVA8
    Tables: T691F
    Action: Select each combination of credit control areas, risk categories and document types for which credit checking should be bypassed. You need to mark the field u201Cno Credit Checku201D with the valid number for sales documents.
    Set Up Payment Guarantees
    Define Forms of Payment Guarantee
    Transaction: OVFD
    Tables: T691K
    Action: R/3 is delivered with form u201C02u201D defined for payment cards. Other than the descriptor, the only other entry should be u201C3u201D in the column labeled u201CPymtGuaCatu201D
    Define Payment Guarantee Procedure
    Tables: T691M/T691O
    Action: Define a procedure and a description.
    Forms of Payment Guarantee and make the following entries Sequential Number u201C1u201D
    Payment Guarantee Form u201C02u201D
    Routine Number u201C0u201D Routine Number can be used to validate payment card presence.
    Define Customer Payment Guarantee Flag
    Tables: T691P
    Action: Define a flag to be stored in table.
    Create Customer Payment Guarantee = u201CPayment Card Payment Cards (All Customers can use Payment Cards)u201D.
    Define Sales Document Payment Guarantee Flag
    Tables: T691R
    Action: Define the flag that will be associated with sales document types that are relevant for payment cards
    Assign Sales Document Payment Guarantee Flag
    Tables: TVAK
    Action: Assign the document flag type the sales documents types that are relevant for payment cards.
    Determine Payment Guarantee Procedure
    Transaction: OVFJ
    Tables: T691U
    Action: Combine the Customer flag and the sales document flag to derive the payment guarantee procedure
    Payment Card Configuration
    Define Card Types
    Tables: TVCIN
    Action: Create the different card types plus the routine that validates the card for length and prefix (etcu2026)
    Visa , Mastercard, American Express, and Discover
    Create the following entries for each payment card
    AMEX American Express ZCCARD_CHECK_AMEX Month
    DC Discover Card ZCCARD_CHECK_DC Month*****
    MC Mastercard ZCCARD_CHECK_MC Month
    The Routines can be created based on the original routines delivered by SAP.
    *****SAP does not deliver a card check for Discover Card. We created our own routine.
    Define Card Categories
    Tables: TVCTY
    Action: Define the card category to determine if a
    payment card is a credit card or a procurement card.
    Create the following two entries
    Cat Description One Card Additional Data
    CC Credit Cards No-check No-check
    PC Procurement Cards No-check Check
    Determine Card Categories
    Tables: TVCTD
    Action: For each card category map the account number range to a card category. Multiple ranges are possible for each card category or a masking technique can be used. Get the card number ranges from user community. Below is just a sample of what I am aware are the different types of cards.
    Visa Credit Expires in 7 days.
    400000 405500
    405505 405549
    405555 415927
    415929 424603
    424606 427532
    427534 428799
    428900 471699
    471700 499999
    Visa Procurement Expires in 7 days.
    405501 405504
    405550 405554
    415928 415928
    424604 424605
    427533 427533
    428800 428899
    Mastercard Credit Expires in 30 days
    500000 540499
    540600 554999
    557000 599999
    Mastercard Procurement Expires in 30 days
    540500 540599
    555000 556999
    American Express Credit Expires in 30 days
    340000 349999
    370000 379999
    Discover Card Credit Expires in 30 days
    601100 601199
    Set Sales Documents to accept Payment Card Information Transaction:
    Tables: TVAK
    Action: Review the listing of Sales Document types and enter u201C03u201D in the column labeled u201CPTu201D for each type which can accept a payment card
    Configuration for Authorization Request
    Maintain Authorization Requirements
    Transaction: OV9A
    Tables: TFRM
    Action: Define and activate the abap requirement that determines when an authorization is sent. Note that the following tables are available to be used in the abap requirement (VBAK, VBAP, VBKD, VBUK, and VBUP).
    Define Checking Group
    Tables: CCPGA
    Action: Define a checking group and enter the
    description. Then follow the below guidelines for the remaining fields to be filled.
    AuthReq Routine 901 is set here.
    PreAu If checked R/3 will request an authorization for a .01 and the authorization will be flagged as such. (Insight does not use pre-authorization check).
    A horizon This is the days in the future SAP will use to determine the value to authorize
    (Insight does not use auth horizon period).
    Valid You will get warning message if the payment card is expiring within 30 days of order entry date.
    Assign Checking Group to Sales Document
    Tables: TVAK
    Action: Assign the checking group to the sales order types relevant for payment cards
    Define Authorization Validity Periods
    Tables: TVCIN
    Action: For each card type enter the authorization validity period in days.
    AMEX American Express 30
    DC Discover card 30
    MC Master card 30
    VISA Visa 7
    Configuration for clearing houses
    Create new General Ledger Accounts
    Transaction: FS01
    Action: Two General Ledger accounts need to be created for each payment card type. One for A/R reconciliation purposes and one for credit card clearing.
    Maintain Condition Types
    Transaction: OV85
    Tables: T685
    Action: Define a condition type for account determination and assign it to access sequence u201CA001u201D
    Define account determination procedure
    Transaction: OV86
    Tables: T683 / T683S
    Action: Define procedure name and select the procedure for control. Enter the condition type defined in the previous step.
    Assign account determination procedure
    Action: Determine which billing type we are using for payment card process.
    Authorization and Settlement Control
    Tables: TCCAA
    Action: Define the general ledger accounts for reconciliation and clearing and assign the function modules for authorization and settlement along with the proper RFC destinations for each.
    Enter Merchant IDu2019s
    Tables: TCCM
    Action: Create the merchant idu2019s that the company uses to process payment cards
    Assign merchant idu2019s
    Tables: TCCAA
    Action: Enter the merchant idu2019s with each clearinghouse account
    Reward points if useful.

  • Credit Management System - Update of SD Documents after CMS start

    we are starting CMS functionality in our SD module. CMS (Credit Management System) works remotely by an XI connection. When we switch to use CMS in production system, we have to transfer all opened orders (not yet invoiced) to CMS system.
    How can we achieve it? Can program RFDKLI20 (t-code F.28) be used for this purpose? Does it require any settings to point out the CMS connection?
    Thank you

    Hi Wojciech
    Credit and risk management takes place in the credit control area. According to your corporate requirements, you can implement credit management that is centralized, decentralized, or somewhere in between.
    An organizational unit that represents the area where customer credit is awarded and monitored. This organizational unit can either be a single or several company codes, if credit control is performed across several company codes. One credit control area contains credit control information for each customer.
    For example, if your credit management is centralized, you can define one credit control area for all of your company codes.
    If, on the other hand, your credit policy requires decentralized credit management, you can define credit control areas for each company code or each group of company codes.
    Credit limits and credit exposure are managed at both credit control area and customer level. You set up credit control areas and other data related to credit management in Customizing for Financial Accounting. The implementation guide is under Enterprise Structure -> Definition or Assignment -> Financial Accounting and then Maintain credit control area. You assign customers to specific credit control areas and specify the appropriate credit limits in the customer master record.
    Settings for determining the credit control area of a document. The settings of items 1 - 4 are taken into account according to their priority. The credit control area found is stored in field VBAK-KKBER.
    1. Transaction OB38
    Check which credit control area is assigned to the company code.
    Company code:
    Credit control area:
    2. Transaction OVFL
    Check which credit control area is assigned to the sales area.
    Sales area:
    Credit control area:
    3. Transaction XD02 or VD02
    Check which credit control area is assigned to the payer.
    Credit control area:
    4. Transaction SE37
    Is user exit EXIT_SAPV45K_001 being used?
    5. Transaction OBZK
    For the settings under items 2 - 4, field "All company codes" must be marked in Transaction
    OB45, or the credit control area must be entered under the relevant company code in table
    T001CM of the credit control areas allowed.
    Company code:
    Credit control areas allowed:
    6. Settings for the credit checks
    7. Transaction OVAK
    Which settings do exist for the sales document type used?
    Sales document:
    Check credit:
    Credit group:
    8. Transaction OVAD
    Which settings do exist for the delivery type used?
    Delivery type:
    Credit group for delivery:
    Credit group for goods issue:
    9. Transaction OB01
    Credit management/Change risk category
    Definition of the risk category for each credit control area. This risk category can be
    assigned to a credit account by using Transaction FD32.
    10. Transaction OVA8
    Here, the individual credit checks for key fields
    o credit control area
    o risk category
    o credit group are set. Take these key fields from the above settings and go to the detail
    screen. In particular, check whether fields "Reaction" and "Status/block" are set
    correctly. To carry out follow-up actions in case of a credit block, the credit check
    status must be set (field "Status/block").
    11. Transaction FD32
    Credit master data for the payer of the relevant document.
    Credit account:
    Credit limit:
    Risk category:
    12. Settings for updating the credit values Update of the credit values is required for the limit
    check (static or dynamic credit limit check).
    13. Transaction OVA7
    Update of the credit value is active for the corresponding item type if the check box is marked. This field corresponds to
    field "Active receivable" in Transaction VOV7.
    Item type:
    Active receivable:
    14. Transaction V/08, Pricing
    In the pricing procedure used for pricing, subtotal "A" must be entered in a line for
    determining the credit value (mark the pricing procedure and doubleclick on "Control").
    Usually, the net value plus taxes is used. This way the system is determined to use this
    subtotal for credit pricing. The credit price is stored in field VBAP-CMPRE and used for
    update and credit check.
    You can find the used pricing procedure of the order under "Item -> Condition -> Analysis".
    Pricing procedure:
    Line with subtotal = 'A':
    15. Transaction OB45
    Which update group (field "Update") do you use in the relevant credit control area? The
    default setting is "12". If you use another update group, check whether this is fine with
    you. If you open an OSS message, please tell us the alternative update group.
    Credit control area:
    16. Transaction OMO1
    Which kind of update did you choose for structure S066?
    In any case, "Synchronous update (1)" has to be chosen as the kind of update.
    All other settings will lead to errors.
    Reward if useful to u

  • Credit management static check

    Hi all,
    i want to configure STATIC CHECK in my organization. My organization is operating with one sales org but many sales area. i want to configure static check to only export customers served by only one sales area xxxx/yy/zz. yy is distribution channel specially for exports & zz is specially export division with products specifically to be sold to export customers.There are almost 28 export customers. will static check be configured customer based or sales area based or sales org based.
    Please guide.
    vikas chhabra
    098714 88 718
    [email protected]

    pl check this ;
    Credit and risk management takes place in the credit control area. According to your corporate requirements, you can implement credit management that is centralized, decentralized, or somewhere in between. 
    An organizational unit that represents the area where customer credit is awarded and monitored.   This organizational unit can either be a single or several company codes, if credit control is performed across several company codes. One credit control area contains credit control information for each customer.
    For example, if your credit management is centralized, you can define one credit control area for all of your company codes. 
    If, on the other hand, your credit policy requires decentralized credit management, you can define credit control areas for each company code or each group of company codes. 
    Credit limits and credit exposure are managed at both credit control area and customer level.  You set up credit control areas and other data related to credit management in Customizing for Financial Accounting. The implementation guide is under Enterprise Structure -> Definition or Assignment -> Financial Accounting and then Maintain credit control area. You assign customers to specific credit control areas and specify the appropriate credit limits in the customer master record.
    Settings for determining the credit control area of a document.  The settings of items 1 - 4 are taken into account according to their priority.  The credit control area found is stored in field VBAK-KKBER.
    1. Transaction OB38
       Check which credit control area is assigned to the company code.
       Company code:
       Credit control area:
    2. Transaction OVFL
       Check which credit control area is assigned to the sales area.
       Sales area:
       Credit control area:
    3. Transaction XD02 or VD02
       Check which credit control area is assigned to the payer.
       Credit control area:
    4. Transaction SE37
       Is user exit EXIT_SAPV45K_001 being used?
    5. Transaction OBZK
       For the settings under items 2 - 4, field "All company codes" must be marked in Transaction
       OB45, or the credit control area must be entered under the relevant company code in table
       T001CM of the credit control areas allowed.
       Company code:
       Credit control areas allowed:
    6. Settings for the credit checks
    7. Transaction OVAK
       Which settings do exist for the sales document type used?
       Sales document:
       Check credit:
       Credit group:
    8. Transaction OVAD
       Which settings do exist for the delivery type used?
       Delivery type:
       Credit group for delivery:
       Credit group for goods issue:
    9. Transaction OB01
       Credit management/Change risk category
       Definition of the risk category for each credit control area. This risk category can be
       assigned to a credit account by using Transaction FD32.
    10. Transaction OVA8
        Here, the individual credit checks for key fields
        o credit control area
        o risk category
        o credit group are set. Take these key fields from the above settings and go to the detail
          screen. In particular, check whether fields "Reaction" and "Status/block" are set
          correctly. To carry out follow-up actions in case of a credit block, the credit check
          status must be set (field "Status/block").
    11. Transaction FD32
        Credit master data for the payer of the relevant document.
        Credit account:
        Credit limit:
        Risk category:
    12. Settings for updating the credit values Update of the credit values is required for the limit
        check (static or dynamic credit limit check).
    13. Transaction OVA7
        Update of the credit value is active for the corresponding item type if the check box is marked. This field corresponds to 
        field "Active receivable" in Transaction VOV7.
        Item type: 
        Active receivable:
    14. Transaction V/08, Pricing
        In the pricing procedure used for pricing, subtotal "A" must be entered in a line for
        determining the credit value (mark the pricing procedure and doubleclick on "Control").
        Usually, the net value plus taxes is used. This way the system is determined to use this
        subtotal for credit pricing. The credit price is stored in field VBAP-CMPRE and used for
        update and credit check.
        You can find the used pricing procedure of the order under "Item -> Condition -> Analysis".
        Pricing procedure:
        Line with subtotal = 'A':
    15. Transaction OB45
        Which update group (field "Update") do you use in the relevant credit control area? The
        default setting is "12". If you use another update group, check whether this is fine with
        you. If you open an OSS message, please tell us the alternative update group.
        Credit control area:
    16. Transaction OMO1
        Which kind of update did you choose for structure S066? 
         In any case, "Synchronous update (1)" has to be chosen as the kind of update. 
         All other settings will lead to errors.
    Hope it helps.
    Sadhu Kishore


    Dear All
    We need to maintain the PERIOD WISE as well as CUSTOMER WISE Credit Management , If it is possible ,please sent us the complete config document of the same.
    Animesh Chakraborty

    period wise  u can use in ova8 .in sesional factor can be used .u have to do customer wise u can  do with FD-32 .
    How To Do Configuration For Credit Management
    Credit and risk management takes place in the credit control area. According to your corporate requirements, you can implement credit management that is centralized, decentralized, or somewhere in between.
    An organizational unit that represents the area where customer credit is awarded and monitored.   This organizational unit can either be a single or several company codes, if credit control is performed across several company codes. One credit control area contains credit control information for each customer.
    For example, if your credit management is centralized, you can define one credit control area for all of your company codes.
    If, on the other hand, your credit policy requires decentralized credit management, you can define credit control areas for each company code or each group of company codes.
    Credit limits and credit exposure are managed at both credit control area and customer level.  You set up credit control areas and other data related to credit management in Customizing for Financial Accounting. The implementation guide is under Enterprise Structure -> Definition or Assignment -> Financial Accounting and then Maintain credit control area. You assign customers to specific credit control areas and specify the appropriate credit limits in the customer master record.
    Settings for determining the credit control area of a document.  The settings of items 1 - 4 are taken into account according to their priority.  The credit control area found is stored in field VBAK-KKBER.
    1. Transaction OB38
       Check which credit control area is assigned to the company code.
       Company code:
       Credit control area:
    2. Transaction OVFL
       Check which credit control area is assigned to the sales area.
       Sales area:
       Credit control area:
    3. Transaction XD02 or VD02
       Check which credit control area is assigned to the payer.
       Credit control area:
    4. Transaction SE37
       Is user exit EXIT_SAPV45K_001 being used?
    5. Transaction OBZK
       For the settings under items 2 - 4, field "All company codes" must be marked in Transaction
       OB45, or the credit control area must be entered under the relevant company code in table
       T001CM of the credit control areas allowed.
       Company code:
       Credit control areas allowed:
    6. Settings for the credit checks
    7. Transaction OVAK
       Which settings do exist for the sales document type used?
       Sales document:
       Check credit:
       Credit group:
    8. Transaction OVAD
       Which settings do exist for the delivery type used?
       Delivery type:
       Credit group for delivery:
       Credit group for goods issue:
    9. Transaction OB01
       Credit management/Change risk category
       Definition of the risk category for each credit control area. This risk category can be
       assigned to a credit account by using Transaction FD32.
    10. Transaction OVA8
        Here, the individual credit checks for key fields
        o credit control area
        o risk category
        o credit group are set. Take these key fields from the above settings and go to the detail
          screen. In particular, check whether fields "Reaction" and "Status/block" are set
          correctly. To carry out follow-up actions in case of a credit block, the credit check
          status must be set (field "Status/block").
    11. Transaction FD32
        Credit master data for the payer of the relevant document.
        Credit account:
        Credit limit:
        Risk category:
    12. Settings for updating the credit values Update of the credit values is required for the limit
        check (static or dynamic credit limit check).
    13. Transaction OVA7
        Update of the credit value is active for the corresponding item type if the check box is marked. This field corresponds to
        field "Active receivable" in Transaction VOV7.
        Item type:
        Active receivable:
    14. Transaction V/08, Pricing
        In the pricing procedure used for pricing, subtotal "A" must be entered in a line for
        determining the credit value (mark the pricing procedure and doubleclick on "Control").
        Usually, the net value plus taxes is used. This way the system is determined to use this
        subtotal for credit pricing. The credit price is stored in field VBAP-CMPRE and used for
        update and credit check.
        You can find the used pricing procedure of the order under "Item -> Condition -> Analysis".
        Pricing procedure:
        Line with subtotal = 'A':
    15. Transaction OB45
        Which update group (field "Update") do you use in the relevant credit control area? The
        default setting is "12". If you use another update group, check whether this is fine with
        you. If you open an OSS message, please tell us the alternative update group.
        Credit control area:
    16. Transaction OMO1
        Which kind of update did you choose for structure S066?
         In any case, "Synchronous update (1)" has to be chosen as the kind of update.
         All other settings will lead to errors.
    Best regards,
    Edited by: yanamadala venkataswamy on Dec 10, 2008 3:11 AM


    How the system calculate credit limit in sales order.  mean how it pickup the previuos vales and add with net doc value.

    HI Murali
    Credit and risk management takes place in the credit control area. According to your corporate requirements, you can implement credit management that is centralized, decentralized, or somewhere in between.
    An organizational unit that represents the area where customer credit is awarded and monitored. This organizational unit can either be a single or several company codes, if credit control is performed across several company codes. One credit control area contains credit control information for each customer.
    For example, if your credit management is centralized, you can define one credit control area for all of your company codes.
    If, on the other hand, your credit policy requires decentralized credit management, you can define credit control areas for each company code or each group of company codes.
    Credit limits and credit exposure are managed at both credit control area and customer level. You set up credit control areas and other data related to credit management in Customizing for Financial Accounting. The implementation guide is under Enterprise Structure -> Definition or Assignment -> Financial Accounting and then Maintain credit control area. You assign customers to specific credit control areas and specify the appropriate credit limits in the customer master record.
    Settings for determining the credit control area of a document. The settings of items 1 - 4 are taken into account according to their priority. The credit control area found is stored in field VBAK-KKBER.
    1. Transaction OB38
    Check which credit control area is assigned to the company code.
    Company code:
    Credit control area:
    2. Transaction OVFL
    Check which credit control area is assigned to the sales area.
    Sales area:
    Credit control area:
    3. Transaction XD02 or VD02
    Check which credit control area is assigned to the payer.
    Credit control area:
    4. Transaction SE37
    Is user exit EXIT_SAPV45K_001 being used?
    5. Transaction OBZK
    For the settings under items 2 - 4, field "All company codes" must be marked in Transaction
    OB45, or the credit control area must be entered under the relevant company code in table
    T001CM of the credit control areas allowed.
    Company code:
    Credit control areas allowed:
    6. Settings for the credit checks
    7. Transaction OVAK
    Which settings do exist for the sales document type used?
    Sales document:
    Check credit:
    Credit group:
    8. Transaction OVAD
    Which settings do exist for the delivery type used?
    Delivery type:
    Credit group for delivery:
    Credit group for goods issue:
    9. Transaction OB01
    Credit management/Change risk category
    Definition of the risk category for each credit control area. This risk category can be
    assigned to a credit account by using Transaction FD32.
    10. Transaction OVA8
    Here, the individual credit checks for key fields
    o credit control area
    o risk category
    o credit group are set. Take these key fields from the above settings and go to the detail
    screen. In particular, check whether fields "Reaction" and "Status/block" are set
    correctly. To carry out follow-up actions in case of a credit block, the credit check
    status must be set (field "Status/block").
    11. Transaction FD32
    Credit master data for the payer of the relevant document.
    Credit account:
    Credit limit:
    Risk category:
    12. Settings for updating the credit values Update of the credit values is required for the limit
    check (static or dynamic credit limit check).
    13. Transaction OVA7
    Update of the credit value is active for the corresponding item type if the check box is marked. This field corresponds to
    field "Active receivable" in Transaction VOV7.
    Item type:
    Active receivable:
    14. Transaction V/08, Pricing
    In the pricing procedure used for pricing, subtotal "A" must be entered in a line for
    determining the credit value (mark the pricing procedure and doubleclick on "Control").
    Usually, the net value plus taxes is used. This way the system is determined to use this
    subtotal for credit pricing. The credit price is stored in field VBAP-CMPRE and used for
    update and credit check.
    You can find the used pricing procedure of the order under "Item -> Condition -> Analysis".
    Pricing procedure:
    Line with subtotal = 'A':
    15. Transaction OB45
    Which update group (field "Update") do you use in the relevant credit control area? The
    default setting is "12". If you use another update group, check whether this is fine with
    you. If you open an OSS message, please tell us the alternative update group.
    Credit control area:
    16. Transaction OMO1
    Which kind of update did you choose for structure S066?
    In any case, "Synchronous update (1)" has to be chosen as the kind of update.
    All other settings will lead to errors.
    Reward if useful to u

  • SAP Reports:  Accounts Receivable and Credit Management

    Good Afternoon Folks-
    Can anyone give me a listing of all the AR and Credit Management Reports and what they tell?
    I cannot find anything that tells me this report is good for DSO, etc.

    To View the Reports in Accounts Receivable , here is the menu path
    Accounting - Financial Accounting - Customers - Information System - Reports for Accounts Receivable Accounting
    Customer Balances
    S_ALR_87012167 - Accounts Receivable Information System
    S_ALR_87012172 - Customer Balances in Local Currency
    S_ALR_87012186 - Customer Sales
    S_ALR_87012169 - Transaction Figures: Account Balance
    S_ALR_87012170 - Transaction Figures: Special Sales
    S_ALR_87012171 - Transaction Figures: Sales
    Customers: Items
    S_ALR_87012168 - Due Date Analysis for Open Items
    S_ALR_87012197 - List of Customer Line Items
    S_ALR_87012173 - List of Customer Open Items for Printing
    S_ALR_87012174 - List of Customer Open Items
    S_ALR_87012175 - Open Items - Customer Due Date Forecast
    S_ALR_87012176 - Customer Evaluation with OI Sorted List
    S_ALR_87012177 - Customer Payment History
    S_ALR_87012178 - Customer Open Item Analysis by Balance of Overdue Items
    S_ALR_87012198 - List of Cleared Customer Items for Printing
    S_ALR_87012199 - List Of Down Payments Open On Key Date - Customers 
    Master Data
    S_ALR_87012179 - Customer List
    S_ALR_87012180 - Address List
    S_ALR_87012182 - Display Changes to Customers
    S_ALR_87012183 - Display/Confirm Critical Customer Changes
    S_ALR_87012195 - Customer Master Data Comparison
    For Credit Management, the menu path is
    Accounting - Financial Accounting - Customers - Credit Management - Credit management info system
    F.31 - Overview
    F.33 - Brief overview
    F.32 - Missing data
    FCV3 - Early warning list
    FDK43 - Master data list
    S_ALR_87012215 - Display changes to credit management
    S_ALR_87012218 - Credit master sheet
    This is for Ecc 5.0. to know more about the particular report, click on the program documentation (Shift + F1). The icon is in blue color and  ' i ' is what u have to select to know more information about the report.
    Hope it helps.

  • XI and Credit Management in FSCM 6.0

    We have ERP2005 with FSCM and want to use the Credit Commitment interface ( ) to pass FI-AR data to SAP Credit Management via XI. The sender is the FI-AR system and the receiver is the SAP Credit Management system Both FI-AR and FSCM are on the same ERP2005 system and XI is on a seperate system.
    I have downloaded the XI content for the the intefaces CreditCommitmentNotification_Out and CreditCommitmentNotification_In and set up the configurartion so messages come out of ERP and the determined receiver is the same ERP system but my problem is with the receiver communication channel. The SAP help link referenced above says I should be using the communication channel XIChannel. Can someone help me and tell me what type of communication channel this is and what I have to do set it up please.
    Thanks in advance for your help.

    Thanks for the info it solved the problem and the interface works now. For future reference in case anyone has the same problem the scenario is as follows
    Sender                  = ERP (FI module)
    Sender interface     =
    Sender namespace = CreditCommitmentNotification_Out
    Receiver = ERP (FSCM)
    Receiver interface     = CreditCommitmentNotification_In
    Receiver namespace =
    No interface mapping is required just set up the receiver determination with receiver determination to use a receiver communication channel of type XI.

  • Credit management....sales area data

    hi gurus,,
    I have some doubts in Credit Management>
    1. In my development Server....Customer Master data > Sales Area Data > Billing Tab Page>CREDIT CONTROL not reflecting.
    using version 4.7... why is was not reflecting... any configaration settings is required??.
    Anybody having configuration material of CREDIT MANAGEMENT and FREE GOODS DETERMINATION..
    MAIL ID:::  [email protected]

    Hi ravi, 
      Notes on Credit mangement
    SAP SD Credit Management
    All business have their own credit management needs, SAP allows you to specify your own automatic credit checks based on a variety of criteria.  You can also specify at which critical points in the sales and distribution cycle the system carries out these checks.
    SM30 - Table/View
    V_TVTW - Define Distribution Channel
    V_TVTA_KKB - Assign sales area to credit control area
    V_T014 - FI - Define Credit Control Area
    T001CM - FI - Assign Permitted Credit Control Area to company code
    OVXG - Set up Sales Areas
    e.g.  Sales Organization
                      Distribution Channel
                      Distribution Channel
    FD32 - Customer Credit Management
    OVAK - Define credit limit check by sales document type
    Check Credit
    A - Credit limit check and warning message
    B - Credit limit check and error message (no sales order can be created)
    C - Credit limit check and delivery block (block delivery if hit credit limit)
    Options B and C -> used for checking open order values (when you create/change the sales order)
    D - Automatic credit control with open order values
    More control in transaction OVA8 - Automatic credit control
    You check for open orders and deliveries, or just open deliveries.
    or open order values with other options
    Credit group
    Allows you to combine different sales document types for the credit limit check
    VKM1 - Blocked SD Documents - Finance have to released the delivery block
    OVAD - Define credit limit check by delivery order
    whether the automatic credit check occurs at the time of delivery creation and/or goods issue
    OVA7 - Define credit limit check by item category
    Set whether to include/exclude item category for credit limit check
    OVA6 - Define credit group. You can groups together different business transactions which should be dealt with in the same manner with regard to the credit check.
    You enter the credit groups when you configure the sales document types for credit management and define the (D - automatic credit check).
    SAP default credit groups
    01 - credit group for sales order
    02 - credit group for delivery
    03 - credit group for goods issue
    OVA8 - Automatic credit control - Double click on the line items
    You can have the followings credit limit check :-
    Depends on the customer total value of open orders, deliveries, billing documents and open items.
    Open items
    No of days open
    Overdue open items checks is based on the ratio of open items that are overdue by a certain number of days.
    Max open items %
    The customer balance must not exceed a certain percentage.
    Oldest open items
    If you don't want to deliver to the customer at all when even only 1 invoice is overdue.
    Tick the Check for Oldest Open Item and Set the field Days oldest item = 1.
    Days oldest item
    No of days allowed for overdue or payment terms.
    Use of the credit check Oldest Open Item. If a user attempts to alter the order quantity of a released sales document
    that was previously blocked, it would be reblocked again by the system.  The system only reblocks the sales document if the new order quantity is above a certain % amount.
    Released documents are still unchecked
    The preset % is whatever you want to set it as when configuring your automatic credit processing. You enter a deviation % and number of days,eg, you can set it so that an order can be changed by up to 10% within 30 days of original order entry date without it going back on credit block.
    Next Review Date
    If a customer has a credit limit of 1000 USD, and you would like to restrict this credit limit only to be available in current month (say March). If the document day is in April then the credit limit is zero.
    You can use the "NextReview date" and "Number of days" fields and combined it with the "Last" field in customer credit master "Status" view (FD32).
    VOKR - Display of work list for credit management (configure the display variant)
    Free goods determination
    Free Goods Determination in Sales Order
    Free goods has the following limitations:
    - Free goods can only be supported on a 1:1 ratio. This means that an order item can lead to a free goods item. Agreements in the following form are not supported: ‘With material 1, material 2 and material 3 are free of charge‘ or ‘If material 1 and material 2 are ordered at the same time, then material 3 is free of charge‘.
    - Free goods are not supported in combinations with material structures (for example, product selection, BOM, variants with BOM explosion).
    - Free goods are only supported for sales orders with document category C (for example, not quotations).
    - Free goods are not supported for deliveries without reference to a sales order.
    - Free goods cannot be used in make-to-order production, third-party order processing and scheduling agreements.
    - If you defined a free goods for variants in a generic article (only SAP Retail), you can only process the variants in the purchase order and goods receipt individually (as single articles). In other words, you cannot process them using the generic article matrix.
    Not all Sales Order can be used for free goods determination.  You have to check the SD document category if it does not work.  Only category 'C' are supported.  Check transaction VOV8.
    Assume that you want to configure an inclusive FREE goods routine.  Customers must order a minumum quantity of 5 before any free goods can be assign.  For every quantity of 3, the customer will be given 1 free goods.
    WC07 - Maintain Number Range Intervals
    No   From number       To number
    01    0000010000         0000099999
    IMG -> Sales and Distribution -> Basic Functions -> Free Goods ->
    Maintain Access Sequences
    New Entries
    Maintain Condition Types
    New Entries
    Ctyp   Name             AcSq
    FREE  Free Goods    NA00
    Maintain Pricing Procedures
    New Entries
    Procedure   Description
    FREE           Free Goods
    Select Procedure FREE then click Control data
    Step   Cntr   Ctyp
    10       10      FREE
    V/N6 - Activate Free Goods Determination
    Assign Order Type OR with Document Procedure A with Procedure FREE
    VBN1 - Create free goods determination
    e.g.  FREE inclusive
    Material  Min qty   From   are free good   Calc Rule   Free Goods
                           5           3                1                      1                1
    In this example, if you create a Sales Order for a quantity of 10, SAP will prompt you 7 as the customer order qty and 3 will be free.  Customer only pay for the 7 quantity.
    Reward points if it helpful

  • AKOF u2013 Define reconciliation accounts without credit management update

    Wu2019ve configured Credit management, at same time, we have many special G/L indicators, and hence many alternative reconciliation accounts. Now we need to exclude few for credit management check.
    I understand that using AKOF u2013 Define reconciliation accounts without credit management update, we can achieve the same.
    Initially I thought that putting the alternative reconciliation accounts will be sufficient, but if I check the help page in SPRO beside this configuration, it also talks about, some setup for u201CReconciliation account ready for inputu201D in master record of reconciliation accounts, etc.
    Please help me in understanding how actually AKOF works, and how I can achieve the objective.


  • How to use due date in credit management

    i want to calculate my credits according to net due date
    how can i use due date in credit management?
    thank you

    Not sure what do you mean by "use due date in credit management". 
    If  you want to calculate due date per billing document, for example, for such as customer statement, you may use "BSID-ZFBDT + BSID-ZBD1T" (Baseline date + Cash disc day 1).

  • Arrear after net due date - FD33 Credit Management

    Arrears after net due date is not appearing in the payment history of FD33 customer credit management report(it is showing as zero days), bur the same is appearing in the FDL5N report.
    The credit control area and payment terms are same as other customer wherein the arrear days are getting appear properly

    I moved your question tnto this forum.

  • F-21 is not updating last payment date in Credit management report

    HI Gurus
    I am working on 4.6C system . Here I am posting incoming payment through F-21 t.code. Here system not updating for last payment run in Credit management reports.
    Pls advice me in this regard.
    Thanks in advance

    F-21 T.code is for Transfer Posting, best Pratice is to use F-28 For incomming Payments.even in F-21 change the documents type to DZ and try to post.

Maybe you are looking for