DB2, CDH and adapters: Howto ?

Hi all,
First of all, i'm looking for some documentation about how to make CDH manage DB2 (mainframe) tables. By now, l found that an adapter must be configured on Customer Online app, so how can i configure a DB2 adapter (can be other adapter) under Customer Online ? Thank you for your help, regards,

Hi Sigi,
This error is encountered when you have given the wrong connection parameters in your jdbc communication channel.
Check whether the JDBC Driver and the Connection parameters are correct.Once that is correct, your problem will be solved.

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    Hi Amit,
    IF you have already instaled DB2 databse, then you can get the driver, in this location from your DB2 database folder,
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    am facing now exactly the same poblem and i couldnt figure it out yet but my situation might help spotting your problem.
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    Best regards

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    How about resetting the password?
    Please refer SAP note 582875 and
    Link: http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw70ehp1/helpdata/en/aa/1dc8d8f0fa11d3a6510000e835363f/content.htm
    Thanks and Best regards

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    Hello Donald,
    It is possible to change passwords of db2<sid>, <sid>adm and sap<sid>.
    For <sid>adm and sap<sid> it is not sufficient to change these passwords on OS level only. They are also stored in encrypted form in a file called dscdb6.conf .
    Changing these passwords should be done via an executable called "dscdb6up" (part of the SAP Kernel). this ensures that also the passwords stored in dscdb6.conf are updated.
    This is described in the [Admin guide|https://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/scn/go/portal/prtroot/docs/library/uuid/f03d5fb8-b619-2b10-c383-c6d56872829e] on page 27ff.
    Hope this hepls,
    Regards, Hans-Juergen

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    We can't confirm which release the support will be added in, as the priorities for features in releases can change. I can confirm that we will not support the iSeries and zSeries in SQL Developer 3.0.
    Please do continue to vote in this in the Exchange.

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    <b>Proxies</b> are interfaces which will get executed in the application system. They can be created only in the system from message interfaces using the proxy generation functions.
    You can use proxies for systems with WAS >=6.20
    XI will communicate in native language with SAP systems via proxies. Proxies uses XML - SOAP based communication for both ABAP and Java Proxies.
    <a href="http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw2004s/helpdata/en/86/58cd3b11571962e10000000a11402f/frameset.htm">Proxy Generation</a>
    <b>Adapters</b> will convert one format into another expected/target format. means from SAP standard formats and as well as 3rd party formats to target formats. 
    <a href="http://help.sap.com/saphelp_nw2004s/helpdata/en/86/58cd3b11571962e10000000a11402f/frameset.htm">Adapter Runtime</a>

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    1. Formats like : EDIFACT / ANSI , HL7, ebXML
    The SAP standard doesn't offer specific functionality for EDIFACT, ANSI X.12 etc conversion. In principal, you can have three solution for this - Custom-built EDI development based on PI standard functionality, add-on solutions from third party vendors or open source / community-driven solutions.
    Conversion Agent is the best tool to handle this situation and it works pretty good.
    2. Having Conversion Agents : PDF.
    For handling PDF files, you don't require Conversion Agent.
    3. Connectivity Options : AS2, OFTP, SFTP.
    The 3rd party adapters are available and are widely used in PI centric architecture. Few prominent ones includes adapters from Seeburger and AEDAPTIVe.
    Only issue and challenge in working with 3rd party tools is extra $$$ spending.
    Hope this helps.

  • Using opmn to start/stop hub repo and adapters

    Also posted as a thread on the OracleAS General forum, I'm hoping the duplication will cover both areas of expertise. Apologies if I offend.
    "Configuring custom process with OracleAS 10g Release 2 (10.1.2) "
    A Metalink note kindly informed me that I could use OPMN to start and stop Interconnect hub and adapter processes. The hyperlink sent me to the OPMN documentation and that's where the fun started!
    So far I have only tried to add the repository as an ias-component and this is how the section of the opmn.xml file looks.
    <ias-component id="HUBDEV3" status="enabled" id-matching="true">
    <process-type id="HUBDEV3-repository" module-id="CUSTOM">
    <variable id="CLASSPATH" value="/du01/OAI/oracleas1/integration/interconnect/lib/oai.jar"/>
    <variable id="CLASSPATH" value="/du01/OAI/oracleas1/jdk/jre/lib/i18n.jar" append="true"/>
    <variable id="CLASSPATH" value="/du01/OAI/oracleas1/jdbc/lib/classes12.jar" append="true"/>
    <variable id="CLASSPATH" value="/du01/OAI/oracleas1/jdbc/lib/nls_charset12.jar" append="true"/>
    <variable id="CLASSPATH" value="/du01/OAI/oracleas1/jlib/oraclepki.jar" append="true"/>
    <variable id="CLASSPATH" value="/du01/OAI/oracleas1/jlib/ojpse.jar" append="true"/>
    <variable id="PATH" value="/du01/OAI/oracleas1/jdk/jre/bin" append="true"/>
    <variable id="LD_LIBRARY_PATH" value="/du01/OAI/oracleas1/lib32" append="true"/>
    <process-set id="repo" numprocs="1">
    <category id="start-parameters">
    <data id="java-parameters" value="-server -Drepo=InterConnectRepository -DORBdisableLocator=true -mx512m -ms8m oracle.aob.repository.Repomain"/>
    <data id="jar-file" value="/du01/OAI/oracleas1/integration/interconnect/lib/oai.jar"/>
    <category id="stop-parameters">
    <data id="java-parameters" value="-server -Drepo=InterConnectRepository -DORBdisableLocator=true -mx512m -ms8m oracle.aob.repository.Repomain -shutdown"/>
    <data id="jar-file" value="/du01/OAI/oracleas1/integration/interconnect/lib/oai.jar"/>
    <start timeout="600"/>
    <stop timeout="120"/>
    This parses okay and when I call opmnctl status I get the following:
    $ opmnctl status
    Processes in Instance: hubASDEV3.xxxxxxxxxx
    ias-component | process-type | pid | status
    LogLoader | logloaderd | N/A | Down
    DSA | DSA | N/A | Down
    HTTP_Server | HTTP_Server | 27533 | Alive
    dcm-daemon | dcm-daemon | 217 | Alive
    OC4J | home | 27534 | Alive
    OC4J | jacada | 27535 | Alive
    HUBDEV3 | HUBDEV3-repository | N/A | Down
    I tried opmnctl startproc ias-component=HUBDEV3 & opmnctl startproc process-type=HUBDEV3-repository but both retun the following message:
    opmn id=crm-drtest:6200
    no enabled components for this request
    Can anyone advice on where and why I'm going wrong?
    Sometimes you wish you'd never seen the hint in the first place!!

    Well, I now have a working solution.
    The section from the opmn.xml file now reads (the major changes in bold):
    <ias-component id="HUBDEV3" status="enabled" id-matching="true">
    <process-type id="HUBDEV3-repo" module-id="CUSTOM" working-dir="/du01/OAI/oracleas1/integration/interconnect/repository">
    <variable id="JAVA_HOME" value=""/>
    <variable id="THREADS_FLAG" value="native"/>
    <variable id="PATH" value="/du01/OAI/oracleas1/jdk/jre/bin" append="true"/>
    <variable id="LD_LIBRARY_PATH" value="/du01/OAI/oracleas1/lib32" append="true"/>
    <process-set id="repo" numprocs="1">
    <category id="start-parameters">
    <data id="start-executable" value="/du01/OAI/oracleas1/jdk/jre/bin/java"/>
    <data id="start-args" value="-server -Drepo=InterConnectRepository -DORBdisableLocator=true -mx512m -ms8m -classpath /du01/OAI/oracleas1/integration/interconnect/lib/oai.jar:/du01/OAI/oracleas1/jdk/jre/lib/i18n.jar:/du01/OAI/oracleas1/jdbc/lib/classes12.jar:/du01/OAI/oracleas1/jdbc/lib/nls_charset12.jar:/du01/OAI/oracleas1/jlib/oraclepki.jar:/du01/OAI/oracleas1/jlib/ojpse.jar oracle.aob.repository.Repomain"/>
    <category id="stop-parameters">
    <data id="stop-executable" value="/du01/OAI/oracleas1/jdk/jre/bin/java"/>
    <data id="stop-args" value="-classpath /du01/OAI/oracleas1/integration/interconnect/lib/oai.jar:/du01/OAI/oracleas1/jdk/jre/lib/i18n.jar:/du01/OAI/oracleas1/jdbc/lib/classes12.jar:/du01/OAI/oracleas1/jdbc/lib/nls_charset12.jar:/du01/OAI/oracleas1/jlib/oraclepki.jar:/du01/OAI/oracleas1/jlib/ojpse.jar oracle.aob.repository.Repomain -shutdown"/>
    <start timeout="600"/>
    <stop timeout="120"/>
    <process-type id="HUBDEV3-adapters" module-id="CUSTOM" working-dir="/du01/OAI/oracleas1/integration/interconnect/adapters/CRMAPPS">
    <variable id="JAVA_HOME" value=""/>
    <variable id="THREADS_FLAG" value="native"/>
    <variable id="PATH" value="/du01/OAI/oracleas1/jdk/jre/bin" append="true"/>
    <variable id="LD_LIBRARY_PATH" value="/du01/OAI/oracleas1/lib32" append="true"/>
    <process-set id="crmapps" numprocs="1">
    <variable id="LANG" value="en_US"/>
    <category id="start-parameters">
    <data id="start-executable" value="/du01/OAI/oracleas1/jdk/jre/bin/java"/>
    <data id="start-args" value="-server -Dadapter=CRMAPPS -DORBdisableLocator=true -ms8m -mx512m -classpath :/du01/OAI/oracleas1/integration/interconnect/lib/oai.jar:/du01/OAI/oracleas1/jdk/jre/lib/i18n.jar:/du01/OAI/oracleas1/jdbc/lib/classes12.jar:/du01/OAI/oracleas1/jdbc/lib/nls_charset12.jar:/du01/OAI/oracleas1/rdbms/jlib/aqapi.jar:/du01/OAI/oracleas1/rdbms/jlib/jmscommon.jar:/du01/OAI/oracleas1/lib/xmlparserv2.jar:/du01/OAI/oracleas1/jlib/oraclepki.jar:/du01/OAI/oracleas1/jlib/ojpse.jar:/du01/OAI/oracleas1/jdk/jre/lib/ext/mail.jar:/du01/OAI/oracleas1/jdk/jre/lib/ext/activation.jar:/du01/OAI/oracleas1/integration/interconnect/lib/UserDefinedTransforms.jar: oracle.oai.agent.service.AgentService"/>
    <category id="stop-parameters">
    <data id="stop-executable" value="/du01/OAI/oracleas1/jdk/jre/bin/java"/>
    <data id="stop-args" value="-mx64m -classpath /du01/OAI/oracleas1/integration/interconnect/lib/oai.jar oracle.oai.agent.proxy.ShutdownAgent persistence/Agent.ior"/>
    <start timeout="600"/>
    <stop timeout="120"/>
    Once I added the working-dir attribute to the process-type tag, things began to fall into place. working-dir is set to the directory location of the repository start script and I repeated the same for the crmapps adapter. My biggest clue came when I added the crmapps adapter to the opmn.xml and when I tried to start it, the log file indicated that it couldn't find the adapter.ini file. The rest came naturally after that breakthrough.
    It needs a bit of rejigging but so far, results are good.
    Message was edited by:
    Devious Scully

  • Comm Channel and Adapters

    My Scenario is RFC-XI-JDBC. I created one Message Interface, synchronous, abstract, and did the Interface mapping.
    I created sender comm channel, receiver comm channel. I configured Sender Adapter(RFC) and Receiver Adapter(JDBC).
    I have  a little confusion, do I need another two comm channels and another two sender(jdbc) and receiver(RFC) adapters.
    Thanks for the help.

    Hi Raj,
    As your scenario says that you are making use of sync communication. Using the same sender and receiver channel the request and response comm is handled. While you create the outbound interface you check the option of msg interface type as sync.
    So bottom line is you dont have to create two seperate channel to get the response from the JDBC adapter.
    Hope this answers your question.

  • DR Server Setup using GLVM/DB2 HADR and HACMP/XD.

    We have CI/DB of SAP ERP SR3 and SAP BI 7.0  SR3 based on AIX 6.1 / DB2 9.5 installed on two separate LPAR's ( one LPAR has ABAPJAVA ERP CI/DB and otherABAPJAVA BI CI/DB) in P570 system at main site.
    DR site is 20Kms away from main site IBM has proposed to setup Async GLVM for SAP instance & Async DB2 HADR for DB2 HACM/XD based cluster for above mentioned ERP and BI systems on two separate LPAR in P550 system at DR site.
    We have Monthly DB growth of approximately 8GB on ERP server and 12 GB on BI server.
    DR site is 20 Kilometers away from Main site and connected to main site via 8Mbps dedicated leased line.
    I would like to know if this proposal is workable with above mentioned DB growth over the limited bandwidth we have and with possibility of data loss using async setup.
    I would also appreciate if anyone forward me SAP best practice or recommend best way going forward for our environment, we intend to failover SAP and DB2 instance to DR site system which is 20 Kilometers apart from main site.
    Best Regards
    Mohammed Ashraf
    Edited by: Mohammed Ashraf on Mar 15, 2010 10:21 AM
    Edited by: Mohammed Ashraf on Mar 15, 2010 11:08 AM

    Since GLVM and HADR are both replicating data (LOGBUF in case of DB2) over the TCP/IP network, you need to compare the daily (or hourly or even more granular) data volume averages and peaks with the bandwidth of the pipe (which is 8MBps in your case). Theoretically, growth of 12 GB per month is not very high and should not really stress the bandwidth of your TCPIP connection but your network administrators will be able to give you a more detailed answer once you provide them with the amount of volume you expect to see flowing between the primary and the DR site. Since your replication is async, you should not really experience any issues due to workload peaks (provided there is enough bandwidth). We replicate one of our bolt-on (non-SAP) systems using HADR and "rsync" for the application files without any issues. The log volume and growth of this system is about 200 GB per month with about 2 GB of data moving across the wire every hour without any latency or performance problems.
    Hope this helps!
    - Sameer

  • DB2 V10 and column distributions

    Hi all,
    since a few some of our customers work with DB2 Version 10 in production.
    And now it seems that the explain functionality in the transaction sbde works a little bit fuzzy if it displays the column distributions.
    Here comes an example on table ICLCCEVENTB:
    column cardinality:
    |Column Name|Cardinality|
    |CLIENT     |         1 |
    |ACTIVE     |         1 |
    |CCEVENT    | 6.617.921 |
    |ROLE       |        22 |
    |BPARTNER   | 2.164.627 |
    |PHONEADDR  |         1 |
    |PHONEID    |         1 |
    |CHANGETIME | 1.031.781 |
    |CHANGEDBY  |     3.840 |
    |DELETED    |         3 |
    |NAME       | 1.451.192 |
    |DESCRIP    | 1.451.192 |
    |REFERENCE  |         1 |
    |Index          |Index Columns                      |1st Key|   Full Key|
    |ICLCCEVENTB~003|CLIENT,CCEVENT                     |     1 | 6.617.921 |
    column distributions.
    |Column Group                       |Low|High|Cardinality|Freq[%]|Type       |                                   
    |CLIENT,ACTIVE,CCEVENT,ROLE,BPARTNER|   |    |14.335.378 |    0,0|Cardinality| => obsolete, Full Key Index ~0    
    |CLIENT,ACTIVE,CCEVENT,ROLE,BPARTNER|   |    |14.269.582 |    0,0|Cardinality| ? CLIENT,ACTIVE, CCEVENT, ROLE    
    |CLIENT,ACTIVE,CCEVENT,ROLE,BPARTNER|   |    | 6.617.921 |    0,0|Cardinality| ? CLIENT,ACTIVE, CCEVENT          
    |CLIENT,ACTIVE,CCEVENT,ROLE,BPARTNER|   |    |         1 |    0,0|Cardinality| ? CLIENT,ACTIVE                   
    |CLIENT                             |xxx|xxxx|         1 |  100,0|Frequency  | ok                                
    But if i look into the catalog, i get the same data:
    select cardf,
      from sysibm.syscoldist
    where tbname = 'ICLCCEVENTB'
    | 2,6920730000E+06|0001000500000000000000...|        2 |-1,0000000E+00| CLIENT,BPARTNER
    | 4,1960410000E+06|0001000500040000000000...|        3 |-1,0000000E+00| CLIENT,BPARTNER,ROLE
    |-1,0000000000E+00|0001000500040000000000...|        1 | 1,0000000E+00| CLIENT,BPARTNER,ROLE
    | 1,4335378000E+07|0001000200030004000500...|        5 |-1,0000000E+00| CLIENT,ACTIVE,CCEVENT,ROLE
    | 1,4269582000E+07|0001000200030004000500...|        4 |-1,0000000E+00| CLIENT,ACTIVE,CCEVENT,ROLE
    | 6,6179210000E+06|0001000200030004000500...|        3 |-1,0000000E+00| CLIENT,ACTIVE,CCEVENT,ROLE
    | 1,0000000000E+00|0001000200030004000500...|        2 |-1,0000000E+00| CLIENT,ACTIVE,CCEVENT,ROLE
    select *
      from sysibm.syskeys
    where ixname like 'ICLCCEVENTB%'
    |ICLCCEVENTB~0  |SAPR3    |CLIENT  |   1 |    1 |A       |N      |      |      
    |ICLCCEVENTB~0  |SAPR3    |ACTIVE  |   2 |    2 |A       |N      |      |      
    |ICLCCEVENTB~0  |SAPR3    |CCEVENT |   3 |    3 |A       |N      |      |      
    |ICLCCEVENTB~0  |SAPR3    |ROLE    |   4 |    4 |A       |N      |      |      
    |ICLCCEVENTB~0  |SAPR3    |BPARTNER|   5 |    5 |A       |N      |      |      
    |ICLCCEVENTB~003|SAPR3    |CLIENT  |   1 |    1 |A       |N      |      |      
    |ICLCCEVENTB~003|SAPR3    |CCEVENT |   3 |    2 |A       |N      |      |      
    Has anyone an explanation for this ? Could be a bug in the runstats ?
    best regards

    The Note is available, the patches are not yet though. They will be added to the sp patch information once available. I think this might taje another week or two.
    Frohe Weihnachten ebenso.
    Regards, Joerg

  • Powercords and Adapters

    I spent 900 dollars on my iPhone 5.  I am stunned that you only give us one cord, knowing you changed it to a new one.  Seriously, you are making billions of dollars on us, do you really need to milk us on adapters and cords, too?  I switched to Apple from Droid, next time I am going back to Droid. You should have provided us with one free adaptor and 3 cords, since we all bought multiple cords to have at work, home, computer, car, etc.  And if you are not giving them, then give us coupons to get them for like 5 bucks, but to make us spend 100 dollars or more on accessories we already had is f'n lousy, rotten and greedy. 

    This is a user Helping user forum Apple never Read or Write there Justine from the tone of your post it seems younare adressening Apple or even Tim Cook himself
    Want their Ear

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    Go to Solution.

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