Dead Mac

I am having a problem getting my G5 to boot. Half the time when I turn it on I get no chime. The other half, I get the chime but the boot process does not continue. If I leave the computer on the fans begin to progressively get faster and louder after about 5 minutes. Anyone have an idea what could be happening? I've tried starting with various USB and Firewire components unplugged and have even gone to just a keyboard and mouse. No change. Can I get the computer to boot from an OSX CD? How do I open the tray? etc.. Thanks for any help.

Ok so I'm up and running again. I unplugged everything (power included) to blow the dust out of the case in the event I needed to take it in for service. Upon reconnecting the power (which reset the SMU), keyboard, and mouse I started up holding Option hoping to get to boot from my OSX cd. It was successful. The disk did not need repair according to Disk Utility and I repaired permissions. I'll restart from my G5 utility disc and put the system into repeated hardware diagnostics to make sure there aren't any intermittent hardware problems cropping up. Other than that I'll keep up with software diagnostics. Thanks for the help. I do have the Applecare plan on it until later this summer and I'm sure I'll renew it as well. Great peace of mind when you need it.

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    HI Jim,
    There's no way to deauthorize the software on a dead disk.

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    One thing you can try: plug in a USB mouse (a Bluetooth mouse won't work), hold down the left mouse button, and start up the system. Keep holding down the mouse button and with luck, after a minute or so, it will eject the disk.
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    OK, before we go any farther, is the flat-liner G5 liquid cooled?
    Actually, specific model information would probably help. Remove the big side panel and look at the tiny label at the bottom of the side of the computer. That will have, among other things, the serial number and some information as to the configuration of the computer when shipped. Using the serial number, you can get more specific information on the unit at
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    Thanks for the response! I will check the power supply, I should mention that when I insert the power cord into the unit I do see a little flash of current through the plug end, however when I press the power button it remains 'dead', no lights, no sound nothing. Will check the power supply though. Thanks again, this forum has really been a great help!!

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    Sorry - I wanted to clck "helped me" AND "solved my question, because it certainly did.
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    Disconnect the power adapter and remove the battery. Hold down the power button for 10 seconds. Reseat the battery and reconnect the power adapter.
    Press and release the power button to turn on the computer.
    After you release the power button immediately press and hold appleoption+PR until you hear the start up chime twice. Release the keys once you have heard it twice.
    If you do not get any sort of response contact Applecare and request service.

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    I appreciate any feedback.

    The driive enclosure required will be the SATA enclosure. (The IDE would be for a much older machine.) The best policy would be to take the extracted drive with you if you are shopping in person; that way the tech help on site can identify exactly the model needed. Just one word before opting for a FireWire enclosure: the newer Macs have FireWire 800 only, no longer FireWire 400 ; your old 15" had both ports but the new Mac will have only 800. That means you might need an adaptor cable 400 to 800 if the enclosure is 400. There will be no similar complication if it is  USB only. The advantage of FireWire is speed and Mac compatibility.
    Once you have this bit of kit, then you are ready to tackle the main task of Migration or simply copying to the new Mac.   

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    Hi Loner T,
    Thanks for your quick response. Yes the SSD was my boot drive on the Mac Pro.
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    Thanks for your help.

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    Hi James, any G3, G4, or G5 running the same OS version will be safe and work if it has built-in SATA, or a SATA card in it. An IntelMac may work if it's running Tiger, Leopard may cause problems if it requires any disk maintence/repair.
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    If the broken Mac won't run, you'll have to pull the drive and mount it in a Firewire or USB external case. Then, presuming that the drive is good, you should be able to get all the files from it. If it's just the screen on the Mac that's bad and it has Firewire (and isn't really old), you may still be able to start it up in Target Disk Mode and get it to mount the drive on your other Mac.
    Message was edited by: Dave Sawyer

  • Hard Disk Recovery from a Dead Mac Book Pro 13inch

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    When my daughter's MBP died due to drop-related damage, I removed the hard drive and placed it in this enclosure and she now connects it to her new MBP by the USB port when she wants material from the old drive.
    For less than $20 it is pretty hard to go wrong.

Maybe you are looking for