Dead strip

I have that dead strip problem (unresponsive line in touch) on my ipad2. I updated to ios 5.1.1 nothing happend. There no apple store in my country so i have to pay for the hardware. But do anyone know what i have to replace to solve the problem? Because the repair shop try to steal you. If anyone know i will be very Grateful. Plz

Your country not having Apple Stores doesn't mean it won't be serviced locally (prolly even for free). Most countries do have certified Apple service points.

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    Unless you put the phone in an ill fitting case or are using a defective screen protector, you have a defective phone and the only solution is to get it replaced. This is a hardware problem - unfortunately nothing you can do to fix it.
    BTW, this isn't something that occurs with "many iPhones", or something that "develops over time" with the iPhone 3G, unless the screen is damaged.

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    Thank you for the feedback. Do people actually buy iPhones with "dead strips?" On second thought, since I could use it as a second Sonos controller, I'd like to get it fixed after I purchase a new iPhone. Can you steer me in the right direction, to get it fixed? Website(s)?
    And as a small side note, AppleCare wasn't available on launch-day purchased iPhones until some months afterwards... so, by the time that it came out, I wasn't mindful of remembering to go and get it.
    Thanks again
    Message was edited by: Arturo Pena

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    I have a different question:
    Did you take the bad phone to Apple? The dead touchscreen strip is a well known problem, and reportedly Apple will replace certain serial numbers even after the warranty is over.
    [Touchscreen troubleshooting|]

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    I would try the following:
    - Make sure the screen is clean.
    - Reset the iPod:
    Press and hold the On/Off Sleep/Wake button and the Home
    button at the same time for at least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Restore the iPod via iTunes on your computer.  First restore from backup and if problems persist restore to factory defaults/new iPod.
    - Make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store to troubleshoot.
    Apple prices:
    Apple - Support - iPod - Repair pricing
    Some third-party places:
    iPhone Repair, Service & Parts: iPod Touch, iPad, MacBook Pro Screens - The iPad Repair Professionals

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    Hey there Steevet,
    It sounds like you are seeing some anomalous white lines on your screen. I would start by resetting your iPad with this process, and then test the issue again:
    To reset, press and hold both the Sleep/Wake and Home buttons for at least 10 seconds, until you see the Apple logo.
    Turn your iOS device off and on (restart) and reset
    If that does not resolve the issue, I would next backup your iPad with this article:
    iOS: How to back up and restore your content
    And restore it from your backup with this article:
    Use iTunes to restore your iOS device to factory settings
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.

  • My IPad has a dead strip on the touch screen.

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    Even hermits love there iPads! If you are not use to computers  and the like ,maybe take a trip the the Apple store 3 hours away and do some of the free classes the run. I am sure you will learn heaps and find it very interesting. 

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    I think it will all be up to the opinion of the prospective buyer. He/she will have the last word on it.
    Steve M.

  • Iphone dead screen

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    Any help would be great, thanks.

    I restored the iphone to factory settings through itunes yesterday. Turned the phone on and tried to use the keyboard in the emergency calls only area. The top row of numbers could not be pressed, the touch screen would not respond.
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    Thanks, Rick
    Message was edited by: jekyoo_style

    My phone has a similar problem. There is a dead strip along the screen that has been noted in several internet publications, but Apple hasn't completely responded on it yet.
    Drop damage -- no way, but my phone has a dead strip across the screen right over the Clock, Calculator, Notes and Settings sections so I cannot touch any of these at all. This also affects my ability to press "Send" in the text message screen, as well as the numbers 7,8, and 9 on my keypad, and interrupts my scrolling capabilities in almost every application on the phone. FRUSTRATING.
    Took it to Apple store and because I had a 3 scuffs -- don't let your girlfriend hold it in her purse, keys and such -- I was denied my warranty. That makes me go CRAZY, especially since I've had the phone for 4 months, it was $600, and the problem has been documented in multiple news publications such as CNN Money!!!
    that is where you can see the exact same problem as mine is published!!!
    If any advice can be given on this subject on how to talk to the Apple store about this, it would be much appreciated. These young punk "geniuses" aren't really giving me much help. Let me know if you find a solution, man.

  • AT&T contract reset on Activation (of existing iPhone)

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    Then I called AT&T to verify that this re-picking of a plan didn't hose up what we already had and I specifically asked about the 2yr contract not getting reset to day 1. Low and behold they said yes it did change it to a new 2yr and they dated it back. I asked to what date. They said Feb9th. "What", I said. Sorry, but that is the day I got the "loaner" which had to be activated (though it didn't make me pick a plan like my wifes returned one did, it just went to activate and then was ready to go). So I told them that was the date I got the loaner, and that I got our iPhones on Jun 29th of 2007 (day 1 of sales). She reviewed the records and saw that fact so dated back the contract to my real day 1. So I am good and fine now there.
    However it got me thinking. If the loaner (which had her SIM in it) when it had to Activate caused my contract to reset. Do each re-activation do that? If so, does that mean contracts are getting reset all over the place with Firmware updates that cause reactivation?
    So I post this here to see if others wish to take the time to call AT&T (US customers that is) and ask about where their contract stands. Are dates changing for others? I would like to think it isn't doing it for firmware updates, but what about those here that have had to send a phone back and used a loaner. Did their dates change due to loaner activation like mine did?

    Got this reply in the AT&T forums
    I think there is a current known issue with all activations resetting contracts, even in cases (like yours) where a reset contract is not valid. Should be resolved soon, if it hasn't been already
    While that is just from a person there, it is a semi active user so they may of seen reports of it already there. But this is handy to know that there is an issue with re-activations of some sort or another. At least I know when my contract is supposed to end, though I have had AT&T forever and don't really plan on changing anytime soon.

  • Problems with iPhone Result of Bad Music???

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    As time went on, the problem got more frequent and more involved. The phone might work fine all day, but as soon as someone tried to call, it starting going nuts, even after the call was over. None of the applications would respond to my touch and in the rare case that they opened, they would run incredibly slow and crash. The phone would freeze and need to be restarted. In the more recent days, during the restart, in which the only buttons I'm holding are the sleep/wake and home, my music would spontaneously start playing, starting alphabetically with the first artist on my list with no controls for me to stop it.
    Most of the time, after a restart, the phone would continue to work fine, until a call comes in and starts the process all over...
    After failing an attempt to fix the problems by deleting many songs and videos to clear up some room on the hard drive, I decided to restore my iPhone, as I have done once before, but this time not syncing with previously backed up data. I allowed iTunes to erase all the contents of my phone and then manually put most things back on. Since then, the phone has been working flawlessly. However, there is one problem remaining...I have not put any of my music back on the phone.
    And now I am afraid to!! Even though all that same music has been on my phone for 3 months, and only now have I begun to experience problems, is it possible that the iPhone operating system is more fragile and more vulnerable to bad files that might otherwise work fine on my computer? I have no viruses on my computer, and I have never installed any of these problematic third party applications on my phone. And if it's not the music, what else could be causing these problems???

    This is exactly what apple care is for. Why delay and torture yourself when you can take it in and either have it fixed or have it replaced?
    Take it in to Apple

  • Ipod touch not recognized in windows after reset

    I just reset my ipod touch in itunes and now it's not recognizing it. i was updating to 2.2.1 firmware and i never got past the update. it's hung on that screen that has the usb and cd. and windows keeps saying found new hardware and wants a driver. my ipod does not work now. how do i get windows to recognize it so i can finish the update.
    I'm on xp 64 bit. and yes i'm using a hacked version of itunes. but it worked with this update before. i actually had the 2.2.1 firmware on it already but i needed to reset the ipod because i have a dead strip i was hoping a reset would fix. now nothing works.

    I uninstalled iTunes, rebooted, and reinstalled.  Now, the iPod is being recognized by iTunes.  Hopefully, it will remain recognized the next time I reboot Windows.  I'd hate to have to uninstall/reinstall each time.
    But, I'm using a beta operating system, and knew the ramafications when I installed it.  So, whatever happens, happens.  Thank you for responding.   Jd

  • Missing vertical line of pixels

    My 4G 40GB ipod appears to be on its deathbed.
    I have a 40GB 4G and the screen has a dead strip veritically thru the middle. A seperate area later appears on the right side about a pencil eraser wide. After not using for an hour or so, the right sided defect goes back to a hair thick.

    i am going to the mac store to see about replacing the screen through apple, will they do that?
    Your iPod is out of warranty. If you ask Apple. they'll simply quote you a price for a replacement iPod.
    Look here for prices.
    will they do that? in store perhaps?
    No, definately not.
    would you know of any companies that provide replacement screens
    Here's one I found by Googling.

  • Helix Touchscreen problems

    I have previously posted in a differnt thread about problems I have intermittently closing apps on my Helix using the touch gesture of swiping down from the top of the screen to the bottom but didn't get a response.
    Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Sometimes cleaning the screen fixes it. Sometimes restarting fixes it. Sometimes restarting the WTabletServiceISD service fixes it. Lately, however, these fixes have been working less and less.
    A bit of further investigation shows that the problem seems to be a dead horizontal strip along the middle of ths screen that fails to recognise swipe gestures (though it still recognises tap gestures). A couple of things show this up. For instance, I should be able to draw a highlight "box" over my desktop background by swiping diagonally to trace out a rectangle. When I do that, it the rectangle stops and disappears when I hit the 'dead' strip in the centre of the screeen. The other thing that shows it up clearly is drawing by finger using One Note. Finger-drawn lines starting above or below the dead strip stop as soon as my finger reaches it. I can only start drawing again by taking my finger off the screen and starting again. I will post a screen shot in a separate post of what this look like - you will clearly see the blank strip in the middle where the lines just fail to draw.
    The strange thing is that this dead strip is only dead to lines drawn by using finger swips. If I switch to using the stylus to draw lines, then the dead strip disappears.
    Anyone know if there is a way to fix things, or if I simply have no option but to return the Helix for a repair?!11316&authkey=!AGqIkvpPeTCwJy4
    Here's link to a Word doc with a screen grab of the problem as shown using One Note.
    I would be really grateful for any advice to get this fixed.

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