Dear Apple, I need help with my 3Gs. Urgently!

Dear Apple,
I've got a bog-standard 3Gs 16GB for nearly a year now. I've enjoyed using it every single day. Until yesterday, that is. Until update 4.3.1 came along. What happened, you might ask. Well, my battery drains in 7 hours flat. And I mean, completely. Without using the phone, that is! If putting the phone in airplane mode and not touching it, it lasts the same 7 hours: before hitting the sack last night, it was charged to the brim. This morning it was on a mere 12%. Having used firmware version 4.3 since it came out without any problems, this is insane, nuts. My iPhone has been rendered "completely" useless (using it just for phone calls, gives a battery life a barely 4 hours!).
I know there's no official way to revert to a previous firmware version. So here's my appeal: Help me please, please, please.

robenroute wrote:
Oh dear, oh dear. Had I written "Dear Lord", instead of "Dear Apple", would you have said the good Lord isn't reading these forums?
Yes, if you also said you thought the "Lord" followed the forum, as you repeatedly (and incorrectly) said about Apple following it. What sense does it make when you clearly were addressing Apple in your first post, defended that by claiming Apple is reading your post, and now say you weren't expecting a response from them. You're talking in circles.
Don't you understand I'm at the end of my wits? My iPhone has just been rendered practically useless...
Yet you don't want to do anything about it except whine. Several troubleshooting steps were suggested to you, and it remains unclear what you've actually done except a futile attempt to downgrade to 4.3. You were also advised of the liklihood of hardware failure if restoring as new didn't help. Your last step is to get it replaced.

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    brooklynnsmom wrote:
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    On my PC I have my iPhone and my girlfriends iPod. The easiest way is when you load up iTunes, hold down the SHIFT key, you will get a window appearing asking you if you want to create a library or choose one. I assume you and your mom have separate libraries?
    If so then you need to locate your library by clicking on the CHOOSE LIBRARY tab and going to its location, if you are logged into Windows on your user account the library is usually in USERNAME (whatever you are called) MUSIC/iTunes, in there you will see a file called iTunes Library.itl this is what you need to choose.
    Now when you have done the above, anything you add on to your iPhone will be totally separate to your moms and vice versa. Just remember that when your mom connects her iPhone that she would need to choose her library file so as to not alter your library file. If your mom is logged in on her user account then this will be in the same folder has I have described above.
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    Here is the little window you should see when you hold down the SHIFT key when iTunes loads:

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    | ABC | 001 | SR | BS |
    | AAA | 002 | FR | BS |
    | BBBB | 050 | JR | BS |
    | CC | 033 | CL | MS |
    | ZZZZ | 201 | SO | BS |
    | cname | cnum | prof | hrs |
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    | DS | 146 | PPP | 4.0 |
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    Hi guys, been reading your forums, blogposts, etc and am getting more confused.  I'm just a video girl trying to produce meaningful content through web videos for small to mid sized businesses and want to come over from the dark side. 
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    Multicore Intel processor with 64-bit support
    Mac OS X v10.6.8, v10.7, or v10.8**
    4GB of RAM (8GB recommended)
    4GB of available hard-disk space for installation; additional free space required during installation (cannot install on a volume that uses a case-sensitive file system or on removable flash storage devices)
    Additional disk space required for preview files and other working files (10GB recommended)
    1280x900 display
    7200 RPM hard drive (multiple fast disk drives, preferably RAID 0 configured, recommended)
    OpenGL 2.0–capable system
    DVD-ROM drive compatible with dual-layer DVDs (SuperDrive for burning DVDs; Blu-ray burner for creating Blu-ray Disc media)
    QuickTime 7.6.6 software required for QuickTime features
    Optional: Adobe-certified GPU card for GPU-accelerated performance
    Any responses would be great.  I know you guys are busy answering the really high end tech questions

    All the current iMac models (both 21.5" and 27" with OS X Mt. Lion 10.8) will run CS4, 5.5 and 6 just fine.  They will also run Final Cut Pro X just fine.  Ditto for most any application you may want to use.
    Below are some notes (specific to your apparent requirements) that may help you with your purchase decision:
    Notes on purchasing a 21.5" iMac
    All 21.5" iMacs come with 8GB RAM but you cannot add more later.  I strongly suggest getting the maximum RAM (16GB) when you order the iMac.
    The basic hard drive is a 1TB 5400rpm drive.  It will work fine with Adobe CS but you will probably want the added speed of the optional 1TB Fusion drive for better performance. Some people will recommend/argue for one of the optional SSD drives instead, but they are very expensive and still only come in relatively small capacities - I don't recommend the SSD drives.  Get the Fusion drive and spend any extra money on a good external hard drive for backup and/or extra storage instead of an SSD.
    Notes on purchasing a 27" iMac
    All 27" iMacs come with 8GB RAM and you can add more later, up to 32GB
    The basic hard drive is a 1TB 7200rpm drive - it will be fine with Adobe CS.  There are upgrade options to a 3TB 7200rpm drive or a 1TB or 3TB fusion drive - these will be fine also.  There are also SSD drive options, but I do not recommend them. (Same comments as above.)
    Notes on all the current iMacs
    iMacs no longer come with built-in CD/DVD drives.  If you need one, you will need to purchase the Apple Superdrive accessory drive ($79)
    All of the iMac graphic processors (GPU's) are compatible with Adobe CS 4, 5.5, 6
    It is very difficult to impossible to change or upgrade the hard drive later on, so don't buy low-end thinking you can add a better internal hard drive later.
    Be aware that Macs always come with the latest (most recent) version of OS X.  And OS X Mavericks (10.9) is due to be released soon (in the next month or two).  There is no guarantee that the older Adobe CS 4 or 5.5 versions will run on OS X Mavericks.  If you cannot upgrade to CS 6 in the near future, you may want to purchase now rather than after OS X Mavericks is released.
    For what it's worth, I'd recommend the 27" iMac if your budget can afford it.  You will appreciate the larger screen size and added capabilities over the years you will use the computer.

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    Get the manual at
     Cheers, Tom

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