Default browser greyed and reverting

trying to get a unique & precise subject there..
im having trouble setting my default browser.
i know from the posts that the system wide setting is in safari. i've also tried (as per a post i read) to get rid of "" but it always reverts. it not only reverts to safari but also the setting is greyed out and i cant change it..
i think that it might have something to do with the fact that there are 2 admins on this machine but i could just be making that up..
any ideas?

Chukki wrote:
Thanks for the suggestion.
I deleted the preferences with no change.. Created a new user and again it was greyed out.
sorry, if the same is happening on a new user it's a system wide problem and a strange one at that. I really don't know what could be causing this or how one might fix it short of doing an archive and install.
An interesting thing is that when I re-install Firefox, the Safari preference automatically reverts to the default web browser as Firefox... even if I have a volume mounted with Firefox on it, the OS will try and open that remote application. This says to me that that preference is indeed stored somewhere else whilst being managed by Safari.
that's true. it's stored in launch services database which is specific to every user. since you say your computer is stand alone and you are not using managed users I can't imagine what else could do this and why it would affect a newly created user.

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    There are a few different ways a site could take over your home page. Those include:
    (1) Changing your setting<br>
    (2) An add-on<br>
    (3) Hijacking your Firefox shortcut
    '''For #1''', you probably have already checked, but just in case:
    * [[Startup, home page and download settings]]
    * [[How to set the home page]]
    You can use the Home button or open a new window (Ctrl+n) to test the change.
    Note that malware can create a file that will revert your settings at startup. This article describes how to track down any such user.js file: [[How to fix preferences that won't save]].
    '''For #2''', try this:
    Disable ALL nonessential or unrecognized extensions on the Add-ons page. Either:
    * Ctrl+Shift+a
    * orange Firefox button (or Tools menu) > Add-ons
    In the left column, click Extensions. Then, if in doubt, disable.
    Usually a link will appear above at least one disabled extension to restart Firefox. You can complete your work on the tab and click one of the links as the last step.
    '''For #3''', if you only get the unwanted page on startup and not when you use the Home icon or open a new window (Ctrl+n), check here: right-click your desktop shortcut for Firefox > Properties > Shortcut tab. For 64-bit Windows, the Target should be the following, no more, no less:
    "C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe"
    Any luck?

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    Microsoft Windows 7, Service Pack 1, Fully updated to 4/10/2012
    Fresh Install of Firefox 11. No add-ons enabled as a result of troubleshooting.
    I am a user with administrator rights
    UAS is disabled.
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    All cases:
    Firefox is selected as the default browser for windows 7
    Case 1: Open a firefox session. Utilize any other program that attempts to open a link to their website in a new browser window or new browser session. Experience "Firefox is already running" error
    Case 2: Open a firefox session. Right click on Firefox on the task bar. Select "open in new window". Experience "Firefox is already running" error
    Case 3: Open a firefox session. Select the Firefox Menu > New tab > New Window. A new window will actually open.
    This is the only method of opening a new window in the same browser session or profile that actually works on my system. Attempting to open a browser session from the task bar "open new window dialog" or opening a new window while a current window/session is running will not open firefox in a new window or a new tab in the current session. The "Firefox is already running, but is not responding" error will occur every time.

    Cor-el's suggestion resolved my problem. Apparently the MOZ_NO_REMOTE variable was set to 1 on my system variables. I never made it, and really have no idea how it got there, but deleting this variable and restarting firefox has resolved the issue. Thanks Cor-el!
    Marking case: Solved
    Solution: Verify the MOZ_NO_REMOTE variable is NOT set to 1. This can be achieved by simply deleting this variable.

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    Error is as follows: Line: 63 Char: 4344 Error: Unable to get value of the property 'offsetHeight': object is null or undefined Code: 0 URL: event/yuiloader-dom-event.js&2.8.0/build/dragdrop/dragdrop- min.js&2.8.0/build/stylesheet/stylesheet- Do you want to continue running scripts on this page? Y/N buttons."

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    This problem just arose for me today. Very frustrating. Tried all of the suggestions here without success. Then a very simple solution came to me:
    UNINSTALL CHROME. I haven't used Chrome for a long while anyway since it seems to have chronic problems of one sort or another. Firefox does 95% of what I need, and Internet Explorer can handle the other 5%.
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    My problem is this:
    I run a Google search, say, "youtube somesong", and from the hit list returned from google I
    pick some selection. Youtube launches and plays the video without problems.  However, when
    i click on any of the alternate videos from the page's  vertical list, only the name of the chosen video
    appears beneath the video I just watched.  The new selection itself is not loaded by Safari.
    This occurs for any selection I choose.  My way around this problem is to force a Safari reload of
    the page by using the keyboard shortcut, Command-R.  This fills in the old video window with the
    video I just chose.  Can I conclude that this is a Safari issue alone, or is it a Safari/Youtube combo gotcha?  Anyway, the present condition *****.
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    deleted the Cache, Cookies, and Local Storage from the Privacy settings under
    System Preferences. I have also tested the problem by running Safari in 32 bit mode (no luck there).
    If anyone out there has experienced this scenario, I sure could use a little help here.

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    I contacted my service provider and they said that Explorer 9 was not compatible with them as it is in Beta form and also in test mode.
    They suggested that I remove Explorer 9 and install Firefox, which I did. Then they said it was a good idea to have more than one browser at a time and to go into the Microsoft site and download Explorer 8.
    I tried this and it would not let me go back to Explorer 8 only forward to 9 which I reinstalled.
    After all of this my Homepage only fills up the middle of my screen and I have empty space on either side of the picture. When I browse, the site I go to opens up to full page, but the print is much smaller than before.
    I don't know what I installed to make my viewing so much smaller or my homepage to shrink.
    Also do I really need 2 browsers or can I just go with Firefox?
    If so, how will not having Internet Explorer affect my browsing?
    Firefox is set as my default browser and I am enjoying using it, I just wish I had my Homepage back to full screen!

    When going to a website the picture was small - tried changing the Zoom size , tried Zoom Reset - the text did change size but the layout distorts - found under View - Zoom - Zoom Text Only was checked --- Removed this check mark and the website returned to normal size and Zoom worked normally again. I am 99.9999% sure I did NOT check this myself and there is no one else on the computer to cause it. Maybe this will help.

  • I set Firefox as default browser, and now IE is gone. How do I get it back?

    I downloaded the current version of Foxfire and set it as my default browser. I need to apply for work and many companies only support IE. I clicked on IE and only Foxfire opens on that icon. I can't find my IE, my bookmarks there are gone and I can't apply for the jobs! I took Firefox off as default browser, but it didn't bring back the IE. I am very unhappy at this point and need help!
    == This happened ==
    Every time Firefox opened
    == when I set Firefox as my default browser

    After a lot of messing around with settings, and different windows, I found that it's only the desktop icons that are defaulting to open the Firefox browser. If you go to your program list, and open IE there, it works and all the bookmark info is still there.

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