Default/package/none access modifier

I was hoping for some discussion on the default/package/none access modifier. It's always really bugged me that we have public, private, protected, and then "none", while it seems to me that it would be less confusing, and more consistent to use the keyword "package", or maybe even "default".
Then, source code would look like
public class MyClass{
    public int getValue() {}
    private void setValue() {}
    protected void someMethod() {}
    package int justForPackage() {}
}I know this concept has come up before, but the books I've read which mention this topic haven't offered any actaul justification/explanation for why there isn't some keyword.
Anyway, are there any insights as to why java is this way, and any reasons why java should or shouldn't be changed to include the package access modifier.

A good example is within a tightly grouped package (usually should be this way) you may have some cooperative classes that access methods.
// one .java file
public class SomeHelper {
   private void method() {
     new ClassForUsers().accessHiddenLogic();
// next .java file in same package
public ClassForUsers {
    /* default-access */ void accessHiddenLogic() {
}But, you may want to allow users to subclass your ClassForUsers, without giving them access to the hidden logic method directly:
// another .java file in a different package
public class UsersSubclass extends ClassForUsers {
    public void userMethod() {
        // can't do this
}This could be for either business logic or security reasons. So, package level access can be very useful. However, I've seen that in practice it is avoided because it isn't obvious what is going on.

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    The above declaration does compile.

    shamrock08 wrote:
    The answer at the back says that the above is illegal because defaultis not a keyword. [It is|], it is just not one [related access|].
    The above declaration does compile.It does not in Eclipse. Lets see your compiling code.
    Nevertheless you could write default String s; couldn't you?

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    So I produced the following code (I don't think i set this up right):
    package pack1;
    public class A {
         public int pub_a;
         private int priv_a;
         protected int prot_a;
         int def_a;
         public int pub_func1() {return 1;}
         private int priv_func1() {return 2;}
         protected int prot_func1() {return 3;}
         int def_func1() {return 4;}
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    import pack1.A;
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         public     int pub_b;
         private int priv_b;
         public int pub_func2() { return 5; }
         private int priv_func2() { return 6; }
         //directly inherited fields, at least one should be accessible?
         pub_a = 1;
         priv_a = 1;
         prot_a = 1;
         def_a = 1;
         int i;
         // directly inherited methods, at least one should be accessible?
         i = pub_func1();
         i = priv_func2();
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         //not sure what's accessible here, as no error red underlines appear
         a.pub_a = 1;
         a.priv_a = 1;
         a.prot_a = 1;
         a.def_a = 1;     
    }I would be interested to know how one would approach and address this problem.

    package pack2;
    import pack1.A;
    public class B extends A{
         public     int pub_b;
         private int priv_b;
         public int pub_func2() { return 5; }
         private int priv_func2() { return 6; }
         //directly inherited fields, at least one should be accessible?
         pub_a = 1;//true
         priv_a = 1;// false
         prot_a = 1;//true
         def_a = 1;//false
         int i;
         // directly inherited methods, at least one should be accessible?
         i = pub_func1();//true
         i = priv_func2();//false
         A a = new A();
         //not sure what's accessible here, as no error red underlines appear
         a.pub_a = 1;//true
         a.priv_a = 1;//false
         a.prot_a = 1//false;
         a.def_a = 1;//false
    }Edited by: fun_with_me on May 31, 2008 8:30 AM

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    I didnt get you, please explain the topic properly.... I think classes can have only public and default as an access modifier, is it rite??? That's right. Look at [this,|] it will give you a better understanding of the topic than you'd get from me answering your question.

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    Access Specifier are used to specifiy how the member variable ,methods or class to other classes.They are public ,private and protected.
    Access Modifier:
    2.Non Access
    public ,private,protected and default.
    Non Access:
    abstract,final,native,static,synchronized,transient,volatile and strictfp

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    The default access is the same for top level classes that do not specify access explicitly as for other identifiers. Package.
    This single source file will create two class files in the same package. Only other classes in the package can see these top level package access classes.
    And, yes, this is a bad idea. In the case of some build tools, errors in a compile can cause the public class to compile, but the package class to fail. After that, the compiler will not be able to determine what source file to compile for the package level class. This is an error that confuses many developers. I do not recommend this practice. Put each top level class in its own source file.
    � {�                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

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    Thank you,

    Some prefer to grant or limit access to an object by the interface they expose. In this case all methods are either public or private. Access is restricted based on the fact that only the appropriate code is given references of certain interface types and if code does not have the right interface, they can not access the method.
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    -for methods
    -for member variables
    Thanks in advance,

    Friendly. Accessible to any other classes in the package.

  • Access Modifiers, Package declaration

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    package abc;
    class A{
    package abc;
    class B extends A{
    When I tried to compile, A compiled successfully. But when compiling B, it gives an error Cannot find symbol for class A.... I think it should be visible as both class access modifiers are (default). Why do I get this error????
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    i tried a lot..... does classpath affects compilation??? can u correct dis???If we're going to make the effort to help you, you could show willing and make the effort to spell out all your words and generally make your sentences as easy to understand as possible.
    Yes, the classpath affects compilation as the link provided shows. YOU can correct this.
    e:\one\>javac -classpath e:\one\cert
    The classpath points at directories (or JAR files) not Java source files. Read the link.

  • Not  able to access default package classes in own package

    I created a class called in default package(no package ).
    I have in util package.
    I am trying to use the in my like below..
    public class Constant
         public static final String NEW = "01";
    package util;
    import Constant;
    public class Connection
    I am unable to compile the class Connection. My question here is Won't I able to access default package in my util package.. ?

    java_guy04 wrote:
    Djaunl , I understand.
    but, Will I able to access default package in my util package.. ? is this correct.No, you won't be able to use classes out of the "default" package.
    Because, AFAIK, if you use a classname that you haven't imported, Java automatically attempts to locate this class in the same package as the current class. It does not check the "default" package (unless that is also the current package), and since the "default" package does not have a package name, you can't import those classes either.

  • Access Class in Default Package

    Make long story short, I have to have some class in the "(default package)", related to JNI, and I will need to pass data back and forth from and to these classes from some packaged classes. I am using Java 1.4. As I know since Java 1.4, it's not possible to access classes in default package from packaged classes directly. Is there a work around? please help...

    I DON'T have the C/C++ codeSo you have to do with the "old" classes in the default package.
    Then use jschell's suggestion to devise proxying code that allow bridging between the packages.
    since Java 1.4, I can't call the java class in the default package from packaged class any moreIf I understand jschell's post, this restriction is enforced by the Java compiler , not by the Java interpreter (JVM). Indeed this is specified in the JLS (Java Language Specifications,, not the JVM specifications (I have not verified that latter point).
    So if you get an older JDK (before 1.4 they would accept the construct), you can try writing proxy classes within a named package, proxying to the old classes in the unnamed package. Once they are compiled, and jarred together for convenience, you can switch back to the current compiler (let's says 1.6) to compile the rest of your application classes, which only use the classes in the named package, using the jar as a library.
    When executing the program, the JVM will execute everything without complaining, since it supports execution of compiled code that has been compiled with former versions.

  • Doubt on 'default' access modifier

    How JRE access the main method even if the class has 'default' access.
    ie, following run without declaring the class as public.
    As per my understanding only classes in the same package access the method. Is the 'default' package belong to JRE ?
    class a {
    public static void main(String args[]){

    I am getting following error when I tried to run from command prompt.
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: HelloWorldApp
    (Unsupported major.minor version 50.0)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass0(Native Method)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source)
    at Source)
    at Source)
    at$100(Unknown Source)
    at$ Source)
    at Method)
    at Source)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
    at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
    at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(Unknown Source)

  • Access Modifier: Only Subclass, not package wide?

    Hello fellow programmers
    I'm looking for an access modifier that allows access to a method or member only from a class and it's subclasses. So it must be weaker than private because subclasses have access and stronger than protected because I don't want it to be accessible package wide.
    Is there such a modifier in Java?
    Der Hinterwaeldler

    There used to be in a very early version of the language but it was dropped for clarity. IIRC it was called "private protected." Now you have to settle for "protected."
    This makes kind of sense since you have more control over the classes in your own package than over the subclasses that are not necessarily written by you ... If you can't trust other classes in the same package maybe you should put the class in a new package...

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    if its not possible means why?
    thanx in advance

    why its not allowing to access?, is there practical
    problem to find the current folder while loading the
    classI guess it's to discourage from usage of the default package.
    You can't import the default package. It's not something that would be hard to implement. Classes in the default package were actually accessible in the first versions of Java.

  • Accessing default package in own package ****

    I created a class called in default package(no package ).
    I have in util package.
    I am trying to use the in my like below..
    public class Constant
    public static final String NEW = "01";
    package util;
    import Constant;
    public class Connection
    I am unable to compile the class Connection. My question here is Won't I able to access default package in my util package.. ?

    You indeed can't import from the default package.

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