Defining Approval Steps in STMS

I've defined the STMS QA Approval Procedure, and today I'm using the approval step "Approved by system administrator", where such users need special authorization values to approve requests in QA (S_CTS_ADMI with TADM and TQAS). Someone can help me to identify the difference between the approval steps "Approved by user department" and "Approved by system administrator"? Is the difference only related to required authorization values?

Activating the "approved by department" means that it is "sufficient" to perform the QA approval step with authorization value QTEA.
TADM also still works for system admins (e.g. basis guys in client 000, etc...) so you will need to take away this stronger authorization for the more granular control to be available for the users who are to be limited to it.
Typically, this is the QA department, who typically do procedural type of checks, and typically don´t have anything to do with tp...
What was wrong with the "request owner"? Too complicated? User´s changing the owner?
If I remember correctly, you cannot remove the system admin check - you need to remove the access.

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    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Aleksandra,
    Did you ever find a solution to this issue.  I too have multiple QA systems in our landscape (4 system landscape), and yet I can not defined system/client specific approval procedures in STMS.
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    Hello Anton,
    it's not so much skipping as doing it only when needed.
    In your approval workflow, you create one of the approval steps with mandatory (or automatic) risk analysis.
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    Thanks & regards,

    These values are defined in the approval status profile IT000003, You can change there.
    But be very cautious, remove the corresponding actions, checks and ppf actions too.

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    session as DirectorySession = DirectorySession.currentEngineSession
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  • How to use the Validate step for Approve step

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    1) Approve the records by approver and then it should send it to the next step for further processing
    1.1)  if the approver did not approve the record it should send a error message until the record is approved. So it should not send it to the next step when record is not approved
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    Thanks & Regards
    Edited by: sireesha esukapalli on Jun 17, 2008 2:48 PM

    Hi ,
      I have set the validation property to "None".
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    Thanks & Regards
    Edited by: sireesha esukapalli on Jun 24, 2008 2:18 PM

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    I'd like to attach a screenshot of the log to be clearer...
    Thanks in advance and best regards,

    I had a similar issue a while back for a condition. The first step after the left branch somehow returned to the right branch, it looked pretty weird in the workflow log.
    I then wrote an OSS message and in the end someone fixed it, it was caused by corrupt data in some of the nodes tables, SAP couldn't tell me how this was possible though.
    Other times this can happen if you're on DEV with a couple of WF developers, it then helps to refresh all of the buffers or even logging of and logging in again.
    Kind regards, Rob Dielemans

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    Hi Alexa,
    We have had a similar questions raised in a project. In an ideal world, a single "Sign-off approval" would be a great functionality where the same user has to approve the same consecutive stages, but the reason for different stages would entail that the responsibilities entailed per stage differ, e.g. Line Manager would just check the over request, and the role owner etc may be reviewing the elegibility of a specifc role etc.
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    The AP invoice approval used AME rules for finding the approver. You can base you AME rules on virutally anything.
    In this particular case, you can base your AME rules on one of the followings:
    1. If any of the Distribution Accounts contain Fixed Assets natural account
    2. You can define a separate document category which should be used with invoices for FA Purchase and use the category in AME rules to find approver
    3. You can have a DFF at the Invoice Header level to indicate that this is a fixed asset purchase invoice and have this DFF to be used in AME rules.

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    I tried using following FMs but in vain
    SAP_WAPI_WORKITEM_COMPLETE - It does complete the WI but does not send the result (approve / reject back to workflow)
    SAP_WAPI_SET_WORKITEM_COMPLETD - Not of use for this requirement
    SAP_WAPI_DECISION_COMPLETE - Used to complete dialod step and not Form step.
    Thanks in advance.
    -- Amit

    Can you clear us what kind of workitem it is  I mean is it a decision workitem? or a workitem which needs a user interaction? e.t.c if it is a decision workitem and after completing the decision step programatically, if at all you want to continue to the next step of teh workflow then you have to sue the FM SAP_WAPI_DECISION_COMPLETE  in the importing parameter DECISION_KEY you have to sepcify the value, 0001 for Approve 0002 for Reject 0003 for Review.
    Ooops sorry to ask you again what type of step it is , you mentioned it in the question , but when it is a form step with APPROVE or REJECT then the FM SAP_WAPI_DECISION_COMPELTE works

  • Adhoc Approval Step

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    Which SRM version are you using??Please see if the foll notes help:
    1090619 - Problem creating ad hoc agents, no users in wf nodes.
    903200 Note for approval status not getting updated
    910612 additional note fro SC approval BADI's and WF's
    649551 Approval status not getting updated-related note for SP8
    690716 Approval status not getting updated-related note for SP8
    930750 restart of classic WF's(issue is with Support pack 9)
    525577 Approval Preview - Details for approver not displayed.
    Note 999528 - Adding Ad Hoc Approver fails due to comit error
    Note 952108 - Incorrect error message when approvers are entered
    Note 809157 - BBPPREVIEW: Error "Value too large" as of fourth approver
    Note 994735 - All BAdI workflows: ApprovalIndex does not begin with 1
    Note 924064 - FM BBP_WFL_DIN_FILL_APPROVER: Approvers may be incorrect
    Note 983128 - Approval WF Fragment Has No User Assignment
    related links:
    SRM 4.0 : Limit PO not showing Approver in Approval Preview
    After Add Approver by Approver Preview
    Re: SC item approval - Approval preview does not display approvers
    <b>Pls reward points for useful answers.</b>

  • Page not found or displayed in the approve step

    Hi all
    when i am performing the approve step then i am able to do the mark as approved step. but there is no stop button is displayed for me when the approver wants to stop the task after marking as approved.
    how to gets displayed the stop button in the UWL task. is there anything required to assign permissions??

    Hi Sunil,
    when i am performing the approve step then i am able to do the mark as approved step. but there is no stop button is displayed for me when the approver wants to stop the task after marking as approved.
    how to gets displayed the stop button in the UWL task. is there anything required to assign permissions??
    According to me,
    You need to click on the Next Step. The Workflow will automatically reach the Stop step. It will not show as a button to be clicked. Go to the UWL and check the status of the Workflow. Hopefully you will find it as Stopped.
    Hope it helps.
    *Please reward points if helpful.
    Thanks and Regards
    Nitin Jain

  • Assign step after Approve step can't execute automatically

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    Is there way to let Assign step execute automatically after Approve step is completed?

    Thanks for the posting. I am using MDM 5.5 SP4, maybe that is the reason. Assignment works fine if I manually perform it during the workflow. But it can't execute automatically as part of the workflow. it needs manual execution. Do you think this will be resolved if I upgrade to SP5? Is SP5 already available now?

  • Approve step in workflow

    Hi Folks,
    Can someone explain how the Approve step is used in case a record is not approved ?
    Start->Process->Approve -> syndicate
                            -> reject-> send notification.

    Hi Vinay,
    The MDM workflow step is used for providing an Approval on the already craeted/Enriched records in MDM.The approver in MDM is allowed to approve or disapprove the records.
    The disapproved records go back to the previous step and teh process step team ahs to correct teh records and send it again for approval.
    The workflow steps will be as follows
    Start->Process->Approve->Notify ->Stop
    The notify step can be used ater nay atep if you want to users of the workflow to be notified of the staus of the completed task and the stataus of teh task to be completed.
    You can folow some of these helpful links on how to use MDM wf effectively
    Workflow:Disapproved records
    Re: How to use the Validate step for Approve step
    Hope It Helped,
    Thanks & Regards
    Simona Pinto

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