Delete Aged Files & Folders from Subfolders

I have the following script to delete files and folders older than 7 days. It work but I need to be able to go through subfolders as well:
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder("C:\FTPRoot_External")
For Each file in objFolder.Files
If DateDiff("d", file.DateLastModified, Now) > 7 Then
End If
For Each folder in objFolder.SubFolders
If DateDiff("d", file.DateLastModified, Now) > 7 Then
End If
Any suggestions?

Here is an example I coded sometime ago with a recursive sub. You can modify this for your needs:
Dim strFolder, objFSO, objFOlder
' Specify main folder.
strFolder = "c:\scripts"
' Retrieve folder object.
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(strFolder)
' Enumerate files.
Call GetFiles(objFolder)
Sub GetFiles(ByVal objParent)
    ' Enumerate files in folder.
    Dim objFile, objChild
    For Each objFile
In objParent.Files
        Wscript.Echo objFile.Path &
"," & objFile.DateLastModified
    ' Recurse through nested folders.
    For Each objChild
In objParent.SubFolders
        Call GetFiles(objChild)
End Sub
Richard Mueller - MVP Directory Services

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    your advice worked for me and saved me what ever evil lurked behind my thought to just delete the backup and get back my very lmited space on my 250GB Mackbook Pro using daisydisk pro
    Why DaisyDisk?
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    @wjostenMar 27, 2012 4:03 AM Re: Can I delete the files/folders in 'Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup'?
    Re: Can I delete the files/folders in 'Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup'?in response to nickcrowney
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    Stuwawah wrote:
    You can but in order to be able to do it directly from iTunes, the song/songs need to be store in the "iTunes folder" in your media directory or the Default folder to chose Under:
    ** Preferences -> Advanced -> Itunes Media folder location
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    Barb2008 wrote:
    I see in the discussions where you can delete certain files or folders from TM backups. Does this exclude those files from future backups as well?
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    d:/ test / myfile.enc
    d:/ test / ex / myfile.enc
    d:/ test / ex / eng /myfile.enc
    d:/ test / ex / Anymyfile.enc
    how to delete it from such type of structure only (*.enc) file OK
    reply me
    not who earlier reply me ( he must be shame to answer)

    > not who earlier reply me ( he must be shame to answer)
    What kind of remark is this?
    The one who replied to you, posted a link to a thread similar to your question, there is even some code in that thread how to recursively do what you want to do. In the other thread he told you not to cross-post your question.

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    Thanks in advance
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    Hi John and all,
    One the newly created web applications that we created few days back and navigated to document library, clicked on “Open with Explorer”, we get this error.
    We're having a problem opening this location in file explorer. Add this website to your trusted and try again.
    We added to the trusted site in Internet Explorer for this web application, cleared the cache and open the site with same document library but still get the same above error.
    However, another existing web application (In same the Farm) that we are troubleshooting at the moment, we are able click on “Open with Explorer”,  login in credentials opens and we entered the details we are able to open the document
    library and tried to follow these steps:
    From Windows Explorer (using with Open with Explorer), tried to copy or move a files to
    source document library.
    From Windows Explorer moved this file to another destination document library and we got this error.
    What we have to achieve is users should be able to copy files and folders using
    Open with Explorer functionality. We don’t know why Open with Explorer
    functionality not work working for our environment.  
    Are we doing something wrong? 
    We have referred to following websites.
    we hope concepts of copying / Moving files are similar as SharePoint 2010. Our production environment is SharePoint 2013.
    Please advise us. Thank you.
    Aroh Shukla

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