Delete/Send button on Keyboard

Is anyone else experiencing difficulty with the delete button being directly above the send button?
May I suggest a confirm send, as many times I go to delete a spelling error and I accidentally send the message. 
Any thoughts?
Is this something Blackberry is looking at changing?

YES!!!!! PLEASE do something about it. I've mis-sent 4 messages in a day, while trying to hit the backspace key.
Please relocate the send key to the top like in Apple.

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    Yes with an Exchange or IMAP account, which are designed for this very thing.
    All server stored mailboxes with an Exchange or IMAP account are synchronized with the server with each email client used to access the account.
    This is not possible with an antiquated POP account which was designed to be accessed with a single email client only - developed when the overwhelming majority of computer users had one computer - a desktop, and before notebooks were commonplace.

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    No, you can't move the button or reconfigure the delete key, sorry.

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    Hey! I get the same problem. I'm so happy I found someone like you, cuz no one at Rogers (my carrier) or Apple knows what's going on. I've recently tried going to "Settings" "Messages" and turning OFF "Show Subject Field". I do not yet know if this will solve our problem which is constantly frustrating, but I saw this in a discussion forum so I've just tried this. Let's keep each other posted on this intermittent issue okay? I get so bugged when I'm texting back & forth & suddenly for no reason the "send" button goes gray & simply won't allow me to continue no matter if I turn the phone off/on or whatever or even delete that string of texts & begin again to same person, (who's now been waiting too long for my reply LOL) Cheers, Steve. iPhone (647) 300-9222 Toronto. [email protected]

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    Hi Amy,
    Not sure if you've solved this yet...but...hopefully you've got a split keyboard enabled on your ipad mini? If so this hides the "send" button if you go to settings > general > keyboard > then slide off the split keyboard.
    Hope this helps and resolves the issue for you.
    Best Wishes

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    There is some instability in  iMessage.  It is a versatile and confusing app even though there are so few options in its use. 
    I had issues trying to get iMessage work on both my iPads and my iPhone. 
    ON the iPhone, turning off WiFi service and then trying iMessage fixed the problem.
    On the iPad 2, same thing.  Turning off WiFi service fixed it.
    On the iPad 1, I took a suggestion from zoomzoom and changed the WiFi network configuration on the iPad to use as a DNS server and then use iMessage.  That fixed it.   Now I put the DNS back to default and it still works.
    I suspect the iPod Touch will have the same fix as the iPad.
    If you have a WiFi and 3G iPad or iPhone, try turing off WiFi and see if that fixes it. 
    Why?  (beware, some of this is guesswork)
    iMessage can talk SMS to cellphones and smartphones (that are using the cell-network).  It can also talk Apple iMessage format to iPhones and iPads whether they are on cell-network or on WiFi.  If you are talking to an SMS cellphone, iMessage figures that out and blindly sends your message.  If you are talking to a iOS5 device, iMessage figures that out too, checks to see that they are on-line, and then does something different if they are or are not on-line.  If you type in an email address, and not a phone number, I think iMessage attempts to see if the email address is registered with Apple (or iCloud or whatever) and if it is not, it does something to let you know, possibly by making the Send button not light up. 
    In order to register iMessage and an email, you have to let the iOS device see whatever service it is that iMessage uses.  That is where the problem happenes.  zoomzoom suggested manually setting the WiFi DNS to google's IP address, then run IMessage, and that seemed to fix the problem.  Setting the iOS device to use 3G-only (by turning off WiFi) also fixed the problem.  I suspect going down to StarBucks or McDonalds and using their WiFi would also fix the problem.  Once the problem is fixed, it doesn't seem to come back so I can't test these 'fixes'. 
    To change the DNS on your iPad find your WiFi networks configuration, click on the blue arrow, touch DNS, backspace over the number that is shown, type in    Then click on the WiFiNetworks button at the top of the screen.  Now go run iMessage.  After that, you can delete the DNS entry again and leave it blank.  Your iPad will fill it in from the WiFi router when it needs it.

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    There should be a Delete button that you can add to the Mail Toolbar.
    When you right click the Mail Toolbar and select Customize do you not see a Delete button?
    There is a Delete button on the Header of the Message Pane if you turn that on. It toggles on and off with the F8 key.
    The Delete key on your keyboard works as does right click the message and select Delete.

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    iPhoto Menu -> Preferences -> Accounts. Delete and recreate your email account.

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    First try the following:
    1 - delete the iPhoto preference file,, that resides in your
         User/Home/Library/ Preferences folder.
    2 - delete the contents the following folder:
    3 - reboot, launch iPhoto and try again.
    NOTE: For Mavericks and Yosemite,  go to your Home folder and use the View ➙ Show View Options menu to bring the this window:
    where you can check the Show Library Folder checkbox.

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    Like others say, it is a bug with the Facebook app.  They do not manage the bluetooth keyboard right and if there is on on-screen keyboard, they remove the "send" button.  The solution that works for me is the following:
      1. Write my comment with the bluetooth keyboard until I am ready to send.
      2. Push the "Eject' button to turn off the bluetooth keyboard.
      3. Wait a second for the Send button to appear
      4. Press Send to post the comment
      5. Press "Eject" to turn bluetooth keyboard back on.
    This has worked for me just fine and although it is slightly frustrating, it is not impossible to remember.  After all, with the Bluetooth keyboard turned on, there is no "Send" button.

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    '''Open a Write window.'''
    Do you have a menu bar with File-Edit-View etc? If not press the''' alt''' key.
    From the menu bar select '''View-Toolbars''' and turn the missing toolbars back on. Send is on the Composition Toolbar.

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    how do i get it to react to a keyboard event?

    > is implementing that easy? or alot of code?
    False dilemmaDo you walk to work, or take your lunch?

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