Delete technically incomplete document from GTS

I created a Sales order  in ECC and then deleted it.
Now no record is found in ECC. but when i created that order it was passed on to GTS. It is now reflected in the technically incomplete document list in GTS.
How do i delete this entry?

Sorry for the mixup.
As per Page 48 - GTS 7.0 Compliance Management Configuration guide:
1. You can monitor whether a corresponding feeder system document exists for a
customs document in SAP GTS by choosing transaction /SAPSLL/CUHD_FS_SYNC in
your feeder system.
2. Call table /SAPSLL/OBJSYNC in your feeder system and check whether an entry has
been created in the table for the relevant feeder system document.
3. Call table /SAPSLL/CDSYNC in SAP GTS and check whether an entry has been
created in the table for the relevant feeder system document.
4. Transaction /SAPSLL/CUHD_FS_SYNC checks whether an entry exists for the relevant
feeder system document in both tables.
     a. If there is an entry for every feeder system document in both tables, then the
           corresponding table entries are deleted automatically.
     b. If there is not an entry for every feeder system document in both tables, then
           only the entry in the feeder system table, /SAPSLL/OBJSYNC, is deleted
           automatically. In table /SAPSLL/CDSYNC in SAP GTS, the value ‘X’ is entered
           in field CHCDS. This way, you can monitor whether a feeder system document
           exists or not.

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    Is there any other way to recover?
    Try to take a look at Repository Manager admin application:
    If you still can see your items there, you could recover the status.
    If not, I'm afraid your documents are gone from UCM. In that case, you might recover them from a back-up. There is also a chance that documents are still present in the Vault directory, so rather than 'recover', you might 're-submit' them.

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    There are /SAPSLL/LEGCON valid entries for attribute X in object XXXX
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    Dear Vineet,
    Country Group is a Prerequisite to the Legal Regulation to avail/use the any GTS Sub module service. As I know that we need to assign this country group to the corresponding Legal Regulation where you define it at Define Legal Regulation in General Settings.
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    Hi geminigay,
    You state that your music plays at random times even if it isn't open. Also your earbuds are plugged in most of the time.
    Does this happen if the earbuds are not connected?
    Are your earbuds the ones with the remote and mic?.  If so, they can start the music playing even if the Music app is not running.
    Use an Apple headset - iPhone
    The Apple EarPods with Remote and Mic (iPhone 5 or later) and the Apple Earphones with Remote and Mic (iPhone 4s) feature a microphone, volume buttons, and the center button, which lets you answer and end calls or control audio and video playback, even when iPhone is locked.
    Use the center button to control music playback. 
    Pause a song or video:  Press the center button. Press again to resume playback.
    Note that applies to the iPad as well.
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    Your help is appreciated and rewarded.

    Are you going to create a new DSO over 2LIS_02_SCL, you can write code in start routine to delete documents with
    doc type = 'ZRS'. Delete source_package where doc_type = 'ZRS'.
    If the DSO is available - then for existing content you can do selective deletion,for future loads you can add exclusion in DTP filter like doc_type 'not equal to' ZRS.

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    Synopsis: Dcouments added to iCloud through Safari on Mac do not show up in Pages on iPhone 4S. New documents created in Pages on iPhone do not show up in iCloud. I expect the doucments to appear on my iPhone soon after uploading them from my Mac to iCloud through Safari, and to appear in iCloud soon after switching to the document listing in Pages and leaving the app. Several hours passed by without transfer happening, and I have waited a day and reconnected to Wi-Fi to wait several more hours. Still nothing shows up either in Pages on iPhone, or in iCloud in Safari on Mac. They are listed with their sizes and extensions (.pages or .pages-tef) in the iPhone Settings > iCloud > Storage & Backup > Manage Storage > Pages, though they don't seem selectable from there.
    Software versions and Settings:
    Mac OS X 10.7.2 (Lion)
    Safari 5.1.1
    Pages 4.1
    System Preferences > iCloud: signed in; everything selected, except Photo Stream (no iPhoto).
    Everything seems to work, except Find My Mac is flakey.
    iPhone 4S
    iOS 5.0
    Pages 1.5 (417) [no other iWork apps]
    the defualt "Getting Started";
    a test document with default name "Blank" and content with the word "Testing", shown with upwards arrow in upper right corner; tried renaming to "Just testing", no transfer resulted.
    Plus button + offers: Create Document; copy from iTunes, iDisk, WebDAV; no iCloud (probably because it's supose to be auto);
    Settings > Pages:
    Use iCloud: ON
    Restore: OFF; I have tried this, it automatically turns itself off after restarting Pages. No obvious changes result in Pages.
    Settings > Wi-Fi: ON, connected to a network; tried several networks around town, as well as at home with a Time Capsule router.
    Settings > iCloud:
    everything ON, except Photo Stream;
    Documents & Data:
    Documents & Data: ON
    Use Cellular: ON; also tried OFF initially.
    Storage & Backup:
    Manage Storage > Pages:
    three documents in iCloud are listed, one of which I had created before iCloud on iPhone 3GS, and deleted from iPhone 4S after documents added to iCloud from Mac weren't showing up as expected;
    their sizes are given;
    suffixes are .pages for the two created on Mac, and .pages-tef for the one created on iPhone 3GS (before iCloud);
    iCloud Backup: ON; successfully backs up everyday;
    Email works, contacts are synced, calendar works, and everything seems fine except access to documents.
    Software updates
    Updated all software, no further updates available. Please confirm with aforementioned version numbers.
    Add and Remove Documents
    Used Safari to add two documents to iCloud with its menu for Pages of iCloud's iWork section, one at a time. Documents were originally created in Pages on Mac, and continuously edited since then. Explicitly saved documents (Save a Version on Lion) before uploading. Documents appeared listed in web page without problem.
    Have tried deleting a document on iPhone that was originally created with Pages on iPhone 3GS prior iOS 5 as a way to jog the listing on iCloud. Listing on iCloud in Safari on Mac continues to show document deleted from iPhone. [Before deleting document, I had updated iPhone 3GS to iOS 5 and signed into iCloud a couple days before getting iPhone 4S, then immediately used the restore from iCloud feature for the iPhone 4S in the Apple retail store, updated all apps on Mac and iPhone, then deleted the document in Pages on iPhone.]
    On iCloud in Safari on Mac: deleted the two documents uploaded from Mac; added the same documents again; edited documents on Mac, then uploaded and chose "Replace documents"; removed documents again; added them again. Never showed up in Pages on iPhone, even after waiting a day.
    Have used iTunes to add the same documents to Pages on iPhone. Successfully opened documents in Pages on iPhone through plus button + > Copy from iTunes. Deleted documents from Pages's document listing, though they remain in iTunes section.
    Removed documents of same name, though older copies, from Pages in iTunes for the iPhone.
    Created a new document with Pages on iPhone, simply added one word "Testing" and then switched to document listing. New document has name "Blank" and an arrow in the upper right corner indicating it will upload next time an internet connection is established. That hasn't happened regardless of being connected to Wi-Fi and cellular for several hours. Next day, reconnected to internet with both Wi-Fi and cellular, the new dcoument "Blank" still is not in iCloud when I visit the site in Safari on Mac, and still has the arrow in the upper right corner in Pages on iPhone.
    iPhone 4S Connected to Internet
    Connected to Wi-Fi several hours each day, and cellular all day except from about 10pm to 7am when I switch it to Airplane mode. Always connected to Wi-Fi and cellular when attempting to access the documents in Pages on iPhone.
    Restart iPhone and Pages
    Have double-pressed Home button on iPhone to reveal along the bottom of screen a list of apps currently open, touched and held an icon to reveal the close badge on all icons, and selected the close badge on Pages, waited a few seconds, then started Pages again.
    Have held On/Off button until "slide to power off" appears, then powered off iPhone, waited a few seconds, then held button again to start. Have done this with Pages either open or closed, per previous note. Still no change in document listing for Pages: test document still has not gone to iCloud, documents in iCloud still have not shown.
    I think the only thing I haven't done is a complete restore.
    Question: Can anybody point out what I might have missed or haven't tried that would get the documents from iCloud to Pages and vice versa?
    I'm not looking forward to several hours of restoring, but if I must…

    Okay, I'm not sure what finally jogged it. It seems to be finally working.
    After downloading any documents I could from iCloud to my Mac, I deleted all the documents from iCloud. I also deleted all documents from Pages on iPhone, except the original "Getting Started" document.
    I duplicated the "Getting Started" document (Pages on iPhone) and edited it by moving the butterfly to the left on the same page, then switched to the Documents view. It had the arrow in the upper right corner of "Getting Started Copy", but no progress bar and nothing showed up in iCloud.
    Then, I think I went to Settings > Pages > Use iCloud: NO. Went back to Pages and got a dialog in the Documents listing:
         You are not using iCloud
    What would you like to do with the
         documents currently on this
    Keep on My iPhone
    Delete from My iPhone
    Continue Using iCloud
    I tried keeping them, then going back and turning it back on in Pages's settings, then going back to Pages. Finally something different happened: a progress bar on the "Getting Started copy" document. It never seem to finish, and would disappear if the phone went to sleep. I tried the whole sequenece again with same result, and nothing on iCloud.
    I then tried Settings > iCloud > Documents & Data: OFF, and agreed to "Turn Off Documents" and have all documents stored in iCloud deleted, because as far as I could tell there weren't any documents in iCloud at this point anyways. I went back to Pages and the "Getting Started copy" suddenly disappeared.
    So, I went back to Settings > iCloud > Documents & Data: ON, and did the same for Settings > Pages > Use iCloud: ON. Oddly, Pages now tried to download "Getting Started copy" even though it really shouldn't have existed anymore. I tried iCloud in Safari on Mac and saw there now was a document by that name, but when selected it said "Updating…" on it. I deleted it in iCloud, and it disappeared (I think, or I deleted it) in Pages on iPhone.
    I gave up and waited a bit, maybe an hour or two.
    I made sure all the settings were how they needed to be, noticed no documents in iCloud, and only the original "Getting Started" document in Pages on iPhone. I duplicated that document, and that's when it seemed to actually work. First, the arrow in its upper right corner appeared briefly, then a progress bar appeared on it instead, then the progress bar actually moved and completed. (I think. Some indicator happened. Everything is kind of fuzzy at this point while I'm writing this and juggling a couple other technical tasks.) Then I checked iCloud in Safari on Mac and the document was there. Wow.
    So, I immediately tried uploading to iCloud from my Mac the two documents I had been trying, one at a time. Each time the document succeeded in iCloud, it suddenly appeared in Pages on iPhone. In fact, the second document began to appear in the documents listing in Pages on iPhone just before the progress bar in iCloud completed.
    I tried opening each one in Pages on iPhone, and iCloud immediately updated each one with a preview and as downloadable. I downloaded them to the Mac and they opened fine. [Admittedly, the Pages version from iCloud of the "Getting Started copy" with the moved butterfly was a little different in Pages on Mac: it had the butterfly on the previous page underneath everything; the PDF version of that document had everything correct.]
    Anyways, the document listing between iCloud and Pages on iPhone is working now.
    I thinking it might have helped to clear out all the documents in iCloud and deleting all documents in Pages for iPhone. However, be sure to at least email copies from Pages on iPhone first if you don't have any backups. I think it might also have helped to turn off Settings > iCloud > Documents & Data: OFF, so it'll send that signal to delete the documents in iCloud, even if there's already nothing there. I don't know for sure, but that's probably the way to start from scratch. Oh, and maybe wait an hour or two after that before doing anything again, then turn Documents & Data: ON, and Pages > Use iCloud: ON, and then start by creating a new document in Pages on iPhone.
    I'm just glad I didn't have to do a Restore from iTunes. And now that it's working, it's so instant between Pages on iPhone and iCloud! This is seeming like it will definitely be great, now that it's working.

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