Deleted Podcasts Re-Download

I could not find ANYTHING about this.
I have a few podcasts that I subscribe to that will download old podcasts randomly. I have tried to ignore it for awhile but at this point, I'm getting tired of it. Anyone else get this? Is there a way to prevent it? If it is a server side error any suggestions?
I have not only had this problem on my home computer but on my work machine as well, a G4 as well. Thank you!

This happens to me, as well. I'm still searching for a solution.
It does not happen to all of my podcasts, just some of them. There is one that it happens to pretty regularly. For the subscriptions that keep on downloading old episodes after I delete them I have found that it seems to be doing the same episodes over and over.
My work-around has been to keep the re-downloading podcast episodes on the computer and scrub through them so iTunes thinks they have already been heard.
I listen to my podcasts using playlists that help me organize them. I make sure to put those re-downloaded/scrubbed podcast episodes into my "never delete" playlist so that they never show up in my "ok to delete" playlist. Since I'm not ever deleting these old podcasts iTunes doesn't download them again. It's not an ideal solution but at least it keeps me from re-downloading and listening to podcasts that I listened to over a year ago.

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    I've had this happen twice: once on my iPhone 5S and once on my iPad 2.  I start a download of a podcast in the iOS Podcast app and then cancel the download.  In the case of my iPad 2, it froze and eventually when to the Apple logo screen.  When it was done, I lost about 6 GB of storage space and needed to reset my settings and data on my iPad to get it back.
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    Would appreciate any help.

  • ITunes 11.1: a podcast downloads; I don't want to listen to it and delete it; it downloads again. Help me break the cycle!

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    Probably related: if I want to keep a podcast episode, I've always just changed the tags to "Audiobook" or "Music", so I can get it out of the Podcast panes. But now, if I do that, the episode downloads again (despite the retagged version existing elsewhere in iTunes), and I delete it again, and back into that loop.
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    EDIT: Oops. No, I was wrong. If I mark it as played, and then delete it, the episode STILL comes back. It downloads yet again. What on earth am I doing wrong?!

    per your recommendation, I have sent the feedback below to apple...
    For my Podcasts, I have exclusively used the "List" view to manage my podcast library... which one to download, save, or delete.  The new update to iTunes has made the "List" view unusable in completing these tasks.
    Can you address this issue?  Right now my list view is filled with previously heard & deleted podcasts.  I like to use this view rather than going to a different sheet for each podcast to which I've subscribed to manage. 
    Please help. Please revert the "List" view to be managed as before.  Thank you.
    Hopefully Apple will be responsive.

  • Why is iTunes repeatedly downloading deleted podcasts?

    I'm using 10.5.3 / Snow Leopard.
    I have podcasts from 2008 showing up in iTunes. They all started downloading again recently after updating iTunes. I canceled the downloads in progress, deleted the old podcasts, and checked my settings; that was two days ago. Today, I find myself having to delete old podcasts again.
    Any ideas why this is happening or how to stop it? For the time being, I've adjusted my settings to manually check for new podcasts, hoping to catch it before they all start downloading again, but I prefer to have iTunes check automatically and remain updated accordingly.

    I had the same problem last night [Lion 10.7.3 / iTunes 10.5.3 (3)].
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    Don't know what the deal is, though I seem to recall that there was a limit on how long Apple stored/made available podcasts (30, 60, ? days). Perhaps they just decided to make all podcasts permantly available. Kind of dumb without a search mechanism for episodes on their servers. Unless they expect us (the end users) to never delete episodes, whether downloaded, listened to, or, not. And scroll through years of podcasts to find the ones we kept. (I keep maybe 5% of the shows, the rest are deleted after listening).
    Or maybe it was just a server hiccup.

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    Can we just get this to work? I don't have time to keep re-deleting this and iTunes wants to download far more old podcasts than I have room for on my iPhone.

    Rebuild your Mail index:
    1. Quit Mail if it's running.
    2. Go to Home/Library/Mail and delete the Envelope Index file.
    3. Restart Mail and wait for it to import your existing messages. When it's done, your emails should be back to normal again.

  • Deleting Podcasts Not Yet Downloaded

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    It's been 4 days since I posted this note and since then I have discovered that all of us podcast afficionadoes are afflicted by the same problem. It is a fault in the upgrade of iTunes to 11.1 and it makes life miserable for those of us who love our podcasts.
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  • Deleted podcasts keep re-downloading

    iTunes for Windows v
    I'm not seeing a lot of complaints about this problem in the support communities, so I'm guessing it's a problem on my end.
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    Any solutions to try?

    Thanks for the reply. The procedure isn't entirely clear (I think there may be a typo or two). Is that what you're suggesting?
    turn off auto-downloads
    manually refresh

  • Can't delete podcast "downloadable" episodes

    itunes 12 just seems to have changed behavior on me.
    I listen to podcasts, then usually delete them.   never used to be a problem.
    Recently, all those deleted podcasts have come back again.    They all have the cloud bubble, so they're not on my computer, but they're clogging up my list of podcasts.   I used to be able to delete these cloud links, but not any more. Delete key, option delete, or right clicking and selecting delete, these episode pointers remain.    Doubly strange, as I used to be able to delete them just a few days ago, and itunes hasn't come out with a new version that screwed things up.
    Anyone else having this issue?
    Yosemite 10.10.1

    Delete the podcast itself from your Podcasts item in the source list. Also, go through the library, and delete the episodes. Make sure they're removed from any list that the iPod updates from.

  • Deleting podcasts from iTunes library AND iPod?!? HELP.

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    I didn't want them anymore, so I unsubscribed and deleted the podcasts from iTunes.
    I synced to my iPod, assuming that the files would be automatically removed.
    But they weren't.
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    Im wondering HOW do you delete podcasts - or any other music, videos...etc - from your iPod and iTunes?
    Please help! Reply soon, I'm in desperate need.

    You can redownload most iTunes purchases by:
    Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store        
    It appears that the mess resulted in the iPod seeing the computer/iTunes library as a new computer/iTunes library. If you sync to a new computer your iPod gets erased and the media in the iTunes library ends up on the iPod.

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    It happens with all podcasts, but obviously it's more of a problem when a big pcast is downloading.
    Today, I got the famous blue screen of death. All my programs had frozen and I was trying to shut down iTunes. The blue screen said "kernel data inpage error," whatever that means.
    With past versions, I've tried uninstalling and re-installing iT, but that has not helped.
    All my other programs are working fine. Today I ran CCCleaner, AdAware, RegCure and Malware Bytes, but nothing changed. My McAfee anti-virus max scanning time is 10 seconds.
    Any idea what could be going on here? Or how to begin troubleshooting this mess?

    finally worked! I found this post and it has finally worked I understand it is the same as WHATHECK's answer so thanks WHATHECK!
    You have to be certain that you have backed up your Library's and Playlists and that you are doing the one in the root (if like me you use a HD any old library/playlists instead of deleting them put them some were safe just incase and make sure you are re-creating the library from your root folder i.e user/music/itunes
    Anyone trying this
    Good luck!
    Seriously thinking of not updating itunes next time...

  • Is there a way to delete podcasts on an iphone without having them reappear on every sync?

    I want to delete podcasts from my iphone after I am done listening to them, which works like a charm. The problem is that every time I sync, it download them again! For some reason the Iphone and ITunes refuese to talk to one another to ackowledge that I have deleted a particular podcast and Itunes dumps it right back onto my phone.
    It's like a vampire that keeps coming back.
    Is there a nice simple (Apple should be good at that...) way to delete them once and for all? I looked for a "When I delete songs I really mean delete" checkbox but there is none.
    Why would they allow you to delete something if it will just come back and clog up your memory on the next sync?

    Same thing here with me!!
    I like to have auto download setting on my itunes so i get the latest 'Harvard Business Review' podcast. I started getting into podcats about 6 months ago and think they're great!
    I downloaded them all as there is some catching up to do!
    I want the latest podcasts downloaded.
    Podcasts that I have listened to partly or fully gone off my iphone! and not synced back on
    Podcasts that I have chosen to delete off my iphone, not synced back on (some weeks they discuss a topic which really does not interest me in my field.)
    ..I dont want to manually tick them all either!
    Any help appreciated!
    It seems to make perfect sense for me to manage these this way from my iphone (as a podcast is for listening on the go!), yet doesnt seem possible?

  • Deleted podcasts return when syncing with itunes

    My podcasts sync perfectly from itunes to my ipad & iphone.  However, when i listen to an individual podcast or delete the entire subscription from either my ipad or iphone i have aproblem.  They are deleted from my device but when i next sync with my itunes on my pc, all the deleted podcasts or subscriptions are put back on my device.  I want them to be deleted from my Itunes not put back on my device.  Obviously i dont want them any more.  When I delete an app from my device, it is deleted from my itunes library for that device. I know it is still in itunes if i need it but itunes doesnt keep putting it back on my device.  How can I get podcasts to either act the same way as the apps do, or get itunes to actually delete the podcasts i have deleted from my device??

    Are you using the "Podcasts" app on your device?  If so, then that app manages all your podcasts locally on your device. 
    If you aren't using the Podcasts app on your device, then your podcasts will be managed by iTunes, and updates downloaded to your device whenever your sync it with iTunes.  Deleting an episide on your device will temporarily get you space back on your device, which might be helpful temporarily in case you need the space for something.  The next time you sync, iTunes will repopulate any episides that are missing from your device, unless you've marked them as played already, or otherwise changed something in iTunes to prevent them from copying back to your device again (delete them, take them out of whatever smart playlist you are using to send podcasts to your device, etc.).

  • Deleted podcasts won't go to the recycling bin

    I'm running the newest version of iTunes, freshly installed, in Windows 7. Most of my podcasts come from a backup that I dragged and dropped into my iTunes folder. I've done this before without any issues. However, now whenever I try to delete a podcast that I haven't recently downloaded, it will give me a dialog stating that the podcast won't sync if I delete it, and then the buttons "Delete Podcast" and "Cancel" Rather than the "Keep File" "Remove to Recycling Bin" and "Cancel" that I'm used to. Deleting does not send the podcast into the recycling bin as it is supposed to and as it used to, however; it instead keeps the podcast in the same file and removes the instance from iTunes. I don't want to have to delete every file twice. Selecting all files and clicking on Allow Auto Delete changed nothing. Repairing my install of iTunes did not change anything. It seems as though all other instances of this issue are many years old. Assistance is greatly appreciated. Thank you.

    Right-click on your main iTunes folder and click Properties, then go to the Security tab and click Advanced. If necessary grant your account and system full control to this folder, subfolders and files, then tick the option to replace permissions on child objects which will repair permissions throughout the library. This is the XP dialog but Windows 7 shouldn't be too different.

  • I can't get any new podcasts to download.

    I have subscribed and re-subscribed and nothing is helping.  I just keep getting the little greyed out exclamation point in a circle.  Any suggestions?  A couple months back I deleted my whole library and the Geek Squad was able to recover it and I got one podcast after that but nothing since.

    Hope you found and fixed the problem before throwing the MacBook Pro across the room.
    Had the same problem when my external drive filled up, and iTunes continued to try and downloads Podcasts. Seem the permissions get scrabbled..
    Fixed the problem, podcasts started downloading correctly..

  • Podcast not downloading

    I subscribe to an audio podcast and previously have had no problems having it automatically update to my Itunes and then sync to my Ipod touch. Since last August, I can no longer get any of the new podcasts to update into my Ipod. They download to Itunes and I am able to delete old ones from my Mac and they come off my Ipod Touch. But no new podcasts will download. I am still able to get podcasts through my Ipod directly but I prefer to have the subscription through my Itunes.
    Other things in my Ipod are still updating from ITunes like my pictures and my music.
    I posted this back in August and no one answered me. Is there anyone out there who can help?

    Hello smeep1225,
    Have you doubled checked your sync settings for podcasts from under the Podcasts tab for your iPod in iTunes while it is connected? If not, I would start there. Let us know exactly what options you have ticked or selected from under this tab.

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