Deleting 30,000 folders of thumbnails!?

Hey all,
I have a hairy problem: after three years of mismanagement and switching between applications (Lightroom and Aperture), I have a horrendously disorganized photo library including 40,000 photographs, ~30,000 of which are thumbnails that I need to delete. Now, all of the thumbnails are located in identically named "Thumbnails" files deep (8 folders or so down) within my photo directory. It is a total mess.
I am trying to just do a spotlight search for "Thumbnails" within my "Photo" folder, and this brings up about 30,000 entries. These are all located on an external drive, so when I choose select all, Finder brings up the beachball and works for ten minutes before I can do ANYTHING else. Then, if I want to right click and check "send to trash," it takes 20 minutes to register the right click, and freezes up my computer entirely to try to send all of these to the trash.
I have been trying to just grab 1000 or 2000 of each and delete a few thousand a day, but my computer is still crashing often as a result. Is there a better way?
Thank you!

Working with tens of thousands of files can be a problem as you are finding out. Are you at all Unix savy? This is fairly advanced stuff if you never saw the terminal window before. If you are not comfortable doing this find a 14 year old unix guru to help you.
I use the Unix "find" command for handling massive amounts of files like this. Type... man find the terminal window to see the man page for find. find recurses through the subdirectories looking for the files you specify and pipes the output to other commands. In this example I find a directory named Thumbnails and do something to it.
(I assume what you mean is there are directories named Thumbnails containing the small images scattered all over your Photo drive. )
As a test get into the terminal window and type...
cd Photo
(or whatever the path is to get into your Photo directory. It might be under /Volumes/Photo or something similar if its an external drive)
cut and paste this in the terminal window...
find . -name Thumbnails -type d -exec ls -l {} \; | more
This command is non destructive and will find all the directories under your current location called Thumbnails (case is important) and run the ls (list) command on them. It will list all files inside all the Thumbnails directories, a page at a time. Use the spacebar to scroll the pages. Ctl-C to quit. Get rid of the... | more just have it scroll.
I ALWAYS do this listing before doing anything destructive with find just to see what is being found. The files listed out will be the ones that will be erased with the next command.
The dot after find means start in the current directory. Make sure you are in the correct directory!
OK it would be a really good idea to make sure your backup of Photo is up to date before doing this.
This command will find and erase ALL directories named Thumbnails under your current directory along with all the files and subdirectories inside Thumbnails. The rm -rf means recurse through each Thumbnails directory it finds and erase everything including the directory itself. the -type d means only find directories named Thumbnails not files named Thumbnails.
This one is very destructive!
MAKE SURE you are in the Photo directory and type this...
find . -name Thumbnails -type d -exec rm -rf {} \;
After a few moments all directories under Photo named Thumbnails will be gone

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    Hi Tanea,
    If you deleted all of your folders from your BlackBerry media card, all data inside those folders would have been removed as well.  If your folders were empty and you just want the folder structure back, you can format your media card under Options>Memory, press the menu key then Format. 
    Let me know if this works!
    Come follow your BlackBerry Technical Team on twitter! @BlackBerryHelp
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    My Pictures
       Pictures 2010
              Jan 2 2010 Concert Shoot
              Jan 3 2010 Smith Wedding

    I just read the thread now, but even just reading the original post, I wasn't worried for you, because LR can't delete 23,000 files in a few seconds.  It would take a much longer time to do that.  There was obviously just a catalog shift within Windows and outside of LR, so that all your files were still there in a new folder location. Remember that LR is at heart, in terms of photo management, a database program consisting of pointers that it records, stores and uses to locate your files.  (iTunes works in a similar way with .mp3 and other music and video files.)  If you use LR to move a file, LR should reset its pointer to the new location.  If you use Windows to move the file, LR's pointer is now incorrect and it can't find the image any longer.  The solution, as you found, is to restore the file to the location where Lightroom knew it last was.
    Nonetheless, you are wise to treat this incident as you did, as a warning shot across the bow, and install real-time backup since your photo files are important to you.  Keep checking to make sure the backups are working as you expect. The only thing worse than not having backups is having a backup system that lets you down when you need it most.

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    "Bob-O-Rama" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]..
    > bill;2231979 Wrote:
    >> Netware 6.5 Server with GW 7
    >> Over the last 2 weeks I have deleted 50,000+ messages from various
    >> accounts
    > Deleting is one thing, that puts stuff in Trash. "Delete & Empty" or
    > "Empty Trash" marks the items for purge, whic is to day "really" deletes
    > them. Without the purge, the item will not be removed. So which of
    > these variations did you actually do?
    > -- Bob
    > --
    > Bob Mahar -- Novell Knowledge Partner
    > Do you do what you do at a .EDU?
    > "Programming is like teaching a jellyfish to build a house."
    > More Bob: 'Twitter' ( 'Blog'
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    > Click And Be Amazed!
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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    > View this thread:

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    danamarlane wrote:
    I am fed up with losing paid music when I change emails/accounts.
    There's no reason to lose music when you change email addresses, either. Just update your Apple ID with your new email address. I've done it once. Took me five minutes and I didn't lose a thing.

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    Launch the Console application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Console in the icon grid.
    Make sure the title of the Console window is All Messages. If it isn't, select All Messages from the SYSTEM LOG QUERIES menu on the left. If you don't see that menu, select
    View ▹ Show Log List
    from the menu bar.
    Click the Clear Display icon in the toolbar. Then try the action that you're having trouble with again. Select any messages that appear in the Console window. Copy them to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C. Paste into a reply to this message by pressing command-V.
    When posting a log extract, be selective. In most cases, a few dozen lines are more than enough.
    Please do not indiscriminately dump thousands of lines from the log into this discussion.
    Important: Some private information, such as your name, may appear in the log. Anonymize before posting.

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    Any help, guidance, help would be greatly appreciated please.

    +"I am using Mac OS X Server, version 1.6 "hosted" by GoDaddy"+
    What does this mean exactly? Is the Server at GoDaddy's offices and behind their firewall or do you mean the domain is with GoDaddy? Every OSX Server installation enables ssh and by default. If the Server is at a location and a network environment you're familiar with and assuming NAT and you're trying to do this remotely, simply open the relevant ports in the Firewall to forward external access to the Server's private IP address.
    With Remote Management you have access to the Finder.
    If the Server is using a Public IP address (unless you're aware of the risks I would not recommend this) then either establish an ssh or vnc connection. If you're going to attempt ssh you should be familiar with the command line. If this is not to your taste use vnc instead.

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    Please explain what you mean by "backup folders".
    Please update your "Profile" (under "My Stuff") to include the version of OS X you're using and the details of your hardware.  The advice you need can sometimes depend on those details.

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    Can I delete the folders in 'MobileSync\Backup'? This would free up 20Gb of disk space giving me enough to properly restore (in theory!).
    Thanks for your time!!

    your advice worked for me and saved me what ever evil lurked behind my thought to just delete the backup and get back my very lmited space on my 250GB Mackbook Pro using daisydisk pro
    Why DaisyDisk?
    DaisyDisk remains the tool of choice for film makers (including companies like Pixar), digital artists, IT professionals and hundreds of thousands of Mac users worldwide when it comes to disk space management. Constantly improving since its initial introduction, the app easily blows away competition in terms of speed, efficiency and user experience.
    @wjostenMar 27, 2012 4:03 AM Re: Can I delete the files/folders in 'Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup'?
    Re: Can I delete the files/folders in 'Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup'?in response to nickcrowney
    Delete iOS backups this way: iTunes>Preferences> the backup/backups...hit delete. Do not mess with your backup folder.

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    Try Here  >

  • Delete Aged Files & Folders from Subfolders

    I have the following script to delete files and folders older than 7 days. It work but I need to be able to go through subfolders as well:
    Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder("C:\FTPRoot_External")
    For Each file in objFolder.Files
    If DateDiff("d", file.DateLastModified, Now) > 7 Then
    End If
    For Each folder in objFolder.SubFolders
    If DateDiff("d", file.DateLastModified, Now) > 7 Then
    End If
    Any suggestions?

    Here is an example I coded sometime ago with a recursive sub. You can modify this for your needs:
    Dim strFolder, objFSO, objFOlder
    ' Specify main folder.
    strFolder = "c:\scripts"
    ' Retrieve folder object.
    Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    Set objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(strFolder)
    ' Enumerate files.
    Call GetFiles(objFolder)
    Sub GetFiles(ByVal objParent)
        ' Enumerate files in folder.
        Dim objFile, objChild
        For Each objFile
    In objParent.Files
            Wscript.Echo objFile.Path &
    "," & objFile.DateLastModified
        ' Recurse through nested folders.
        For Each objChild
    In objParent.SubFolders
            Call GetFiles(objChild)
    End Sub
    Richard Mueller - MVP Directory Services

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