Deleting Drop Zone

I'm attempting to create a custom theme with iDVD 08. Is there any way to remove / delete a drop zone completely? I basically just want to have a background that I select with buttons I've added, no drop zones.

Or try these older versions:

Similar Messages

  • Deleting Drop Zones

    If a theme in IDVD has 4 drop zones and I want to use two, is there a way to delete the two unused zones?

    I think unused drop zones go away when you burn your project. Although I could be mistaken on that.

  • Delete A Drop Zone

    I picked a theme with 6 drop zones. I'd like to use only 4 or 5. Any way to get rid of some drop zones. I'm not finding anything when searching, so I suspect there is not an easy answer.

    There is no direct way to delete drop zones from a chosen theme. You can choose to not show any drop zones by selecting View-Show Inspector and unchecking the box at the bottom of the window.
    I am curious why you need to eliminate a drop zone. Drop Zones are eye candy behind your menus. You can if you wish drop the same photo into every drop zone which will make it appear like one drop zone.
    If you are new to iDVD you may be making the common mistake of assuming that the drop boxes are where you drop your movies or clips. When you add the movies, they are dropped on the menu away from the drop zone. The movie or movies will show up as text labels. If I am wrong about this, I am sorry.

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    I had a theme with 8 drop zones. Six of which were filled with QT clips. The clips were stored in a project folder with 15 other clips that I was not using. I went to achive the project and a pop up said it couldn't locate the clips. The clips had been deleted from the drop zones (just the clips not pics that I had in other drop zones)and they were missing from the folder on the hard disk. Any ideas?

    Never heard that one before... I have no idea why that would happen "out of the blue."

  • How do I delete content from a drop zone without deleting the drop zone?

    I can't seem to figure this out, and I feel silly about it!  Your help is much appreciated

    Select the drop zone layer and then in the inspector image tab click on the clear button at the bottom.

  • I've encountered problems with drop zones in generators from Motion 5 toFCP X 10.0.7.

    The clips won't import properly and come up as stills rather than videos. In one of my generators (with three drop zones) only one will display the clip - the other two play as stills (frozen?). I've tried having the playhead parked at the start of the clip when adding them to the generator, but it produces the same results.
    Any solutions?

    I've had this too and the fix then was to delete my project render files (FCP that is). 

  • Drop Zone Editor

    I can not re order the positions of images in the drop zone editor. Instriuctions say to click and drag an image to a new position but this is not working for me.
    Is anyone else having this problem?

    Hi Len,
    Yes, I can delete or drop a different image into the Drop Zone editor, but reordering by dragging is a much better way. I have also tried by dragging the images in the Menu pane, doesn't work there either. Works correctly in the slideshow editor.
    I just need to know if I am the only one who has this problem or if others have experienced the same issue.

  • Template Drop Zone

    Let's say your adding data to a template. The template has two drop zones (square box with arrow).
    You have added the text in the appropriate text fields but you do not want to add any content (photo/video/whatever) to the drop zones.
    *However, the drop zones remain in the template which of course you do not want to see in the final canvas.*
    How (if possible) can you eliminate the drop zones entirely from the template. Can it be done in FCP (control/filter/motion tabs) or do you need to round trip the template to Motion and back for you to eliminate the drop zone boxes from your template?

    I was meaning templates found in the 'Effects' tab in the FCP browser.
    At any rate, I know what you mean about removing them in Motion, Tom.
    As a side note : I just dragged some freeze frames into the drop zones. I figured: why not?
    Sometimes you just want a totally minimalist look. And I love deleting things to get to that level.
    My living space looks that way. Spare, clean, cold, white. A major turn off for many.
    Anyway, I like my video projects to look the same way.
    .....but I digress.

  • Motion 5 / FCP X - Frustrating Drop Zones

    I've been (trying) to use Drop Zones lately on a number of projects and while I've been able to kludge things here and there to get them to work properly, they sure have frustrated me.  The projects I'm working on need snippets of properly timed video floating around the screen, usually within the opening sequence for the video.  The trouble is I've never been able to really figure out the timing for these things.
    1) Initially, the logical thought was (for me, at least) to set at least an in point for the video before dropping it into the Drop Zone in FCP X.  That certainly didn't work because it appeared as though FCP X totally ignored my clip's in point.  I wanted that clip video to start exactly at the beginning of that drop zone.
    2) Since that didn't work I did some Internet research and someone posted that Drop Zones ignore clip in points.  They said that when selecting the clip for the drop zone to place the cursor on the exact frame where you want the video to start before applying it to the Drop Zone.  Well, that works to an extent.
    Here's what I found after doing some experimentation in both Motion 5 and FCP X (latest versions of each).  First, I created a video with timecode in it so that I could accurately track where the video really started on the first frame of the individual Drop Zone.  The video starts with 10 seconds of color bars followed by 5 minutes of burned in timecode, then another 10 seconds of color bars.  I created a simple Motion Generator with four Drop Zones - upper left, upper right, lower left and lower right.  Each Drop Zone was placed exactly 10 seconds apart.  So, for example:
    For the first test I placed each Drop Zone within one Group in Motion.  Drop Zones start at the following timecode for each location as follows:
    UL: 00:00:00:00
    LL: 00:00:10:00
    UR: 00:00:20:00
    LR: 00:00:30:00
    After publishing the project, I loaded it into FCP X.  I used the same timecode video for each Drop Zone starting it at timecode value 00:01:00:00.  Now, one would think that each drop zone window, having been placed exactly 10 seconds apart, would show timecode values for the inserted videos also each 10 seconds apart.  But they don't!  All four Drop Zones show exactly the same timecode value.  They are acting as if all four were placed within the Motion 5 timeline starting at 00:00:00:00.  But they weren't.
    So, I thought, what would happen if I placed each Drop Zone in Motion in a separate Group?  I created four Groups, each one holding only one Drop Zone.  It didn't make a difference.  The timecode videos in each window were still in sync with one another.
    The only way I can get this to work properly is to offset the beginning of each clip by -10 seconds.  Unfortunately, if there's not enough "preroll" in the clip to do that, I'm out of luck.
    But it gets stranger!  Further experimentation leads me to believe that all of the Drop Zones within a project reference themselves to the very first Drop Zone within the project.  I picked a new point within the timecode video - in this case, the 2 minute point (00:02:00:00) and dropped it into the UL drop zone.  I did the same then for the other three and now they all track based on that 00:02:00:00 point within the video!
    But it gets even stranger!!! I tried one more experiment, this time loading the Drop Zones in reverse order.  That seemed to work.  But still, why should I have to mess around like this trying to sync drop zones in some of weird order?
    The question is, why do Drop Zones work this way and what can be done to fix this problem?  However I select the first frame of video for a particular drop zone should be what that drop zone references when rendering.  Ideally it would be great to be able to use an in point on the clip, but I'm also happy with just moving the clip's cursor to the first frame.  It's easy enough to do.  Hopefully the software team working on these apps can come up with a solution that makes sense.  Thanks.

    I've had this too and the fix then was to delete my project render files (FCP that is). 

  • Video in drop zone breaking menu transition...

    this seemed simple.
    i have a drop zone on my main menu with a quicktime in it. no interactivity. also on the main menu is a text button. that button triggers a custom transition/wipe that i built in motion. eveything worked fine, until i placed the drop zone with the quicktime: what happens is that when the menu button is selected, the drop zone clip jumps to a different point, then applies the transition and goes to the track. but that's not all. when going back to the menu, the drop zone clip will go to somewhere in the middle of that clip, then go to the head...
    the menu length is set to the length of the qt in the drop zone.
    if i delete the drop zone, the trans works fine.
    any ideas?

    The transition in your final disc will be a MPEG-2 video file, it will not be created on the fly while playing. That means that DVDSP will use a frame from your menu as starting point to create the transition "to the movie" video file and another one to create the "from the movie" transition. The same happens when you use a movie as background in your menu.
    I don't know what rule uses DVDSP to select what frame to choose to build the transition, but you cannot expect that your transition will start in the frame that you are seeing in any moment. Do you know what I mean?

  • Drop Zones shows correct image but previews using old photo with same name

    Everyday I do my customer DVD's in the same format. I capture, then edit, take eight screen shots (as jpeg's) to use in iDVD for the title screen. Then after I have checked the completed DVD I delete the Jpeg's and the iDVD project. I also delete the iMovie project as I use a standard template with promo at the start and credits at the end.
    After upgrading to iDVD 6 (i did upgrade iMovie 5 to 6 but had to go back because of bugs) I have noticed that when I add my jpeg's to the drop zones they appear correct but the preview in the background shows another jpeg. Looks like a previous jpeg used for another project that I have since deleted.
    Has anyone else had this problem. I found that if I go back and rename the latest images I want to use (i normally just use a generic name like c1, c2, c3 etc) it works fine until now. But I am sure this problem will resurface with time even using full names.
    iBook 14"   Mac OS X (10.4.4)   1.5GB Ram

    I had the same issue. 
    In my case, Blob Cache was enabled for the web application in which the image issue was occuring.
    I cleared blob cache, and after doing a hard refresh of my browser, the correct image was then displayed.
    To clear blob cache, do the following:
    Navigate to:   
    Select:  "Object Cache Flush"  and  "Force all servers in the farm to flush their object cache" check boxes
    Click the OK button
    Hope this helps.

  • Picture missing from drop zone

    I'm new to DVD Studio Pro so bear with me.
    I am creating a DVD project using the Brush Detail template. I have two menus as its a small project. I dragged a picture into the drop zone last night and it appeared in the menu just fine. Tonight when I opened the project the picture could be seen in the inspector but it's not in the drop zone. When I run the simulator the picture is still not in the drop zone. I tried to delete the picture asset but I couldn't as it's still in use. Any Ideas?
    Thanks, Dennis

    Scracth that it's the 4th picture.

  • Drop Zone Issue

    Since updating to FCPX 10.0.6,  Both Titles, Transistions and Gernerators that came with final cut and one's I have made myself do not allow me fill a Drop Zone with video. It fill's the drop zone with a Still from the last frame of the video clip I inserted, instead of playing the whole video clip. It worked prior to the upgrade and is something I use on a regular basis. Any Ideas? I've also tried on HD and SD Projects, I'm running the news update of Mountain Lion, and I have 16 iMacs with the same issue.

    Drop Zones have been improved in 10.0.6, so I'm sorry you are having difficulties. Motion Titles and Generators (and I'm sure Transitions) with drop zones now behave as expected -- i.e.: dragging out the effect clip will no longer change the playback speed/retiming of the drop zone media, nor will it be limited to the original length of the effect as it was before; which means, you can drop a clip and resize the template to accomodate the playing length of the clip without sacrificing the timing or a predefined "out point".
    There is a recommendation for "best practices" for upgrading to 10.0.6 (  I think it was incomplete (at least it was in my case) because of the preferences issues that came about.  You can try to delete preferences, but I ended up doing a complete "fresh" install. I followed these instructions: to remove any and all possible problem files.
    *My* issue was mainly that none of the text boxes I published from Motion would appear in FCPX. There was also another "presumed" issue which turned out not to be one: Anamorphic Override (apparently ONLY appears for SD media and not for 1440x1080 media... maybe next release...)
    So, try deleting preferences first ( and if worse comes to worse (and I hope for your sake it doesn't come to this!): do a fresh install... that should clean up any issues you might be having.

  • I have 3 consecutive movie clips that I am trying to drop into the drop zone but it only recognizes the first one and only produces the firts one in a DVD. How can I drop all three  movie clips into one drop zone

    On IDVD, I have 3 consecutive movie clips that I am trying to drop into the drop zone to create a DVD but it only recognizes the first one I dropped and only produced the first one in a DVD. How can I drop all three  movie clips into one drop zone.

    I have had some luck doing the following: Export each clip from imovie as a quicktime clip. Open iDVD and create a new project. Import a few stills into iDVD and then click on the button that gets created to get into the screen where the individual slides appear. Drag each quicktime into that screen and arrange in the order you want. You can then delete the stills. The button that appeared when you dropped in the stills will launch a complete show.

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    There's a bug. Instead of playing the clip you drop in the drop zone, iMovie plays from the beginning of that clip's media file.
    As Matti suggested, the solution is to export the clip from the Timeline to a Full Quality movie, then import that movie to the project and drag it to the drop zone.

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