Problem in generation of Picking list

Hi friends,
The scenario:  Picking list is printed as soon as the delivery is saved. The program and layout are working fine.
Example: let a delivery is being saved with reference to a sales order with only one line item ( for simplicity), and let the quantity to be delivered that is delivery quantity (LIPSD-G_LFIMG, on screen) be 2, now there are three cases:
1. before saving the delivery if NO Picking quantity (LIPSD-PIKMG, on screen) is entered, The picking list is printed, here the field VBUP-KOSTA (picking status field) is having value 'A', and field VBUK-KOSTK(Overall Picking status)is also having value 'A', and the picking list is printed.
2. before saving the delivery if  Picking quantity (LIPSD-PIKMG, on screen) is entered as 1, the field VBUP-KOSTA (picking status field) is having value 'B', and field VBUK-KOSTK( Overall Picking status) is also having value 'B', and the picking list is printed.
3. before saving the delivery if  Picking quantity (LIPSD-PIKMG, on screen) is entered as 2, the field VBUP-KOSTA (picking status field) is having value 'C', and field VBUK-KOSTK( Overall Picking status) is also having value 'C', and the picking list is NOT printed.
I think the check is only done on VBUK-KOSTK for the picking list print, as in case 3, i changed the value of VBUK-KOSTK back to 'A' by using the user exit USEREXIT_SET_STATUS_VBUK in include LV45P079 as a result of which the picking list was printed, but it also stored the VBUK-KOSTK value as 'A' in the database table which is undesirable, as it should be saved with its earlier value, before it was explicitly made 'A'.
So, my requirement is to Print the picking list, even if the delivery quantity and picking quantity is same for any number of line items.
How can i solve this problem?? Speedy help requested.

Hi Sharon,
Looks like you need this pick list no matter what the status of the document is and what the picking relevancy is. Why don't you create an output type that is assigned to the document all the time and then create this form as it is. If you are trying to use the standard output type and standard form and standard routine, then system is going to behave the standard way, that is to create a pick list when it is relevant for picking and only if the status is not complete. The system logic is that a pick list is supposed to tell your warehouse as to what needs to be picked and if there is nothing to be picked or if the item not relevant for the picking then it doesn't need to be there on this list.
So if you want a list similar to the pick list, have the logic replicated minus the pre-conditions about picking status etc, have the form copied and then create and assign it to a new output type.

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    Public Sub Sales2Delivery() '(ByVal OrderID As String)
            Dim OrderID As String = ""
                Using connection As New SqlConnection(StaginConn)
                    'Dim command As New SqlCommand("SELECT DocEntry from ORDR with (nolock) WHERE NumAtCard = '" & OrderID & "'", connection)
                    Dim command As New SqlCommand("SET DATEFORMAT DMY; select distinct top 5 o.DocEntry, o.NumAtCard from ordr O with (nolock) join RDR1 R with (nolock) on R.DocEntry = O.DocEntry join OPKL P with (nolock) on P.AbsEntry = R.PickIdNo where u_shipstate = 'Delivered' and CAST(O.docdate as date) >= '30/04/2014' and P.Status = 'Y';", connection)
                    Dim reader As SqlDataReader = command.ExecuteReader()
                    ' Call Read before accessing data.
                    While reader.Read()
                        Dim BusinessOrders As Documents = DirectCast(vCompany.GetBusinessObject(BoObjectTypes.oOrders), Documents)
                        Dim BusinessDelivery As Documents = DirectCast(vCompany.GetBusinessObject(BoObjectTypes.oDeliveryNotes), Documents)
                        Dim orders As Documents = BusinessOrders
                        OrderID = Convert.ToString(reader(1))
                        Dim Delivery As Documents = BusinessDelivery
                        Delivery.CardCode = orders.CardCode
                        Delivery.CardName = orders.CardName
                        Delivery.NumAtCard = orders.NumAtCard
                        'Delivery.DocNum = orders.DocNum
                        Delivery.HandWritten = BoYesNoEnum.tNO
                        Delivery.Series = 8
                        Delivery.DocDate = DateTime.Today
                        Delivery.DocDueDate = DateTime.Today
                        Delivery.TaxDate = DateTime.Today
                        Delivery.Address = orders.Address
                        Delivery.Address2 = orders.Address2
                        Delivery.Comments = "Based on Sales Order #" + orders.NumAtCard & "."
                        Delivery.DocCurrency = orders.DocCurrency
                        Delivery.DocDueDate = orders.DocDueDate
                        Delivery.DocObjectCode = SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oDeliveryNotes
                        Delivery.ShipToCode = orders.ShipToCode
                        Dim lines As Document_Lines = orders.Lines
                        'If (count > 0) Then
                        '    lines.Add()
                        '    lines.SetCurrentLine((lines.Count - 1))
                        'End If
                        Dim oPickList As PickLists = DirectCast(vCompany.GetBusinessObject(BoObjectTypes.oPickLists), PickLists)
                        For i As Int32 = 0 To (lines.Count - 1)
                            If i > 0 Then
                            End If
                            ' Set the Current Lines on the order
                                Delivery.Lines.BaseEntry = oPickList.Lines.OrderEntry
                                Delivery.Lines.BaseLine = oPickList.Lines.OrderRowID
                                Delivery.Lines.Quantity = oPickList.Lines.PickedQuantity
                                Delivery.Lines.BaseType = DirectCast(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oOrders, Integer)
                                Delivery.Lines.BinAllocations.BinAbsEntry = oPickList.Lines.BinAllocations.BinAbsEntry
                                Dim rs As SAPbobsCOM.Recordset = vCompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.BoRecordset)
                                rs.DoQuery("select itemcode, price, dscription from RDR1 R where R.LineNum = " & oPickList.Lines.OrderRowID & " and R.PickIdNo = " & oPickList.Lines.AbsoluteEntry)
                                While (rs.EoF <> True)
                                    Delivery.Lines.ItemCode = rs.Fields.Item(0).Value.ToString 'orders.Lines.ItemCode
                                    Delivery.Lines.UnitPrice = CType(rs.Fields.Item(1).Value.ToString, Double) 'orders.Lines.UnitPrice
                                    Delivery.Lines.ItemDescription = rs.Fields.Item(2).Value.ToString 'orders.Lines.ItemDescription
                                End While
                                rs = Nothing
                            Catch ex As Exception
                                Continue For
                                My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(_LogPath, ErrDetails.ToString, True)
                            End Try
                        If Delivery.Add() <> 0 Then
                            ErrDetails.AppendLine(" Unable to create Delivery note for Order: " & OrderID & " <br /> " & vCompany.GetLastErrorCode() & ":" & vCompany.GetLastErrorDescription())
                            ErrDetails.AppendLine("Successfully created Delivery note for Order:" & OrderID) ' & " as requested by " & UserEmail & ".")
                        End If
                        orders = Nothing
                        Delivery = Nothing
                        BusinessOrders = Nothing
                        BusinessDelivery = Nothing
                        My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(_LogPath, ErrDetails.ToString, True)
                    End While
                    'orders = Nothing
                    'BusinessOrders = Nothing
                End Using
            Catch ex As Exception
                ErrDetails.AppendLine(" Error generating Delivery note for Order: " & OrderID & " <br /> " & ex.ToString())
                My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(_LogPath, ErrDetails.ToString, True)
                If Not String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ErrDetails.ToString) Then
                    My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(_LogPath, (ChrW(13) & ChrW(10) & ChrW(13) & ChrW(10) & "Errors encountered while registering data on " & System.DateTime.Now.ToString("F") & ".Errors:" & ChrW(13) & ChrW(10) & Me.ErrDetails.ToString), True)
                    My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(_LogPath, (ChrW(13) & ChrW(10) & ChrW(13) & ChrW(10) & "Application Ran successfully on " & System.DateTime.Now.ToString("F") & "."), True)
                End If
            End Try
        End Sub
    The Error message am getting is 1470000368 - The quantity allocated to bin locations must be positive.

    Am getting this error now is
    "1470000341 - Fully allocate item "1017494" to bin locations in warehouse "Isolo". Issue is we have items in multiple Bin locations and the items have been picked via the pick ticket. Is it also possible to generate the delivery note off the Pick List.
    The new code am using is
        Public Sub Sales2Delivery() '(ByVal OrderID As String)
            Dim OrderID As String = ""
                Using connection As New SqlConnection(StaginConn)
                    'Dim command As New SqlCommand("SELECT DocEntry from ORDR with (nolock) WHERE NumAtCard = '" & OrderID & "'", connection)
                    Dim command As New SqlCommand("SET DATEFORMAT DMY; select distinct top 5 o.DocEntry, o.NumAtCard from ordr O with (nolock) join RDR1 R with (nolock) on R.DocEntry = O.DocEntry join OPKL P with (nolock) on P.AbsEntry = R.PickIdNo where u_shipstate = 'Delivered' and CAST(O.docdate as date) >= '30/04/2014' and P.Status = 'Y' and o.DocStatus = 'O';", connection)
                    Dim reader As SqlDataReader = command.ExecuteReader()
                    ' Call Read before accessing data.
                    While reader.Read()
                        Dim BusinessOrders As Documents = DirectCast(vCompany.GetBusinessObject(BoObjectTypes.oOrders), Documents)
                        Dim BusinessDelivery As Documents = DirectCast(vCompany.GetBusinessObject(BoObjectTypes.oDeliveryNotes), Documents)
                        Dim orders As Documents = BusinessOrders
                        OrderID = Convert.ToString(reader(1))
                        Dim Delivery As Documents = BusinessDelivery
                        Delivery.CardCode = orders.CardCode
                        Delivery.CardName = orders.CardName
                        Delivery.NumAtCard = orders.NumAtCard
                        'Delivery.DocNum = orders.DocNum
                        Delivery.HandWritten = BoYesNoEnum.tNO
                        'Delivery.Series = 8
                        Delivery.DocDate = DateTime.Today
                        Delivery.DocDueDate = DateTime.Today
                        Delivery.TaxDate = DateTime.Today
                        Delivery.Address = orders.Address
                        Delivery.Address2 = orders.Address2
                        Delivery.Comments = "Based on Sales Order #" + orders.NumAtCard & "."
                        Delivery.DocCurrency = orders.DocCurrency
                        Delivery.DocDueDate = orders.DocDueDate
                        Delivery.DocObjectCode = SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oDeliveryNotes
                        Delivery.ShipToCode = orders.ShipToCode
                        Dim lines As Document_Lines = orders.Lines
                        'If (count > 0) Then
                        '    lines.Add()
                        '    lines.SetCurrentLine((lines.Count - 1))
                        'End If
                        Dim oPickList As PickLists = DirectCast(vCompany.GetBusinessObject(BoObjectTypes.oPickLists), PickLists)
                        For i As Int32 = 0 To (lines.Count - 1)
                            If i > 0 Then
                            End If
                            ' Set the Current Lines on the order
                                Delivery.Lines.BaseEntry = oPickList.Lines.OrderEntry
                                Delivery.Lines.BaseLine = oPickList.Lines.OrderRowID
                                Delivery.Lines.Quantity = oPickList.Lines.PickedQuantity
                                Delivery.Lines.BaseType = DirectCast(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oOrders, Integer)
                                'Dim rs As SAPbobsCOM.Recordset = vCompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.BoRecordset)
                                'rs.DoQuery("select itemcode, price, dscription from RDR1 R where R.LineNum = " & oPickList.Lines.OrderRowID & " and R.PickIdNo = " & oPickList.Lines.AbsoluteEntry)
                                'While (rs.EoF <> True)
                                Delivery.Lines.ItemCode = orders.Lines.ItemCode
                                Delivery.Lines.UnitPrice = orders.Lines.UnitPrice
                                Delivery.Lines.ItemDescription = orders.Lines.ItemDescription
                                '            rs.MoveNext()
                                '            End While
                                'rs = Nothing
                            Catch ex As Exception
                Continue For
                My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(_LogPath, ErrDetails.ToString, True)
            End Try
                        If Delivery.Add() <> 0 Then
                            ErrDetails.AppendLine(" Unable to create Delivery note for Order: " & OrderID & " <br /> " & vCompany.GetLastErrorCode() & ":" & vCompany.GetLastErrorDescription())
                            ErrDetails.AppendLine("Successfully created Delivery note for Order:" & OrderID) ' & " as requested by " & UserEmail & ".")
                        End If
                        orders = Nothing
                        Delivery = Nothing
                        BusinessOrders = Nothing
                        BusinessDelivery = Nothing
                        My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(_LogPath, ErrDetails.ToString, True)
                    End While
                    'orders = Nothing
                    'BusinessOrders = Nothing
                End Using
            Catch ex As Exception
                ErrDetails.AppendLine(" Error generating Delivery note for Order: " & OrderID & " <br /> " & ex.ToString())
                My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(_LogPath, ErrDetails.ToString, True)
                If Not String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ErrDetails.ToString) Then
                    My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(_LogPath, (ChrW(13) & ChrW(10) & ChrW(13) & ChrW(10) & "Errors encountered while registering data on " & System.DateTime.Now.ToString("F") & ".Errors:" & ChrW(13) & ChrW(10) & Me.ErrDetails.ToString), True)
                    My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllText(_LogPath, (ChrW(13) & ChrW(10) & ChrW(13) & ChrW(10) & "Application Ran successfully on " & System.DateTime.Now.ToString("F") & "."), True)
                End If
            End Try
        End Sub

  • Problem onStandard Smartform for Picking list

    Hi Experts..
    I want to know is there any standard SMARTFORM for PICKING LIST?
    and also let me know PrintProgram name also.....

    Check the below link.. It contains a document.. Go trough it.
    Point 3.1.4
    Edited by: Lokesh Tarey on Jul 15, 2010 2:03 PM

  • Pick List Will Not Print On Add with SAP B1 2007A

    There appears to be a bug with printing pick lists on Add with SAP B1 2007A.  I have replicated the problem with PL03, 06 and 08.
    Pick lists will print manually, but if you have them setup to print on add (Administration->System Initialization->Print Preferences), the following error in the log will appear:
    Error      Default report not found for current report type; set a default report and try again C:\Program Files\SAP\SAP Business One\SAP Business One.exe PID=6104 TID=1672
    I ran a SQL trace and found the problem.  The default Pick List report is set and set correctly in tables RTYP and RDOC.  The problem is that SAP is looking for a RTYP.CODE value of PKL1 (instead of RLR2).  PKL1 does not exist as a code in either 2005 or 2007.  The Pick List document ID is RLR20001.
    To confirm this on my demo database, I updated RTYP and set the CODE of RLR2 to PKL1.  Afterwards, when adding a Pick List, it printed without any errors.  I suppose another temporary fix would be to add a new record to the RTYP tabe with a CODE of PKL1 and the default pick list report document ID.

    After many hours of inquiring, searching and digging...  There is an obscur SAP Note that says clearly, NOT SUPPORTED.
    Best thing I could do, was to keep a server with the same configuration ready to connect to my SAN and take over from the dead server.
    So for anyone interested in this topic.  Save you time, search the SAP Notes for Support and high availability.
    Hope that helps others.

  • Pick List Generation Wizard not working

    Hi all,
    I am trying to generate Pick List but the Pick List Generation Wizard is not picking the items to be released. The items in the sales order are all inventory/sales items. Is there a setting that needs be configured?
    A screenshot of the problem is attached.
    All help is appreciated.

    Please refer SAP note:
    1984364 - Unable to see message from SBO_SP_TransactionNotification
    when releasing to pick list if bin locations are enabled
    Thanks & Regards,

  • Picking List Printing Problem

    I have copied SD_PICK_SINGLE Layout and using standard RVADDN01 Program.
    While Printing These Errors is coming :
    Element HEADER_DATA window MAIN is not defined for form YHPK-PICK_SINGLE       
    Element HEADER_TEXT window MAIN is not defined for form YHPK-PICK_SINGLE       
    Element ITEM_TEXT window MAIN is not defined for form YHPK-PICK_SINGLE         
    Element ITEM_PURCHASE_DATA window MAIN is not defined for form YHPK-PICK_SINGLE
    Element ITEM_LINE_BATCH window MAIN is not defined for form YHPK-PICK_SINGLE   
    Element ITEM_LINE_CONFIGURATION_BATCH_HEADER window MAIN is not defined for form
    Element ITEM_LINE_BATCH window MAIN is not defined for form YHPK-PICK_SINGLE    ....
    I dont know why these errors are coming as i have copied the standard layout form.
    I have made a new output type 'YHPK' in 'V2' Shipping...
    In this output type i have selected two processing routines:
    1     Print output RVADDN01     ENTRY     YHPK-PICK_SINGLE
    2     Fax          RVADDN01     ENTRY     YHPK-PICK_SINGLE
    While Debugging all the Elements are traveresed but the value is not populated.
    As a result blank picking list only with heading is printed.
    Please help me resolve this issue urgently....
    [email protected]

    Yes i even activated it for both DE and En Versions...
    But the same problem
    Message was edited by: Abhishek Bachhawat

  • Printing problem for picking list

    Hi friends,
    Whenever we print the picking list of material with batch number. the printing job will bring a extra page with basic form information . it's kind of wasting the paper since the extra page doen not contain any specific picking informations. This issue only happen to picking list with batch number applied material . The extra page won't be printed out once the material is not subjected to batch management.The form style should be script form.
    Please kindly advise if you have any suggestions.

    Assuming printing job is batch job. Normally batch job executes a program (you assign program to the batch job when you configure it) while you create batch jobwhile it is running. If you want the system to check the particular information (take the information if the so and so prerequisits matches if not ignore kind of) during the program execution you can do it with the hlep of a deverloper.
    If you want to avoid unnecessary basic ifnormation it can very well be done with the layout changes in SAP script form and the program if necessary.  Make sure you dont need those information as some times it is like a legal information like we see in the company signatures which seems like basic information.

  • Picking list generation without Warehouse management

    Hi all,
    I have requirement for my client to generate picking list genereation without wm. so i assigned EK00 condition type, transmission  medium, Language, send time & picking confirmation in shipping point. Also created condition record in VP01SHP tcode but still unable to generate output for picking in VL70.
    Please suggest !
    Thanks & Regards,

    Following 2 recently discussed SDN thread will be help to you:
    - Re: We use picking option without warehouse management installed
    - picking without warehouse management

  • Picking List (EK00) problem

    I create two orders - one is a standard OR and the other one is a ZS order (network order). I assign same material, same plant, storage location and shipping point.
    I then run a batchjob (VL10BATCH) that reads the orders and creates subsequent deliveries for both kinds of orders.
    However from the delivery only the picking list of ZS order is created and printed, no picking list is created or printed for OR order.  This step occurs automatically.
    I guess it's some output setup that I am missing.
    Any help?
    I looked at transactions VP01SHP / VP01SHPV / VP01_SD and so on but there was no missing customizing.
    And yet there has to be something missing, a link between Order type and Output type.

    Hi Sri,
    Nevermind the path, I figured it out by looking at the delivery header and noticing that for OR delivery the item was not relevant for picking.
    Thus the whole issue was resolved by making the item category relevant for picking (trcode 0VLP).
    Thank you for your tip, I would not have thought of that.

  • Pick list generation

    Hello ,
    In pp-pi  i am using backflushing. The backflush of components will be from 'prod location'.
    But in COIK t./c system does not show any components.
    Is there any seting where even though i have activated backflush, system still does allow me to do picking with COIK.
    Any other t/c where i can find the materials to be transfered from main loc to prod. location.
    Thanks & Regards
    Abhijit S Nakhwa

    As per standard SAP practice, It is not possible to generate pick list or do manual GI for the components which you are backflusing since system is doing automatic Goods Issue alongwith final confirmation of process / production order.The materials which you need to do manual Goods Issue you must remove backflush tick in material master / routing / process order wherever you have maintained.In short, backflush & pick list both simultaneously cant be used for the for the same material in same order.
    Hope this helps clearing your doubt.

  • BW Hierarchies sometimes not showing as pick list

    we have created a Crystal Report that uses a parameter that should be picked from a BW hierarchy (a cost center group). We created the report and published it via the BW publisher to BO and then included it with an iView in the BW Portal.
    Now when I log on to the portal and call the report, I'm presented with the static pick list (top 200 values) most of the time instead of the hierarchy view (as described in in the lower part of the article)
    When I then log on to the CMC and call the report there, I first get the flat list, too, but when I call the report 2 or 3 times, I get the hierarchy view. When I now go back to the BW Portal, I get thet hierarchy view there as well...
    any idea what causes this issue? How can I influence which selection screen is being displayed? (particularly as I don't want everyone to have to log on to CMC first...)

    Hi Duncan,
    thank you for your reply. It's really sort of tricky.
    After the pick list is up and ready once, It'll be shown fine from that point on until, I assume, my CMC login expires.
    So maybe it's some permission problem?
    I just tested the following:
    <li>log into portal, call report -> flat list
    <li>log into CMC -> call report (does not have to be the same, just has to have a hierarchy pick list, a simple report does not do the trick) -> check that it has the hierarchy pick list
    <li>go back to the portal, call the report again -> hierarchy pick list comes up ok
    <li>log off from CMC
    <li>go back to the portal, call the report again -> flat list again...
    the whole thing works the same when I replace CMC by InfoView. The strange thing is that I have to log in to Infoview the first time I call the report from the portal (even though we have SAP credentials in BO), but this does not seem to be sufficient. I have to call one of the reports in Infoview or CMC first to make it work from the portal.
    Concerning the trace, I'll have to look into this together with our sysadmins, but I'll see what I can get.
    Thanks again for your ideas,

  • I defaulted input help field (pick list) but SAP CRM still asking for one

    We are running SAP CRM 7.0.
    Some fields as you know are dialog / pick list fields.
    What I mean by this is they are input help fields where you
    can click a little square (in sap crm 7.0) to the right of the text box
    and it brings up a dialog screen of values that you can select from.
    Here is an example screen shot of what I am talking about:
    So what I have done is implemented the GETTER function for this input help field so that by default it has a value.
    The code is like so:
    method GET_CURRENCY.
        ATTRIBUTE_PATH = attribute_path
       ITERATOR       = iterator
        VALUE          = value.
          if value eq ''.
            IF sy-langu EQ 'E'.
              VALUE = 'USD'.
            elseif sy-langu EQ 'D'.
              VALUE = 'EUR'.
    Here even is a link to this method that I created: Field Currency of Context Node BTADMINH - How to set default
    The method works great it sets the default of the currency to say USD.  When I click the create button to create an opportunity the field currency is set to USD, this is great because it makes my job easier that I dont have to click the input help button and select a currency, it is already there.
    But once I click the "Save" button for an opportunity I get a small error in the error notification box that tells me I need to select a currency!  But why is this happening a currency already exists?  So If I click the input help (the little button) and reselect the currency value USD then save my opportunity this error goes away.
    The question is why does this happen?  I need it so that the default currency value is recognized by the SAP CRM system.  Why do I have to go back in and re-select the currency if it is already set?  Is there some sort of consistency check or something I need to do to eliminate this problem? 
    Here is a screen shot after creating an opportunity with the default Currency set to USD (this means I did not select USD in the dialog input help it was defaulted by the getter method:
    Only if I go back into edit mode and actually click the little square to bring up the dialog of values and select USD does this error go away.  Why does this happen ?

    I called SET_CURRENCY right after setting my value and the error is now gone. 
                    iterator = iterator
                    value = value ).
    Got the tip from Pieter who has a good blog on SAP CRM:

  • Picking List Output in ECC 6.0

    Hello SAP Gurus,
    Can anybody tell me how to get the output for Picking List in ECC 6.0.Please do let me know the steps to be followed in configuration for the same for output generation.
    Thanks & Regards,

    The Pick List is printed from the Pick and Pack Manager.
    goto Inventory > Pick and Pack > Pick List and then Open the Pick List and Print from there.
    If this is what you are doing then if your FMS are set to Auto Refresh then as soon as your Pull the Pick list the FMS should fire and the mode should change to UPDATE.
    you can do this by customizing a report with your needed fields with ABAP person.

  • Picking list determination

    hi, we're using WM which needs to print picking list for picking(TO), i would like to know how the picking list is determined, i mean the logic setup for picking list, where is the path for config in the system.
    i knew that if we are using by Tcode to print picking list that doesn't need output type? otherwise we have to setup the output type for picking list printing. is that true! what is the relationship between Tcode printing and output type? could someone explain to me. thanks
    Edited by: qgjddcel on Sep 5, 2008 4:36 PM
    Edited by: qgjddcel on Sep 5, 2008 4:45 PM

    Use transaction code NACE for using the o/p determination
    Then select V2 for shipping as you are creating o/p for delivery
    Create table, maintain access sequence, maintain output type and assign o/p to procedure. Then create the master record in VV21. In o/p you have std functionality to use EDI, email, Print, Fax, ALE
    if you are having problem using NACE transaction, use this flow:
    SPRO>Logistics Execution>Shipping>Basic Functions>Output Control>Outpur determination>maintain o/p determination for outbound deliveries.
    reward points if helpful
    Message was edited by:
            Comes Naturally

  • Want address pick list

    hi can u pls help me with this issue
    In sales order there is a ship to sold to party entered manually by the sales order clerk, however this is not reflected in the PICKING SLIP OR PICK LIST. The customer WANTS the ship to party to be printed out in the picking list.
    IN the delivery note the "ship to" is printed! The problem is that the warehouse guys want the ship to on the picking slip as well...
    with regards

    Dear Manish Chaturvedi,
    The rows of the pick list show the sales orders. Therefore you have to query the RDR1. In order to know which document is in the pick lists use the pickidno in RDR1 that is the number of the pick list.
    If it is NULL it means that the sales order is not in any Pick list.
    Marcella Rivi
    SAP Business One Forums Team

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  • After a clean install (accidental) & restore try-3 folders/drives exist

    My hard drive was totally wiped out. My computer guy tried to retrive files, not so successful really, but now I have multiple folders, files, users, hard drives etc. and I don't know how to fix this. It's driving me crazy. If a third generation in t

  • ICloud storage and backup question

    According to the most answers that I have been searched here in iCloud ,I found out that iCloud didn't back up all the photos on my photos stream (which I couldnt restore them later -_-") but pictures will be keep in iCloud photos stream just for onl

  • Appending text files to each otner

    Here's the case: I have several text files in a folder, that I want to append to each other into one big text file. How can I do this with java? Any suggestions? - bufferzone